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20x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 05/05/24 12:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on Big Brother!

With a high tech summer
underway --


The game kicked off with
Kaycee in the doom punishment,

Sam being turned into a robot.

Oh, my god!

And Swaggy C winning the
power to keep eight guests safe.

All of the power is in Swaggy
c's hand so. He chose himself,

Rachel, Brett, rock star, cot
city, Haley, Kaycee and Faysal.

It just got real.

With half of the house put on
notice --

I mess it is time to switch
on Terminator mode to get out

there and kick some butt.

Winning the first head of
household was crucial.

One person is going to win
HOH, one person is going to go


I can't go home. The I
already told work I needed the

entire summer off.

And the lifeguard rescued his
game by seizing power.

Congratulations, Tyler, you
are the first HOH of the summer!

Taking fate into his own
hands he formed an alliance with

Angela, Rachel, Kaycee and Brad.

This group has brain, braun
and bikinis.

But he needed to get Tyler on
board to make it official.

We will be a superior force.

Meanwhile, Swaggy C, Katelyn,
Faysal, rock star and Haley were


Up and in, focusing on your
third eye allows you to be

present in this moment.

And they locked in an
alliance of their own.

Us four, it is the four we
know that are like solid.

Swaggy and his crew try to
get Tyler to put up a big


Put up Angela and Winston off
the gate, it is smart ladies, it

is a game.

You know what I am saying?

Now he is walking around like
he runs everyone.

So Swaggy is not low-key.

He literally calls himself swag

But Tyler considered putting
up a friend of Swaggy's instead.

It is like you are my best
friend if the house.

I love him.

It is like we are clicking.

That's all the confirmation I

Swaggy is clearly your boy and
you are obviously on his side of

the house.

At the nomination ceremony,
Tyler decided to play it safe.

I nominated you, Sam, and
you, Steve.

I had to look out for myself
and my game going forward, so I

had to pick the safe move.

Tonight, alliances

The group name is -- level six.

Level six.

One, two, three.

Romance is blossoming.

And the BB app store opens
for business.

Oh, boy.

Who will receive a power app
and who gets a crap app?

Find out right now on the

This nomination ceremony is

So, I put up Sam and Steve

because they were the first
people eliminated from the HOH


I kind of have to play it cool
right now.

It sucks.

I am on the block.

I get it.

Good for you, Tyler.

But I am not a wolf, I don't
sit there and cry and live off

of sympathy, that's not how I
roll so I am going to show the

rest of these house guests that
this doesn't phase me at all.

Man, Tyler's game is whack as

He has a chance to get a big
threat out this week.

And he puts up Sam and Steve?

Like what the hell are they
going to do to you?

I am officially the first
ever robot on the block.

And I cannot believe that I
have got myself in this


Being a robot is rough.

This has got to be one of the
hardest things I have ever done.

You want to go outside or --
no. I am okay.

Tyler, you don't have to sit

I want to.

Hold, I am holding a robot hand
right now.

I know that.

That's sweet.

Wow, hashtag, awkward.

If Steve wants to talk or
something, I mean, I am here

like this, so, you know, Steve
is there like that.

Are you okay right now?

I am okay.


I'm sorry.

I do love -- I love you too.

You know I do.

It's okay.

I know.

Okay. It's fine.

Everyone is behind you, okay?

Literally everybody is behind
me right now, I see that.

Mentally I am ready to rock.

That's huge.

Oh, yes.

I felt it coming.

I really did.

I am mentally prepared.

I am the hiscally prepared.

I am ready to go.

Mindset is everything, man.


Will you please sit up,

Brother, man.

Tyler comes out, there are
tears in his eyes.

Tyler is a good kid, so it
breaks my heartstrings to see


Come on.

Stand up.

Stand up, man.

I mean, do you have a heart?

My boy.

Come on, stop, stop.

I am not the one that should
be crying right now.

It sucks.

