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14x11 - Episode 11

Posted: 05/05/24 12:51
by bunniefuu
Houseguests, the power
is up for grabs.

A major twist just happened.

Now the coaches are
dropped in the game.

It's like walking into "big brother"
on night one for the first time ever.

In three seasons of "big
brother" I have never been so

unsure what I wanted to happen for
head of household competition.

The coaches entering the game
is the biggest twist in "big

brother" history, no
question about it.

It's awful.

I went from a one in seven shot
at a half million to a one in 12


It hurts.

My stomach felt sick.

Oh, God, help.

I have worked my tail off all
week to assure my safety.

Now the coaches have been
dropped into the game.

Frank is not going home and
I have to walk the plank.

I finally have it all figured
out and then Julie throws

something on my whole game.

Are the coaches going
to stick together?

Are they going to form an alliance?
Are the coaches going

to work with their teams they
have already worked with?

Anything could happen this week.

As far as my odds as a coach go, I
have one player left in the game.

I don't think it's likely I
will be getting to the end and

winning the hundred
thousand dollars.

I'm going to have to go for it.

Time to get dirty
and punch it in.

If you tempt me with a chance to
get back in and play this game,

I will be back in, any
time, any place, anywhere.

Thanks America.

I wanted to hit the button because,
duh, I want to win "big brother."

No thanks, America.

I'm good.

I thought I was coming
here to coach this summer.

I was running this game and about
to win a hundred thousand dollars.

Houseguests, the results are in.

The reset button has
been activated.

Joe and Frank, neither of you
will be evicted tonight.

Whas'sup with this twist?

Joe should be going home
and now he is still here.

And there's four more
players in the game.

That's four more people
after the Booty.

Everyone in the back yard because the
head of household is about to begin.

In the heat of the moment, Dan said
that the plan was to vote Frank out.

I just got my head spilling
in many directions in that I

thought we were
good on the votes.

What disturbed me was Dan knew it
ahead of time and didn't tell me.

Eventually it was going to come out
that Frank was on his way home.

I told boogie this to start to
build a little thrust trust.

In this game having him playing
with me will get me a lot further.

Did you to not?


I had to lie about me
pressing the reset button.

I want to have the image I just
want to be a coach when in fact

I'm going to give everything I have
to win "big brother" this year.

Did you?


There are wicked
beach muffinneds.

Maybe I will look like Shane
when this competition is over.

Last week I got all of the blood on
my hands and no one was evicted.

Frank is still here and janelle and
mad at me and boogie is mad at me.

There's a silver lining.

At least I can play in this
competition is win hoh again.

I'm trying to give
my forearms a rest.

The whole game is starting
from zero for me, since boogie

had picked Frank, they
have been super tight.

And I always felt expendable.

I have to watch my own
buns there this game.

You know what I mean.

I got three hours in me.

What does the reset
button look like.

It was a big huge button.

Here we go.

The worst part about the entire
competition is the freezing cold rain.

There will be a little teaser of warm
rain that would make you feel nice.

And then whoosh, you would just
get blasted with cold water.

It's just -- it just
shakes your bones.

I hate you Dan.

Why do you think I hit it?

I know you hit it.

My arms are starting to hurt me.

My back and shoald
rehearse hurting me.

It's just hanging on.

I know I can last a long time but when
are people going to start falling here?

The whole house is going
to come after us.

This competition is freakin'
-- we're just standing

on the side of the ship hanging
on for dear life as the ship

moans and growns and
tilts and turns.

It's horrible.

It's really a living nightmare.

If everything isn't enough we
hear seagulls go by overhead.

And then, bam, all over us,
faces, mouths, everywhere.

Oh, my God.

with three players in the game

and I'm on cruise control to
a hundred thousand dollars.

Next thing you know I'm hanging
on for dear life having seagulls

defecate on me on the
side of a pirate ship.

I'm not a happy
camper right now.

My arms are throbbing.

I'm soaking wet.

I'm freezing.

My teeth are chattering.

I kind of want to send a message
that I'm not as big a threat as

they all think I am.

It's been fun you guys.

I'm out.

I was very excited to see boogie
the first one to take the plunge.

One player down, 11 left to go.

The last lean I went
through really got me.

I mean I was making all
kinds of different noises.

But at a certain point my
muscles were just starting to

shake so much and I
was freezing cold.

I'm puerto rican.

I'm not used to being so cold.

Buz you're awesome.

Did it feel good?

Why do you say that?

