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14x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 05/05/24 12:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Big Brother":

With Shane in control of the
house-- congratulations,

Shane, you are the new
head of household.

...he solidified his secret
alliance with Frank.

I said you're good if I win h.O.H.,
and I want to stay true to my word.

And targeted two of janelle's
players for eviction.

Nominated you, Joe,
and you, ooshly.

At the veto competition,
Shane continued to dominate.

I did it.

Third power of veto in a row.

I got the power this week.

While Frank was confident he
had nothing to worry about--

Shane winning the power of veto is
great for me, makes his target bigger.

At the same time we're working
together so I'm safe.

Janelle went on the offensive.

Let's work together, like, throughout
this game and get rid of them downstairs.

After a comment from one of boogie's
players-- you're not putting Shane up?

I don't see any
foreseeable circumstance.

...Britney and Shane began to doubt
boogie's strongest player Frank.

Don't trust boogie.

I might trust Frank, but
I don't trust boogie.

This might be the time to go
with janelle and backdoor Frank.

So Britney and Shane concocted a
plane-- you could say I was too

worried about you
guys flipping votes.

There you go.

...hoping to cover up their
scheme to backdoor Frank.

You're the only-- the only way
we know for sure when way

the vote is going to go is if
somebody from your team goes up.

At the veto meeting,
Shane made his big move.

I nominate Frank.


Who will be evicted from
the "big brother" house?

Frank or Joe?

And tonight, America's
vote will be revealed.

Do you want the coaches to join the
game as players or keep coaching?

Find out right now
live on "big brother."

Good evening,
I'm Julie chen.

Welcome to "big brother."

It's been a turbulent 27 days in
the "big brother" house as the

power has shifted back and
forth each and every week.

Last week, with the house united
against him, Shane beat the odds

and took control of the game by
winning both head of household

and the power of veto he
originally targeted janelle's

players, nominating Joe
and Ashley for eviction.

But janelle worked her magic,
convincing Shane to use the veto

to remove Ashley from the block
and put up Frank, his supposed

ally, in her place.

But this may not be the
biggest move of the summer.

That honor just might
be yours, America.

Up to this point, the coaches
have been playing their own game

for the chance to win $100,000.

But all week long, you have been
voting whether or not to give

them the opportunity to enter
the game as players, and battle

for the half a million
dollar grand prize.

So how did you vote?

And if offered the chance, will
Dan, janelle, Britney, and

boogie drop their coaches'
hats and get in the game?

We'll soon fiend out.

But first, Shane believes he has
the vote to send Frank home but

a rift between a coach and their
player could change everything.

I have decided to use the
power of veto on Ashley.

As head of household, I also have
to name a replacement nominee.

I nominate Frank.

I'm sorry.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

So we had a concrete deal
with Britney and Shane.

She was going to leave two
of janelle's players up.

We were going to go on cruise control
and one of them goes home on Thursday.

Lo and behold, not only
does he use the veto.

He puts up Frank.

I'm a little perturbed that they're going
to make me go back to work this week.

It's on now.

Thank you.

I did it!


I am not on the block any more.

I am so happy, it couldn't
have worked out better.

Thank you.

It was a great speech upon.

Is really good.

I'm not happy about being
on the Brock right now.

I'm pretty sure I have two votes
against me, wil and Ashley.

But I'm pretty rock solid
on two vote to keep me in.

If it affects me next week,
that's the risk I'm taking.

Don't worry about it.

I appreciate it.

After the power of veto veto,
Frank came up to me and I told

him he was going, don't
worry about anything.

But that's not stew.

He's nigh member one target.

Shane just made a huge move and
it's the best move to date.

I'm definitely going to be
working close to Shane so

whatever we want to happen.

I'm sorry, Joe.

I had to do what I had to do.

Being on the block is not for
kids, but now that ash got put

down and I'm up with Frank, I'm
feeling a little bit better, and

I'm going to go to work.

It's on now.

Don't-- they don't want me out.

You knew you were
getting nominated?

No I just had a good feeling
if he was going to change them

it was going to be me.

He told me, "look, no matter what
happens," you know "you're good.

Joe's going out."

Don't get matd.

It's going to make them want
to think about getting me out.

Why didn't you tell me before--
I was ice grilling him

like I was coming
if are his ass.

