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14x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 05/05/24 14:08
by bunniefuu
Announcer: previously on "big

Brother". . .

Strangers began the battle

For a half million dollars.

Honey, I'm home.

Among them, the house

Flipper, the nurse, the chef,

The rocker, the spray tanner,

And the brother of a


The first twist stunned


Julie: some of the greatest

Houseguests will be joining you.

They haven't come here to

Compete against you; they will

Be coaching you.

Announcer: and four of the

Best players ever made their

Triumphant return!


Daddy's home!


Hey, hot stuff!

Announcer: a second twist

Stunned the new houseguests.

Julie: one of you will be

Leaving the house tonight!

Oil and gas.

Will he hope to keep his

Family name secret.

I think willie is related to

Someone from survivor.

But the family resemblance

Caused suspicion.

Are you related to him.


I don't want people to know

I'm russell hantz's brother.

If chaos starts in the house

They will be pointuck the finger

At me.

At the draft, each coach

Picked the three houseguests

They would mentor all summer.

Your fate now rests in the

Hands of your players.

The first competition was pa

Battle for head of household and



Announcer: when britney's

Team got the win, she chose the

First head of household.

I choose willie.

Julie: congratulations,


Announcer: but when dan's

Team finished last, he had to

Make a heart-breaking decision.

Jodi, I'm sorry.

We will miss you.

Announcer: who will willie

Nominate for eviction?

Plus tonight, a new competition

Shakes up the game!

It all happens right now on "big


That was when I watched

You the first time.

Oh, my god!

Captioning funded by




Julie: dan, as the coach of

The losing team, you must send

Kara, danielle, or jodi home.

Please make your decision.

Jodi, I'm sorry I have to

Evict you.

The reason I got rid of jodi

Is because kara and danielle get

Along very well.

So if my two players can get

Along together, it's great for

Me in the long run.

I was sad when jodi left.

She was only in the house for

Six hours but it just made

Everyone, like, a lot more real.

I was sad to see jodi leave

But I'm so excited I'm still


All right, team.

Have fun!



That sucks but. . .

Thank you.

When jodi got up and left the

House, it was obviously a

Shocking twist but I have

Actually spent more time

Ordering turkey from a deli

Counter than I did getting to

Know jodi so it was not that


She was a big fan.

She was excited.

Oh, my gosh.

As jodi left it was like the

Grim reaper just swept through

The house.

It's official -- the game has


Oh, my gosh, thank you.

Danielle and I hit it off

Immediately when we came in the


We had a connection.

I really like her.

I feel good about you moving


I think we will be a good team.

Oh, absolutely.

I love kara.

I know the girl has my back.

I have hers definitely and with

Dan coaching I feel like we can

Go really far in the game if we

Play our cards right.


We haven't talked in a while.

So obviously we're both


So what are you thinking,


If a coach can get one of

Their players to the end and

Actually win the entire thing,

We get a hundred thousand


It's very important to use dan

As an ally because he could

Maybe help me get to the -k.

Do you want to wheel it up a

Little with me?

I think -- I mean --

Maybe I wouldn't come after

Your people and vice versa?

When mike boogie says to me

Are you ready to wheel it up?

What he's saying is are you

Ready to take this all the way

To the end like he did with his

Former alliance member, dr. Will

In season seven.

I want to play with him but at

The same time you're making a

Deal with the devil.

We don't have to write a

Contract out.

I just want to make sure, you

Know, we haven't talked in a



I need privacy.


Dan and boogie are working


I think that britney and I

Have both been played a little

Bit by guys in our season.

So I did definitely work the

Girl power angle with her and

Get dan and boogie out of this


That's what they do, you know

What I mean?

They will try to split us up.

I'm not going to let them do


Dan and boogie are both total


In order for me to stick around

To the end and make it to the

End I need to make sure that my

Players are going to stick

Around and make it to the end.

I could make a deal with you

To keep your place.

I think that, you know, we

Should all talk.

I'm totally on board for us

Teaming up of course.


Who wants to see my hoh room?



My brother called himself

King russell on survivor.

He had to sleep in the dirt.

A real king gets a suite.

That's how they treat me around


The hoh room is slamming.

It's gorgeous.

