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22x31 - Episode 31

Posted: 05/05/24 12:06
by bunniefuu
Christmas and Memphis both think they're safe,

which can mean only one thing.

Someone is about to be blindsided.

Welcome to Big Brother All-Stars.

ANNOUNCER: Previously onBig Brother All-Stars.

In an attempt to mastermind the end game,

Memphis recruited Enzo into two three person alliances.

I'm going to bring one person

and we'll make it to the final three.

And I'm going to bring another person

and we're going to make the same deal with this other person.

ANNOUNCER: One with Christmas...

-Final three, the Wise Guys. -OK.

...and another with Cody.

Final three, the Wise Guys.

The Wise Guys.

ANNOUNCER: But Enzo's true loyalty wasn't with Memphis.

He brought her in and they were Wise Guys with us three

without yous two knowing that you guys are on the Wise Guys.

-No way. -Yes.

Me and Cody, I got his back, he got my back.

I would like to take him to the final two

or him take me to the final two.

ANNOUNCER: After Nicole picked up some power

in the pumpkin patch.

Yeah, baby, woo!

Congratulations Nicole,

you are the new Head of Household.

I have wanted this for so... Aw.

ANNOUNCER: She kept her allies, Enzo and Cody, safe.

I have nominated you, Christmas and you, Memphis.

ANNOUNCER: Memphis was Nicole's target.

Memphis is my target because he is really great

at competitions and I don't really like him

a ton, and I definitely

don't want to take him to final two,

so why would I keep him in this house?

ANNOUNCER: But her allies weren't completely sold.


ANNOUNCER: Christmas proposed

a final two with Nicole.

If there's an opportunity, you know,

if we're there at the end, I want you beside me.


ANNOUNCER: And the former winner

was intrigued.

I already have a final two with Cody

but I would be crazy not to entertain this idea

of a final two with Christmas.

At this point in the game, I want to be protected

from as many angles as possible.

ANNOUNCER: With a superpowered Veto up for grabs...


...Nicole conquered the comic book competition.

I won the Golden Power of Veto.

I have all the power this week and you know,

it's up to me to figure out what's best for my game.

ANNOUNCER: Christmas pushed Nicole to back door Cody.

You have the Veto power this week.

You need to put your ball stance on, girl.

Put your ball stance on.

ANNOUNCER: But Nicole refused

to turn against her closest ally.

I have decided... not to use the Power of Veto.

ANNOUNCER: Tonight...

Will Memphis be blindsided by The Wise Guys?

Or will Christmas jingle all the way to jury?

Plus, find out what brings the jurors to tears.

Oh no, I'm about to lose it.

ANNOUNCER: And Kaysar returns to surprise the Houseguests.

All this right now,

live on Big Brother.

It whistles.

What is wrong with you?

Good evening, I'm Julie Chen Moodvez.

Welcome to Big Brother All-Stars.

It's day inside the Big BrotherHouse

and with less than two weeks to go before we crown a winner,

every move is critical.

Tonight, the root alliance controls the vote.

Cody and Enzo have got back and forth

on whether Christmas or Memphis is more dangerous

to keep in the game.

So, what will they decide?

We'll find out later tonight, live.

But first, in a house full of Wise Guys,

the question is, which wise guy... is the wiser?

This Veto meeting is adjured.

I decided not to use the Power of Veto.

There is zero benefit to me

putting Enzo and Cody up on the block.

Christmas and Memphis have absolutely no idea

I've been working with Cody since day one.

Oh my god, if looks could k*ll, I'd be dead.

So I understand that they want Cody out,

they don't think they can beat him in the final two,

but that's my golden ticket to final three.

I put the two scariest people up on the block.

I think Nicole kept noms the same because

she really wanted to ensure that Memphis goes home.

There is bigger moves to be made,

which could have happened this week,

but I'm OK with making those moves myself.

OK, Nicole, I'll do the dirty, dirty work.

Are you mad at me?

No, how can I be mad at you.

