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Deep Red (1975)

Posted: 05/05/24 08:58
by bunniefuu
♪ [Main Deep Red theme]


♪ [Main theme fades,
replaced by a child chanting]


♪ [Child chanting fades,
replaced by main theme music]

♪ [Music abruptly stops]

♪ [Jazz combo]

- [Marcus] Okay, okay, stop.
- ♪ [Music stops]


Really, that's good. Very good.

Maybe a bit too good.

Too clean. Yes, too precise.

Too... formal.
It should be more trashy.

See what I mean?

Remember that this sort of jazz

came out of the brothels...


[Man] ...and this phenomenon,
as the latest studies confirm,

is not limited to a circumscribed
group of higher life forms,

but is found in vertebrates
and invertebrates as well.


termites, zebras,

all these animals,
and many many others,

use telepathy to transmit orders
and relay information.

This is a proven fact
that can easily be demonstrated.

For instance, if we put a butterfly
in a cage, within a few hours,

it will be able to gather
many other butterflies around it

which will quickly swarm in,
in answer to its call,

even covering a distance
of several miles. This is telepathy.

A faculty which comes naturally to
the newborn in the early stages of life

but which they generally lose
as they acquire

the means of verbal communication.

On the other hand,
certain rare individuals,

for reasons as yet unknown to us,
do not lose this inborn faculty.

One such exception
is Mrs. Helga Ulmann

from Lithuania, who has been living
in this country for the past few months.

This lady has extraordinary
powers of telepathy

and a natural disposition
for paranormal phenomena

that has truly astonished us.
Mrs. Ulmann.

I would like to point out immediately

that my faculties have nothing
whatsoever to do with magic,

the esoteric
or foretelling the future.

I can see things the
very moment they occur,

but nothing of what is to come.

I can feel thoughts
the very instant they are formed.

and even much later,
if the thoughts are very strong,

for they linger about the room

like cobwebs.

You, sir.

Yes, you, in the third row. You have
your right hand in your pocket,

and you're clutching a bunch of keys.

Four keys, one of them very long.

It's true. Look, they're right here!

Your name is Pietro...

Excuse me if I pronounce
it badly... Valgoi?

Yes, Valgoi, that's right.

Mr. Valgoi, excuse me.
I would like to ask you something.

Do you know Mrs. Ulmann
by any chance?


Is it possible you could have
met her before?

Or is there any other way Mrs. Ulmann
could have known your name?

How could she? I live in Bologna.
I only arrived in Rome three hours ago!

No, it's impossible.

Good. Thank you, sir.

No! No! Out! Out!


I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

There is something...


No, I don't know.
Forgive me. I'm sorry.


It was... I can't explain.

Something strange and sharp,

like the prick of a thorn.

It upset me, but it's all right now.

[Gasps loudly]

I can feel...

In this room.

I feel a presence.

A twisted mind, sending thoughts.

Perverted, murderous thoughts.

Go away!

[Male voice]
Mrs. Ulmann, here.


have k*lled

and you will k*ll again!

There is a child, singing.

In that house.



All blood!

[Gasps loudly]
I'm scared! I'm scared!

Helga, Helga!
It's all right! It's all right!

We must hide everything,

everything in the house
back the way it was.

No one must know,
no one, no one!

Forget it, forget it,
forget it.

...forever... forever.


[Footsteps stop, followed by
gurgling and choking noise]

Feel sick?

Anything I can do for you?
Want me to get some help?

[Helga] It was all so clear,
so frighteningly clear.

Like a thorn piercing my brain.

I heard all those twisted thoughts,

cruel and yet childish
at the same time.

How strange.
Before, in front of the audience,

I couldn't express all the sensations
that flooded my mind,

but at home I want
to write it all down.

I'll let you have it tomorrow.

You may use it as you see fit.

Because, you see, now,

I also know who that person is.

[Nervous gasp]

[Man] What is it?
What's the matter?

No, it's nothing.

Those evil thoughts.
They must have stagnated in here.

Just now, they came to me again.

I'm sorry. It's never happened
to me before. I don't understand.

It frightens me.

[Howling wind,
and strange cries]

♪ [Music box playing
a simple tune]

♪ [Deep Red theme plays
over silent footage]

I really need some rest.

I'm feeling very tired.

Shouldn't we talk about that
right away?

I'd like this article to be published
while I'm still in Italy.

