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22x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 05/05/24 10:56
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on
"big brother all-stars": Cody

and Memphis formed a final two

And they expanded their ranks by

And dug themselves the

Thank you including me.

I think it's a great idea.

. Meanwhile while Memphis had
side deal with kaysar and

I'm on board with keeping the
organic relationship alive.

I do like that kaysar and
Janelle are bringing me

information, so it makes sense
for me to keep them around, at

least for the next couple of

Announcer: When Janelle
suspected the core four were

working together she spilled the
beans to Memphis.

I walked into a powwow where
it's tile, Nicole "f," code I

and Dani.

Announcer: After word got
back to the committee, Janelle

became public enemy number one.

They think her, me, you, and
Nicole "f," on the side of the


Hearing that Janelle and
kaysar have our alliance's name

in their mouth is pretty
alarming, to say the least.

That's why I want one of them

Announcer: And Tyler, Cody,
and Dani formed a second

alliance with Enzo, da'vonne,
and bayleigh to cement their

Slick six?

I love it.

Announcer: With Tyler the
reigning king...

Julie: Congratulations to

You are the new head of

Announcer: ...He was poised
to timely go after two power


Janelle and kaysar is have
had my name and Cody's name in

their mouths for past week or
so, and now that I'm h.O.H.,

it's my time to cut that off.

Announcer: At the final
safety sweep competition, ens oi

was the cat's meow-meow.

Congrats, Enzo, you have just
earned safety for the week.

Now you must choose your plus
one who will also receive safety

but will receive a punishment.

Announcer: And high gave an
unexpected gift to Christmas.


Oh, okay.



Announcer: With some of his
allies nervous about da'vonne.

I think da'vonne would
definitely not be afraid to

strike against us at some point
in the game.


Announcer: ...Tyler
wondered if she should be on

their radar.

If they keep talking and
trying to blow us up, that's

what's up.

Announcer: But at the
nomination ceremony.

I've nominated you, kaysar,
and you, Janelle.

Announcer: ...Tyler stuck
with plan "a."

You've been spreading a lot
of nonsense aout me and my


I kind of have every reason to
believe if you were h.O.H., it

would be my face up there.

Announcer: Tonight, can the

comp queen save herself with the
power of veto, or will it

finally be kaysar's time to

Plus, will a new target get in
Tyler's crosshairs.

Less trustworthy than I
already thought, and I didn't

trust him to begin with.

We can't trust anybody
besides us.

Announcer: Find out right
now on "big brother"!

This nomination ceremony is

I nominated kaysar and Janelle
because not only do they have my

name in their mouths, but they
are absolutely my two biggest

threats in this game.

They're, obviously, working

And it was time for somebody to
make a big move, and I think I

just did that.

I'm sorry.

It's all good.

This move by Tyler, it's just a
safe move.

It's a "whatever" move.

You know, I'm not like Nicole

I'm not going to cry and

I am a strong woman, and I will
never give them the satisfaction

of seeing me hurt or upset.

Yi am so happy Janelle is on
the block.

Finally, a little bit of Karma,
because she's been so mean to me

in this house.

Thank you, b.B. God.

I'm nominated.

Big surprise.

I've been on the block with
Janelle four times in three


Awkward hugs.

Hell, I've never been on the
block without Janelle.

The only thing left right now is
to fight like hell for one of us

to get the veto.

No, man, we're all set.

Tyler, Tyler's cold-blooded.

Yeah, you know.

The man is cold-blooded.

I thought that was, like, too

I wanted to stay the same so

That's definitely for sure.

Finally, Janelle and kaysar
are sitting on the block.

They've been throwing out names
of my alliance members a lot,

and now I really hope I get
picked for the velto because I

want to win it and make sure one
of them is definitely going home

this week.

Janelle is due.

You know, she's going to
fight to win the p.O.V.

What you doing, secret

I'm just secret squirreling

How do you feel?

Good, that was easy.

It was an easy week.

