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22x19 - Episode 19

Posted: 05/05/24 12:00
by bunniefuu
The Disruptor Power has lived up to its name,

threatening to send the first member

of the Committee packing.

Welcome to Big Brother All-Stars.

ANNOUNCER: Previously on Big Brother All-Stars...

With secret powers hidden in theBB basement...

-Aah! -Oh!

David won the Disruptor in the dark.

I can keep myself safe. I don't want anybody to know

I'm afraid to even talk out loud.

At the Head of Household competition...

-Ahh! -[houseguests shouting]

-[buzzer] -Dani held on tight for power.

Congratulations, Dani. You are the new Head of Household.

Even though her -person alliance was running the game,

she considered taking a shot at Tyler.

If you don't wanna swing at him, I get it.

I love doing crazy things in this house,

but he's the type of person, if you swing, you can't miss.

But Cody didn't want a Committee member on the block.

Putting Tyler on the block this week

could just blow up the Committee.

It would just be chaos.

So Dani went for two players outside her alliance.

I've nominated you, Kevin, and you, David.

But her nominations were quickly disrupted.

I need to look as nervous and as sad as possible

so no one knows I have this power.

With the Disruptor Power saving David...

It's okay, David.

I thought people wanted me gone.

Dani was forced to name a new nominee...



...leaving the Committee intent on sending Kevin packing.

I swear on everything, on everything,

I don't want you gone. You can win the Veto.

At a bite-sized Veto competition...

-Oh... -ALL: Oh!

...Da'Vonne won big.

-CODY: Yeah! -I got a Veto!

This is my first Veto, and I'm so excited.

When Da' made it clear she was going to save Kevin...

I need Kevin to stay in this house.

So you're saying you do want to use the Veto.

...Dani and the Committee scrambled.

I'm so stressed out.

So if she uses it, I only have one option.

-Who's that? -Ian.


At the Veto meeting, Da'Vonne kept her word...

I have decided, Kevin, I'm gonna use the Veto on you.


...while Dani told a lie.

Tyler and I had an issue. I will be campaigning fully

for him to go home this week, so I need the ultimate pawn,

and I am so sorry, Ian.

DANI: I told everybody Tyler is my number one target,

when in fact, I said that to convince Ian

that he is % safe, because at this point in the game,

it would be foolish of me to go against the Committee.

Tonight, will it be the former winner

or the former runner-up

who becomes the first member of the Jury?

Plus, Dani won the Replay Power in theBB basement.

Will she unleash it

and play in tonight's Head of Household competition?

Find out right now, live onBig Brother!

-[blows air] -NICOLE: Oh!



Good evening. I'm Julie Chen Moonves.

Welcome to Big Brother All-Stars.

It's day inside the Big Brotherhouse.

We are halfway to Finale night, and tonight,

the roller coaster of a week comes to an end

as Dani's risky decision to put Tyler on the block

could come back to bite her.

Should Tyler be evicted tonight?

The dominant Committee alliance would lose a key member,

but if he stays, payback could be on his mind.

But first, could the ultimate pawn

be in for the ultimate blindside?

This Veto meeting is adjourned.


DA'VONNE: Taking Kevin off the block

and securing him safety this week,

that's great for my game,

because I need to have people on my side,

especially with these powers in play, okay?

So, yes, Kevin, come down, ally and friend.

Dani, I get it, four people, you're upset,

but it's time to start chopping away.

So call one of your people to the floor,

'cause I'm tired of losing mine.

Love you.

I'm just so relieved.

Da'Vonne and I needed this moment.

For the first time this summer,

this chain of command of majority block voting

is forced to break up,

which means now people will sh**t sh*ts at each other,

and they won't be looking necessarily at me or Da'Vonne.

It sucks that I'm still on the block,

but I've been in the Committee since week one.


So I should hopefully have the votes to stay this week.

-I'm sorry, Ty. -It's okay.


I suck.


[crying] It sucks that Ian's up on the block.

He's my best friend in this house.

[sighs] And I just feel, like, so helpless.

I'm being pretty much forced to not tell him anything,

and... [sniffles]

my whole alliance wants him gone this week.

But I'm gonna try to campaign for him to stay.

-You okay? -I'm fine.

All right. You're taking it worse than me.

It's all right. It's okay.

-No, I can't help it. -It's okay. It's okay.

I don't wanna cry.

Dani says that I'm the ultimate pawn.

