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22x32 - Episode 32

Posted: 05/05/24 12:06
by bunniefuu
ANNOUNCER: Previously onBig Brother All-Stars.

Cody had both a final two with Nicole...

So are you good with you

and I are like ride-or-die and we have--

Oh, we're cool, %.

...and one with Enzo.

Me and you are the room, that's it.

Just ourselves the room.


ANNOUNCER: Meanwhile, Enzo was also tight with Christmas.

Me and you have to like

work with each other, we have to.

I need her, she's gonna be like my pit bull.

ANNOUNCER: But with the end game approaching,

Christmas offered a final two to Nicole.

If there's an opportunity, if we're there at the end,

-I want you beside me. -Yeah.

ANNOUNCER: And the former winner

saw a path back to finale night.

I already have a final two with Cody

but I would be crazy not to entertain this idea

of a final two with Christmas.

At this point in the game I wanna be protected

from as many angles as possible.

ANNOUNCER: With Nicole the pumpkin Queen...

Yeah baby, whoa!

Congratulations Nicole,

you are the new Head of Household.

I wanna this for so, ow.

...Memphis was her target.

I have nominated you Christmas and Memphis.

Memphis is my target

because he is really great at competitions

and I don't really like him a ton

and I definitely don't wanna take him to final two,

so why would I keep him in this house?

ANNOUNCER: And after Nicole swooped in and also won Veto...

I won the Golden Power of Veto.

...Christmas tried to persuade her

to take out Cody.

You have the Veto power this week.

You need to put your boss pants on girl.


Put your boss pants on.

ANNOUNCER: But at the Veto meeting,

Nicole remained loyal to her closest ally.

I have decided not to use the Power of Veto.

ANNOUNCER: Memphis felt confident he wasn't in danger.

You ready to take it to the end?

Because that's what we're gonna do.

I feel confident Cody and Enzo are going to keep me around

because I benefit both of their games.

ANNOUNCER: But at the live eviction the Fistologist

got sucker punched.

By a vote of two to zero, Memphis...

you are evicted from the Big BrotherHouse.

ANNOUNCER: With only four remaining in the battle

for a half million dollars,

King Kaysar returned to make a royal proclamation.

Winning this H.O.H. is more important than ever,

because it not only guarantees a spot on finale night,

but you'll also be able to play in next week's

final Head of Household competition.

ANNOUNCER: Tonight, who will checkmate

their way to the final three?

Plus, half of the final four

will end up on the chopping block.

All of this right now onBig Brother.

It is what it is y'all.

It's not gonna be the best chicken you ever had but-

-Good night, Houseguests. -Thank you.

-Good night. -Oh my God.

Knight moves.

How do you play that game?

I have no idea.

What are we doing yo?

I'm like is Kaysar, the guy who I evicted,

is coming back?

Now it makes sense 'cause King Kaysar.

Now it makes sense.

I voted out Memphis

because he's a big beast, mentally, physically

in his game and that's one less, you know,

big nose competition that I gotta go

up against to win this thing.

Somebody's gotta win it man so why not it be me man?

He's def like your best friend.

-Do you feel okay? -Yeah.

Yeah I mean it'll, it'll happen later you know, like...


I'm so grateful to stay

but I'm really devastated that Memphis is evicted,

that he's not in this house.

He was my best friend

but I'm thrilled to be part of the final four

and this isn't where I stop.



-Let's go. -Come on, let's go.

-Seriously. -Come on.

This week worked out perfectly again,

exactly what I wanted to happen happened.

Everyone was afraid to put up Memphis.

This is the first time Memphis has ever sat on the block

on eviction night in his career.

I think the jury is gonna be shocked Memphis

is walking into the jury house and it's because, because of me.

That's it.

That's it.

Memphis was the wise guy I couldn't trust

and so he had to walk out the door.

It was bittersweet to send Memphis out

but I need to get my focus towards this H.O.H.

I need to make sure that Christmas doesn't win

and I put myself in the final three.