It's stupid to be mad.

This is how you play the game.

Take notes, everyone.

Position yourself in a situation

where it doesn't matter.

I couldn't' care less if Nicole used the POV,

it makes no difference to me.

I feel confident that The Wise Guys

will be here next week.

Cody and Enzo are going to keep me around

because I benefit both of their game.

With Nicole keeping the noms the same,

it's perfect for my game

because it would have been either me or Cody going up.

I haven't been on the block all season long.

That's like a big key to my game too,

but I love where I'm at right now.

Is Cody OK?

I don't know.

He's just in a weird mood I think.

Yeah, just like a stressful...

thing but I have complete confidence in us.

-OK. I'm excited to lock it in. -Yep.

It's definitely going to be two zero in my opinion.


I mean, honestly right now all it takes is one.

Yes, that's true.

There's only two people voting this week,

which means if it's split, I would have to break the tie.

But honestly, I don't want to be put in that position.

I really want Cody and Enzo to vote together

to keep the blood off my hands.


I do want to say thank you for like,

reassuring me and letting me know.

Yeah, just trust me on this.

All right.

Are you ready to take it

-to the end? -Yeah, let's do it.

'Cause that's what we're going to do.

Christmas, you're beat.

Not even a chance in hell.

-Yeah. -Which is awesome.

Yeah, it's so, man.

Yeah, I think it's really close, man,

-to be honest with you. -Yeah.

You snuck by the hair of your...

-Me? -Yeah.

I know Christmas was really pushing Nicole this week

to use the Veto and backdoor Cody.

And it seemed like it was going to happen at one point.

Get in here.

So just to make sure that Cody

is % going to vote Christmas out...

I just really need to make it clear to Cody

that Christmas was trying to backdoor him.

Oh man.

That was literally going to like, piss me off.


-If that actually happened. -What?

Her trying to backdoor me.

-Yeah, me getting put up? -Yeah.

To be honest with you, it's because...

That's what's so crazy about your word in this game,

it's like if you burn someone

-at once... -Yeah.


The thing is, like, Christmas,

like, doesn't even understand that.

They put this in such a good position, it's like.

How many balls have you made?

'Cause like...

I have no shot. Oh, I do have a shot.

Going to get my loafers on and I'll be ready to party.

Memphis is telling me all this nonsense

about what Christmas was trying to plan this week,

but what he doesn't know is that Nicole told me

that he tries to get in on the backdoor plan as well.

What do you want to do?

Yeah, I'm...

-Do you want to do it? -I don't know.

From my angle, if you did that, obviously...

-Yeah. -...we could cut a deal.

He wants you gone big time.

Memphis and I have been working together

since the beginning of this game,

but he's been going behind my back

to create alliances without me in them,

then trying to get me put on the block

to get backdoored and so the fact that

Memphis is lying to me and saying that

he would be pissed if I went on the block,

is laughable.

Dude, I'm decades ahead of you in this game, bro.

Like, decades.

I'm playing a whole nother season 'cause like,

right now, you're still in the first one.

Bro, I was going to be nowhere near the block this week.

It's going to be funny to see your face on Thursday

when it's a two oh vote and you're going to be

the one going to meet Julia.

Yeah, you ready to take it to the end?

Yeah. Are you ready to see the jury house?

Hope you enjoy that.


I like, I'd love to see

what's going on in the jury house.

Like, what is the combo, are they being honest,

like, what are they doing in the jury house?

Oh, they're definitely on everyone.

Do you think, though, dude,

if Nicole gets to the end, dude, like, two?

I think she'll take it.

I think at this point too, Leo.

Yeah, that's a great ending.

'Cause that's almost more impossible, you know,

How, how? How do you do that again?

You know what I mean?

They're going to look at us like you guys are dummies

for letting it happen, now we're giving her the money.

-Yeah. -That's it,

-that's what it is. -It's so true.

That what you just said is like, so true.

We're at the point now where we have to start

thinking about who we want to sit next to in the final two.

