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22x16 - Episode 16

Posted: 05/05/24 11:00
by bunniefuu
Julie: Davonne and bayleigh,
they were a sworn ride or die

from the beginning, but by the
end of the night, only one will

be left to fight on.

Welcome to "big brother

Announcer: Previously on
"big brother all-stars": Head of

household Christmas had a final
two deal with Tyler.

Ride or die.

You got it.

Announcer: And they were
also part of the larger

"committee" alliance.

I don't want to get everyone
in the same room.

I like that.

Announcer: When bayleigh
admitted da'vonne was her ride

or die.

Do you have any untouchables.

I would like for you to go

Announcer: ...The duo was
in criticize' crosshairs.

Bayleigh and da'vonne would
have each other's backs before

they had mine.

Announcer: And after word
spread that they were coming for

her alliance... it sealed their

I have nominated you,
bayleigh, and ]ou, da'vonne.

Announcer: With a veto on
the line.

Not good at the math.

Announcer: ...Christmas'
winning streak continued.

You have won the golden power of

Announcer: Tyler started
having second thoughts about his


It's too much pressure, man.

I feel like I'm definitely
having, like, a little bit of a

moral dilemma.

I don't know.

There's something not right,

Announcer: So he threw
dascpron bayleigh a life line.

I see how bad you want to be

I'm going to ask Christmas if
she will use the veto on you and

put me up.

Announcer: But Christmas
wasn't ready to sacrifice her

top ally.

I have a very guilty

You're my final two, my ride
or die.

What the heck, Tyler gla
bayleigh was still skeptical of


I still have lingering bad
feelings for him ever since the

time on "b.B. 20."

Announcer: Da'vonne told
her that bay wasn't coming after


All the things she is feeling
is towards Tyler.

She wants his head on a silver

Announcer: Christmas
brought this information right

back to Tyler.

Da'vonne said that bayleigh
wants your head on a silver


Now I'm just kind of feeling
like, yeah, maybe I shouldn't

have done that or suggested

Announcer: At the veto
meeting, Christmas didn't have a

present for bay or day.

I have decided not to use the
power of veto.

Announcer: Tonight, either
da'vonne or bayleigh will be

sent packing, but not before a
showdown sends shock waves

through the house.

She says that you're her

So what the... am I supposed to
do with that information.

Christmas, I'm going to walk

Thank you.

I'm going to walk away.

Announcer: Plus an epic
endurance competition begins.

All this right now live on "big

I'm uncomfortable looking at

Julie: Good evening.

I'm Julie chen moonves.

Welcome to "big brother

It's day 37 inside the "big
brother" house, and it has been

the most measure and
unpredictable week yet.

Tyler tried to end his game
early, but with all the power in

Christmas' hands, she refused to
let her closest ally throw in

the towel.

Her desire to keep the committee
alliance intact means either

da'vonne or bayleigh's dream of
wing a half million dollars will

come to an end tonight.

But first, a tense veto meeting
leaves everyone looking for


This veto meeting is

♪ ♪
I understand that Tyler

wanted to go up on the block,
but I'm not going to cannibalize

my own alliance.

He is not only in "the

He is my final two.

So there is no way I'm going to
put somebody that is so close to

me in this game up to go home.

Christmas, what the hell!

Tyler handed himself to you,
literally, a gift, a Christmas

gift, with a bow, and you said

All you had to do was take me
down and put him up.

Although this suction, I have to
get my head in the game, check

my emotions at the door, and
figure out, 000 get the votes to

stay in this house.

Christmas doesn't use the

Even though I offered to go on
the block, it was ultimately not

very good for Christmas' game
because I'm her ally.

Now I just need to refocus and
move forward with my own game.

Can I hug you?

Thank you.

I'm not surprised that
Christmas didn't use the veto.

I'm feeling upset that I'm still
on the block.

But i' even more upset because
we were absolutely tricked.

There was never any intention
from Tyler to sacrifice his


And I'm not going to lie, it's

You all right?