Woo this is cool.

What? What?

Knight moves.

I see this chessboard and I'm like

'I don't know how to play chess'

but I do know how to set up traps.

I just gotta beat Cody and I gotta beat Christmas

and I'm in the final three.

I'm ready to say 'check mate'

and take home this half a million dollars man.

All right, Houseguests,

it's time to play chess, not chequers.

As outgoing Head of Household I am not eligible to compete.

In this H.O.H. competition,

you must strategically move around the chessboard

to trap your opponents.

You can only move like a knight in chess.

Either one square vertically and two squares horizontally

or two squares vertically and one horizontally.

Once you land on a square that square is now out of play.

That means no-one can land on that square again.

Run out of moves and you're out of the game.

The last player standing

will become the next Head of Household.

Are you ready to play Knight Moves?

-Yes. -Yeah.

I am so upset that I'm not able to compete

in this Head of Household but even though

I can't compete Enzo winning H.O.H. is my best bet.

Because there's only four people left,

only one person is voting to evict and I think that

Cody and Christmas would both keep me safe this week

and take me to final three.

I wanna win this H.O.H.

But what's more important right now

is making sure that Christmas does not win

and guarantee her spot in the final three.

If Christmas wins then either Enzo, Nicole or myself

are going home this week and that cannot happen.

Cody can't win this Head of Household

competition this week.

If he does, it ensures his safety to final three

and that means that I can't get him out this week.

I'm hoping that Enzo and I can work together

to corner Cody so he doesn't win this competition.

The first player to choose their starting position is...


And next up is...


Enzo and I can both team up

to Christmas out of this competition

and the way that I wanna do that is try to box her out,

push her into a corner and then eliminate the spaces

that she can move to coming out of that corner.

What dude?

You have a whole frickin' board to go for

and you stand a couple of spaces away from me?


Enzo, you can go ahead and choose

your starting position.

I don't even know where to go.

Christmas, it's your turn.

The rules of this game are pretty simple.

You have to move your pieces like a knight in an L shape.

Whatever space you land on then becomes out of play.


Once you have no moves left you are out of the competition.

Cody, you're up next.

This game is hard because you gotta think

a few moves ahead.

If you don't you can get yourself caught in a trap.

You gotta be sneaky to play this game

and no-one's gonna out sneaky the meow, meow.

Enzo, it's time to make your move.

-Christmas. -Alright.

It's your turn Cody.

I know that he's chasing me

so I want to move in a way

that will eliminate more spaces for Cody

and kind of trip him up a little bit.

Enzo, it's your turn.

So I'm looking at the board

and I see that Enzo has a choice.

He can either move further away from Christmas

or he can move closer and help me box her in.

I'm gonna go this way.

But Enzo decides to take the path

to move further away from Christmas

and it's very frustrating.


It's your turn Cody.


Cody's expecting me to trap Christmas with him.

Christmas is expecting me to trop Cody with her.

And I'm like 'yeah, let them go after each other'

and I'm gonna make sure to stay away from the corners,

stay away from the sides and always make sure

stay away from the red.

Christmas, it's your turn.

Cody, you're up next.

Enzo, it's your turn.

One, two, three.

As Enzo making this moves

and moving away from Christmas and not towards here,

I'm wondering if he even understands how this game works.

We're supposed to be wrapping around

and trying to put her in a corner.

So I gotta go... one, two, three.

Enzo is totally doing everything opposite

of what I would do.

He's not going after Christmas.

He's doing his own thing.

He's only concerned with winning

Head of Household which means

he is just looking out for himself

and it's very obvious and it's very frustrating.

I'm in a little bit of a dilemma right now.

Cody is chasing me all around this board

and Enzo has no intention on helping me

squeeze Cody out of this game.

So, I have to go solo

and I have to make sure that Cody doesn't win.

As we're moving through this game,

I can see that they're running out of blocks.

It's like a red sea over there man.

We could be teammates all you want

but in the end I have to win this for me

because then it guarantees me safety for this week

and I'm in the final three.

