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14x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 05/05/24 12:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on "big brother"...

What did you say?

What did you say?

After Willie was
expelled from the game, head of

household Frank targeted
Britney's remaining players.

I nominated you, Shane, and
you, jojo for eviction.

Shane, you're my
number one target.

With his back against the wall,
Shane won his second power of veto.

You win the power of veto!

That's what I'm talking about.

Using the veto as leverage,
Shane tried to make a deal.

I want to work with you, 100
percent, like final two.

At the veto meeting -- I have decided
to use the power of veto on myself.

Frank went after
the easy target.

I decided to nominate Danielle.

When not busy winning
vetoes -- is that hers?

That's hers.

Are you serious?

Shane was busy winning
over the ladies.

Shane, let's make out.

Don't tempt me, Shane.

But when Danielle heard Shane was two
timing -- jojo was climbing on top of

him and stuff like that --
She had a hand in sealing jojo's fate.

At the live eviction, one budding
showmance was cut short.

By a vote of 5-1, jojo, you are
evicted from the "big brother" house.


With the whole house against him,
Britney's final players scored big.

Congratulations, Shane, you are
the new head of household!

Who will Shane
nominate for eviction?

And which coach will win the all
important coach's competition?

Find out right now
on "big brother"!

By a vote of 5-1, 5-1,
jojo, you are evicted from

the "big brother" house.


I am so excited.

Jojo is gone.

I have been testing fate.

First tonight, the first night I
almost got evicted, second week

I'm on the black and
I'm still here.

I'm pretty ecstatic.

I guess my hoh reign was
pretty spectacular, two people

ouch the door in one week and it's
likely to have Shane work with me.

When jojo left tonight, I
got a little teary eyed.

It's the house versus me now.

It's like losing a best friend and she
was part of my alliance and it sucked.

A lot of spunk.

She was my little spark plug.

In a matter of one week, I
have gone from three players

down to one, which puts me in
a very, very difficult spot.

There are two teams left in the house
that still have all of their numbers.

This is terrible.

Jojo is out of the door ask I'm
just biding my time waiting

for the trash map to take
the trash from the door.

C'est la vie, baby, back to
staten eiland where you belong.

Sorry, Danielle.

Congratulations, Shane, you are
the new head of household.

They tried to get
me out last week.

I'm here for another week.


Love it!

I can't wait.

Another week in the house.

Bye-bye houseguests.

This game is freakin' crazy.

I went from having three at the
beginning of the week down to one.

But all you need
is one to win hoh.

Shane winning hoh is a
little bitter sweet.

Would I have loved someone
from my group to win hoh?


But at the same time I made had
a loose deal with Shane and me

and Mike have talked to him together and
I'm hoping that I'm safe this week.

Straight up 20.

Shane winning, hoh, that
was a total buzz k*ll.

All of us -- everybody been
lining up trying to take this

big jock out of the house.

I know for a fact the man
is coming back after us.

I'm in for some
trouble this week.

You understood I had the votes.

I knew I had the votes.

Oh, I have to win more often.

I was splitting my time
between Danielle and jojo but

more focused on jojo because
I was trying to save her.

Jojo is gone so full speed
ahead with Dan Danielle.

It sucks that Shane voted against
me but I know why he did it.

Jojo is out of the house.

Everything is looking up and
it's great that he is hoh so I

know I'm not going
to be a target.

Well if any of us make it through
this week, it's going to

be -- some of these competitions
have to go in our favor.

They will.

Shane has won hoh.

He has gone from the hunted to
the hunter and his target are

janelle's players and
boogie's players.

I'm afraid he sees me as a shiny white
Doe that can be taken out with one shot.

I'm screwed.

Get me some camouflage, folks.

I don't even talk to him.

I have no I had what
is going to do.

He is not the nice guy.

Shane winning hoh is perfect.

We made side deals ahead.

I want to work with you,
like final two if you want.

The key component is that
you cannot tell Britney.

Right now I have to walk
around the house and act very

mad and upset and in reality I'm
not all that worried at all.

I'm tired of some people's
attitudes and I'm tired of some

people being so insensitive.

But today we're going to
turn that all around.

It's time for boogie's players
and janelle's players to

feel what the block feels like.