I mean, I prepared myself for

And, honestly, I didn't tell her
an untouchable.

Can we share who you said
your untouchable was?


You're not up there because I
told you my untouchable.

You're up there because you need

Also, like, if you want to take
accountability, own your spot on

the block.

I get frustrated when people
twist things to their benefit

that aren't accurate.

Yeah, that happens all the

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Thank you.

It's okay.


Absolutely not, da'vonne.

Absolutely not.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I'm feeling upset for day
because she was dragged into

this mess because of me.

I had the conversation with

Do you have any untouchables.

I would like you to go first,
if you don't mind.

There's going to be one of us
that leaves on Thursday, and it

feels sucky.

I wish that we could be there
for each other.

It's okay.

This is literally the
worst-case scenario.

I'm not... I can't put myself
in the cross-fire for somebody

else's situation.

That is true.

This would absolutely destroy my
place in this game 100%.

It would look like I... would
look like I don't know what i'm


I put her up because of what she
said to me, not because of what

Tyler has done.

Bayleigh's definitely my target
this week.

She's a great competitor, and
she has the nerve to be able to

start coming after my alliance.

Bayleigh, I love you, but you
gotta go home.

He hasn't thrown me under the

He hasn't done anything to me.

I don't have that cross with

That's her's, not mine.

I'm not going to take her sh*ts.

And in the process of that I
get sacrificed?

I know right now you're
frustrated with me.

I know right now...
I'm not frustrated with.

I'm frustrate with the

Any other time I went home it
was, "okay, da'vonne, you talked

too much.

You did this or you did that."

This time I really did nothing.

I know, I know.

But who else was I going to put
up beside her?

I am your ally, and I want you


Does that make things a
little bit more clear?

Yeah, it's... it's... it's...
It's been clear.

It's just I'm on the the block,
so that's where I'm at with it

right now.

We have you.

We have you.

Honestly, all she has is my
ass on the block with my best

friend in the house.

So I have to smile and grin and
take her word for it.

But at the end of the day,
Christmas is canceled.

Ain't no damn gifts.

Everybody call for you, and call
for your mom awe're done.

I honestly feel this way you
have a much better fighting

chance to get further.

Okay, okay.

.I need a cookie.

I'm going to stay in here for a

Love you.

Love you, too.

Do you need blanket?

No, I'm okay.

I'll be out in a second.

Thank you.

So what happened?

I mean, I know we couldn't force
her to do nothing, but.

She told me it wasn't good
for her game to be backdooring

somebody this early.

I don't know what direction
is house is going to go in.

You've got my vote.


So moving forward, what is it
that you want to do, Ty?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Because I need you in this

I know.

I need you.

I hope this shows you a lot.

If anything, I hope this can be
something that, like, builds us

for the future.

Because now that we're here,
we're here.

I think both of us thought we
were going to be gone...

I thought it was a wrap.

We need each other.

I'm proud of you.

And I'm going to make sure you

How you feeling?

You feeling all right?

Those two are, like, I'm really
good friends with them.

I know you're really good
friends with them, too.

You know what I'm saying?

It sucks gee, I know, man.

It hurts me.

Who do youwant to keep?

Look, I love bayleigh more.

I just don't know if we have the


Between dascpron bayleigh, I
love them both, and I hate to

see either of them go.

For my game, I need bayleigh to

Da'vonne and I have not been on
the same page.

Going forward, I need someone
who can win comps, and bayleigh

won h.O.H. During her original

I love them both.

Me, too.

I know, I know, me, too.

Cody, please go to the diary

There's your d.R. D.R.

♪ ♪
it's a letter from my family,

Letting me know that my dad's
father, my grandfather, pop-pop,

had passed away on labor day.

This is hard not being home.

It's the hardest part is being
in here when something like that

happens, and then...

Not getting to be with, like,
people that, like, really close

to you.

What's this guy doing?

What are you doing?

What's the matter?

What's the matter?

My grandfather passed away.