One, two, three.

It's becoming more clear that I'm not getting

any help from Enzo at all and it's very frustrating

because this should have been a very simple competition

where Enzo and I were able to work together

to get Christmas out.

But, now I know I need to go full force

even if that means sacrificing myself.

It's your turn Cody.

I see that Cody and Christmas are pretty close

and there's not that many white or black boxes

and now I start to move away.

Cody, you go take care of Christmas

and I'll move this way and take care of me

and win this thing.

I'm very irritated with Enzo because at this point

I'm realizing that it's me going after Christmas

and then Enzo just kind of like goes off

onto the side of the board where there's a ton of moves.

All we had to do in this competition

was work together to get Christmas out

and Enzo seems to only be really worrying about himself.

One... two, three.

I have a few left to go

and so I'm just hoping that Enzo takes a wrong turn

and he finds himself on an island of red.

One, two, three.

Enzo is always, you know,

telling everyone what they wanna hear.

He's on everyone's good side.

It's just always like easy for him.

And I feel like he should just be a team player here.

It doesn't look like Enzo cares about Cody

and if doesn't care about Cody

then he definitely doesn't' care about me.

Right now, I'm seeing Enzo's true colours.

I have no more moves.

Okay Cody, you've been eliminated.

So I sacrificed myself

and now I'm out before Christmas.

Hopefully this is worth it

because I left Christmas with only one more move

and Enzo has a bunch so he needs to make sure

he pulls out this H.O.H.

One... two, three.

One... two, three.

I'm looking around and there are no more moves to make

so unfortunately this Queen has to fold.

I have no more moves.


Jackie. Jackie.

Let's go, final three!

Let's go!

Christmas, you've been eliminated.

So congratulations Enzo

-on Head of Household. -Thank you.

The meow meow is in the final three again.

I just won the final four H.O.H.

If you don't like this space it don't matter

because I'm here till the end.

I'm here to win this thing. This is my fate.

Why you chasing me?

Chasing you down girl.

With Enzo winning the H.O.H.

I actually have a really great chance

of not going on the block.

We've been pals since the beginning of the season,

we were in Wise Guys together, I'm your girl.

Good job Enzo.

Don't put me on the block.

Chasing that dragon got you bit on the arse.

-Right. -It's alright.

Was it hot?

Enzo wins the H.O.H. and that's great for him

but I can't help but being frustrated

because him and I were supposed to work together

in this competition to eliminate Christmas

and I felt like I was the only doing it.

The only silver lining at this point is that

I was able to get Christmas out

and she didn't win the H.O.H.

so she has to go home this week.

Congrats man.

-Thank you. -Congrats brother.

None of them thought I could win this thing.

I won it man and I'm so excited, I'm so happy.

I'm in the final three.

I ain't gonna worry about none of these snakes

trying to slither their way,

trying to caught me in that final POV.

I'm gonna be a force to be reckoned with till the end.

I'm ready to win this thing man.

Let's go!

Both seasons in the final three man.

Only a small group can say that man.

Enzo wins H.O.H. and you know

what's crazy is like I thought this was my best case scenario

but watching what happened just made me like so...

I was mad.

He didn't even look at Christmas's moves.

It showed his true colours to me

and now I don't trust Enzo.

-It's three against one. -But I had.

I was behind you.

You were like trapping it in

but then you moved away and I had to sacrifice.

-Yeah I know, I know that. -You had like-

I know, I know, I know.

I'm definitely very frustrated

because I feel like Enzo and I were supposed to team up

to try to get Christmas out

and I felt like it turned into a one man mission.

I sacrificed myself going into the final three

to give it to Enzo and so I'm hoping that

this doesn't come back to bite me in the butt.

Is Enzo winning good or bad?

I think it's good.


He knows that he can't beat Cody

and like overall you know.

It's screwed him.

Christmas says that Enzo winning

is good for the both of us.

Enzo wants Christmas to go to final three,

it makes sense.