However, that does concern me a little bit,

because I'm one of two people in here

that have won the Big Brothergame before,

so something doesn't quite compute.

That being said, nobody ever made a dime panicking.

[whispers] How did that happen?

[sniffles] I don't know.

Like, how did I end up as the pawn?

-Like, explain that to me. -I don't know.

What do you got for a campaign?

[scoffs] I mean, Tyler's a strong player.

So I need how many votes? I need four, right?

You need four for a tie.

Well, that's all I need. Right?

Yes. [sighs]

There are eight votes this week,

which means you go for four, and then it's a tie,

and then Dani would break the tie in my favor.

It's what it is.

It's what it is.


-Talk to me. -Sucks, Da'. Sucks.

DANI: Putting up two nominees is hard enough.

Putting up three nominees reallyis hard.

Four nominees is just crazy,

because the more you're forced to name people,

the more cards you're showing,

and I literally just showed half my deck.

I promise you, Dani, I'm gonna go above and beyond

to make sure he stays in this house.


But I need you to understand, Dani,

I could not take that hit. I could not.


I know eventually down the line, it's gon' happen,

but back to back, I don't think it's fair.

I get it. Like, I really get it. It just sucks, you know?

It's Ian, you know? It's Ian.

-Mm-hmm. -It sucks.

Da'Vonne using the Power of Veto

was not good for her own game.

She showed me that Kevin is more important to her than I am,

but I do still wanna work with Da'Vonne in this game,

and I'll get our relationship

back to where it's supposed to be.

-You know I love you, girl. -I love you, too.


-[door closes] -[sighs]


Hey. Hey. You don't...I don't want you feeling bad, okay?

-I feel horrible. -It's a game.

I know, Ian, but, like,

you know I don't wanna put you up,

but you're, like, the only person

that he can, like, leave against.


Dani, it's not a thing.

It's if...and if I do go, that's just the game.

-It's okay. -It's not okay.

Don't comfort me. Ian, like, please don't comfort me.

You know? Okay.

You know that I'm literally gonna campaign all week

for you to stay. -Okay.

Like, trust me, like, people know about Tyler

and all the crap he's been doing,

and I'm really sorry.

I'm lying to Ian right now because I need him to feel

as safe as possible, because earlier in the game,

we formed a lot of sub-alliances

so that we would control the numbers in the house.

One of those alliances included Ian.

[whispering] I feel like we should solidify.

Yeah, we need a name. Did you come up with anything?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. -What'd you come up with?

-The Four Prime. -The Four Prime?

-All right, I like it. -Is four, like, a prime number?

-No. -Four Prime.

No, four fingers. The Four Prime.

-Four Prime. -Four Prime.

Ian going to jury is not good for my game,

but bigger picture, I cannot go against the Committee right now.

They have all the numbers, and if Ian has to go

to jury this week, that's just something that we have to do

to further ourselves in this game.

I need four votes, that's all. -Yeah.

'Cause you'll break the tie in my favor.


I'm naturally anxious,

but I ain't anxious about this game, okay?

-I'm really sorry, though. -No, it's gonna be all right.

You have to nominate people. [laughs]

-All right, take care. -All right.



Oh, I suck.


So I made this for myself.

-No, I don't want it, no. -But it looks so good.

-And I know you're-- -No, no, no. I don't want it.

Thank you, though. I appreciate it.

I just feel horrible.

Obviously, like, I just want you to know, like,

I didn't mean any of that. It's not true.

I know. If it was the other way around,

I would do the same thing. -Okay.

Was I coming after Tyler? Hell, yeah, I was.

Am I willing to stop coming after Tyler? Hell, yeah, I am.

I need to get far in this game.

I really hope that you, like,

don't wanna come after me because of this,

'cause I genuinely don't wanna come after you.

I swear on everything, I don't.

If I can get Tyler completely on my side

and ride this through together, I'm willing to do that.

Basically, Tyler and I are going to be best friends

until I decide we're not going to be best friends anymore.

I think this could be, like, the most beneficial thing,

like, hiding in plain sight to the whole house...

Yeah, agreed, I know.

...'cause they think we're enemies.

-That's so valuable. -I know. I agree.

Like, crazy.

Even though I've been super understanding

with what Dani has put me through this week,

I'm not totally sure where I lay on her, like, hit list

after everything we've been through,

so I definitely have to keep her on my hit list as well.

This week I know it was horrible and everything,

but, like, I hope that I'm proving to you

that you can trust me, you know?

