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22x35 - Episode 35

Posted: 05/05/24 12:09
by bunniefuu
ANNOUNCER: Previously on 'Big Brother All-Stars'.

Enzo became King of the House.

Congratulations, Enzo, on Head of Household.

I just won the Final Four HOH.

If you don't like this face, it don't matter,

'cause I'm here till the end.

I'm here to win this thing. This is my fate.

ANNOUNCER: And he kept his boy, Cody, off the block.

I have nominated you, Nicole, and you, Christmas.

ANNOUNCER: With the hamster wheels in motion

toward the end...

[ding, ding, ding]

...Cody claimed the final veto of the season.

-Congrats, bro. -Congrats.

Well done, man. Well done.

The final golden power of Veto is mine.

Oh-- I'm gonna be wearing it

around my neck and I'm gonna get to pick

who's coming to the final three with me.

ANNOUNCER: With the sole vote to evict...

What's best for me is,

unfortunately, Christmas, evicting you.

I respect how much you fought this past week.

I respect how much fought this whole game.

ANNOUNCER: ...Cody cancelled Christmas.

It's official, Christmas.

You have been evicted from the Big Brother House.

ANNOUNCER: Now, with the final three set...

Nicole, Cody and Enzo will look back at the All-Star Season.

-[screams] -Oh!

-Mazel tov! -Yeah!

ANNOUNCER: Witness the laughs...

-I am literally peeing... -She peed her pants! pants! -[laughs]

ANNOUNCER: ...emotion...

I'm so sick of people, oh, it just drives me insane.

ANNOUNCER: ...and triumphs you haven't seen.

[all] You got one left! You got one left!

She got one left, she got one!

ANNOUNCER: The road to crowning the winner begins tonight...

right now on Big Brother!

-Let's go, final three- -We made it to the end.

Awesome, man.

-Woo! -All three of us.

-Final three, baby. -We made it to the end.

-Yay. -Oh!

Congrats, congrats, congrats.

Thank you, Cody.

I evicted Christmas because I had to stick

to where my final twos were at

since the first day of this game,

and that was with Nicole and with Enzo.

What the [indistinct] we're at final three.

I did not come here to fall short

of winning this competition this time.

It is an incredible accomplishment to get

to the final three of an All-Stars season,

but I know my job is not done.

It was perfect how everything happened since the triple.

-Right? -Yeah, it was awesome, man.

We've controlled every single competition win.

Oh, my gosh, Cody just saved me!

Final three! Woo!

I'm trying not to scream, I'm sorry, but I'm so excited!

I'm in here with two awesome players.

I need to win one of these first HOHs

and then I need to win the final HOH

so I can choose who I'm sitting next to,

and then I need to convince the Jury

that I deserve to win again.

So... I mean, I can do it, right?

I got third place, she said, that's it.

[laughs] I got third place.

Enzo, I'm gonna give you a little pop off.

Congratulations, you've got third place.

'Congrats, you got third place'.

I'm in the final three, but it's bittersweet, you know.

This wasn't my ideal final three.

Look, I don't know where Nicole's head is at.

I feel like, at this point, she ain't taking me over Cody.

I got two more comps I gotta win.

Last time, I was just happy to make the final three.

It's not enough for me this time.

It's just not enough.

So let's go, man. Let's battle it out.

I should've done Fourth place for you.

Congratulations, fourth place for you".

-[laughs] -But nah, I'm, I'm a good sport.

You're a good sport.

-Oh, wow. -Wow.

-Okay. -Come on.

What is that? What do we have?

-Ooh! -Oh!

-We got shrimp! -Oh, wow.

Oh, we got lobster tail, we got surf and turf!

-Yum. -What?

-Champagne. -Oh, my god.

-[screams] -Oh....

-Mazel tov! -Yeah!


Thank you, bro.

-To final three. -Final three.

-Congrats, man. -Congrats.

Well deserved, yo.

-We've all been here before. -We have, we have.

