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22x18 - Episode 18

Posted: 05/05/24 11:01
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on
"big brother all-stars": Dani

told Tyler she wanted da'vonne

I think da'vonne would
definitely not be afraid to

strike against US at some point
in the game.


Announcer: And Tyler spread
the word to day.

She wants you out.

She wants to fult fire with me
to get you out.

Announcer: But when Dani
and da'vonne compared notes.

What was he telling bayleigh?

Telling her you were coming
for me.

Announcer: ...Tyler was in
Dani's crosshairs.

Tyler and I are supposed to
be working together, but now i'm

finding out that he's the one
who has been telling bayleigh

and da'vonne I'm coming after

Thanks, Tyler.

Announcer: Three secret
powers were hidden in the

b.b. Basement.

And Christmas, Dani, and David
each scored one.

If I don't like the h.O.H.'S
nominees, I can disrupt one of

the nominees and force the
h.O.H. To name a replacement.

I can keep myself safe.

I don't want anybody to know.

I'm afraid to even talk out

Announcer: With the
houseguests going on a power

trip for power...

[ Buzzer ].

Announcer: ...Dani was
hanging tough.

Congratulations, Dani, you
are the new head of household.

Announcer: Da'vonne
encouraged Dani to take a shot

at Tyler.

If you don't want to sweng at
him, I get it.

I love doing crazy things in
this house, but he's the type of

person, if you swing, you can't

Announcer: But Cody didn't
want "the committee" to crumble.

You put him on the block, the
committee is going to tumble.

Putting him on the block this
week could blow up "the


It could just be chaos.

Announcer: Leaving Dani
with a tough decision.

We will not go after each
other, at least until "the

committee" final six.


I can come after him, but if
I come after Tyler, there's an

opportunity for him to really
hurt my game.

So the big question is do I take
the shot this week or not?

Announcer: At the
nomination ceremony:

I have nominated you, Kevin,
and you, David.

Announcer: ...Dani kept her
alliance off the block.

Kevin, David, we just don't
really talk game and i'm

genuinely sorry.

Announcer: But David had a
trick up his sleeve.

I have a power I can use to
take myself off the block.

Oh, they that you want Dave
was going to go.

Oh, no, Dave is going to be

Announcer: Tonight, how
will Dani react when the

disruptor power forces her to
put someone new on the block?

Plus will the power of veto save
one of the nominees?

All this right now on "big

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ ♪
this nomination ceremony is


I nominated David and Kevin
because they are the only two

people in this house I don't
talk game with.

If the nominations stay the
same, I would prefer David went


I definitely have Tyler in my
sites, but I just couldn't take

the shot right away.

I just need to see what happens
with the veto.

If one of the nominations are
removed, maybe then I'll pull

the trigger on Tyler.

It's a game.

It's a game.

Kevin and David are up on the
block, and to the rest of the

world, this might look like i'm
in the clear because I made a

deal with Dani, and she's
holding up her end of the deal.

But I feel like there still
could be some sort of backdoor

Tyler plan in the works.

So, no, I'm not feeling safe
right now.

Keep your head up.



It sucks to be nominated, i'm
feeling a little bit down, but

not too down because I will be
using my disruptor power.

This will change everything.

I can remove myself from the

I'm safe from the house, no
backdoor no nothing, and Dani

will have to put somebody else
to put on the block instead of


Are you ready?

There is a little sliver of
hope that I thought maybe I

convinced Dani not to use me as
a pawn.

Obviously, I'm not very
persuasive, because here I am.

It's just a lot to absorb, and
I'm overwhelmed.

I need some big tears.

Come on, baby, big tears.

You can cry, come on.

Show the house some emotion
so they don't suspect I'm using

the power to save myself.

If you want me to leave you
alone, I'll leave, I get.

But I have no doubt that you can
win this veto.

And take yourself down.

I have no doubt.

This is frustrating.

I believe in you, David.

I believe in you, I do.

Thank you.

So who do you want to go home
this week if it stays the same?

