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22x34 - Episode 34

Posted: 05/05/24 12:08
by bunniefuu
The Head of Household belongs to Enzo.

The veto belongs to Cody.

And tonight, the last spot in the final three

will belong to either Christmas or Nicole.

Welcome to Big Brother All-Stars.

ANNOUNCER: Previously onBig Brother All-Stars.

It was down to the final four:

Christmas, Enzo, Nicole and Cody.

I have no more moves.

ANNOUNCER: After Enzo checkmated his way

to the top three.

Congratulations, Enzo, on Head of Household.

Thank you.

I just won the final four H.O.H.

If you don't like this face, it don't matter

'cause I'm here till the end.

I'm here to win this thing. This is my fee.

ANNOUNCER: Christmas hopes to avoid the block.

So basically where I am now in this game,

is that I'm on an island and I have to make sure

that no matter what, I'm not on the block this week.

I don't want to do it again.

You don't want to do again, yeah.

ANNOUNCER: But the Meow Meow kept his boy

Cody off instead.

I have nominated you, Nicole, and you, Christmas.

ANNOUNCER: With the final and most important veto

of the season on the line, Cody was the ham-star.

Congrats, bro, congrats.

Well done, man, well done.

The final Golden Power of Veto is mine.

I'm gonna be wearing it around my neck

and I'm gonna get to pick

who's coming to the final three with me.

ANNOUNCER: With Cody having final two deals

with both Enzo and Nicole.

Me and you in the room, that's it.

You and I are like ride or die and we--


ANNOUNCER: It seemed like a w*r on Christmas was inevitable.

You never wanna have your life in somebody else's hands

in the Big BrotherHouse,

and now I'm at the mercy of Cody.

ANNOUNCER: But Cody's decision was not set in stone.

I really need to consider who I want to evict this week,

between Christmas and Nicole.

Nicole is somebody that I'm very, very loyal to,

but is loyalty what's going to win me this game?

Because the last time I played this game,

loyalty got me second place,

and I didn't come back to get anything short of first.

ANNOUNCER: Tonight, Cody will cast the sole vote to evict.

Who will be the last All-Star sent packing

before finale night?

Plus, we check in with the first seven jurors.

And, a special surprise awaits the final three.

All this right now live onBig Brother!


[upbeat rock instrumental]

Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen Moonves.

Welcome to Big Brother All-Stars.

It's day inside the Big BrotherHouse.

The final nominations have been named.

The final veto has been played.

And tonight, the final three will be determined.

And the ultimate power to choose who survives the night,

rests in the hands of Cody, who holds the sole vote to evict.

Will he stay loyal to Nicole and keep her dream alive?

Or does he think he stands a better chance

keeping Christmas in the game?

We'll find out live before the hour is up.

But first, Cody may hold all the power,

but is Enzo the key to saving Christmas?

[tense music]

I am trying to keep you in this house.

I know.

I'm trying to, you know, like I know you would take me

and I would take you at the end.

I just gotta get there.

Just gotta get there, you know what I mean.

Trust me, Christmas, I'm telling you,

like I've been honest with you since the beginning,

I wanted you in the final three,

'cause I feel like against them two,

it's gonna be hard arguing the three.

So, I'd rather take my chance with you sitting there

and that's it, you know what I mean.

I do have a better chance of getting to the final two,

let alone winning this game with Christmas, you know,

in the final three.

So, I need Christmas to pull a hail Mary

and do whatever she has to do to stay in this house.

Give me a Christmas gift.

I'm trying to tell him that,

but he's got a relationship with her.

I know.

I don't wanna be too hard too strong,

you know what I mean.

I know, and I don't know if I should be too hard

too strong, but at this point, I'm like this is the end

of the road for me, period.

Yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do, that's it.

I just don't know what information I could give him

at this point that will shift anything, you know what I mean.

Throw me under the bus,

whatever you have to do, I don't care.

You gotta do anything at this point, you know what I mean.


Make whatever deals you can, whatever you gotta do.


