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12x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 05/05/24 12:45
by bunniefuu
preefg on "big brother"...

Rachel called out matt for

Playing both sides.

matt, you are playing

Everyone in this room, and you

Are trying to get out of it.

this is all a load of bull.

You got busted!

announcer: And he meade a

Threat to the power couple

you two are certainly a

Target for me next week, and if

Anyone in the house thinks you

Shouldn't be a target for them

Next week, they're idiots, for


announcer: At the head of

Household competition, it was a

Battle of endurance.

julie: The last person

Standing on their surfaboard

Will be the new h.O.H.

that's cold!

[ buzzer ]

announcer: And in the end,

Rachel's worst nightmare came


[ buzzer ]

it's up to matty.

announcer: The brigade had

Their say it's set on the

Showmance but matt had his own


andrew, I need someone to go

Up, and that may be you, but I

Don't want you to go home.

announcer: At the nomination

Ceremony, the self-proclaimed

Genius shocked the house.

I have nominated you kathy,

You andrew.

maybe if someone wins the

Power of veto and uses it I may

Consider backdoing brendon and

Rachel, but right now I'm

Sitting pretty.

announcer: Who win the power

Of veto and will it be used to

Safe brendon or kathy from


Find out tonight on "big


brandon, you are safe.

I have nominated you, kathy,

You, andrew.

Kathy, you were the only other

Vote against me except britney,

So you may be gunning for me or


andrew, you were gunning for


Maybe you still are.

I don't know.

I have to look out for myself.

I eenl have two people gunning

For me.

The nomination ceremony is


wow, I cannot believe that

Brendon and I just dodged matt's


Either he really trusts brendon

And I, or he's trying to

Backdoor brendon and I.

matt puts me on the block.

He says I'm not the real target

This week, I'm the pawn.

But in "big brother," anything

Can happen.

If you're on that block you have

A chance of leaving this house

And I don't want to be that


matt, the brains of the

Brigade, go the two floaters

This week.

I don't know what he's doing.

We were hoping for a power move,

And he puts up kathy and andrew.

what is going on?

Matt said brendon and rachel,

I'm going after you.

Just absolutely does not make

Sense to put me on the block

Just because I voted against him

For the week.

everybody thinks I'm crazy

Right now for not putting up

Brendon and rachel as my

Nomination, but this is my

H.O.H., so I don't really care

What they think.

I need to do what I need to do

To win a half million dollars,

And if the opportunity presents

Itself to backdoor brendon,

Maybe I'll take that


Maybe I won't.

so stupid it's not funny.

It's stupid.


Wait a minute.

sorry, andrew.

I don't care what's going on

At this house.

gotta go at one point.


it's okay, matt.

The reason I voted the way they

Voted was because you were

Protected no matter what.

I wasn't gunning for you.

I wish I would have known


I'm so nervous.

I don't want to go home.

win it.

Win it.

Do it.

I'll try.

I'll tell you this and I'm

Going to tell andrew, too


Do what you need to do.

I'm not going to say I want

Kathy gone.

I want andrew gone.

It's not coming out of my mouth.

If come up and ask what I want,

I'll say I don't care.

Kathy tells me she wasn't

Gunning for me.

She was just voting for her


I absolutely do not believe a

Word that's coming out of her


I'm sorry again.

no, there's nothing to be

Sorry about.

I mean, it's a hard job to do.

people like you so you might

Be hanging in there.


You all right?

no, it's a stupid thing.

I don't get it.

I don't, either.

I think it's a stupid thing.

I didn't know.

I had no idea.

we had no idea.

it's just a stupid thing.

It's just a stupid thing.

It makes no sense to me.

I mean I can understand maybe if

He's trying to backdoor but all

Brendon has to do is win.

I was absolutely shocked.

If I win p.O.V., I'm pulling you



if I get to play in the veto

And I happen to win, of course

I'm going to pull andrew off the


Im the nominations to change.

We want to backdoor brendon and

Get him out of the house asap.

thanks, guys.

I was just totally shokdz.

I was, too.

I appreciate it.

Tomorrow we'll figure out what's

Going to happen anyway.

And everybody in the house.

