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12x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 05/05/24 12:45
by bunniefuu
announcer: At the head of

Household competition, matt

Surfed his way to victory.

after matt wins, inside I'm

Saying, matt, I want to punch

You in the face but in a good



announcer: His prigade

Alliance wanted brendan and

Rachel on the chopping block.

brendan and rachel have to

Be, there's no question about


announcer: But matt had a

Different idea.

I've nominated you, kathy,

You, andrew.

maybe if someone wins the

Power of veto and uses it, I may

Consider backdooring brendan and

Rachel but right now I'm just

Sitting pretty.

announcer: When pressed by

The brigade... Matt agreed to a

Backdoor plan.

one of them is going home

This week.

announcer: But at the veto

Competition, the plan was


congratulations, brendan.

You have earned the power of


matt, you idiot!

You're supposed to be the brains

Of the operation, and this is

Your genius plan?

announcer: Andrew

Questioned his position as a


it was never to get you out.

announcer: So andrew told

His ally brendon he was taking

Matters into his own hands.

announcer: And at the veto

Meeting, andrew tried to mislead

The house.

brendan and rachel, I'm

Coming after you.

announcer: Who will be

Evicted from the "big brother"

House, kathy or andrew?

And who will become the new head

Of household?

Find out tonight on "big


give me some pop rocks!

[ cheers and applause ]

julie: Good evening.

I'm julie chen.

Welcome to "big brother."

It's day 27 inside the "big

Brother" house, and matt, the

Self-proclaimed diabolical

Supergenius, continues to find

Himself at the center of this


An escaping eviction last week,

Matt immediately rose to power,

Outlasting the others to become

The head of household.

His first mov move was personal,

Seeking revenge by nominating

Kathy, one of the two

Houseguests who voted to evict

Him last week.

His second move was strategic,

Putting andrew on the block as a

Pawn, and setting the stage to

Backdoor brendon.

But brendon persevered, winning

His second power of veto,

Keeping the nominations intact.

Tonight, two floaters are on the


Either andrew, the podiatrist,

Or kathy, the deputy sheriff,

Will leave the "big brother"


But first, it's been said that

Actions speak louder than words,

But in this game, one wrong word

Could send you packing.

brendon and rachel, I'm

Coming after you.

And, brendon, I would like for

To you give me the power of


Save me.

I have decided not to use the

Power of veto.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

I'm so confused at this


Andrew stands up and says he's

Coming after brendon and rachel.

And then says, "oh, and by the

Way, brendon, could you please

Use the veto on me."

Rachel's like... I mean, like, I

Am I in the twilight zone?

when did andrew jump on the

"we want to get rachel and

Brendon" bandwogon.

I am so sick of living in a

House full of haters.

I have no idea what andrew's

Speech was about.

All I know, I need to do is

Fight like there's no tomorrow.

that last sentence of your

Speech was the best-- "and can

You use the power of veto on


being the pawn, there's

Always a chance of leaving the

House, so I had to make a bold


Everybody knows that brendon and

Rachel are the super couple in

The house so if the house

Thinking I'm going after brendon

Or rachel it's more likely

They'll keep me in.

I took a chance and hopefully it

Will work.

that was great.

what's going on?


why are you pissed off at me?

I'm not pissed off at you?

are you really?

I don't know.


And you think he's your friend?

he tells me that this is part

Of him and andrew's plan.

I feel so betrayed.

Brendon's not supposed to keep

Secrets from me.

Who is he in a relationship

With, andrew or me?

I'm so tired of people...

Targeting us.

all right.

what was that?

I see what he's trying to do.

that was, like, amateur

Theater hour.

so you think the whole thing

Was concocted we the three of


I do?


rachel oversold it.

I mean, steam.

so it's obvious andrew is

Pretending to be against brendon

And rachel, but he went about it

All wrong.

Rachel had this horribly fake

Reaction to the whole thing, so

It blew up in their faces.

The whole house knows it.

That was so ridiculous.

So I called andrew up into the

H.O.H. Room because I do feel a

Bit responsible for him being in

The situation he's in and I did

Want to at least tell him how

His speech went.

