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22x12 - Episode 12

Posted: 05/05/24 10:58
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on
"big brother all-stars": Tyler,

Cody, and Dani were bouncing
between two secret alliances

"the committee" with Nicole,
Memphis, and criticize, and the

"slick six" with davop, bla, and

The "slick six."

I love it.

. Announcer: With the b.B.

Queen evicted, kaysar was alone
in the game.

This is the very first time I
have been in the house without

Janelle grow so with the head of
household on the line, it was do

or die for Janelle's ride or are

I need to win this household
because my safety depends on it

and changing the course of the
way things were going.

Announcer: But it was the
meow-meow who rolled into power.

That's a boy, man.

That's it, right here, new
h.O.H. Right here.

Announcer: Kaysar was the
obvious target.

What are you thinking.

Case, I'm thinking of him.

Announcer: Enzo just needed
a pawn to sit next to him.

Like Kevin.

I'm thinking about him.

Announcer: Christmas was
quickly becoming a trusted ally

with Enzo.

We have to work together.

I need her.

She is going to be my pit bull.

Announcer: And they
considered other high-value


She's, like, really good

Really good socially.

Announcer: With a pawn
ultimately next to kaysar...

I have nominated you, kaysar,
and you, Kevin.

Announcer: ...Enzo still
had hiso on possible backdoor,

if somebody wins this pof and I
have to take somebody off the

block they should be worried.

They have to be.

Announcer: Who will win the
competition for the power of


The battle for a half million
dollars heats up right now on

"big brother."

this nomination ceremony is


I've nominated Kevin and kaysar.

Kaysar is target number one if
this house right now.

A lot of people want him out,
and not one time has he game

talked with me.

So, therefore, I don't trust

Kevin, he's just look's pawn.

He's like a floater help he's
just up there because he has to

fill in that second slot.

You know, I'm not surprised
I'm on on the block.

There's a bigger group in this
house, and they're acting like

the mob, taking out every person
who has some sort of association

with Janelle.

But I have to fight tooth and
nail to make sure I don't get

whacked this week.

Totally blindsided.

I thought I would be eab to see
these things coming.

I'm legitimately embarrassed
right now.

Did he go up there?

I want answers because I trust

Like Enzo.

I still like Enzo.

I don't know what's up.

I want to know what's happening.

I'm sorry, man.

You, obviously, are not the

You're safe.

Like, trust me.

I'm sorry that you're up there,
but I've got to nominate two

people, you know what i'm

And I'm sorry.

That's okay, man, I figure...
Everyone wants kaysar out.

So I have to put somebody up
there that no one is coming


That's why you're up there,
that's it.

I hate to say "pawn" but that's
what it is.

You are good with everybody.

Everybody likes you, and that is
the reason I did this.

The excuse of, "I like you so
I'm going to put you on the

block" deserves an...

No, that doesn't make any sort
of sense.

Just for the record, I'm a
queen, I'm not's pawn.

You should be upset.

Upset is not the right word.

I'm shocked.

I understand in this game there
are people who have to be pawns

so I get that.

You're not a target for
anybody, bro.

I'm the h.O.H.

You're staying this week, bro.

Trust me.

I feel bad for Kevin.



If one of them wins p.O.V. Then

Enzo put up Kevin who is a
frotter and kaysar.

It's a long week, so really
anything can happen.

I'm just going to go with the
flow and not push anything.

No, I'm not pushing anything.


Listen, let me tell you

I... I understand there's a lot
of people gunning for me in this



And I know that you probably
have game with other people you

trust more than you trust me.

What am I supposed to do?

I'm not going against the grain.

I'm not trying to ruffle any
feathers as h.O.H.

If I make seven people happy by
doing this, why wouldn't I do


Ultimately, I know I need to
win this veto, but I also need

to talk to Enzo.

While he nominated me, in "big
brother," things change on a


We have not game talked, bro.

Are you telling me you talked
game with every other person in

the house.


Then why would you do that.