If it stays the same, I don't

I can't really tell...
I can't tell, either.

You know who I think she
would want?

Backdoor him.

That's what I know.

Noms have to stay the same,
because if somebody comes down,

she'll want to put him up over

Tyler and Dani have had a
little bit of drama these past

couple of weeks so I could
totally see her using Tyler as a

backdoor option and I don't want
him going home at this point in

the game, so that will be very

If she puts him up, she will
want him going home.

Me and Cody like Tyler a lot,
and plus he's a shield for me,


I don't want to see him going

He goes up, there's a good
chance he's going home.

Like, that's the key to this
week is noms to stay the same.



Uhm, I was just checking on

I just feel bad.

Guys, what the... are the

I don't know who got them and
why they're, like, waiting.

Like, somebody needs to start
using some of these powers.


Because I don't believe anybody
got them right now.

Maybe, like, it's just not
anything to do with the noms.

The house looks clean.

I feel like it's easier to
keep clean now that there's less



Everyone to the dining room.

The interrupter power has been

[ Laughs ].

Oh, what!

Disruptive power!

Disruptive power.

Disruptive power.

Oh, my god.

What am I going to do?

What am I going to do.

What do you have to do,
nominate someone.

Distruster power.

Oh, my god, what am I going
to do.

I hear a power is unleashed
in the house and, oh, crap, i'm

already upset because with my
nominations I already feel bad,

and I know I'm about to feel a
lot worse.

I need everyone to take a
seat now!

[ Thunder ].

Sorry, Dani.

The secret holder of the
disruptor power has decided to

interrupt your head of household
by making one of your nominees

safe for the week and forcing
you to name a new one

[ laughs ].

I need to look as nervous and
as sad as possible so no one

knows I have this power.

It's time to bring all want
acting skills.

The nominee who is now off
the block and safe is...

[ Thunder ]
Since David has been saved by

the disruptor power, he cannot
be named as a replacement gnome

me at the veto meeting.

Be happy.

Be happy, man.

You should be super happy.

You should be jumping on the
table, man.

Dani, you must now name a new

[ Thunder ].

This sucks.

I have no idea what to do at
all, zero idea.


Oh, my god.

The disruptive power is now
out of play.

Good luck.

You're all good to need it.

[ Laughs ]
This couldn't be more

uncomfortable for me.

Everyone is looking at me
absolutely horrified.

Tyler, do you want to talk?

I'm trying not to look anyone
directly in the eye.

I'm freaking out right now.

Oh, my god.

Now Tyler's on the block with

He's, like, a comp beast.

He's anything to win the veto!

Like everything is completely
thrown upside down.

I wish it was me!

Why wasn't it me!

I want to be disrupted.

Dani, what are you doing?

Taking shot within our alliance
and losing one of our numbers

this week would not be good for
"the committee."

Surprise, surprise, Dani puts
me on the block as a

replacement, even though we made
a deal.

I was expecting to be backdoored
and now I have a chance to play

in the veto and take myself off
the block.

This could be a little blessing
in disguise for me, if we're

being optimistic.

Why couldn't I get that
freaking power!

Okay, I'm freaking out.

I know.

No, no, like, for real, hear
me out.

I swear on everything, on
everything, I don't want you

gone, I swear.

Even tow I stand by my decision
to put Tyler up, I do not want

him to know that.

I just want to save face and
make him think I panicked and I

don't actually want him out.

He can easily win the veto and
take him off.

You can win the veto.

I know.

You can win it, of all

The "the committee" is going
to think...

I'm telling you, you can win
the veto.

We just made this deal, Dani.

You told me we were good.

We will not go after each
other until least "the

committee" final six.



And then you put me up.

There were plenty of other
people that are not your allies

that could have gone on the

And I know I wronged you, but
you said you were past it.

All I wanted to do was keep
the noms the same.

What if Kevin wins veto.

You have to name a replacement.

I know.

Then I don't freaking know.

So now I see where I stand
with Dani.

I need to get in there and win
that veto and keep myself safe

fair and square.

That was crazy, man.