-We know what we're doing. -Yeah.

What an incredible journey this has been, guys,

and I'm super excited that we're all here together.

I was really scared you were gonna cut me there for a second.

So scared you almost peed your pants?


No, Enzo!

Enzo! [laughs] Enzo.

What is that?

Oh, my god!


I'm gonna put it like this. Just keep it out my pants...

It's getting a little stir crazy in here

and you know, Nicole is laughing really hard

and I know what she wants me to do.

You know, we're trying to play a prank on Cody here,

making it look like I got toilet paper stuck to my pants.


What is wrong with you?

So, bad, yeah.


Bad, yo.

-[laughs] -I need some milk.

-I need some milk. -What is this?

-Sugar? -Yeah, brown sugar.

What is that?


What the [muted] is that?

What? [laughs] What is that?


[laughs] She's gonna pee her pants!


-I am literally peeing... -She peed her pants! pants! -[laughs]


Thank god none of us were close to her though.

Did that scare you guys? Does that scare you?

That didn't scare me, but I was scared quite a bit

in this house by you, by Dani, by... Christmas.

You and Dani had a huge scare w*r.

-We did. -You made it fun, though, man.

You made it fun.

I'm gonna, like, hide under there with all the pillows.

-[laughs] -Oh, that's a good one.

You could send Cody in and say you wanna talk to him-

Come on, move this over, hide under all the pillows

and then pop out and scare the hell out of him.

Longest conversation ever.

-[laughs] With me? -[screams]

[screams] Help! You didn't!


Da'Vonne, I don't-that--

that was the biggest betrayal of all time.

[slo-motion screams]

The ultimate betrayal!

What did his face look like?

-[laughs] -He's so mad.

-He's so mad! -What did his face look like?

He's so-oh, my god!


[laughs] Oh, my god.


-Woah! -[screams] I hate you so much!

[whispers] So I'm gonna come in and go left.

-[Growls] -Don't-[screams]


-Ahh! -[screams] Hate you!

-[laughs] Yes! -You got me.

-[screams] -Oh [muted]!

[slow motion growls] [laughs]

-You're dead. -[laughs]

The pranks and the scaring,

you know, make this experience so much better.

-Agreed. -For me, the funniest

was when you made Janelle a 'Have Not'.

-Oh... [laughs] -That was funny.

-She threw a little shade on. -She did.

That was intense.

We get to pick... 'Have Nots'.

So, okay, I wanna pick Janelle.

-I love it. -I've just been really thinking

'cause I'm like... what's the best way to approach this?

I'm gonna pick the person that's been talking [muted]

about me all week. Janelle.

[laughs] You're a baller.

This is a pretty easy decision. Janelle.

'Have Nots', it is not your duty

to each select a new 'Have Not' for the week.

-Nicole. -Okay, I'm gonna pick someone

who hasn't done it before

and likes to talk about me. Janelle.

-Oh. -[laughs]

Oh, okay.

Oh, my god, did I just say that out loud?

It was like my inner thoughts, like, just blurted out.

Holy crap.

All right, so it's official.

Janelle, Enzo, Bayleigh and Cody,

sorry, you guys are the 'Have Nots' for the week.



Nicole has been on my radar since Day One

because she plays a snake game.

She doesn't like confrontation but guess what?

I do.

It just kinda came out.

-I didn't plan it. -[laughs]

-What? -Nicole, just stop.

"Janelle, I didn't mean it; I didn't plan it".

-I didn't plan what I said. -Bitch, stop. Yes, you did.

I did wanna make you a 'Have Not'.

-Okay, whatever. -I don't get it.

She hates me. Mm.

I did plan that. I didn't plan what I was gonna say.

I'm gonna go check out my new room.

This is gonna be so awkward.

"[whines] Well, because you talk about me".

It's very hard to live with.

[whispers] She's gonna yell at me all week.

-All week. -[laughs]

Wait a minute. I thought you were a vegan?

Why are you eating your steak?

