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14x12 - Episode 12

Posted: 05/05/24 12:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on "big brother..." A shocking
twist sent the coaches into the game

as players.

A new game begins right now.

Joe and Frank, neither of you
will be evicted tonight.

With the game anew, the whole
house competed in an epic battle

of endurance and in the end
Danielle took the power and was

rewarded with a kiss.

When Dan told bog give that the
reset saved Frank boogie and

Frank knew they could
only trust each other.

Me and you ride or die
to the death, you know?

I mean absolutely.

With its former player in
power, Dan campaigned to keep

the coaches off the block.

You want Frank out, right?

So put up Frank, put up Joe.

The target gets
enormous on my back.

Danielle nominated a
target and a pawn.

I have nominated you,
Frank, and you, wil.

Frank's got to go.

Tonight, a shocking turn of events
with the veto changes everything.

It all happens right
now on "big brother."

That's straight up
gangster right there.

Captioning funded by CBS I have
nominated you, Frank, and you, wil.

It's nothing personal.

I really hate doing this.

This nomination
ceremony is adjourned.

Well, what do you know, folks?

Sweet Southern Danielle has
put me up on the block.

You forget Danielle.

All good Southern girls go
to heaven but nasty Southern

belles, they go to hell.

I only put wil up as a pawn.

I don't want him to
leave this house.

Frank's really my target.

He was supposed to leave
last week and he didn't.

He needs to go this week.

He's a huge beast and a competitor
like that I don't need in the house.

I'm on the block again and
it's time number three.

I've been dodging b*ll*ts left
and right so far so hopefully

I'll win the power of veto, pull
myself off the block and I'll be

coming for Dan and Danielle.

Congrats, guys.

So I barely pulled that one off.

Now we can move forward in
this game hopefully keeping

nominations the same and all
the former coaches stay safe.

It's not a big deal.

Hey, no, no.


It's fine.

Hey, don't.

Hey, it's fine.

I'm so sorry.

That's okay, listen,
listen, it's okay.

Being a pawn is kind of nerving.

Normally pawns get sent home so I
feel like I'm on my own right now.

If you hate me, I understand.

I don't hate you
at all, Danielle.

It's like a big relief.


Well, I don't know.

I don't know if I'm cut
out for this game at all.

Are you kidding me?

Everybody in this
house loves you.

Do you understand?

See, I don't think... I
guess I'm just jaded.

I don't think that.

I felt like people don't
like me, I don't know.

Everybody loves you!

Listen I don't think you put me
on the block to send me home.

I don't.

I didn't even want
to hug anybody else.

That's why I just pulled you... thanks
for bringing me up here, though.

I'm so sorry!

Freaking the nomination
king over here.

Three out of four noms.

A big threat.

I've been in every competition
and only won one.

Why are they so afraid of you?


I think it's the hair dog.


I think you better cut the hair.

That's what it is.

It's a battle of the hairs.

Me and wil.

I'm frustrated,
disgusted, disappointed.

It's nice to at least
have Mike to vent with.

He's venting more than me because
he's madder than I am at this point.

I can't stand her.

So over over her and Dan.


And janelle.

Practically everybody in
this house except for you.

I mean, what the
do I have to do?

They're going back door.

Dan's not talking to me.

This is a classic back door.

I'm annoyed that I could be set
up for a back-door situation

which means I could be sent home
without even getting a chance to

play for the veto.

I hate everybody.

I really do hate everybody.

Hey, can I use the bathroom?


I'm going to listen to this c.D.

Hey, did you talk to boogie?

Nope, he hasn't looked
me in the face.

Like, literally doesn't
even look me in the face.

He is so dumb.

I just... so he doesn't get
nominated and then he runs over

to Frank and they sit and talk
game in front of the whole house

in the two nomination chairs.

In front of the whole house.

He's willing to save Frank
if he wins point o p.O.V.

You know that, why?

Why is he up Frank's... boogie
doesn't like to play with women.

He likes to play with bros.

Now that we're players in the
game I do not know why boogie is

so attached to Frank.

As former coaches we're
obviously the biggest targets.

We need to be working together.

I think we should
talk to boogie.

The coaches need to
stick together early.

We could do it.

I'm cool with that but you
have to spearhead the boogie

thing because he is
salty, salty, salty.

Mike boogie's pissed because
there was a secret plan to get

Frank out of this house and
everyone in the house lied to him.

Janelle has a lot of faith in
boogie that we can get him back

on the coach's side.

Maybe I overestimated
him as a player.