I gave them the fake tears at
the ceremony.

That was part one.

Part two was now to figure out
who saved me so that the house

will never suspect it was me who
saved myself.

Are you okay?

I wish I won a power, but i'm
sorry, I didn't.

Are you safe?

No, bro, no, dude.

Did you just save me?

No, why would I save anyone
that was not myself.

On what planet would I use a
power to save somebody else

knowing that the h.O.H. Is upset
with me and I can still go on

the block?

No, David, I should not do that.

Did you.

Did you save me?

Did you?

No, come on.

What are you doing?

Did you... did you use the
power on me?

Did you...

You're not fooling me.

I don't think you're fooling
anybody in this house.

Like, David, you used the power
on yourself.

Why doesn't somebody just
tell me.

Keep going around asking.

You know what I mean?

Did you save me?

It wasn't me.

I would have used it last week.

It wasn't me.

I would have saved myself.


Nobody in here trying to save

This whole tela novella he's
doing right now, I don't

understand what the end game is.

This was a bragging moment for

It's like, come on.

You're being weird.

Okay, y I want you to know,
please do not repeat this.

I need to do damage control with
Christmas because she is

obsessed with "the committee,"
and I want to make sure she

doesn't think I'm the one trying
to break up the band.

I don't want Tyler to go.

There just was nobody else to

I ac ually really like the band.

I just want Tyler out of it.

If Tyler takes himself off
the block, I don't know what to


And this is all I have in my

It has to be a pawn.

And, the only pawns who would be
guaranteed to stay in my opinion

would be you or Memphis.

But we'll talk about that if
that happens, okay?

I feel like everybody else is so

Dani, baby girl, what is
going on.

You put up an alliance member.

If he wins the veto and takes
himself off you want to put up

another alliance member?

There are other people in this
house who are not in "the


Like Ian, Enzo, da'vonne.

We are running this house, and
why aren't you trusting the

it makes this situation very
shady, and, let's face it, she's

kind of the shadiest of the

We'll cross that bridge when
we get there.

If they stay the same that
would be great.

♪ ♪ ♪

My punishment is over.

[ Applause ]
say good-bye to the slappa



Finally, after a whole week
of wearing this slop-a-tarred I

get to take it off and wear my
normal clothes, and I'm so

excited about it.


Where does that come from?

[ Cheering ]

Hey, everybody, it's time to
pick players for veto



Only six people will
participate in the veto

competition: The head of
household, the two nominees, and

three other players selected by
random draw.

Will the nominees please join me
up here?

As h.O.H., I will pick first.


[ Applause ]


[ Applause ]
my chip gets drawn and i'm

really excited about it.

I didn't like sitting out last
week and if I win the veto this

time, I can ensure my own


This damn disruptive power
messed up the noms.

Now Tyler's sitting on the

I want to win this pow pof and t
him off the block.

"Big brother" will inform US
when the competition is to

good luck, everyone.

[ Applause ]
of course I'm going to try my

hardest today to win it.

I just want them to stay the
same, you know.

If we don't win this, I have to
pick a fourth person.

Please, don't put me in that

Please try to win it.

Please try.

If I win it, I'll keep them
the same because I don't want to

stress you out.

Going into this competition, I
want Dani to know we're on the

same page.

Girl, we're reestablishing our

You want noms to stay the same,
you got it, girl.


It's time for the veto


Gather in the living room.

Players, you're in luck.

You get to head out of the house
to grab some microbrews.

[ Applause ]
but the only way to get there is

with some teletransporter.

It's been a little glitchy, but
"big brother's" pretty sure it

should work.

Who's tred give it a try.


[ Applause ]
all right, let's start this

bad boy up.

[ Sparking sounds ]
Where did it go?

Oh, no!

Something malfunctioned and this
competition just got way more


On the "start" horn you must
stack 15 microbeer cans into a

micropyramid on the minibar and
you have to do it using your

giant teasers.

The first houseguest to stack
their 15 microbrews will win the

golden power of veto.

Who is ready to play microbrews?