Oh, my god, man.


I'm sorry.

Pop-pop was just always the

He never missed holidays,
birthdays, graduations, soccer


Tough as nails.

]I appreciate you guys coming in

Was he at home, like...
Yeah, he passed away in his


He had cancer.

Did you get to talk to him
before you left?

Yeah, I saw him, like, a day
before I left.

My aunt brought him to my house.

Well, that's good.

He's so excited for you.

I love him, and I'm so happy
I got to see him before I came

here because it would make it so
much harder.

Thank you, guys.

I don't get to be with my family
during something like this.

So now, it just makes winning,
like, that much more important.

Because to miss all of this and
to fall short of the end goal

would make it even harder.

Love you, man.

Julie: Our deepest
condolences go out to Cody's

family, the calafiores.

Up next, as the live vote
approaches, personal feelings

collide with the game and shake
up the house.

And later, an epic battle of
endurance begins as the head of

household competition kicks off

Stay with us.

Julie: Welcome back to "big

brother all-stars."

In the "big brother" house,
trying to draw the line between

snrend and game can lead to

So I guess, like, her being
fine with my decision because of

what she said is not accurate?

I actually don't feel bad about
it now.

It proves to me she's an
emotional player.

Christmas keeps saying,
"bayleigh is upset.

Bayleigh is upset."

Yes, the girl is upset.

You put her on the block.

If bayleigh is upset, let her
have this moment.

You don't get to dictate when it
should be over or how she should


She's pissed, rightfully so.

I think she got mad when the
veto wasn't used.

The only thing I don't get is it
was almost like a gift was

presented to you.

She sees it as a gift.

I see it as a burden.

I know that no matter what, she
will hold that against me.

But how do you know?

Because with her having an
attitude with me right now,

confirms it.

Yeah, because you nominated

So with that being said
[ Clears house


I'm sorry, I'm getting

You pulling the trigger on
her was almost like me pulling

the trigger on her.

That's all I'm saying to you.

That is why her feelings are

She felt like, yeah, not only
did you stick a knife in her

back, bushe feels like you might
have... with a smile on your


Okay, you are misinformed.

You like straight sh**t
let's cut to the...

You hurt the girl's feelings.

She is feeling her way, and I
am feeling my way.

So it's mutual.

You're feeling hurt because
she's not talking to you because

of something you did.

Because of what she did.

So let's play a tennis match.

What do you mean because of
something she did.

She trusted you.

But she had a moment of
vulnerability with you,


This was game.

That was personal

There is no such thing
personal game information.

I'm going outside.

I'll just sit here.

Personal game information is
if I trust you and I say, "you

hate Christmas, "I want to put
Ian on the block" and you went...

I don't want to put you up.

I don't want to put you up.

And you win h.O.H., and then you
say, you told me you wanted to

put Ian on the block.

S that's why I'm putting you on
the block.

That's called game.

Are they serious.


Da'vonne, this is not your
first time playing this game.

It's not.

And this is not her first
time playing this game.

There is no such thing as game

She trusted you.

You took what she gave you and
you ran with it and used it.

She feels hurt.

This is "big brother,"

It's clean in here!

Who clined?

This just started right now.

What happened?

I don't know.

She's up there arguing because
of you.


There is personal game

There is no such thing as
personal game information.

Personal information is what
happens in real life.

She gave you personal game

Information is what happens
in the game.

And you exposed her.

Because you guys are a duo.

We weren't a duo!

Well, she says that you're
her untouchable.

What the... am I supposed to do
with that information.

Christmas, I'm going to walk

Thank you.

I'm going to walk away.

Good night.

I'm not going to bend so
don't good night me.

Personal game information.

You're telling me that...
Okay, hold on, you're right.

Come on, because I just came
out of the diary room.

That's right.

My tone needs to come down.

Give me a second.

I'm a little pumped up.

Man, talk about the worst
possible time to need someone to

give you a towel.

If you are out, everybody is
going to blame you.