Why don't we bring him up
here and just talk to him?

All right, let know this, then.

I'm going to go to him
and just talk to him.

So Dan wants to pull me into the storage
room and have some big conference.

We haven't spoken in 24 hours.

I don't really know what he would
want to talk about at this point.

What's up?

You're peusd?


I mean, are you surprised?

I was kind of hoping you were
playing up like you're pissed at

me in public everyone knows
you're pissed at me.

I was hoping you were
playing that up.

Oh, no, I'm really mad.

I mean, I feel like this is a
back door attempt and, you know,

I definitely am pissed off.

We need to back up and talk
about when you asked me if

Danielle was good, and
you, you guys were good.


And when we asked you
said the same thing.

And then the actions
were different.

I mean, in a sense I was
getting voted out, too.

You knew it was happening
the night before.

I mean... how... and... I end up
looking like a real idiot when that no


In hindsight I should have told
you exactly what's going on.

I don't know.

I don't know what
to say to that.

Do you have any interest whatsoever
in working with all four coaches?

I mean, I don't have much
interest in working with people

who lied to me before.

We don't have a shot at this game
unless we stick with the coaches.

I want to work with you
until the end, man.

I... you know... actions speak
louder than words and all

I've been is lied to
besides from Frank.

You're a target with Frank.

That's what I'm trying to stop.

I don't want you to isolate
yourself with Frank.

I understand.

It's just, you know, he's
incredibly loyal and honest.

So he's expecting know now want to
just cut Frank and work with him?


No, no, no, no.

It's a tough thing to
ask me to support.

If he wins the veto, you'd rather have
him as your friend than coming after you

next week.

And if I win the... if I get
picked to play in the veto and I

win the veto he's coming off.

So do you want him hunting you down
when he wanted to work with you?

Come in.

What's up?

Ever since the coaches joined
the game I've been feeling

really alone so at this point I
think I'd like to reach out and

see what options are
available to me.

There's obvious closeness
between certain people.

What are the divisions
you see in.

I don't even know.

My head is spinning.

I'd like to be in
something, though.

I want to be in one of them.

I don't want to be in
no-man's land like d'uh.

I'm tight with boogie but it
seems the game has changed.

Would you ever vote against
him if you needed to?

I think... it seems inevitable
I'm going to have to

vote against him at some point.

It's obvious to me Ian is ready to
jump ship from boogie and Frank.

He's a smart kid.

He comes right to the people
who are in pow they are week.

Here's the thing, Ian.

Like, I believe you're
good to your word.


I appreciate you know you
can't be rogue for long.


But if you're in an alliance
you have to be 100% tried and

true loyal to the alliance.

It's a shame we can't rope Frank
into this because he's strong.

But, God, what a mess.

What a mess.

Ian needs to figure out what
he wants to do before Dan,

Danielle, Shane, and myself are
really willing to work with him.

We need to know without a
shadow of a doubt that he has

completely detached
from Frank and boogie.

Come in.

You can sit here, Dan, I'm
about to get in the shower.

Ian is talking about how he
doesn't want to be a free agent.

I'm just... I feel alone.

I really like you'rian.

Obviously you proved yourself.

Are you truly reset I and
away from team boogie?

I do like Frank a lot.

That's the hard thing for me.

I hate to sever ties, I
think he's a good guy.

It sounds like inside
you're ready to do that.


It's hard.

Hey, everyone.

Time to pick players for
the veto competition.

Only six people will participate
in the veto competition, the

head of household, the two
nominees and three other players

selected by random draw.

Will the nominees
please join me up here?

I really want nominations to
stay the same so I don't want

boogie to be chose
on the play at all.

As h.O.H.Ly pick first.

I need to get selected to
play in the veto competition.

If I were to win it I could pull
Frank off the block and we'll

both be safe this week and
they'll be unable to back door

me if that's what
they've got planned.




That was horrible!

Frank's basically on his own.

Yes, my former players Jen and
Ian are playing but thus far

they haven't showed much, shall
we say, competition prowess.

I also have to choose a host
for the veto competition.


"Big brother" will inform us when
the competition is to begin.

Good luck.

Is everybody asleep, Jamie?

I think so.

I don't know what
their problem is.

So you still believe I
want all the coaches out?

I don't know.

I never talked to you.

So who do you want out, then?

It depends.

Well, I definitely like to
work with a strong player

because, like, I have no one.

I don't think anyone will want
to work with me in this house.

I see janelle in the bathroom
whispering with Frank after she

was just talking about how desperate
she was to get rid of him.

