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14x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 05/05/24 12:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on "big brother".
. . When Shane scored

big at the head of
household competition.

Congratulations, Shane, you are
the new head of household!

-- He quickly joined
forces with his flirt-mance Danielle.

And their coaches want them to go after
janelle and boogie's strongest players.

You want to put in one of each?


Who is most like low to win.

Frank, will.

But Shane had a secret
deal with Frank.

I want to give you my word
will is my number one target.

You want will out, I
will vote will out.

When janelle won her second
coachescompetition in a row --

it is now your choice to either
save a player or trade a player --

she granted safety
to Shane's number one target.

I'm going to have to save will.

With will safe, janelle went to
work to save her other players.

You are working alone.

We are definitely open
to working together.

Somehow, some way, I really
hope I got through to Britney.

But when boogie
and Frank pled their case.

You obviously have
power, you have control.

What you have to worry about
is when that goes away.

Shane was confused about
whom to side with.

You tell me.

I have to go start my
nominations ceremony right now

and I have no I had who I
mean going to nominate.

Oh, my God, I don't know
what he's going to do.

In the end Shane stuck to
his secret deal with Frank.

I no, nominated you
Joe and u Ashley.

Tonight the pov and a shocking
turn of events changes everything.

It all happens right
now on "big brother."

I don't want -- to fly with the
eagles you have to be an eagle

I have nominated you,
Joe, and you Ashley.

Only one coach has not had the
opportunity to have any players

up on the block and I want to
give that coach what it feels

like to have that happen.

Nomination ceremony
is adjourned.

So I ultimately decided to
go after janelle's players.

I didn't want to burn the
bridge with Frank and boogie.

By nominating two of janelle's
players it guarantees at least

one of her players goes home and that's
exactly what I wanted to accomplish.

I am angry.

Pi am frustrated.

I'm on the block because my coach a
janelle is what this guy is saying?

I'm against Ashley and I am the biggest
target in this house right now.

I thought I was, like, 99%

for sure that I wasn't
going to be on the block.

I trusted Shane so much.

I don't know what
I was thinking.

Calm down and
continue to kiss ass.

Shane has just nominated Ashley and Joe
and it's clear he is targeting us.

That means I have
to get to work.

Yo, this game is just
getting too easy.

I assumed my man Frank was
going up on the block.

At the last minute I hit the hoh
suite and used my gift of gab

and what do you know, two of
janelles players ended up there.

Beat her to the punch again.

It sucks.

I'm sorry.

I'm not mad at you.

You have to remember I can
only have so much control.

Until the last second I knew
he was going to nominate Joe.

I didn't think he was going
to nominate Ashley or Frank.

I didn't know.

I want you to know I'm still
willing to work with you guys.

I just don't want
to be manipulated.

Does he know how
dangerous boogie is?

That's what he thought about
your team because you guys were

with us and you left us.

We promised Frank our vote.

That was our deal.

I'm just telling
you how he felt.

Janelle continues to
surprise me in this game.

She's not mad.

She's not upset.

Why would she be upset, we just
nominated two of her players.

That's crazy.

We're friends!

It's fine.

She gets it.

She's sorry.

She is so freaking
good at this game!

I just really want you to get
Shane on board to start trusting

me and open to working with me
because we really need to get

some of these players
out of the house.

It's pointless to go after
my players that haven't bon

you're going to leave
Frank in the game?

That's Shane's
biggest competition.

You have two guaranteed
players in pov.

Let's play the freakin' pov.

I'm very hesitant to listen to
anything janelle has to say.

I'm going to keep her in the
back pocket in case I need to

make that deal at the end of
the week but right now I'm not

buying anything
janelle is selling.

I don't know.

Holy crap!

It's 50-50.

I just took a chance.

I mean, I didn't want to
go against you Britney.

I didn't -- you have to do what is
best for you in the game, Shane.

I was sitting there
thinking, you know what?

We're ok either way.

I just talked to janelle
-- why was she up here?

Listen, it's a good thing.


They're obviously
pissed but it's ok.

Janelle knows if we win would
PR they win pov, they need you,

that they need numbers.

So she's going to still be
willing to work with you.

I know.

I did think of that.

You can always book door anyone.

You can back door anybody.

Shane's nominations are
pretty good but in the end if

one of janelle's players ends up
winning the veto we still have

the option to put Shane on the
chopping block and back door him

out of his game.