Now that we have this crew, I
have a new confidence behind me.

I trust the group.

Even though Tyler, is part of
my alliance, he and I have not

been working together that long.

So, you know, I just want to
remind you, let's establish this

level of trust.

I'm on your side.

You're on mine.

That way, you know, if somebody
does happen to come off the

block, when it's time to renom,
I'm not anywhere in his mind.

I feel good about it because
it's people that I actually get

along with.

People that I actually like.


You know what I mean?


I'm pumped, though.

I'm hyped.

I'm ready to compete in
everything gee, but she's known

for vetoes.

It's going to be clash of the

I'm known for it, too.

I'm gunning.

It's all fires.

Let's go.

The question is if she happens
to win and takes herself off,

who are you going to put up?

That's the question.

Janelle and kaysar are
clearly my targets this week,

and I really don't want to have
to name a replacement nominee.

So, da'vonne, maybe we need to
pull back the reins a little

bit, stop gaming so hard, and
stop getting so ahead of


We have to g*n for the veto.

If we play, we have to go for

You know what I mean?

I'm just going to go lay

You've got vetoes to fight
for tomorrow.


So what happens?

We're going to fight and see
what happens.

I know how "big brother"
works, okay.

So even though both kaysar and
Janelle are on the block, I

still want to make sure they am
still good with them, because if

one or both of them survive and
end up in power next week, I I

won't be on their radar.

Public enemy number one.

I mean, whatever.

It is what it is.

There is a veto to be won.

So this whole thing is a mess,
da'vonne, honestly.

It's just so stupid.

At this point in the game,
kaysar and I pretty much have no

one, so we just have to win the

If one of us comes off the
block, we could possibly figure

out a way that we can both
survive the week.

This is do or die at this point.

This is all-stars.


Do something big.

♪ ♪
oh, my gosh.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

So who should I pick?

Do you want to play?

Yeah, I can play.

Even though I'm in an
alliance with Tyler, I really

love Janelle as a player, and
I've been a fan of hers for a

long time.

We've been getting a lot closer
at have-notes and I don't think

she's a threat to my game.

The only other option is
Nicole f..

Because she sucks.

Franzo will get frazzled.

Oh, god, shiez the worst.

The worst.

Bayleigh's definitely not
part of a large alliance that's

dominating this game right now.

She's kind of on her own, so if
we want to even have a chance,

we have to stay together.

She is someone that could
possibly save me, and we could

definitely go after the other
side next week.

Here's the thing... if I
leave, regardless, they're

coming after us.

So there's nowhere else to

It's only a matter of time.

You may not be next, but...
I'm on the list.



You're on the hit list.


We can do something.


If I'm here.

I'm not going to promise
Janelle that I'm going to take

her off the block, but if I get
picked to play veto and I win,

then I'll decide what's best for
my game.

That's why you have to win.

I know.

Oh, my god.

This house is crazy.

Who do you want to take to the
final four?

Oh, man, I honestly have to

I love our alliance but, like,
there are some people that

It's going to be so tough to


I have a lot of relationships
and alliances in this house.

But this is my third time
playing "big brother."

So I know the truth is, you
can't really trust anybody.

So my strategy is to plant
little seeds here and there

about different people in this
house to help me along in the


I'm not afraid to s*ab them in
the back, and that's exactly

what I'm going to do.


This is tight, just protect
each other.

That's it.

I'm 100% down with that.

I am aligned with Enzo, but I
kind of feel like he's just

along for the ride.

I wouldn't be sad if somebody
took him out.

We cannot be in competition.

I want to create, like.

I'm total lie down with that.

When it comes to Memphis, I
may be working with him.

Oh, my god, he is going to be
so annoying.

But if you were to go and be
like, oops, oh, well.

I feel like people are really
going to like us working



Bayleigh and da'vonne, they're
both in the "slick six"


But they're clearly each other's
number ones.


[ Laughter ]
And that's not going to benefit


Da'vonne and bayleigh are,
obviously, a pair.