I'm going to make sure that this
week, things get stirred up.

No more Dan and Britney's
team under fire.

Some people are going
to learn how it feels.

Britney is kind of drunk
with power right now.

It's kind of scary.

Who wants to see my hoh room?


I'm excited to see the hoh room.

Who knows, I might be spending a
lot of time up there this week?

Oh, God.

Let's get the party started.

All right.

Very nice!

Oh, I like it!

Great job.

I was a have not for the past
two weeks and I won hoh so that

means I'm in the penthouse,
baby and I love it.

Just the bed in
itself is amazing.

All right, all right.

Who is that?

That's my sister, Ian, don't
mach any moves on her.

It's great seeing pictures of
friend and family and makes me

want to try harder to
bring home that $500,000.


The hoh room is it so wonderful,
just having a picture

of me and my husband on our
wedding day, I think, is giving

me more confidence going into
the remainder of the week.


Dig in, guys.

Whatever is mine is yours.

Everyone in the room is looking at each
other but no one is saying nothing.

So one word is spoken and everybody
look around for the next two minutes.

Praline peanuts from Vermont,
if you're hungry, dig in.

Are these from Vermont?

No question in my mind.

Not one soul wanted to come
up and seep the hoh suite.

They're dying to get out of the
room but at the same time they

can't be the first one to leave
so they're all just peering at

each other feeling the others out,
are you going to break before me?

Go ahead.

Thanks for being here
and celebrating, guys.

Now we can all go to sleep.

This sucks.

I hate seeing those
pictures and letters.

I feel so sick.

I'm just really nervous.

I think they're putting
me and him up.

You do?

Who else are they
going to put up?

We are the ones that left his
team and got it crushed.

They're really idiots
to see it that way.

We didn't have any choice.

Brook is going to
tell him what to do.

I think he is putting us up.

He could put up wil and Frank.

Shane is hoh, and my players
are extremely nervous.

I have to rebuild my
relationship with Britney and

see if I can salvage anything that
is left of our old friendship.

Put me on the block and I
will show you how you do it.

I love you, will.

It's like our kids
are-like dating.

Ladies and gentlemen,
it's doomsday.

If it's if my child and Dan's
child are dating and it's time

to sit down in the living
room and have that awkward

conversation about you
know contraception.

Obviously Danielle is 100
percent safe as Shane and

Danielle want to work together.

The only way to make sure that
the vote goes the way you want

it to go is put on people
from opposite teams.

You're thinking one of each?


Who is most likely
to win the game.

Frank, wil.

I don't think I
could put up Frank.

Wil definitely needs to go up because
it's going to cr*pple janelle.

Frank is a bigger
physical threat than wil.

He is a huge threat
there this game.

He put up both my people last
week have any thought you guys

would want to get him out?

It does come down to
trustworthiness and right now --

I trust Frank a lot
more than I do will.

I can't put Frank up.

Even though Frank put you up?

Yeah, because I
understand why he did it.

Frank's name keeps coming up
about going on the block this

week and people don't know he
and I have a special alliance

and I have to do what is best
for me and that may not be

listening to coaches right now.

You have a tough decision

this morning is the
royal breakfast.

I need to not be on the block so I'm
thinking this is a good started.

Breakfast for the
king of the house.

I have seen a lot of butt smooshing in
my days in the "big brother" house.

What I have never ever seen is a
houseguest cook breakfast for the new hoh.

Joe has taken this to depths of
patheticness I have never seen before.

I don't even know
if that is a word.

Good morning, sir Shane.

Good morning.

This is your wakeup
royal breakfast.

So I'm having a nice dream
with Carmen electra, I think,

and then I hear a knock
on my 00 9:00 A.M.

I know some sucking up is going to
happen this week but this is ridiculous.

This is my apology and
ass-kissing for the week.

Thank you.

Are you a hippy chick?

I'm all into dream
boards and meditating.

I would say a modern day hippy but
it's weird because I love rap music.


What is a dream board.

Oh, everything you want you put on the
dream board ask then it comes true.

I might be into this.

Let's talk more about it.

I got an iPhone from it?

Like an iPhone?


I was walking in target and one
of the guys said do you want to

trade-in your droid
and get an iPhone.

And I was like, yeah.

My contract is not up.