You three, still need
to talk to Shane.

He thinks you're mad at him.

I don't want to be known
as an ass kisser.

I don't either.

My cute little newbies show
extreme emotion and frustration

with being nominated and I have
to tell them to put a smile on

their face and march up to
the hoh room and play nice.

That's what needs to
be done right now.

I know you're pissed
right now but whatever.

We just need for Shane to think
that he is completely safe if

one of us comes off the block, he is
safe next week and the week after that.

As long as he feels safe he might
put Frank up on the block.

What if we do this for nil
and he doesn't put up Frank?

Let's give it a shot.

Janelle is coming to me with
womanly advice about love and

butterflies but I don't even
know if I can swallow my pride.

I just want to tell this dude
how I feel and I'm pissed.

Why don't you go up there first.

I can do it.

Don't thr*aten him.

I'm not going to thr*aten him.

You know, I want to
work with you, Shane.

Listen, listen --
this is your game.

You have to go up
there and sell it.

He has to believe that you're
going to keep him safe.

You're a trustworthy
guy and a loyal guy.

I want to work with you.

I want to team up
with you, Shane.

I want to team up
with you, Shane.


Happy clouds and
rainbows and children.

Be positive.

I hope he doesn't blow it.

What's happening?

How is life?

I'm up on the block.

Obviously my back is
against the wall.

What I'm thinking, I would have
done the exact same thing you

did, if the roles were reversed.

You did a pretty smart move.


I want to work with you.

You're the strongest
competitor in here.

I wish you would have
realized this two weeks ago.

You're realizing it now.

And you're getting the
repercussions of it.

It sucks.

But I have won the most.

At least I'm hopefully
giving you a chance.

He's not making it
easy for me, man.

Shane, you may have won a few
competitions but your ego is out

of control there.

Boy, you need to learn some
manners in this house.

I'm going to be completely
honest with you, this sucks.

I'm telling you, everything like
it is, that actually ought to

say something about who I am.

I feel bad for both you and
Ashley but -- I am mad.

I don't want to lie
or go -- it sucks.

It's obvious -- it's not a pun,
sitting in there on that bed.

It sucks being up here.

You know how it feels.

Joe is serious.

He tells me he is mad, angry,
he needed time to settle down.

So is Joe trying to get on my good
side or get evicted even faster.

I don't want to be awkward with
Joe but I tell you they are

going to have to send me to the hospital
tomorrow if I don't win tomorrow.

Shane, I'm going
to win this veto.

And, son, mark my words,
I'm coming after you.

Hey, everyone, it's time to pick
players for the veto competition.

Only six people will participate
in the competition.

Head of household, two nominees
and three other players selected

by random draw.

Will the nominees
please join me up here.

As hoh I will pick first.

I do not want to see
Frank's name in this game.

I already got to
go against Shane.

I cannot go against
Frank as well.


I picked Daniel in
the pov first pick.

I love it.

I know what I wanted
to have happen.

She wins I know she will keep
the nominations the same or do

whatever I tell her to do.

How is this choice?


Hip, hip hooray.

Ashley picking will is great
because that means all of my

players will be in the power of
veto and that means we have good

odds of winning this thing.

Sure enough, it's Frank.

I look up to the heavens and
say, lord, what have I done, out

of all of these tokens I
have to come up with Frank?

I also have to pick a host
and I choose jenn city!

"Big brother" will inform us when
the competition is to begin.

Good luck.

I walk in the back yard and I realize
we're in a giant circus tent.

I see crazy circus performers
doing crazy stunts and I think,

hey, I can kick myself in the face; I
could definitely be in the circus.

I'm over here, chowing down on some
cotton candy, having some popcorn.

Out come the houseguests in
their ridiculous costumes.

The only thing I'm confused
about at this point is why is

Frank the only one
in a bozo wig.

Today the clowns will perform
a feat of amazement like you

have never seen before.

Here is how it works.

Each clown must roll two balls.

Each ball on a different
ramp, at the same time.

When your ball hits the ground,
you're out of the competition.

The last clown to astound us
with their ability to keep their

balls on the ramp and off the ground
will win the golden power of veto.

I have to win this veto.

There's no guarantee of me
staying in the house and there's

no ands, ifs, or buts about it.

I have to win.

They put me up against Ashley,
and she is not coming

across as much of a threat.