Do you feel 100% safe in this

I'm solo now.

I'm a free agent.

If I stay, I'm not coming after

Look, ban, if you want to
work with me, if you say it...

I do.

I want to work with you and I
feel like we can do something


Okay, I just put you on the

You are the target, I $want to
work with you, yes, yes.

The only relationship we're
going to have is a long-dance

one with you outside the house.

I'm extremely good with
knowing people are being honest

with me.

And you're being honest with me.

Make it happen, then, bro.

I appreciate it, bro.

Thank you for coming, bro.

I mean it.

It made me feel better.

No hard feelings.

Thank you, bro.

Probably doing okay.

Still here and I'm not on the

I lost a lot of trust in the

But you don't know where you

I don't know where I stand.


I'm not standing towards the

I'm just in a very bad position.

I'm happy I didn't get
nominated, but I kind of feel

like the odd man out.

A few days ago I outed Cody and
Tyler's name with da'vonne and


I really, really hurt my game
and I don't feel like I have a

good place in the house right

It happened, and I haven't

I'll be honest, I didn't know
what to tell day after we had

our thing.

I thought I was doing the
loyal thing by mentioning names,

but it came full circle.

To bite you in the butt,

Anything I was trying build
got respect immediately.


I felt the vibe.

You know what I mean.

My back's against the wall and
I've been honest and truthful

with good intentions.

People don't know where you

I feel terrible that David feels
like an outsidener this game,

but whatever he is doing is
rubbing a lot of people the

wrong way.

He almost came between the
"slick six."

So moving forward, David needs
to tone it down, keep a low

profile if he wants to keep
playing this this game.

This was a little
misunderstood, lives in a whole

different world.

♪ ♪
it's just tough, man.

But... oooh!

Yeah, these are salty, right?

That's bold.

I feel bad for caser and

] I would love to win this

Me, too.

Put another notch on the nom

I hope you win something, too,

As far as loyalty goes, if I
win the veto, I will ask you

what you want to do.


I will always check first.

Yeah, I appreciate that, bro,
for real, man.

I'm not really super tight
with Enzo, but I noticed in his

nomination speech, he said he
wants people to talk game with

so I'm here to play defense
against being a possibly

replacement nominee.

I if it's game talk he wants,
it's game talk he'll get.

Kaysar is in good shape.

Who do you think you would
put up, man?

I'm good, I hope.

Because you don't even know who
you would...


Why get into that bro, you know?

Yeah, for sure.

Ian has talked to me at all.

Now I'm the h.O.H. And this guy
is buddy-buddy with me.

And he's already talking about
replacement nominees if somebody

comes off the boch.

None of that bad juju in my
h.O.H. Room.

Hopefully the noms stay the
same, if not, you're definitely

on my radar, bro.

Let's just win tomorrow.

This is my first time with

I never up with it.

Now I'm dealing with all of this

That's what I'm saying.

Ian is up here talking to me.

Ian has not talked game to any
whatsoever and now I have power

and you're talking.

Ian, dude.

No no, yo, you might go home.

He won weeks seven, nine, 11,
and 13.

That's the last eight weeks of
the season.

You know what snas from jury on.

In the perfect "big brother"
world, noms stay the same and

kaysar is out of the house.

He's treg to come after myself
and other alliance members but

if kaysar comes down are we
really going it let Ian stay in

the game?

Ian is so smart and incredible
at this game.

Letting him continue to move
forward could be a problem.

That's it.

That's a power move in itself.


Enough of this... I'm it's
either kaysar or a big person in

this house.

That's it.

Here, come have a seat.

This is going to be my new talk

Welcome to "mornings with

Oh, no.

Sounds like the most boring talk
show ever.

Hey, Memphis, thanks for
inviting me to your show.

We're stuck in the house, we
have no idea who is going on in

the outside world so we try to
find some kind of normalcy in

this madness.

Did you know that a lot of
"big brother" fans did not

realize we are not allowed to
have pencil, paper.