If Nicole goes to the final two, she's sweeping.

She doesn't even have to have an argument.

That's scary, man.

I remember when Hayden used to say sucks,

and I was like, "Oh my god, that's so aggressive

like say stinks, and now I say sucks! [laughs]

Wait, what?

I was so innocent back then, I'd be like [gasps]

-Yeah. -I'd be like, "Oh, that stinks."

Oh the first round, you were super innocent,

I didn't realize.

So innocent that that the word sucks offended me.

I didn't think you were that innocent.

I was, I was innocent. I'm not innocent now.


-Yeah. -What does that mean?

Well, I'm just saying like I've seen a lot of stuff, you know.

This Big Brotherstuff really screws you up.

Oh my god.

-This is my third time. -You more than anybody.

I've been in the House more than any other Houseguest ever.

I just recently passed days spent in this house

and it's a huge milestone,

which means that's more than Paul.

-Friendship. -That's more than Janelle.

Buxom mixed with brains is a deadly combination.

If I can make it to final two again,

I can be the first ever person to win this game twice.

But I don't wanna get too cocky here.

Everyone hates that I already won,

and so I just have to make sure Cody sees

that keeping me around is best for his game

and that way we can ride out our final two.

Oh you've past, you passed Paul?

I've passed Paul.


You gotta go.

You're a problem, you gotta go, you know.

Great Nicole, you've had the most amount of days

in the Big BrotherHouse, you're not gonna win this season.

Have the most amount of days in Big BrotherHouse,

and hold onto that 'cause you're not gonna be able

to hold on to being a two time winner.

-Don't say that. -You gotta go.

-Shh. -No, it's too much for you.

You shouldn't be in here.

You already won, you gotta go.

I hold the record of the most days in this house.

That is bad ass.

She's going home.


I want final two, baby.

[tense music]

Are we the only two out here still?

Yeah, they're scheming in the House, them two.

Nicole's already working that jury vote.

Yo, you ain't gonna be with her.

Yeah, best friends, you know, they're best friends now.

Yo, you won your ten Gs, Nicole, good for you,

you know, that's it.

She knows you're gonna win your first comp,

but the second comp she thinks she could beat me in it

and that's what it is, you know.

Let's be really honest, it's better for me

if Christmas is in that final three H.O.H.

because she's gonna take me over Cody, you know.

So, I'm just trying to put in Cody's head that, you know,

if he takes Christmas to the final three,

she's easier to beat in those three final H.O.H.s.

I gotta shower, you know.

Hope Enzo can beat her in that second H.O.H. comp.

I don't know that he can.

He has not been close to beating her

in any of these competitions.

Yeah, your concerns are definitely valid, Enzo,

because I do think Nicole is gonna be tough to beat,

but that's not really a concern of mine

because I think she's' gonna take me.

And I hate to break it to you,

but Christmas has been smoking you in comps too.

Not even close, but we'll see.

[upbeat music]

Thank you.

Thank you, Dominique.

Do you think that he's annoying or no?

Would you like?

Cody? Sometimes.

No, I just wanna know, is this a good final three to be in?

What the.... Enzo.

No, I'm talking about final four.

Final three, final four.

That's what I'm saying.

I made a little booboo.

I made a little booboo.

I forgot Christmas is still in the House.

Enzo, what the... man.

I'm very uncomfortable.

I don't know, man, I messed up.

No, I said there was three here, that's why,

but I mean final four.

How was your other final fours then?

Was it like?

Final threes.

Ask her about the final threes.

What the heck, dude?

It's not final three yet.

What are you trying to say?

I don't trust him.

I don't think that he's fighting for me.

It's pretty freaking savage.

He was like are we a good final three?


I meant there was only three people.

I just lost the vote.

[tense music]

If I'm gone this week, then I am going out g*ns blazing.

I'm going out with everything

that I have in me for this game.

I don't know. I am...

I am frustrated, 'cause I have been burned

by Enzo three times.

When no one wants to go on the block, I took a hit.