Yes, I am alone.

♪ [Childish chanting
in the distance]

Yes, I am a bit jumpy,
but don't worry.

[Doorbell rings]

We'll talk again tomorrow?

[Gasps in horror]


[Helga screams incoherently]

[Clock chimes]

Hinno, friend!

Hinno? What's that
supposed to mean?

A client told me a little while ago,
in the bar.

It's a saying they've
got in Tahiti.

Or was it Madagascar?


Jesus, I'm so damn drunk,
I can't even remember!

Anyway, it means

alla salute, cheers,
à votre santé, skål!

Listen, Carlo, when I was in America
I met a lot of people like you.

You go on the way you are,
and you won't last very long.

Who says I want to last?

You're just wallowing
in self-pity.

Mmm, self-pity my ass!


as long as I'm drunk...

I'm happy as a lark!

And I play better too!

For me, the piano is
a beautiful woman

and I just love to tickle her fanny.

♪ [Sings wordlessly]

Speaking of pianos,
my half hour of oxygen is up.

So it's back to the old grind.

Or they'll screw me
for an evening's wages.

Yeah, come on.
Up! Up!

- [Carlo] You know what?
- [Marcus] What?

The difference between you and me
is purely political.

You see, we both play
good piano, right?

But I am the proletarian
of the keyboard

and you're the bourgeois.

You play for art
and you enjoy it.

I play for survival.

That's not the same thing.

My, my, my! We are expanding
our philosophies this evening!

Yeah, I just thought of it. Whenever
I'm drunk I expand into genius...

[A woman screams]

What was that?

A scream, I'd say.

Maybe somebody's getting r*ped?

Hinno to thee, r*ped virgin!

[Carlo giggles]

[Marcus] Bye. You take care of
yourself, okay?

[Helga screams soundlessly]

[Loud crashing glass]

[Clattering glass]

Five wounds,
three of them lethal.

Apparently from a hatchet
or a butcher's cleaver.

The victim seems to be about

She has abrasions and cuts
all over her body.

So, you're a foreigner, then?

Yes, I was born in London

but I lived in America
for several years before coming here.

And what are you doing in Italy?

I'm a pianist. Jazz.
I teach here at the conservatory.

- I teach jazz.
- And you play the piano, right?

So, in that case
you don't have a job, right?

- I told you, I'm a pianist.
- Yeah, sure.

So, then, that's your only job.

Playing an instrument isn't a job?
What is it, a joke?

What are you saying?
No, I would never say that.

In fact, in my family
I have a cousin who plays the...


The violin.

[Background dialogue
of police investigation]

Very strange, huh?


Let me ask you something.

Did you move anything around,
or take anything away from here?

Are you crazy? We're very careful
not to move a thing.

Why? Is something wrong?

No, no. I mean...
It's just an impression, maybe.

Sorry, what were you
going to ask me?

Ah yes, the victim. Please.

Did you know her?

I have already told you, I live upstairs.
Her name was Helga Ulmann.

- Captain?
- Er... yeah!

The brown raincoat. Let's hear
more about the m*rder*r's raincoat.

Just wait a minute. I didn't say
that was the m*rder*r's raincoat.

All I said was that I saw
a man in a brown raincoat

walking away from the building.

Good evening. Hi, everybody!

Get lost!
You can't come in here.

Why not? With a crime like this,
the first thing you do is call the press.

Get your hands off me!
I told you, you can't come in here!

This is a complex investigation.

[Captain] Look who's here.
Gianna Brezzi.

Yes, Captain.

- Okay, who told you about this?
- I have my own sources.

As it happens, the victim was
rather famous around here.

In fact, I was listening to one of
her lectures this very afternoon.

What was she into anyhow, huh?

She was a kind of magician.

She could read people's thoughts.

Read people's thoughts, huh?

You! I bet you're the eyewitness.

The man who saw the whole thing.

[Captain] Fabbroni, get Mingozzi
in here.

I want to check something
with him.

Then go see what's happened
to the coroner.

[Policeman] Right, Captain.

Why must I go to the police station?
I told you everything I know!

[Captain] Your statement
has to be typed up officially.

You know how it is with bureaucracy.

All your details are needed:
place and date of birth, passport, etc.

[Car engine starts]

My head is splitting!

And you, what the hell
are you doing here at this hour?