It's very zen.

Look at this.

This would be nice to call

Home for a week.

I was mad.

The goody back. And the big old

Bed that he doesn't have to

Share with someone that snores,

That room is worth playing for.

There's some coach's

Something there.


Look at that.

Read that card.


Congratulations on becoming head

Of household.

This summer the coach of the

Head of household will also get

Their own private room.

I had no I had that the

Coaches were going to get a


There's some weirdness about

There not being a door.

Here is good old willie snuggled

Up in bed and what, feet


It's a little awkward.

This is so awesome!

I know!

♪ .

I have been watching this

Show so long, like since I was

, And I can't believe I'm

Actually here.

I'm determined to explore every

Square inch of the "big brother"

House and I'm going to savor

Every moment of this great


I always thought these were


But they're cool.

It's going on the fridge.

We got to turn this thing on.

There it is.

What is he doing?

Click up here.

What is he doing?

Do you think this kid

Remembers that this little

Screen exists?

He thinks we're sleeping.

This is so weird.



What is he doing?

Oh, my god.

What is he doing.

He is doing something kind of


He's going around the house like

He's a rat or something like


Well, I think it's a crouch


I don't get it.

You don't know where his head

Is at and you're trying to get

In ian's head and that's a crazy

Place to climb up in is that

Boy's head.

It's so weird.

Go, kitchen, kitchen.

Can you not hear anything he

Is saying?

What is he doing?

Did he wipe that on his butt?

Does he think we can't see


I don't think he knows.

For someone who can remember

Every single thing about every

Episode in the game, maybe he

Should remember that the hoh has

A television wherein he can

Follow you all across the house,


What is that?

You guys, he makes me


What is that.

This is like the best movie


The thing is that you have so

Many options to choose from that

You're guaranteed to get out

Somebody that you want.

Everybody is going to want to

Vote with the house this week.

Janelle and I decided we want

To work together.

But as coaches, we don't get a


So I need to bring my players,

Shane, jojo and willie, and

Janelle players, joe, ashley and

Wil all on board.

If we can get these six people

To work together this week, we

Will be in business.

Dan's favorite player of all

Time is -- there's so much play.

It's ruthless.

Boogie, he will get in your


He is like the party guy that

You want to be around that is

Fun and funny but in the end,

Don't trust them.

They will just try and create


They're targeting me because

Of the russell brother thing.

Has anyone told you this, do

You watch "survivor" or not?

Talking about russ snell.

Put them next to each other

And people would be like,

Yeah --

Yeah, what is that about?

Like why?

You are?

I'm russell's brother.

Oh, you are?


Oh, my gosh!

But this is the thing, I'm

Not russell!

He played a really good game

But he is mean to people.

He is aggressive.

I don't want to get that --

You don't want to get that


That's it.

Even though willie's brother

Is some kind of tv villain, it

Doesn't affect me.

I can handle the villains.

What do you think about like

A two-week deal?

Can we vote together for two


I mean are your people

Willing to work with us?

%, I will put it in front

Of them and be like I think we

Should all work together.

If these works out we have

Ashley joe and wil on janelle's

Side, me and shane and jojo on

The other side so that's six

Votes and that could rule the


Janelle, we're counting on you,

For real.

What's going on?


What are you doing?

Britney and I decided to work


So now that we have her players

On board, we have to get my

Players on board.

Look, this it.

My main objective is to get dan

And boogie out.

What they're going to do,

They're not going to play the


They're just going to mock

Everybody and persuade them to

Benefit them.

I promise you in the long run

With their team, not y'all.

Last night when I went to

Bed, boogie and them were taste.

It's chill town.

Britney is down.

She knows this is her only


This is my only option.

This is y'all's only option.

Because dan and boogie are going

To take it.

Going into this right here, I

Believe exactly what you're


I promise you.

What I mean, then let's be


We have to be committed to the

Cause and we can get to the end.

We have a possible major,

Major play here.

Janelle, our coach and britney

Have been talking?

They have come together to form

An alliance to help us get

Through this game to win all the

Way to the big house, baby!

We're a group.

We want janelle's group and

Britt's group to get to the end.

And one of them two are going to

Win and one of us is going to

Win half million dollars.