We just have to be real careful
what we say to them.

We're cool.

I got you, no matter what.

I got you, too.

[ Laughs ].

I'm already in an alliance
with Tyler, and I genuinely

really do like him.


Ice cream!

You're getting some of this.

You've been wanting that.

He's really good at this

Girls, we have no shot.

But realistically, I don't know
if I can beat him in the end.

So he will have to go

You're running this house
pretty much.

I think everyone thinks
they're running this house.

I don't.

I just sit and do nothing.

But for right now, Tyler
needs to do his part to make

sure my number-one target,
Janelle, leaves the house this


she deserves to stay.

Vampire facial.

What does that mean?

It's lactic acid.


It makes your skin, like,
poreless and new.

That's cool.


You can't leave it on for too
long, right, five minutes?

It's not a true vampire.

A true vampire is using your own

Now that I'm 40, I'm more
obsessed than ever with my skin.

I have a cream for literally
every moment in the b.B.House...

Morning coffee, after lurch.

I have my acid peels to peel
away the despair.

It really does give me positive

[ Laughs ]
I mean, it's peeling my skin.

It's a 10-minute exfoliating
facial, ph-3.6.

Wow, that's really acidic.

Yeah, it's acid.

My skin is going to look

People in this house go to
extreme lengths for beauty.

Fortunately, I don't have to.

I think the most I do for my own
beauty is some laser hair

removal on my chest and back.

That's about it.

It's going to be stinging.

It's definitely stinging.



What does it mean?

It's a scale that 1 is, like,
pure, pure acid.

And 14 would be pure base.

Okay, I should take it off.

You're freaking me out right
now, man.

[ Laughter ].

Like, a 1 is pure acid.

No, it just... it...
I'll stop.


Everyone, it's time to pick
players for the veto


[ Applause ].


Only six people will
participate in the veto

competition: The head of
household, the two nominees, and

three other players selected by
random draw.

Will the nominees please join me
up here?

I'm hoping Cody gets picked to
play in this veto.

He's a comp beast.

We're in the same alliance, and
Janelle and kaysar have been

talking about him, too.

So I'm sure he would keep the
noms the same.

As h.O.H., I will pick first.


[ Applause ]
I don't really trust anyone

in this house, except Janelle.

So, it doesn't really matter who
I pick.

I'm just going to have to win
this veto for myself.


[ Applause ]
Now that bayleigh is already

picked to play in the power of
veto, I'm hoping to pick weaker

players, like Nicole franzle,
because I know I can beat her.


[ Applause ]
I got picked to play in the

veto, which is awesome.

Between Cody and I, the
commission, and the committee,

the larger alliance, we have
three people playing.

Want odds are in our favor, and
there's no reason we should


"Big brother" will inform us
when the competition is to


Good luck.

[ Applause ]
We have to try to win, okay?

I'm going to try.

Bayleigh and I are in the
"slick six" alliance together.

What names do you want to

I was thinking "the slick

I love it.

But, honestly, I don't really
know where her true loyalties

completely lie right now, so I
need to make sure, if she does

win this veto, that the
nominations remain the same.


What are you going to do with
the veto?

Keep it the same.

Are you?

Shy asked me this morning.

There is enough drama in this


So I'm feeling extremely
cornered right now, but I have

to tell Dani whatever she needs
to hear because I don't have

time for any Dani drama.

If I win veto, I will weigh my
options and do what's best for

my game.

I'm just asking.

It's exhausting.

Exhausting, yeah.

Let's just be good.


How are you feeling, Janelle?


How are you feeling, kaysar?

It's going to be some stiff
competition for the veto.


Oh, my god.

Well, this is an absolute

We got the most athletic,
strongest, and the most

competitive houseguests to play
for this veto comp.

But I came here to fight, and
that's exactly what I intend to


If these kids think they're just
going to walk all over me and

send me out of this house,

♪ ♪
hey, everybody!

It's time for the veto


Players, grab your aprons and
head to the backyard.

