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14x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 05/05/24 12:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on "big brother..." Willie's
antics turned most of the house against


I said we'll work from week to
week and then you're going to

come through me in n the dirt?

Willie went on a terror
spree through the house.

Everyone in here hates him.

At the head of household competition
his former targets grabbed the power.

Congratulations, Frank, you are
the new head of household.

Making Willie public
enemy number one.

At the coaches' competition,
janelle didn't hider feelings

about Brittany's players.

Definitely picking Willie.

Jojo, Shane.

When his only allies turn their backs on him...
Willie, I'm sorry, I can't be

associated with you.

Willie began to spiral
out of control.

I'm not gonna go out like that, I'm
not going to go out like that.


With class.

I'm not going to
go out with class.

And when his temper got the best of him...
Willie, come to the room now.

He was expelled from the game.

I need you to come with me.

As you all know, v*olence is not
tolerated in the "big brother" house.

Tonight, Frank must nominate
two people for eviction.

Plus, who will win the power of
veto and will it be used to save

one of the nominees?

Find out right now
on "big brother."

Captioning funded by CBS

Willie has been removed
from the game.

The game continues on.

Thank you.

She said the game continues on so
we're still on for everything.

You all right?

That is a b*mb.

I was standing there
in just a towel.

What'd you say?

What'd you say?

Ow what'd you say?

Hit me!

Hit me!


Hit me!

Twoextremely large men right
in each other's face.

Get apart.

Stop right there.

I wanted to break it up but I was
extremely scared at that point in time.

I'm down to two players that no
fault or mine or my other players.

Our backs are against the wall.

Everyone in this house hates
us because of Willie.

We're going to have the
ones who ultimately suffer.

As soon as I heard Willie
was leaving the house I was

frustrated and petrified
because I was loyal to him.

I did what he wanted and now I am
the biggest target in the house.

At the center of it,
it's pretty sad.

Willie was the number one
target in this house and now

that he's gone Frank's next move
is probably to nominate two of

the three people that voted against him
last week: Shane, jojo, and Daniel.

And I hope he doesn't pick Daniel because
if she gets nominated and evicted I'm

leaving right behind her.




Willie's gone!

Two for one h.O.H.!

We now get to nominate
and evict somebody else!

Two for one this week!

It's happy hour, baby!

So who are you guys thinking
is the target, then?

Shane, obviously.


I came up with a crazy idea.

It's very risky.

My idea was nominate Daniel on
one of our team so Shane and

jojo aren't even in the thing.

We have our people play the p.O.V.,
use it and back door them.

Even though I'm working with
Mike boogie right now, I don't

fully trust him and I don't want
any of my players going up, not

even as a pawn.

I don't know.

It's a wild crazy idea but
putting one of our own up... I'm

not interested in this plan
because a at "big brother" the

pawns go home and I'm not
interested in going home.

It's a little risky.

If you put jojo and Shane up,
one of them leaves for sure.

Yeah but we'd much rather go ahead
and get Shane out if we can.

Boogie comes up with an
interesting proposition.

Putting up two people who are
not Shane on the block and

trying to black door him and
maybe put up one of our own

players to show we're
ready to play ball.

This could be a good idea.

Just ponder it.

Just food for thought.

Keep your head up.

I'm leaving way before you.

You're good.

Willie left and now me and Shane are the
next obvious targets because we were

associated with Willie and voted to
evict Frank out and Frank's h.O.H.

I'm on the block, I
already know that.

Some am I!

At least with Willie in the
game at least I had the votes.

You had the votes.

So he just screwed me.

If I was on the block with
Willie I know the house would

want him gone and I'd stay.

Right now it's up in the air.

I don't know what to expect.

I still think I'm going to be on
the block and it puts me in a

horrible situation.

We stayed true, we fought.

I need to go talk to him.

I at least deserve a
chance to talk to him.

Go ahead.

Frank has to give me a
chance to hear me out.

It's obvious I deserve
to be in this house.

Come on.

I'm sorry to interrupt but can
I please talk to you, Frank?

Yeah, yeah, no worries.

Sorry, I at least
deserve a chance.

No worries.

You want too go in the arcade?

That's cool.

I don't know if your
mind's made up.

Obviously me and Shane got...
Because of Willie, you know?

The whole thing we tried to work
together and I swear to God, I

swear on my grandmother's life I was
going to have your back stkpwr-fpt yeah.