I feel like Enzo thinks he could beat Christmas

and he doesn't think he could beat Cody.

Enzo probably thinks he can beat me as well but,

if he at least has Christmas in the final three,

his odds are looking better of winning this game.

That was a weird game.

Cody was chasing me.

He started right next to me.

Like so I was...

Every time I moved he would go to my corner,

you know. -Yeah.

-So, Enzo had half the board, -Right.

-He could do whatever he wanted. -Very true.

I'm pretty pissed off.

I don't know where this attack from Cody came from.

Two weeks ago he puts me on the block

for trying to vote Nicole out.

Okay, noted.

And then now he's chasing after me in this H.O.H. game.

What's your deal Cody?

Why are you so pressed on me?

-Yeah. -Sorry I'm just like-

I told you Moulin Rouge, you didn't believe me.

Look, I won.

I'm in the final three.

That's all you do you sleep and you don't,

you don't have no confidence in me.

You had no confidence in me.

As H.O.H., it doesn't really matter who I put up.

There's three people I have to pick two

so I'll probably put up Cody

just so I break his streak of not being on a block

and I have that to myself.

And then maybe I'll do Christmas

or maybe I'll do Nicole, I don't yet.

But, whoever it is I'll just tell them

"Look, you know, it is what it is at this point.

You know you gotta win that Veto."

No confidence but yet since I'm a good guy

I'll let you sleep upstairs with me.

She's laying down.

She's gonna ... hate me.


I literally att*cked her that entire game.

She, she told me, she's like

'he kept chasing me but it screwed him over.'

And she thinks you're putting, you're after him.

Who am I putting on the block?

You can put me and her up.

-Yeah. -You can put me up.

-Or you wanna go up? -I don't care.

But I wanna break his streak so maybe I should put him up.

Yeah break it bro.

I'm thinking that.


Whatever, I don't care.

We need to do a strategy together, let's just.

He has pissed me off the entire game.

I wanted to say ... are you doing?

I'm like literally, I could, so right in the beginning

like she started to go across.

And he goes... and I'm like.

He could have cornered her at one point

and he went the other way and I'm like.

He wasn't looking at her moves.

I'm still really frustrated coming in after this comp

because I can't tell if it was just that

Enzo didn't get it or he was just really out for himself.

I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt

and so I was trying to calm down Nicole a little bit

because I don't want to go on like this

whole big anti-Enzo rant right now.

He's just scared he was gonna get caught. [laughs]

No, honestly I think

-he did not understand. -No.

I know it's hard to like believe

but I give Enzo more credit than that.

I really think he knew what was going on

and it showed his true colours to me and I guess

if Cody doesn't wanna see it I'm not gonna force it on him.

Don't say anything about what I said about him playing.


What should I do with the amounts?

I mean it doesn't matter right?



So basically where I am now in this game is that

I'm on an island and I have to make sure that

no matter what I'm not on the block this week.

-I don't wanna do it again. -You don't wanna do is again.

You gotta win that POV man.

I mean you know, if I go final three

and I get final two I'm taking you.

Look, my best chance of winning this thing is up against you.

I'm not saying I will or won't but I know

-I'm not beating them two. -Yeah.

I'll admit that I got a good relationship with both of them

but if I don't win this H.O.H. I'm ... gone.

Again, I felt like I was getting caught.

If Christmas is telling me

I'm taking you to the final two,

and I'm like sure me too.

My dream final three is me,

Cody and Christmas because they're both

gonna take me to the final two.

I don't see that happening but I will try,

I will see if I can work some magic

and make it happen.

When it comes down to it,

we got each other's back I know that, I know that.

Me and you are the only parents in this house.

Yeah I know.

We're the only parents in this house.

That's what I'm saying bro.

I'm not sure what Cody has against me right now

but I have to cool my jets,

I have to play nice

and I have to go... and talk to him.

I don't like playing nice when I don't have to.

-Do you have a few minutes? -Yeah.

Step into my office.


What's up?