So I am feeling pretty bad
about nominating Sam and Steve,

but I am not going to lie.

I am kind of turned on with the
water, the waterworks a little


So to make people think I am
just a softy and I am weak and

maybe they think they can real
me in like emotionally.

I think the world of you, Ty,
don't worry about it.

He is crying, did you see him?

I know.

Tyler is crying.

He is crying.

It really affected him.

Hey, Sam, are you in here?


I am in here.

You want to walk around the



Right now I am fighting for the
chance to be there as a person.

I need you to tell everybody
that Sam in the storage room and

a she would like everybody to
come by one at a time and just

say hi to her.

All right, girlfriend.

I am just opening the door
and allowing people to come talk

to me, because I have a chance
to come back, which I intend on


Then I can -- then I can at
least have somewhere to start.

So far, if the nominations
stay the same, you are not going



Can you turn this down a
little bit?

Can I turn your volume up a
little bit?


You just have to come closer.


I like that.

How are you feeling, first of

I mean, I am okay.

You are okay?

I would never be mad at you.

And I would never fault you for
doing what was right.

Even though I put up Sam I
really like her and we built

some trust and I don't want to
see her go home this week.

Is that Sam?


That's a real live Sam.


She wants to talk to you.

Oh, is she doing one on ones?


I am having one right now.

Basically, I am just asking
for everybody's thoughts.

That's all.

Thoughts on what?


On nominations.

Oh, I mean, to be honest,
like, I am not like shocked.

Just made the most sense.

Like it was an easy target
almost because you haven't been


Are you like in a mindset
right now where you are ready to


Basically, Katelyn look at me
I will only talk to you about

anything that matters as a

Sam, I hear you but I am
saying are you ready to play the

veto competition?


I am saying get yourself off the

I am here offering up this
floor for anybody who wants to,

to come in here and tell me what
the [bleep] They think.

That's it.

But what I am telling you is
that what I would do is let this

situation light a fire under my
ass a and I would win the veto.

I don't need a pep talk.

I am not looking for you to come
in here and cheer me on. The I

am literally telling me
everybody to tell me what they

think about it.


That's what I think about it so

I mean, what would you do,
Katelyn if this was you?

I really don't know what I
would do as a robot.

You wouldn't be able to get
in the hot tub with --


I will be back.

All right, girl.

See you.

See you.

I see you looking at me.

If Sam is going to make these
waves like this, it cannot only

screw up her game, but it can
screw up mine.

I really just don't know what
she is doing.

It is like stop cursing at me.

Don't do that.

Don't do what?

See, just keep up the
attitude now, you are doing a

good job.


Just don't turn sour.

Especially now.

And how competitive you are.

I know you are -- deep down
inside, I know you are a peach.

And you are doing an awesome job
of hiding it and I respect it.

It is like I have a secret
w*apon in my pocket.

I think it is fair to say
scotscotty and I understand each


Scotty knows I can be a threat
but I also have an awesome

social game, but his social game
is lacking.

So it is a very symbiotic
relationship at this point.

Oh, you are crushing me.

No. I am just trying to keep
pace with you.

It is like we are riding
bikes. What is up?

I have to keep up.

It is great to pedestrian
well you.

I did not --
I don't know if they will fit


I have a ton of black socks,
why sobs.

I am a cubs guy.

I think Scotty is a great guy.

Coming into this house I never
thought I would pair up with

somebody who is a lot younger
and not much of a background

similar to mine.

No we haven't seen anyone's
pissed offside yet.

With Scotty I find an awesome
alliance member to have.

Like we literally spent all
our time together.


That would make sense.


I think brainiacs --
that kid is loyal.

I like it.

I am not freak -- I am not
freaking out but without a

doubtly go as hard as I can, if
I faulter I need you.

It is, he is definitely a
duo, he is the one person in the

house that I know I can trust
and 100 percent with.

Priority one is to save Steve.

I will tell you right now, I
won't turn my back on you.


Because he doesn't sleep h
sea vampire.