The fact that Nicole has won this game before,

it actually is probably going to work in her favour.

If a former winner can get to the final two,

on an All-Star season,

that person probably deserves to win.

So, it's my job at this point to make sure that

Enzo is well aware that to keep it in his mind

that I should be sitting next to him in the final two.

If I was in the jury

it's not a dumb way to look at it.

It's not because all she could say is like,

"Look, yo, I am a champion, I had a bullseye on me from day,

-from minute one." -Yeah, yeah.

And look where I'm at right now.

Nicole could be a problem going into the final three.

She may win this thing again, man, you know,

so I trust Memphis a little bit more than Christmas

as far as cutting Nicole for me.

The more I think of it, I think for me,

personally, strategically, Memphis is probably

the better choice for him to stay this week.

Yeah, it's just crazy how it's shaping up, man.

-Yeah, it's crazy. -I have no idea

what they're going to do, man, I don't.

I really think if we keep Memphis,

it's better for me and you, though.

That's what I think, if it gets in the final three.

-I don't think so. -I don't trust Christmas.

-I don't trust her. -I don't trust her at all,

but who do you think you can beat easier?

At this point, I don't know.

For me it's like,

he's just way bigger of a threat.

My thing is this show,

if it's me and Nicole on the block

if she wins that POV, she'll cut me to break us up.

That's what she's going to do.

I think Christmas will want to split up Nicole and I

versus you and me.

-Yeah. -That's what I think.

ENZO: If Memphis does stay, it's better for my game.

I don't think he's coming after me.

I think he will take me to the final two.

Over Nicole and over Cody.

I know Cody definitely wants Memphis out right now,

so it's a couple of days until Thursday,

things could change real quick in this house.

I think no matter what you're in a good spot.

So my biggest thing is it's always--


What else do you put in, like, in the breadcrumbs?

-So you just do the crumb? -Bro, it's not--

Look, it is what it is, yo, it's not going to be

the best chicken you ever had, but...

What are they on the hammock now or something?


Man, she don't stop.

She does not stop, bro.

He's wishing up on her to start.

Yeah, bro.

I'm telling you though...

this house is crazy, though.

That's what I'm saying, you're like,

"I don't' know, bro, we gotta keep Memphis... dead."

But it doesn't matter, it's a lesser of poisons,

that's all it is right now.

That's why it doesn't really matter but you know.

Yes it does.

-I mean, she's done well. -She's done well.

She's done well too, man.

But she doesn't like, pull it out.

Yeah, that's it, so two of her, man.

If she doesn't pull it out this week, like, damn.

We're going to be sitting here, like...

Where's Memphis now?

With Christmas saying, I think it's going to help out

Nicole's game more than mine.

But if I could split the votes this week

and make Nicole break the tie, she gets blood on her hands

and I get possibly a jury vote out of this.

Because Nicole knows her only way of winning

is keeping Christmas.

She's going to try to vote her final two with Christmas

or she wants Christmas to take it to the final two,

because that's the only way she'd win.

Nicole is not winning against me or you

sitting in that ... seat, I don't give a ...

what anyone says. There's no way.

I'm going to vote in one-one

so then Nicole has to do it to Memphis' face.

-Oh, you want to do that? -Yeah.

Enzo wanting to split the vote

could definitely work out in my favour.

It might not only help me save face with Memphis,

but it would definitely worsen Enzo's position with Nicole.

We could have two blindsides this Thursday.

Memphis realizing, uh-oh, I'm going to Jury

and Nicole having to get some blood on her hands

and be the one sending him there.

This could get very interesting.

Up next, Tyler faces some tough questions

from Da'Vonne as he enters the jury house.

Then, Christmas or Memphis.

One heads to the Jury,

the other becomes a member of the final four.


Kaysar is back to surprise his former housemates.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

With Finale Night fast approaching,

the Jurors are looking for answers.

Both game and personal.

All right, everyone,

who do you guys think is going to be next?

