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22x14 - Episode 14

Posted: 05/05/24 10:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on "big brother all-stars"!

Christmas was part of the six-person committee alliance.

I don't want to get everyone in the same room.

I like that. She was also working close

with the meow-meow. Meanwhile, Enzo had his own

six-player squad. The slick six.

I love it.

Trouble in paradise for the slick six.

They would not be afraid to strike against us at some point

in the game.

This is why I want you out.

She loves to fuel the fire with me to get you out.

Dude, they are going to eat themselves up and we're going to

be like okay, eviction time, oneof you will go.

With Enzo in power... New hoh!

He was going after the house's targets.

Kaysar is target number 1 in this house.

A lot of people want him out. And Christmas offered to be a

pawn to help seal kaysar's fate.

I have to pick another nominee, which is Christmas.

At the live eviction, with a hail Mary to sway votes, kaysar

trying to blow up games.

Cody and Nicole have been running this since day one.

They have a secret alliance.

Cody finds himself in this love triangle.

No one is willing to take a shot.

It only helps dethrone king kaysar.

By a vote of 10-0, kaysar, you're evicted from the "big

brother" house.

And a call-out head of household competition...

Kevin, da'vonne. The cracks widened in the

slick six.

Dani and Memphis.

And in the end, it was Christmas in September.

Congratulations, Christmas.

You survived the night.

You're the new head of household.

Tonight as alliances scatter, who will make Christmas' naughty

list for eviction?

Three brand new powers are up for grabs in the b.B. Basement.

How will they impact the game?

Then tensions begin to escalate.

I'm not getting involved.

All this right now on "big brother"!

Ladies and gentlemen, we've been had!

I'm so happy.

I'm so happy.

Woo! Christmas, stressful.

Remember last week how bad you wanted it?

Now it's here. I was competition.


Wow! I'm officially here, baby!

From the block to the top, I getto get all the information, make

some significant moves and I really, really get to show my

alliance what I'm capable of.

I'm just getting warmed up.

Let's play! Oh, my god.

I forgot.

Hey, hug it out.

Oh, my god! Oh, I was so close!

If I would have won this hoh, I had the perfect amm*nit*on

from the b*mb that kaysar dropped to put Nicole and Dani

on the block.

It was like the gift was given to me.

It was perfect.

Oh! It was perfect.

So close yet so far.

Kaysar blows up my game in his eviction speech.

Names a lot of people that I'm in an alliance with.

We've been running the house.

So I have to come back and do a lot of damage control this week.

Good job, Memphis.

I didn't do anything.

I didn't... I didn't get the wrong answer first.

Janelle and kaysar have been the targets.

Now the obvious targets are gone, everyone is running around


There's no where to hide.

That was crazy. She beat Memphis.

It's crazy.

My reign was a successful one.

I got rid of kaysar.

That was my target.

With Christmas being head of household, we have a really good


She went on the block for me.

I hope she's not thinking I'm going to do that for her.

I ain't going to no block for nobody.

I get to be queen.

Hey! Taking a minute.

Thank you so much.

Oh, my god.

I'm shaking still.

I can't even... I do.

I saw my game flash before myeyes.

It's okay.

I'm happy for you.

I am, too.

I was so surprised.

Kaysar attempting to blow up my game sucks.

It's going to put a lot of paranoia in people's minds about


It's stressful.

I'm so stressed.

I'm so mad at him.

You know, you have to leave this bed, right?

I'm coming to grab my stuff.

What's wrong?

I'm pissed.

I've never said a bad word about him till now.

Disrespectful and tasteless.

I vote to evict kaysar.

It is what it is.

It's not what it is.

That was his biggest move in three seasons to call out three

people he never talked to.

He wrong about everything.

The love triangle thing, like I can't...

Kaysar's biggest move in three seasons is calling out

Cody and Nicole.

He's looping me in somehow as the third wheel.

I'm extremely offended by the love triangle comment, whatever

the hell that meant.

Yeah, we do love each other.

Guess who we don't love?

It's you.

That's why you're home.

