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14x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 05/05/24 12:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"big brother"... Britney's

paranoia got the west of her.

I think we're going to
eviction and Julie's going to

say, welsh everybody, surprise, the
coaches are going into the game.

And Willie quickly spread
her theory through the entire house.

There is a possibility that
them coaches are going to come

back in here and play this game.

I'm just letting
you all know that.

That's a strong possibility.

When Frank won
head of household --.

Congratulations, Frank, you
are the new head of household.

-- His Nemesis Willie
began to spiral out of control.


Because I'm not going
to go out like that?

You're not going to go out
like what, with class?


When his temper got the best of him...
Willie come in now.

...Willie was
expelled from the game.

Down man, Britney's other
players became a target.

I'm acknowledgment indicating you
Shane and owe jojo for eviction.

Plus at the veto competition,
Shane ordered up an El veto Grande.

You win the power of veto.

Fearing she was the
new target, Danielle went to

her coach for advice.

I can try to help you.

But this time Dan
tried a different tactic.

Graduation day.

I'm trying the light a fire
underneath her so she starts to

fight to save herself.

Dan's abandoned me.

I feel so rejected and unwanted.

And at the veto meeting,
Danielle's fear became a reality.

I've decided to
nominate Danielle.

Who will be evicted
from the "big brother"

house, Danielle or jojo?

And will Dan be the first
coach to exit the game?

Plus could Britney's theory about
the coaches be more than paranoia?

All this right now
live on "big brother."

Good evening.

I'm Julie chen.

Welcome to "big brother."

It's day 20 inside the "big
brother" house, and a shift in

power has changed the
game dramatically.

With Frank as h.O.H., the house
united against Willie, causing

him to spin out of control and
get expelled from the game.

Jojo and Shane, Willie's closest
allies, then paid the ultimate

price when Frank nominated
them for eviction.

Shane won the power of veto and
removed himself from the block,

so Frank replaced him with Danielle,
Dan's last player in the game.

Sowill jojo be sent packing or
will danielleeave the house,

taking first coach of
the summer with her?

And what does "big brother"

legend Dr. will have
to say about it all?

We'll soon find out.

But first, as jojo and Danielle
fight for both a budding

romance, showmance rather, could
romance, showmance rather,

could be the difference between
be the difference between

staying in the game and
walking out the front door.

I have decided to use the
power of veto on myself.

Frank, you'll have to name
a replacement nominee.

Unfortunately, I've decided
to nominate Danielle.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Dan's abandoning me.

I have been put on the block.

I'm probably not
getting Shane's vote.

Things haven't been going so
well for Danielle this week.

I'm a strong girl.

If they're all going to turn
their backs on me, so be it.

I'll still stay here.

Boogie is my coach and we're
working with janelle's players.

At this point once Shane pulled himself
off, Danielle was the only choice.

Our group is too tight to
make waves this early.

It's a good thing I'm up
against Danielle because if

Danielle goes, Dan goes, that's
something people have been wanting.

There are a lot of reasons why I
should stay as opposed to Danielle.

I just need to make sure the
house knows those reasons.

Are you crying?


I told Danielle she was going
to be completely alone in this

game and she would have to
figure it out for herself.

I did that as a motivational
tool to light a fire underneath

her and get her going.

You can't do this
to me right now.

You can't just do that.

My intention in pulling this
coaching move on Danielle was

not to make her upset.

It might have gone
a little too far.

It's my job now as a coach to reel
her back in and get her refocused.

I don't want you to
think I abandoned you.

I had to do that so
you felt that way.

You need to realize there's a
real good shot of going home.

I shouldn't have
done that to you.

I'm sorry.

You thought you had to.

That's okay.

We have to get to work.

Dan's plan really, really
hurt my feelings, but I do

forgive him for what he did
because I know he has a good

heart and I know he
has good intentions.

Just know that, jojo,
you're never out of this.

I know.

There's always a way.

I'll keep you in it.

Thank you.

What's up, man?


You guys want the talk
with the light on or off?


It's roasting.

Do you want the feel?

That's so funny because I was
about the take my pants off and

I'm wearing a thong.

That's what I'm talking about.

Come on over.

Don't tempt me, Shane.

Oh, baby.

Shane and jojo are
flirting hard.