Julie: can't get enough "big


You know you can't stop


See what is inside the "big

Brother" house with the live

Feed on

All day every day.

I do love how the temperature

Does drop he ever.

Back home, it would something be

Like -something degrees and


Do you want to talk man?

I have a strong six-person

Alliance but it's definitely

Better for me if I get somebody

On the other side, like a frank,

To be on my side.

If I'm giving him protection, he

Is obviously going to want me to

Stay in the game.

Getting intense a little bit.

I know you boys are in your

Ears so --

To be honest, me and boogie

Haven't talked one lick of


Has boogie been talking to


It doesn't seem like he's

Talking strategy with you


It is what it is.

It's not like we're just talking


It's really early in the game.

I have to make a decision and I

Have to know where people stand.

We both want to win this game.

And with both of us in this game

Together, it helps you out and

It helps me out.

I agree man.

I think me and frank are a

Lot alike.

We come from the same area.

We got the same type of mind and

I think we both have the will to


And if we're both playing, it's

Going to be really hard to beat

Me or frank.

I will work with you this

Week but I have to know for sure

For sure for sure that you're

Nootd going to vote me out next


You have my word, number one.

Number two, don't even put me on

The block, even if boogie comes

Up and offers it as children or

First thought or whatever.

You're not going to waiver on


I'm here to play my game, not

Boogie's game.

I think you have a strong enough

Mind to do whatever you have to

Do to get further in of the


There's no question in my

Mind, I think I could trusted

Frank even though boogie might

Have something out for me.

I think frank still would not

Put me up.

I think me and you can go

Deep in the game and you have

Got my word on that.

That's good.

I promise you.

♪ .


Come on in.

Come on in.

How are you?


We're talking about amniotic

Fluids and babies.

We're talking about my birth,

The labor.

She was so little when she was


She was only pounds, ounces.

She was kickin' --

Was there anything else.


Ian is a very nice young man.

However, I feel like he's a

Little bit of a creeper.

He has this, like, weird thing

Where he can't stop moving.

Have you noticed he walks on

His toes.

Every time I go out he is

Sucktioned on the wall staring

At me.

He has to go.

Ian drives me insane.

I still haven't been able to get

A shower without ian lurking

Around the bathroom.

He wants to get a peek.

He wants so bad to get a peek.

That boy just creeps me out.

Ian is an easy target.

He drives everybody crazy.

If I put him up I don't think

Anybody will be upset about it

So it might be the way I go.

He's definitely giving me the


I feel like I'm going to wake up

And he will be hovering over me

Watching me sleep.

A little crazy.

He took my cowboy hat from me

And I can never use it again!

It's good though.

This is my favorite time to talk

And we really haven't got an

Chance to do it yet.

You know, how concerned on a

Level of - are you for being


With being the worst.

I probably shouldn't feel

This comfortable but I feel like

A .

Check one, two, are you



Is it because you have a

Relationship with willy?


We have had a couple of



I like it.

I'm super impressed my number

One pick frank is playing this

Game really hard and he is

Really popular.

I don't see anybody who could

Think badly of him.

You don't want to show the

People in power any kind of

Weakness or desperation.


So you know, I didn't want us

Running to willie or anything.


Feel good.


Julie: houseguests, I need

Everyone to gary in the living


Y'all come in the living


Come here.

This season there is a brand

New competition, and the stakes

Have never been higher.

It's called the coach's


And each week, the four coaches

Will battle against each other

For a brand new power.


Julie: the winner will earn

The power to grant one of their

Players safety for of the week.

That means that person cannot be

Nominated --

Julie chen surprised us this

Morning with a little rude


That I was going to get to

Compete in a compission to to

Save one of my players.

The prom queen is back in the

House and I have a huge

Reputation to uphold.

This coach's competition

Coming up ask huge because

Whoever wins gets to save one of

Their players and they will be

% Safe for the week.

I'm just not good at


I'm not.

I have the strength of a


I will do well just to come out

There and not completely

Humiliate myself and come in

Last every single time.

Julie: to raise the stakes

Even higher the coach's

Competition will also determine

The have-nots for the week.

The have-nots will have to

Endure cold showers, eat "big

Brother" slop and sleep for the

Week in the most twisted have

Not room ever.