[ Applause ]
[ Horn blows ].

Dani's moving the table.

That's smart.

The way to win this veto is
be the first person to stack 15

microbrews into a pyramid.

Because of the disruptor, I got
the pleasure of nominating three

people this week, and I need to
make sure that I don't have to

nominate a fourth.

So I have to win this veto.

Look at Dani.

Like, she can...

I am so sick of being a pawn.

So I need to win this veto so I
can remove myself, and Dani's

just going to have to find
somebody else to pawn.

Go to a pawnshop, but not over

Your hand's going to get

But the second layer and the
fourth layer.

It's going to be ippossible.

I ended up on the block
somehow because someone in my

alliance put me on the block
after a power was used.

It sucks.

The veto is the only safe haven
right now that will guarantee me

not being on the block on
eviction night.

This is my third season
playing this game.

I've never won a about.



I definitely want to win because
whether I use it or not, I need

to be safe.

Look at that, licking the

My god, Tyler, he's on the
block, man.

I got his back he's got my back.

I want to win this thing and
take Tyler off the blocks.

And I'm trying to stack these
microbeers and it's really hard

to keep it steady.

You could breathe on these
things and they fall.

That's how delicate they are,
you know what I mean?

These cans just don't want to
be my friend!

They're so small and I'm picking
them up and they're popping up

on the of the tweezers.

Honey, I shrunk my brain and the

The only way I can guarantee
my safety is win the power of


My strategy is to go slow and

I know that one wrong move could
knock it all over.

♪ ♪ ♪

She's got the rhythm!

It might look easy, but it's
not easy to grab these things

with these huge tweezers, it's a
mess, man.


Enzo, you are doing
absolutely nothing.

Enzo, if he was a surgeon, would
be his patient, like,

flat-lining within the first
three seconds.

Paging steadiest hands in the

Dr. Jitters.

He's, like...

Every time a microbrew falls
we have to take it to...



Ian is going for the second

I'm trying to pace myself.

So I take a break, I take at a
deep breath, and exhale.

Oh no!

Literally, I blew it.

And I have to start all over

My cans are falling, however,
that's okay.

You guys will keep falling.

I'm just going to keep getting
better and better and better.

Let's go.

Oh, my god, I'm so close.

Plawz calm down.

Please c calm down.

Collect yourself.

Victory is within milliseconds,
literally, I can win this.

I'm timely so close I need
this so bad because I have to

make sure the nominations stay
the same.

Hopes, dreams, beers, they all
come crashing down.

Hopes, dreams, beers, they all
come crashing down.


Down goes my stack.

I don't know what I'm going to
do now because that took


I dropped my beers like 20
times now, but I cannot give up.

I have to keep stacking, win
this power of veto, and take

myself off the block.


One more!

Don't breathe!

Don't think!

Don't speak!

This might be your moment.

[ Bell rings ].

Oh, my god!

Her first win!

Good job!

I got a veto!

This is my first veto, and i'm
so excited.

Okay, granted, it's little, ask
it's micro.

It still counts, okay.

Don't play me.

She will not be the first member
of the jury.

It is a new chapter.

This is a new season.

It is a new game.

Let's go, day, let's go!

I'm so excited!

Let's see if we can get him
back into the house.

[ Cheers and applause ].

I lose, and I'm really upset
right now.

I just need these nominations to
stay the same.

Before the competition, da'vonne
told me if she wins that she

won't use the veto, so new she
won, I really hope she meant

what she said.

I didn't win the veto, but
da'vonne and I have a good


So there might actually be a
chance I get taken off the block

this week.

I hope she uses it, lord, Jesus.

Like, please.

This sucks.

I had the chance to save myself
and I couldn't pull it off.

Now I need to rethink a whole
new strategy on how I can stay

in this house.

Somehow, I've gotten myself
in a bit of a situation here,

because I've managed to tell
Dani that I wouldn't use the

veto on anyone because I didn't
think I was going to win.

This is my new veto!


What am I going to do?

That's it, Nicole!