You definitely are. You definitely are.


-So what's good, man? -Uh, well, not a whole lot.

'Cause I might be the first one at that jury house.

I was convinced that it was either gonna be,

like, me or Enzo.

Obviously, I'm not happy about it.

-Yeah. -I haven't talked

a whole lot of game with Memphis at all this summer,

because I feel he's playing a lone wolf sort of game.

But I need his vote, and I definitely wanna try

to appeal to him on a level that is purely strategic.

Really, what it comes down to is, like,

Tyler, I think, is probably one of the top players...

-Yeah. here.

I think that just realistically it's like,

when you get a look at someone like that,

I think it would be kind of crazy to send me out

when I haven't really done...

Just to be honest with you, I think it's kinda...

I feel the same way about you.

Really? What? [laughs]

And when she put you up, it made me stop and be like,

"Okay, well, I gotta think about this.

-You know what I mean? -Sure, of course. Of course.

Because against Kevin, it made total sense to send Tyler home.

-Right. -Ooh.

Look, I give Ian all the credit in the world.

He is a great player, and as good as Tyler might be,

Ian won first place.

You know, if you have a shot, you gotta take it.


[whispering] One thing is I talked to Memphis,

and he said that, like...

And then when I went up, he was kinda like,

"Okay, now I have to think about this."

[whispering] Think about what, the vote?

Yeah, as in, like, I was a very poor choice.

-Oh. -Yeah. any means.

-Because I...I...I mean... -You've won.

I don't know where she got the idea that I'd be safe as a--

like a safe bet. -Right.


Dani supposedly put me up as a pawn,

but after that conversation with Memphis,

I don't think I'm as safe as a pawn

as Dani thinks that I am, and frankly, I'm infuriated.

I kind of expected a higher caliber

of decision-making on All-Stars.

If I go, you're gonna have a hell of a time.

NICOLE: Trust me, I know.

Right now I'm more motivated than ever

to figure out how to keep Ian in this house,

and it's my job to make them realize that

keeping Tyler would be a huge mistake.

In order to do that, I would have to break up the Committee,

and that means a couple people would be gunning after me.



Up next, will Nicole go against her alliance

in an attempt to save her friend?

Then, Ian and Tyler, two of the most elite players

in the history of Big Brother, face off.

Who will be trading in the Big Brotherhouse

for the jury house?

Stay with us.



Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

Nicole finds herself between a rock and a hard place--

try to keep Ian or try to keep peace with her alliance.


The one piece that still is not sitting right with me

is why Tyler is not campaigning.

When you're on the block, you campaign.

-I haven't see him campaign. -Then that doesn't sense.


Somethin' is up.

Unless he was told that he has the votes.

If that's what he was told, he's chillin'.

And we're not a part of that equation.


Enzo is, Christmas is,

Memphis is, and Cody is because Tyler is...

like, is he connected to Dani? No.

-We don't know. -Oh.


So let's use this fake-ass front.

Yeah. Some storyline like, "I have to put you up

"'cause everybody will believe it,

but in reality, I want you to stay."


The fact that Tyler is not campaigning,

it's really sending me red flags,

like what's going on? You're on the block,

and you've said... nothing.

Tyler could actually be ready to leave this game

like he said last week, or that boy is safe,

and he ain't going nowhere.

This is a lot. [scoffs]


Ian just talked to me.

-[door closes] -Yeah. What happened?

NICOLE: I really want Ian to stay this week.

That's obviously my goal.

So I should have Da'Vonne, David, and Kevin's vote.

Along with my vote, that's four votes,

and that means Dani would have to break the tie.

But before I do this, I have to check with the Committee.


Because if I screw up their game,

they're definitely gonna wanna screw up mine.

He has a very good feeling that he's gonna be leaving

from...after talking to people today.

I think that this is such a mistake.

[mouth full] Nicole, the Committee does not want him.

They want Tyler.


If we go against the Committee,

it puts us in the worst spot in the house.

I know you love Ian. I love Ian, too,

and I know I don't love him like you love him.

I know. It freaking sucks. I'm so sorry.

But if we fight for him,

all that's doing is putting a target on ourselves.

If we can at least put up feelers,

I would just feel better. -All right, then why don't you

talk to Memphis and tell him how you feel?

Yeah, I'll try it.


[whispering] They think that Ian is staying, obviously.

-NICOLE: You know what I mean? -MEMPHIS: Yep.