There's one line in the house.

There's more than one.

You're good to stay.

So you ought to know what
you're dealing with.

Come on, ash.

Looking good, baby.

Good job, Ashley.

Good job, Dan.

Now that I'm a player in the
game, not much has changed in

terms of my strategy in
terms of coach and player.

I'm going to try to build a weak
persona much like I did the last

time I won this game.

Oh, my gosh, big shocker, Dan
has fallen off the boat.

He is doing exactly the kind
of stuff he did in season 10.

Nobody saw that one coming.

I still got my mouth.

Frank is the last person I
want to have win the hoh.

He is going to know I tried
blindsiding him last week and he

is going to come after me.

It's definitely not easy to get
comfortable on this plank.

Especially for someone
about as tall as I am.

I'm having to haul a lot of my
body waiting over my arms and my

biceps and forearms are
giving away quick.

Hang in there, Frank.

Dude, I don't know how
you made that one.

Not with your waiting.

When Frank fell off the ship I
wanted to pull him aside and

let him know maybe there are
people here that we thought we

could trust that we can't.

Dan told me we're going
to vote you out.

I'm not going to bring it up.

Mike just told me I might have been
going out of the door tonight.

And I can't believe it.

Right now it seems like
everybody has been lying to me.

Only one person in the house I
can trust 100% and that is Mike.

Something is really fishy
and now it's different.

What is our move going forward.

Hopefully we can get
a week to breathe.

Then there were six.

I look over at Shane, and Shane
is screaming in agony and terror.

Way to tough it out, Vermont.

I'm thinking I can still go
another 15 minutes and I look

over and here is Danielle, hands
in her pocket, ready to pull out

a Martini or a cigarette and sing
a tune about how happy life is.

I will go if you go.

One, two -- go!

My arms are burning.

They're numb.

And now my trust is in Britney
and Danielle to win this hoh and

keep me safe this week.

I don't know how much
more my body can take.

Britt me looked solid.

I'm back in with Britney so if she
can pull this out, we're good.

It's so hard.

I tried!

It's me, Britney and Dan.

I'm fighting for Shane,
Dan and possibly Britney.

And I need them in this game.

I will fight footh
and nail for them.

Two weeks ago I'm teaching this
guy how to mack on chicks,

set up a date with Ashley, dressing
him up in one of my bow ties.

Now all of a sudden I'm a fellow
player in the game and I'm a

huge target right out the gate.

I hope he wins hoh
and keeps me safe.

It's a bit of a hole reverse Al.

This is it.

I'm officially in the game
playing for my own life.

This competition is life or
death for me and I have to

secure myself a
place in this game.

Good job, Danielle, keep it up.

There are three people left in the
game, Danielle, Britney and Ian.

You're shakin'.

My life is in dab yell
or Britney's hands.

Ian cannot win.

Danielle seems to be the
strongest one up there.

She is definitely impressing me.

Good job.

I'll give you another kiss?

This boat is literally
almost completely sideways.

I feel like I'm hanging in
midair dangling above the water.

I did not expect to make it this
far in the competition but now

that I'm that close I can freakin'
taste it and I'm not going anywhere.

Stay up there, britt.

I am not feeling good, at all.

I look over at Britney and I
notice that she is struggling

and I look over at Danielle and
she look like a freakin' rock.

If I can arrange a deal with
Britney and Danielle they should

feel safe enough they can
jump off and let me win this.


I can't hear you.

I won't put you up.

Danielle, look at me.

I picked you for a reason.

Because I know this is in you.

You set the deal.

You don't make the deal.

Whatever happens from this
point forward, Danielle.

You know this is your shot.

You want to win this game,
it starts right now.

My life is on the line with the
country girl from Alabama.

If she doesn't win, I
might be in trouble.

So I'm coaching my tail off
like I've never been before.

I'm not your coach anymore but I will
help you however I can help you.

You think of your mom, your dad,
your Alabama flag, you ready to

give that up, then take a dive.

Right here, you have to show it.

You have to do it.

Even though Dan is not
my coach anymore.

Nothing is changing.

I have his back and he has mine.

It showed tonight because
he was there for me.

I love that guy.

Nobody thought you
had this in you.

I'm proud of you Danielle.

It's down to three and I got
Dan giving the speech of the

year for bama out here.

Leave the girl alone.

Let her play her own game.

The coaching is over.

Stop coaching.

Stay tight, Danielle.

Ian is out there and
this kid is k*lling in.