You not voting for Nicole and not telling me.


Major, major hit, which really, really jeopardized my game.

And now, you're putting me up

and not telling me beforehand.

That's, that's not a hit, that's betrayal.


You hit me three times and I still take you?

Who's the fool there?

My Big Brother relationship with Enzo right now

is really strained, like it's irreparable.

And honestly I just feel like,

like three strikes you're out, dude.

So, I had to figure out what I can do for Cody

in order to be able to stay in this game.

This little Mrs. Clause has not pulled out her claws recently,

but she will this week.

I am grasping at whatever I possibly can.

Do not count me out,

because I am trying my dangdest and hardest.

Coming up, it is hail Mary time for Christmas.

Then Christmas or Nicole?

Who will make it to finale night?

The live veto meeting and eviction ahead.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

With her game on the line,

and the finale less than a week away,

Christmas has some work to do.

But is it too little too late?

Okay, like this is down to the end, so I wanna like kind of...

clean something out.

Enzo, he had expressed to me

that he wanted to bring me to final two,

because he knew that he couldn't win against you in jury,

and he couldn't win against Nicole in jury.

You know that I'm loyal until I am given a reason not to.

I've been given multiple reasons not to.

He reinforced that after the triple.

Tyler came to me right before the vote,

telling me that they had the votes to flip it.

Enzo confirmed it.

That's why I voted the way that I voted.

Enzo changed his mind last second.

I very, very sadly vote to evict Nicole.

I vote to evict Nicole.

I vote to evict David.

Enzo has been wanting Nicole out

from the very beginning of the season.

When he didn't, I was like what the-


I'm at a potion where I have to expose everything for you

to understand why I really would take you.

Got you.

Now I tell you this because if you take me to final three,

I'm gonna fight like hell and if I win,

I'm taking you to final two.

And I love and adore Nicole, but man.

I don't know.

It all depends, but at the end,

it's either you're gonna win

and you're gonna control your own fate,

or you're not and then it's up to other people

who may or may not take you.

Which is where I am.

-Yeah, so. -% where I am.

Yeah. I gotta hand it to Christmas,

she's not going down without a fight.

She's doing whatever she has to do to get herself

to the final three.

I do have final twos with Nicole and Enzo

and they should be taking me no matter what,

but if they view me as a very strong player,

they may start second guessing whether or not

they wanna sit next to me in the final two.

Thanks for letting me talk.

Yeah, absolutely.

[upbeat music]

[music slowing down and fading out]

[playful music]

What are you doing?

Just laying down.

Yeah, seriously.

You think I'm obedient?


So, the pitch is, is that you and I have been working together

since day one in this house.

If I win, I think I have a good chance of beating Enzo

in the same competition.

I'm taking you final two and that's what I got.

Why can't you look at me when you say that?

I'm taking you to the final two.

And now you're gonna look at me after I said it, obviously.

My god, Cody.

I believed Christmas a lot more when she told me the same thing.

Did she tell you she was taking you to final two?

Yeah, and I believed her more than I believe you.

She said my best chance to go to the final two

is by taking her into the final three,

because she'll % take me

'cause she doesn't feel like other people are going to.

Your best option is to keep me.

-It's my best option? -It is.

She's not taking you to the final two.


But you definitely are?

Yes, I swear on everything.

I can't tell if Cody is messing with me right now,

but last time we played together on season ,

we had a final four and he cut me well before that.

I am still a little haunted by that, so it's like Cody,

what the heck?

Like tell me, are you keeping me?

Are you not?

What do you think?

Cody, I'm gonna k*ll it. I'm leaving.

I don't care, cut me if you want, it's a bad game move.

What is this pitch?

It's a bad game move if you cut me.

-What kind of pitch was that? -What kind of pitch is it?

You're storming off.

You freaking take me and you'll make to final two,

no matter what, guaranteed.

Maybe not.