You know.

who put this on the table?

that's something she just


who's "she?"



by putting peaches in the

Iced tea you made the have-nots

Not able to drink the iced tea,

One of the few things we can

Have in this house.


he hates me.


what happened?

What's wrong?

I'm just letting off steam.

what's pissing you off?

rach cell going to k*ll me.

She's putting the peaches in the

Iced tea.

We can't drink the iced tea now.

rachel is insensitive to

People around her that she's

Living with.

Ideally, I would love to it just

Be brendon and I in a big

Alliance and hopefully we can

Control the house but I have

Some reservations when it comes

To dealing with certain things

Of rachel's personality.

Brandon can handle it.

I can't.

unbelievable, the idiocrasy


This house.

I know.

are you going to try and

Backdoor brendon and rachel?

I don't know.

Whatever you guys think.

I'm open to it.

we just have to make sure

That everyone in the house knows

They have to use--

there's no reason...

is she going to use it?

it's so obvious what's going

On that it doesn't need to be


if brendon and rachel are

Sitting there safe, I mean,

People want won of them out.

That's why keeping them off

Slike, okay, it's obvious the

P.O.V. Will be used.

I was toying with the idea of

Backdooring brendon initially,

But after talking to the brigade

It sounds like everybody wants

That to happen so if the

Opportunity presents itself, I

Think that might be the thing to


everything always works out

For us.

no, I think it will.

the plan now for the brigade

Is to backdoor brendon or


We have to keep our fingers


Hopefully they don't get called

The power of veto, it's a


one of them is going home

This week.

got to.

oh, it looks so beautiful.

I didn't know we had a rug under


for me, cleanliness is next

Tow godliness but they are slobz

And they just don't care in this


I say we have to do the laundry.

It's ridiculous.

you know, we all have our


I like music.

I like hockey.

I like watching movies.

Andrew likes cleaning.

To each their own.

He's like a housewife.

He's like a goofy little

Orthodox housewife.

he can clean all he wants.

I might have andrew start doing

My wash-- my underwear, my


If does that, he might be an


I put the pot on for the tea I

Sit down and it's off and I

Said, "what happened?"

"oh, you put it on?"

Yeah, you saw me put it on.

He's cleaning stuff that's clean

Never mind if it's dirty.

I do everything in this


The piles up.

I'm doing the laundry.

I'm cleaning the cups.

I'm doing the outside lawn.

I'm cleaning the bedrooms.

I mean, I have to talk to some

Of these people's moms.

that's nasty.

hey, everybody, it's time to

Pick players for the veto


Only six people will participate

In the veto competition.

The head of household, the two

Nominees, and three other

Players selected by random


Will the nominees please join me

Up here?

I absolutely have to win this

Veto or I think I'm gonna be out

Of the house.

I will work as hard as I can

In the veto competition to get

The results I need to make it

Far in this game.

as h.O.H., I will pick first.


and, of course, as fate would

Have it for the brigade, I pick



Well, there's two more left and

Maybe we'll get two other

Brigade members on board here.


this veto competition is


It's our chance to get brendon


I'm ready to win this power of



this couldn't have been any

Worse for me.

Who do I find annoying and I

Know is not going to save me?


I thought god loved me.

What sin did I do this week?

I also have to choose a host

For the veto competition, and I

Choose enzo.

[ applause ]

"big brother" will inform us

When the competition is to


Good luck.

thank you.

the only two people I didn't

Want to get picked to play in

The power of veto are brendon

And rachel.

Both of those names got and I

Could now the plan to

Backdorbrendon is in serious


how does this happen to us

Every time?

I don't understand it.

we cannot catch a break.

How is that possible?

How is that even possible?

when his name got drawn first

I mean, come on!

Both of them!

every time worst-case

Scenario has happened with us.

we have no luck in this


We can't get jack crap done.

Come on!

we have enzo, hayden, kristen



and then the houseghost

Choice things, it's like--

and no one picks the

Houseguest choice.


I mean, we're working for


It ain't being handed to us.

This rein of terror we're


oh, my god!

we can still win it.

we've got to.

we still have a big chance.

do, we do.

it doesn't bother me they

Both picked.

It just itches at me they both

Got picked.

What the hell!

Give me some pop rocks.

It the

green apple isn't very good.