But he said that's ok.

So when you make the dream
boards do you have the stuff at

the top thank is the really out
there like I want to marry the

man of my dreams and have children
and at the bottom is electronics?


You have to believe it.

If you put a dream board
together and you're like well --

then it's not going to have it.

Who inspired you to do this?


If my three players could
play against her in the final

four, that would
be my dream board.

I should fly with the eagles.

I want to be an eagle.

Oh, ok.

So you have to think that way.

Can I see you in the hallway?

I want to give you a heads up.

I don't know who
is going up next.

I don't want to go up.

I want to give you my word saying
will is my number one target.

Britney did draw up on option.

Like Frank nominated
you last week.

But I want to stay
true to my word.

Last week I made had
a deal with Frank.

I think he is a stand up guy and
I think I can work with him in

the future if I stay
true to my wofford.

If you want will out I will vote
will out and I will talk to

others about voting
your way too.

What he says sounds great.

Will is the target and I'm not
the target which means I'm going

to be safe this week.

I'm not worried about this week.

It's making moves that are going
to benefit me in the future.

If I can trust you do not put me up
next week -- that's good enough.

I will let you through here.

You're good, man.

So, guys, did you ever do
this whole number, like you

would stretch it out and do
this, like your hand would go

down and like, just trying to
see how far down you can go and

there was like the slow creep.

Did that scare you to think
that your daughters will be

getting to that age one day?

Oh, yeah.

Like don't even come up in
the house with a story.

I was able to fly under the
radar for a bit, until 19.

Then it was like, ok, I got
something to tell you.

And I actually came out to
my mom on coming out day.

What did she say?

It went over good.

Did she know?

She was like, I knew but I
didn't know if you knew.

And she got upset because she
didn't want anyone to treat me

different because
of my sexuality.

And like the world is so cruel
and she started crying, which

made me cry, of course,.

I'm so luck yeem.

My pops, too, is very awesome.

In the beginning I did
struggle with my sexuality but

right now I'm comfortable in my
own skin and it's important that

everybody does feel
comfortable with me.

If you're with your girlfriend and out
in public holding hands and stuff do you

still feel uncomfortable?

I don't.

Do people stair?

In New York, I have noticed
wean he have taken trips, we

chilled it on the p.D.A. A little bit
because we were in a different place.

Like p.D.A. To a certain point but I
like letting her know I care about her.

What kind of girls
does she usually date.

She has to be smart.

I have been able to -- I want
to make love to her brain.

Coming into this I didn't know
how I would feel if there

was a lesbian in the house.

I was more afraid of them pressuring
me or hitting on me or something.

But jenn has completely changed my
outdoor look on the gay community.

And my fear almost of being
around lesbians, to be honest.

So anyone I date, they're going
to have to feel that way.

Aww -- I need to
make a big move.

Best bet is have
the house split.

It would be will and Frank.

We have to -- if you put two from the
same team it's not going to happen.

If Frank goes, you have nobody as
physical as you when you get to play.

That's the smartest move.

I hate to do it to Frank.

Frank is such a huge threat
because he is a great social

game, a huge physical threat,
and he is very smart.

I mean, he is pretty
an all-in-one passage.

If we don't get him out now
it will be harder and we have

already had one chance.

I didn't per se promise Frank.

I said if I win you're good next
week but he put me up last week.

Well he put me up too.

First I had Dan and Britney
pushing Frank and now laying in

bed with Danielle she is also trying
to convince me to put up Frank.

Am I missing something?

Could putting Frank up be
the right thing to do?

I don't know.

Are we final two?

I will do final 2
with you 100 percent.

This is the first final
two I have made.

Do not say anything.

Even to Britney.

I shook your hand.

I'm definitely sincere in my
final two deal with Shane.

I think the boy
has a good heart.

If we make it to the final two,
we will have a week alone.

I don't know.

Good time, good time.

Hey, everybody, it's time for
the coaches' competition.

Coaches, throw on your athletic
gear and meet us in the back yard.

It's time to "feel the burn."

I walk in the back yard and
it's the big brother gym, baby!

I see three extremely
unconvention Al gym sets.

I'm not in the gym very often.

Please, welcome our four
coaches for the "big brother"


Britt me?

I got my little onesie on,
my shorts and my jammers.