Y kind of need to be on the
inside "big brother" coach's

frustration 101-- if one of my
players knows there's going to

be a big sheikh up in the game,
you may want to tell me!

I hate this lack of trust thing.

I know.

What more do we have to do
to show that we're down?

Is he in here?

Yeah, he's getting ready to run.

Look, boog.


I know you're pissed.

Well, I just-- you know, I
don't know what's going on.

And he just told me relax.

When I asked Ian if he was going
to put up Shane next week

his verbaitin words were, "it's
not in the foreseeable plan."

If you win h.O.H. Next week, you're
not putting Shane up no matter what?

I don't see any foreseeable
circumstance in which will that happen.

That is-- he can't be giving
magic 8 ball answers.

I understand.

He has to be a little more
careful with his words.

I don't like finicky
word answers.

I need a soiled answer.

Boogie is absolutely freaking
out because he thinks Frank is

the target this week, which he is, but
boogie doesn't need to know that.

I'm not mad that he's nominated but that
you guys are trying to get him out.

Daniele is going to
be the swing vote.

We've got daniele.

That's fine.

I didn't know what was going on.

I officer Ian.

I don't want him to be in trouble
and you guys coming down on him.

That was awesome.

Well, now you guys know where I stand,
because that sucked to do that.

I'm going to have
blood on my hands.

My heart was pounding up
there and how you did that.

That's part of the game.

That takes balls, though.

It's like a big move in this
game that so rarely happens.

Like, people in this game
always take the safe route.

It's just like in the spiritual world
you're taught you have to go through this

awkward feeling to
achieve great results.

Like you work out to feel the
burn to get muscles and stuff,

and that's why people don't go
through that to get, like, a big

great result, like we're breaking
up, like, such a big team.

So-- it's going to be the biggest
move in "big brother" or the

stupidest move of "big brother."

That's going to
dictate everything.

What, getting Frank out?

Best move.

Awesome move.

If you don't want him to win the half
million dollars, it's the only move.

Now that Frank has been
nominated for eviction.

He's probably my strongest
ally in this game.

So him being on the
block is just bad news.

Now we have to sweat
for four days.

You just never know, man.

You never know in this game.

She said something like, "Shane's
not going up next week, right?

And I go, "that's definitely
not in the cards."

She said you said, "that's not
in the foreseeable future.



While they have the power you have to
be absolutely no or absolutely yes.

You can't give magic

I just didn't want to write a check
that I may not be able to cash.

This is the "big brother"


You can bounce checks.

Don't worry about it.

Well, I am worried about it.

I should be worried about it.

Don't right now.

We have to keep a cool head.

Cool heads prevail.

Water under the bridge.

Moving on.


Shane and Britney have a
lot of power over daniele.

I know.

And daniele is all we
need, and it's done.

I know.

That would be good.

We'll get passed this
but we have to be cool.

It's going to be okay.

I guess we just have
to trust daniele.


And Dan.

I could get really intense
bad cramps for, you know, 45


If labor is more painful than
this, I can't deal with it.

Labor is the worst pain ever.

Did you cry gidon't cry.

You didn't cry when you got
evicted third place twice?


If I took you to a stranger's
funeral right now, and there was

a person being lowered into
the frownd, would you cry?

I think so.

No, probably not.

Janelle just doesn't seem to
have a whole lot of emotions.

We could get the worst news ever and
janelle would be like, "all right, okay."

Like, do you ever say to
yourself, "wow, I'm sad today?"


To you get, like, really happy?


I don't.

I think that janelle's
emotions or lack thereof are a

definite advantage in this game.

I can't tell you how many days a
week I feel sad or depressed,

lonely, missing my husband.

Fistart to get sad, I
change my emotion.

That must be nice.

I'm excited for
Thursday to come.

Today has been a good day.

I'll tell you what,
Frank is good.

He's insane.

That's why he needs to leave.

I know.

He's a liar, straight-up liar.

I don't believe
anything he says.

He's not a vindictive
person or anything.

Who, Frank?


I don't know, I don't
know, I could be wrong.

But at least-- pure
evil in this game.

Okay, all right.

I think it's the best-case
scenario for you.

You're getting your biggest
competitor out of this game.

I know.

It's a huge move for you.

I know, janelle.

They could have backdoored you.