-I, I am vegan. -You are?

Sometimes. I'm a hybrid.

I'm-sometimes, I'm a vegan. Yeah.

Everything that you're eating right now is not vegan.

-Right. -How about that?

It's good. Just like you,

you take a bite and then you started--

-Stop saying- -He's not vegan.

I'm not joining in with you guys, so I would feel bad.

-No, we don't feel bad. -No?


-I'm vegan now. -What are you making?

I am vegan now.

Oh, you've- using the tofu all up?

I am vegan now.

I feel so much better these last two days.

-See, man? -I feel so much better.

That's what we've been trying to tell you.

Out of all the people in the Big Brother House

that I thought I would convince to go vegan,

I did not think Enzo would be the one.

I think Enzo's gonna be lighter on his feet now.

I think he's gonna have more energy throughout the day.

-He's gonna be feeling good. -Is dark chocolate vegan?

-Some of it. -Not the one in there.

All right. So, that's not vegan, all right.

Like, chickens don't come from the ground, do they?

Well, they do, but like...

-it can't have a heartbeat. -What about egg?

Does an egg come from the ground?

-No, it comes from the chicken. -It comes from a chicken.

-It comes from the chicken. -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, we can't have eggs.

What came first? The ground or the chicken.

I've learned the, the rules of being vegan.

It has to be from the earth and no meat,

you know what I mean, so... that's hard.

That's hard but I'll do what it takes, man, you know?

Just so I could be close to this people

in this house 'cause half of this house is vegan.

-I'm vegan. -I'm vegan.

Call me the scheming vegan, man.

You brought out vanilla, almond milk... and avocado and tofu.

-What are you about to make? -I don't know.

I'm just gonna boil this... tofu and just put salt on it.

-Just make it even more vegan. -That sounds horrible.

-Salt comes from the ground. -Salt of the earth.

I mean, I've been cheating.

It is what it is. But they don't know that.

Instead of 'I Am Legend', I am vegan.


This food is really good.

So nice to actually not cook for ourselves.

Yes, 'cause we know, that can-you're pretty dangerous.


-Sweet potatoes, right? -Mm-mm.

-Oh, okay. -I'm excited about it.

I just wanted fries.

Tonight, I'm gonna treat my house guests

to some homemade French fries.

These fries are gonna be the best fries you've

ever had in your life in the Big Brother house.

You wanna little bit of crispy.

You want just a little bit of softness in the middle.

So, I'm taking my time, peeling, getting the cut just right.

Once you've cut the fries to perfection,

you wanna take 'em and place them into some hot oil.

Oh, oh, oh.

While your fries are getting nice and crispy,

you wanna have all the seasons to this-

-Oh, my gosh! -[alarm blaring]

Oh, my god, oh, my god.

-There's a fire- -Get the fire extinguisher.

-It's in-it's in-down there. -It's down there. Hurry.

-Hurry, hurry, hurry. -Okay. Hold it.

-Go, go, go, go, go. -Okay, okay.


The truth is, if that fire got outta control,

I would have made sure that I carried both of you to safety.

Aw... thanks, Cody.

That's what I'd do with my friends.

But it's crazy how, in here, you, like,

bond with people and then create that lifelong friendship

just from being in here for, like, three months.

I feel like I know you guys way too well.

You do make a lot of friends in the BB House.

Like, look Janelle and Kaysar, they met years ago.


What up, Kaysar? [laughs]

Can you imagine years ago,

if I would have taken you back into a time warp

and told you your future and would have said,

"You're gonna spend your th birthday with me"...

"...and I'm gonna be as well

and we're gonna play on an All-Stars season".

You'd be like, "Yeah, okay, Janelle.

Oh, and we have a bunch of kids and we're married".

I would've never, ever, ever imagined.

Janelle and I,

it was an unlikely friendship that formed.

Over a chess game. years ago.

Maybe the twist is...


She and I understood each other.

-How's it going? -Good. How are you?