That's my veto!

This is my first comp win!

♪ ♪ ♪
first, seriously, you have

been waiting for that for a long

Oh, my god, three seasons!

I dint win the power of veto,
but da'vonne did.

And now I need to make sure
she's going to use the veto on

me because we need each other.

I wanted to talk to you because
I know people are going to

bombard you.

Da'vonne, if you use it on me, I
will continue to look out for


I owe you huge.

Here's the thing, me using it
on you makes me and you a duo,

and you saw what they did to US.

Dani basically begged me not to
use the veto.

If I... if I take you down,
though, and one of them wins

h.o.h., me and you are going up
together next week.

You do know that.

I told Dani if I won the veto
I wouldn't use it.

However, me and Kevin have a
good relationship in this game

and we are on the outs.

I have to figure out do I honor
my word to Dani and not use this

veto, or do I save Kevin?

Let me talk to her.

Come in.

Come lay down.

Come on.

I am so damn proud of you!

Oh, man.

I don't even know.

So, of course, you know, Kevin
has immediately snatched me up

to use this thing on him.

Honestly, I don't have a pact
with Kevin.

I have a pact with you.

But I also don't want to throw
away one of my numbers.

So you're saying you do want
to use the veto.

I don't know, because from
the outside looking in, it looks

like it's a big-ais, s alliance
in this house.

And it looks like it's me,
David, and Kevin, and we're

going to get picked off.

All of the arrows are pointing
towards using the veto.

If I use this veto on Kevin,
that's a forever number for me.

I don't want to lose Kevin this

I need Kevin to stay in this

I'm feeling like da'vonne is
actually going to use this veto

and I'm starting to get really
stressed out because the last

thing I want to do right now is
nominate a fourth person.

So everything is kind of
crazy right now.

Do you think she's going to use

I don't know.

To be honest, I don't know.

If she uses it, what the
freaking hell am I going to do?

What am I going to do?

I mean, know that you have
the protection of "the


It just doesn't make sense to
cannibalize our own.


You'll have to put up one of
the others.


I mean, there's only two.

There's, literally, only two.

I don't know what your working
relationship is with Ian or Enzo


I'm cool with them.

I have no issues with them at
all, you know.

This is just, like, literally
couldn't be in a worse position.

This is stupid.

If da'vonne pulls Kevin off the
block and I put up another

member of the committee, i'm
pretty sure that they will all

turn against me.

But I'm good with both Enzo and
Ian, and I don't want to put

either of them up.

Man, this sucks so bad.

I'm sorry.

This sucks for you.

I know, right?

This is the worst h.O.H. Ever.

Listen, if day uses it on
Kevin, no shot da'vonne is going

to do that.

No shot.

But she needs...
I genuinely don't think she's

going to use it.

I'm freaking out a little bit
right now because da'vonne has

the veto, and I'm terribly
afraid she will use it on Kevin

and that will suck because it is
somebody I am aligned with or

working closely with who goes up
as a nominee.

For my game, the noms cannot

I hate this h.O.H.!

Da'vonne's going to use it.

I'm freaking out.


No, she's not.



Because she basically said
it's stupid for her game.

Like, I'm so stressed out.

So if she uses it I only have
one option.

Who's that?


Both Ian and Enzo are not part
of "the committee," but I'm way

more closely aligned with Enzo.

Other than Nicole, Ian doesn't
have a lot of ties to anybody in

this house.

So if I nominate him, I feel
like the repurcushions are going

to be a lot smaller than if it
was somebody else.

Listen to me, will you vote out

You want me to vote out

That's going to be really

I know there's no chance in hell
that Tyler's going to come after

you or me, like, in the
immediate future.

So you wouldn't vote out

No, I'm not voting out Tyler.

I don't want Ian to go home
on my watch.

I know, so we've got to make
sure it doesn't get used.

You have to say whatever you
have to say to da'vonne to make

sure it doesn't get used.

You are singlehandedly the only
person who can make her not use

the veto.

Otherwise, Ian is going to go on
the block and go home.