But I had to keep people off the
block, praise kiss ass for three

days straight.

Oh, janelle.

Well, all right.

Thank you for saving
me two weeks in a Joe.

I believe it was-- I believe it
was definitely talked about.

So janelle starts talking about
how if it wasn't for her

and her charming wits against the
gentleman, I'd be on my way home.

Are you kidding me? !

What we have to focus on is just
getting prepared for-- endurance.


It's going to be a long one.

It's going to be a wroodbath.

If it's down to you and Ian, are
you going to offer him a deal?

I'm going to tell
him to go himself.

Can I just give my advice-- I know how
it works, I know how those things work.

Don't talk.

It's more than just physical.

It's concentration.

I'm really starting to
get fed up with janelle.

She's condescending.

She's acting like I'm a
worthless player in this game.

I'm getting a little
bit tired of it.

All right, I'm going to bed.

What's his deal?

He's just a bitchy, bitchy guy.

Night again.

How are you feeling about
janelle right now?

She was all nervous
about you last night.

Did you see what she said to me?

I didn't get what happened.

She said, "if I hadn't kissed
Frank's ass last week, you would

have been backdoored," saying the
only reason I'm in this game

is because she's
been keeping me in.

She's playing one way and I'm
playing another and I'm just a

loose screw and rhyme
not a good player.

I see.

She should be scared because
I'm really pissed off.

This morning I meet with wil,
one of my for-sure votes in the

house is telling me he's now
in a fight with our coach,

janelle. I am about to freak out.

Last time I checked, Joe, we didn't
come here to win her $100,000.

But I don't think
she meant that.

Well, it came off that way--
no, I see what you're saying

exactly now because I didn't
even take it as that way.

What is?

We're in serious
jeopardy with wil.

He goes, "I can't stand her?"

Wilsaid that?

Yeah, to me.

About janelle.


I think he may have already joined
their sides because of janelle.

He doesn't want
to be around her.

I gotta get janelle in here.

Yeah, we have to talk to
janelle, like, right now.

Do you want to see if you
can get her in here?


What's going on, guys?

Wil, he is insanely mad at you?


First thing I walked in he goes,
"what do you think of janelle?"

I was like, what,
do you mean, dude?"

He was like, "did you hear what
she said to me last night?"

I said, "yeah."

He said, "she said she
does all my work for me."

I didn't say that.

What is wrong with him?

He's lost his mind.

I don't get it.

Oh, my God.

He's such a nutty guy.

I think he's already talked
about a deal with them.

I'm telling you, he's got
me seriously scared.

We are in serious jeopardy.

I just don't get it.

What's his-- what's
the context is that?

Serious in jeopardy, jeopardy
basically means-- no, I--

if he flips and I'm gone,
you're down to her.

If wil votes out Joe, it means
the end for me pretty much

because not only will I lose
Joe, but I'll also lose wil.

Don't worry, Joe.

I just don't get it.

He's-- he's crazy.

I just need to talk to wil.

Coming up, it could be the
biggest game changer of the summer.

America, do you want the
coaches to enter the game?

We'll reveal your
vote tonight live.

Don't forget to join the
conversation to see what other

"big brother" fans are saying.


welcome back to "big brother."

Up to this point, the players
have controlled the vote, and

the coaches have controlled
the players, but as tonight's

eviction looms, it's unclear who
really is in control of this game.

Hey, wil, can I talk to you?

What's up?

I just really have been wanting
to talk to you all day.

I know, I just hate, like,
awkwardness and everything.

Like,in that you're
so mad at me.

I felt like I was kind of being
curveballed as, like, an idiot.

I don't ever want you to
feel like that at all.

That makes me feel so sad.

Hold on, when I get
really sad-- don't cry.

I get so sad.


I will do sore say anything
to make sure that wil is on

board to vote out Frank this week,
even if it means shedding fake tears.

You, like, don't know how much
you mean to me in this game.

For 24 hours, we
didn't even talk.

I was really upset.

Act one, scene two, insert
water works, crying telling me

everything I want to hear.

I felt so horrible that you
thought that I would ever do

anything to jeopardize, like,
your game in this game at all.

I think you're a front-runner
to win this game.

I'm not buying it, but I'll act
along and let's pretend like

we get along but I'm not trusting her
for another second in this house.

I think we can do it.