Oh, god!

Oh, god!

I hate this game.

Why does she get to talk to me
like that, but if I rnd respond,

everybody's going to look at me

If she's talking to me like i'm
her child, and if I respond to

that, I'm going to look crazy.

I'm going to look like,

There goes da'vonne.

That's the eruption we're
waiting for."

Literally did nothing to that

It's okay.

Tyler, I hate this.

If I react, I respond, they're
all going to be like, "that's

the da'vonne I was waiting for.

That's what I wanted.

Tht's what I wanted her to do."

Here's what everyone is
struggling with.

She does feel like you took
advantage of me.

I also feel like you took
advantage of me.

The fact they opened up to you
on a personal, real-life level

and you chose to come after me,
that is still something people

can be upset about.

And I can get my feelings hurt
about that.

I understand that.

.You said you can separate game
and personal.

And I have.

And I... I don't feel that
that is true.

But that's fine.

I'm trying to... I want to give

You... let me finish.

No, baz you don't get to play
victim in this situation.

You don't want to let me

Did you use me?

I didn't use you!

I didn'tuse you!

Get your fingers out of my

Back off and get your fingers
out of my face because i'm

talking calmly and you want to

You came at me.

No, stop with all of this.

I will label it something


If you want to talk to me, talk

There's a difference between
game and personal.

I didn't treat you like this,
so why are you treat Meg this


I'm coming...
Bayleigh you came at me


You wouldn't let me finish

If I did that, I...
Stop clapping!

Good game, bayleigh!

What did I do?

You literally did nothing.

She betrayed you and she...

About it.

She betrayed you... you did

But I tried to calm her down.

You did nothing.

Yu did nothing.

Her feelings are hurt because
she betrayed you.

She's mad about you.

She's bhad it.

If I was clapping in
somebody's face, I'm a ghetto

black girl.

It's unfair.

She does it, and it's fine.

No, it's being viewed the
same way.

I hope so.

She wasn't even involved.

Guys, don't even... don't
even, you're doing rrt all


You did good.

You walked away.

I let her talk to my crazy
for a long time until I said i'm

not taking it no more.

You won the punk-ass h.O.H.

Because you missed the question,
not because you knew it.

Like, are you kidding me?

And that, my friend, was your
ticket to stay this week.

No, no, no, that was...
That was your fiction to stay

this week.

No, no, no, no, no.

That had to happen.

I'm 100% going home this week

I gave these people what they

They have been waiting,
salivating over the day that I

blow up.

Don't sit there and say it
was personal when it wasn't.

Do not leverage this to make me
look like a... bully.

No, I'm not the victim in this

She gave me very specific
information about who she's

working with and her ride or

And I'm not going to do her
dirty work to try to get Tyler

out, no matter how much she
wants to go home.

They want him gone, they can do
it themselves.

And now she's taking this
personal because this is

personal game?

What the... is personal game.

What is that?

Am I out of the loop?

What is that definition?

That sounds like game.

Personal is leveraging your
personal life...

I'll handle it.

Don't worry.

Okay, okay.

Why don't you go to the
h.O.H. Room?

No, absolutely not.

I live here, too.

I can go where I want.

I sat there and let her talk
to me crazy.

I'm back.

I'm back.


Here we go.

Girl shut... up.

I don't have to.

I live here, too.

Shut up.

I don't have to.

Don't add fuel.

I'm not adding fuel.

You are.

You're a coward!

Stop adding fuel!

I'm not adding fuel!



Stop talking to me.

She's walking by because she's

Don't add fuel to the fire.

Oh, okay.

I didn't say nothing.

She was walking by and you start

You started talking to me.

I didn't say nothing to you.

No, no, no.

I said nothing you.

No, no, no.

You wanted to provoke me, i'm

I'm not provoking you,

This is nothing about you.

I'm provoked.


I'm provoked.

Yeah, that's unnecessary.

We don't have to be doing all of

It is unnecessary.

.I agree.