So I guess I just wanna clear the air.


-With what? -Why were you chasing me?

Because you were the first person that I was going for.

I don't understand.

I wasn't just gonna like play defence

and I thought I wanted to go like as the aggressor.

And it was just because you started and I was like

'oh alright I can see where she's gonna move

so let me put myself in a spot

where I can try to take that away.'

It was in my head, I was like I'm gonna go for one person

and then I'm gonna go for the next one.

-Okay. -I was like 'alright sick,

I'm chasing her around the whole board.'

'I hope you're enjoying this.'

But yeah, that was really it,

like that was just my game plan and then

once I like kind of went into it I just like stuck to it.

-You know, I'm sorry. -No, it's okay

I just wanted to ask because I just wasn't sure...

-Yeah. -Why?

I was just going for it.

You're willing to lose this H.O.H.

to try and make sure that I don't win it

or did you just want me out first and then go after Enzo?

Well your plan cost you the H.O.H. so...

eat crow, Cody!

But yeah I don't know I just like,

kind of like went for it and just...

Alright cool.

Who wants to see my H.O.H. room?

AH yeah.

I do, I do, I do, I do, let's go!

Let's go.

There is no-one here like this is it.

Here we go.

-Oh wow! -My boujee.

-Moulin boujee. -Wow!

-Wow! -See.

It's so beautiful.

I promised you, see.

So nice.

See ladies, he works for his women.

What we got here?

Oh, my God.

-What do we got? -Oh, my God,

my kids got Team Enzo shirts.


-They got Team Enzo shirts. -Yes.

My brother, my mom, Dukes and my kids.

Oh, my browski, Jackie.


My browski man.

I have a letter.

I'm gonna put my shades on for this one.

No, keep the shades off.

I'm gonna, no I have to-

Keep your shades off. Oh let me see those shades.

-No, no, no, no, no. -No you.

No I need the shades on though.

No, keep the shades off.

-I need the shades on. -Enzo.

This one's gonna, no this one's gonna hurt,

-yo, this one's gonna hurt. -Alright.

Okay, you guys ready?

Moulin are you ready?

This is from my brother man, yeah.


We are all so very proud of you

and I know daddy is too.

Man, I knew he was gonna go there. [laughs]

I know this can be hard but hang in there.

As far as our family goes, everyone is doing good.

The kids are doing great.

G and Nicko started virtual school

and they don't really enjoy it.


They miss their friends

but hopefully they will go back soon.

We all miss you so much

and can't wait to see you when this over.

I tell G and Nicko how much you miss

and love them and can't wait to see them.

You can tell that they're so proud of their dad.

You got this. Keep going.

Love you bro! Jackamo.

-Yeah! -That's it man.

Thank you bro, thank you man.

Team Enzo.

Team Enzo, I love this picture man.

This is front of my mom's house.

Team Enzo.

I'm doing all of this for my kids man.

The money is going to them

and the title is gonna stay with me

so I'm gonna do everything and anything

to win that money for them,

make them proud of their daddy and then me have that title.

See my family Moulin?

Yeah, yo, that comp was ... funny ... today, yo.

You suck, you didn't help me at all, yo.

Yo, then me and you ... got trapped together,

you can't do it that way.

We did it the right ... way.

Yeah, yeah but with my attacking her.

Cody, me and you could have ... that up

if I kept going in with you.

If I kept going in with you it could have got a point

where we would have ran out of moves

and then we would have ....

You were playing ... Switzerland in that one.

We were definitely on two different pages there.

We did, we did it the right way, she lost.

Bro, you literally I handed you that competition.

Like handed you the competition.

So don't sit here and be like yeah the plan,

I was working to cover spaces.

Like, no.

Enzo is definitely trying to play

for himself at this point.

You tell me you're not gonna win this ... POV?

-Who knows bro. -I know you are.

Right, and then I don't win the Veto

and she does and I go home.

If you go, I ... you know that.

-Bye, bye, Cody. -If you go,

do you think Nicole's gonna take me over here?