I feel like I'm in BB all over again,

where I have an option to take somebody

who I know I could beat

versus somebody who I've been loyal to

since the beginning of this game,

but I definitely think it's going to much tougher to beat

if I'm sitting next to her in the final two.

I can't even talk to you 'cause I'm so pissed,

-I like wanna cry right now. -Why?

Because I can't tell...

Jeez. This is really stressing me out.

[dramatic music]

Up next, Memphis's arrival shocks the jury house

Then, all eyes are on Cody

as he casts the sole vote to evict live

Who will he send to the jury?

We'll find out shortly.

Stay with us.

ANNOUNCER: The search has begun.

The All-Stars had their turn, now it's yours.

Are you a competitor?

A strategist?

What are you doing?

ANNOUNCER: Life of the party?

Who wants to see my slop-tard?

ANNOUNCER: And maybe you have what it takes to move in

and compete in a three month power struggle

for a half million dollars.

Go to for details.

For the galaxy!

For the galaxy!

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

Some jurors are bitter, others full of respect,

but everyone is surprised when Memphis joins the jury.

[upbeat music]

-Guys, one more's coming. -Who's it gonna be?

It just can't be Enzo, 'cause that's who I'm rooting for.

I don't wanna see Enzo in the jury house, you know.

A lot of people think he's playing a lazy game.

I think that's strategic.

I believe once he gets to the point

where he needs to start making moves,

which is about now, now is the time, Enzo,

I have faith that he will.

I think Christmas could come early this year.

Oh, tis the season, tis the season.

I think it's Cody.

I'm calling it, it's Cody.

Every single one of the players left in this game

are really deserving of the win, but Cody,

he's not really my favorite person.

So, I have been lighting several prayer candles

and hopefully the next jury member is gonna be Cody.

I think there's zero percent chance it'll be Cody.

I think that Cody is playing the best game right now.

I know you don't like him,

but that doesn't mean he's not playing a good game.

I totally get being bitter, because you got outplayed,

and some people take it really personally.

But like as jury members, it's our job to vote

for the best player.

I'm thinking Nicole.

Memphis wanted it.

So Memphis gets what he wants in the House?

I mean he's been getting what he wants, so.

Has he though?

-He has. -He has.

Look at it, he wanted all of us out.

What if it's one of those two coming, Cody or Memphis?

The two people popular with running the game, yeah.


I heard you guys needed some entertainment.




Memphis, you are running things.

Welcome to the jury house.

I wasn't fond of Memphis in the House.

We just never really got to being on the same page

in terms of just social engagement.

So, I am very happy that he is not gotten to the end

of this game.

Guess who's not running the game.

I think my eviction came a little bit of a blindside.

I feel like played a good game and I stuck with my plan

and look you win some and you lose some.

Oh my god, obviously this is a crazy week.

What happened Memphis?

I can tell you, but how about I show you?

Okay, let's do it.

Okay, we gotta see this.

My mind is blown.


Turn it up, turn it up.

Come on, pull it together.

Yes, baby!

Good job, nice work.

Nicole got her first win.

That was the last person I wanted to win.

I went to her and I was like you keep me off the block,

if I win the POV next week,

then I'll % take you to the final three.

Were you telling the truth?

I don't know.

Of course he wouldn't have.

Yeah, I was like I'll wing it whatever happens.

I don't think that's a very good move on her part.

He's a big threat in the game.

I feel like Enzo and Cody are bigger threats to win.

minutes and eight seconds,

which means I won the Golden Power of Veto.


Good for her.

Swept the week?

That's the classic under the radar strategy.

At the very end, start winning things.

-Right. -This is what happened in .

Everybody was like she's not doing anything,

she's not doing anything and then at the ass end

of the season, it was just like Nicole and Corey.

And so now it's Nicole and Cody, like it's happening again.

Nicole has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way,

you know, but I think because we respect the game

the way we do, I think she still may have a shot.

So, I guess I'm just waiting for that defining moment

from Nicole.

Christmas was putting like a hardcore press

onto get Nicole to use the veto.

They said if I can make it to the final two

and back door Cody, this would be huge for me.