It the.

the thing we all don't want.

Then we've got to get kathy.

I can't trust matt at all.

His plan is getting worse and


In the beginning I was just the


It's not the way it's supposed

To be going, matt.

Your plan is blowing up in my


if it's just us two, let's

Not worry about it.

If for some reason brendon


or rachel.

If one of those two wins they're

Sitting there smiling at you.

I know, I know.

That's the only thing I'm

Worried about I'm worried, too.

this is going to be crazy

Tonight, man.

it is.

I have to bust my ass.

I'm interested to see what

The challenge is, man.

I just want to see this

Physics test out there today.

cloning a human.

yeah, something like that.

brendon and rachel, they're

Already both scientists.

The last thing we need is, you

Know, a test on the table of

Elements in the veto


there lobby a line with


This is called "weird science."

look at this guy.

Look at this.

It's unbelievable.

oh, damn.

I thought he was a ninja or


I didn't know jewish guys

Wore ninja outfits when they


That's the good thing about

Being on "big brother," I can

Learn different cultures and

Highway they work.

we have to win the


he's a competitor.

He's a strong guy.

he is.

the best-case scenario,


Captain kosher takes down the

P.O.V., we backdoor brendon.

credits are rolling.

oh, man.

I'm just like, whatever.

Play the competition.

Whatever happens, happens, and

We'll take it from there.

I hope he does.

I hope he does, too, man.

I just want to open up, like

A drive-in beer store.

you have open chal in your

Car in texas?

I don't know.

we're a state.

We have laws, too.

it would be crazy for you to

Sit in a car and you look back

There and have a machine g*n

With a night-vision scope, a

r*fle, two shotguns, and a sack

Full of b*ll*ts, and I'll just

Be going to the bar.

To me, that was normal.

Growing up in texas, g*ns are

Like second nature to us.

It's not common to see a g*n in

Someone's car or someone's


It doesn't mean we're going to

Rob a basic.

We might be bored that day and

Want to sh**t a turtle.

When you go spotlighting, you we

Used to do that a lot.

You have 10 people with r*fles

And a case of beer, and you

Shine the flashlight in the

Trees and you see eyes, and you

sh**t it.

are you kidding me?

and you just go out there and

k*ll stuff.

that is definitely redneck.

lane is a cowboy.

I didn't even know people like

Him even existed.

I am not going to lie, getting

Drunk with your friends and

sh**t does sound fun.

I wanted you to have

Everything you seen on "007."

It has the straps.

It has the extra handle for the


lane is like a cartoon

Character, kind of chew on the

Grass with the straw hat,

Overall, a couple of shotguns on

Each arm.

If he kills something that day,

He kills something.

are they big on not

Encouraging people to drink and

sh**t g*ns?


it's time for the veto


What up?

I'm like the bearded lady.

Enzo hammer.

Veto players, I foresee one of

You wielding incredible power in

The near future.

Gear up and meet me in the


I will reveal all.

oh, my god!

right here!

Here it is.


you now have 10 minutes to

Look at the items that will

Decide your future.

when I walked outside, the

First thing I saw was aladdin

Table, fortune cookies, and a

Jafr eyeballs.

feel free to reach in.

this thing basically looked

Like a smarter version of a

Redneck carnival in texas.

I saw a smaller amount of an

Item next to a larger amount of

An item and right away my mind

Went boom, boom, boom, count,

Count, count.

I'm like oh, my gosh, I'm not

Used tow counting.I was trying

My best to count as much as I


you can put your hand in



those fish eyeballs are


I stuck my hand in, and I didn't

Want to stick it in again.

I had no idea how many eyeballs

Were in there.

I should have just avoided it.

matt is, like, my greatest


I'm fantastic at calculations

And things.

But, like, eyeballing things.

That's a "rainman" thing to me.

That's like when rain man drops

A bunch of matches and says

There are 96 matches.

I don't have that ability.

I have seen a lot of horses

In my life and none of them have

Had a horn grow out of their

Foreheads or way, necklaces.

the object of the game is to

Earn three points.

To earn a point, I, the amazing

Enzo, will ask you a question

About one of the items.

Each answer is always an amount.

You will write down what you

Think is the correct amount.