Get out of here, triangle.

I'm so mad at him.

What's wrong, Nicole?


I know.

Anybody in there?


They almost had that.

Very, very close.


So in this competition, you have to call each other out to

go head-to-head.

And then suddenly I realize the slick six is calling each other

out to go head-to-head right away.

And pick the next two all-stars to face off, please.

Bailey and da'vonne.

Cody and Memphis.

Kevin, da'vonne.

Dani and Memphis. Might I remind you, these

people are supposed to be in thesame alliance.

Got some explaining to do.

Explaining to do.

You're the second one.


Cody picked me.


I'm going to go and change.

I'm supposed to be in the slick six alliance with Cody,

bayleigh, Dani, Tyler, Enzo.

It's just like we're sh**ting ateach other.

It's weird.

As far as the slick six alliance, after this hoh

competition, ain't nobody slick or six not no more.

I'm sorry.

Pissed me off.

Da'vonne, we're talking rightnow.

Let's go.

Going into this hoh competition, I was extremely

scrambled after what kaysar did during the eviction.

Da'vonne is somebody that is on my radar.

This is not the time to take a shot at her.

I know I [bleep]ed up.

Kevin picked me and Nicole.

I was pissed off at him.

I should have picked two people outside of my alliances

and I would have kept myself outof drama with the committee or

the slick six.

I was like okay, I'm pissed at him.

I was like Kevin is always with da'vonne.

Then I saw you staring at me.

You [bleep] up.

I don't know what that was about for the record with him.

That's my bad.

I wanted you to know that I [bleep] up.

I appreciate it.

Of course, Cody knows he's ina world of trouble.

Because you said my name, ally.

They threw sh*ts at me unnecessarily.

I wasn't even checking for them like that.

So yeah, it's w*r.

I'm ready.

Now we're playing "big brother."

♪ Oh, my gosh!

I would like... I was literally crapping my pants.

Like today really get the last one wrong.

Like she wanted that so freaking bad.

I'm in the committee alliance.

We have run this house since day1.

I have a couple other friendly, which are Enzo and Ian.

So I have a short list of options.

I've been hearing a lot about da'vonne and Bailey lately.

The thing is with day, you can feel when she's turning

against you.

I have no official working relationship with da'vonne and


So if they're coming after my reliance, they're ultimately

coming after me.

I know that Bailey and da'vonne would have each other's backs

before they have mine because Bailey told me that da'vonne is

her untouchable.

Do you have any like untouchables?

I'd like you to go first.

You know mine.

Are you thinking pawns or throwing them straight up?

I need to mix it up a little bit.

I like Christmas.

I'm starting to trust her a lot.

She's starting to trust me a lot.

We've been in the committee.

I want to see da'vonne and Bailey on the block.

They need to go up together so one goes home.

The alliance needs to be done.


I think we can really enjoy bothof them personally.

Like game-wise, I think Bailey is unlike da'vonne, I don't

think she could make a true gamedecision based on somebody's


We're getting in some blood drawn tomorrow.

Have to.

So first off, congratulations.

You deserve.

I said one of the roommates, we're going to get there.

I want to see you succeed.

You're a mom, I'm a mom.

I want us to succeed.

I mean that with my whole heart.

And you've never had to look over your shoulder when it comes

to me.

I haven't talked game to Christmas up till this point.

I want to test the waters a little bit.

Let me dip my toe in the water.

Ultimately, I want you to do what is best for your game.

I want you to know that I'm not coming for you in no way.


Is there something that you needfrom me like I don't know what I

need right now.

I'm trying to like put my head together.

You have the golden ticket, girl.

I'd take this opportunity because will come to you and

feed you stuff.

I would weed out the b.S. And gofrom there.

I got your back.

You say day, this person makes me feel uncomfortable, let's get


We're riding.

Honestly, I appreciate everything that da'vonne is


But it's a little too late to join forces when I'm in power.

Had we had this conversation last week, it would be


I have to look at the people that had my back before this



Thank you. Dana:

All right.

Look, this is your hoh.

You have to do what you're doing.