I totally do.

Love you.

I don't want to bug daniele, you
know, but at the same time,

I want to make sure that I'm not,
you know, staying too far away.

Obviously, if I win, daniele's not
even getting up on the block.

That's the thing.

Not even as a
replacement this time.

I need to get daniele's vote,
and you can't do that without

talking to her coach, Dan.

Janelle is my enemy
at this point.

I want to go after her players.

If it means I have to get wil
and ash out, that means they're

casualties of the game.

At this point, daniele is
rolling with us and she's

completely, you know, protected
as far as I'm concerned.

This way she's 100% protected
because if one of janelle's

players wins, it will be us
or maybe Frank and Shane.

She's completely safe next week.

I want to work with people in
this game that I can trust.

And I do feel as though
I can trust you.

On a scale of one to 10, two
different numbers, one for me,

and one for boogie, how
much do you trust us?

Why-- why does he have to
pick two different numbers?

Because we're two different--
I think it's different.

I think you're-- everything in this game
you-- that you've said, you've done.

Going off Mike's game film, I
couldn't give him that same grade.

That's what I figured.

You know, if I have somebody and
they're with me, then I'm rock solid.


I'm the same way.

Literally, if he walks out
the door, I'll be heated.

I'll be heated.

I think after this week, if the
votes go like we expect them

to do, then we'll kind of be a line
drawn around janelle and her players.

Right now oim on team "get rid
of Frank" but they pitched

me a pretty good sell of getting
janelle's players out of this house.

That means they're
not coming after me.

If there was a way to get rid
of a couch without knocking out

a player I wouldn't mind.

I'd like to get janelle
out next week.

What do you think I should do?

I'd rather work with
Frank and boogie.

They're good.

They're really good.

And that way you'd be protected,
and Frank was saying that if you

livid if it doesn't
go down his way.

I don't think Frank
would put me up.

I don't think so, either.

It's great that I have
all the power this week.

I'm really not sure what I'm
going to do with it yet, but

it's great to finally number
this position for once.

Who do we run with?


Could you calm down?

Stop liking Shane.

I command you to
stop liking him.

Fine, done.

You're not going to date
when you get out of here.

He's not your husband.

He's not going to
be your boyfriend.

I'm just breaking
it down for you.

I wasn't even thinking
along those lines.

Yeah, you were.

No, I wasn't.

You think you could
date Mr. Vermont, 2008.

No one gets between
me and my Shane.

I'm not losing 100 k over a
little high school crush.

I'm not losing 500,000
over him, either.

Your feelings are getting
involved, even just a little bit.

You have to play this game
like a cutthroat assassin.

You don't care who
you cut at any time.

Except your coach.

Let's go to the living room and
talk with the houseguests.

Hello, houseguests.

Hey, Julie!

Well, we saw a few tears
shed in the house this week.

Ian, you seemed genuinely moved
when boogie gave that you $3,000

at the coaches' competition.


Do you already have
plans for that money?

Uhm, I'm probably going to use
that for rent, food, things

like that, basic necessities.

Sounds like a plan.


Boogie, now you decided to take
the six grand for yourself.

How difficult was it to take the
lion's share of that prize?

Well, my Uncle Rick baraso,
whose birthday it is in Tampa,

Florida, always told me that, you
know, take the biggest share

if it's available.

So that's what I did.

Watching out for number one.

Yeah, absolutely.

Daniele, you shared
a kiss with Shane.

During that little game of
spin the bottle last week.

Now, on a scale of one to 10,
how would you rate that kiss?


I'd give it a 10, Julie.


You want to give it
a number, Shane?

There gu.

Janelle, you won your second coaches'
competition of the season this week.

Let's all take a look.

Oh, my God.

Let's get hippie.

Janelle, you made the hip-to-hip
extreme look effortless.

Was it as easy as it looked.

What's that?

Was it as easy as
you made it look?

No, it was actually really hard.

I have bruises all over my legs.

I'm sorry to hear that.


Well, thank you, houseguests, and I'll
be back a little bit later to talk with

you all again.

Coming up, your votes are in.

Will the coaches be entering
the race for the half million

dollars or do you want
them to keep on coaching?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to "big brother."

It's the last hour of schein's
reign as head of household.

Let's talk to him privately
in the h.O.H. Bedroom.