I want to be honest with you...

People are very suspect that you

Weren't really going for brendon

And rachel.

I would definitely put them

Both up.

people thought for sure it

Was staged because of rachel's


oh,-- oh,-- seriously, she dt

Know anything.

They both do not know anything

Is going on.

when matt informs me that

People didn't buy my veto

Speech, I'm not feeling good.

I'm feeling worse off than I was

Before the veto meeting.

most important now is have

One-on-ones with people and talk

To every person.

I think you can get yourself out

Of this.

I hear what you're saying.

how come you're allowed to

Keep secrets from me and--

I'm not keeping secrets from



I was totally on aboard with

Getting kathy out, but now I'm

Pissed because I wasn't involved

In this plan.

I don't think they know what

They're doing.

I feel like I'm the only person

I can trust right now.

oh, my god.

when someone says that to me,


I know!

Rachel, I know, I know!

no, I don't think you do.


It's okay.

I really just don't like when

People try to mess with me.

[ sighs ]

for her to still doubt me

After me telling her that I love

Her, kind of takes the wind out

Of my sails.

I might have just lost the best

Thing that happened to me.

I hope you guys know what

You're doing because you're

Playing with fire and I am fire.

are you kidding me?

let me tell you why I need to

Be here.

Being a mom at 18, then I get


They give me six months to live.

That's the scariest feeling in

The world when they tell you,

You need to get your affairs in


The truth si need the money.

The chemothat I took causes


I have a son named shane, and I

Am in this house to fight for

The money to secure my son's


I don't know what else to do.

I mean, I can live with my

Suffering, but to watch my child

Suffer, I struggle with daily.

And I just want to make sure he

Is taken care of because there's

No one else left.

uhm, I think, like, what you

Just said, shows that you're a

Fighter in life, you know, and

You're a survivor.

And-- sorry, I almost broke down

There, like.

that's okay.

We're all emotional.

earlier in the week, I was

Pretty confident that I was

Going to vote to keep andrew

Because andrew goes into every

Competition and he fights.

He's a fighter.

But I've really begun to

Reconceptualize what a fighter

Means to me.

I have barely enough money to

Feed my family, you know.

I had to walk around the

Hospital pregnant, and you can

Imagine what people called you.

h.I.V. Seen over the past few

Days that kathy and kristen have

Been hanging out a lot more

Often, and I think kathy could

Be working kristen, you know, to

Keep her in the house.

if you end up leaving here,

It's going to be really hard for

Me because, honestly, you're

Like the only person I can

Relate to.

kristen hasn't said even two

Words to me since the veto

Meeting, and I resent that I

Don't also get the emotional

Support like kathy's getting

Because I'm feeling almost like

An outcast or leper.

It's much easier to be in this

House if you have someone to

Talk to.

I don't have someone to talk to.

I mean, I'm not the socialite

Here, and it's very hard


since you're both here, you

Can hear it.

Don't play me like a fiddle.

I know you're playing me.

Don't do it anymore, okay?



just all I'm saying.

uh, I don't appreciate that

At all.

We're going to have a nice

Little chat.

I don't appreciate you coming

At me like that, andrew.

There has been no communication

For the past however many days,

And you being up on the block,

That's your responsibility.

I'm not playing you like a


I haven't got any information

From you that everything is


then why don't you come and


okay, so you're saying I'm

Not doing the communication?

You are not doing the


you're the one up on the


okay, just remember.

Is that what you're saying?

You don't have to?

I have to be there for a

Friend, regardless.

what am I.

you haven't come to me.

She comes to me to talk.

you decided to speak to her

The whole time.

I knew she was going to be

Stuck to me like glue because

She doesn't have anybody in the


she has me.

Who do I have?

Who do I have?

you want to come to me, I'm

Always there?

why are you going to kathy?

I'm not going to kathy,


you just said you are.

I said she's coming to me for


for some reason you're losing

It and screaming at me.

because are you attacking me

In a sense that I'm not doing

Anything wrong.

attacking what?