We can't have any access to any
news, anything.

With that being said, this is a
game called, "guess what the

headlines are?"
Okay, kaysar, go, top headlines

in Todd, in the world.

Okay, travel ban continues.

U.S. citizens still unable to
travel to other countries.

Kim Kardashian west, she's on
a book tour in South Africa

[ buzzer ].

Donald Trump is currently
watching the live feeds

[ buzzer ].

We have been in the house a

Kevin hart has to have had 20

[ buzzer ]

LeBron James and the L.A.

Lakers come up short, a loss to
the Miami heat.

[ Buzzer

Talk about living in a

We don't have a big audience
right now, but I'm really hoping

our ratings go up.

Okay, until tomorrow, "mornings
with Memphis," cheers.

These ratings suck.

I'm trying to do a morning

Okay... why are you wearing
Tyler's jacket.

It's nigh jacket.

Is it?

Oh, okay.

Look at you.

I have a feeling I'll be
chosen for veto.

What if I pick you.

Because I know you'll go beast

I'll play for you.

I would?


I feel like I don't have many
allies in this house and David

doesn't have many allies in the
house, so I'm thinking if I get

houseguest choice, I can pick
him, and maybe this could be the

start of a good relationship.

If he gets chosen to play and he
wins, I think I can convince him

to take me off the block.

Play is safe, given the
opportunity, make some noise,

take the sh*ts, damn.

Kevin and I are a bit of
outsiders in the house right

now, so if he gets houseguest
choice, he would pick me.

I would play with him.

We need game rules, otherwise we
get kicked off.

Make your shot house.

I'm trying.

Hey, everyone, it's time to
pick players for the veto


[ Applause ]
Only six people will

participate in the veto
competition: The head of

household, the two nominees, and
three other players selected by

random draw.

Will the nominees please join me
up here.

I want Cody and Tyler to play in
this power of veto.

I know they're going to go for

They're not going it throw it.

They're going to try it win
this, protect the noms.

I want them to play.

As the h.O.H. I will pick first.


[ Applause ]
This is the fourth time in a

row I'm playing in the veto

And I'm bummed.

I want to win this thing so I
can keep noms the same, and

hopefully we can get kaysar out
of here.

I'm hoping that Nicole
franzel and Ian get picked,

because if it's a physical comp,
I feel like I could beat hem.


[ Applause ].


Houseguest choice.



[ Applause ]
"Big brother" will inform us

when the competition is to

Good luck.


[ Applause ]
I'm glad we talked before,


That was destiny.

.I feel really good going into
this competition because I feel

like David is going to fight for
that veto and possibly take me

off the block if he wins.

I know there are no guarantees
in "big brother," but I am so

relieved I am not in this
competition alone.

There is some beef competing.

Tyler, Enzo.

Also they won comps.

I'm so excited Kevin chose me
for this veto.

If I win, I can save Kevin,
strengthen our relationship and

keep myself safe for the week.

Chill like this.

Just are relax.

Maybe do a dance.

♪ ♪
how's it going?

I didn't come here to
freaking get picked off.

Cody gets h.O.H.

They're not putting each other

That only leaves a finite number
of people.

They're just blowing hot air
because they don't want us to

rise up.

Now that bayleigh's been picked
to play in the veto comp, I need

to make sure she uses the veto
on me if she wins.

You are not good with them.

They had already formed their
cushy alliance.

Think about it.

I'm not stupid.

Dont say think about it.

I get the concept.

I'm not stupid.

I'm not saying you're stupid.

I'm very aware.

Kaysar is acting like he knows
what is best for my game.

He doesn't know the game i'm

I'm working with the "slick
six," and the h.O.H. Who just

nominated him.

So before he thinks he has
everything figured out, he

should check his facts.

I want to know where your
head is at and what you want to


Now is not the time it ask me


All right.

Is it safe to assume that you
don't know what you're going to

do if you win?

No, I don't know what i'm
going to do.


I want to win this veto, but
if I do, I'm probably not going

to use it to save you.