Bayleigh is just like, the
dopest girl I have ever met.

She is gorgeous, she is

I look forward to sleeping
with her because I know that's

when we talk the most.

Everybody is asleep and we stay
up for three hours and just talk

all night.

Laying in bed --

settle down.


I think Swaggy is probably
the most special person on this


Who gives themselves a nickname
and forces everyone else to call

them this nickname when it is
like no one even gave you this


It is like you self deemed
yourself Swaggy C.

At the same time, it is like
he also had the sweet, soft,

Christopher side that I like.Ñr
hopefully, like Chris, over

weighs Swaggy and I can give him
a good job.

Yeah, Swaggy.

A warmup.

Where is Kaycee?


Hold up now.

Oh, that is messed up.

This punishment sucks.

When this pinwheel starts
spinning I am stuck in whatever

room I am in and feeling left
out, especially the first week,

you know, it is all the first
time stuff and I am not there.

I am hungry.

Oh, it is spinning again.


It just started.

This this time I am able to

be around everyone else.

I am missing the chance of being
the social butter fly that I am.

I missed out on rock star's

Happy birthday to you!

The I missed out on family
dinner, not cool!

Thank you so much!

This is great.

I am so over this punishment.

This guy right hfb to go.

He got to go!

I feel rock solid about my

relationship with Angela,
Rachel, Winston, Tyler, Kaycee,

and of course your boy, this
group can make it to the final


It is time to make this

We are putting a ring on it.

So the group name is --
level six.

Level six.

Level six.

How do you feel about that?

Oh, man.



And this is -- this is our

So -- everyone goes like a
circle --

you go first.



One, two, three.

I love that.

Guys, we do have a limited
time, maybe two, three more

minutes before they start

They are all together right


Katelyn says -- that's why
the 30 of them like literally

cornered me in the bed and said
we need to put up Winston and



I find out that I am the
other side's target.

Surprise, surprise.

On the inside I am fuming
the, but I know that these six

people have my back, Swaggy
better look out for level 6.

Paranoia is toxic.

Just know with confidence in
the back of your mind this is

rock solid.


This is rock solid.

It is a marathon, it is not a
sprint, hike we just stay under

the radar and do what we are

Having this level 6 alliance
is crucial for my game, because

next week I can't even play in
the HOH and I need a solid group

behindçó me, soçó they keep me s
you are looking at#d

six right here.

It is like this whole

Bayleigh thing.

I am getting way too close toé-
better back off a little bit.

Do what she does.


And it is like that
connection is getting like away

from the game -- I feel that.

Instead of --
if he had a crush on me I

would be turned off.

Swaggy is just crazy.

That's what makes him Swaggy.


I came in here focused, getting
good people to work with and

getting to the end, not --
do it for a girl.

You are so intense.

But -- he is a mess.

You never know.

I am I go to boycottçó him.

Swaggy is boycotted.

You think -- ifñi @



But the game is involved and I
am not letting nothing go

between that.

Çó how can I admit that I like


Oh, my goodness.

I am all the way bugging.

I came here for half a
million dollars.

I didn't comeñi here for a

Show men do not work in this

The girls always win.

The guys always go home and I am
not trying to have that.Çó

oh, Swaggy C, what am I doing?

These sunglasses make all the

You see the bird?

Oh, there is a bird.

Oh, my gosh.

That's the sign of my grandpa.

No way.

Swear toed to.

The universe never ceases to
amaze me, I was asking for

validation that I will be okay
and just like that, grandpa Lou

shows up in my backyard as a
white bird.

He is with me and I am just
so happy.


Say, say hi to Lou.


Is that a pigeon?

I didn't know --
I have never get a pigeon get

up that high.

Whatever it is, it looks

Call Carlos, Sam.

I can't.

Life is a "Big Brother", my
life in the "Big Brother" house

is pretty tough for a robot.

Oh, back up, back up.

Oh, sorry.