I'm not attack ago.

andrew you're going to dig

Your own grave, don't do it.

trust me, you're digging your

Own grave.

I am not.

be careful.

yeah, you be careful, too.

what the... Was that?

This is unbelievable.

so, I was kind of leaning

Towards keeping andrew in the


what are you talking about?

the next biggest target is



Which is why it's good to keep

Him, whereas if kathy's here,

The next big target is one of


no doubt about it.

oddly enough, because andrew

Put such a big target on his

Back, he might be the right

Person to keep in this house.

If he's in here, everyone's

Still gunning for him and not

The brigade.

so, like, it's not just who

You vote off.

It's who you leave in the house

Sometimes, too.

We could leave a target that

Takes the eyes off of us.


so it's like do we keep kathy

Because she's useless?

yeah, she's useless, but

She's not going to win.

it will be good.

Keep andrew?

I'd like to keep him just

Because I think there's going to

Be friction and it's going to be


that's what I'm saying.

Like, anything that dwerts

People's attention from the

Brigade is cool.

julie: Coming up, the

Houseguests will be voting live

To evict either andrew or kathy.

Plus, matt made up a lie about

His wife and in the process

Create aid controversy outside

The house.

His wife weighs in had when we


Stay with us.

[ cheers and applause ]

julie: Welcome back to

"big brother."

Let's go to the living room and

Talk with the houseguests.

Hello, houseguests.

hi, julie!

julie: Rachel, I want to

Start with you tonight.


julie: People have

[ cheers and applause ]

Publicly declared that they were

Coming after you and brendon.


julie: How surprised are

You that you're not on the block

This week?

I am shocked, julie.

I am so thankful because I

Definitely thought I was going

To be on the block, but I am

Super thankful, and I'm ray


I'm a competitor.

So I'm going to do whatever I

Can to stay here and hopefully

Make brendon and I stay as long

As we can.

julie: Okay.

Lane, I want to turn to you.

You strike me as an outdoors man


a little.

julie: After being in the

"big brother" house for 27 days

Now, what do you miss most about


it would probably be spot


[ laughter ]

[ applause ].

julie: Explain again what

That is.

it's-- we don't have flash

Lights, and you really can't

Target any of the people in

Here, so it would be spot

Lighting and fishing.

julie: Spot lighting is

When you see the eyes in the

Tree and just sh**t at it.


julie: I just want to

Clarify it.

Enzo, I want to turn to you now.


julie: Hey.

I know that brittany has been

Helping you with your accent.

oh, man.

julie: How is that working


I think I speak great, you


I'm from the east coast.

There's nothing wrong with it.

I don't see nothing wrong with


She says there's something wrong

With it but I am who I am and

That's what I'm going to be.

That's it.

julie: I want to see how

You're doing.

Just repeat after me.

Let's play a little game here,

All right.

Say "dog."


julie: Try and say it like

This, dog.


julie: Now say dawg.

dawg, that's what it is.

julie: Say coffee.


julie: I didn't say, say

Cawfe, say coffee.


julie: How about a whole


I reckon I won't be on slop next


I reckon, I won't be on slop

Next week.

julie: That was very good.

And guess what?

Because you said it so well, I'm

Going to make it true.

No one will be on slop, so

Houseguests, enjoy this one week


It's a one-week break.


julie: Thank you,


thank you!

julie: I'll be back later

To talk with you all again.

Matt claims to be the most

Intelligent player in the game,

But does his wife think his big

Lie is his smartest move?

the way his brain works

Isn't, like, anybody else's.

He's extremely intelligent.

But he lacks all common sense.

I just got married in

September so it's still fresh.

Right before my 22nd brother

She came down with this like

Bone condition.

I was extremely shocked that

Matt is lying to everybody in

The house saying I have this

Extremely rare bone disease.

it only affects, like, less

Than one in a million.

I don't agree with what he


I don't think that it was a good

Move on matt's part.

I think that if they want him

Out of the house, it's going to


I know you're worried about


But you have no reason to.