I mean, I think it has to be one of the two top players,

either Cody or Tyler.

I don't want it to be Tyler, actually.

That would be so sad if it was Tyler, but Danny,

you'd be like clicking your heels, what's up?

No, because I'm not bitter at all.

Tyler got me out.

Honestly, I think that he's playing a good game

and I'd actually be sad to see Tyler in here.

-Oh. -Shockingly, yeah,

but I want somebody who deserves to win.

Me too, yeah. He would be a great winner.

They got me.

Oh, my gah...

It is Tyler, no!

Don't k*ll me.

Of course I'm bummed

but it was a struggle for me this time.

I was reckless, so the fact that I even made it

this far is crazy to me.

Oh, man.

Tell us everything that happened,

-break it down. -You're dying to know?

-Dying to know. -Let me show you.

-OK, let's go, let's go, -Come on, come on.

All right, guys, you ready to see my demise?

-Yep. -Let's see it.

This is exciting.

Welcome to the BB yoga studio.

What is happening?

Oh, my God.

Oh, this looks so fun.

Congratulations, Cody, you are the new H.O.H.

Who were you hoping won this H.O.H.?

I was hoping...

Enzo or Christmas won this H.O.H.

Then Christmas gets out first, I'm like, great.


I've nominated you, Tyler and you, Christmas.

Come down.

I knew if I didn't win the Veto, though, like, I was a goner.


You've finished with the time of...




It was so hard.

I would still be doing it right now,

like, it was so hard.

I finished with a time of...

Four minutes and seconds.


Like, what?

Like, chill.

That means I am the winner of the Golden Power of Veto.

-Oh he still had the week. -Yeah, yeah.


That was his sixth complement I think.

-Yeah, he's crazy. -Yeah, dude, he's k*lling it.

If they don't take him out, he's going to take it home.

By a vote... of three to zero...


you are evicted from the Big BrotherHouse.

In my goodbye messages,

Cody, Memphis and Enzo told me they have a final three.

So Cody has a final two with Memphis,

Enzo and Nicole and then he had a final three with me and-

He was in something with everyone.

He is, that's what I was trying not to do,

I was like, I did that last time.

But you know what?

You've gotta give it to Cody, man, like,

he's playing such a good well-rounded game.

He's in an alliance,

dabbling in this and that with everybody.

Everyone knows he's a huge threat and he's still there.

He's too big of a target right now.

If they leave him in there, that's stupid.

OK, now that Tyler's here, it is completely changing

my opinion of who I think is running the House

and who I kind of want to win.

'Cause finding out that Cody won H.O.H. and Veto

and is responsible for Tyler being here,

OK, Cody, I see you.

I was telling Enzo, I'm like,

"Yo, I want you to get the end, man,

but you cannot be there with Cody,

'cause you are just taking it easy for a while."

That's what I said, I feel like

-he's playing a very lazy game. -Yeah, yeah.

I think he's doing all of this definitely strategically.

-I don't feel like... -For sure.

I feel like this is all strategic

and this is part of his game.

I do feel like he understands Cody cannot play next week

and so Cody cannot be his shield next week.

So he's going to have to do some stuff.

Like, early.

I definitely think Enzo has a shot to make it

all the way, but he needs to start winning.

Like, you cannot rely on Cody anymore.

You gotta do something Enzo, now is the time to do something.

OK, so I do have to ask you a question.

I never was upset with you for anything game related

but week five, you told me you wanted to go

and you started to speak about the Black Lives Matter movement

and how you were an ally,

and so it was cool for you to like,

lay your life on the line for me and Bailey...

-Mm-mm. excel in this game.

I have to ask you, 'cause that's been bothering me heavy.

Yeah, me too.

Was that strategic for game

or were you serious about that?

I was one million percent dead serious.

Dead serious.

I understood after a little bit, like...

they might think that was strategy

and so that's why I was talking to Christmas.

And she was just like, that makes absolutely

no sense for my game, for backdoor you,

you're my final two, like, why would I do that?