And I happen to glance around and who
isn't out there is Frank and boogs.

Tells you a lot.

The fix is in.

I guess the plan was
will snowballed us.

They were both going
to vote you out.

Dan shocked me and told me that
the votes would be against

Frank for him to
leave the house.

I'm not mathematician but I'm
pretty sure he was talking about

Danielle and will who
told Frank he was safe.

Apparently they're liars.

We don't have to below
up too quickly.

But me and you ride
or die to the death.


I was on that as a coach, you
know, we're going to have to

have a reset and
see what happens.

Right now we have to
go -- to the end.

Danielle was clearly
not trustworthy.

Good job, guys.

Everybody is doing awesome.

Come on, writ.

Good job, Danielle.

Focus, Danielle.

I feel physically ill.

There's no blood in my forearms.

Hang in, hang in, hang in.

I will do you no
long in this game.

I know you won't do
me wrong either.

If there's a bunch of people in
our way, we will try to steam

roll and do what we can.

There are so many
people to nominate.

We just got to get
the kid to hold on.

Do you think we can settle this?

Ian, we're freaking
shaking and she is solid:

I'm safe?


Do you promise?

On your life?

On my life.

No back door.

You're safe.

Atta boy, Ian:

I'm safe.


Love you.

My girl.

Oh, my gosh.

It's amazing.

Dan was the proudest of me ever.

First girl of the season to win
and nobody thought I could do it.

I just got a great kiss by
Shane and I was like, ok, hey.

It's been a pretty
good day for me.

Maybe I should start
winning more often!

In da house.

So proud of you.

Danielle pulled off
an incredible upset.

I'm so proud of her.

She can become a great "big brother"
player and she just proved it.

Oh, she did?

Good job.


Oh, it's over?

I hate, hate, hate that
Danielle is the hoh this week.

If she wants to put
me up that's fine.

I would be insulted if I wasn't
nominated but I'm certainly not

sucking up to this girl that I just
learned her name like three days ago.

Tell who?


But why?

What does he know about it?


If I would have said something
it would have blown up.

I told boogie Frank was going
home as a way to get his trust

but it started to
backfire on me.

Before I had a chance to put my
spin on the news he told Frank.

I'm in a lot of
trouble right now.

Don't worry.

My hoh was pointless.

Absolutely pointless.

You put blood on my hands.

It's hard.

It's ok.

I got you.

I told you I would win.


I don't know how you did it.

I owe you.

I will win it next week.

Shut up.

It's crazy because I'm the
first girl in the house.

You beat out janelle.

I know.

That's impressive.

Janelle never cheered
for me, not once.

She was cheering for Britney.

I get a very bad vibe from janelle by
the way she looks at me and stuff.

It's kind of uneasy.

Something just doesn't completely
like mesh with us in this game.

I think she is definitely
threatened by me.

Kept saying she is a flirter.

I was like flirt, my ass, I might
float your ass to the block.


I'm trying to figure
out who knew what.

Apparently it wasn't going to go
the way it was supposed to so

I'm trying to figure
out who knew.

Apparently he was leaving.

I don't know.

That doesn't make
any sense to me.

I don't know.

I thought so.

That's the last I heard.

So we were all on board to get
rid of Frank this week and

by this horrible twist of fate
he is still in the game and it

appears that someone has a big
mouth because Frank knows that

we were gunning to get
him out of the house.

Somebody has some
explaining to do.

Enough said.

I can't trust her as far
as I can throw her.

They just went and threw
y'all under the bus.

He said you were going
to throw out Frank.

And I denied it.

So we need to get with Danielle
and Dan and say we were not

going to vote out Frank.

The game plan is to not admit
anything and keep my mouth shut

and keep my head down and
get through this week.


I was like, what the hell, did
you know Frank was going?

He was like what are
you talking about?

He had no I had.

How is it he had no I had.

I don't know what's going on.

I don't know who to believe.

I said Frank was going.

I screwed up.

I know I screwed up.

I'm not going to lie to you.

It was a stupid thing to do.

In this game when I make a
major mistake I will own up to

it with the people that I trust.

I know I screwed up but
I just got so excited.

Dan is between a rock
and a hard place.

I can't look at him and get mad.

At least I'm hoh for a week so I
have a week of safety to try to

get out of this mess.

Who wants to see my hoh room?

Hey there.

Come o I can't stand this girl.

It's super annoying to
have to go up there.

I'm tired, I had
a horrible take.

I'm not faking this at all.