I never work out but if I was going
to, this is what I would use.

And boogie.

The boys have nice legs.

They definitely need a spray tan
touch up because they're rockin'

the farmer tan.

As everyone knows, an important
part of being a great

coach is keeping your players
in peek physical condition.

Here is how it works.

Coaches, you will face off
against each other at the first

workout station in round one.

On "go" you will have two minutes
to do as many reps as possible.

The coach with the least amount
of reps will be eliminated.

Losers, you won't be leaving
empty handed because each

eliminated coach gets to open one
locker and claim what is inside.

It's time to play
"feel the burn."

Stakes are high for the
coaches' competition.

We kind of have a deal with
Shane but at the same time I

would like to win and keep my number
one player, Frank, safe this week.

I one coach I do not want
winning today is general.

Shane has already made it apparent his
main target would be will this week.

I could definitely see if how
will was saved it would make it

more tempting to put me on the
block and I don't want to have

to go through that
again this week.

The stakes are super high for
me this week because I noted

that my players are
going to be targeted.

I mean, everything
is riding on this.

Come on, boogie.

Come on, feel that burn!


The object of the Booty scooty 6,000
is to move the seat forward and back.

When you do that,
you get a point.

I'm not sure what muscle I'm
working out but apparently I'm

exercising because
I'm out of breath.

Keep it up, keep it up.

Come on, come on.

Every so often, the stars align
and I don't throw a competition.

This is one of those
competitions if I don't win,

someone could trade Danielle off my team
and stick me with one of their losers.

No hustle, no muscle.

This is one emotion I did not want
to see Mike boogie do -- gross!

First place, boogie, baby!

Britney, you had
the fewest reps.

Come clean out your locker.

I'm not devastated at losing.

I want to go pick a good locker
and hopefully make some money.


Sorry, coach, unfortunately you
must pick two players to be

have-nots for the week.

That sucks.

I will do it.

I will take Ian and then someone
who has not been in it.


Ian, you are nuts.

I will do it again.

There's strategy to this.

I feel that if I am always
willing to take punishments

people will keep me around simply
because it means they won't have to.

Feast yourizes on the
hip to hip extreme.

On the sound of the hormone, you
have you two minutes to perform

as many repetitions as possible.

The coach tallying the lowest
number of reps will be eliminated.

Let's get busy!

You're down, Mike.

Get down.

You know, I'm feeling pretty
good about my hip action.

I definitely know how to samba
and salsa so I feel like this is

really right up my alley.

You're half way there.

I love this.

And, of course, general
is k*lling it.

That girl got back and
she knows how to use it.

I might have the big 80s hair
but I'm watching them and

it look like an
'80s music video.

Push those hips.

Boogie is not doing so well, you
know, he is an older gentleman.

General is up there rockin' it
out but boogie looks like he

needs a hip replacement.

I'm sorry, boogie, you had
the fewest amount of reps.

Come clean out your locker.


Lucky you, someone has left behind
$10,000 cash in this locker.

This money is for you and any two
players you choose share it with.

But it's already been divided
into three different amounts.

It is up to you who
gets wiz amount.

Choose now.

Let me think about this,
I will take the 6,000.

And -- I'm going to give Ian the

Thank you, Mike.

It's for Frank.

As soon as boogie awarded me the $3,000,
I definitely welled up a little bit.

As a student, I don't even
though what $3,000 is or $3,000


That amount of money to me
is -- you know, that's huge.

You're welcome,
buddy, give me a hug.

Dan and janelle, you made
it to the next round.

Up next you will exercise one of
the most important muscles in

the "big brother"
game, your tongue.

Introducing the
tongue trainer elite.

The coach tallying the most
number of points in 90 seconds

will be the winner
of this competition.

Time to get tongue tied.

I definitely do not want
to lose the last round.

I want will to go on the block
and I know if she wins it she is

going to save him.

Come on, done.

You have got this.

On the tongue trainer elead, I
think America is getting more

than they bargained for with
me and janelle playing tongue

hockey with a switch.

Tongues of steel over there.

Come on, Dan.

Come on, Dan.

I don't know what is going on
with Dan's tongue because he has

one of the shortest tongues I
have over even in my life.