I'm going off transpired when I was hoh.

You know what I'm saying?

Christmas is like my pitbull.

If I need her to go after peoplethat I don't trust or on to my

game, I need Christmas to take care of that for me without me

getting my hands dirty.

That's why she's a very important ally for me in this


Ian is awesome.

I like him.

But nobody is going to be bothered if he goes.

He's a champion.

Nobody will be bothered by that.

Now, if you want to go by emotional players...

They scare me. Yes.

I would put da'vonne on the top of that list.

I think Nicole is too f emotional and Bailey is

emotional, too.

I think those are the emotional players in this game.

I like them all.

But they all who they are.

Day came in and talked to me and like she's never come to me.

I'm like I'm interested in us working together until tonight.

Till tonight. That kind of alignment pisses

me off.

I hate that.

Now, Dani looks like she's playing now.

She's doing whatever she is.

She's here playing the house.

Now what Dani was doing before is floating with

everybody, being in with everybody.

Letting the girls know that theywere safe with her.

And during my hoh, she's throwing them under the bus.


I see that... You think just like me.

Enzo and I have an amazing working relationship.

Truth be told, I thought I had the plans for this week set.

But talking with Enzo, it's really nice to know that we're

on the same page.

This has the potential to really, really change things up

and help my game.

Whatever you do, I'm with it.


Look, it's game on already.

Hey, everyone! Gathering in the living room.

House guests, Julie told us on night 1 that we would

discover new rooms in this housethat we have never seen before.

The safety suite was only the beginning.

The safety suite may be closed and now instead of riding high

to luxury, you'll be going down to the bowels of the b.B.


Inside the basement are three po


They have never been discovered because the b.B. Basement is the

most frightening place in the house.

For the first time, three brand new powers.

Each completely different will be awarded in one competition.


No one will know who wins anyof the powers because the

basement is pitch black and you'll be competing in total


Get dressed.

It's time to head to the b.B. Basement!

Yay! [Applause]

These powers are new.

I'm terrified.

This is the worst hoh that you could have gotten so far in the


I don't know what these powers will be.

I don't know.

This can backfire in my face because of these powers.

I'm going to like dark comps.

There's so much tension in the house right now and throwing

three new powers into the game.

So this house is about to get really crazy.

Pause, stop, rewind, control, alt, delete.

Shut it down.

I don't do pitch black.

I don't do dark.

However, three people in this house will get a power today.

I eed that especially after this hoh competition that just


I definitely need a power in my possession.

I used to live in a basement.

This is new room in the "big brother" house called the "big

brother" basement.

I lived in a basement.

I know the basement life.

Here we go.

Oh, my gosh.

Welcome to the b.B. Basement.

The most frightening room in theb.B. House.

Your goal is to find one of three power icons hidden in the

basement and place it in the matching power podium to claim

the power.

But be careful.

The b.B. Basement is full of decoy shapes that do not fit

into the podiums.

Once all three powers have been claimed, the competition is


Good luck playing the basement of power.

[Laughter] I cannot see anything.

Not even my thoughts.

It's as if you're in a black hole.

So I know in this competition I have to find power icons that

fit in the right power podium.

The first podium has a pointiness.

So I'm going to find an icon with a little pointiness in it.


Somebody is feeling me up. It's pitch black.

I can't see in front of me.

I can't see on the sides of me.

I can't see above me, behind me.

I'm very nervous that I could benominated this week as well as


I don't know where Christmas is in this game.

This is terrifying.

So yes, a power would be great! Whoops!

Sorry. It's all right.

You're good.


Oh, gosh.

I lost my shoes.

There's my socks.

I haven't been able to win any competitions in this house.

I really want to win something.

And this would be the perfect competition to win.

I'd get a secret power and nobody would know that I had it.

I think I touched someone.


I've never had power or control in this game.

I want to win so I can have influence of what happens next.

I want to protect my game.

I want to start playing brothers.

I'm tired of sitting by and watching this game happen on the



The b.B. Basement is pitch black.

I can't see anything.

I'm bumping into walls.