Then everyone will reveal what

They wrote down.

After you've seen what everyone

Has written down you will have

Two options-- stay or fold.

If you fold, you cannot earn a

Point for that item.

But you are still in the game

And may continue when the next

Question is asked.

If you are confident in your

Answer, then you choose to stay.

If your answer is the closest

Actual amount, you will earn

That point.

But beware, if you stay and your

Answer is fatherest from the

Actual amount you will be

Eliminated from the competition.

The first person to win three

Points will win the power of


Houseguests, it's time to play

"veto of fortune."

right now it's absolutely

Necessary for anybody except

Brendon or rach toll win this

Power of veto because the whole

Plan going on right now is to

Backdoor them out of the house.

I know that I'm a huge


I know that rachel is a huge

Target and I know they're

Gunning for us, so I'm almost

Certain we're gog get backdored

If we don't win.

I have to win this competition.

matt has a general plan but

I'm the one who is fighting for

My life.

The only way I can truly feel

Safe in this house is win this

Veto competition.

fortune cookies have been

Determining the fate of chinese

Takeout lovers for decades.

This is what 25 fortune cookies

Look like.

Can you tell me how many fortune

Cookies are in this bowl?

the basic strategy I wanted

To do was put a decent number

Down, I don't know, to where

It's close because I don't know

How many fortune cookies are in

This jar, and where you win it

Is on the "stay" and "fold."

Exactly like texas fold-em-- you

Have to know when to hold and

When to stay.

andrew the great?

kathy the incredible.

lane the marvelous.

matt the magnificent.

rachel the wonderful.

everyone, are you going to

Stay or fold?

Lock in your answers.

Brendon the brilliant what, did

You choose?

I chose to fold.

Hate to do it in fokker but I


I decided to fold.


I decided to stay.


looks like matt and lane have

Stayed and will play for the


One will win a point and one

Will be eliminated from the


The total number of fortune

Cookies in the bowl is 405.

Congratulations, matt.

You were closest to the correct

Amount and have won the point

For this item.

damn it!

sorry, lane.

Since you were the furthest away

From the correct amount you are

Eliminated from the competition.

Too bad, andrew.

If you would have stayed, you

Would have won the point.

well, this suction.

By staying I ended up getting a

Point and staying in the game.

Unfortunately, lane had to go

Down because of it.

next item: This is what five

Candles looks like.

How many are on that altar.

Rachel, please reveal your


I said 267 candles.

there are 200 candles on that


I said 114 candles.

I said 255 candles.

I guessed 241 candles.

how confident does everyone

Feel with their answers?

I decided to stay with 267


So nigh strategy is to not get

Knocked out but also not tow

Knock brendon out.

So I kind very far to guess what

Brindon's going to do and then

Do the opposite.

brendon, what did you choose?

I decided to fold, enzo.

matt what, do you choose

Gichose to stay with 200


I absolutely decided to fold

On my 114.

I decided to stay, 255.


rachel, matt, and andrew have


The total number of candles on

The altar is... 249 candles.

Andrew, since you are the

Closest, you earn the point.

Matt, you are eliminated from

The competition.

[ buzzer ]

right off the bat, one-two,

Lane and I are gone out of the


My empire is crumbling.

My master plan is getting


I don't know what's going to


andrew you are now in the

Lead with one point with only

Four remaining houseguests.

If the two people that don't

Want to go home against the two

People that don't want to go


on to the next item.

Peer deeply at the spinning


That is one foot of black


How many feet are on the big

Black spiral?

to me it look like aid snake.

I ran over one snake one time,

And I thought I k*lled it, and

As soon as I opened the door,

The snake was underneath my car

And it wrapped its body all

Around my leg.

We measured it.

That snake was eight foot.

brendon, please reveal your


I guessed 10 feet.

I say six feet.

eight feet.

choose stay or fold.

I decided to stay with 10


I decided to stay.

I gotta fold.

hear brendon 10 and kathy


Forget about rachel.

She's in her own world some

Definitely the 10 is closest so

I'm not playing.

I'm folding.

I don't want to lose.

rachel what did you choose

Giwent with fold.

brendon and kathy will stay

For the point.

the length of the black

Spiral is... 15 feet.