So like, okay, maybe she does this just to like seal her game.

I think realistically, she needs Cody to get to the end.

If she can put them in the final three,

that will be huge, huge move.

Big respect, and that's probably who will get my vote.

Yeah, totally respect her.

I think everybody's kind of waiting for one big move

and if somebody can pull out a big move

and take Cody out, I think that's gonna really put them up

in the rankings.

By a vote of two to zero,

Memphis you are evicted from the Big BrotherHouse.

So what did they say in your goodbye messages

-that was like telling? -Yeah.

I created an alliance called the Wise guys with me,

Enzo and Christmas and the same alliance with me,

Enzo and Cody.

And Enzo told Cody about the second one

and I'm like why would you do that?

If he's blindly loyal to Cody like that

all the way to the end.

He can't get Enzo again, like I just don't believe

he'll allow it to happen again, like that would be so dumb.

The only way for Enzo to truly win this game

is he's gonna have to be the one to clip Cody,

-like he has to do it. -He needs to.

Right now, I'm seeing it as Cody's game to lose,

just because I feel like he's played

such a well rounded game when it comes to comps,

strategy and just being a social butterfly.

So, I'm really looking at who's willing

to take that shot at him.

We definitely can't forget that Cody's won so many comps.

Yeah, no not at all.

I think the most dangerous player in the game right now

is Christmas.

She's not scared to do anything to make sure

she gets to the final two.

Nicole and Enzo are gonna be coming after each other

and Cody's still chilling.

She also has to be worried that she can't beat him.

That's her final two and she can't beat him.

She can beat anybody in the final two, for sure.

A winner getting to the end.

I'm not just gonna vote for somebody

'cause they're a winner, like I want somebody

who's like well-rounded, you know what I mean.

Enzo won early through a bunch of comps, Nicole didn't.

She was throwing comps early and won at the end.

Was she throwing comps though?

We don't know, you never know.

But neither do you. I'm not arguing with you,

I'm just saying do you know or do I know? I don't know.

Can I finish my thought? Basically I'm saying--

You don't need to be so rude.

I'm not rude.

You interrupted David.

-Okay. -Can I?

-Yeah. -Of course you can.

Basically I'm saying if Enzo and Nicole are playing

a similar game and they both get to the end,

I feel like Nicole coming in at the end as a winner,

has a target on her back, can't get the votes.

Look what's awesome about where we're at in this game

right now, is this next week

and this next move will define who we think

is gonna win the game.

-Yeah. -Exactly.

All right, guys, somebody show me my suite.

Let me show you to your bunk bed, come on.

Up next, Cody casts the sole vote to evict live.

Who will he choose to join him and Enzo on finale night

and who will he send packing?

Find out when we return. Stay with us.

[dramatic music]

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

It is now time for the final veto meeting of the season

and tonight's live eviction.

Let's head to the living room

where Cody holds all the power tonight.

Hello, Houseguests.

Hi, Julie.

Were you calling me, Christmas?

"So, where are you?" And I answer.

Well, everyone, it is now time for the live veto meeting

and the eviction.

Cody, as the veto holder, you obviously are safe tonight,

and you cannot use the veto

because there is no one left to nominate.

So, the power to evict rest solely in your hands.

Christmas, Nicole, finale night is less than a week away,

but unfortunately only one of you will make it there.

I would like to give each of you one final chance

to address Cody before he casts the sole vote to evict.

Christmas, you're first.

All right.

So, I've don't this before.

All right, gratitude for God, Loyal baby boy,

I love you so much, I will see you in a week.

All right, this would not be a complete season

without that Christmas spice, naughty and nice.

Nicole, I absolutely love you.

You have played an impeccable game.

I am so honored to call you my friend

and I love that you are unapologetically yourself.

Bad ass.

Enzo, I'm gonna give you a little pop off.

Congratulations, you've got third place.

Cody, sorry. [laughs]

Cody, the man of the hour with all the power,

I'm gonna remind you that the jury will take consideration

if you have a previous winner sitting beside you.