And obviously I've shown that I'm loyal
to people that I align myself with.

I told you the night after the
blowup vote for me and I'll

know I can trust you.

If you vote with Willie and
stick with Willie you're going

to be putting yourself
in that same pot.

Y'all still stuck with Willie.

Janelle didn't, either.

She voted for Kara because
that was the only person left.

At the same time you could have voted
Kara out who wasn't on your team.

Daniel didn't have that choice;

you did.

Because Willie put in the my
head that you couldn't be

trusted, you know, basically.

But all of a sudden now you trust
me because I've got h.O.H.

You see what I'm saying?

I gave you the chance, jojo.

You know that.

I gave you the chance.

I gave Shane... I know but I felt like
I had to stay loyal to the people that

I started with.

Somebody who was just
cancer in this house.

Because I didn't see it.

How could you not see it?

A mistake on my part
and Shane's part.

We were both blinded by it.

This isn't my fault.

I don't know why everyone's acting
different towards me, Britney and Shane.

We were just being loyal.

Like everyone else is sticking with
their players and their coach.

It's like okay, well, it's
an easy way to target us.

You don't have a whole lot of
excuses other than that he was

on your team but the thing was
you could have said "hey, that's

not the right choice.

And I'm sorry you're in this
spot jojo because a lot of it is

Willie's fault but a lot
of it is your fault, too.

It sucks because Willie could
have easily been my number one

target this week but now I have to
get a little blood on my hands.

You made a bad decision.

Nominating two people for eviction
is never an easy thing to do.

I have two really good
options on the table.

But in the end I had to make the
decision that was best for me.

Hey, everybody.

Time for the
nomination ceremony.

This is the nomination
ceremoniment one of my duties as

head of household is to nominate
two people for eviction.

Ashley, since janelle won the
coach's competition you already

have your key and cannot
been b tom nateed.

I will pull the first key and
that person will be safe.

They will pull the next key
and so on and so forth.

Generallen, yojenn, you are saf.

Thank you, Frank.

Ian, you are safe.

Thanks, Frank.

Joe, you are safe.

Wil, you are safe.

Thank you, Frank.

Daniel, you are safe.

Thanks, Frank.

I've nominated you, Shane,
and you jojo for eviction.

You both were aligned with
Willie, I'll at least give you

both a chance to pull yourself
off the block this week and win

the power of veto.

This nomination
ceremony is adjourned.

Shane and jojo, you did not heed
my advice last week and you

tried to vote to get me out so now you
feel to feel the heat from the hot seat.

Shane, you're my
number one target.

Good luck.

It's okay.

I'm good.

As soon as Willie left the house I
knew I was going up on the block.

It really sucks.

All I was trying to
do was be loyal.

Not being nominated is great
for right now but if Shane or

jojo wins the veto and takes
themselves off I feel like I am

going to be the replacement
nominee and that sucks.

It's okay.

It's a game.

Frank did what he said he was
going to do now all I can do is

win the p.O.V. And try to
take myself off the block.

I was just going
to talk to y'all.


This freaking sucks.

Any advice, coach?

It's going to be a long week.

Just try to reintegrate yourself because
our team's on the freaking out.

Oh, yeah.


That one decision just
blew up in our face.

We're all having to go
down because of Willie.

The reason we made the
decisions we did were sincere.

Yeah, that's why I followed him.

I know.

It's all good.

You know, I feel bad.

Hey, it's part of the game.

At least we have a chance
to take ourselves off.

As a coach, I just feel so bad.

I don't know what to
do for them honestly.

I just... I feel like I just
take on all of the guilt.


Come on in n.

This is a terrible
place to be in.

I didn't expect to have to
deal with this as a coach.

I'm kind of at a loss and I'm
trying to still help them and

I'm trying to stay
positive for their sake.

Wil didn't give us a hug,
jenn didn't give us a hug.

No one did.

They're lucky I
have self-control.

So lucky.

I'm going to call that
pulling a Willie on people.

I'm not going out like that.

If I go out, I'm
doing it with class.

Until after p.O.V. Just
kind of keep quiet.

Don't talk.

Just relax.


There's nothing to talk about.

There's nothing to talk about.

I'm just going to
fight for p.O.V.

That's all I can do.

What happened today
was beyond amazing.