Yeah, okay. Nicole's taking her all the way.

That's why we should ... get rid of Nicole

but it is what it is yo.

Why is Nicole now all of a sudden

in the greatest spot?

All along we've been getting rid of

who's the better player? Who's the?

Who's the better player, Nicole or Christmas?

Who's won more comps?

Nicole is a definitely a better player than Christmas.

I'm scared of going in the final three with me,

you and Nicole.

Nicole is a better player

because she's won this game before

and now she's starting to win comps.

I don't want Nicole in the final three.

During the triple eviction,

I voted for Nicole to stay.

Part of me wishes that I never kept Nicole

because I'm in this conundrum now.

There's no way I'm not sending Christmas home

-after two weeks. -See, because you know

Nicole's taking you to the final two.

So me and you are gonna go against Nicole in the end

and she could definitely win.

I'm gonna cut Nicole over Christmas?

Christmas has wanted me out for two weeks.

You could say it's me. You could say it's me.

I'll say, I said it, I said to do it.

Yeah, we'll see.


Did you do talent shows in the middle school?

-No? -No.


High school?


There goes that conversation.

There's definitely days in the Big BrotherHouse

where like all I wanna do is be by myself

and not have to make small talk with anybody.

But small talk is very important in the game of Big Brother

because this is how you form bonds with people.

Did you?

Yeah, we had talent shows.

-Did you do them? -Yeah.

Me and a couple of other girls did a choreographed dance

to Tina Turner, Proud Mary.

Oh yeah.

I know I have to ask

but I am really going to regret my next question.

Do you remember the dance?

Some of it, yeah.

You should do it right now.

Okay, so, I have to, you can't, you can't,

like imagine if you don't remember the song.


we all stood like this and we go...

um, we're like...

I gotta remember the lyrics 'cause there's two lyrics.

This is taking forever.

Christmas, can you please just get to the dance already

because that's why you brought this whole thing up.

Then I-

Then it goes.

Oh, God, and we go.


Oh, my God, that's so funny.

I need to do it.


That was crazy.


Okay we got insecurities and guilty pleasures.

Insecurities about our self?

Of our own?

Of our own.

My insecurity is my nose.


He doesn't like his nose.

I would understand if he insecured about

like a third nipple or like one of those

huge outie belly buttons but a nose, yo?

Come on man.

It's... it's a little big nose.

And then he laughs at him.

-He has an insecurity. -I hate my nose.

He's like 'oh you guys.' Really?

Mr. Perfect has an insecurity.

Don't laugh at me when I say I'm insecure about my nose.

And I don't, I don't like my nose

and you laugh in my face?

You're supposed to be my boy.

Like what is that?

What's yours?

I don't know, I mean mine, I guess.

I'm gonna laugh at it when you say it.

I laughing at it because I think it's stupid.

He's like what your insecurity, I say and he laughs at me.

Because I think you don't have an insecurity yeah.


I think you have a cute nose,

right he has a cute nose?

It hangs like low and I hate it.

You have really nice eyes, you have nice hair,

you got ... six pack.

I hate my nose.

I don't like it from the side.

It's like weird.

I don't know I just don't like my nose.

And it's only gonna keep growing down

and then by that time it's gonna be at my upper lip.

I'm really surprised.

I didn't see that coming.

Is that like Hollywood ...?

No, it's, no-one's said to me 'your nose is ... up.

You ain't getting this far, you ain't getting this role.

You gotta do something about that nose.


No, I think he's perfect.

Cody, you got nothing to worry about, it's a nose bro.

Plus, you could always fix it.

If you win this season you know

what you can spend some of your winnings on.

Is this is a good topic or no? This is not good?

Those bananas are very raw.

Yeah, what the ... is going on

with this one and they're all broken?

Let's throw those away.

When are you gonna clean this up?

I don't know, I'm throwing it out.

I'm throwing that whole tray out.

-Ah! -You're throwing what out?

Nicole, look it got on.