It's been-that's cra-I can't even believe you're-

[laughs] I know.

I haven't seen in, like, years.

I know. There's something really amazing

about being able to play this game,

to be back in this Big Brother house with Janelle.

It's pretty special actually.

-I'm so exhausted. -What's wrong with you?

-What do you mean? -Why are you so tired?

I'm . [laughs]

I don't know what it is about this house,

but we're always drawn to each other.

We basically just picked up

right where we left off in the last All-Stars.

-Are you coming back up here? -What do you want?

We are out of peanut M&Ms.

-Okay. -Thank you.

-I smell, like, food, honestly. -I smell bacon.

[laughs] It's so weird.

-[bang] -[laughs]

-[clang] -Ow!

Oh, my god. What-you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Got hit in the head with the battery.

-[laughs] Oh, jeez. -I put my face like this--

[laughs] --the battery hit me.

Kaysar has been my ride or die,

season six, season seven and now, BB .

Is that what number we're on?


-Oh! -Oh, my god,

Kaysar, that was really bad.


I'll do it over again.

Oh, my god. [laughs]

I just want you to feel comfortable, that's why.

You want me to feel comfortable.

I'm gonna come back and beat you.

God, I wish you had a Minnesota accent.

So much fun.

-You don't hear it at all? -I used to.

You used to have- it was thicker before.

With the Os. The O.

-[with accent] No. -Yeah, that.

-That's gone away. -[laughs]

You used to do that when I first met you.

'Big' for a bag?

-'Beg'? -'Big'.

-Can I get a 'big'? -Mm-mm.

-Oh, my god, that's awesome. -I say 'bag'.

-'Fleg'. -'Fleg'.


-My "boet." -[laughs] Oh, god!


-But I don't say that anymore. -It's so good! [groans]

Why did it have to go away?

Our friendship is amazing.

Oh, I think it's great.

Seeing Janelle after all these years...

during such uncertain times, reminded me

that these are the relationships that matter the most.

It puts things in perspective.

We need to value our families.

We need to value our friends.

We're the most unlikely pair.

-I know, I say that all- -In the most unlikely situation.

I say that all the time.

What makes it so interesting though.

People try to understand us but they never will.

Mm, no. They won't.

There's something amazing about being able

to play this game one last time with a friend.

I never expected this could happen again.


-What up, Kaysar! -[all] What up, Kaysar!

ANNOUNCER: It's time for America's Vote.

The Big Brother Houseguests have fought hard.

They've laughed, cried and played their

hearts out, and now you get to award

your favorite All-Star $, in cash.

The winner of this special prize

will be announced during the live season finale

of Big Brother All-Stars on Wednesday October th.

Go to

and vote for your favorite house guest, now.

For online voting, go to,

Maximum ten online votes per person per day.

Votes will be accepted until October th ,

: AM Pacific Time.

Being in this house with all these

different people, you learn so much.

I learned how to use a bidet.

[laughs] Oh, my god.

I learned what ripe means.

What does ripe mean?

Coco. What is that?

It's avocado. They're like, so ripe.

What does that mean? Ripe?

Is that good? Ripe is good, right?

What does that mean? [laughs]

You never heard that word?

No, I know what ripe means, but I don't know exactly,

like-when you say, "Oh, the bananas are ripe",

I don't know if it's like, they still need to be-

So, you don't know what ripe means?

Well, I know the context of what is.

-But now what it is? -But not exactly what it is.

All right. He's gone his whole life,

years, with not knowing what ripe means?

Like, does he eat fully green bananas?


How to weasel your way around answering that question.

My answer was right. You're just trying to make me

seem like I don't know. [laughs]

So, he doesn't know.

Ripe is right, so it's right and good to eat.

So ripe is good. But...

ripe means...

that it could be... I don't know what ripe means.

I don't know the exact definition of ripe.

-It was not good. -[laughs]

Great. Now, look what you made me do.