Daniel got a free
ride this week.

She didn't get... and she
didn't get nominated.

So Frank nominated
Shane and jojo.

The obvious choices, they
were Willie's alliance.

However, if one of them were to
win power of veto, we have to

take one off the block and probably
put up Daniel which is plan "b."

But no matter what, one of
these people is staying.

Planning ahead is
always good, kids.

In this game, people like to
kick people who are down.

Instead, let's embrace this and
you nurture your relationships

with Shane and jojo.

This guy is alone now.


And we should take this
opportunity so that if he wins

p.O.V. Then wins h.O.H. He goes
at Daniel or janelle's players.

That's not a bad idea.

Hey, everybody!

It's time to pick players
for the veto competition!

Only six people will participate
in the veto competition: The

head of household, the two
nominees and three other players

selected by random draw.

Will the nominees
please join me up here?

As h.O.H., I will pick first.

I am praying to play in this
veto because I feel like if I

don't get picked and Shane or
jojo win I'll be the person

replacing one of
them on the block.


I don't really care who
gets picked for this veto.

I need to win this for myself because
I know if I don't win I'm going home.


I really want Daniel to play in
this veto competition because

at least she can defend herself
and stop herself from getting

back doored because if she gets back
doored in this game I'm leaving with her.


I also have to choose a host for
veto competition and I choose Joe.

"Big brother" will inform us
when the competition will begin.

Good luck.

It's just so frustrating to me.

I have to sit here and watch my
fate be determined by everyone

else that's getting to play.

Yeah, I'm over dating.

I want to get married.

I'm so ready to get wifed up.

I want to be susie homemaker and have
my babies and have my little hubby.

My ideal man is...
Let's hear it.

I want to hear this.

Roughly five years
older than me.

I'd preferably like him
to have his own business.

And looks aren't huge for me.

I've dated my share of frogs.

But I definitely know
what I want in a man now.

Loves going out to eat.

Love snacks, loves
going to movies.

Someone that's a super family
guy that, like, loves to play

monopoly all night long.

Like when you walk into the room
you don't look at anyone but me.

Like you only see me.

Someone that likes to travel.

Great sense of humor.

He likes to work out.

Likes to look at the stars.

Likes to eat food.

Someone that likes to sleep.

And... I think that's all.

I think what you're describing
is very, very realistic.

I think that's
totally doab doable!

It's time for the
competiti competition!

Oh, snap!


Let the fiesta begin.

I walk into the bark yard
and it's a fiesta, baby!

There's pinatas, there's
salsa, gal moly.

Everything I love.

It's awesome!

This is what I've been waiting for,
a nice margarita ta * outside.

"Big brother" styled us out.

They gave us pitchers
of margaritas.

It was a nice warm day.

Nothing than a nice cold
margarita while you're watching

people fight for their life
in the "big brother" game.

Oh, they're going to jump
into giant guacamole?

So we're all just sitting
there enjoying our margaritas

and all of a sudden these little
chippettes come running across.

They were hilarious to look at.

Hola, paco!


B.B. Cantina!

I'm just excited because I know
that this chip is going to be

dipping in some good stuff.

This is the coolest thing ever!

Welcome to the "big brother"


Here's the scoop.

Hidden in the bowls of guacamole,
salsa, cheese and beans are menu items.

On "go," build a menu that
exactly matches the master menu

on the other side of the yard.

When you think you have all the
menu items in the correct order,

close your menu and ring your
dinner bell to lock in your time.

The person who gets the most
menu items right in the fastest

time wins the power of veto.

Going into this power of veto
competition, it's do or die.

If I don't win I'm going
home and I know this.

Game up or go hem.

I have to win this veto so bad!

Only I can guarantee my
safety in this house.

I'd definitely like to win so I can
keep the nominations the same.

If I could get out Shane this week it's
knocking Britney down to one player.

It's going to be a
great week of h.O.H.

This is a memory game.

It's difficult because you can't see
the master menu from your menu.

You have to search for the items
that are on the master menu in

the giant bowls of cape this
are in the middle of the yard.

The person who correctly places
the most food items in the

shortest amount of time wins.

Go after it!

There's stuff in spannish?

Keep it going, jojo.

Not only do you have to
memorize these things but you

have to dig them out
through nasty dips.

I'd rather go swimming on
a beach on staten island.