I think she's going to use

I think she is, too.

I know you're not going to be
happy, but the only person that

I can really put up without any
repercussions is Ian.

[ Sighs ].

And, literally, like, think
about it this way, Ian will hate

me, but nobody else in this
house will care, which is...

I'd be... I mean, I'll be sad.

Of course we'll all be sad.

I'm saying game-wise because
he's not attached to anyone but


I literally have nobody.

Every other person that's not in
an alliance with US is safe.

I am pretty furious.

Ian and I are super close in
this house, and we have a final


If he goes home I'll be the only
winner left in this house, and

my target will get way bigger so
I'm not okay at all with this



I don't know.

I don't want Ian to go home
and I have to figure that out.

Ian going home is so bad.

Why does my best ally have to

Dani's h.O.H.

She should never send home my
best friend and ally in this

it pisses me off.

I just...

It kills me to think about being
in this house without Ian.

I'm so frustrated.

I want to cry.

I don't get why Ian has to go
this week.

It makes no sense to me.

It makes no sense to me.

Could I say something that's


In my opinion, in my selfish
opinion is who is going to help

you more this game?

You know it's me.

Not to be mean, but, like, we
all know he's going to go up


He's, in my opinion, not going
to be that beneficial for that

long for you.


But I know he'ssomebody that wil
in this game.

I hear you.

If I did, there were be some
issue betweens me and you?

I'm not going to lie.

Be honest.

I'd be really upset because
it's seriously going to put me

in the worst spot ever.

I also think you're forgetting,
if you use it, I don't think

it's going to be the best grur

What do you mean?

I truly don't.

You don't think that's a really
big move?


What am I doing?

I'm just saying, hear me out.

You're also showing everyone
that you are tight with him.

You're straight up saying that
you're tight with him.

That's all.

I'm just saying, day, that you
have to realize that that is a

big move in this game.

It's not a little move.

It's a big move.

I'm saying that for you, that's

I don't understand why Dani
has such a problem with me

trying to use the veto to save

It kind of makes me feel like
she and I are only cool if i'm

doing something that works for
her game.

This is my veto.

I won that.

So if I choose to do something
like save Kevin, understand it,

respect it.

Get with it, sir.

I hope this week doesn't...

Ruin whatever we're building.

Yeah, me, too.

♪ ♪ ♪
hey, y'all.

It's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Kevin and Tyler have been
nominated for eviction.

But I have the power to veto one
of the nominations.

This has been a battle.

This is my very first win ever,
and it sucked.

I don't have any commitments to
either one of you.

However, you are not my ally,
but you are my friend.

I have decided...

Kevin, I'm going to use the veto
on you.

♪ ♪ ♪
Dani, since I have just

vetoed one of your nominations
for eviction, you will have to

name a new houseguest as a
replacement nominee.

Everyone knows by this point,
Tyler and I had an issue.

I will be campaigning fully for
him to go home this week.

So I need the ultimate pawn.

And I'm so sorry, Ian.

This veto meeting is

I'm sorry that this move does
not work with your game, Dani,

but I came here to play for

I finally got my first taste of
power in this house, and I loved


So hold on, ladies.

This won't be the last time.

I told everybody stierl my
number one target when in fact I

said that to convince Ian that
he is 100% safe because at this

point in the game it would be
foolish of me to go against "the


I honestly don't know if
Dani's true intentions were to

get me out or not this week, but
I'm on the block against a

former winner, and I'm hoping
that helps my chances to say.

And if I stay, Dani, I can
forgive but I cannot forget.

And I got my eye on you moving

I'm so upset that Ian is up
on the block, and I feel like

Dani had other options.

I feel so sad.

Deant said that I was the
ultimate pawn, but all I think

people are now seeing is winner
on the block!

Winner on the block!

And I think this might go the
way she doesn't want it to.

Are I'm just enarranged.

Like, how stupid can she be?


Announcer: Who will be
evicted from the "big brother"


Tyler or Ian.

Find out Thursday night at 8:00,

brother all-stars"!