I have seen a few twisted

Things in my time.

I did play in an all-female

Heavy metal band.

In some ways I was kind of

Excited; in some ways, a little


Julie: good luck


This is a huge game changer.


It's time for the first ever

Coach's competition.

Get your gear and get in the

Back yard.

I walk out in the back yard

And it looks like preakness.

It was a spectacular night for

The races and we thought it was

Fancy in our hats and clothes

And I put on my pink lips and

Pounded on the makeup.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's

Welcome our horses to the track.


The coaches' outfits were


Britney looks like she was

Giving birth to a baby pony.

It was just the funniest thing

In the world.

Welcome to the "big brother"


Give them hell, janelle.

Here is how it works.

This competition is played in


Two coaches will battle it out

In heat one.

The other two coaches in heat


The winner then will face off in

A third and final round.

The winning coach of the final

Round will earn the right to

Keep one of their players safe

From eviction this week.

Based on a random draw, mike and

Britney will race first in the

"Big brother" derby.

Come on, guys.

Here is how it works.

When the bell sounds, coaches

Will race in the same direction

Around the track, trying to

Catch the horse in front of


Once you're close enough, yank

Off the hat of your competitor

To win.

This competition is extremely

Important because you're

Guarantee safety for of the

Whole week, you have your key

Around your neck, it feels

Really, really good and you're


For the first-ever coaches

Competition, the stakes are

Super high.

If you can save one player from

Being nominated and it gets you

Just that one step closer to the

$, Prize.

[Bell rings]

And they're off!

Boogie is coming around the

Right side.

The game works by two coaches

Running in the same direction

And the first person to catch up

To the other person is rip the

Tail off of their horse will win

That heat and advance to the

Final round.

Britney is coming down the

Back stretch.

Good job, britt.

This is all you.

All right.

No problem, no problem.

Britney is looking like


I was surprised how hard it


The track was super slippery.

The bigger steps you took, the

Slippier it got.

Come on, britney!

Go, britney.

Go, go!

As I'm unable to get up the

Hill, here he comes with his

Galloping stallion and it's like

The car poon robber coming after

Me, like right behind me on the

Horse and I'm just honestly



[Bell rings]

Congratulations, mike.

You will advance to the final


Up next, dan and janelle.

Right now, I'm one man down

And if I lose this competition

They will come after her even


I know I have to throw it.

Come on dan, you got it.

It's about even.

Nice work, dan.

Oh, it's about even!

I get to the hill and now

It's time to throw it like a


Come on.

I'm crawling, I'm climbing

And trying to do whatever I can.

You can seep the veins in my


I'm struggling and then I see

The blond maiden ready to pounce

On me, and I couldn't be


Whether or not they believed

I threw it or not depends on how

Stupid these players are.

Mike and janelle, this is the

Winner-take-all race.

Whoever wins this "big brother"

Derby will earn the right to

Keep one member safe from

Eviction this week.

So this is the show down.

Janelle has her chance to get

Revenge on mike boogie for

Rootding her out in season .

I don't want to see who the

Tougher season is.

I hope janelle wins this race

Because we're not going after

Her people anyway.

If boogie wins it takes the

Power away from me to get out

Who I want to get out.

Come on, janelle.

There you go.

There you go.

Come on.

Slide through.

I'm a little bit worried for

Boogie because janelle is a

Powerful strong player.

If boogie doesn't win this I can

Keep any hope of staying safe

This week goodbye.

Janelle, fall down!

Boogie is closing the gap!

Oh, know.

This is basically who wants

It more, the battle of physical


Oh, no, they're separating.

Oh, my gosh.

Keep going.

Keep going, get 'er!

Any questions?

Boogie is like, any


Any questions?

And I was just like oh, shut up,

Boogie, no, no questions.

And the stallion strikes


All for boogie, baby.

Mike, you earned the right to

Keep one of your players safe

From eviction this week.


I obviously love every one of my


There's three of you, I'm going

To have to select one so I hope

The other two understand.

Just remember this is a

Marathon, not a sprint.


I'm going to invite down and

Choose to save ian.