I'm in great hands, and I'm

Staying strong and holding it


I did try and help him out

With the letter only because I

Could see it coming back and

Biting him in the house.

so you have that web site up

And running for your wife now?


I would encourage you to find

The leading surgeon, and find

Who's the leading researcher--

to be honest, that's

Something I would end up doing

If the money ended up coming.

seerlsly when I got out of

Here I would be more than happy

To see what I could do.

I really don't think that he

Thought of all the


I know he was doing is not to be

Malicious or evil.

He's not that kind of person.

and then we don't even know

What part of that's' true.

But to me that just is


If somebody maliciously lied and

Said somebody was on their death

Bed and blah, blarks blah.

I hate that.

That's disgusting.

that sickens me, you know.


using the death of a family

If they're not really dead.

or sickness or illnesss,

Something like that, that's


totally, oh, my god.

yeah, I don't like that.

julie: Coming up, it's the

Live vote and eviction.

Andrew or kathy, who will be

Leaving the "big brother" house


And is the saboteur twist really


You'll find out soon.

Stay with us.

[ applause ]

julie: Welcome back.

It's the last hour of matt's

Reign of head of household.

Let's talk to him privately in

The h.O.H. Bedroom.

Hi there, matt.

julie chen, what's up.

julie: Your housematemates e

All downstairs.

They can't hear you.

So, please, speak your mind.


julie: Now you told the

Others in the house your wife

Has a rare bone disease hoping

To play on the stism thee of the


Do you think the lie is working

So far?

I think the lie is working


I already have three of my votes

In the jury house if I need it

So everybody is buying into this

Hook, line, and sinker.

julie: Are you worried

You've offended being doing


I'm certain I've offended

Some people.

I'm the best player the game has

Had and I do what you have to do

And I hope people understand

It's part of the game play.

julie: Let's talk about

Your brigade alliance.

They all wanted you nonominate

Brendon and rachel this week but

You went a different way, how


by not nominating brendon and

Rachel off the batty I was able

To make a deal with them and

Saved myself on the upcoming


I hedged my odds and I'll

Probably be here another week

After that.

julie: Is there a weak

Link in your brigade alliance?

if there's a weak link it's


There's a definitely possibility

That he's inica hoots with

Christien even secret friends if

That is a real thing but he is

The weak link.

julie: Will you stay true

To him?

urn doubtedly I'll stay true

Too him.

I think he'll be true to us and

Take her to the final 5 and

Knock her off then.

julie: It's time to find

Out who will be walking out of

The house tonight.

Will it be andrew the

Podiatrist, or kathy the deputy

Sheriff from texar can


Let's return to the living room

And talk with the two nominees.

Andrews, kathy, in just a few

Moments your housemates will

Cast their votes to evict live

But before they do you each have

One last chance to plead your


Kathy, you're up first.


I absolutely love all of you.

I mean, y'all make my heart

Beat, okay.

And when I came into the house,

I came in and I promised myself

I would not change me.

And my mom, my grandma and my

Family taught me my morals, my

Church taught me my faith, and

My job taught me integrity and

Loyalty and I refuse to break

Any of that and if that gets me

Out of the house, it gets me out

Of the house but I'll be me.

I love all you, all.

I love you texarcanna, I love

You my family, see you soon.

julie: Andrew, it's in

Your turn.

I'm nay rush, daddy I love


I have to talk fast upon

Everybody thought I was going

After brendon and rachel.

There's a reason why I wasn't.

There's someone else in this

House that has a stronger

Relationship, a romantic

Relationship, it's criste cristd


You need help to get this

Relationship out.

When I was sleeping at nighty,

Kristen would get in the bed,

They would do massaging and

Kissing and doing more.

The difference is these people

Are out.

These people are not out.

You have to break up two


They said bad things, brittany,

This is not about me, brittany,

Kristen doesn't like the way you


Hayden thinks you have her in

Your pocket and will control


Lane, hayden does love you, he's

Just taking you to fourth and


Enzo, I can't say it, because

You're my friend but the things

They said about your

Intelligence was wrong.

I'm here.

I want to take them out.