If you choose to keep me here tonight,

then I will fight with everything that I have

to take you to final two.


-Thank you, Christmas. -Let's go.

All right. Nicole, it is your turn.

Okay, Cody, it's crazy to think six years ago,

you and I came into this house for an opportunity

of a lifetime and it's amazing

that we're playing All-Starstogether.

You make this house so much fun,

and I'm so grateful for the friendship we have built

in this house.

As far as game goes, I know you gotta do

what's best for your game

and I really, really, really, really think

and hope that's taking me to final three.

Christmas, I also love you're unapologetically yourself

and I hope we can be kitchen friends after this.

Enzo, you are now officially part

of the "I'm so funny I made Nicole pee her pants club",

and that's very exclusive, by the way.

And, p.s., I love you, Victor, mom and dad, and Jesse,

I will see you guys soon.

All right, thank you both.

Cody, you now have the power to decide

who is going to jury and who is joining you on finale night.

Just a reminder, ladies, when Cody casts his vote,

the evicted Houseguest will only have a few moments

to say goodbye, gather her belongings

and walk out the front door.

And remember, you will be leaving the Big Brotherbubble,

so please put on your mask when you exit.

Cody, please head to the front of the living room,

face the two nominees and cast your vote to evict.

Christmas, Nicole, I have thoroughly enjoyed

playing this game with the two of you.

I feel like playing to this point has made us so much closer

than so many other people, and I'm so grateful for that.

This decision is very difficult

because I know how hard the both of you have fought

this season to be in this position

and how badly each of you wanna go to the final three.

But for me, what's best for me is unfortunately,

Christmas evicting you.

I respect how much you've fought this past week.

I respect how much you've fought this whole game,

but this is what's best for me.

It's official, Christmas, you have been evicted

from the Big BrotherHouse.

You know, I had to do it.

You know I love you so much.

I love you and baby I'm gonna miss you.

-I love you so much. -I'm gonna miss you, right.

I enjoyed playing with you, man.

I'm going out with some greats and...

this is, you guys are beautiful, so we're getting beers.

I'm not mad, I'm not mad.

Baby mama, man.

I know, I know.

I am.

Go get them, baby mama, go get them.

-Bye, Christmas, love you. -Go get them, go get them.

Awesome, man.

-Congrats. -Thank you, Cody.

Air hug, socially distanced.

Yes, yes, yes.

There is your chair.

We have a lot to discuss.

-All right. -Get comfortable.

When I'm sitting on the thing, I talk to the Houseguests.

When we return, I will talk live with Christmas.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

I'm sitting here with Christmas,

who was just evicted by Cody from the Big BrotherHouse.

Did you see it coming or did you hold out a hope?

I saw that coming for weeks, weeks.

But you tried.

I gave it a good, good scrappy fight.

You sure did, to the end, to your speech.

Oh yeah.

This was clearly a very emotional week for you.

We saw a lot of tears.

My heart went out to you, Christmas.

How are you feeling now?

I'm a little bit in shock.

You know, I expected Cody to keep Nicole,

but still getting evicted, it's still shocking.

You told them you weren't mad when you exited.

-Is that true? -It's true.

Like listen, I came in to play a game,

I can't hold personal vendettas.

You know, he did what he needed to do

in order to be able to get further in the game.

I would have done the same thing.

I've been doing the same thing.

This isn't a mudslinging personal fight, you know.

It's not that for me.

When you said to Cody, listen if you cut Nicole and keep me,

I will take you over Enzo to the final two.

Be honest, would you really have?

Most likely, yes, 'cause at that point Enzo had like,

I mean, I love Enzo, he's my All-Star baby daddy.

I love him so much, but you know, we're counting votes.

The loyalty was so, it was shaky

at the end for him to me, you know.

Yeah, you were mad at him.

So, it sounded like it might have been an emotional thing,

or do you think you could have beat Cody,

out of the people left in the House?