[ Applause ].


Let's go, team.



What's on the menu,

I walk into the backyard, and
I see these cup cake trucks,

there's cup cakes everywhere.

The sugar spirit has come upon
me, because she's hungry.

I want everything on the menu,
charge it to "big brother."

We'll be good to go!

I would like a cupcake,

Welcome to the cupcake class

In today's tournament, you'll
compete head to head in hopes of

advancing to become the

Here's how it works: I'll draw
the names to determine your

first-round match-ups.

In each head-to-head match,
you'll begin with your cupcakes

all mixed up.

Your goal is to move your puzzle
pieces around until you create

an entirely pink, yellow, and
blue cupcake.

The icing must be on top with
the cake in the middle.

You may transfer only one piece
at a time and may not place

pieces on the ground.

The first player in each match
to build all three cupcakes

correctly, then ring their bell,
will advance in the tournament.

I will now draw the names to
determine the match-up order.

The first match will be...

Kaysar against Tyler.

Nominee versus h.O.H.

And the second match will

Cody versus bayleigh.

And that means the third
match-up will be Memphis versus


The player with the fastest
winning time in these

first-round matches will
a*t*matic bee advance to the

championship match.

The other two first-round
winners must go head to head.

The winner of this match also
advance in the championship.

The winner of the final battle
will enjoy sweet victory and the

golden power of veto.

Who's ready to play "cupcake

[ Applause ]
All right, players, take your


Let me work some cupcake

♪ ♪
[ Horn blows ]

♪ ♪
[ Horn blows ]

This veto is important, and I
want it so bad that my heart is


I'm on the block with my best
friend in the house.

She's the only one I trust, and
we have to win this.

Kaysar and Janelle are
clearly my two biggest targets

in this game right now, and I
need to make sure I win this

veto to maintain my control and
hopefully get one of them out of


I know Tyler's fast, so I
need to go faster.

I rush to get the icing and the
middle perfectly in place.

And I'm feeling like a champ.

[ Buzzer ].

They're on the wrong bases.

Rookie mistake!

Super quick, I hear kaysar
ring in, and then I look over,

and something's not right.

Pretty sure the base has to
match the toppings.

Now I just got to have the right
answer and ring in before kaysar


[ Applause ]
[ Bell rings ].

I am just crushed.

And I've just let myself down.

This was so important.


Tyler wins round one.


I just took the cake, knocked
out kaysar in the first round.

That's one of my nominees down.

Only one more to go.

Good try, kaysar.

Now it's time for the battle
of Cody versus bayleigh.

It's time for some more cupcake

It's time for some more cupcake

[ Horn blows ]
If I win this, I'm going to

be stuck between a rock and a
hard place.

I have my alliance on one side
and my friend Janelle on the


However, I love to win, and I
really want to prove myself in

this game.

So let's go.

I want to win this veto so
bad because I've wanted Janelle

and kaysar on the block for a
long time.

So it is very important to keep
them there.

This is harder than it looks
because you can't put anything

on the ground.

So as soon as I think I have
everything together, I run out

of places to put my frosting.

Oh, my gosh!

You got to be...

[ Bell rings ]
That was so hard.

[ Applause ].

That was a tricky one.

Bayleigh, I'm sorry, you've
been eliminated.

It's all good.

I got mys mixed up, girl.

I'm bummed I'm out of the
competition, but Janelle is

still in, and she has a chance
to pull herself off of the


Let's go, Janie.

And now it's time for Memphis
to battle Janelle.

♪ ♪
[ Horn blows ].

Get it!

Get it!

I'd like to keep Janelle and
kaysar around a little bit for

my game, but the committee, you
know, they want them gone.

So I'm going to sh**t for this
veto, and I'm going to keep the

nominations the same.

Oh, gosh!

I feel like the house wants me
out because I am a bigger threat

than kaysar.

Uh... I feel like if I don't win
the power of veto and save

myself off the block, I will be
the one going home this week.