Like, I felt so terrible that you guys...

-Mmm. -Yeah.

I felt so bad.

-Ugh. -It's OK.

That's why I wanted to talk about it.

'Cause it was bothering me too.

So, that's why I wanted to talk about it.

Yeah, I felt so bad.

And I felt like I was the reason but that was genuine.

And still is.

And I'm sorry it worked out that way.

It's OK. I forgive you.

Hearing from Tyler and knowing that he was sincere

and it did come from a genuine place made me feel

a lot better about the entire situation.

So I'm glad I know

where his heart was in that moment now.

I just felt so terrible that I didn't prevent you guys

from going on the block so.

I'm definitely happy that Da'Vonne and I

were able to clear the air.

It felt really good to express to her that

my intentions were true.

I mean, I really feel like we have a bright friendship

ahead of us and I'm really looking forward to that.

I'm sure that's been bothering you

'cause it's been bothering me so bad.

That's why I wanted to make sure we had the conversation.

All right, guys.

So, that's it.

I'm stuck here with you now.

We're the cool kids.

Yeah, we are, I'll take that.

Well, let's check out this jury mansion.

-Show me, dog, show me. -Yes. OK.

-There's turtles. -We got turtles?

We got bats, we got coyotes.

-Bats? -There are bats.

Up next, an unexpected message brings more tears

to the jury house.

Then, two votes will determine the fate

of Christmas and Memphis.

Who will advance to the final four and who will lose it all?

Plus, the Head of Household is back up for grabs.

Whomever wins will be safe next week

and get their ticket to finale night.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

After weeks cut off from the outside world,

the jurors get some much needed love from home.

Ooh, what's this?

Hey guys, we got a note.

Let's check it out.


What is it, what is it, what is it?

All right.

Big Brother All-Stars.

-That's us. -It's a DVD.

-Oh, it's a DVD? -"Jurors.

Here's a little something you've been missing.


-Oh no, we'll just lose it. -What is it?

-What are you about to lose? -No.

Oh, I think it's our families?

No. No. No it's not, don't do that.

Yeah, it is.

Kevin, mi amore,

I've been thinking about you a lot.

Hello. I'm really proud of you.

Couple more weeks and me and you,

tell me everything about the Big Brother experience.

I love you a lot and I'll see you soon.

He looks so different.

My husband is my anchor.

He keeps me sane, and seeing a video is great

but I just can't wait to be in his arms.

Hey, David.

This is your poppy with your puppy.

I feel so proud of you.

I know you're disappointed...

but you know what?

You did your best.

You fought a good fight.

Hold your head up high and be proud.

We love you and we miss you, we'll see you soon.

Peppe, where's David?

Where's David?

He usually go crazy if I'm in the House.

Like, "Where's David?"

Pops, man, I love that guy.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here.

He has really inspired me

and has helped mould me

into the person I am today and I'm thankful for that.

Hey [indistinct] I miss you so, so much.

You're so close to the end, so just hang in there.

Just remember that I am always rooting for you

inside and out the game.

I'm so proud of you.

I love you and see you soon.

Going to marry that one.

I think the hardest part about being away from home

is just missing the people

that care about you unconditionally.

It was great to hear her voice and just to know that

she was doing well.

Hi Mommy. I love you.

I miss you, I can't wait to see you.

Oh baby. Oh.

She's adorable.

Seeing my daughter and hearing her voice felt amazing.

I miss her touch, her smell,

her kisses, her hugs.

I miss everything about her

and I cannot wait to get home to her.

Hi baby.

Hi Babe, I miss you so much.

Me and the fam and the entire community

of Hilton Head has been rooting you on every step

of the way and every day that you spent in that house,

you made me so, so proud of you.

Whether you're here or you're there,

you make me feel like I am the absolute

luckiest girl in the entire world.

I'm counting down the days

to where we can see each other again.

I miss you more than I thought was humanly possible,

I love you so much.