If congratulations, brendon.

You've earned the point.

And, kathy, you are eliminated

From the competition.

[ buzzer ]

so kathy does a great job of

Not only losing the competition

But also making sure brendon

Gets a point in the process.

Things are look bleaker and

Bleaker by the moment.

brendon and andrew are tied

With one point after three


Rachel, you have zero.

We move on.

this house is made of six

Tarot cards.

How many tarot cards is this big

House made of it?


I said 486 tarot cards.

cards are my game, and 240

There are.

cards are not my game.

I guessed 1500.

how confident does everyone

Feel with their answers?

Rachel, stay or fold?

I decided to fold.

I'm confident.

I am staying with 240.

I decided to fold, enzo.

brendon and rachel have


That means, andrew, you have

Earned the point.

The total number of tarot cards

Is 272.

dude, andrew just scored a


He's one point away from

Winning, and brendon is going to

Get backdoored this week.

andrew are you one point away

From winning the power of veto.

This is what 10 ounces of magic


You can please tell me how many

Ounces of magic potient are in

The big bowl?

brendon, please reveal your


I guessed 231 ounces.

Amazing enzo.

I said 310 ounces.

I'm getting scared here.

At least one of us has to play

In this round because if we

Don't, andrew is going to get

The point by default.

how confident does everyone

Feel with their answers?

again, my poker buddies won't

Like this, but I folded.

enzo, I decided to stay.

brendon, you're the only one

That stayed.

You get a point.

The total number of fluid ounces

Of magic potient is 278 ounces.

Brendon and andrew are tied at

Two apiece, and they are one

Point away from winning the

Power of veto.

Rachel is in third with nothing.

This is what three ibls look


You can tell me how many

Eyeballs are in the big glass?

Rachel, please reveal your


I said 78 eyeballs.

the eyes have it at 33.

I believe it is 90 eyeballs.

how confident does everyone

Feel with theirnswers?

I decide stay!

I decided to stay.

I decided to stay with 90


here it is.

This is it.

All of you have decided to stay.

That means brendon and andrew,

If one of you get this point,

You win the power of veto.

things are getting tense over


all of you have decided to


That means brendon and andrew,

If one of you dwets this point,

You win the power of veto.

it all comes down to this


If I win the power of veto, I

Don't use tnothing changes.

If andrew wins, I'm pretty sure

Rachel or I are going to get


the total number of eyeballs

Is... 148 eyeballs.

Congratulations, brendon.

You have earned the point, and

The power of veto.

[ applause ]


thank you, enzo.

you have won the power of


I won the power of veto.

Do you know what that means,


I am not going anywhere.

Rach cell not going anywhere.

The people that are trying to

Get us out of this house are not


We are.

Guess what, people?

You better watch out because

This house is being taken over

By brenchel.

matt, you idiot.

You're supposed to be the brains

Of operation, which this is your

Genius plan?

Brendon or rachel could have

Been going home this week.

Instead they're both safe, sweet

And sound.

This is a nightmare, dude.

We're screwed.

how do you shut this guy


he is a p.O.V. M.V.P.

I know he's a chemist, so

Hopefully he doesn't clone


talk about sweating, dude.

I am so proud of you.

for sure.

I need andrew to stay in this


He is an ally of mine and she

The one person I know is not

Going to put rachel or I up.

I don't think that will be an


brendon, that was, like, so



you look really sexy right


I just want to let you know.

Not only do you have the power,


yeah, this was messed up.

We need a break because we have

Just been get ago the odds were

So stacked in our favor.

of course.


we all trusted matty.

He made a blund ther week.

We wanted brendon or rachel out.

It looks like that's not going

To happen.

I don't think matty is the

Brains of our alliance anymore.

I think he's just a gremlin now.

That's it.

why does this keep happening

To us?

it's better than the brigade

Right now.

That's not cool.

Like, I was greedy this week.

I wanted brendon this week.

Is greedy, whatever, it should

Have been whatever.

we have a four-person

Alliance in this house.

Like we should be just rolling

This place.

I don't know what it is.

Next week we have to just bang


we're due for a break, I

Think, because we haven't been

Catching them.

it's a mess.

It was your plan--

nigh plan is a mess.