I mean, classic janelle.

She's come up here saying over
and over and over I want Frank

out he's dangerous then she's in
the bathroom whispering with him.

She's making me mad.

Like, I can feel my blood pressure
rising and that takes a lot.

She's freaking out.

It's these shady moves that you're
like are you serious right now?

She infuriates me.

There's a lot of petty talk going
in this house between the girls.

They have personal vendettas
against each other and in this

case Britney's always
paranoid about janelle.

She gets Danielle fired up and
I can't have that because I'm

trying to unite all the coaches.

Did you not expect
her to talk to him?

No but she's probably
like you can't trust her.

She's so beyond rude.

Janelle has had a personal vendetta
against Frank since week one.

One talk between janelle and
Frank isn't going to burr ray

that overnight that's why I
don't understand why Britney is

getting so paranoid over this.

She's being paranoid and
covering her bases.

Is anybody else as mad as I am?

Play ball!

Let's go!

There's a reason all women
love baseball players and it's

because how good their
pants look on them.

And, I mean, Shane
looks so cute.

I just... I hope I can
focus on my game.

Ball players, batter up.

It's time to swing for the fences
in this week's veto competition.

In each run you'll get one shot
to launch your ball into the

baseball diamond target.

At the end of each round, the player with
the lowest score will be eliminated.

However, before you hit the
bench, head over to the popcorn

stand and claim your prize.

But don't get too attached
because the players eliminated

after you have the option of keeping
their prize or trading for yours.

The last player standing will
have their choice of any prize,

including the golden
power of veto.

So step up to the plate
and play "field of veto."

First, let's get
started on round one.

I've been on the block every
week with the exception of the

week that I won h.O.H. I'm wondering how
many lives I have left in this game.

Winning this power of veto
is crucial at this point.


Ian, do exactly
what he just did.

All right, dude.

Going into the veto competition
I'm going to throw it because

I'm not sure who I'm rolling
with in this game and I'd be in

a tough spot if I won it.

Ian, you've scored a 3.

Shane, you're up next.

Shane, you've scored a 2.

Jen, you're up next.

I definitely want to knock this
veto competition out of the

park because it's a great way to
start making some alliances and

setting up some deals.

Jen you've scored a nine.

I want to win because I'm h.O.H.

Because I want to
control who goes home.

I want Frank to go home.

I cannot let him with this.

Danielle, you've scored a four.

Wil you need better than Shane's
score of 2 to stay in this game.

Wil, you've scored a 6.

Shane, you're out!

Now go claim your
sixth-place prize.

Oh, that's heavy.

Obviously, I get one
last time to wear it.

Four times in a row, right?

Winning the veto is great but
I'm probably not going to hang

on to it because the way this
game works when people get out

they can grab another prize
and possibly trade with me.


Take your seat in the dugout.

It's round two and
Ian, you're up first.

Ian, great shot,
you've scored 20.

Perfect Ian, nice shot.

Thanks, Mike.

Jenn city, you've scored a 6.

Danielle, you've
also scored a 6.

Come on, wil!

Wil, you've scored a 5.

Big Frank, you're up next.

I've just got to do better
than a 5 because if I don't it

could mean I'm going out the door
Thursday and my game's over.

Big Frank, you've scored a 9.


Wil, please go claim
your fifth-place prize.

With this veto ticket you are
guaranteed to play in next

week's veto competition.

Do you want to keep this veto
ticket or trade it for Shane's

golden power of veto?

I'm going trade.

I'm going to trade it for that
veto necklace because what good

is a veto ticket if I'm
not around to use it.

Thanks a lot.

Let's begin round three.

Jenn city, you're up first.

You've scored a 2.

Good shot, Danielle!

Atta girl.

Danielle, you've scored a 10.

Frank, you're up next.

I really need either
Danielle or Ian to win this.

Frank needs to leave
the house this week.

Frank, you've scored a 4.

Ian, as long as you do better than jenn's
score of 2 you will stay in the game.

Good job, Ian.

Jenn city, please go claim
your fourth-place prize.

Maui vacation, baby!

Jenn city!


Jenn's life here in the "big
brother" house is so rough.

I'm just so glad that of all of
the hard workers and busy bees

in the "big brother" house
that jenn got the vacation.

Would you like to keep your trip or
trade it for one of the other prizes?

I am absolutely going
to keep my trip, baby!

All right!

Jenn city!

Let's begin round 4.

Danielle, you've scored a 9.

Frank, you're up next.

It's a 9.