I don't know if Dan could lick an
ice cream cone with that tongue.

Janelle is just motor boating it like
blaaa -- about 15 years ago Dan was an

innocent 8th grader
learning who to you kiss.

I feel bad for all of the girls
in Michigan who had to endure

that technique because the
guy just doesn't have it.

I have won so many comps in so
many different ways in "big

brother" and now I just
won one using my tongue.

I'm sorry, Dan, you
have been eliminated.

You and five guests of your
choice are invited to your own

private sushi and
cocktail party.

Now the hard part, please choose the

In my profession coaching, rule
number one is you always take

care of the coaches.

It may look like the nice guy
move to bring the coaches to the

sushi party but I don't want
them there making out special

deals without me being there
knowing what is going on.

Part of this game
is kissing ass.

So Shane is.

And a coach is absolutely
nothing without their sole

player in the game,
Danielle is joining us.

Janelle, congratulations!

You are the winner.

Thank you!

It is now your choice to either
save a player or trade a player.

Make your decision.

I'm definitely not trading.

And this is a really
hard decision.

I'm going to have to save will.

Oh, I love you!

Janelle saved will.

He was my target this week.

My goal is to keep Frank safe.

You know, now it
changes everything.

It's time
for America's vote.

You can change the course
of the game, America.

Should the coaches be offered the
chance to enter the game and

compete for the half
million dollars prize?

You decide.

Text 1 if you want "big brother"

to offer the coaches the
opportunity to give up coaching

and return to the
game as players.

Text 2 if you want the game to remain
the same and keep the coaches coaching.

The power is in your
hands, America.

Text the number of your
selection to 81818.

Second 1 for, yes.

Text 2 for, no.

Tune in Thursday, August 2
at 00 central to find out

if your vote has put the
coaches back in the game.

Maximum 10 votes.

For more information go
to CBS.Com/bigbrother.

Oh, that's not bad --
cereal and salmon?

Eat your salmon, dawg.

Who dies and left you boss.

You can go do your thing boogie.

I ain't got no time for you.

I will eat my salmon while
you eat your froot loops.


Way to go, America.

Glad to know you're
paying attention.

America has voted for a treat that you
can enjoy any time in addition to slop.


The cereal and salmon
is just for you.


As an expert in "big brother"

I think this is right up there
with the pudding from last week,

as one of the best
have not menus ever.

Come on in.

What was up?

I feel bad about putting
you on the have-not.

Hey, guys, whas'sup?

Well, I'm up here obviously
you know why but I just want

to -- more than anything I'm not
here to change your mind but

here to see what you're doing.

Right now it's the house versus
me like it was last week.

No matter what I'm going
downstairs next week.

I don't have any other
players to play for hoh.

It's definitely awkward with
Britney because of all of the

things that have happened but I
have to get my foot in the door

and try everything I can.

Everything that happened last
week was like boogie and Frank

and list all work together and
let's get rid of Willie and of

course there was a second person
that they were going to get rid

of and that was you.


Obviously, I knew that.

So that was of the
whole thing last week.

And I have been in your position
before and I give you mad

respect for saving yourself
because I have had to do that

and I know how it feels -- where you
have to win hoh or you're gone.

It sucks.

It does.

Originally we were working
together and I felt like you

were working well together.

We are definitely open
to working together!

Obviously you need help
because you have one player.

I want to go in favor of
what best fits your game.

As far as, like, what we could
offer, if you want to make

a deal for safety for next week?

I was really nervous talking
to them because I know that

Britney blames me for my
players leaving her players.

So somehow, some way I hope
I got through to Brittany.

I'm glad that you came up
here and gave me your 2-cent.

It gives hages to think about.

Sorry you're a have not again.

At least it's good
food if nothing else.

I just wanted to have
one last discussion.

I need to work over
Shane a little bit.

I want Joe's and Ashley to be
nominated but more importantly I

need to make sure that
Frank isn't come natured.

How do you feel over all
about Ashley going home.

You have to understand we're
not going to put up two of

janelles players because then it's too
easy for y'all to go back downstairs --

we won't.

We have to understand.

We want one of janelle's peoples
to go home but I don't want

janelle to have the option
of going back with y'all.

If we put up one from either
side it can't happen.

I want Shane to put up one
person from each of their teams.