What are you guys making them think that you two are doing?

Right now I'm up in the air.

MEMPHIS: Yeah, I totally have the same feeling.

But I want the group to keep Ian.

What do you mean?

Everyone should vote the same way.

No, that's bad, because they're gonna know

if I turn against Ian that it's because of an alliance.

[scoffs and chuckles]

Look, if you wanna go hang out in jury with Ian so bad,

we can make that...happen.

-I'm not. -[laughing]

Memphis, you're dead to me. Get out of here.

[continues laughing]

God, did Memphis mean that?

-No. -I think he did.

Possibly. That's why I'm saying, watch yourself.



Tell me why you wanna keep Tyler.

Plain and simple, for me,

there is no reason for me to stick my neck out for Ian.

Why would I stick my neck out for Ian

to then go against him...

who's kept me safe,


who's kept me safe,


who's kept me safe,

not only me but also you,

to blow up an alliance that's won five of the six HOHs?

Ian is not a player I'm willing to do that for,

plain and simple.

[whispering] I'm in too good of a spot with our alliance.

[whispering] Shh.

Our alliance is gonna be at each other next week.

-What? -It could be with a power.

I'm saying what if what happened this week happens next week?

I totally understand, but, like, straight up, like...

Straight up, I can't beat Tyler in competitions.

Why do you sell yourself short constantly?

He's very tall, very muscular.

He's won one HOH.


I just want you to know I totally understand

the personal aspect of it.

It's not even personal. It's also strategic.

Why not take a strong boy out?

I am unwilling to blow myself up.

My game's getting blown up, Cody. You see that, right?

When I don't vote for Ian, I am going to look so bad.

He's my best friend. I am a monster to everybody.

If I can do that, I can cut anyone's throat at anytime.

Nobody's gonna come after you.

It's frustrating.

Cody is so stuck on keeping the Committee happy,

but I think this is the right time to get Tyler out.

Who knows if we'll ever get him sitting on the block again?

I did win this game once,

and I feel like I know when the timing's right,

and the timing is now to get Tyler out of this house.


Let's touch base, then.

Nicole and I have been...

working real hard. -Good.


I mean, you're rolling the dice big-time... [laughs]

-I know. -...with me here.

And you feel so safe, but, like...

I don't feel safe. This might be one of the closer votes.

But I literally didn't think that.

-That's the hardest part. -It's...It's what it is.

I mean, I just... I don't...I just don't wanna go.


[whispers] Oh, God. I know. It's my fault.

Like, honestly, like, you should blame me,

and, like-- -I will.

Oh, man.

-Probably, if I go... -I'll take all responsibility.

...if I go, I probably won't vote for you

unless you're against Kevin or Da'.

-That's fine, and I... -Or David.

That's fine, and I accept that, and I take all responsibility.

-Yeah. -I know you hate me,

I don't hate you. I guess I'm disappointed in you.

-No, but you know what I-- -I know. I feel-

'Cause I feel like you shouldn't make this mistake

on your third time playing.

I'm sorry.

I just need to make sure I have four votes, that's all.

I mean, like, this game's given me so much,

and for it to end on not even my mistake...

Like, I had much higher expectations for my second play

than to be a nominee by my own alliance.


-I'm really sorry, Ian. -It's like, if I go,

Nicole is gonna be a complete loss.

-I know. -I mean, like,

you've pretty much tanked all of our games if I go.

And that's on you.

-Right. -I'm sorry.

I know. I'm sorry, Ian. Honestly, I'm really sorry.

I just hope that I have all the votes.

That's...I just need four, right?


[door closes]

I'm gonna tell it like it is.

[puppet squeaks]


[lowered voice] I am frustrated because I feel like

this could have been Enzo,

and you could be in the same situation I'm in.

You would never vote him out.

You can't say it's the same if it was Enzo or Ian...

-Why? -...because we're not there.

Because you have no idea how this would be going

if it was Enzo in that spot.

She chose--she had to pick between them, too,

and she picked-- -And so why is it my fault?

It's not. It's just because...

That is absolutely untrue.

[crying] It's not.


I totally get where Nicole is coming from.

If Enzo was in this situation,

I'd be doing whatever I can to make sure that Tyler

is the one that goes home.

Go ahead, Nicole. Try to split the vote

and blow up your trust with Dani and ruin the relationship that

you and her have, which actually might not be bad for me.