Big Frank, congratulations,
you've also scored a 9.


Ian, you're out!

Come grab your
third-place prize.

It's a dog's life?

What the hell does that mean?

You get to live a dog's
life for 24 hours.


That means you must sleep in
the "big brother" doghouse and

stay inside the pen.

You may only leave your pen if
another houseguest agrees to

take you for a walk on a leash.

And, remember, no pets
allowed on the furniture.


Would you like to trade
this prize for another?

Keep the dog's life!


Absolutely, man!

Oh, Ian!

Good job!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

He is gonna live like a dog
instead of a Maui vacation.

It's 24 hours, dude!

Ian had an opportunity to grab
the Maui vacation from jenn

and give up a dog's life.

Ian is very big on being here
for the experience and trying

new things but, um, here's
a new thing to try-- Maui!

Dude, I got three grand.

No need to be greedy here.

It's now time for
the final round.

Big Frank, you're up first.

Our backs are against the wall.

He has got to beat her
in this final throw.

That's an 8.

Big Frank, you scored an 8.

Danielle, you're up.

Frank cannot win this
veto competition.

I have to score
higher than an 8.

I cannot let him win.

I know I have that to win this.

Ring 'em up!

Danielle, you scored a 10.

I'm sorry, Frank, you're out!

Come claim your
second-place prize.


Cash money!

Would you like to keep your prize
or trade it for one of the others?

I'm going to have to trade
it for that power of veto.

Sorry, wil, you get $5,000.

I've got to take that veto
from wil and just pray that

Danielle either wants the cash
prize or the trip if Maui and I

can pull myself off the block.

Danielle, come claim
your first-place prize.

A spiritard.

You have the honor of wearing the "big
brother" spiritard for the entire week.

You can keep this spiritard or trade
it for any prize that you want.

Um... I'm going to
trade for the veto.

I'm sorry, Frank.

I get h.O.H. And I get veto!

How do you like me now, Frank?


It's all right.

This is such a hard week
for me to lose this veto.

It would just be such a pleasant
surprise to spend a couple days

where I don't have to hustle for
votes but at this point in time

I'm going to be hustling
all week again.

I've never relied on competitions
to advance in this game.

Frank and I will go to work.

We know what we're doing.

I've done this many,
many times before.

They wanted me to
turn on my man Frank?

I might have to kind of turn
on a few other people instead.

It's time for America's vote.

The have-notes will be eating
what you choose, America.

Which food items would you like to
give the have-notes for the week?

The power is in your
hands, America.

Part of she like, God, maybe I
could talk Danielle into using

the p.O.V. On me but Dan would
have to be on board or he would

say not to do it.

Yeah, no, it's not... I don't
think it's talking Danielle into

it, I think it's
talking Dan into it.

But she's just acting like
she's doing her own decision

even though I know
that's not the truth.

I wish I could talk him
into putting up janelle.

I don't want to
work with janelle.

I want janelle out of here
skwrafplt Nell has been a huge

rival of mine over two
seasons of "big brother."

I want her out early this time.

I don't want to have to
worry about her all summer.

We could just get her nominated and
we could easily send her home.

We could get Britney on board, we
could have more than enough votes.

It's been such hard work.


This is going down the road we
have to get me safe this week.

We get our heart hats and
go to work everyday.

Pack a lunch.

Check out my spiritard!

Damn, Frank, your ass looks
good in the veto competition

there were two
punishments given out.

The first was a spiritard
which Frank God.

Tickle monster!

A super skin tight lycra suit
that's oozing all kinds of spirit.

I've got spirit, how about you?



Oh, my God!

All right, next time you see me,
I'll be the "big brother" house pet.


Who wants to see the
"big brother" house dog?

Somebody need to put
the leash on me.

The other is a dog's life.

Sit, boy.

Which is basically living like
a dog in a doghouse eating

out of a dog bowl for a full 24


This is better than
the have-not bed.

I'm looking very forward to looking

It cur reis me favor of the game
with the other houseguests and

they'll probably want to keep me around
longer because I was a nice guy.


Um, this is bizarre but do you
need to go to the bathroom.


I thought as a coach I
assembled the perfect team.

I drafted the brawns
and the brain.

And now... go team!


Come in.

Is it all right if a dog comes?

Join the party.

Oh, boy.

Now that Frank didn't win the
veto I think now's the time I

should solidify my alliance with
Dan, Danielle, Britney, and Shane.

I think we can go
pretty far in the game.

Obviously, like, the four of
us haven't been together since

we discussed and so we were all, like,
having a round table discussion.