That's the reason why you need

Me in the house.

You gotta keep the votes.

Now, yesterday, there was only

One person after my speech

Didn't come to me.

And it was kristen.


Lane, you're a man.

You came to me.

I love you for that.

She's a tin man.

She doesn't care about anybody


She will break anyone.

Hayden you gotta get out of it


I apologize.

You're a breat man.

You really have to do it.

Watch out for kristen, guys.

Thank you very much, julie,

Captain kosher.

come on, you're way better

Than that.

lies, lies,alize.

that is all true.

I've been in the room.

julie: Houseguests,

Kristen, this is not your chance

To talk.

It is time for the live voting

To begin.

As always, neither nominee is

Allowed to vote.

Matt, as the current head of

Household you will only vote in

The event of a tie.

One at a time the rest of you

Will enter the diary room and

Cast your vote to evict.

Kristen, you're up first.

Please go to the diary room.

Y all week, kristen seemed to be

On andrew's side, but given his

Last plea speech her vote should

Be no surprise.

Kristen, this seems like a silly

Question, but, please cast your

Vote to evict.

I gladly evict andrew.

julie: Thank you.

thank you.

julie: Rachel was upset

That andrew didn't clue her in

To his plan.

Will she choose to support him?


hi, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict andrew.

julie: Thank you, rachel.

thank you.

julie: Brittany has not

Sided with kathy or andrew,

Where will her vote fall?

Hi there, brittany.

julie: Hi, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

wow, I vote to evict andrew.

julie: Thank you.


julie: The vote is three

Votes to evict andrew and zero

Votes to evict kathy.

The rest of the houseguests cast

Their votes live when we return.

Stay with us.

[ applause ]

[ cheers ]

julie: Welcome back to

The house is in turmoil right

Now after an crew's last plea


The houseguests are voting to

Live to evict either andrew or

Kathy and so far, it's three

Votes to sear in favor of

Evicting andrew.

Let's continue with the live


Enzo sees the benefit of keeping

Andrew in the house for a target

But will that be enough to evict


Hi there, enzo.

hey, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

vote to evict captain koshir,


julie: Brendon and andrew

Have been close in the house.

Will he support his friend or

Seal his fate?

Hi there, brendon.

hey, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

I hate to do it, but I have

To evict andrew.

julie: Thank you, brendon.

thank you.

julie: It's official.

Andrew will be leaving the "big

Brother" house tonight but let's

See how the other votes fall.

Hello, lane.

hi, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict andrew.

julie: Thank you, lane.

thank you.

julie: Andrew has just

Exposed hayden's secret

Showmance, so his vote should be

No secret at all.

Hello, hayden.

what's up, julie.

please cast your vote to


I vote to evict andrew.

julie: Thank you, hayden.


julie: Reagan seemed taken

With kathy's polite.

Will he vote with his heart?

Hello, reagan?

hi, julie.

julie: Please vote to


I vote to ?Iegzalize and

Evict andrew.

julie: Thank you, reagan.

thank you.

julie: All of the votes

Are in.

Let's give the news to the


Houseguests, just's reminder,

When I reveal the vote, the

Evict the houseguest will have

Just a few moments to say

Good-bye, gather his or her

Belongings and walk out the

Front door.

By a vote of 8-0, andrew, you

Are evicted from the "big

Brother" house.

take care.

good luck.

good luck, brittany.

mazle tov to all, good luck.

Mazel tov.

[ cheers and applause ]

she's like, "kristen, this is

Not your time."

[ laughter ].

that is crazy!

who is saying I'm an idiot?

let's wash the glass.

kathy and kosher, man.


And then we have to go do a

Competition after this?

that's right.



caught in the cross-fire.

julie: Wow!

That was the best last-plea

Speech I've ever seen.

But it didn't work.

You didn't get a single vote.

no, these guys are trying to

Stick together and nobody wants

To be the outcast to make the

Own vote on their own so then

They'll be going out next which

Is what happened to kathy and I.