Look at what you did Nicole.

Stop Cody.

Look, look at the back, look at the bottom one.

-Look at his bottom one. -Hell.

Look at this ooey gooey one.

Oh, my God. Oh, oh.

Oh, Nicole.

What the ...? Ew!

-Oh, my God. -Nicole.

-You got banana on you. -I did wash.

You got banana shake on you.

Ooh, I hate the smell of banana.

It makes me nauseous.

Oh, my God!

-I'm gonna throw up. -Stop.

I don't like bananas. I don't like the way the taste,

I don't like the way they smell,

there's nothing good about a banana.

I'm sorry Cody, he's gonna be really mad at me.

You got, you got gorilla munch on you.


It stinks man.

You need a minute?

I wanna talk to Enzo because I have to state my case

of why he should put Cody up.

I know that it's all about the Veto this week

but he's been fishy for a few weeks so...

I gotta make sure that I am as safe as possible.

I had a go do it in the bathroom.

I'm proud of you for that. [laughs]

No, I'm happy man.

I'm in the final three, you know but...

I'm just scared for you if you don't win this POV

or if I don't win this POV.

That's what I'm scared of, you know what I mean?

And I'm gonna tell you now Enzo,

like I want it to be me and you.

Cody, hasn't been on the block once.

That is a good argument in your final two.

Yes. Like I'm thinking up all these things, trust me.

I love you Christmas

and I want you in this final three.

And I mean that with my heart,

-I want you in this final three. -I believe, I believe you.

But I do think that putting him up there is...

-Is good for my resume yeah. -Crucial.

You make, you getting this final three guarantee,

you're the one that put him on the block.


Like you have that argument.

You're the only one.

Yeah that's a really good point.

Otherwise, not once did his ass touch the block.

-Yeah. -You know how powerful that is?

I agree with whatever Christmas is saying about Cody.

You know, sitting next to Christmas in a final two

really is not that bad of an idea.

If she wins those comps and takes me to the final two

I think I have a great shot at beating her

and winning $,, you know.

Those are really good points.

Look at Christmas, look at Christmas

playing the BB game.

Girl, look at you!


Hey everyone, it's time for the nomination ceremony.

This is the nomination ceremony.

It is my responsibility as Head of Household

to nominate two Houseguests for eviction.

In my nomination block are the keys of the Houseguests

I'm nominating for eviction.

I will turn two keys to lock in my nominations

and their faces will appear on the memory wall.

The first Houseguest that I have nominated is...

The next Houseguest that I have nominated is...

I have nominated you Nicole and you Christmas.

It sucks because I genuinely like all three of you.

We all know this is the POV here.

Whoever wins this POV guarantees your safety

and you get to choose

who you're taking into the final three man

so that's what this is about right now.

I have just guaranteed my safety of this H.O.H.

now one of you's gonna do it in the POV, that's it.

Good luck.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

Look, it's slim pickings now man

so I hope they understand but it,

it just doesn't matter at this point because

it's the Power of Veto that means everything.

You know, that's your safety

and that's your ticket to the final three.

I may have given up that H.O.H. to make sure

that Christmas didn't win but you better believe

I'm going to be gunning % for this Veto.

This Veto is mine and nobody else's.

I'm guaranteeing my spot in the final three.

I may be on the block but honestly

I'm not even phased by it because the Veto

is the most important thing this week.

And I have never been more ready to win

a competition in my entire life.

I feel confident and you know what,

maybe it's because I did win this whole thing

and I'm ready to win this whole Big Brothergame again.


Okay, Nicole, calm down.

I feel like I'm completely on my own island.

Like, Cody's coming after me.

Enzo is betraying and backstabbing me.

And Nicole's obviously with them.

It's three against one right now

but I know I'm gonna win that POV

and I'm gonna make them sweat.

All of them!

ANNOUNCER: Who will win the final

and most important Veto of the season

and punch their ticket to theBB finale?

Find out Wednesday night at :.

: Central onBig Brother All-Stars!