Ian has been making people a

Little nervous and he has been

Real jittery and I felt like he

Had a good chance to be


Jenn has stepped up her social

Game and frank is probably the

Most popular guy in the house so

It was kind of an easy decision

For me.

Here you go.

Are you all right?

You're safe.

You can relax now.

% Safety.

Can't be nominated.

Can't be evicted.


Now, coaches, this wasn't the

Only important decision that had

To be made.

Since you all know how hard it

Is to be a have not, each of you

Must pick one of your players to

Be a have not for of the week.

Are you serious?

Brittany, who do you pick to

Be a have not for the week?

I guess shane.

I got it.

No problem.


All right, guys.

Tough decision but I'm going to

Take danielle.


Janelle had to pick one of


I will not even look her in the


I'm looking down like this going

Please lord oh, please lord,

Don't let the woman pick me.

I'm going to have to go with


Thank god, she didn't turn to


Ashley, you can't save that


Ashley the world is on fire.


I pick ian.

Fair enough.

Shane, daniel, ashley and ian

Y'all will be have-nots for the


Try some slop!

Oh, my gosh.

Are you going to try it ian?

I wanted to try it since I

Was a -year-old boy.

I wanted to try the slop to see

If it's as bad as everybody


It's not pleasant but it's not


It is the definition of mediocre


It looks terrible.

I want to see the have not


Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my god!

It's absolutely awful.

It didn't look bad but it's


The bed situation is my worst


You have a can you ever curved<br />horn angled

Like a -degree angle, just

Enough so you will slide.

And it looks smooth but there

Are actual rivets of diamond


That is going to k*ll me.

It's so hard.

Main, I would -- I pass out

On bathroom floors at school all

The time.

On slop and a tilted bed with

Raised b*ll*ts to go all over my


Like come on.

It's like sleeping on the

Road and literally being road


Did dan try and talk to you



Dan or boogie ain't talked to



Me either.

Boogie has not talked to me yet,

Which is weird.

Boogie gave ian safety and it

Was a shocker.

Now I have to rethink what I was

Going to do.

My main plan was to put ian up

On the block.

I want them to fight with

Each other.

Which is only going to happen

If you're able to pit the two of

Them against each other.

It has to be with people they

Don't want to lose.

Who does dan not want to



And who does boogie not want

To lose?


I think frank is the biggest

Player on the team for sure.

He is.

And the most dangerous.

If I were playing as a

Player, I would be nervous about


Me too, %.

I made a deal with frank.

I'm in a situation I'm either

Going to have a strong player on

My side or I'm going to have a

Strong player coming against me.

Do I go back on my deal with

Frank or do I stick it out with

Him and do what I said I was

Going to do?

So who do you want to go home

This week?

I just don't know the

Direction I want to go.

You think she does?

I think she doesn't know what

She's getting herself into.

I agree.

I think both of them -- I think

Janelle is a little better than

Her, but I think janelle is

Like, it's competition and

That's how she drives her game.

The longer I'm around, the

More damaging stuff I can really


I think I forget how young

And naive these people are.

If you had to set on one of

Your people, who would it be?

If I had to get rid of one?


Frank has too good of a

Personality and I think he is

The most popular person here.

The other should be a target but

I don't think they will make him


Do you think other girls will

Be jealous of her?

She is nice enough.

I don't know what is in her head

But she is not bitchy.

Look, mike boogie is sitting


Of the four coaches there are

Two people who have won this

Game before, dan, who won season

, And myself that won "big

Brother" all stars.

You do the math.

They're not on our level.

What are you making?

We're doing a penny mass at a

And we have green olives, cal

Mat -- kalamata olives and then

We will do a dusted halibut.

What is halibut?

That's a fish.

It's a mess.

His thing is like I cook so I

Don't do any cleaning.

We are like, I want avocados.

He is cooking for himself

Half the time.

He threw away all of that pasta.

I was just about to get some.

Nobody asked you to make it,

You know?

Chef joe and his prowess in

The kitchen, all tasty, could be

A bit hasty.

And the thing here in the "big

Brother" house, you have a set

Amount of food.

If you eat all of that food in

The first few days, there could

Be several days where you don't

Have any food.