My loyalty was to Janelle, and I
don't think just because Janelle

is gone my loyalty automatically
goes to kaysar.

Let's play the veto and see
what happens and pick up at that


That worked out perfectly.

That's crazy.

Enzo and I are the only ones
playing in this veto, who have

won anything.

So we are pretty confident that
we can win this veto, keep

comminations the same, and this
be a smooth week.

He picked bayleigh.

That's good, too.

I just hope she performs.

She hasn't won anything yet.

We just...
No one else is in here?


Why did he pick David?

He might use it on Kevin.

Because he's some rookie, and
Kevin would be like I pick you

to win.

Well, Kevin would convince
him to use it.

You think?

Because he picked him.

Let's... let's not go too far.

With David in the p.O.V. Comp
tection, we don't know where his

head is at.


We can't let anyone else win
this competition.

It has to be me or Tyler.

I'm skeptical of him.

He doesn't know how to play.

He's all over the place.

We're the ones winning
competitions, for now.

For now.

Meet me in the backyard for
the show!

Oh, my god!

We're on a stage!

They're like marionettes.

I walk outside and see these

I think if anyone is pulling
strings in this house, I'd say

it's probably me.

I want to play!

Welcome to the b.B. Theater,
where you're about to become pup

pupets in a grueling performance
by the puppet master.

Here's how the competition
works: Hold on to your puppet

strings for dear life because
your hands and legs will be

pulled in different directions
by the puppet master.

Beware, this is sure to be one
expl*sive performance.

If you fall from your strings,
your show is over and you are


The last houseguest holding on
to the puppet strings will win

the golden power of veto.

Who's ready to face the puppet

[ Applause ]
Let the pep uts dance.

[ Horn blows ]
[ Laughter ].

I want to win this p.O.V.

Just for the bragging rights and
have all the power, also.

S if I do decide to use it and
backdoor somebody, I can.

I'm on a high right now.

I feel good, man.

So why not win another one.

You guys look amazing.

If I don't wen this comp,
there are no more second


I'm doing this for America!

And I'm doing this for b.B.


I'm going into this
competition to show the

houseguests that I'm not a pawn
that is expendable that you can

just throw on the block.

I need to make sure that they
don't do this again to me.

You guys are doing amazing.

It lookses wonderful.

[ Echoing laughter ].

Let me tell you something.

This puppet master is off the
chains, he's pulling arms,

pulling legs, dragging them
across and lifting them.

If you aren't flexible, bab, it
ain't cute.

Oh, my god!

That was terrifying.

I just seized my back.

Can we eat this stuff?

Of course.

B.b. Has to throw you in the
face with paintballs or

they throw a monkey wrench in my

What's the saying?

Monkey wrench?

Good thing I had my

Oh, my gosh!

You're going to hurt my

[ Echoing laughter ]
Oh, my god.

I want to win the veto.

I want my own safety.

If anything, winning veto, you
get a little bit of power, and

with power comes information.

Kevin looks like literally a

Last week when I was h.O.H.,
I successfully got Janelle out

of the house.

Now I'm hoping I can win this
veto, keep noms the same, and

get her other half, kayser, out
here as well.

Good job, you guys.

I really want to wen this
convenientconvenient veto becaus

to contribute to my alliance.

My alliance is stacked full of
amazing competitors.

I want to be one them.

If I win, I don't know what I
would do, but least they'd know

I could hang... literally.

Oh, my god.

I'm starting to shake.

I'm trying to make sure they use
every ounce of my strength to

keep my body stabilized.

If I'm in this much pain,
there's no way that the rest of

this crew is going to last much
longer than I am.

[ Buzzer ]
[ Applause ]

I'm so disappointed.

All I can think about is this
could be then of my "big

brother" career.

Good job, bro.

This is not easy.

I'm elated.

I'm happy.

Once kaysar falls, I'm like,

That's my main target this week.

One nom down.

One more to go now.

Definitely struggling right now.