I'm falling in to what feels like goo or something.

It's really awful.

Oh, my god.

I have very little sense of what other people are doing

around me.

I don't think people are having a great time in here

either. Someone just punched me in

the face.

This sucks.

My pants are off.

I'm stuck! It doesn't take long until I

get stuck in this giant patch ofgoo that I can not get out of.

My shoe is gone.

I lost my socks.

Oh! Sorry.

Eventually I realize that I have to lose the pants.

They're hosting me hostage.

It's like game on still.

I need to play.

I'm like literally fighting for my life in my underwear.

My pants are off.

I hear five minutes in, I don't have pants, I don't know

what to do.

I don't have pants.

Hope they don't turn the lights on.

That's it.

Pants are off.

I swear to god.

I'm running around the big room like crazy.

All of a sudden, I feel this little like low door.

So I dip down.

Next thing I know, I'm in this like secret room.

There's god to be something goodin here.

I'm going to find it.


So I stumble on a power icon shaped like lightning.

Have I have to find the power podium that corresponds with

this power icon.

I finally make my way to the power icon podium and of course,

my power icon is way too big.

So now I have to go back in through the basement and find

one that is the correct size.

I'm telling myself, stay calm.

Stay collected.

Moving efficiently.

Get a power and bring it back inthe house and play it.

A power has been played.

I won something.

You know, just a year ago, beingin the dark during a competition

was my failure.

To come in here this year with all-stars and to win a power in

the dark with some of the best players ever, it's full circle.

He's comps are impossible.

You're nervous that you're goingto run into something.

It's pitch black.

You can't see something if it's one inch away from your eyeball.

This competition is a nightmare.

There's only two powers left.

So I need to hurry and find one of them before somebody else


I have my piece.

Now I need to make sure to hurryand crawl back into this hidden

room and make sure I got to the power podium first.

The second power has been played.

Only one power remains.

I did it.

Couldn't have come at a better time.

I have no idea what power I justwon, but I'm really hoping it's

something good.

I can't see anything.

So I'm using my hands and my body.

I find this icon.

This power icon, I don't know ifit's like a three leaf clover.

I recognize this shape.

That was the first power podium that I touched so it's the first

power icon. I have one.

I'm trying to put it in the podium.

I have no idea if it's the rightshape or anything.

There's no way, Nicole, you findthe correct piece in the correct

podium. There's one left.

I'm not finding anything.

I said if I can't win, ain't nobody winning.

I'm going to stand here and pretend I'm putting something in

this damn hole maybe you'll giveup and it don't work and I get


I don't know.

Get out of my way.

That's my power podium.

All three powers have been played.

The competition is over.

It fits! I have this power finally but I

have no idea what it is.

I mean, it literally could be anything.

It's "big brother."

So I'm so anxious and ready to find out what my power is.

I just simply cannot wait.

Not getting a power sucks.

I barely perform well in the damn daylight with all the

lights in the competition.

So that was my whole face.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't see.

My whole face.

Da'vonne, this may not be your day.

That's okay.

Because the game still has to goon and I have a hot of "big

brother" left in me to play.

Did you get something?

Tyler and I have a final two agreement.

So I really am excited to share this news.

I want to tell somebody about winning again.

I'm glad we're together.

Congratulations! Christmas, you have won the

block power.

Use the blocker power to preventyourself or another house guest

from the replacement nominee at the veto meeting.

You must declare that you're using the blocker after the veto

has been used.

But before the head of householdhas named a replacement.

This power can be used at one ofthe next three veto meetings.

I love this.

I can use my shield and it will protect me from being a rep

replacement nominee.

I'm hoh and I'm going to be drawing for blood, so this is an

amazing insurance to help keep me safe the next two weeks.

I think he got it.

He got the power.

Dude, you got one.

Why are you saying that?

I'm so happy.

You don't have to admit it.

I didn't say... You're smiling.

I'm freaking smart. You got one.

Are you lying to me?


I didn't want you to act differently.

Congratulations, Dani.

You have won the replay power.