I'm skeeved out by it.

Shane, let's make out.

You're out of luck.

I brushed my teeth, Shane.

I'm kidding.

I've kissed smokers before.

Dirty boy.

Here I am in this uncomfortable room
trying to just get some shut eye, and

Shane is over there trying to
board the staten island ferry.

Are you a good kisser, Shane?

Are you a good kisser, Shane?
I've been told that I'm a

I've been told that I'm
a very good kisser.

I've been told heavy
on the tongue.

Oh, no, Ian.

You can't do that.

Less tongue is better.

Night, night.

Good night.

I heard you all up
talking last night.

Were you all having fun?

Yeah, we were joking
around a good bit.

Shane is ofunny.

What did he say?

It was mostly jojo about climbing
on top of him and stuff like that.


Last I remember, Shane
is interested in me.

Does this hurt or tickle?


Does that hurt?


Then all of a sudden Ian
divluges how jojo was trying to

climb on top of Shane and
all this other stuff.

I'm like, hmm, of course she is.

Pretty funny.

Hell hath no fury
like a woman scorned.



Do you all want to lay out?

We were thinking of it.

I'm just such a lazy
bitch right now.

We're going to go back to when
janelle was single, prehusband.

If I wasn't married, I was
like, they have to be tall.

Come on, I need a real man.

Shane is too little.

I'd crush him.

He's becoming emancipated.

What's that mean?

Like when you start
to be introverted.


I need a guy that... if I weighed
Britney's weight, I wouldn't care.

I would date a guy that's
like foot five ten.

For sure.

But I'm 5'9".

My breast implants alone weigh
like eight and a half pounds.

That's so bad.

Oh, my God, janelle.

They were talking about if
they wanted to get on top of

each other what they would do.

No, not Ian.

I thought you and Shane
liked each other.

We're really good friends.

He can get in staten
island if he wants.

You know what hurts, I've
lost to staten island.

Who cares.

Oh, please.

I know exactly how dangerous a
showmance actually is because

I've been in them before.

Two people form a bond and
they'll never break it apart.

They'll take each
other to the end.

They'll vote together.

So Shane and jojo in a showmance
is really bad news for my players.

Janelle definitely latched on
to the information about jojo

jumping on top of Shane and as
long as they think that they

have some showmance going on and
they'll work together, it puts a

bigger target on jojo's back which
means I stay here another week.

You're the only people out here.

Right now I don't know
if you're staying.

Basically you just need to
be like as calm as possible.

I'm already down one player
with Willie leaving the game.

So I'm potentially looking at
losing two players in one week,

and that just cannot happen.

It's in your best interest to just keep...
Don't say game to anybody.

Don't say one word
about anybody else.

No, I wasn't going to.

Absolutely anything you say
can be turned against you.


I know.

So it has to be nothing but pink roses
and rainbows coming out of your mouth.

So Danielle is buddy-buddy
with janelle.

The fact that janelle and Danielle
are downstairs cuddling, bad news.

I know.

This is what it's like trying to have
a reasonable conversation with jojo.

Hey, jojo, want to stay in the
game, if you dork I suggest you

probably shouldn't do the following
things to annoy your fellow houseguests.

Jojo... no, I no.

Yeah, no, no.

I know.

Yeah, no, no, I know.

If you get voted out,
it's personal, 100%.

I know.

Obviously you don't
freaking know.

Come on, don't send jojo
home after Danielle.

Come on.

Danielle's smart, smarter
than you think she is.

You know what I mean?

You're right.

I can't have jojo out there
running her mouth, speaking in

circles, laughing and saying she
knows to everything that anyone

in this house says, so what I need for
jojo do is let me do all the talking.

Real reason to keep Danielle
and Dan is if you do buy into

the fact that there may be the big switch
the coaches will come into the game.

I know it seems weird to want
to keep Dan even with that

twist, but I do feel like the
new people, their a*t*matic

instinct will be to
go at the coaches.

You don't think?


Let me ask you think, could you
convince Dan to work with you?



Did you just rest your case?


You just rested your
case right there?

I just rested my case.

What do you do if you take
your numbers and add two?

I have five.

And what's that mean?

That means five is
greater than three.

You have all the numbers.


It's a very, very, very
strong consideration.