That's how nasty it was.

I have a very bad short term
memory so I don't want to have

to remember where the food items
belong while I'm searching so my

strategy is to go to the dips
first, then once I have a piece

I'm going to the main menu.

I'm trying to do this
as fast as I can.

Go Ian!

Go after it!

I have a great advantage in
this game because I practically

have a traffic memory.

That way I know exactly where
each food item needs to go much

faster than the
other contestants.

I had a really great strategy.

I would go to the board and then
I would recommend the first

three... four letters of each
word that was on the menu.

"B" for "burrito" and
"f" for a tee as.

I feel like fajita
was spelled weird.

Sorry, Frank!

Don't worry.

We're pulling menu items right
and left out of these dip

bowls and all of a sudden it's
like we've had ten sh*ts of

tequila slip-sliding
all over this place.

There was definitely a lot of
slipping and sliding going around.

I saw Shane and wil bust a
couple times so I was trying to

baby step it as much as possible because
I didn't want to take a hard fall.

Big tree fall hard.



Shane lost his shoe.

Go jojo!


Good job, Shane!

So I'm halfway done filling out
my menu and I realize I have

two unexpected but what I
need is the veto burrito.

So I realized I need to
check that bean dip.

I'm just praying that Shane
or jojo do not win this veto.

How many more, Ian?

How many more?

I got one left.

Go, go, go!


I'm thinking there's no way I
can let Ian ring in before me

because I know if I don't
win I'm going home.

I have absolutely no time to
check the master menu so I grab

the power pintos puzzle menu
piece and I slap it on my board.

Shane rings his fell pw *eur!

He is locked in.

Ian, keep going!

Way to go, Shane!

I don't know if they're right.

There you go.

Got to be there.

Ian, verify before
you ring the bell.

I know it's right.

That's 4.0, son.

Ian has locked in
his answers second.

And jojo finishes third.

Frank locks in fourth.

I have one last piece to
find and it's the darn duty!

So I go straight for the bean
dip and it's like searching far

need until a haystack.



Oh, yeah!


Even though everyone was
pretty much finished I didn't

want to give up because there's
a huge possibility that those

other people could be wrong.

I'm just double checking.

Ashley was trying so hard!

I don't believe if there was a fire under
her tail that she would move fast!

She is slower than pond water!

And finely Ashley!

Ashley, please
reveal your answers.

Ashley, you have 13 out of 16


You are currently in the lead!

Way to go, Ashley!

She got 13 out of 16 right.

Even though she rang in last, if no
one can beat 13 she can win this.

Let's see how wil did!

Wil, you have all 16 correct!

You are in the lead!

That means Ashley
you are eliminated.


Frank, please reveal
your answers.

Frank you have all 16 correct!

Since you finished before
wil, you are in the lead!

I'm sorry, wil, you
have been eliminated.

Jojo please reveal your answers.

Jojo you have all 16 correct.

Oh, thank God!

Since you finished before Frank
you are now in the lead.

Thank you.

Thank you, God.


All right, Ian.

Let's see your answers.

Ian, you have all 16 correct.

That's my boy!

You are now in the lead!

Photo finish!

Shane, since you locked in
your answers first if you have

all 16 items correct you
will win the power of veto.

No pressure, right?

So I rang my bell, never double checked
my menu, something hearing aid to do.

I know Ian was right behind me.

It was a risk I had
to take at the time.

This is it.

This is for all the marbles.

If I don't win I'm going home.

Shane, if you have all 16

items correct you will
win the power of veto.

So it's down to me and Ian and
at this point in time I am

not feeling very confident but I
absolutely 100% need this veto

to stay in the house.

If I don't get my menu right I'm
out the door this Thursday.

Shane, please reveal
your answers.

Shane, you have all 16


You win the power of veto!

Yeah, baby!


Congratulations, sir.

You earned it.

Number two in a row, baby.

That's what you get, America!

I needed this to stay alive in
this game and I'm still here for

another week, thank God.

It's all mine.

Shane wins and I'm so excited!

The fact that I know for sure
this week Shane's not going to

have to pay the ultimate price for Willie's
mistakes makes me so happy for him.

He definitely earned it.

Now that I put Shane up,
Annie's won the power of veto,

I'm definitely in a tight spot
because Shane could be coming

after me next week.

I'm thinking we should have
went with boogie's idea.