I'll see you soon, babe. Mwah.

I miss Angela more than anything in this world.

We have been together every single day

since we met in the Big BrotherHouse.

Being away from her has been excruciating and seeing her

in that video from home was... everything to me.

-Hi Momma. -Hi, Momma.

-How are you Momma? -Hi, Momma.

Say, "I miss you, Momma."

Yeah, Momma.

-Say, "I". -I...

-"Love..." -Love Momma.


These three have kept me very busy, but we miss you,

we love you and we cannot wait to see you.

-Wave, hi momma. -Hi, hi.

Say bye Momma.

Can you blow kisses to Momma?

Say, mwah.

Again, again, again.

Words cannot express how much it means to see my family.

All I wanted was to hear my daughter's voice,

all I wanted was to see my husband smile.

So to have that,

nothing will ever, ever compare to that.

I'm so happy for everyone, by the way.


Seeing everyone get the opportunity

to see their families

and how they were affected, it just,

oh, it just reminds you that we're humans.

This is the best day.

This is such a good day.

We're almost at the finish line, we're almost there.

But, even though we aren't in the BBHouse,

we are still in the game, so we have work to do.

So, let's get on back to this jury house.

That was amazing.

Oh, that felt good.

Up next,

it's the live vote and eviction.

Christmas or Memphis?

Who will trade in the Big BrotherHouse

for the jury house?

And later,

Kaysar kicks off the next Head of Household.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

Christmas and Memphis.

They've both made it to finale night

the first time they played this game.

But in this season of All-Stars,

one of them is about to come up short.

Let's head to the living room and talk with the two nominees.

Hello, Houseguests.

-Hey. -Hello. Hey.

Well, it is time for the live vote and eviction.

Christmas, Memphis, in just moments,

your housemates will cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each have a final chance

to sway their votes with one brief statement.

Christmas, you're up first.

All right.

Loyal, baby boy, I love you, Cole, Chris,

I'm so very proud of you in choosing this journey

that you guys have done for yourselves lately.

Julie, I'm a big fan but I'm not ready

for my exit interview yet,

so I'm hoping that you're okay with waiting.

Houseguests, I'm kind of

running out of speeches to give you.

I'm getting very uncomfortable on this block,

so I'm hoping that you guys know that

I can help your game continue and you vote to keep me.

Thank you, Christmas.


This is new for me, even after two seasons.

So, River, Dominique, I'll be home soon.

Guys, Cody, Enzo, Nicole.

Your word is everything in this game,

and I've played this game very straightforward with mine,

and I hope you continue to keep me in this house

so I can continue to play that way.

Also, you might want to keep me around,

just in case Cody starts another grease fire.

All right, thank you, Memphis. Thank you both.

It is now time for the live voting to begin.

As always, neither of the two nominees are allowed to vote.

Nicole, as current Head of Household,

you will only vote in the event of a tie.

One at a time, Cody, then Enzo will enter

the Diary Room and cast their vote to evict.

Cody, you're up.

Please go to the Diary Room.

Good job.

Cody has only one thing in mind,

blindside Memphis and send him to jury.

-Hi, Cody. -Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Memphis.

Thank you.

Enzo wants to split the vote

and make Nicole do the dirty work.

Will he follow through with his plan?

-Hi, Enzo. -Hey, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict the beat, Memphis.

Hey, Enico, I love you.

Thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the Houseguests.

Houseguests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted Houseguest

will have just a few moments to say goodbye,

gather his or her belongings and walk out the front door.

And remember, you will be leaving the Big Brother bubble,

so please put on your mask when you exit.

By a vote of two to zero...


you are evicted from the Big BrotherHouse.

Good luck you guys, you're going to need it.


-I'm sorry. -I'm good.

-I'm sorry, man. -Good luck.

OK, Memphis, bro.

Beast, bro, you're a best, brother.

-Oh, man. -Beast.

-Hi, Memphis. -What's up?

Have a seat.