Memphis is throwing this, and
he's doing a really terrible job

of hiding it.

He had one cupcake completely
assembled and he messed it up

for himself.

So I'm really confused.

It's so obvious Memphis is
throwing this competition.

He's definitely throwing this

I got my eye on you.

Look, I'll be completely
honest... this game is definitely

not built for my brain.

But I still want to win.

I still want to go for the veto.

This is an extremely
challenging game because you

have to not only think and calm
down, but you also have to be


[ Bell rings ]
[ Applause ]

I just feel, like, crushed.

Like, my life was on the line.

I couldn't pull through and win
the veto.

I just feel so defeated.


That's okay.

Congratulations, Cody, Tyler,
and Memphis.

You are all advancing, Tyler
with a time of 39 seconds, you

will be advancing directly to
the championship round.

It's time for Memphis and Cody
to square off.

♪ ♪
[ Horn blows ]

I like Cody, but I like
winning more.

So I'm going to take him down.

I like Memphis.

We're in a final two and we're
in an alliance together but i'm

not sure I fully trust him yet,
so I definitely want to win this

veto myself.

[ Bell rings ]
[ Applause ].

Good job, man.

I'm pissed off that I lost to

I don't like losing, and I don't
like losing to someone that's

younger than me, either.

It all comes down to this:
Tyler versus Cody for the golden

power of veto.

♪ ♪
[ Horn blows ].

Let's go, boys!

Kaysar and Janelle are out of
this game.

So it's me and Cody at the end.

I trust him, but I still want to
battle for this veto.

It's down to Tyler and I in
the final round, and now I'm in

a groove.

I know exactly what I need to do
with these puzzle pieces.

I'm feeling very confident.

[ Bell rings ]
[ Applause ]

Congratulations, Cody!

You have won the goldep power of

I'm super pumped to win this

It's nice to have this veto and
have all the power this week

with Tyler.

But, like, seriously, can I take
this stupid hat off now?

Great job.

You almost got me.

Nice work, man.

Very nice.

Are you kidding me?

Cody wins again.

He's working with a strong
alliance in this house.

I'm not happy at all.

I'm going to have to go back to
the drawing board.

Cody wins the power of veto.

And how do you think I feel?

I don't really have anyone in
this game besides kaysar.

I'm in definite trouble.

That was really hard.

As much as I would have loved
to win the veto, Cody winning is

the next best thing.

Now that Cody has the veto and
Tyler is the h.O.H., our

alliance has full control this

Are we gossiping?

How freaking obvious was

Do you think he was really
throwing it?

I think that he started to.

Stop it!

Stop it!

That was the worst acting I have
ever seen in my life.

Like, his drops...
He had, like, one more to go

and he's like, "oh oh oh."


What are we taking away from

That he wanted Janelle to win
to keep her here.

Are you kidding me?

He wanted her to advance.

I know Memphis threw this

Last week he wouldn't backdoor
Janelle or kaysar because he's

double dipping.

All he cares about is himself.

He's proved it two times, two
weeks in a row.

It doesn't matter, she's

Like, nobody's going to keep



What are you doing?

Trying to solve these
impossible puzzles because maybe

that will make me feel better
about sucking at this game.

Oh, kaysar.

Please don't get down on

Is there anything I can do to
cheer you up?


I'm sorry about everything.

It's not your fault.

We were screwed walking into
these doors.

I'm sorry.

I should have said no.

No to what?


Are you serious?

So you had a chance.

No way.

.This has been great.

I haven't seep you in such a
long time.

Yeah, it's been really good
to spend time with you.

Here's what I think... I think
the target is me.

I think it's better for your
game if I leave.

And I think I'm a bigger threat
than you and a bigger target.

Well, that's just offensive.

[ Laughs ]
I've never been in this house

without you.

That's crazy.

That's why if you would just
chill out, maybe you've got a

good shot.

You know I can't do that.

I'll still try to burn the house

Okay, but...