And I'm not in the mood to
see her dole out candy bars.

Oh, my gosh, I'm nervous.

Oh, my gosh!


That is Frank.

That's me, my mom,
dad and brother.

I loved seeing
Danielle's hoh room.

She was smiling ear to ear
seeing her family photos.

She had been sharing some
stories with me for a couple of

weeks and it's definitely great to
have pictures to go with the stories.

Who this.

That's my niece and she
wrote my name, Danielle.

Letter time.

Oh, my gosh, my mom wrote this!

She didn't know I was
doing this at all.

Dear Danielle, I'm shaking my
head in astonishment right now

with a crazy miracle on my face.

I cried for a week but I'm
tired of that noneless.

I never told my parents I was
going into the "big brother"


I didn't want to hear their
nagging and if I didn't have

their support there's
no reason to tell them.

I'm proud you have made
your decision for you.

Win this game, Dan.

Swoop, swoop.

I miss you.

God bless, with all
of my love, mom!


The fact that she wrote me a
letter telling me how proud she

was of me and how she is supporting
me, it meant the world to me.

For her to read the letter and
to see and hear how proud

her mom was that she did, you
know, take a risk and follow her

dreams, I was happy that her
mom wrote her something so

encouraging and so nice.

Who is playing this game.

Who do you think are the biggest
two threats in this game?

Boogie and Frank
and then janelle.

I would say Frank and janelle.

Who do you think, Britney?

Janelle is definitely
really dangerous.

Will is dangerous.

You literally never have any
I had where that guy is out.

He so good at playing
the two-faced card.

I think Frank is a huge threat.

Janelle is a threat.

I think boogie is a huge threat.

I do not want a former coach
nominated because if one of the

form ever coaches gets evicted the
target gets enormous on my back.

If you put will and Frank up and
you say will is a pawn, who

is the majority of the house going
to get rid of, do you think?


If you get rid of Frank
boogie is by himself.

All right.

I'm game.

Frank has to go.

Maybe Dan is right.

The only way to get Frank out is
put will as a pawn but either

way Frank has to get
out of this house.

Frank is going to be pissed.

I would have never thought
in a mill years that, a, we

wouldn't evict anybody tonight,
and, b, we would get four coaches.

It's restarting day one again.

Now we have a perfect opportunity, if you
want to work together, I don't know.



Who do you want to get
rid of this week?

We have lots of options.

It has to be a smart -- it mean it
has to be a big threat, you know?

Who do you want?

I have no I had.

She promised me that I was safe
since we were in the final

three so she puts me up,
she's a big fat liar.

I don't trust her.

You said I was safe and
I jumped off the thing.



I did say that.

You're right.

I did say that.

I just gently remind Danielle
that she promised me safety and

she was like -- oh, yeah, will, that's
right, I did do that, didn't I.

Come on now, Danielle.

I mean the only thing I would say
is I would think ant what is

important to your game and
who you need to get out.

I wouldn't even know where to
begin if I was in your shoes.

I just decided I was going to
put will on the block and will

reminds me in the storage
room I had said you're safe.

So now I'm just having to rethink
my whole nominations and

what I'm going to do.

Do you mind if I join you?

Oh, it's all wet!

Long day today.


It's a little bit difficult
to flirt with Ashley and keep

her attention, especially when
we have a shirtless Shane doing

push ups and situps, I don't even know
what the heck he does over there.

If Shane's shirtless workouts
get the ladies, that's fine.

That's just not how I do things.

I try to use my personality
and my brains.

I was doing that same amount of waiting
earlier except I wasn't struggling.

Oh, yeah?

My attitude, I think,
is worse this morning.

I think me too.

You know what?

I have zero desire to discuss game
strategy, alliances -- I don't give a

seriously like I'm not going
to go up there on my own.

You can do what you want but I'm
not going to sit here and joke

around with will.

I'm not going to do it.

It's totally respectful to say I
changed my mind back I'm going

to vote with my team.

But you were looking to clown,
punk us out like b*tches?

A lot of things happened
that didn't go our way.

Number one, Frank was about to
get blindsided and voted out of

the house, and then somebody I
can't stand goes out and wins

the head of household
competition and I'm probably

going to get nominated, so not
really too cheery this morning.

I would be like, look, with
Dan and Danielle, I was like,

look, I do not
trust you anymore.

You're well welcome to
do whatever you want.

Two weeks paying we kept you
when didn't have to and you were

going to get me last night.

If you want to do something to try
to earn that trust back, great.