That would be Memphis, right?

Yeah, thank you guys.

-He's awesome. -Oh, my God.

So good. So wildly underrated.

He was a beast, man, I'll give him that, bro.

Oh yeah.

He impressed me the whole season, that kid.

Yeah, he impressed me the whole season.

Stay right there.

When we return,

I'll talk one on one with Memphis, stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

I'm sitting here with Memphis who was just evicted

by a vote of two to zero from the Big BrotherHouse.

Enzo and Cody both voted to evict you.

Tell me the truth.

Where you blindsided tonight?

I was definitely blindsided for sure.


Run, run through it with me.

What do you think happened?

Look, in this game,

the first time I played I didn't win much.

I didn't win anything actually except for some Vetoes,

so this time I came in wanting to win.

And after three H.O.H.s, I'm sure they look at me

of more of a threat, you know.


you know, Christmas is a good player,

so maybe she had some stuff, you know, she was peddling them.

But ultimately, look, you know, they obviously didn't see me

as an asset to their game, even though I thought I was...

so I don't know, I'm interested to see what...

-what went down. -Yeah.

Well, do you think they made the right decision

to advance their own game?

I think for me, I would have taken

both of them to the final three.

So, no.


Do you feel betrayed right now?

I mean, it's a game. So, for me, you know?

I feel a little blindsided but I do think that

I would have been an asset because I was planning on

keeping that Wise Guys alliance to the end, so.

Really? Well, let's talk about the speech.

Because you talked about your word is everything,

-loyalty. -Yeah.

We've seen a lot of alliances

that involve you and different people.

Do you--

What were you thinking when you gave that speech?

Well, I was going to give a very light-hearted,

funny speech and then I kind of felt the room change

a little bit over the morning,

so I could kind of feel it and get a little sense.

And then I thought, you know, let me pitch out this,

the word thing and maybe I can sway them.

I had a feeling

that it wasn't going to go as planned.

So the word thing kind of came in there.

Because for me, my word has been very straightforward

with Cody, and Enzo through the whole thing.

Now... keeping things, omitting conversations,

omitting different things is one thing but for me,

I was planning on taking them both to the final three, so.

Well, you're also sitting there next to Christmas.

-Yeah. -I mean, ultimately,

if you could have chose anyone to take,

you really would have taken, left Christmas in the dust

and taken Cody and Enzo, for sure, for sure?

It, ah... I don't know.

I mean, the more that I think about it,

there might be an option there,

but you know, for me, I thought me and Cody

had a pretty tight bond.

So, I thought that might be a better choice.

Enzo was my choice because I thought I could beat him.

And, you know, I don't know.

You want to be fluid a little bit

-but at the same time- -Oh, you were fluid.

You were fluid, Memphis, you had a lot of deals going.

And you barely broke a sweat in this game.

-Yeah. -How would you like

to listen to your goodbye messages

from your former housemates?

I probably wouldn't want to listen to them at all,

but I know I'm going to have to.

Watch right here.


I have absolutely loved playing this game with you.

I had a couple of final twos but you were always,

always my number one.

You are such a unique and incredible person

and the experience will always, always be in my heart.

Memphis, truth be told,

you are just too good of a competitor for me

to be able to keep in this house right now.

It's been so great playing with you

and cant' wait to see you in Florida after this.

Memphis, you knew I wanted you to stay

in this house, man, I was Wise Guys to the end.

I know it was smarter for my game

for you to stay in this house.

The other people in this house, they wanted you out.

I got nothing but respect for you

and I hope we remain friends after this.

Memphis, I loved our final two.

But you started to pull some shady stuff.

You wanted to create two versions of the Wise Guys.

I found out very shortly after you did this,

because I've been working with Enzo since the first day.

I wanted to get myself the best chance to win,

and I don't feel like that was sitting next to you.

I hope there's no hard feelings.

-Are there hard feelings? -No way.

There's no hard feeling because if I were to be sat

in the final three with Cody and Enzo,

I would have probably taken Enzo.