And then I'm going to be
pissed this time because you're

going to be gone.

So then I'm going to be
vengeful, and that's not nice.

Vengeful at who, the whole

[ Laughs.

I mean, what are you going to

All of them.

My relationship with Janelle, it
is a bond that is irrefutable.

There's no hiding it.

It's evident.

And that is extremely dangerous
when you're playing the game of

"big brother."

So, yeah, maybe my game would
have been a little better had

she not been here.

But that doesn't matter to me.

At this point, all I can think
about is how we're both going to

stay in this house together.

Do you think we should try and
cut a deal?

What kind of deal?

It's a hail Mary, but we
potentially throw out the option

of keeping us in the game as a
bigger target.

We promise we'll go after
floaters while still keeping

ourselves as a huge target.

Our backs really are against
the wall at this point so I've

got nothing to lose.

I just need to see if we can
work out a deal to keep kaysar

and I both in the house.

What's the worst that could
happen at this point?

♪ ♪
we won it.

[ Laughter ].

Three weeks!

Yeah, but I'm just saying...
Three weeks.

I'm just going to cut through

Yo, Memphis, he had one
cupcake done, the yellow one,

and then he just started taking
it apart.

And I'm like, "why are you doing

He had one done and then he
took it apart?


I think he was giving Janelle
time to win.

I think he want 1,000% throw

What's going on?

Just stay loyal.

You're just putting yourself in
a bad position, that's it.

So Enzo telling me this
definitely piques my interest.

We needed one thing to happen in
this comp and it was to knock

Janelle out.

Trustworthy than I thought and I
didn't trust him to begin with.

It's going to come to a point
where you have to.

It is what it is.

Unless you want me to pull
somebody down.


No, we can't trust anybody
besides us.

♪ ♪
[ Baby crying ].

What the?

What is that?

What does it say?

"An all-star is born."

Christmas you are now the
proud parent of a bouncing baby


You'll be taking care of this
bundle of joy all week long.

Because Enzo chose me as the
plus one to the safety suite, I

received the "all-star is born"

She was just born.

She's about seven minutes old.


She's going to be with us all

[ Baby crying ].

Am I the father?

I mean, I was your plus one.

[ Laughter ]
Here, we'll get a family



[ Applause ].

[ Baby crying ].

We made a star, yes.

[ Baby crying ].

I'm a proud dad, you know.

I'm a proud dad.

[ Baby crying ].


I have poo-poos.

Oh, you have a poo-poo.

All week long I have to tend to
my baby's every need and demand.

Enzo, I'm really proud of you
for stepping up, man.

Here it is.


[ Baby crying ]
Mommy, play with me.

You're the mom.

You're the mom.

I'm going to watch the game
with the fellas, okay.

[ Laughter ]
This is one needy and

demanding baby.

Feed me.

Oh, are you hungry?

She's hungry!

[ Burps ].

Burp me on your knee!

Bump, bump, bump.

Play peekaboo.


[ Baby crying ]
Talk to me like a baby.

Baby girl, I put your diaper
on your head!

It's going to be a long week.

My baby even needs
arnd-the-clock attention.

[ Baby crying ]
♪ ♪

Take me for a walk.

I thought I was going to get
a, like, a time-out from the new

mommy duties in the "big
brother" house.

Oh, hi momma.

[ Laughter ]
She looks so miserable.

Somebody get a broom or
vacuum, because Christmas is a


I don't know if Christmas
make it through this week

[ baby crying ].

Christmas, I have some
amazing news!

Another little all-star has been


Come meet your second baby


That's messed up.

[ Baby crying ]
[ Babies crying ].

Oh, my god, I wasn't planning
for twins.

[ Baby crying ].

Christmas, you hear that?

Sounds like another all-star has
been born.

We've got triplets now?



Obviously, my birth control
isn't working

[ baby crying ].

Is that the stork?

I think another all-star has

Oh no!

Come meet your fourth baby

Fourth baby!


You have another baby?

Uh, we have another baby.