Right now I have a lot of power.

I can have my players who are
extremely loyal swing the votes

however I want, just depends
how I want to do it.

Nothing against Dan.

I like the guy.

Yeah, I would hate to see
him go personally, but

professionally, it would not be
the worst thing to see him pack

the become and beat
it on Thursday.

Coming up, the houseguests will
be voting live to evict either jojo or


Plus many consider him the
greatest player to ever enter

the "big brother" house, Dr.

Will Kirby examines the
coaches and their strategies.

And later, you'll have a chance to
change the course of the game, America.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to "big brother."

Earlier this week a shocking moment in
the house led to an unexpected exit.

Let's take a look.

A bunch of in this .

What did you say?

Hit me.

Willie, come to the d.R. Now.

He needs to go.

It's okay.

I can't believe
he just did that.

He hit me in the head.

He head-butted me.

Let's go to the living room and
talk with the houseguests.

Hello, houseguests.

Joe, I'm going to begin
with you tonight.

We all witnessed
Willie confront you.

What was going on in your mind
as things were escalating?

I think mainly to protect myself
but also I just wanted to

say, Willie, if you can't handle
the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Or rather the bathroom.

Or the bathroom.

Yeah, I mean, it got intense.

I just wanted to make
sure I was protected.

Ian, you were in the
bathroom, and in your towel.


It looked like you were kind
of trying to break things up.

So what were you thinking
while this was going on?

Well, first off, I was
extremely worried for my

safety, but I guess just working as an r.A.
At tulane, I just

wanted to step in and break things up,
so I just wanted to keep everybody safe.

Shane, after Willie left the house, you
found yourself on the block, but you

won your second veto of the
summer and you saved yourself.

Let's take a look.

Now, Britney, you were obviously
very excited for Shane.

What did you think of
that win, Britney?

I thought it was incredible.

He did the most amazing job.

I was so, so happy for him and
also very proud and he just did

an amazing job, well worth me jumping
into a giant bowl of gaucamole.

Thank you, Britney.

Thank you, everyone.

I'll be back to talk to
you again a little later.

Dr. will Kirby, he's charming,
outspoken and definitely has his

opinion of how the coaches
are playing the game.

At first people were saying that
wil was coming back in here.

He's fun and smart and sarcastic
and he truly enjoys just people.

And sit become and watch.

My name is Dr. will Kirby.

I was on "big brother" 2.

Congratulations, will,
you are the winner.

I'm a doctor, a board
certified dermatologist.

We're experts in tattoo removal.

They're in the dark.

As soon as Mike and I met, we
as soon as Mike and I met,

we knew we were going to be good knew
we were going to be good friends.

Some alliances s*ab
you in the back.

Chill town stabs
you in the front.

Daddy's home.

This is Mike boogie's first time in
the "big brother" house without me.

I think he's doing
a phenomenal job.

I'll take Frank.

He's got the jock with the crazy
hair, the nerd and the rocker.

Right now boogie is coaching Frank
to be his new frankenstein.

I think he's trying to build a bigger,
better, faster chill town member.

My one fear with Mike
boogie is he has a big ego.

Looking like cash money.

He lost the recent coach's competition
because he was celebrating.

You jumped off before
you hit the button.

As far as the other coaches
are concerned, their play is

lackluster, unless they get their
act together very quickly,

Mike boogie and his players
are going to steam roll them.

What was it like
playing with Dr. will.

He was really good.

Could you ever tell
when he was lying?

Not really.

If Kermit the frog and Ryan seacrest
had a baby, the baby would be Dan.

I'm here to help you
and coach you up.

Dan is always coaching
no matter what he does.

I want to get one of
you the $500,000.

When he makes breakfast, he's
when he makes breakfast,

he's like, I love those eggs and that
like, I love those eggs and that

ham and the way you
put the pepper on it.

Good job.

Give me Cara, giver me Danielle.

He sure picked a lot of hot
ass to be on his team.

His eyes got pulled into the
gravitational force of boobies.

When it comes to Britney,
put your coaching hat on.

What did you say?

If your players are getting
evicted for v*olence, you're

doing a terrible job coaching.

Tell me about your and
wil's relationship.

We had a flirt-mance.

They're both like a
plus level flirters.

I had to come outside because
I had the look at you.