Ripe is right and it's ready,

ripe-ready-- Rs-- it's ready to be eaten.

-Okay. -So.

I definitely hope that people don't think

I was the only dumb one, because there were definitely

some other-there were other dumb people in this house.


There were other dumb people in this house, right?

Erm. Mm... maybe?

You could be right, yes.

We're gonna sleep in.

I know, a little bit.

Appreciate that. It's a beautiful day.

Beautiful day.

Beautiful day for some sunshine.

Look at the squirrel... on the ledge.

-[squeaking] -Oh, look.

It looks like a little statue.

It is a statue.

Such a little perfect pose.

-Squirrel, we love you! -I know, huh?

Seriously, it's like, I've never seen

a squirrel just sit so still and regal like that.

He's a statue.

He is a statue. He'll be here all day.

That's not a statue.

-It's a statue. -No way.

It's not moving for a reason, Christmas.

It is not real.

We've been in this house too long.

This house is really starting to play tricks on her, man.

I'm worried about her. It's definitely a statue.

-It's a statue? -Yeah.

Yeah, it is. Oh, it's for sure a statue.

I got played by a squirrel.

Oh, man. I was, like, trying not to spook it.

I just woke up.

What I've always loved and I'm going to miss

about the Big Brother house is being able to go into

the Diary Room, and just requesting things.

And getting one beer amongst people.


Yeah, we don't always get what we ask for in

in the room.

Hi, can I ask for something?

I just have a request for something.

I just have a list because...

we're running out of a lot of stuff.


-I'm freezing. -[shivers]

We gotta get a space heater in here.

We're out of air freshener.

Can you have them put in a request for them

to turn the hot tub on so it's hot tomorrow?

I don't know what the specific name of it is, but it's this--

the ant-k*ller you guys have been giving us?

They're like, coming back

and they're all on top of the refrigerator.

The ants go in and then they bring it back--

-I don't know the name of it. -Can we get the hot tub on?

Can we get Parmesan cheese, like, the real one?

Hot pepper jam? Or it's hot pepper jelly?

-Can I get the hot tub on? -Can I request a -pack or no?

Is that possible or no?

I won't drink it all. I'll share it.

I didn't get a beer. Everyone else got one.

Memphis wants to know if you guys can turn the hot tub on.

There was something else.


Like a, a bunny. To keep us... company.

I need bubbles for a bubble bath.

Do we not have that anymore?

I really need hair clippers, not beard trimmers.

SPF lip balm.

My lips burn easy, okay?

Can I get a nose-hair trimmer?

I know, like, the guys get 'em, but I need one.

Like, I need a comb for, like, my eyebrows

so I can just shave 'em a little bit.

Some foam rollers for injury prevention

and recovery after some comps.

I had peanut butter and jelly socks in my move in bag

and, like, I honestly don't know where they went.

If there's any way to get, like, microwavable

body wax or body wax strips or anything like that.

I'm like going crazy, 'cause I'm like,

I know I brought them in the house.

'Cause Ian wants his back waxed.

So, if you can investigate

about the peanut butter and jelly socks.

I don't wanna make you look bad but I've already

convinced half the house that we're getting a bunny,

so I'm hoping this is gonna come through.

I think that's it.

I love this house, man.

There's some great people up there.

Great All-Stars, you know, and I had a lot of fun.

It was a-it was a really nice group of people.

Yeah, we had a great group.

One of the better personalities in this house

-is definitely Da'Vonne. -Oh, yeah.

Da'Vonne is gold.

Kaysar has, like, the kindest eyes.

I loved Ian.

-Yeah, me too. -Loved Ian.

I cannot wait to be BFFs outside of here.

I'm gonna be friends with him for a long time.

I feel like I'm so, like, unhealthy.

Like, not, like, getting outside.

I need that yard, yo.

I want the sun. I want the pool.

-The hammock. -Honestly.

Yeah, I'm gonna limit that this year

'cause it pissed people off on my-

-Limit what? -Why?