So this right here is
a must-win situation.

There are only two things
I'm worried about.

That's Joe or will winning.

Other than that it doesn't
matter if I win or not.

As long as those two don't win.

Shane, you have just
can't get nervous.

It has to be like graceful.

I want to win this pov so bad so
I have the control in the house.


The object of the game is to
keep both balls on separate

ramps rolling at the same time.

If they touch the
ground, you're out.

Good job Danielle.

My strategy is timing.

I want to make sure each ball is
at the top of the peak before I

push the other one and I just
want to repeat this emotion.

Good job, Danielle.

Good way to keep your composure.

Nice and steady.


My strategy is to use the
gentle push and that involves

using one hand by gently
pushing the ball.

You're doing good, will.

I really want to win this
competition and help out Joe and

Ashley and this is my chance to
prove I am a player in the game.

Will is out!

Go, Shane.

You got it.


Joe is out.

It's that time when
realization sets in.

It was mine to save myself
and I couldn't do it.

Good job, Danielle.

Way to keep your composure.


Frank is out.

Smooth, you got this.

Sorry, Danielle, good try.

You got it.

Good job, Ashley.

You got it, Shane.

Good job.

A little harder on your side.

It's neck and neck with ash and I
and I'm not letting this one go.

My integrity and pride
is on the line.

I don't want to win my third pov
in a row and I'm not backing down.

Good job.

Good job, Shane.

Congratulations, Shane, you
have won the power of veto.

It's very well deserved.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Thank you very much.

I did it, third power
of veto in a row.

I got the power this week.

So happy.

I am frustrated with myself because
I could not assure my own safety.

And now I have to turn around,
walk in this house and basically

bow down to Shane.

Shane winning the power
of veto is great for me.

Makes the targets bigger and
at the same time we're working

together so I'm safe.

Good job, Shane.

Everyone on my team is devastated
but I'm not worried at all.

This is just when I
have to go to work.

Your so lucky you pickedly.

Last week was the worst week
possible in the bb house.

I'm hoh, I won pov.

Things are looking up.

I decide who goes
home this week.

People showed no emotion.

He told me options we could
do, like -- so many.

And I guarantee you if we make a
deal and people stick byproduct

it Daniel and I will be
here until the final week.

You did amazing.

Thank you.

Shane just won the veto and we just
could not be anymore excited about it.

We have all the power this week.

Time for janelle's team to find
out what it's like to lose a

player and I think this
week you're going to.

I just don't want janelle
to come up here.

Yeah, I know: You left us.

You have been sitting pretty
for the last three weeks.


Well come to the game.

It's about time you
started playing.

They're so annoying.

We have been playing
since hour one, day one.

All they do is make up songs,
braid hair -- thank you.

-- Cook!

I cannot wait to see what offer Jo
is going to bring to the table.

If I have to be in here for Joe's
conversation I will sh**t myself in the face.

Right now.

I'm going to make you.

I can't handle it.

I will just give you Joe's
conversation right now.

Your going to be sorry.

I'm not going next week.

You're all safe!

That's so true.

I can't handle his game talk.

You can't trust the guy.

Please, dear God, do not let this
be them coming to talk to us.

We're going to ride this out.

We need to get Joe's recipes
out of him before he leaves.

Oh, here we go.

Here we go.

Come on in.

Hey, am I interrupting?


Just snack time.

I'm celebrating my win with
Shane, and it's not like five

minutes before janelle comes up
to talk to us about game, like

can we get two seconds
of peace and happiness?

It gets so annoying.

You two do whatever you want
to do but I want to say, Frank

is a huge threat in the game.

You have two of my players on the block
and I'm not trying to downplay them.

But they can't win anything.

And I don't want your hoh to be
a waste but I don't want you to

make a bad game move and take
out a weak player and leave

other people in the game.

That's a valid point.

You and I get along really well
and can be really close and

stuff but, I mean, I'm not
convinced that your players even

want to work with Shane.

Oh, they do.

I feel like they're mad.

Joe said in week one I'm going
to work for you and week

two he was voting for me too get out
of the house knocking on come on in.

How'dy, how is it going?

It's going.

Have a seat.

Come in.

Are you guys talking?


All we want to do is relax
after a big veto win and here

comes janelle's entire team with
the exception of Joe who I'm

assuming is downstairs throwing
things or punching a wall.

I just want to make sure
that I make it another week.