[whispering] Yo, it is what it is, yo.

[whispering] Nicole was all bent out of shape

because she's like, "Dani chose my number one

over your number one."

I was like, "You have no idea how people would be reacting

if it was Enzo up there." She goes, "No, that's not true."


This week has been so frustrating.

Cody gets to keep two of his closest allies

while I have to get rid of one of mine.

At this point, it just makes me question

where do I stand on the totem pole,

and it might be all on me, and it's my decision

if I wanna be the fourth vote and make Dani break the tie.


Up next, it's the live vote and eviction.

Will Nicole vote with the Committee,

or go against her alliance?

And who will ultimately be

walking out the front door tonight?

Stay with us.



Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

Ian and Tyler. It's time for these two titans of the game

to face off.

Let's head to the living room and talk with the two nominees.

-Hello, Houseguests. -Hey, Julie.

-Hey, Julie! -Hello.

Well, everyone, it's time for the live vote and eviction.

Ian, Tyler, in just moments, your housemates

will cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each have a final chance

to sway their votes with one brief statement.

Ian, you're up first.

All right, everybody, uh, couple weeks ago, I made a toast

and I just wanna reiterate a few things I said in that.

Obviously, for everyone here,

it's at least our second time playing,

and we know what it's like outside of here

after the confetti falls.

It can be frustrating. It can be painful,

but it can be positive, too.

Over the past eight years, I've given a lot to this game,

and it's given me a lot back.

In regards to this particular game,

I feel like I still have a lot to give.

So if I can help your game in any way, please keep me in.

Thank you.

Thank you, Ian.


Thank you, Julie.

Everyone, please check out Naut & Chain

and Angela's Plant Based Kitchencookbook.

Ian, man, you're one of the greatest of all time

to play this game,

and I'm honored to be sitting next to you right now.

Houseguests, if you guys see me as more of an asset

or a shield to your game, rather than a big threat,

please vote to keep me in this house.

I know I've had my ups and downs in here,

but I just want you all to know I'm committed to this game,

and I'm forever grateful to Big Brother

for changing my life and allowing us to play

during such a crazy time in the world,

but most importantly, since I got to meet you, Angela,

I love you more than anything in this world.

-ENZO: Aw. -I miss you so much.

I'm counting down every second till I see your face again.

Guys, when you cast your vote, remember,

don't be a clown. Keep Ty around.


All right, thank you, Tyler. Thank you both.

Everyone, it's now time for the live voting to begin.

As always, the two nominees are not allowed to vote.

Dani, as this week's current Head of Household,

you will only vote in the event of a tie.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the Diary Room

and cast your vote to evict.

Christmas, you're up first. Please go to the Diary Room.


Christmas and Tyler have a final two agreement.

It would be a shock if she chose to evict him tonight.

-Hi, Christmas. -Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict the amazing and legendary Ian.

-JULIE: Thank you. -Thank you. Love you, sis.


Enzo is in good with both nominees.

What is best for his game?


-Hi, Enzo. -Hey, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Ian.

-JULIE: Thank you. -Gia and Nico!


Currently, the vote is two votes to evict Ian,

zero votes to evict Tyler.

The remaining six votes when we return. Stay with us.



Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

The Houseguests are voting to evict either Ian or Tyler.

So far, it's two votes to evict Ian,

zero votes to evict Tyler.

Let's continue with the live voting.

Da'Vonne has promised to work hard to keep Ian in the house.

Will she follow through with her vote?

-Hi, Da'Vonne. -Hi, Julie girl!

Please cast your vote to evict.

For Bailey, I vote to evict the BBAll Star Tyler.

-JULIE: Thank you. -I love you, Kadence.


Cody is adamant in keeping the Committee together.

Will he get what he wants tonight?

-Hi, Cody. -What's going on, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Ian.

-JULIE: Thank you. -I love you, Cristie.

I miss you, babe.

Kevin suspects there is a big alliance in the house.

How will that affect his vote?

-Hi, Kevin. -Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

Eek. I vote to evict Tyler.

JULIE: Thank you.

I love you, Alphonso.

Memphis considers Ian the bigger threat in the house.

Will he take his shot at the pawn?

-Hi, Memphis. -Hey, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Ian.

-JULIE: Thank you. -Thank you.

Dominique, I miss you, babe.

David used his Disruptor Power to save himself this week.

Will he disrupt things with his vote?

-Hi, David. -Hey, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Tyler. Keep on, Kev.