What, what are you talking about?

When I would rock back and forth on the hammock,

'cause that's just like a good...

...soothing for me.

And they complained-people complained

about that on the livefeeds?

-Yeah. -Wow.

But you should do it if it makes you feel better.

-Yeah. -It does, it does,

but, you know, like, it's not my identity.

-You know? -What?

The-you know, I'm, I'm like, on the spectrum.

-I had no clue. -Yeah.

And it's not, it's not that it's anything I'm ashamed of, right?

But, you know, like, when I got off,

like, I would search my name and, like,

the fourth was 'Ian Terry Autism'.

I didn't know that about you.

-I didn't know that either. -Yeah.

I mean, I'm-I lead, like-life...

...super normal. You know.

I'm pretty uncomfortable right now,

'cause it's, it's not an easy conversation, you know?

I didn't have any idea until after Big Brother .

It took me a while to accept that.

But being on the spectrum really isn't my identity.

I'm more than just a label.

That means you can be, like, a huge inspiration

-for, like, kids who have- -Absolutely.

-Who do have that. -Yeah.

I don't really like talking about it, to be honest.

Like, I think it's so important toctalk about it because...

...there's so many people that...

...they think 'autism' and they think,

like, "Oh, it-can't do anything, not"-

And like, many people are probably watching

and see Ian, be like, "Wait, what?".

Having worked at a pre-school with so many students

who have been on the spectrum, I have seen

the misconceptions and the biases,

and I just want people... to know that it's not a limitation;

it's not something that holds you back.

Ian is the epitome of being capable.

Look at him. He played his season,

he won his season and here he is again,

playing All-Stars and... he's amazing.

Oh! I love him! [laughs]

-I appreciate you sharing that. -Yeah, it's incredible.

It, it-it's, uh... it's hard.

Yeah. It's really hard.

The thing about Big Brother and living with so many people

is you have so many conversations that just don't

have anything to do with the game.

They're just deep and meaningful conversations.

You let people in, you know?

'Cause so many people would open up to you about,

like, their family, their kids,

like, different life experiences they had.

Da'Vonne, you want a turkey philly?

-She does. -So, one.

-Kaysar, no? -Thank you.

-You don't eat turkey? -No, I have to eat my own meat.

Can you explain to me? I don't, I don't know.

It's-same thing as kosher, there's a whole process.

It's the prayer at the end that's different

-than the kosher process. -Gotcha.

Otherwise it's more or less the same.

If you take a look at the Abrahamic religions.

So, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

You know, the conversations become,

like, "Well, your God versus our God".

It's the same. It's God.

It doesn't need to be a divisive thing.

It's like, we're all trying to get to God...

...I just chose this vehicle instead of that one.

Yeah. You think people feel like ignorance is bliss?

-Yes -In that manner?

Right. You don't wanna humanize the people

that you have been taught to hate.

-Mm. -Because it becomes problematic.

Then you're faced with your own demons.

If you notice, like, what happens,

even with the black community, the first thing

that comes up is like, "Oh... he had a criminal record".

Mm-mm. They did it with George Floyd.

You're pulling up the criminal record of a...

-You get to, you get to die- -...person that is dead... justify why they were k*lled.

-How does that work? -Because it's not their story.

That's the problem. They always own the narrative.

"These were bad people. They deserved this.

They shouldn't have done that in the first place".

And then, so then, we can lock them up,

put them away, k*ll them at broad daylight.

My people... we're just tired.

-Yeah. -Tired.

We've wrote letters... they couldn't read.

We made speeches, they were deaf.

Who else has to die?

Breonna Taylor, in her bed, asleep.

They kicked in her door, gunned her down!

She was asleep!

I get in my car, if a police officer gets behind me,

I get nervous-- Not because I've done anything wrong,

but because I'm a black woman.

It's terrifying... and I think people

don't-they don't understand that.

Even with this game.

I have to come in here with a layer

of 'I'm coming to play this game as a black woman'.