I'm feeling pain everywhere.

My groin, my arms, my shoulder

I'm starting to panic, and this
might be it for me, man.


[ Buzzer ].

Kaysar and Enzo are out of
the competition.

Both David and myself are still
in it.

Now I just need bayleigh and
Tyler to drop.

There is a sliver of a chance I
can actually win this.

David, and Kevin in this

I'm fighting as hard as I can.

My alliance is counting on me,
and I need to win this thing.

This is slick.

I can't see the damn rope.

There we go.

This puppet master is pulling
me in four different directions.

There is paint on my puppet
strings now, and it's making it

harder and harder to hold on.

I have to dig deeper and try my
hardest to stay on this thing.

[ Applause ]
Good job.

Good job, man.

Bayleigh is the last one from
one of my alliances up there


She's my last hope.

Bring home this p.O.V.,
bayleigh, let's go.

I need to do whatever this
puppet master is telling me to


I'll just redistribute my weight
and figure out a way to go

forward in this competition.

This is a very mental

I'm the yoga instructor of the
group, so I'm in my natural


I feel strong.

I am rooted.

Core is tight.

But my rope goes flying.

About an inch away.


[ Buzzer ].

Good job, bayleigh!

I'm so mad at myself.

This was my competition to win,
and I don't know if my chance

will come back around again.

It's down to Kevin and David
for the power of veto.

I feel like the veto is
within reach.

I have the will.

And I need this win to prove

Oh, wow!

Good job, guys.

Stay right there.

.Both of you, both of you.

You can do it.

Don't give up.

Dont give up.

Don't give up.

Take it easy.

Take it easy.

I'm not giving up.

I am here to fight.

And I will do anything to get my
foot in there.

[ Applause ]
Hang in there.

Hang in there help.

Dude, dude, you know I got

I got your back, David.

I got your back.

Kevin's looking over at me like,
why are you still hanging on?

Kevin, I also have something to
prove to this house.

So if you want this, beat me.


[ Buzzer ].

Come on, Kevin!

And the winner of the power of
veto, Kevin!

[ Crying ]
Everyone underestimated me,

and this veto is here to prove
do not underestimate Kevin on


I'm here to fight.

This one's for my husband.

I'm disappointed.

Once again I was really close to
get, my first comp win.

After the situation last week
with bayleigh, da'vonne, Tyler,

and Cody, I really wanted to win
this veto competition to show

them I can be a valuable arb lie
in an alliance and I shouldn't

be targeted.

Kevin was obviously the pawn
this week, so with him winning

the veto, this is not that bad
of a scenario for me.

When he takes himself down,
someone else has to go up.

Which means I might have a
fighting chance this week.

Good job, bro, good job.

Of course Kevin wins the

Now it puts me in a bad

I have to figure out who am I
replacing him with?

I have to figure something out.

Man, I've got to figure out a
way to stay.

Let me know if you come up with
any bright ideas.

It all depends on who is going

Hell, I could be up there,
you know.

I don't think so.

No idea.

Kevin coming off the block
could spell trouble for me.

Even though I talked to nso
earlier this week about not

being nominated, someone still
has to sit next to kaysar on

eviction night, and it could be

So it's a little bit of a sweat.

Make sure you don't end up

I really don't want to.

♪ ♪
who do you think I should put


I don't know.

What are you thinking?

Whatever you think...
Because kaysar is gone.

Unless we throw Ian up and
get him out of here.

I honestly do not love the
idea of Enzo putting Ian up as a

replacement nominee.

Ian and I are working together,
but right now I think it's

better to sit there and nod and
agree and hope Enzo doesn't

follow through with this plan.

You know what's interesting,
how few people mention Ian.

I'm here to make big movies.

If I put Ian up there, he's the

I'm not playing around this

♪ ♪
who am I going to put up?

Who is not going to take it

Do you want to put me up as a

I don't know if I want to do

The bad thing is it puts me
in people's eyes, like whoever

goes up there is viewed as a
pawn not a player right away.