Now I am stuck.

It might seem kind of crazy

but I almost feel more like
myself as a robot.

Robot, off-line.

It is almost like I am a


It is like I am not real.

Coming back here as a person
is very lonely.

And I feel like an outcast, like
an outsider.

And that is not normally me.

It is my real friends, my

real family, my real life.

This is just like the fakest

I have ever -- I know.

It is hard.

I literally don't trust
anyone in this house.

I can't --
it is like -- I am uneasy.

Everything, everybody.

I don't know.

Maybe everybody else feels this
way too and just better at

hiding it.

I don't know.

It is just so far off from
what I am used to.

Are you okay, Sam?

It's cool.

Everybody sucks.

I can't do fake.

I hate it.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

And it is like my jokes might
be funny a little bit but like

you all suck.

This whole thing sucks.

You have to keep your mind to

yourself it is a game we are

It is a game but it is life.

Are you crying?

What is going on, man?

Just -- I am just having a

Are you -- you know what I am

I am struggling with being a
fake piece of [bleep].

That is not me.

At the beginning it was great
and then I left and now I am

back and everybody is like

And maybe we want to help you
and I don't know --

I don't care.

I don't want -- I don't --
you know what?

You know what?

It is just -- it is just like
you know how many people would

like to be in your place?

I know.

I think somebody is letting
the punishment bring her down

and she is just giving up and
that is just not right.

Sam is making herself a target
by crying and playing victim and

saying that she doesn't want to
be here.

She can not give up.

You basically won the lottery
and focusing on the bad part, on

the negative part.

Right now, they are trying to
help you and the only thing

coming out of your mouth is
negative stuff.

We have only been here one week
and --

he is speaking --

you are being so real right

[Fly buzzing]
Oh, man.

What is it?

It looks like -- oh!

Oh, hell no!

Try it.



I absolutely refuse to eat

It is just not something that
is fit for a queen so I am

completely avoiding it.

There will be no voluntary
coming from oui.

All right, all right, all


As Head Of Household, it is my
responsibility to choose the

first four --
have notes can only eat slop,

take cold showers and must sleep
in the know low-tech bedroom in

"Big Brother" history.

Does anyone volunteer?

I will volunteer.

All right.

Katelyn, Brett, Winston.


Thank you, guys.

Thank you, guys.

The have notes.

Let's check out your have not

Where is it?

This is crazy.

I can't sleep in this.

Can you sleep in it?


That's what you sleep in.

I am having serious second
thoughts about sleeping on a

three-foot satellite dish.

It looks like I am going to be
dishing with my boy Brett this


Oh, these dishes are small,
my friend.

It is like hopping in a bean

Oh it is like I can totalsly
sleep in this but halfway

through the night you realize
your limbs are numb.

Sell it all!

I mean, "Big Brother", you
all are crazy.

That's a wild room.

Play pool.

See if you can get Winston
out here.

Slowly but see if you can.

Yeah, yeah.

I think he is.


That is too obvious.

The actually I am going to --
the best thing I have going

is the level 6 alliance.

I don't want to be seen talking
to Swaggy or Faysal.

The best thing for me to do
is avoid this conversation


How do you feel about like

working going forward?

There is no way like around it.

Like we are the physical

We have got to have a
gentleman's agreement when we

win HOH -- yeah.

That no -- this four doesn't
go out. We go after the moving

parts first, the floaters.

And then eventually down the


Back to back back, back-to-back.

Me and Faysal are the
strongest people in the how with

Winston we can cook everybody.

This deal could literally bring
me all the way to the end.

How about the top four?

It has to stay 150 percent
between these four.

We should never four be in
the same room.


I am telling him, sure, sure,
but I think that fessie and

Swaggy are writing more checks
than they are capable of

cashing. This is not a deal
that I want, but of course if

fessie or Swaggy go HOH it is
definitely something I want to

pull out of my back pocket.