But chef joe is cooking these

Big family dinners like we're on

The wall tons or something --


We have to learn to eat tea


Joe is a really nice guy, I

Think the rest of the

Houseguests feel he would be one

That would be expendable in week


That would be good because I

Would still have three people

Left headed into week two.

Can I have a few gummies?

What's going on, man?

While he is grilling the fat,

I'm looking to cut the fat.

I think you have had a tough

Head of household.

Extremely tough, I can't he.

I'm being completely honest

With you.

I have no clue what to do now.

We have to get down to the

Nitty-gritty and looking at


For me I look at somebody like

Joe that could be a volatile


I have hired so many chefs over

The years and I never met one

Who isn't a super hothead and a

Little crazy.

What are you suggesting?

What you want to do as head

Of household is you want to pick

Someone off and blend back into

The group when it's this many


I feel like he is somebody who

Could self-destruct if he was

Put up.

I think he would send himself


No doubt.

Mike boogie planted a seed

With willie that will grow a

Nice big orange tree for chef

Joe to go hang himself from.

I wanted to say whas'sup.


Appreciate it.

One of my duties as head of

Household is to nominate two

People for eviction.

I'm a little nervous this

Week just because it's the first

Nomination ceremony.

I don't think that I'm a target

For willie this week but I'm

Still nervous because you really

Just never know.

You don't know.

Right now, I'm feeling strong

With our alliance.

I done talked to everybody in

The house.

Either they're a bunch of liars

Or I'm safe.

I feel pretty confident.

Me and willie talked earlier in

The week and we had an agreement

But at the same time you never

Know if you can % trust

Somebody in the "big brother"


It's extremely difficult to

Nominate two people.

We have four coaches in here

That are here giving people


I'm not only playing against the

Players but I'm also playing

Against the coaches.

I'm feeling pretty good right


Frank has this deal with willie

And ian is safe with his key

Already so hopefully it's joe

That ends up on the tblok.

Going into nominations I'm

Feeling pretty good.

I know my players are safe this

Week because we have a deal with

Willie and janelle's players

Have a deal with willie, as long

As he has not flipped on me, I'm

Feeling pretty confident.

I think that the other

Houseguests are going to be

Surprised about the nominations.

I think more than that, the

Coaches are going to be


I don't think they see this


Hey everybody, it's time for

The nomination ceremony.

This is the nomination


One of my duties as head of

Household is to nominate two

People for eviction.

Ian because mike boogie won the

Coach's competition he won the

Power to keep one person safe

And he chose you, so you cannot

Be nominated for eviction.

I will pull the first kiev.

That person is safe.

And that person will pull the

Next key and so on and so forth.

Jojo, you're safe.

Shane, you're safe.

Wil, you are safe.

Danielle, you are safe.


Ashley, you are safe.

Thank you.

Jenn, you are safe.

Jenn, you are safe.

Joe, you are safe.

I nominated kara for eviction

And frank for eviction.

This was hard, man.

I didn't think it was going to

Be this difficult.

I like all of y'all.

I have really never even talked

To you.

Frank, we were cool at the

Beginning and separated.

I don't know what happened.

It just got weird.

I know we all struggle to get

Here but every week somebody has

To go home so I'm sorry guys.

This nomination ceremony is


I am completely flabbergasted

Right now because willie is the

One that approached me.

He came to me and wanted to make

A deal with me.

He is the one up in the

Penthouse and now he puts me in

The out house so I'm going to

Compete and throw everything I

Have on the line.

Last thing I want to do is go

Home the very first week.

I feel like crap.

It sucks being on the block,

Having dan at my coach does kind

Of put a target on my back

Because they know dan is a good

Player and he is smart.

So I'm going to fight as hard as

I can.

With these nominations willie

Listened to me and took my


A successful first week of

Coaching indeed.

I got dan's strongest player

And boogie's strongest player on

The block.

One of them has to go home.

Great week to be hoh.

My all-star suspicions arise

And I think janelle is kind of

Running that upstairs with


Here is the thing.

I'm mike boogie.

If you're going to nominate one

Of my players you might have a

Little trouble coming your way.

Announcer: who will win the

Power of veto and will it be

Used to take frank or kara off

The chopping block?

Find out wednesday at :, :

Central on "big brother"!