Hi there, Shane.

How are you?

I'm well, thank you.

Your housemates are downstairs
and they can't hear you.

You made a big move, using the veto
to change your own nomination.

Why put more blood on your
hands and change your mind?

Especially this season it's
so difficult with the coaches

tell you what to do, I,
obviously, have my own game plan

but it's tough with Britney
telling me what to do.

So as a coach and a player
together, we thought it would be

the best thing to
do for my position.

All right, let's talk about
Frank because when it

comes to Frank, you seem to
have flip-flopped quite a bit.

So what's the status of your relationship
now yoo right now it's not too great.

I can't really trust the guy,
and, obviously, I don't trust

boogie-- more so than Frank.

So that's the biggest issue.

I don't trust boogie more
so than Frank right now.

You put me on the spot, Julie!

Are there any more kisses between and you
daniele in your future, do you think?

Daniele is a sweet girl.

I love spending time with her.

She makes me laugh.

Showmance is not an option
I want to focus on.

It's going to affect my game, I
believe, and it's going to put a

bigger target on my
head so probably not.

Thank you, Shane.

You can head back downstairs.

Frank has big hair and big game.

Makes sense for a man who spent
his life in the shadow of a

famous father who is
bigger than life.

What year were you born?


'84, okay.

I don't know if I told you about my
dad but his name was sid vicious.

He was a big deal in wrestling.

Oh, yeah, I've heard of him.

My dad is definitely a big of a
legend in the west ling world.

Him and hulk hogan were tag
teams, fought against each

other, once, too, won a
couple of big belts.

We're from a small town in Arkansas
so he's, like, a local celebrity.

I'm sid, Frank's dad, but in the
professional wrestling world

I'm known as sid vicious and I am the
master and ruler of the the world.

I'd say Frank get his
competitive nature from me, and

I told Frank from a very young age
that he was going to be special.

You have got to see
Frank working out.

He's doing exercises that only
I think personal trainers do.

I think Frank's a huge target
because I think he is the best.

I was always that kid who never
told people who my dad was.

We don't have the
best relationship.

We've only talked once
in the last year.

Me and my dad have not
been on the best terms.

He wanted me to play sport in
college and by the time I got

out of high school I was tired
of playing sport and doing what

my dad told me too.

I would say my ego is bigger.

That must have been an
interesting childhood.

With Frank I regret being
on the road so much.

I didn't get a chance
to be really there.

Their mother did
most of everything.

My name is Sabrina eudy,
and I'm Frankie's mom.

Frankie is definitely a momma's
boy but Frankie and his dad are

very much alike.

They argue about who's
right all the time.

I think Frankie would be
extremely surprised to know his

daddy was so involved
in the show.

He's very good in guacamole.

Frank probably thinks I'm
not watching the show.

Frank locks in four!

I never knew he signed
up for this show.

When I seen it all
happened I was shocked.

I said we'll work from week to
week and you're going to come

throw me in the dirt?

You said I promise you, you will not
go on the block and I'm on the block.

Don't argue with Willie.

I think he handled
it really well.

I'd break all his bones from
his neck to his ankles.

I nominate Frank.

Oh, no!

I knew he was going to do that.

I fear for Frankie's life
in the "big brother" house.

Bless his heart.

If he got himself out of the
situation with Willie when he

was up on the block, surely he
can get himself out this time.

I think he will
be able to do it.

If I make Frank the target you better
get him because he will get you.

Good morning mom, good
morning dad, nan.

Growing up in my dad's shadow it does
leave big shoes for you to fill.

I hope my dad is watching and
that he's proud of me that I'm

doing something I think
I'm pretty good at.

Dad, you're probably not
watching right now.

Seeing people standing up for
him and supporting him as a

father, it doesn't get
request better than that.

I'm so proud of Frank.

Up next, your vote will
be revealed, America.

Will the coaches re-enter the game, and
if so, how will it shake up the house?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to "big brother."

The houseguests have no idea
that America has been voting all

week to whether or not the coaches
should enter the game as players.

I have the results right here.

Let's break the news
and reveal your vote.

Hello, houseguests.

Before we begin the live vote
and eviction, I have some news

for you that may change
the course of the game.

Theories surrounding the coaches
entering the game have been

running rampant this summer.

Well, it's time to put all
the questions and all of the

theories to bed
once and for all.