We went up on the block.

julie: Why didn't you take

The information you knew that

Kristen and hayden was in a

Showinance and try to blackmail

Them for votes early in the week

And say, "listen, unless you

Vote to keep me in..." and start

An alliance with them or


that's a great plan.

I should have now that I look

Back upon it.

I just didn't want to deal-- I

Thought this would be the best

Way to have them allave sudden

Have to make their own decision

For themselves right away and

Maybe it would change but,

Obviously, it didn't.

julie: Let's talk about

Other regrets you might have in

This game.

You were supposed to be the

Pawn, and in the veto meeting

You make this bold move trying

To hide your friendship with


Don't you regret that move now?

I naught thiewt it was a

Great move at the time.

I really thought I would get

Away with it, but I think the

People who spread it are cristen

And hayden saying hey, he's not

Really going after them.

julie: You whispered

Something to hayden on your way


What was the exchange between

You two?

What did you say?

I said, "you're a good guy

And I think you have to get away

From kristen."

I really like hayden as a nice


I think kristen has a tough

Attitude about her.

julie: Originally, you

Were suspicious when matt told

You that his wife has an


Why were you suspicious?

honestly, as a medical

Doctor, I didn't recognize the

Name he was saying and if it's a

Very rare disease I gotta look

It up but I didn't recognize the


julie: It's a real disease

But the lie is, his wife is


oh, it's a real disease but

His wife is fine.

So that made him the saboteur in

My mind.

julie: In the event you

Were the one vote out tonight,

Your housemates taped some

Good-bye messages.

Let's listen, andrew.

andrew, I can't help but

Feeling partly responsible for

You being home right new.

I did put you up and when I told

You you were put up as a pawn it

Was the honest to god's truth.

It turns out you dug your own

Grave for this, my friend.

it didn't have to come to an

Argument for to us get to know

One another.

Your lack of communication with

Me other ands was your biggest


you risked a lot just being

My friend, and that is something

I will never be able to repay

You for, you are a king among


I absolutely hated sitting

Next to you on the block due to

The fact that we are friend.

It was miserable.

It was hard.

And I wish you the best of luck.

frankly, andrew, I'm not

Really that sad to see you go.

Ain't nobody going to get

Between me and my man, andrew,

And especially not another man.


you represented your faith

With honesty and integrity.

Anybody who worships with you,

Your family, they're going to be

Absolutely proud of you.

To be in this atmosphere and,

You know, to remain so faithful,

I think you're the man.

julie: Well, you went out

g*ns blazing and we thank you

For playing this game the way

You played it.

I appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

I hopefully did proud.

julie: I'll talk more with

Andrew tomorrow morning on "the

Early show" on cbs.

Coming up, it's the head of

Household competition.

Who will claim the most powerful

Position in the house?

Plus, a new twist is on its way.

Learn how you, america, can get


Stay with us.

[ cheers and applause ]

julie: Welcome back to

"big brother."

It's time for the live head of

Household competition.

Free from the threat of

Eviction, the h.O.H. Must put

Two houseguests on the chopping


Who will be the new head of


Let's find out.

Houseguests, the power is up for


Matt, as outgoing head of

Household, you are not eligible

To compete.

This competition is called "big

Brother knockout."

And here's how it works.

Two at a time, you will face off

At the podium and answer a

Question based on previous

Competitions you've had this


The answer to each question will

Be one of the following:

H.O.H., have/have not, or veto.

The goal is to be the first

Person to buzz in with the

Correct answer.

Answer correctly, you stay in

The game and your opponent is

Knocked out.

You will then choose the next

Two houseguests to face pawf.

Answer incorrectly, and you will

Be knocked out and your opponent

Will chiewltz the next two to


If no one buzzes in, you will

Both be knocked out unless

You're the final two.

The last person standing will be

The new head of household.

Does everyone understand?


Earlier today, you randomly

Chose the first two houseguests

To face off, hayden and britney.

Let's begin.

Question one: In this

Competition, you had to be bold

With your decision to stay or



The correct answer is veto.

The veto of fortune competition.

You stay in the round.

Britney, step down.