Time to go to work.

This worst case scenario for
Daniel to go on the block

because that's an
a*t*matic shoe-in for me.

So inside I'm like crying.

This is great!

Shane won the veto, now he
gets to come off the block.

Somebody else these go up
against jojo and we have a shot

of still having both players in
the game at the end of the week.

You're good, mama.

Stay strong, girl.

You know I am.

You know I don't give up.

She proved that she
deserves to be here.

Shane, I don't even deserve
to be celebrating.

It's all you.

Get out of here!

It's all you, my friend.

Winning the p.O.V. Is a
great benefit to me.

I have the power.

I have to make sure I utilize it
for my best benefit so I'm going

to be going around talking to
whoever I need to talk to making

deals, trying to make alliances and
hopefully it prolongs my stay in the house.

Sorry I screwed up
you guy's plans.

Listen... now you
know I'm legit.

Don't be so sure of the obvious...
You know, is the plan.

I am not and he is not at all
unhappy with that result.

I want to work with you 100%.

Like final two if you want.

I hopefully prove to you
that I'm a competitor.

Plus with me in the game
obviously that's a big target.

I'm playing individually.

I don't want to go back home and say
"yeah, my coach ruined it for me."

If I fail at this game, I want
to say I failed, I laid my cards

out and the coach made
the decision for me.


That I'd like Britney to wind
up, because she is my coach but

there may be a trade,
there may be a switch.

You could have ended
up with me this week.

I don't care who
wins as a coach.

I'm in it for me.

I'm presently treating Shane
like that wounded animal you

find in the woods that's got
his leg caught in a bear trap.

You pick up that animal and you
walk it back to your cabin and

nurse it back to health and
then you know what you have?

A very loyal pet.

Shane showed undeniable loyalty
sticking with Willie and if he

can be loyal to Willie imagine
what he can do for me!

The thing is, we're not doing
this with jojo and we're not

doing it with Daniel.


The key component here is
you can not tell Britney.

We have a ton of time
to talk about it.

So if you can just stay quiet.

I won't say a word.

Don't tell jojo, don't
tell Dan definitely.

And don't tell Britney.


Thanks, bud.

Talk to you later.

Appreciate it.


Thank you.

He's alive!

Thanks for giving
me the opportunity.

Absolutely, man.

Good talk.

I do think we can trust him
to keep his mouth shut.

I do, too, I feel good.

Hey, Shane.

What's up, brit?

What's going on?

Nothing, just Frank and boogie
and being so nice to me.

What's going on upstairs?

Nothing, they're just
trying to be nice to me.


They didn't have much to say,
they were just running scenarios

like if you win h.O.H. Who
are you going to put up?

Blah blah blah.

They didn't offer you any deals?


What deals would I
make with them?

At this point in the game I
have to work the angles.

I have to make deals and if it's
with boogie and Frank, so be it.

I have to make sure I keep it under
the radar from Britney and jojo.

They're going to offer a
deal later in the week.


Probably that's why I said I don't
want to talk about it to Thursday.

I'm not talking any game.

I have no reason to.


You earned yourself
some days off.

You know something I don't know?

If I try to help you it's
going to seal your fate.

Why do you feel like if you try
to help me you'll make it worse?

I just want to be the reason
you get bootd from this house,

to be honest with you.

No, Dan, no.

You can not do this.

You helped Kara the entire way.

And look what happened to her.

You can't do this
to me right now.

You can't just be like "by the
way, sorry, you're on your own."

That's what I'm saying.

So it may look like I'm being very harsh
on Danielle but that's what she needs!

This is one of my
coaching techniques!

I'm trying to like a fire
underneath her so she starts to

fight to save herself.

It's graduation day,
fourth quarter.

Coach is on the sidelines.

He can't play.

You've got the ball
in your hands.

You've just got to
get through jojo.

Get through jojo, score a touchdown,
we'll be here for a long time.

Dan... basically right
now it's not decided.

It's up in the air.

But there's a lot of things that you can
do to get it back in into your favor.

It's 50-50.


You're good, man.

As a coach when you
manipulate someone's motions

and... emotions and motivations
you have to be careful.

It's almost the last resort.

That's where Danielle and
I are at in this game.

If she doesn't fight really hard this
thing is going to go south for us.


Are you voting... just tell me,
I'm not going to get mad either

way because I know
she's on your team.