If not, that's fine.

I'm madder having
thought aunt it.

Having slept on it,
I'm more pissed.


Here is my coach's
advice for you.

You want Frank out, right?


So put up Frank,
you put up will.

What if boogie wins veto, he
will guarantee his safety and

Frank's safety and then you and
me are in big, big trouble.

I'm terrified of leaving boogie out on
block, leaving boogie not on the block.

Up to this point I was going to
nominate will as a pawn but I

don't know if I want to
necessarily break a deal and

make an enemy out of him so I
don't know what I'm going to do.

I just think from last night,
this morning, this afternoon, we

sat on our plan and we were
freakniking out over the

worst-case scenario
that could happen.

I have to do my best to make
sure that Danielle does not

nominate a former coach.

As long as the coaches are not
nominated they have had a chance

to shield me from my fire in the
other houseguest in the game.

You know there's Frank and bill,
guarantee you you know who going home.

You can put it in the
bank, Frank is gone.

If you put boogie and Frank up
there and say nominations stay

the same boogie is going home.

You're terrified boogie
will go home over Frank.


My fear, Frank and will are
going to pes off will, boogie

plays, boogie takes Frank, then
who am I going to put up, Joe?

That's a doomsday scenario.

That could happen.

I'm saying it's a guaranteed
option if I put both of them up

one of them is going home.

You want Frank out, right?

You put up Frank and boogie, Frank is
gone but boogie is still in the house.

You could be right.

Do I put Frank and boogie up,
two of the biggest targets and

that at least guarantees me that
at least one of them goes home?

Or do I put up will as a pawn and
go back on what I said to him?

I don't know.

I'm playing.

Because I don't know.

What is your gut
telling you to do?

It's my gut but you
have to deal with it.

We're in this together.

You go down, I go down.

One of my duties as head of household
is to nominate two people for eviction.

Going into nominations I'm
feeling a little shaky.

Danielle gave me her word but
when I approached her in the

storage room, she acted like she
totally forgot -- "oh, that is

right, I did promise
you that, ok, ok."

I know I'm safe.

I'm just hoping Danielle listens
to my advice and keeps the

former coaches off
the block as well.

Now that I'm no longer a
coach and I'm just a regular

player, of course, I'm
going to be nominated.

I'm Mike boogie the
all-star champion.

If I'm not nominated
I will be shocked.

More importantly I will
be thoroughly offended.

This is one of the nominations
I don't feel that great.

Danielle was telling me tall
tales last week and I probably

would have gone home had the
twist not happens and she will

probably put me up because he doesn't
want to see me around the house too much.

The process of the
nomination is terrible.

With a lot of power comes a lot
of responsibility and I have the

power to pes a lot
of people off.

I just need to guarantee
my target goes home.

Ok, everyone, it's time for
the nomination ceremony.

This is the no,
ma'am nation smoke.

One of my duties as head of household
is to nominate two people for eviction.

I will pull the first key.

That person is safe.

That person will then pull the
next key, so on and so forth.

Britney, you are safe.

Thank you.

Ian, you're safe.

Dan, you're safe.

Janelle, you're safe.

Jenn, you are safe.

Shane, you are safe.

Ashley, you are safe.

Joe, you are safe.

Thank you, Danielle.

Boogie, you are safe.

Have nominated you,
Frank, and you, will.

It's nothing personal.

You're both great people.

I love you both.

I'm sorry.

I really hate doing this.

This nomination
ceremony is adjourned.

Sweet Southern Danielle promised that
I wouldn't be put up on the block.

Her word doesn't mean Jack.

Frank has to go.

I have nominated will
strictly as a pawn.

Frank, I would love nothing more
than on Thursday for me to be

waving goodbye as I see your little
happy butt walking out of the door.


Do these people know who I am?

I am thoroughly insulted that
you would give me my key.

I'm a coach being dropped into the
game and you actually give me my key?

People, my key should
not have been in there.

What are you thinking?

Unfortunately to enact my
plan I had to do a little

manipulation with Danielle but
she still trusts me which is a

great thing in the game.

Now I need to ensure that the
nominations stay the same so all

of the former coaches stay safe.

I'm up on the block again but
guess what, I have been dodging

b*ll*ts left and right.

Better be ready Dan and Danielle
because I will be coming back

next week g*ns a blazin'.

Who will win the power of veto?

Will it be used to take will or
Frank off the chopping block?

Find out Wednesday at 8:00, 7:00