-So... -That's very honest of you.

Yeah, so it's all good.

Do you regret making two versions of the Wise Guys?

No, I don't.

You played hard, Memphis, I'll give you that.

I had a game plan, I wanted to stick to it.

If the cards fell in my, you know, my direction,

I thought it was a good choice.

You know? It is what it is,

but I had a great time and I'm,

I feel very fortunate to come back.

Well, that sounds like a final thought to me.

Well, you will be back here on finale night,

Wednesday October th,

when you and the rest of the jury

crown an All-Star winner.

After we get off the air, you're coming back,

I got more questions for you.

Gotta pick your brain some more.

To see my extended interview with Memphis,

head to CBS dot com slash BB rewind.

When we return, Kaysar is back.

And he is teeing up the most crucial

Head of Household competition to date.

Stay with us.

ANNOUNCER: The search has begun.

The All-Stars had their turn, now it's yours.

Are you a competitor?


ANNOUNCER: A strategist?

What are you doing?

ANNOUNCER: Life of the party?

Who wasn't to see my sloppatar?

ANNOUNCER: Then maybe you have what it takes

to move in and compete in a three month

power struggle for a half million dollars.

Go to CBS dot com slash casting for details.

For the galaxy.

For the galaxy!

Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

We will return to the Houseguests

and see Kaysar in just a moment,

but first, tune in this Monday at eight seven central

to see who wins the most critical Head of Household yet.

Plus, see which two Houseguests

the new H.O.H. nominates for eviction.

Then on Wednesday at eight seven central,

the final power of Veto of the season is up for grabs.

Will it be used to save one of the two nominees?

And next Thursday, the live vote and eviction

will send another All-Star to the jury house

and in the process determine the final three who will battle

to win Big Brother All-Stars come finale night.

Who will be evicted and whose dream of winning

the half million dollars will stay alive?

For now, let's surprise the Houseguests

with news of tonight's Head of Household competition.


I need everyone to gather in the living room.

-Oh, my God. -...right now.

-Oh, my God. -What?

Come on, Julie.

Expect the unexpected.

All right. First of all, let me congratulate everyone

on making it to the final four.


One of you is going home with a half million dollars.

-Yeah. -Yay!

Now, the battle for H.O.H. will begin shortly

but before you head outside, a former All-Star...

has some news about tonight's competition.

Hello final four.

Congratulations on making it this far.

It's quite the accomplishment.

I want to stop by because you're about to play

one of my all time favourite competitions,

which led to one of my most memorable moments,

the first time I played Big Brother.

Kaysar, you're next,

you have seconds to make your move.

I declare that I cannot make a move.

OK, Maggie, you are now eliminated from the game.

You sealed my fate.


Now, remember, winning this H.O.H.

is more important than ever.

because it not only guarantees you a spot in finale night,

but you'll also be able to play in next week's

final Head of Household competition.

That's right.

Win this, and you'll be playing

in back-to-back H.O.H. comps.

So good luck and get ready to play...

Knight Moves.

-Mm. -Oh.

Oh, wow.

See, Cody, not as bad as you expected

when you saw me pop up, am I right?

I don't' know, Julie, I don't know.

Well, clearly there is a lot at stake tonight.

The Head of Household competition will begin shortly.

Good night, Houseguests.

Good night.

-Oh, my God. -Wow.

So, what, how do you play that game?

I have no idea.

How do you play the Knight Moves?

I don't know.

Knight Moves.

What are we doing, yo?

I'm like, is Kaysar, the guy who I evicted, is coming back?

-I know. -Right.

Yeah, how stoked was he to have that part?

No, it makes sense.

-'Cause King Kaysar. -Yeah, it makes sense.

-Now it makes sense. -Mm-hmm.

So when did they do, when did he do that?

-When did he record that? -Please.

It's not like, he lives in California.

-Yeah. So. -Yeah, he lives out here.

He looked exactly the same.

Get the hell out!