Oh that speech?

Yeah, do you think you could have beat anyone

in a final two scenario?

-Yes. -Who?


Who do you think you could have beat?

I think that I had a good, I don't know if I could have,

I'm not saying hands down,

I had a good argument against all of them.

I mean I played hard this whole season.

I won comps, I played a hard social game,

I made sure that I was protected

and I also made major moves

that other people were scared to do.

I wasn't scared to get in the ring and get messy,

and when I came out, I was clean.

So, I think I played a really good game.

How about we listen to your goodbye messages?


-Here we go. -Okay.

Christmas, I'm definitely heartbroken, man.

I definitely tried my hardest to make you stay this week,

but I couldn't break in between Cody and Nicole.

They definitely have something that's strong.

Don't count me out, Christmas.

I'm gonna fight hard and try to take one home

for the parents.

Christmas: Cody, Enzo and I have been working together

since day two in this house and we have had an alliance.

I am going to miss you so much

and I cannot wait to see you after this.

Christmas, by the second day,

I had three final twos that were very key to my game.

Enzo, Nicole and Memphis.

And did you know that there was a second version

of the Wise Guys that included me in it?

Enzo let me know that Memphis also created a version

of the Wise Guys with you and him.

Memphis kind of showed me that he had to go

and so now you were the only one that was left.

I respect the effort you gave and I respect you so much

as a player in this game.

What do you think of what Cody just said?

I saw it all. [laughs]

I did, I saw Enzo, Cody and Nicole working together weeks

and weeks and weeks ago.

I knew Enzo was playing a lot of other people in the House.

I knew that Cody and Nicole were super, super tight.

I also knew that Memphis was in with Enzo

and I think Cody, but I didn't pair them three together.

Nothing shocking there.

Nothing new, nothing shocking and, you know,

honestly I have to be flattered that they had to come

after me and it took four nominations to get me.

There you go.

I like the positivity.

Final thoughts before we send you off to jury, Christmas.

Oh man, you know, I gave it a good fight.

I'm proud of myself.

I got to final four.

I know that a lot of people had doubts about my gameplay

from the last season I played.

Two years ago with a broken foot.

Three years ago, for sure.

And honestly, I'm sure the haters

had a good season watching me.

But, I don't know, I love this game so darn much

and I'm truly honored to be here.

Fourth place.

Hey, we will see you in less than a week when you

and the rest of the jury vote for a winner of All-Stars.

-Thank you, Christmas. -Thanks.

So, the final three are in place

They haven't seen their loved ones in more than days,

but that is about to change when we return.

But first, either Enzo, Nicole or Cody

will win Big Brother All-Starsand take home

the half million dollar grand prize.

But that's not the only prize we'll be giving away

on finale night.

We'll also be handing out grand

to your favorite All-Star.

Here's how to vote.

ANNOUNCER: It's time for America's vote.

TheBig Brother Houseguests have fought hard.

They've laughed, cried, and played their hearts out,

and now you get to award your favorite All-Star

$, in cash.

The winner of this special prize will be announced

during the live season finale ofBig Brother All-Stars

on Wednesday, October th.

Go to

and vote for your favorite Houseguest now.

For online voting, go to

Maximum ten online votes per person per day.

Votes will be accepted until October th,

AM Pacific time.

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

So, Enzo, Nicole and Cody are headed to finale night.

Sounds like a perfect time to give them

some encouraging words from home.

Hello, final three.

All right, we know it's been a long, stressful season

and a season in which you have all missed your loved ones.

So, how about a little love from home,

as you each make your final push to finale night.

Oh my god, yeah!

Hi, babe.

I love you and I miss you so, so much, but I am so excited.

There's only one short week left until you can come home

and I just cannot wait to see you.

I kind of always thought all along

you would make it this far.

I know how amazing you can excel at anything

you put your mind to, so I'm so proud of you.

Your family is all so, so proud of you.

Everyone is doing amazing.

Everyone's here at home cheering you on

and we just cannot wait to see you.