Obviously I can't play hoh this
coming Thursday so I need to

make it another week.

I'm saying let's do
longer than a week.

Let's throw this game and
get rid of them downstairs.

They're just the kind of
players you just can't trust.

I will use any information I
can to completely throw Frank

and boogie under the bus and
save my players this week.

To boogie and Frank, you are
the biggest competition.

Like they're not
taking you to the end.

They're going to take
jenn or freakin' Ashley.

I understand.

I have a lot of
options right now.

If we do decide something I want
your word that I'm safe next

week and that's
good enough for me.

I'm actually sad about it and
you guys doubt my trust right

now because of the first week
and this is psycho but I'm

willing to give you have my
wedding ring for three weeks.

If I go back on my
word you can keep it.

I have a pair of channel
earrings, and if anything goes

bad and you guys do find out that
we're lying -- I do like your channel


I think I need the
matching maternity band.

Keep it.

I want you to trust me.

I'm serious.

Well, doing that proved it.

I want you to keep
it for three weeks.

We don't want to keep it.

That's crazy.

Keep it?


Because I lose things.

You have to take the personal
out of it and just be like this

is a better option to work
together than against each other.


So instead of us fighting and
then boogie left in the middle.


That's probably exactly
what he wants.

I definitely made some progress
with Shane and Britney.

Now I just have to get to work
with Joe because I know boogie

is probably scheming.

When you do the upside-down
ones is that shoulder or chest?

It's mainly shoulders.

Are you going to try to get
in another 50 lighter?


Are you stopping every


I'm doing abs.


That will be tonight's program.

When you go up there, you need to
tell them you want to work with them.

Here is the thing.

If you don't go up there and ask
to work with them and back door

Frank, you will go home.

I know it's everything you're
against and you have to kiss ass

and it sucks and it's
embarrassing but if you want to

stay in the game you
have to gravel.

I will try it.

Can't hurt to try it.

This isn't even a
little bit over.

So buck up and go up there and
just give it your best shot.

You have to.

It is do or die
time for Joe arlen.

Either I do or I die.

I know my life is on the line.

Got nothing to lose, right?

Go talk to them.

It will be so much worth it.

You have to change it.

Whas'sup, Shane.

Can I grab five
minutes with you?


All right, brother, you know
I'm on the lifeline here.

I want to let you know
that nothing is 100%.

I'm still looking at my options.

I wanted to tell you two things.

The main thing is, I want you
to think of it this way: If a

person is hanging off of a cliff
and you save that person, that

person typically becomes one of the
most loyal people you have ever met.


I'm on a cliff.

I understand.

I'm going home if
you don't save me.

I'm done.

Reality is I want to be here a little
while longer so think of it that way.


I'm not asking or
telling who to put up.

I'm just asking for you
to use that veto on me.

It's my dream.

You can't buy or get the kind of
loyalty you will have with me.

You're saving my life.

Leaving home for three months,
leaving your wife with four

kids, it was -- you know,
it was for my dream.

So if I have a chance at taking
back to dream for them and

helping to change some of their
lives, it's pretty freaking

crazy, the thought of it.

I'm willing to go with you


We know in our hearts janelle is going
to take will as far as she can go.

That's her save,
that's her thing.


If you come and help me now, I promise
you, brother, I will be there for you.

On my kids, on my life, on my wife, my
mother, this is as real as it gets.

This is life or death for me.

Joe's plea was very emotional.

He threw his wife and his
family and his kids out there.

But I know he is a manipulator.

I want to feel I can trust him
but it's hard to get his loyalty

out of the conversation
we're having.

Would you take out
your own team.


If he saves mely go to
the end with Shane.

I will have his back before
I will have my own back.

I haven't made up
my mind one bit.

This is a good route.


You can't have karate
without a little sushi.

I may not have won the coach's
competition but I did win a sushi party.

I chose to bring all of
the coaches with me.

The reason is because I don't
trust any of them alone with the

players so I'm using sushi as a
strategy dinner and keeping them

away from the player competence
I'm bringing Danielle with me

because she's my player and
Shane because sometimes you can

kiss the hoh butt and
it goes a long way.


The sushi party is so fantastic.

It's like we're out at a nice
sushi restaurant, with spicy

tuna, rolled in avocado, all
kinds of yummy goodness.

What is this.


I own a Japanese restaurant that serves
great sushi and I have been craving it.