You're so damn hot.

Janelle is a
phenomenal competitor.

The question is, is
she good at strategy?

If she wins this show, she will have
redeemed her previous two losses.

If she loses, however, she's
just a three-time loser.

If I had to guess today the one person
that I think's going to win this game...

I think it's Ian.

I think some people might think
that Ian and boogie have nothing

in common, and this is
completely incorrect because

boogie is just a


Hey, boogie, it's wil.

Season two called, and they
want their clothes back.

Coming up, it's the
live vote and eviction.

Jojo or Danielle?

Another player leaves the house
tonight and coach Dan might be

walking out, as well.

Plus it's a chance for you
to change the game, America.

Don't forget to join the
conversation and see what other

"big brother" fans are saying.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to "big brother."

It's the last hour of Frank's
reign as head of household.

Let's talk to him privately
in the h.O.H. Bedroom.

Hi there, Frank.

Hey, jewels, how you doing?

I'm good.

Nice t-shirt.

Thank you very much,
are you my home girl?

Are you my home skillet?


Then you're on.

Talk game.

Your housemates are all in the
living room and not able to hear

you, so speak your mind.


You and your coach Mike boogie
seemed to have gotten close.

How important has his advice
been to you in this game so far?

It's definitely been important
to me and it's nice to

have boogie because I definitely
respect him as a player and I

love his entertainment value
he brings to the game.

And we're having a
blast together.

I couldn't pick a better
coach at this point.

Now you spoke to Shane
about working together.

Is it a real possibility or
are you just playing him?

It's a little bit
of both, Jules.

I think you have to have a plan
"a," b and c in place at all

times and maybe even further
down the road because you never

know who is going to win h.O.H.

I want to stay in this
game as long as possible.

Now, you united with janelle's
players against Willie.

Is this an alliance you
see lasting for a while?


I trust janelle and her
players completely.

That's what's important in this
game, working with people you

can trust and hopefully
they can trust me, too.

Thank you, Frank.

You can head back downstairs.

Thanks, Jules.

It's time to find out who will be
walking out of the house tonight.

Will it be jojo, the bartender
from New York, or Danielle, the

nurse from Alabama.

Let's return to the living room
to talk with the two nominees.

Jojo, Daniel New York just a few
moments your housemates will

cast their votes to evict live,
but before they do, you each

have one last chance
to plead your case.

Jojo, you're up first.

All right.

So I came into this house
thinking that I was going the my

a dirty game and I was going to
lie and manipulate and backstab

and be fake and I realize that
that's just not who I am and I

was not able to do it.

I think I've proven that I'm lowell
and it got me in this situation.

So I don't know.

I think you guys are kind of
making a mistake, you know.

This game is about making big
moves and I feel like a lot of

people in here are afraid the
stand up for what they believe

in and make a big move.

And I'm definitely not.

So I don't know.

No one said the "big brother"

game was fair, but
it is what it is.

So I hope you guys vote with
what you believe in and what you

think will right and what will
get you far in this game.

Thank you, jojo.

Danielle, it's your turn.


I just wanted to say I've
had an amazing time so far.

The 20 days I've been here,
I love all of you all.

I've gotten to know
each of you personally.

I've enjoyed playing this game.

Hopefully you all know who I am
and I would be a great asset to

each of you and hopefully
I can stay here longer.


Thank you, Danielle.

Thank you both.

It's time for the
live voting to begin.

The two nominees are
not allowed to vote.

Neither are the coaches.

Frank, as current head of household, you
will only vote in the event of a tie.

One at a time, the rest of you
will enter the diary room and

cast your vote toe victim.

Wil, you're up first tonight.

Please go to the diary room.

Wil has yet to show his cards, so what
is the best move for him tonight.

Hi, wil.

Hey, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict little
miss hip crypt jojo.

Joe has not not aligned
with either nominee.

Will he take this opportunity to
take out a player and a coach.

Hi, Joe.


Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly... I evict jojo dancer.

Thank you, Joe.

Ashley bonded with
Danielle this week.

Is it in her best interest
to keep her in the game.

Hi, Ashley.

Hey, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict
my home girl jojo.

Thank you.

The vote is three to evict
jojo, zero to evict Danielle.