JULIE: Thank you.

Ian is Nicole's friend outside the house

in the real world, but by voting to save him,

she risks losing her alliance.

Hi, Nicole.

[voice breaking] Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

I vote to evict Ian. [sniffles, exhales deeply]

JULIE: Thank you.


All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the Houseguests.

Houseguests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted Houseguest

will have just a few moments to say goodbye,

gather his belongings, and walk out the front door,

and remember, you are leaving the Big Brotherbubble,

so please wear your mask when you exit.

By a vote of to ,

Ian, you are evicted from the Big Brotherhouse.

Hey, good game. Good game.

No, I'll be fine. Hey, good game, man.

Good game. Good game, David.

Christmas, it's fine.

No. No, no, no, no. Don't do that. Don't do that.

-[chuckles] Don't be sad. -You're a good man.

Hey, good game, good game. Kevin, good game.

-[exhales deeply] Nicole... -I love you.

[whispers] It's all right. I love you, too.

-[normal voice] Dani. -I'm so sorry.

It's happened, a blunder. That's all it is.

-Enzo. -ENZO: You're a great champ.

Great job. Good game.

-I love you, man. -All right.

Save the Vans for me.

You're a great champion, bro.

IAN: Thank you. Appreciate that.

Take care. Good luck in the rest.

-Ian. -Keep 'em for me.

-Sorry, Ian. -See ya, Ian.

It's all right. Good luck in the rest.

-Good luck in the rest. -DAVID: Thanks, Ian.

-TYLER: Love you, Ian. -IAN: All right.

[exhales deeply]

-Congrats. -Thank you.



Thank you for putting your mask over your nose.

-Of course. -I wish I could give you

a hug right now, but obviously I cannot.

ENZO: No, he's a good champion. Congrats, bro.

DA'VONNE: [whispers] Sorry.

It's just a game. It's just a game.

NICOLE: I'm trying not to pass out.

DA'VONNE: It's just a game. It's just a game.

ENZO: Champion, man.

CODY: Da'Vonne, did you have to go to the bathroom?

-DA'VONNE: Yes. Can I go? -NICOLE: Go, go.

DANIELE: Congrats, Tyler.

-ENZO: That's the champion. -NICOLE: I know. I'm sorry, too.

Sorry isn't enough.

Stay right there. We have a lot to talk about.

All right.

When we return, I'll talk one on one with Ian.

Then the battle to become

the new Head of Household begins. Stay with us.



Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

I'm sitting here with former Big Brotherwinner Ian,

who was just evicted from the Big Brotherhouse.

You exited with class just like the way you're dressed tonight.

You hugged every single person.

When you hugged Dani, what did you say to her?

I said it's a blunder, and it happens.

I mean, I feel like she kind of just

Google Whoppered my whole game away

almost accidentally.

Um, maybe it was a great play and I just don't realize it,

but it hurt. It hurt.

This is the first time you're sitting down with me.

You've never been evicted. How are you feeling right now?

You mentioned the word "hurt." How are you feeling?

I mean, not hurt feelings but just in the game it hurts.

But, um, you know, I mean, it's a lot of new feelings.

I've never really, really been nominated before,

so that was new. Evicted's new.

It's just new feelings. That's all.

You were told you were the ultimate pawn.

What do you think happened?

I mean, I think that it was just people

are a lot smarter than to keep a former winner in the game,

and then they just took the opportunity

to boot me out, and it was the right play

for most of them, honestly.

The vote was to to evict you.

-Mm-hmm. -Does that surprise you?

Um, no. I mean, I fought hard to stay in

all the way to the last minute, so I left nothing on the court,

and I just tried to collect as many votes as I can.

I didn't wanna roll over and die.

Do you feel betrayed by anyone?

Absolutely not. It's a game.

You told us that playing this game, um,

with All-Stars was much harder...


...than the first time, which was eight years ago.

-Correct. -How was it harder for you?

I think last time, um, I was in there,

there were really only, out of the whole set of players,

I think there were only really three good players,

and then one of them probably didn't really care.

And this time, everybody in there is pretty good,

and everybody cares, so...

When you played this game eight years ago,

you beat Dan Gheesling in a decision to .

-Yeah. -You said you wanted

to be the first person to ever be

a -time winner of Big Brother.

This season, you came in with a very clear plan.

You said, "I'm gonna lay low, and then in the second half,

I'm gonna turn it up." -Yep.