I'm coming to play this game with people

that are not gonna relate to me.

I have to come in here and adapt to an environment

where nobody else in here looks like me.

It's hard.

Conversations like these are a big part of why I came back.

I couldn't sit idly by and watch the world burn.

[sighs] I couldn't bear it anymore.

I couldn't look at my son... and wonder...

what would happen to him, if I didn't do anything.

There's a reason I got a call, after all these years.


-During a time like this. -And right now. Mm-mm.

I need to be... courageous enough to answer that call.

Mm. Same.

-So. -Same.

-I think this is important. -Yeah.

Like every other season in Big Brother,

we had some crazy punishments. Big Daddy himself.

Baby Daddy to All-Star babies.

Christmas! You are now the proud parent

of a bouncing baby All-Star!

-[cries] -Am I the father?

Who wants to see my All-Star mascot costume?


I'll have to perform four major scenes

in full wardrobe... as Dirk Spacejammer.

Who wants to see my Slop-atard?

-[laughs] -Oh, my god.


Oh, that would k*ll me.

I'm uncomfortable looking at it.

Soldiers of the Grand Star Army of the Seventh Alpha Quadrant

of the [indistinct] Galaxy-

Try and be more inspiring.

-Oh! -Oh, my god!

-From the top! -Oh, my gosh.

-Sorry. -It's okay, Ian.

Pow, pow. Pow. Pow.

It's a punishment... for everyone.

You'll never work in this town again.

[sighs] What am I doing with my life?

ANNOUNCER: Another little All-Star has been born.

-Aw! -[cries]

Obviously, my birth control isn't working.


-You got another baby? -[crying]

I mean, if I don't win this season,

you have to win this season

because we can't afford all these babies.

Enzo, you animal.

Meow-Meow needs to get spayed and neutered, okay?


It's very hard to live inside this box.

I'm dying. My neck, my h-head.

[laughs] Oh, my god.

-I can't get off, Cody. -What do you want me to do?

Kick you off? All right, here you go. You good? Oh, my god.

Oh, my god! Janelle!

I'm so sorry!

I'm definitely done wearing this costume.

The excitement has worn off.

I'm knocking everything over with this fricking star.

Houseguests, my punishment is over!


-Oh, my- -[screams]

-Woo! -[laughs]

You know who had a brutal punishment?

Bayleigh. But she handled it like a champ.

Yeah, she did. Those laps were a lot.

-She powered through it though. -She k*lled it.

She did good.

Who wants to see my triathlete punishment?

-Yeah! -[cheers]

-Oh, yeah. -Oh. [groans]

-Oh, my gosh. -Tricycles!

-Oh! -It's so cute!

Even though I didn't win the veto,

I did get the triathlete punishment.

You got them, Bay!

I have to do laps in hours...

Oh, there's a counter right there.

...or lose the ability to play in the next veto competition.

-It sucks! -[cheers]

You got this!

-Go, Bay, go! -One lap.


It seems like you're peddling a lot and not going very far.

This looks so bad.

I'm tired of just watching her do four or five laps, you know?

Oh, my gosh, this is gonna take forever.

You got this, Bay! You're almost at .

Yeah, hit me up when you're at, like,

and I'll come back and cheer you on for that last lap.

I'll be here all night if you need me.

I'm sick of this.

-[horn] -Woo! Two hundo.

My legs are shaking, my body's going numb.

The laps are all blurring together.

But I'm on the block, and I'm not gonna show any weakness.




I'm miserable but I'm in the home stretch;

I'm almost done with this race from hell.

Ah! But then... disaster strikes.

I lost a pedal. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna finish.

But I'm too close now to quit.

'Kay, this is where it counts.

That's it!

-Ten! -Last ten!

Get it girl, get it girl.

Get it, girl, get it, girl, get it, girl--

Oh! Oh.

This is serious.

You got it!

-Four! -Come on.

You got four left! Got three!

-You got three left. -Woo!