The rest of the houseguests cast
their votes live when we return.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to "big brother."

The houseguests are voting live
to evict either jojo or Danielle.

So far it's three votes to zero
in favor of evicting jojo.

Let's continue with
the live vote.

Shane has flirted heavily
with both nominees this week.

Let's see where his
affections lie tonight.

Hi, Shane.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Danielle.

Thank you.

Ian has followed the advice
of his coach so far.

So which way will team
boogie vote tonight?

Hi, Ian.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict jojo.

Thank you, Ian.

You're welcome.

It's official.

With four votes to evict jojo,
jojo will leave the house tonight.

Let's see how jenn votes.

Hi, jenn.

Hello, Julie.

Please cast your
vote toe victim.

I vote to evict jojo.

Thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news
to the houseguests.

Houseguests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the
evicted houseguests will have a

few minutes to say good-bye, gather her
belongings and walk out the front door.

Dan, if Danielle is evicted,
your game is over and you must

leave the house with her.

By a vote of 5-1, jojo, you are
evicted from the "big brother"



Bye, honey.

Bye, jojo.

Bye, guys.

Bye, jojo.


Make big moves.


Knock 'em dead.

Hi, jojo.

Put your bag down.


Gosh, so nice to meet you.

Beautiful, gorgeous.

Good job.

Nice job.

The last person you said good-bye
to in the house was Shane.

You embraced him and you
whispered something.


What did you say to him?

He said, I love you.

I'm sorry.

I said, good luck, babe.

Stay strong and I
believe in you.

We heard you say in the house this week
several times that you deserve to be in

the house more than Danielle.

Oh, yes, definitely.

Why did you believe that?

I just know this game is not
fair, but, you know, no one said

the "big brother" game is fair,
but I definitely think that I

proved myself in the first h.O.H.

I'm five foot nothing.

I made it across.

Like I fought my heart out, you
know, no other girl really made

it across besides Kara.

In the veto I beat
out wil and Frank.

Every competition that I've done
so far, which isn't much, but I

fought my heart out
every single time.

The fight and the heart I have, I
don't think a lot of people in

that house have to be honest.

Talk about Willie.

Even after he blew up at Frank,
you stayed loyal to him.



I told him what he did
to Frank was not right.

I told him you should have
pulled him to the side, talked

to him one on one, man to man,
that was not cool, but I don't

know, it was a mistake.

I admitted to everybody,
I made a mistake.

You mistakes in the "big
brother" house and in life.

You need to learn
from your mistakes.

If you don't learn from
them trrk's a problem.

I'm loyal to the
people I aligned with.

I said, if I have an alliance
early in the game, I'm going to

stay loyal to them
as much as I could.

What do you think of
Britney as a coach?

Britney definitely, like
she has a lot of heart.

I definitely think out of
the three coaches she's the

underdog, and no matter
what, whr my coach or not,

I'm going to be rooting for her
and Shane, of course, but just

because I want to see
her come out on top.

I love to see that whole underdog
story, you know what I mean?

I do.

And she deserves it.

Well, jojo, in the event you were the one
voted out, your housemates taped some

good-bye messages.

Jojo, what's up, girl, if you're
watching this, that means

you're out of the house.

I know that absolutely sucks,
but maybe the house could only

handle one new yorker.

Jojo, girl, you're my
staten island girl.

I enjoyed our conversations about making
out and stuff and the have-not room.

You left me with some
pretty good dreams.

Hey, jojo.

I'm so sorry if
you're seeing this.

I hated being on the block
against you, but I'm glad it's

you out there and not me.

I'm sorry.



To be so loud and to be in
people's faces all the time,

that hurt you in the game.

I got to be me.

I think the best strategy
is to sit become and relax.

That's not easy for you, but that would
have been your best move this week.

I know the mistakes I made.

But it's hard.

I have to be me no matter what.

I don't know how to be
anything else but me.

Love me or hate me.

There you go.

You're real.

Stay right there.

Coming up, find out how you, America,
can have a hand in changing the game.

Up next it's the head of
household competition.

Last week it turned the
house upside down.

Will the power shift again?

The battle for h.O.H. Is next.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to "big brother."

It's time for the live head
of household competition.

Free from the threat of
eviction, the h.O.H. Must put

two houseguests on
the chopping block.