I just-- separately.

know I struft and you

Hopefully kathy is the target.

I think what would happen is

You'd get the votes.

What I want to happen is if...

So I can vote.

Because I still think you don't

Trust me.

I understand-- you know

You're trying to show that to me

But my question is I don't

Understand the plan to begin


If we all wanted to get the pair

Out just put them up.

One of them was gone.

I wanted to get brendon out,

And putting them two up they'll

Both play the veto.

you'll get one gone.

but I want brendon out and I

Never thought both of them would

Be playing the veto, anyway.

In hindsight, you're right.

It was stupid.

It was a blunder.

to me it looks like you're

Going after me.

it was greedy.

I swear on all that is good and


Again, if you need my assistance

If there are things you want me

To say for your sake, don't

Pressure bye-bye.

I didn't understand matt's

Plan beforehand.

I didn't understand matt's plan


Everything matt has tried to do

Has blown up in his face.

The last thing I need matt to do

Is go out and preach for me.

Please, I'll take care of


I can't believe this.

I was going to clean up your


I know.

I'm sorry, man.

It was a stupid thing to begin


Sorry, dude.

I trust brendon.

He knows I have his back.

I hope he has mine.

I need to take care of myself

And make a big move in this


andrew wants to make a bold

Move and he wants to do

Something that's going to shake

Up the house.

Andrew does not trust anyone in

This house except for me and it

Still makes me a little nervous

Because if he makes the wrong

Move there's a good chance it

Could come back to haunt me.

I like andrew and I like

Kathy as well.

I don't want to see either one

Of them go home but I'm smart

Enough to know if I were to use

The power of veto on either one

Of them, there's a good chance

Rachel could get backdoored in


me on the block with andrew

Worries me to death I don't

Think I have the votes to stay.

It is so wishy-washy.

Basically, I am praying for a


I'm tired of being the pawn.

I'm tired of being the


It's time I put the fate in my

Own hands.

At this point, I don't have

Anything else to lose so I have

To take care of myself.

hey, everyone, it's time for

The veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Andrew and kathy have been

Nominated for eviction, but I

Have the power to veto one of

The nominations.

I want to give each of the

Nominees a chance to tell me why

You think I should use the veto

To save you.

Kathy, you can go first.

first off, brandon,


You did an awesome job.

I'm not going to sit her here

And ask you to use the veto on

Me and you're going to risk the

Chance of having rachel possibly

Put up in my sfot and I don't

Want that to happen.

So I don't need to you use the

Veto on me, but thank you for


andrew, now it's your turn to


I had a chance to save myself

During the competition.

Unfortunately, I didn't.

So, congratulations, brendon.

This game is ironic.

A few weeks okay, brendon and

Rachel ousted matt, and they

Saved him by voting for him to

Stay in the house.

Matt fired back and said, "I'm

Going after brendon and rachel,"

But he didn't put them up on the


All three of them unscarred from

The whole week that passed, and

Their strategy worked.

So I'm going to try that


Brendon and rachel, I'm coming

After you.

It and, brendon, I would like

For you to give me the power of

Veto to save me.

History it.

I have decided not to use the

Power of veto.

This veto meeting is adjourned.


needed to make a bold move,

Really for myself to show, hey,

I'm really serious about getting

Brendon and rachel out.

If house thinks I'm gunning for

Rachel and brendon, they're more

Likely to keep me.

I asked for a doug

Mirabellicle, and andrew came

Through on it.

I don't know what he's thinking

But he did help me out.

All I need to do is lay low

Because andrew is just digging

His grave.

"I'm coming after you,

Brendon and rachel.

Please use the voteo on me."


Am I in the twilight zone.

Like, what just happened?

I had no idea andrew wanted

To come after us and was such a


I was shocked.

the truth is, andrew and I

Devised a little plan to make

Sure he stays in this house and

That I don't go home as well.

I think andrew pulled it off and

I think it's going to ensure

He's going to stay here for

Another week.

no one is going to believe
What andrew had to say.

He wants people to think he's

Working against brendon and

All he did was make people think

Brindon and we're all getting a

Who will be Evicted
from the "big brother,"

And who will become the
next Head of household?

Find out tomorrow at 8:00,