This power allows a head of household to play back-to-back

hoh competitions. I suck at the competitions.

You can use it yourself or give it to someone else.

This power can be used on the current head of household or one

of the next two.

I find the replay power.

Typically the hov can't win two weeks in a row, but this power

gives that opportunity.

If I can kick my butt into gear and start winning competitions

in this house, maybe I can turn a new leaf and this might be

advantageous for me to keep winning.

The biggest game of comps wasfun.

I'm glad there were nosnakes.

Come on.

You get one?


Congratulations, David.

You have won the disrupter power.

You have the ability to disrupt a head of household's reign by

secretly saving one of the nominees and forcing the hoh to

name a new one.

The person you save will be safefor the entire week and yes, you

can save yourself.

This power can be used followingone of the next three nomination


This is huge.

If I don't like the hoh's nominees, I can disrupt one of

the nominees.

I can keep myself safe.

I don't want anybody to know.

I'm afraid to talk out loud.

Hey, bayleigh.

Let's talk in private.

I've been working to make sure that bayleigh and da'vonne

go up on the block.

The tension in the house is extreme and I want to do some

damage control to try to mend this as quick

the entire day da'vonne bothat me at all or talk to me or


Why do you think that is, Dani?

I don't know.

That's why I'm telling you.

I genuinely don't know.

I'm going to tell you.

I'm not going to use names.

About a week ago, people said Tome and said you were plotting on

me and day.

Does Dani try to ramp up the fact that you should come after

me and Cody to you and day?

Not to me.

But maybe to day.

Does she ramp up the fact that...

She just wants to fuel the fire.

That's massive.

You wanted to throw us up together.

How are we supposed to react?

That's not true.

Then you picked me and day.

Bailey and da'vonne.

I just told you why.

The whole day you and da'vonne would not even look at me.

Didn't think to talk or ask us?

You took the first jab.

How are we supposed to react?

I don't know.

I just know what was told to me.

It was that you specifically hada plan to take out me and day

and put us on the block togetherbut you wanted other people to

do that for you.

Did that come out of your mouth?

No, not at all.

Why would I do that?

I see it from your perspective but you didn't come to me.

So where do we go from here?

I thought everything was fine.

Now our whole alliance has blownup.

I don't know.


So, okay.


That's fine if you want to thinkthat.

I'm telling you that was not my plan.

So... I have some crazy...

Enzo. Yeah.

Was there or was there not a rumor she was coming after me

and day?

There was some talk, yeah.

Some rumblings.

I don't know what you want meto say.

I'm telling you my truth.

That's what my truth is.

I'm going to go talk to the few people that told me and we

can continue. Okay.

Why would you just say that there was talk?

I'm not getting involved.

She cornered me.

Who said it?

I'm not getting involved.

I'm not getting involved.

What happened?

I'm so frustrated.

Bayleigh said I'm trying to get her and da'vonne out of the

house and that's my plan.

That's why they were acting a certain way and I took the first

strike at them because I picked both of them in the game.

She didn't tell me any of that yesterday.

She's like I don't want to freaking align with people I

don't like.

It's so frustrating.

I know.

You're telling me like you didn't come to me when I was

acting weird.

Like stop turning things on me.

I can't deal with this crap right now.

Don't let her poke you.

She's looking to that to justifyher position.

I know.

You know what I mean?

I'm over everybody right now.

That's bold.

I don't want people to think that I'm aligned with Dani due

to this fight.

Bayleigh is coming after Dani.

If I put bail... bayleigh on theblock, people will come after


I'm sick of this crap.

We need to figure out something.

Because now she's coming at me hard.

I don't like the way she's treating me.

What did you tell her?

People came to me and told meyou're targeting me and day.

What is your goal. I don't have one.

If you don't want to, I won't say it.

You can keep your game.

It's going to blow up your game.

You're close with her.

Do you want to do that?


I don't know what to do.

I don't want to name names because I'm not trying to screw

anybody over.

I'm screwed. Screwed about what?

This is not good.

I gave da'vonne and bayleigh.