Hayden, who would you like to

See face off next?

brendon and rachel.

julie: Brendon and rachel,

Step on up.

Question two: In this

Competition, you worked like a

Mule when trying to crawl

Through the caramel pool.

Rachel, the correct answer is

Have/have not, the sweet tooth


Sorry, brendon.

You're out.

Rachel, pick the next two people

To face off.

kristen and hayden.

julie: Kristen and hayden,

Step on up.

Question number three: In this

Competition, you may have been

Flustered when you got doused

With streams of "big brother"


Kristen, the correct answer is


The hot dog we have a weaner


Kristen, pick the next two

People to face off.

kathy and rachel.

julie: Ladies, step on up.

Question four: In this

Competition, there was no escape

For those between the wall and



The correct answer is have/have


The stick 'em up competition.

Kathy step down, rachel keep it


Pick the next two people to face


kristen and enzo.

julie: Question five:

This competition was a slap in

The face until you dropped your

Business briefcase.

Kristen, the correct answer is

Veto, the "big brother" stocks


Sorry, enzo, step down.

Kristen, pick the next two to

Face off.

rachel and reagan.

julie: Rachel and reagan

Step on up as we move on to

Question six.

In this competition, your first

Priority was to keep your answer

With the majority.

Rachel, the correct answer is


The majority rules competition.

Reagan, step down.

Rachel pick the next two to face


kristen and lane.

julie: Oh, they're the

Only two left.

Of course they have to step up.

Silly me.

Here we go.

Question seven: In this

Competition, did you feel like a

Nerd try to spell the longest


Lane, the correct answer is


The cinco de mayo competition.

Sorry, kristen, step down.

Lane and rachel, you're about to

Face off.

One of of you is about to become

The new h.O.H.

This competition was quite a

Thrill flying above a giant


Rachel, the correct answer is


oh, my god!

julie: Congratulations.

For the second time this season

You are the new h.O.H.

Matt, give her that key.

don't worry about it.


don't worry about it.

I'm so proud of you.

julie: The power has once

Again shifted back to the power


What's in store for the

Houseguests now that raich

Settle new h.O.H.?

We'll soon find out but first a

New twist.

One week from tonight, pandora's

Box will be back in play and a

New sabtour could be released

Into the "big brother" game.

And you, america, will choose

Who you want to receive the

Offer to be the new saboteur.

Here's how to get involved:

announcer: America, do you

Want to impact the "big brother"


A new saboteur may be unleashed

On the "big brother" house and

This time, you get to choose who

It will be.

The houseguest with the most

Votes will be given an offer to

Become the new saboteur.

Their goal-- to reek havoc,

Survive the next two weeks, and

Take home $20,000.

The power's in your hands,


Text the number of the

Houseguest you would like it see

Become the saboteur to 81818.

It's $1 per text message vote.

Tune in Sunday night, August 8,

At 8:00, 7:00 central to see how

It all plays out.

Maximum 10 text messages vote.

If the person with the most

Votes is evicted, the person

With the next most vote will be

Given the offer.

Votes will be accepted legal

julie: Welcome back to

"big brother."

Andrew just exposed hayden and

Kristen's showmance.

What will the fallout be?

And who will rachel nominate for


Find out Sunday at eight, seven


Then Wednesday at eight, seven

Central, will the power of veto

Save one of the two nominees?

And one week from tonight, I'll

Be back for the next live


I'll also reveal who you,

America, voted to be the new


To follow the houseguest's

Effort move log on to cbs.Com

And subscribe to the live

Can get an uncensured look at

Life on the house on "big

Brother afte"bigbrother after dr

After dark," and at 3:00 a.M. On

Showtime too.

I'm julie chen, good night.

you seriously heard that.

You have...


Why would I make that up?

we were not making out last


Why would we do something so



so why don't you grab a

Lifevest because you're a

Floater and float-- off because

You're in dangerous waters,


I have this key and that means I

Get to make nominees.

all right, I know.

I already know you're going

Fought the two of us up.

I'm not stupid.

maybe I wasn't.

Maybe I will now.

Thanks for making my mind up for