Of the six people invited to the
sushi party a few of them don't

have a lot of experience
with the Japanese cuisine.

They were using forks.

Let's eat.

That was actually the first time I
have actually ever eaten sushi.

I had brown rice and the peas,
whatever you call those.

I had the tempura.

This is really good.

I'm just going to drink
it out of the bottle.

Today is my birthday and there's
no way I'm letting these

kids have a by reason
of time than me.

That tempura shrimp is awesome!

They're raging harder than us.

Their party cannot be more
exciting than ours -- please.

Hey, let's be super nice.

We brought you guys dessert.

There wasn't much sushi but
we brought you dessert.

Where is the party?

All right.

All right!

I sensed a little bit of
hesitation on her part but it

was just a peck by the fridge.

Probably the hottest
girl I have kissed.

Shane, Shane, Shane!

Oh, my gosh!

I can't believe that he just
kissed me, that this happened.

I don't know if it was a long kiss,
short kiss, if the kiss looked good.

I'm just really excited it happened and
all I know is that it was a good kiss.

The kiss, it was good,
short and sweet.

I wish it lasted longer.

Everyone was watching us so I
just couldn't get in the moment

but you know, you never know.

There might be a second kiss.

Dan sleeping or something?

Probably game talking.

There's a lot of that
going on tonight.

I'm outside with Ian and I don't
get a lot of moments alone

with him in this game but this
is a perfect opportunity for me

to talk a little game.

If you win hoh next week
you're not putting Shane up?

I don't see any foreseeable
circumstances which that would happen.

Not even coach's veto.

I don't see any forereceivable e.
Seek circumstance.

Not a foreseeable circumstance?


Completely not what
I was looking for.

Just say, no, Britney I'm
not going to put Shane up.

So in other words he may not
want to put Shane up on the

block but depending on what
happens, he may have to.

Not a good enough answer for me.

I was just looking for no.


Hey, what was up?

I had of a conversation with Ian
and now I need to relay that

information to Shane because
I'm really, really worried.

Are you freaking out?



Are you?

A little.


I asked Ian yesterday, and
he was being so weird.

I don't remember how the
conversation got started but I

was like, so, you guys aren't
going to put up Shane next week.

And he said that is not in
the foreseeable options.

He said that?


And I said what do you mean
"the foreseeable options"?

I said what I would like
for you to say is "no."

He was trying to be
so, like, finicky.

I don't like that at all.

When I hear Ian has been wishy
washy, it means boogie is

in his ear which means
he is in Frank's ear.

I don't trustee I can't know or
boogie and this could be so bad

for me in the
future of the game.

It comes down to not
trusting boogie.

I know but I'm telling you according to
Frank and boogie, you guys had a deal.

I didn't trust the deal, not
when you have players like Ian

say he's putting
me up next week.

That's the reason I
should get rid of Frank.

I don't trust boogie.

This might be the time to go
with janelle and go with her

offer and back door Frank.

I mean he is going to be pissed.

Yeah, obviously.

I mean, I could feed him a line of
bull saying -- I mean I don't know.

If we decide to put Frank up on
the block this week the last

thing that we want to do is
cause major drama and tension

with boogie and Frank
smearing our names.

So we need to come up with a plan so
they won't be so pissed off at us.

I'm going to say I talked to Ian and
he was giving me a shady answer.

So I felt like beat had
to secure the vote.

Then you told me and I made
the decision based on --

that's what you have to do.

That way he's not going
to hold it against me.

You can say I was too worried
about your guys flipping votes

and I know that Ian and jenn
will vote for you to stay.

I know that 100 percent.

And three will be out
to get Danielle's vote.

Blood on her hands, not mine.

I don't know.

This is going to
be freaking scary.

Well, it's a big move.

I'm sure we're still golden.

One thing I like to do when I
work with people is keep an open

line of communication.

You can't help but
get perrien enjoyed.

I wanted to talk to hayne and
make sure everything is hunky

dorrry before the veto ceremony.

I had had a conversation with Ian
and was like Shane good next

week if we keep
everything the same.

He was like oh, I guess.

So that made me a
little awkward.

I am just looking out more me.

If we keep our nominations the
same we're afraid you guys will

get the votes to get out Ashley
and have Joe come back over and

work with you guys and
just I'm left alone again.