If you could do things all over again,

would you play with a different strategy?

Absolutely not. I think that's the dominant strategy

for this game, and that's what I would do every time.

How come early on, when...

Well, you may have just answered my next question,

but I wanna hear you say it. -Sure.

When Kaysar first approached you early on...

-Yes. try and form something,

you resisted, and you knew he is gonna be aligned

with someone dominant like Janelle.

Why did you resist?

Well, uh, I had heard Janelle talking about me and Nicole

when she thought I was asleep in the bedroom pretty early,

and it was in regards to trying to nominate both of us,

so because of that, I was a little bit hesitant

to work with Janelle, and thus, Kaysar.

I love Kaysar, though. Great guy.

Ian, in the event that you were the one evicted tonight,

your housemates taped goodbye messages.

Let's watch and listen to some of them.


Ian, I am so sorry. You are viewed as a huge threat

in this game as a winner, and not only a winner,

just someone that everyone respects as a winner.

You're an incredible player,

and I really hope there's no hard feelings.

Ian, if it was up to me,

you'd still be here playing this game with me.

You're an amazing person. I'm gonna miss you.

Hope to see you soon, but not too soon,

'cause I'm trying to win. [laughs]

Ian, my man, I am in an alliance called the Committee.

It's myself, Cody, Memphis, Dani...

-[groans] -...Christmas, and Nicole.

-Nice play. -And they all promised

to vote for me. -Yes.

But honestly, man, I'm glad we battled it out.

Ian, I want you to know I worked so, so hard

to keep you in this week.

I am working with a bigger group of people.

I wanted to tell you, but I just knew if it came out,

my game would absolutely blow up.

I am so sorry.

That's good.

What do you think of what you just heard?

Oh, I'm ecstatic, because for a while,

I thought I was just getting ganged up on by lousy players,

but to see that it's just, like, a good plan and they got me,

that's awesome. Good for them. Kudos.

-Wow. -Yeah.

So classy all the way through.

-Yeah. -What are your final thoughts?

It was fun. Thanks for having me again.

Well, you're off to the jury house,

a new experience for you.


JULIE: I'm just...

I'm very impressed by you, Ian.

-Thank you. -I'm a big fan.

Thank you.

We will see you back here on Finale night.

-You as a former winner... -Mm-hmm. know what an important role you have now.


You and the jury of nine will vote for a winner.

-Thank you so much. -All right. Thank you.

Stay safe. To see my extended interview with Ian,

head to

When we return, the battle

for a half million dollars is intensifying.

The live Head of Household competition begins next.

Stay with us.



Welcome back to Big Brother All-Stars.

It is time for the live Head of Household competition.

Free from the threat of eviction,

the HOH must put two nominees on the chopping block.

And while Dani, the current HOH,

holds the Replay Power, which would allow her

to play in tonight's Head of Household competition,

she has decided not to use it

and thus is ineligible to compete tonight.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

Houseguests, the power is up for grabs.

Dani, as outgoing Head of Household,

you are not eligible to compete tonight.

This competition is called "Hydrant Hustle."

And here's how it works. On my go,

you will hustle across the yard

to retrieve your hydrant puzzle pieces

and bring them back to your stand.

From there, your goal is simple.

Correctly assemble your hydrant puzzle and buzz in.

The first Houseguest to buzz in

with a correctly assembled puzzle

will become the new Head of Household.

-Does everyone understand? -CHRISTMAS: Yeah.

-DA'VONNE: Yes. -ENZO: Yep.

-TYLER: Sure do. -JULIE: Excellent,

then please, get on your mark. -CHRISTMAS: Let's go!

JULIE: Get set...



We will return to the live Head of Household competition

in just moments.

Find out who wins this all-important competition

this Sunday at :/: Central.

Plus you'll see which two Houseguests

the new HOH nominates for eviction.

Then on Wednesday at :/: Central,

the Power of Veto is up for grabs.

See if it's used to keep one of the two nominees safe.

And next Thursday, the live vote and eviction

will send another All-Star to the jury House.

Plus a Big Brotherlegend moves into the neighbor's house

to shake things up.

What does it all mean? Find out Thursday.

Head to right now to subscribe

to CBS All Access to get the live feeds and more.

For now, let's eavesdrop

on the ongoing Head of Household competition.

From outside the Big Brotherhouse,

I'm Julie Chen Moonves.

Don't judge, or you, too, will be judged.

Good night.