I risked my own game to help outda'vonne and bayleigh and now

it's coming back to bite me.

I just don't feel like I haveenough backup if that makes


Because I don't know what you would do.

I don't know what I would do?

I don't know if you would choose her over me.

No one is trying to turn on you.

Everybody had your back.

You blew up on her.

I didn't blow up on her.

She blew up on me.

Don't do that.

I'm just saying... day, day, day.

I'm taking a breath.

I'm in the same spot as you now.

Day, listen.

We're trying to work this out.

That's why we're talking about it.

I'm in the same spot as you now.

It's my fault.

It is what it is.

Let's play the game.

Play the game.

Stay, stay.

Like this is what I mean.

If I cornered somebody, I would be the aggressive one.

She cornered me and I blow up.

We're a team here.

Talk about it.

My issue is that she flipped it and now it's my fault.

No, it's not.

Don't get too upset.

I'm over i I am frustrated because Tyler

is trying to calm me down.

He's doing it in a very condescending way.

I've been very calm and now I'm feeling extremely manipulated.

It's fine.

I'm just going to sit and be quiet and let things play out

the way they play out.

I don't understand.

Tyler is going to flip.

Make me look like a big bad wolf.

He's the victim.

We made her feel some type of way.

So I don't want to even go therebecause I'm like...

It's open her.

What you said was if I blew up, the people that told me, it's

going to ruin everything.

The alliance is already done.

It's gone.

I assumed. It was a full-on w*r.

I don't have your back.

I just need... I keep need toknow that I have backups.

You got it.

I am the one that told you guys.

I gave you the info, right?

I already told you.

So you don't know where I stand.

I gave you the info in the firstplace.

Right, right.

She's saying that basically whoever told bayleigh that she

was coming for us is a liar.




But like she didn't need to know... to blow me up.

Everybody knows we're the tight ones.

And then all of us.

I just want confirmation thatwhatever moves are made your

loyalty comes to me and not to her.



Who told you guys this?

I just don't understand what she's doing or why she feels so

secure right now.

All you have to do is let her[Bleep] think.

You're sketching her out.

So now she... I don't think...

I don't know.


This is annoying.

So damn annoying.

I definitely tried with bayleigh to extend an olive

branch and work with her in thisgame.

But parentally I should not have.

This could be a little tiny snowball that rolls into an

avalanche and rolls me out of this house.

Hey, everybody.

It's time for the nomination ceremony.

It's time for the nomination ceremony.

This is the nomination ceremony.

It's my responsibility as head of household to nominate two

house guests for eviction.

In my nomination block are the keys of the house guests i'm

nominating for eviction.

I will turn two keys to lock in my nominations and their faces

will appear on the memory wall.

The first house guest I have nominated is... the next house

the first house guest I have nominated is... the next house

guest I have nominated is... Hey, chocolate drop.

Guest I have nominated is... Hey, chocolate drop.

I have nominated you, bayleigh and you, da'vonne.

Bayleigh, you let me know that da'vonne was your untouchable.

That is a pretty significant thing to say in this game.

I really pray that you guys see that this is not personal and I

want to respect you both by giving you both an opportunity

to play in the veto.

You nominated me because I'm her untouchable?



This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

Being next to my best friend in the house sucks but I knew

they would come for us.

I don't think they would be boldenough to do it.

In order for me to stay in the game, I need to play a veto and

work overtime to make sure that I can secure my own safety.

Gave us no other option.

You do these moves that have to be done for the purpose of the

game but it just rips your heardin half.

Really hurts.

Seeing da'vonne and bayleigh on the block hurts.

I do have the disrupter power would allow me to take down

da'vonne or bayleigh from the block.

It's very tempting to use.

I if I wanted to, Christmas' nominations are not set in stone

right now.

Okay, yes, it sucks being nominated next to my rite and

die, but however, I came here toplay for da'vonne.

So there's a veto to be won and I love bayleigh but I have to


Who will win the power of veto and will it be used to save

bay or day from the block?

Find out Wednesday night at 8:00/7:00 central on "big

brother all-stars"!