Coaches, listen carefully.

All week long, America has been
voting on whether they would

like to offer you the chance to
return to the game as players

and compete for the half million
dollars, or to keep on coaching.

I have the results of
America's vote right here.

Are you ready?

I hear silence.

I'll take that as a yes.

America has decided that, yes,
they want to offer you the

chance to get back in the game
as players and compete for the

half million dollar prize.

Dan, boogie, Britney,
and janelle.

If you choose to give up
coaching, you would reset the

game right here, right now,
meaning all of you would be

competing as individuals there
would be no eviction tonight.

And everyone would battle it out tonight
for the title of head of household.

But if you choose to remain as
coaches,let game will continue

as normal, and we will proceed
with tonight's eviction.

But know this-- if you choose to
remain as coaches, one week from

tonight, some evicted houseguests will
have the chance to return to the game.

Who they are and how this will
affect the coaches will be

revealed at that time.


One at a time.

The coaches will enter
the diary room.

There you will find
a reset buton.

If just one of you hits that
button, the game is reset and

all four coaches will enter
the game as players.

Britney, you're first.

Please go to the diary room.

Right now.

Britney suspected the coaches
would enter the game weeks ago,

but does she actually
want it to happen?

Hello, Britney.

Britney if you would like to
accept America's offer, please

hit the "reset" button.

She said next week
some of the evicted.

I need a decision now.

Thank you.

It's official.

The coaches are no
longer coaches.

But let's see how
the others feel.


If you would like to accept America's
offer, please hit the reset button.

No thanks, America.

I'm good.

Thank you, boogie.

As a coach, Dan is down
to his last player.

Will he seize this opportunity
to get in the game?

Hi, Dan.

Hey, Julie.

Mrs. chen, good
to see you again.

If you would like to accept America's
offer, please hit the reset button now.

Me and America have a great
relationship and I think they

know what we're going to do.

Time to get dirty, punch it in.

Let's go.

Thank you, Dan.

Though considered one of the
best players ever, janelle has

never won "big brother"?

Is she up for one more shot
at the half million dollars.

Hi, janelle.

Hi, Julie.

If you would like to accept America's
offer, please hit the reset button.

Thanks, America.

Thank you, janelle.

The game has been reset.

Let's give the news
to the houseguests.

Houseguests, the results are in.

The reset button has
been activated.

That means a new game
begins right now.

Joe and Frank, neither of you
will be evicted tonight.

Everyone, head to the backyard
because the battle for the head

of household is about to begin.

The game has been reset and
that means anything can happen,

making this h.O.H. Competition
under important than ever.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to "big brother."

The game has been reset, and for
the first time this summer,

everyone is on their own.

And the new game begins with the
head of household competition.

Who will be the new h.O.H.?

Let's find out.

Houseguests, the power
is up for grabs.

Shane, although you are the
outgoing head of household, the

game has been reset, so tonight,
you are eligible to compete.

Thank you.

This competition is called
"walk the plank" and the

concept is simple--
hang on for dear life.

If you fall off your plank and
hit the water, you're out.

The last houseguest standing will
be the new head of household

does everyone understand?



Because this competition
begins now.

This look so easy.

Oh, no, jewels.

You're all look good.

It's hard.

Well, you know what?

It looks like there's
rough seas ahead.

Leaning back for a little bit.

I'm taking a nap, jewels.

Who will become the new
head of household, and how

will the power shift now that
everyone is out for themselves.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to "big brother."

The coaches' twist is done, which
means everyone is on their own.

So who will survive the night to
become the new head of household?

And who will be
nominated for eviction?

Find out Sunday at 8:00, 7:00


Then Wednesday at 8:00, the
power of veto looms but will it

save one of the nominees?

And one week from tonight at 00,
it's the live vote and eviction.

Feel like you're not getting
enough "big brother"?

Subscribe to the live 24 movie
hour Internet feed and check out

"big brother" after dark live
each night on showtime 2.

For now, let's check back in
on the howched competition.

Hey, houseguests.

Hey, Julie.

Everyone's looking
good right now.

But there is bad weather in
your forecast, houseguests.


Bring it on!

Bring it on, baby!

That's what I'm talking about!

I've been doing this for
three weeks, Julie!

All right.

Good night, houseguests.