I think we could have a sick
summer, have an awesome time and

drop off a few of the stranders

It is a, stragglers.

It is a wrap.

So we are just Chicago and he

is like, trying to pull me in.

He is like, dude, so like we
can make some power moves.

Like, trying to pull me in, and
like he is trying to get Steve

to do the same.

It is hike we can go all the way
with this.

And he thinks he is playing

and he has no idea that we
are all --

and he wants to --
you can't be --

so it is getting pretty
obvious to everybody that Swaggy

thinks he is running this house
and we can all kind of see right

through it.

Since Swaggy is already safe
this week there are a limited

number of people I can pull from
the inside.

If Steve wins and takes
himself off --

who would you put on?

It would be Bayleigh for sure.

All right, Swaggy.

Maybe I should put up a strong

Maybe I should put up your
closest ally.

One, two, three --

So -- what?

What is -- I don't know.

Swaggy, Katelyn, fassie,
Haley and I were all working

together, but we don't have a

It is time we come up with a

What is happening?

Fam 5.

Fabulous five.

Fierce 5.

I want to come up with the
perfect name to describe us.

It has to be centered around
good Karma and motivate us to

get us to the end.

Oh, I came up with foutat.

Five of us until the end.

It has a nice ring it to.

Fouta -- there is no h.


There is.

Five of us -- oh.

Ha, ha.

Five -- fouta.



Foute to the end.

Are you serious?


That is not going to work for

But then I am thinking in my
head, do I have anything better?

And no, I don't.

So it looks like we are going to
be called foutte.

You stay and you stay because
we are foutte.

Five of us to the end.

Give it up, foutte.



Hello, house guests.

The app store is now open for

Please gather in the living

As you know, "Big Brother" is
all about the unexpected.

This summer's next high tech
twist has just come online.

As you have all been granted
access to the BB app store.

Each week, America will
answer a series of questions to

determine who is the top
training house guest.

You could be trending for any
reason, good or bad.

But you will never know.

The top trending house guest
will be allowed to choose one

power app inside the BB app
store which will Grant him or

her a special power in the "big
brother" game.


However, the house guest who
is least trending each week will

also select something from the
BB app store, a crap app which

will inflict a punishment on
that house guest.


One by one, ever will enter
the b app store where they will

be told in secret if they are
the top or least trending house


Once a house guest has received
an app, they are not eligible to

receive another.

"Big Brother" will call you to
the store to see if you have

received an app.

Good luck, ever.

[ Cheers and applause ]


This is crazy.

You can trend whether it be for
a good reason or a bad reason,

but regardless, there will be a
new power in the house every


I am stoked.

I am excited to see how this

Listen, Swaggy C is always
trending, like always.

That's one thing you don't have
to worry about. That power app

is as good as mine and once I
have it, I will be running the

house behind the scenes, even
more than I already am.

It is BB app store twist is
totally going to change the

game, man. There is going to be
one person that is going to get

a punishment every week and one
person that is going to get a

power, and if one of my nominees
gets the power this week that

would throw everything off.

Being on the block week one

It is not write wanted to be,
but then I hear there is this

app store.

The person who is trending the
most get ets a special power.

It could be anything.

Hopefully I can take my ass
right off the blofnlgt it would

be great.

Brett, please come to the BB
app store now.

So we just found out about
this new twist called the BB app


So the house guests that is
trending gets a power, and the

house guest that is least
trending gets a punishment.

I am not really sure what
trending is.

Oh, oh, oh.

Welcome to the BB app store.


I walk into the "Big Brother"
app store and all light.

The room is glowing.

We have got this high tech touch

I feel like I am breaking into
Langley and I am hoping to be


Please place your hand on the
scan tore find out if you are

the top or least trending house

Oh, boy.

Access denied.


I thought America was going to
love me.

I need to hack into the bad boy.

I am just glad I didn't get
the crap app.

Oh, my god.

This is so cool.

Access denied.


Access denied.

Access denied.

It has my fingerprints.