So just keep going and you've got this.

I love you so much and I will see you very, very soon.

Oh my god.

Hi daddy, we love you and miss you so much.

And I'm being Harry Potter.

And I'm almost done with the seventh Harry Potter,

which is the last one.

I cannot wait until we get the cheese.

We're gonna spend it on so much stuff.

Bye daddy, we love you, do it, we miss you, bye.

Oh my god, I love you guys.

Hey, babe. I want you to know how much I love you

and I miss you and this has been one of the hardest things

I've had to do, but I still find myself talking to you

like you were still here. [laughs]

Except I'm always right.

I want you to know how proud I am of you.

Dave, Jenny and Jesse, they're all rooting for you

and they love you so, so much,

and your puppies are here with me.

I can only entice them with treats.

Let me see them.

Come on, let's get a treat.

There you go.

And I got one puppy, and both puppies.

Say hello.

They're so cute.

Yeah, say hi to Toto.

Yeah, kisses.

We all love you, we miss you,

we can't wait for you to come back home,

but keep kicking butt.

Woo woo!

Nicole, I wanna start with you.

How does it feel hearing from Victor,

who I wanna remind everyone,

you met here a few years ago as housemates

in the Big BrotherHouse, and now he's your fiancé.

How does it feel to hear his voice?

It feels amazing to hear his voice

and even more amazing to know he is proud of me.

I have been wondering, so it's just,

it's great to see him and we get to all see our loved ones

in one week.

It's amazing, Julie.

Enzo, your kids are hilarious and adorable.

How are you feeling right now?

Oh man, I'm just, I miss them so much

and I don't like to cry in public

and I'm doing it right now,

man, and I hope I could win this thing

and bring this money back for them, man.

Bring the cheese back to Nico, like he said, I hope.

And Gia says she has plans for spending it, so just saying.

Cody, let me turn to you.

How does it feel hearing from, no offence,

your better half, your girlfriend, Christie.

Oh my goodness, Julie.

It feels amazing.

It's just so incredible to hear her voice.

It's been so long.

I just, you almost like forget how like comfortable

and how used to it you get to hearing that person

and you take it for granted to be honest

and I definitely took it for granted, so that was incredible.

And you know I'm just teasing you,

you are equally a beautiful couple.

Thank you.

Well, you have all made it to finale night.

Familiar territory for all three of you.

We hope those videos give you the strength

as you all prepare for the final three part

Head of Household competition.

Congratulations and good night, Houseguests.

Thank you, Julie.

-Thank you, goodnight. -Goodnight.

Tune in tomorrow, Friday at eight, seven Central

for a special episode of Big Brother All-Stars,

you do not want to miss.

Then, on Monday, it's part one of the final

Head of Household competition of the season.

Plus, hear what Keesha, Nicole Anthony, Janelle,

Kaysar and Bayleigh have to say about the final three.

Then next Wednesday at nine, eight Central,

it is the live two hour season finale.

Find out who will be crowned the final Head of Household.

That Houseguest will guarantee their spot in the final two,

and decide who they will compete against

for the half million dollar grand prize.

Then, the jury will cast their votes live for the winner

of Big Brother All-Stars.

And don't forget, we're also handing out grand

to the All-Star you vote to become

America's Favorite Houseguest.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the final three.

From outside the Big BrotherHouse,

I'm Julie Chen Moonves.

Always live in truth and love.

Good night.

My gosh, like three months.

So, they just did that like recently then.

It had to have been, she was like a week.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying,

so it might have been yesterday, who knows.

He said this is one of the hardest things

he's ever had to do.

Oh my god, what's going on out there? [laughs]

He talks to himself and he's always right.

I'm gonna be a banana.

Oh my god.

I'm gonna be a banana.

Do you think it's because of the first banana challenge

that I did or no?

Because, that's because, that's why he's being a banana.

A banana.

Bro, 'cause you won the veto.

Oh, that's why.

That's so cute.

-Oh, I love that. -Oh, that's so fun.