Are you voting for jojo to stay?

I don't know yet.

It depends on what's going to happen
because she's part of my team.

All right.

I'm just so peused and hurt.

I trusted Shane with everything
and they abandoned me.

It really hurts my feelings
because I have nobody.

I feel so rejected and unwanted.

And it really, really hurts.

So I've been doing
a lot of thinking.

I'm in an alliance with jojo, I
have a great relationship with

Danielle, I'm working wit workih
boogie and Frank and I want to

suggest putting up
another player.

I'm going to go to Frank tomorrow
before the veto meeting.

I'm obviously using it on me.

So he's got to replace it with
probably Danielle, right?


I'm going to tell
him to put up wil.

Back door him, get him
out of this game.

I'm so down for that.

So Shane comes up with the idea
to back door wil and it sounds

crazy but if this works we could
definitely be back in this game.

This is a pretty elaborate
plan that I thought up so

hopefully I have pull with Frank
so I can talk to him about

putting wil up as a
replacement nominee.

But don't bring this up.

Is everybody sleeping in a
little bit this morning?

Did you sleep good?

I did sleep pretty good?

Last week with the ing
staying up late, you know?

That k*lled me.

It is a crazy game.


At this point in the game I'm
going to possibly lose one of my

allies-- jojo or Danielle.

If I'm going to save them, I have to
convince Frank to make a big move.

I gotten a idea that would
be a complete game changer.

What is it?

I guess I can go over there.

No one else is up.

So obviously, I mean, I know you guys are...
You and janelle are

working together and I know Danielle
is the obvious one to put up.

But here's what I'm thinking.

Who do you think minus me is
your biggest physical threat in

this game that would
be gunning for you.


There's an opportunity to
back door him this week.

So we have the votes
to get him out.

It's a risk.

Guarantee you if you save jojo
and/or Danielle this week

they'll have your back.

And I mentioned it to jojo and
she said absolutely 100%.

I hope Frank realizes this is a
huge opportunity to put wil on

the block instead of Danielle.

I hope he thinks long and hard.

It could be a great thing for
both he and I in this game.

It would be a huge game changer.


for America's votes.

The have-notes will be eating
what you choose, America.

Which food items would you like to
give the have-notes for the week?

The power's in your
hands, America.

Text the number of your
selection to 81818.

This is a big decision for me.

I have to save myself, I'm
the bigger threat right now.

I hope my conversation with
Frank holds up and he nominates

wil instead of Danielle.

So it's pretty much obvious
Shane is going to use the power

of veto on himself which means I'm
going to have to put somebody else up.

Shane did come to me with the
idea of putting wil up and I

definitely have it on my mind,
but at the same time I'm not

sure if it's best for me.

Right now I feel
sick to my stomach.

I don't want to look at anybody.

I'm not in a good mood.

I feel all alone and I just have
this gut feeling that I'm going

to be the one going up as
the replacement nominee.

Everyone, it's time
for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Jojo and myself have been
nominated for eviction but I

have the power to veto
one of the nominations.

I have decided to use the
power of veto on myself.

Frank, since I just vetoed
one of your nominations for

evictions you have to name
a replacement nominee.

It's no fun nominating two
people much less having to put

somebody else up on the block.

Unfortunately, I've decided
to nominate Danielle.

I'm sorry.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Eventually I'm going to have to
go up against janelle's players

but for now putting up
wil it's too early.

I don't want to rock
the boat just yet.

I knew it.

I knew I was going on the block.

I feel so mad,
frustrated, and alone!

I'm abandoned.

It's me, myself and I.

So I've got to fight
to stay here.

This early in the game.

It sucks.

I'm a fighter.

I'm not going down without a
fight and I definitely know that

I deserve it more than Danielle
and I definitely know that I

want it way more than she does.

Danielle is on the block, my
back's against the wall but

coach Dan has a secret play
that he hasn't played yet.

It's a hail Mary, a
last-second shot.

I'm going to do whatever it
takes to keep Danielle in this

game even f it means throwing
Britney and jojo under the bus.

I'm already down one player this week,
I am not going to lose another one.

Danielle is a sweet girl, I like her,
blah blah blah, but she's got to go.

Who will be evicted from the "big
brother" house-- Danielle or jojo?

And who will become the
new head of household?

It all happens live Thursday at