That pits the teams
against each other.

Time for things to even out
a little bit around here.

You have power,
you have control.

What you have to worry about
is when that guess away.

I don't want us to put up Frank
next to Joe and then next

week you turn around and say we're using
last week' logic, Shane, you're uhm.

I don't want that.

I don't want that either.

Neither do I.

I don't think there's any lanier
that it would have to be like that.

But it's given give and take and
it's just like -- it's scary.

I will get out on front
street and be like, hey, I'm

rolling with Shane
and Shane with us.

And do something about it.

At the end of the day, I don't believe a
word that comes out of boogie's mouth.

I don't believe a word that
comes out of Frank's mouth.

I can't convince him it's the
best thing to do to put up two

of janelles players.

It's too easy.

Shane, go with your heart.

So here is the decision coming
up for nomination, do I

put up Frank or stay true to my word,
stay local in the game and keep him safe?

You know, it's the hardest decision
I have had to make so far.

What are you going to do?

I have no I had.

What do you want to do?

You tell me.

Put two of janelles up?

I think we have to put
up Frank and Joe.

Because even if Frank gets
pissed off, he can't show it.

But they're going to
put you up next week.

That's what sucks.


Frank and boogie.

They're drawing a
line in the sand.

If you put Frank up this week --
he can't turn on you this week.



I have to go start my nomination ceremony
and I have no I idea who I'm going to


It isn't even a last minute decision
it's a last-second decision!

They're calling you.

Oh, my God, I don't know
what he's going to do

one of my duties as head of household
is to nominate two people for eviction.

I feel like Shane' word is
golden and he wants to stick to

that but one of two people are
making the Shane and it's either

Shane and I'm good or it's
Britney and I'm in deep trouble.

Coming into the nominations
I am feeling so -- hold it.

I have to pick up this call.

Hey, patrice, I'm
here another week.

You better feed the cat!

If Shane has any brain at all in that
jock head of his, he will go after Frank.

Frank is really the only
competitor game-wise.

Just leave the chef alone.

Go after the big
frisch, brother.

Huge decision coming
up for nomination.

Do I listen to britt she and put
up Frank or doive stay true to

my word, stay local in this
game and keep him safe?

This sincerely by far the
hardest thing I have had to do.

Headed into nominations
I'm a little concerned.

Shane had promised it wouldn't
be one of my players nominated

but I think he feel he has a
free mass to do what he wanted

given that janelle
kept wil same.

Hey, everyone, it's time for
the nomination ceremony.

This is the nomination ceremony.

One of my duties as head of household
is to nominate two people for eviction.

I will pull the first key.

That person is safe.

That person will pull the next
key and so on and so forth.

Will, since janelle won the
coaches' competition and kept

you safe, you have your key
and cannot be nominated.

Jenn, you are safe.

Thank you, Shane.

Ian, you are safe.

Danielle, you are safe.

Frank, you are safe.

Thank you, Shane.

I have nominated you,
Jo and you, Ashley.

Only one coach has not had the
opportunity to have any players

up on the block and I want to
give that coach what it feels

like to have that happen.

And unfortunately
it's only you two.

Last week I was put up against
jojo, my only player and I

wanted to show you
guys how it feels.

Best of luck in the pov, you can
obviously switch it around.

It's not over.

This nomination
ceremony is adjourned.

I thought I was like for sure that
I wasn't going to be on the block.

I don't trust anybody in the
house and I feel very alone.

Oh, this is hard.

I really hope this decision
doesn't backfire and burn me.

I'm putting my risk in the faith that
boogie and Frank will be loyal to me.

Hopefully they can
live up to their word.

I know I did.

We will see what happens.

Game on.

Britney's team definitely sent a
message to my players but I'm

going to do everything in my
power to fight and keep all of

may players in this game.

You know I pulled a buzzer beater before,
I pulled a rabbit out of my hat.

Now I know I can trust Shane
completely and going forward I

have his back and I'm
positive he has mine.

I am shaking, heart rate is up.

Shane, it's on like conchy
congress now and Shane will get

out of this house if it's the last
thing I do before I leave here.

Who will win
the power of veto?

Will it be used to take Ashley
or Jo off the chopping block?

Find outdoor Wednesday at 8:00,