I just need my towel!

Julie: How will all of this
weigh into the vote tonight?

The live vote and eviction is

Stay with us.

♪ ♪
Julie: Welcome back to "big

brother all-stars."

Da'vonne and bayleigh, they
spent the game as each other's

ride or die, but tonight, one of
their rides come to an end.

Let's head to the living room
and talk with the two nominees.

Hollow, houseguests.

Hey, Julie girl!

You look beautiful.

Julie: Thank you, thank

So do all of you.

It is time to get down to

It is time for the live vote and

Da'vonne, bayleigh, in just
moments, your housemates will

cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each
have a final chance into sway

their votes with one brief

Da'vonne, you're up first.

All right.

Thank you, lord, for giving me
an opportunity to play this game

they love so much once more.

Mommy loves you with everything
in me.

Still screaming justice for
breonna Taylor and every other

black life that has been taken
unjustly and unfairly simply

because of the color of their

All lives can't matter until
black lives matter, and that

includes black translives as

Houseguests, I want to say it
has been said by bayleigh, as

well as the h.O.H., that I am
sitting up here as a casualty of

something I was not a part of.

I still have a lot of "big
brother" left in me.

When you go in there to cast
your vote, please keep that in


I love you guys.

Either way, make sure you say to
Cadence for me.

Bayleigh, I love you.

This game is temporary, but I
promise you this black girl

magic is forever.

[ Julie laughs ].

That was nice.

Julie: Thank you, a

Bayleigh, you have the floor.

That was tough to follow.

I second all of that.

Obviously, swaggy knows I love

To my houseguests, I love you
guys, and I mean that from the

bottom of my heart.

Contrary to kaysar's belief, I
don't think you guys suck as

game players.

You're doing a good job.

When it comes to the vote, vote
what is best for your game but I

will not take it personal.

I love the person next to me.

Da'vonne, you are literally the
most amazing person I could

ever, ever, ever meet in my

As far as you showing the world
that black girls don't have to

compete and we can love on each
other and support each other.

I thank you for doing that, my

And I am done.

Love you, guys.

Julie: I'm telling you,
sequel to "Thelma & Louise"

right there.

Da'vonne and bayleigh.

Am I right, ladies?

It is time for the live voting
to begin.

Christmas, as this week's
current head of household, you

are not allowed to vote.

As always, neither are the two

One at a time, the rest of you
will enter the diary room and

cast your vote to evict.

Dani, you're up first.

Please go to the diary room.

Dani is aligned with Christmas
and will likely do her big dig.

But after all that has happened,
what does Christmas want?

Hi, Dani.

] Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict

Thank you.

Dom, I love
u. Julie: Ian got stuck

wtching the heated argument
between Christmas and her two


How will that impact his vote?

Hi, Ian.


Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict bayleigh.

Julie: Thank you.

Cody has avoided the drama.

Will he continue to do so with
his vote?

Hi, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

Julie: First of all, I'm so
sorry about your daddy father.

Thank you.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict bayleigh.

Julie: Thank you.

I love you, mom, dad, pauley
and ang.

Christie, I love you.

Julie: Enzo has a good
relationship with bayleigh.

But is it strong enough to keep
her in the game?

Hi, Enzo.

Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict

Gianaco, I love you!

Julie: Thank you.

Currently the vote is zero votes
to evict da'vonne, four votes to

evict bayleigh.

The remaining votes when we come

Brother all-stars."

The houseguests are voting to
evict either da'vonne or


So far it is zero votes to evict
da'vonne, four votes to evict


Let's continue with the live

Tyler tried to fall on his sword
for da'vonne and bayleigh.

Now, he must vote one of them

Hi, Tyler.

Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict bayleigh.

Julie: Thank you.

Thank you.

Angela, happy anniversary.

I love you so much.

Julie: It's official.

With five votes to evict
bayleigh, bayleigh will leave

te house tonight.

But let's see how the other
votes fall.

Hi, David.

Hi, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict bayleigh.