We have another baby.

I don't know what's going on
here you know what I mean?

I know one looks like me.

I think one of them has my
eyebrows, but the other ones, I

don't know.

We have to go on "Maury" and see
who the father is.

I said I wanted a big family.

You've got one.

[ Babies crying ].

Christmas, congrats!

It's twins!


I'm going to be the octamom.

I can't remember her name.

Safety, veto, twirchgle,
backdoor, twist, twist.

I need wine.

[ Baby crying ].

Mommy, tell everyone how cute
I am.

Look how cute my babies are.

Look how cute my babies are.

Look how cute my babies are.

These babies are demanding.

All this craziness makes me
really happy that those aren't

my kids.


[ Yawning ].

[ Babying crying ].

Christmas, I have amazing


No way!

Oh, my god!

We've got another baby?

[ Babies crying ].

I mean, if I don't win this
season you have to win this

season because we can't afford
all these babies.

That's what I'm trying to

Basically all that money is
already spent.

Diapers aunt cheap.

Enzo, you are an animal.

Meow-meow needs to get spayed
or neutered.

♪ ♪
so what are you, like, doing

right now?

How are you going through it

So here's my... you know,
here's what I want to just let

you know.

So, I didn't come back to be
taken out week three in an

all-star season.


You know what I mean?

I think it would be advantageous
for you and Tyler's game

specifically if I stayed.


Because i'm, like, a massive
target that doesn't win comps.


You know what I mean?


Like, I feel like anyone
downstairs is going to...

Nominate me if I'm here.

They will.

The clock is ticking at this
point, and I'm ready to offer

myself on a silver platter.

So Cody can use the veto on me,
and caser and I can be here next

week together.

I'm willing to do anything.

I think it's a matter of how
the rest of the week is going to

kind of unfoiled.

You want me to tell you what
I'm thinking?

Here's what I'm thinking, Cody.

If you use the veto on me, I'll
vote with you for the next two


If I stay, I want to work with


I definitely believe you.

It would be beneficial to
kind of, like, have each other's

backs in the house.


I would love to take out the

That's kind of who we'd be

For me, it's definitely
something to think about.

Janelle is a huge target that
can be an incredible shield to

have in front of me.

Besides, right now, Janelle is
the devil we know, which could

be less dangerous than a snake
in the grass.

I'm just laying it all out
for you.

Yeah, I hear you.

♪ ♪
hey, houseguests.

It's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

[ Baby crying ]

Bounce me on your knee.



Kaysar and Janelle have been
nominated for eviction, but I

have the power to veto one of
those nominations.

I have decided...

Not to use the power of veto.

I don't want to ruffle any more
feathers than already has been

done, so I'm not going to use
the power of veto.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Janelle had an enticing deal,
and Memphis is definitely not

off my radar at the moment, but
I've been planning to get

Janelle or kaysar out since week
one, so now it's time for that

plan to come to fruition.

I'm extreme irritated, but if
there's one thing my friends and

family know about me is that i'm
successful because i'm


And I take my disappointment, my
frustration, and sometimes my

anger, and I channel them to get
what I want.

And if I stay in this house, i'm
going to come back gunning.

Janelle is still on the
block, and it sucks, because

that's my girl.

But I'm not giving up just yet.

I'm going to work overtime to
see if we can secure enough

votes for her to stay in this
house this week.

After three weeks, we're
finally getting a big target out

of the house.

Janelle absolutely is the "big
brother" queen.

But I have to make sure that she
goes home this week because it's

time for a new coronation.

Listen, I gave Cody the deal
of a lifetime.

He didn't take it.

I feel like I'm playing with

I am a very o.G. B.B. Player.

I don't play a scared game.

I'm used to playing with some
cut th&oat... so at this point

I'm going to have to show these
wanna-be all-stars how to play.

Announcer: Which old-school
liquid will be evicted from the

"big brother" house, kaysar or

Find out tomorrow night at 8:00,

brother all-stars."