I mean, I want to do whatever
you guys want to do.

I'm in for it, yeah.

I'm very excited about Ian
committing to me, Britney,

Shane, and Danielle because
he's a trusts worthy number and

that's going to help me
get further in this game.

We can do name... hold
on, let me just guess.

Quack pack.

Duck squad.


Duck tale.


Does it have anything
to do with a duck?

No, but I don't like
the quack pack.

I kind of like that, too.

The quack pack?

We can just do this.

That can be our symbol.

Ian remind me of a younger
version of myself.

He's a little crazy, a little
cooky but he's very trustworthy

if I have the opportunity to run
all the way to the end with this

kid I'm going to do it.

We don't nominate each other
unless there's no other options

at all which means final five.

One, two, three... quack.

That's what it is.

The freaking quack pack.

Come in!

H.O.H., miss popular.


We have a lot of time but I
wanted to get the wheels turning.

You have Dan.


Frank has me.

Shane has Britney.


That's a powerful
group of six people.

You strapped in?


What about taking this opportunity and
getting a really, really, really, really

dangerous player
out of this game?


We put her up.

Me, Britney, Frank, Dan,
and Shane vote her out.

We don't have to worry
about anybody else.

We become a cohesive unit
and it's like the avengers.

A superhero team, six
superheroes all with unique

talents come together to battle
evil and next week when you

can't play you have five
warriors fighting for h.O.H.

And we take control
of this whole thing.

The only thing is that I would just
be afraid that you would turn.

Where would I turn?

I have all the best people.

I have the two smart girls and then
I have three competitive guys.

Me and Frank are 100% on board.

We want her out.

I'm telling you, if we let her hang
around a little bit we go far.

She twice was one competition
away from taking the whole thing

and she'll do it again.

You're right, boogie.

You're... I mean, you're
absolutely right.

You know what I mean?

Boogie, I am completely
open to this.

That's all I'm asking.

I have all the pow they are
week and why shouldn't I take

out one of the biggest
powers of all time.

This could be amazing.

I'm not asking for
an answer right now.

You talk to Dan.

Good timing.

What's going on?

I was about to hop
in the shower.

I planted the seed with Danielle
to use the veto and put

janelle on the block but I have
to convince Dan so we can water

that seed and grow it into a
beautiful tree and hopefully get

janelle out the door.

So there's 12 people here.

There's a lot of
bodies to get rid of.

Isn't it incredibly appealing
to get janelle out of here?


She's not up here.

Oh, sorry!

That's okay.

She's down stairs somewhere.

I don't know where.

Oh, she is, okay.


She knew she wasn't up here.


Janelle isn't, like... she
didn't going to be workable.

Imagine if one of them wins h.O.H.
Next week.

If Frank's gone she's probably
going to put up Shane, you, and

me and then what
are you left with?

You don't have Frank and you'll
lose either me or Shane.

I just feel like I'm trying to
sell water to people in the

desert, you know what I mean?

You press the button, you want
add reset, let's reset this no .

Let's send out the queen bee.

Let's sting her ass, keep her
out of the jury and get her

trouble making ways
and lies out of here.

Come on, Dan!

Come on, Danny!



What's up?

We just wanted to come and talk.


We're kind of talking
right now if that's okay.

No we want to talk
to you, boogie.

Okay, all right.

I thought that little seeds
were being planted between us

and we had never the four of us
gotten together about are we

protecting each
other in the game?

It's obviously a difficult
proposition because how can we

work together this week if you want my
guy evicted and I want your guy evictd?

I don't care who leaves.

I want to work with you.

Let's get rid of our guys.

Okay, let's vote out wil
and stick together.

You don't want to
do that, right?

Yeah, I do.

You'll get rid of wil Thursday?

No, I'm saying let's get
rid of wil next week.

I don't trust you.

I think that you've done a ton
of dragging my name through the

mud with people in power and
there's no way in the world I'm

going to support anything that
requires sending my number one

guy home so I can trust a bunch of people
that have not done anything for me.

I am perfectly fine going home
whenever if to stay it means to

scumbag Frank, I'm not
going to do that.

I'm not willing to send
Frank home this week.

That's off the table.

I feel like that's a really
respectful answer, though.

I'm trying to be respectful.

It's straightforward.

It's straightforward and I can
appreciate that, honestly.

Let me just throw out... is there anything...
Say take Frank off the table.

Because keirly just sitting back there's
some discord between you and janelle.

Is there anything that can be
done to build that relationship?