Who will be the new
head of household?

Let's find out.

Houseguests, the power
is up for grabs.

Frank, as outgoing head of household,
you are not eligible to compete.

As usual, neither
are the coaches.

This competition is called "on
thin ice" and here's how it works.

One at a time each houseguest
will step up and take their

shot, attempting to get their ball
into the slot with the highest number.

Any ball that does not make it into a
slot will result in a score of zero.

The winner will be the houseguest
with the highest score.

Does everyone understand?



The order has been determined by random
draw, which makes Ashley first tonight.

Go ahead, Ashley.


Okay, Ashley.

You made the
scoreboard with four.

Go ahead and take a spot in the
winner's circle right now.

All right.

Joe, you're up next.

We don't have all day, Joe.

Come on.

With a score of three, sorry,
Joe, you've been eliminated.

Ashley is still in
the lead with four.

Jenn, you're up next.

And we need to move this along.

You got it.

Sorry, jenn.

No problem.

You have failed to score
anything in this game.

You've within eliminated.

Ian, you're up.

Four is the score to beat.

Ian has now taken the lead
with a score of nine.

Ashley, you've been eliminated.

Ian, go ahead and take your
spot in the winner's circle.

Wil, you're up.

Sorry, wil, you only got a two.

You've been eliminated.

Shane, your turn.

Nine is the score to beat.

Go, Shane.

Come on, baby.

Yeah, baby!

Shane, you got a 20.

Sorry, Ian.

Step down from the
winner's circle.

Step into the winner's circle.

Danielle, you're last.

If you score 20, we'll
go to the tiebreaker.

Nice shot, Danielle.

Sorry, Danielle.

Congratulations, Shane.

You are the new
head of household.

Frank, please pass on the
key to the h.O.H. Bedroom.

Nice job.

Hell of a shot.

Coming up, it's your chance, America
to, dramatically chance, America to,

dramatically change the game.

Change the game.

Want the give the coaches the
opportunity to stop coaching and

start playing for the $500,000


It's all in your hands.

Find out how when we return.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to "big brother."

Let's rejoin the houseguests.

Hey, everybody.

Hi, Julie.

Shane, congratulations.

Thank you.

What's it like to
be the new h.O.H.?

It's insane.

At the beginning of the week
I knew I was going home if I

didn't make some moves.

I flipped it like
Frank did last week.

It's a great feeling.

Britney, you lost one player tonight,
but your remaining player won h.O.H.

What does it mean to have
your player in power?

It's so great.

This is what makes the game of "big
brother" is the flip of the house.

It's exactly what
happened last week.

It's happening again.

Things are shaping
up all right so far.

I'm so excited.

Well, thank you, everybody.

Have a good night, houseguests.

Thank you, Julie.

You're welcome.

America, it's time to make your
mark on the "big brother" game.

Right now the coaches are
competing for $100,000.

So do you want them to remain
as coaches or would you like to

offer them the chance to join the
players and vie for the $500,000 prize?

Here's how to vote:

It's time
for America's vote.

You can change the course
of the game, America.

Should the coaches be offered the
chance to enter the game and

compete for the $500,000 prize?

You decide.

Text 1 if you want big brother
to offer the coaches the

opportunity to give up coaching and
return to the game as players.

Text 2 if you want the game to remain
the same and keep the coaches coaching.

The power is in your
hands, America.

Text the number of your
selection to 81818.

Text 1 for yes.

Text 2 for no.

Tune in Thursday August 2nd
at 00 central to find out

if your vote can put the coaches
back into the "big brother"


Maximum ten votes.

For free voting go online
CBS.Com/"big brother."

Who will Shane
nominate for eviction?

Find out Sunday at 8:00, 7:00


Then Wednesday at 8:00, will the power
of veto save one of the nominees?

And I'll be back one week from
tonight at 9:00 for the next

live eviction, plus find out how
America voted and if the coaches

will enter the game.

To follow all the drama in the
"big brother" house, log on to

CBS.Com and subscribe to the
live 24-hour Internet feed.

Don't forget, "big "big brother:

After dark" airs live each
night on show-time 2.

Stay tuned for the premier of the new
dating show "three" next on CBS.

From outside the "big brother"

house, I'm Julie chen.