You got two! She got two left!

-Oh, she's got.. -one!

-Come on! -She got one left!

-She got one! -Woo!

-She got one left! -Come on!

She got one left! She got one!


I did it! I did it!

-We made it! -She got none left!

She got none! She got none left!

She got none left!

[laughs] Woo!

It's just crazy to be at the end of this game.

It's gonna be so weird, getting outta here

and just not playing Big Brother anymore.

Couple more days, it's all over.

I'm gonna miss a lot about this house.

But I am not gonna miss crying in the Diary Room.

You guys didn't cry?

-Mm. -Ah... maybe once?

Everyone's cried once in there.

No, women like a guy who can cry.

-Oh, they do? -Yes.


-Hey, hey, hey. -Morning.

-Good morning. -Red leather, yellow leather.

Red leather, yellow leather.

Oh, this is so-this seat is so wet.


I feel like a, a little star in a big world.

All the feelings are flooding back.

My-oof, this game.

Hey, my mic pack accidentally fell out in the toilet.


So sorry. I don't know what to do.

But then also on a game level-

I did not expect America to meet me all busted looking.

[groans] I'm so made about that.

-I know. -Your earring came off.

Oh, come on, man.

I'm in a bad mood.

I'm just so [muted] frustrated.

[laughs] She's out of her mind.

This game is [muted] you head, man.

-Ooh! -I'm so sick of people, like,

oh, it just drives me insane.

I actually just can't even control myself

after the nominations and I still can't control myself.


You know, I'm not like Nicole Franzel, I'm not gonna

cry and whimper and, you know, need a box of Kleenex.

I should get some tissues.

There's never tissue in here when I wanna cry.

[laughs] [sniffs]

Like- [crying]

And it just-it's just really hard being here.



Oh, I'm dying right now, dude.

[sniffs] Oh, I just-


I told them I would-[cries]

It feels good to know people got your back.

[nose blowing]

It's not-there's just no fixing it.


[crying] I feel like I suck so bad

in competitions this year, it's so embarrassing.

That was the hardest thing I've ever done.

[cries] It's so-

I will never give them the satisfaction

of seeing me hurt or upset.

It was so amazing to just play this game

again and then, with like, you guys,

who I really bonded with from the beginning.

-Mm-mm. -And... you know,

I just enjoyed your company

and now, we're in a final three.

Which is crazy. It's crazy.

Yeah, it was nice to get to know everybody here

and I feel like we're all winners.

We're all winners at this point.

Except, I'm gonna win first place,

but then we're all winners at heart.

Well, she's the winner. I-she's won before.

Yeah, but that doesn't count- That's in the past.

I would like to win this time.

Oh, my god. You guys-

Quit crap talking and cheers.

All right. Fine. Cheers to me winning.

-Cheers. -Oh, no!

Good luck, guys. Good luck.

Good luck.


-Who's your bets on? -I'm definitely the underdog.

Walking out as the winner of Big Brother

was so amazing; I can't even freaking put it

into words and I'm craving that feeling again.

I could make Big Brother history by being the first ever

two-time winner, and it's so exciting.

And I'm really proud of myself,

and I just have a couple more steps to go.

The last time I played Big Brother,

I brought my Day One ride or die

to the final two and lost seven to two.

This time around, I want the Jury to perceive

me as somebody that was making moves happen.

Not somebody that was just the sidekick

of another person and this go-around, I deserve the money.

I am in the final three... again, but I need

to win this thing, man.

I wanna feel confetti, I wanna cry,

I wanna scream my dad's name.

I wanna scream my dad's name when I win this thing.

That's what I wanna do.

I wanna scream my dad's name. Pop Dukes.

Look at me, I'm a different person.

I'm crying right now. I'm different, yo.

I wanna win this thing, man. I wanna win this thing bad.

ANNOUNCER: Who will win part one of the final

three-part Head of Household competition?

Find out, Monday at :, : Central

on 'Big Brother All-Stars'!