I am in the government.

, Steve, please come to the BB
app store.

Force now.

Why does it sound like I am
about to get k*lled?

You know, I can't get the
crap app right now, I don't need


My back is against the wall.

I am on the block.

I don't need anymore headaches.

Oh, this is wild.

Dear god if you are up there,
give it to somebody else.

Access denied.

At least I am not getting the
crap app.

Faysal, please come to the BB
app store now.

I am for sure not least
trending in the "Big Brother"

house so I am not even worried.

I know I definitely won't have
the punishment.

Access granted.

It says access granded.

Open sesame, baby, now the time
to claim my power.

Sorry, you are the least
trending house guest.

Come on, America. The crap

For real?

Out of 16 people, me?

Why are you doing this to your

Your boy loves America.


I don't know what is going on
right now.

Please browse the available
crap app it is and make your


Fake news.

Read it.


Maybe I have to eat some weird

We have got to do something to
some house guest.

Some pranks or something: Ah.

I see the ham bone I know it has
to be related to food.

I definitely don't want it to be
a put that is affecting my game.

I am going with hamazon.

Soy just picked hamazon and
suck it up and eat whatever they

give me.

They will be delivering your
packages all week long.

Every time you hear there is a
delivery, get your package and

prepare to eat.

Freshness is key so you must eat
it as soon as it arrives.

I hear it is fan and I am

I don't eat ham.

Hopefully there is a channel
substitute, probably going to be

disgusting and make me throw up.

I have no idea.


I can't wait for my first


Oh, man.


At least I am not the least



At least I didn't get the
crap app.


J.C., got it.


Are you kidding me?

It is k*lling me inside.

Swaggy C, please come to the
BB app store now.

So basically, Swaggy C is

I know for a fact I got the
first prize in the BB app store

because this is my house. The I
run everything, so I am just

excited for my name to be

Please place your hand on the

Access denied.

Access denied?

Like how can it not be me?

I am Swaggy C.

I don't know what America was
thinking, but clearly they

messed up.

Clearly they are against me.

But it is cool.

I am still Swaggy regardless and
I am going to win.

Access denied.



Let's rock.

Let's rock.

I didn't finish my hair.

This past week as a robot has
been one of the hardest weeks of

my life.

It is really, it has really
thrown a wrench in my plans.

I really don't want to a crap
app, that's last thing I need.

Please place your hand on the
scanner to find out if you are

the top or least trending house

So I am a nervous wreck in
this room.

And I don't even -- I don't even
want to put my hand on the

screen because it is so sweaty.

Access granted.

That is so cool.


You are the top trending house



I don't know what to do.

Please browse the available
power apps and make your


Bonus life.


The cloud.

Identity theft.

Bonus life.

Sounds the best to me.

For the whole length of how long
I am going to be here.


This power gives you or the
house guest of your choosing the

chance to return to the game if

This power is good through
the first four evictions.

But here's the catch.

If the bonus life is not used at
one of the first three

evictions, the fourth person
evicted automatically gets a

chance to return to the game.

Thank you, America.

America, I feel the love.

And the support.

And I appreciate it. Thank you



It's okay.

I still love you, America.

The app store is now closed
for the week.

But a new power is in play.

It is actually upsetting.

I know --
in the power app, right now I

have to fight to get back up,
the veto competition is next.

That is the one I am taking

You did it right, do it right
this week, America.

Because Swaggy C is not just
some Bologna, I am your man.

So next weekly give you one more
chance to make Swaggy C happy so

please get it right this time.

I just hope that the power
app doesn't fall into the wrong

person's hands because I want
the nomination to stay the same.

I don't need anymore blood on my
hands at this point.

America has given me a second
chance with this bonus life!

And I can barely believe it and
I am 50 percent robot,

Let's do this.

How will Sam's bonus life
power change the game?

Plus who will win the power of

And will it be used to save
either Sam or Steve from


Find out Wednesday at 9:00,