Mommy, I love you.

Happy birthday.

Julie: Thank you.

Memphis is counting on keeping
"the committee" alliance


What is best for them tonight?

Hi, Memphis.

Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict bayleigh.

Julie: Thank you.

Thank you.

Love you, river.

Julie: Nicole took the
punishment and gave da'vonne her

$5,000 prize.

But what will she do with her
vote tonight?

Hi, Nicole.

Hi, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict bayleigh.

Julie: Thank you.

Love you, Victor.

Julie: Kevin has been tight
with da'vonne all season.

It would be a surprise if he
chose to evict her.

Hi, Kevin.


Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict

Julie: Thank you.

Condolences to code's family.

Julie: All of the votes are

Let's give the news to the

Houseguests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the
evicted houseguest will have

just a few moments to say
good-bye, gather her belongings,

an walk out front door.

And remember, you are leaving
the "big brother" bubble, so

please wear your mask when you

By a vote of 9-0, bayleigh, you
are evicted from the "big

brother" house.

Lots of hugs.

Good to meet you.

I love you.

I love you.

Thank you.

I love you.


Love you.

I love you, momma.

So much.

Who has my back?

There you go.

Thank you.

Bye, guys.

Bye, bay.

[ Applause ].

Good luck.

[ Applause ]
Julie: Hello, hello.


Julie: A lot of warm hugs


Julie: What do you call


Julie: I thought so.

Stay right there.

We have a lot of questions for

When we return, I talk one on
one with bayleigh.

Then we have a big announcement
for the houseguests as they

prepare to battle for head of

Stay with us.

Julie: Welcome back to "big
brother all-stars."

I'm sitting here with bayleigh,
who was just evict from the "big

brother" house, 9-0.

It was a very emotional week.


Julie: How are you doing

I am doing great.

I'm very, very happy for

And I'm her number one

Julie: And you knew you
were leag tonight?

Yeah, I told everyone, don't
make it a me or here.

If know, just everybody go the
same way that I'm aligned with.

Julie: Let's talk about
your relationship with



Julie: It's accurate for me
to say you felt she betrayed



Julie: I think the show did
a good job showing why, but I

want to hear it from your mouth.

Why do you feel she betrayed

I just feel like this game is
intense enough, and there's no

reason to comprehend that you
have somebody's back, say over

and over that you'll never put
them up.

You won't go after them.

And that you're working

And then turn around and s*ab
them in the back.

There was no reason.

She could have been just been
like, I don't know."

I felt very betbried her
relationship with me.

It was too close.

We did laundry together.

Julie: Let me give you some

You were in an alliance called
"slick six."

Christmas was also in a secret
alliance made up of six people.

It's called "the committee."

And here are the members of it:
Cody, Tyler, Nicole, Dani,

Christmas, Memphis.


Julie: Exactly.


Julie: You told Christmas
your untouchable was da'vonne.


Julie: Do you know who her
untouchable was?

Because she never told you.

She didn't tell me.

I would assume it would either
be Memphis or Nicole.

Who is it, Tyler?

Julie: Tyler.

Of course.

Tyler's everybody's untouchable.

Julie: So now that you know
this, I guess my question to you

is if she did tell you in that
moment "Tyler is my final two

untouchable," if you had won
h.O.H. This week, would you have

nominated the two of them?

You know what, Julie?

This sounds really stupid, but I
probably wouldn't have.

Because, like I said, Tyler has
always had my head twisted and

thrown on the floor and all over
the place.

So I wouldn't have even known
then that he was still coming

after me from years ago.

Julie: You and Tyler had a
rough week.


Julie: What people at home
who only watch our broadcast

don't know is within the last
number of hours, the two of you

had some one-on-one time.


Julie: To talk.

How are things with Tyler and
you right now?

Tyler and I have both agreed
that we... whatever it is, it

needs to be squashed.

He admitted to coming after me
and sabotaging me.

He knows, you know, how much
that hurt me.