Whether without someone
getting sacrificed?

Your guy Joe is the biggest
trouble maker in here.

I'm not working
with him anymore.

That's why I'm trying to get us
together to work together but

you're not willing
to work with us.

Okay, look, if you want to
show some trust and work

together what about him
going up tomorrow?

Duh, duh, duh... for the first time
in this game ever I've seen janelle

quiet as a house.

She didn't have any response,fy
quick comeback, she sat their

there silent which
told me she was lying.

You're hesitating to
answer for me a reason.

I think we should just
move forward in this game.

Right, but no one is willing to
sacrifice one of their players.


All right.

I'm anxious to get down stairs
because I don't want the

anti-coach sentiment to get stronger by
us being holed up in a room together.

I agree.

I'll finish Dan.


Bye, see you.

Well, that clearly is
never going to work.

Yeah, I just can't... you know...
Are you ready to or what?

Did that work for you?

Are you ready to sack town her?

I'm going to sell it to the
squad and say let's do it.

There would be no better show
than me and you sitting there at

the end and there's no better way to kick
them off than sending that liar home.

Let's do it!

I wholeheartedly wanted the
four coaches to come together

but at the same time when I see
a red light it tells me to stop

I'm not going to go through it.

Mike boogie is playing the
honest card so I'm going to play

the honest card back with him.

It's time to go, we're rolling
together and it's about time the

two winners of the game got
back on the same side.

You're about to roll with two of
the best winners of this game

so you better not it up.

Thank you, Dan.

What'd you do.

Come here.

I'll tell you what happened.

All four coaches are up here.

Did you know that or not?


Mike boogie called out janelle.

After Mike boogie brings janelle
to the mat and calls her out on

the lie it's time to bring my
alliance together and we have to

decide as a group the best
route to move forward.

I'll fill Shane in.

So major drama went down.

Boogie basically unleashed on
janelle and told her he doesn't

trust her and he will
not work with her.

What did janelle say?

She sat here shocked
and she was like okay.

Basically janelle said "boogie
work with me and he said no.

It's strange for me to see
boogie coming across as

trustworthy and it's making me
rethink my ability to work with

him in this game.

Ian, at this moment he would
rather go down with the ship

than work with janelle.

Let's go around the room.

What do we want to do?

Ian, go first.

I don't think boogie or Frank
will nominate any of us if they

were to get head of household.

Janelle would nominate boogie and
Shane or me or Danielle or Dan.

I think that it's much safer
to get janelle out of here

because she's much more likely to win
head of household than Frank is.

Get rid of janelle.


No question.

Out janelle.

Who are you?

I'm 50-50.

What are you Britney.

Out janelle.

Three, majority rules.

Dan, Britney, Shane and myself
have decided we're going

to go through this plan
and back door janelle.

We just have to get Frank
and boogie up here and set

conditions and all completely
agree with it and look boogie in

the face and make sure
he's not lying to me.

I know that Frank has good relationships
with a lot of people in the house.

If, say, a jenn pulls out an h.O.H.
Win or a wil put pulls

out an h.O.H. Win I'm worried of
the two of you coming up here

and putting us... you
know what I mean?

I can't say enough how,
again, how much I believe in

this and I do what I say
and I say what I do.

So you want a final six for sure
no turning back, no back stabbing.


You're okay with a name,
bright brit see in.

A name?

No, since we're
keeping it quiet.

The silent six.



What's our sign?



I feel great right now.

I mean, this is like Christmas,
my birthday, Thanksgiving and

fourth of July all
rolled into one.



Hey, everyone, time
for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Frank and wil have been
nominated for eviction but I

have the power to veto
one of the nominations.

I have decided to use the
power of veto to save wil.

This is nothing personal.

It's completely strategic.

Thank you, Danielle.

As head of household, I must
also name a replacement nominee.

I'm so sorry.

But I have to nominate
you, janelle.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Janelle, you just got a first class ticket
besides your boy Frank on the block.

Oh, and by the way, I
have the votes secured.

Have a great summer.

I was so shocked to find myself on the
block that I didn't even put on makeup.

I would have planned a cute
outfit and actually washed my

face and brushed my hair.

I have no idea what happened but I'm
not going to go down without a fight.

Well, Frank, another
rough week for us.

Things aren't always
as bad as they seem.

We formed a new alliance with
four other people and we talked

Danielle into
putting up janelle.

Who will be evicted from the "big
brother" house: Janelle or Frank?

And who will become the
new head of household?

It all happens live Thursday at