I'm throwing out random
voting scenarios to Frank

because I'm trying to find a way
to make Frank not mad at me if I

put him as a
replacement nominee.

One I'm trying to be honest -- I think
what it is boogie and I usually wait to

have those types of
conversations with Ian when it

gets closer to hoh because we don't
want to reveal too much to him.

He is just a kid.


I keep forgetting that.

And really because of Ian's
little crush on Ashley I don't

see him voting for Joe to stay.

That's true too.

I didn't even think of that.

I'm working with
you going forward.




That makes sense, 100 percent.

I don't like Frank pulling
Shane into a room to talk.

I don't need Frank playing mind
tricks on him so I need to break

up this meeting.

I was just telephoning him we're
worried about securing the vote.

That is our biggest concern.

I played pool with Ian last
night and I flat out asked if I

mean if he would put Shane up and
he gave kind of a weird answer.

Because Mike hasn't
told him what to do.

We will talk with Ian and Ian
will be like, look, Shane kept

us off the block this week so we have to
at the least keep him safe next week.

But I am worried about securing the
votes because Ian will do anything.

Ian is not very
good at this game.

He's a little socially awkward and too
afraid to talk game with anybody.

This freaking kid is going
to possibly mess up my game.

Like really the only way that we
know which way the vote going

to go if somebody on
our team goes up.

I would say Ian because he might slap
him in the face and say, hey, wake up.

This is the biggest decision in
the game that I have had to make.

It's going to make it or break
it for me and I want to make

sure it was a successful hoh.

With me being the hoh, the
decision to use the pov is going

to be huge because I can either
get rid of Joe, back door Frank,

or even but Ian up as a
replacement nominee.

This is by far the biggest
decision I could make and it

will be the biggest game
changer, I think, so far.

If I am up against ash, my
days are absolutely numbered.

There's really no hope.

I don't even have a pulse.

But if Shane puts Frank up, Joe will
be smiling again in this house.

It's a new day and a new life.

I felt my deal with Shane was
pretty solid when I wasn't

nominated and then we had a
talk with Britney and I started

getting a gut feeling things
may not be going my way.

I did everything I could.

I offered my ring.

I gave Shane and Britney
any promise I could.

I did anything in order to save one of
my players from the block this week.

I think Britney knows
that I mean business.

I feel great headed
into the veto meeting.

Shane is a man of his word.

I guarantee you Frank and I will be
chillin' pool side until the eviction.

Hey everyone.

It's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Ashley and Joe have been
nominated for eviction.

But I have the power to veto
one of the nominations.

I want to give you both a chance
to tell me why you think I

should use the veto to save you.

Ashley, you go first.


I respect your tegrity, your loyalty, and
your come back throughout this game.

And if you use the veto on me, that
would be amazing and that's all.


Joe, now it's your
turn to speak?

Shane, the President of the
unit states of America is

granted the power of zito
when he is in office.

All the great ones have used
that power of veto in office.

Be like a president; Use it.

I have decided. . . To use
the power of veto on Ashley.

I'm playing by myself.

I'm in a tough situation.

I have to do what I have to do.

Thank you.

As head of household I also have
to name a replacement nominee.

This game is very tough, guys, I have
been working alone for the past week.

I'm in a horrible situation.

I have to do what
is best for me.

So I'm sorry but I
nominate Frank.

I'm sorry.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

When Shane put me up
on the block, it was a little

bit of a surprise but at the same
time I kind of saw it coming.

I have been there before
and I know not to panic.

I decided to put Frank up and
hopefully he's not pissed.

Hopefully I can convince him he is
not the target when he really is.

Boogie is like the big disgusting vicious
dragon and Frank is the curly head of


Cut the head off and the rest
of the beast will fall dead.

I literal live wanted to start
jumping up and down and

start laughing because
it felt so good.

Boogie,ou thought you were
pulling the are strings in this

out but I have news for you.

There's a new puppet master
in this house, and it's me.

I'm super annoyed.

The last I knew Shane wasn't
going to use the veto and we

were all going to be voting
out Joe and I was going to be

chillin' by the pool for a few
days with no worries but he took

a little shot at me and as you
know America, that doesn't

usually end well for
the other side.

Who will be evicted from
the "big brother" house?

Frank or Joe?

America's vote will be revealed.

Will the coaches enter the game
as players or keep coaching?

It all happens live, Thursday
at 00 central on "big brother."