But I told him I don't want
anything Tiger Woods any of the

drama anymore, and I want to
leave it all in the house.

Julie: In the event that
you were the one evicted

tonight, bayleigh, your
housemates taped good-bye


Let's watch and listen to some
of them.


You were like the sister I
never had, man.

I definitely wish we could have
got to the end of this game


I can't wait to talk to you and
hopefully it's not too soon.

I still got work to do in here,

Hey, bay, if you're seeing
this, I'm really sorry.

I definitely was telling the
truth when I wanted to, you

know, put myself on the line
this week.

I'm really happy that we can
come out of this game as

friends, and I hope we can stay
that way this time.

Bayleigh, I loved you from
the minute we chatted for the

very first time.

However, me and my alliance
teamed up on week one.

So it just was a little too late
for us.


We were supposed to be the final

This was supposed to be our

But I promise you, I'm going to
finish the race.

I love you.

And I cannot wait to see you
when this is all over.

Julie: Final thoughts?

I love da'vonne.

I feel terrible for Enzo and

And this is going to be a crazy

Julie: Actually, in the
final seconds, when you played

this two years ago, you got bit
by the love bug.

You met your future husband,

You got married four months


Julie: Why did you come
back this time?

The first time was an
emotional roller coaster for me,

and after swaggy left I had a
very, very rough experience.

So I wanted to come back to
prove to myself they could still

play this game and that those
emotional experiences would not

define me.

So I feel like they didn't.

And I handled myself very well
in this house, okay.

Julie: Bayleigh, I have a
lot more questions for you after

we get off the air, we're going
to continue this conversation.


Julie: Okay.

Sosee my extended interview with
bayleigh head to

When we return, the remaining
all-stars go on a power trip

that will push them to the

The live head of household
competition is next.

Stay with us.

♪ ♪
Julie: Welcome back to "big

brother all-stars."

It is time for the live head of
household competition.

Free from the threat of
eviction, the h.O.H. Must put

two nominees on the chopping

Let's head to the backyard and
get things started.

Hello, all-stars.



Julie: Now, before this
h.O.H. Competition begins, I

have an announcement.


Julie: There has been much
speculation inside the house

about the evicted houseguests
battling back into the game.


Julie: Well, I'm here to
tell you that the first five

evicted houseguests have been
sent home and are not returning

to the game.


[ Applause ].

Great job.

Julie: So, that means all
of you have made at least to the




[ Applause ].

Julie: I think.

All right, everyone, listen up
because the power is back up for


Christmas, as outgoing head of
household, you are not eligible

to compete tonight.

You all currently find
yourselves hanging precariously

on the billboard for the new hit
movie "power trip."

And that is why this competition
is quality power trip."

And here's how it works.

On my "go," hold on for dear

Fall off the billboard, and you
will be eliminated.

The last houseguest hanging on
will become the new head of

household for the week.

Does everyone understand?



Yes, Julie.

Julie: Great.

And one more thing: The first
three houseguests to fall off

the billboard will be have-not
for the week.


Julie: Get ready,

And hold on tight.

This competition starts now.

Oh, yeah!

[ Applause ]

Oh, my god!

I'm going to fall off!

[ Screaming ]

Oh, my ghochmentd.

Stop making me laugh!

Control yourself!


Julie: With.

Julie: We'll return to the
live head of household

competition in just moments.

Tune in sunday at 8:00 to find
out who wins this all-important

if you can't wait until sunday
night you can watch it play out

live right now on CBS all

And next week, we're coming to
you on a special nied night,

Tuesday, at 8:00, 7:00 central.

That's right, our Wednesday
night show will be on Tuesday

night next week.

That's where you'll see the
power of veto competition.

Who will win?

And will it be used to save one
of the two nominees?

And next Thursday the live vote
and eviction sends the first

all-star to the jury house.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the
ongoing head of household


From outside the "big brother"
house, I'm Julie chen moonves.

Let kindness be the rule for
everything you say.

Good night.