Yeah, yeah.

You know what I mean.

I don't know if I want to
risk that.

I'm offering myself as a pawn
because kaysar is the target

this week.

I'm a little worried that it
might make me look like easily


But I know you say either
way, let's just see if we can

figure somebody out.

It does change people's

It does, it does.

I love that Christmas is
willing to sacrifice as a pawn

this week which is good.

But I'm still a little worried
because in this game pawns go

home and I'm not ready to lose

You know you can trust me.

This game's freaking crazy.

Well, it's crazy.

Has he told you what he's
going to do with it yet?

I think we need to have a

Give me two.

Since Kevin won the veto, he's
obviously going to take himself

off the block.

Now the question is who is going
to be the replacement nominee?

We need to get the "slick six"
in the room to discuss the


What's up.

Did day finish cooking?

She's in with bayleigh right

They want a meeting.


Who wants a meeting?

The house meeting?

No, no, no.

♪ ♪
yo, Dani, Nicole is right


She is not in the "slick six."

Why are you saying this out

What is the meeting we're
talking about right now?

I'll be right back.

She slipped.


She just kind of slipped on

I think it was a slip-up, an

And then she left.

Yeah, I think that was kind
of awkward.

I'm left here wondering did
Dani just slip up, or did she do

this on purpose to out our
alliance to Nicole.

Either way, Dani being this
messy is not good for my game.

♪ ♪
first of all, I was in there

listening to music, and Nicole
was right here.

Dani came in from the have-not

Dani was talking to day and bay.

She was like, "they want to have
a meeting," to me.

Nicole was right there.

And I said who wants to have a

And I'm trying to lie to Nicole.

Dani is talking about our

I'm sitting here looking like a
jajacka, is s.

We can't be letting people
outside of the secret alliance

know about the secret.

It's a secret.

You want to backdoor?

Yo, you're my guy.

If we put Dani up, we have the
number to get rid of her right

now, you know what I'm saying?

That means kaysar stays.

I have a huge decision to

I could take the easy route and
put up Christmas as my pawn, or

I could throw up Ian right now,
too, as an exchampion, or I

could get rid of Dani, which I
don't always trust her to begin


I have so much going on in my
mind right now and I have to

figure this out.

You are playing with the

You're not going to get sneakier
than me, you're not.

Houseguests, it's time for
the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Kaysar and I have been nominated
for eviction.

But I have the power to veto one
of the nominations.

I have decided to use the power
of veto on myself.

Enzo, since I have vetoed one of
your nominations for eviction,

you're going to have to name a
new houseguest as a replacement


Since, Kevin, you decided to
use the power of veto on

yourself, I have to pick

I gotta pick someone I guess to
secure against, you know, the

house target, and this isn't

You know what I mean?

So I gotta pick another nominee.

Which is Christmas.

This veto meeting is

This was a super tough
discussion, but in the end, I

had to go with my girl

She's taking a b*llet for me
right now going up there.

Dani and Ian are definitely on
the top of my list as targets in

this house but I couldn't resk
taking a shot right now when

everyone wants kaysar out.

It looks like Enzo took me up
on my offer to get on the block.

I am 99.5% confident that kaysar
is the big target and will be

going home this week.

Now I am for sure hoping this
doesn't backfire on me or i'm

going to walk out of here
wearing a dunce hat.

Oh, I did that.

I won the veto and took myself
off the block.

I am not a doormat to be walked
all over.

I'm more like a persian rug, so
you better take off your shoes,


I'm not feeling good to be

This is "big brother."

I have to come up with

I have to find a way to get out
of this mess so you see me next

week in this house.

All right, Dani, you got off
easy this week.

But I see what you're doing
behind the scenes and it's not

going to last.

Everybody's got an expiration
date in this game.

Yours might be coming up soon
grow what will be evicted from

the "big brother" house,
Christmas or kaysar?

Find out tomorrow night at 8:00,

brother all-stars"!