I'm on my way home
after four hours at the police station.

Oh yeah, right.

I forgot about the m*rder.

How did it go?

What kind of question is that?
How do you suppose it went?

Come on, I'll walk you home.

No, thank you.
I can make it by myself.

I can make it, I said!

Oh, my poor head, my head.

Tell me, how much did you drink?

Who knows? Who can remember
anything about this night?

But I'm sure it must have been a lot.

Do you want to come to
my place for coffee, or...?

No thanks. Thanks anyway.

I'd really like to, but right now
I think I have to go home.

See you.

Carlo? Carlo?

Did you see a man
coming towards the fountain?

A man?

[Marcus] Yeah, a man in
a brown raincoat.

He may have been
the m*rder*r. I don't know.

[Carlo] Er...

Yeah, yeah. For a second,
from the back.

[Marcus] There's something else
that's funny, you know.

It's very strange, and I don't
even know if it's true or not,

but when I went into
her apartment first

I thought I saw a painting.

But then a few minutes later
it was gone.

Now how could that be?

[Carlo] Maybe the painting
was made to disappear

because it represented
something important.

- [Marcus] Sorry, what?
- [Carlo] Something important!

[Marcus] No, I don't think so.

If I remember well, it was some sort
of composition of faces.

It was very unusual.

[Carlo] Maybe you've seen something
so important that you don't realise.

[Marcus] I'm just trying to
understand, because...

[Carlo] You know, sometimes,
what you actually see

and what you imagine...

get mixed up in your memory
like a cocktail...

where you can no longer distinguish
one flavour from another.

[Marcus] But I'm telling you the truth!

[Carlo] No, Marcus.
You think you're telling the truth,

but in fact you're only telling
your version of the truth.

It happens to me all the time.

[Jewish funeral rites read]

You see him? The one in the mac?
That's Giordani.

He's a professor of psychiatry,

but he's also mad
about parapsychology.

They were more than friends.
He practically kept her.

The man next to him,
that's Bardi.

He's quite an expert
in paranormal phenomena.

And he's supposed to be
a clairvoyant too.

He was also a good friend
of poor Helga's.

[Hebrew funeral rites continue]

Shall we go?

Ah yes, by the way,
I wanted to thank you.

It's always nice to let
the m*rder*r know who you are.

Oh, that's okay.

You may not believe me, but I don't
have a steady boyfriend right now.

- Me neither.
- I should hope not!

- I meant a girlfriend!
- That's why you're always so jumpy.

Me jumpy? Oh, please!
I'm not jumpy at all.

Yeah, right. Stop fidgeting!

And your hands are shaking.
Tell me, what's going on?

How many times must I tell you,
I'm an artist?

In case you've forgotten,
we artists are very sensitive people.

We don't have elephant hide
like you journalists.

Elephant hide?
I'm told I have very delicate skin.

You can touch it. Come on, try.

- Yes, not bad.
- It's fantastic.

I know how to stop your jumpiness.

What? Here at the cemetery?
Are you crazy?

I have other things on my mind.
Do you understand?

- Sure, you're scared senseless.
- I'm not scared!

You're almost sh1tting yourself.

And it's all my fault.

I'd like to see him.
I'm curious to see him face to face.

You'd be better off
returning to England.

I actually decided to stay.

- You just decided?
- Yes, maybe.

Anyway, I need to concentrate.
I must try to remember.

I'm sure I saw something
important that night

but I can't remember what exactly!

[Marcus] Are you driving?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
I've got to get in on this side.

The look's broken on
the other door. Sorry!

[Car engine starts]

Long live Italy!

[Clattering noise]

Oh, I should have warned you
about that seat.

I'm sorry.
Are you uncomfortable?

- Listen.

Why don't you give me
your help on this crime story?

- If you give me a hand...
- [sudden creaking noise]

with this scoop, maybe I can pull
myself out of the human pollution.

Are you interested?

- [Click]
- What have you done?

- What do you mean?
- You didn't lock the door, did you?

- Oh no!
- Why? Shouldn't I have?

The lock jams, and we've got to
get a mechanic to open it.

- [Scratching sound]
- Oh shit!

The car's not exactly new,
you know?

- Just drive fast, will you?
- Why?

I suffer a little
from claustrophobia.


[Brakes squeal]

[Bland restaurant chatter]

[Car engine starts]

Tell me, Enrico, why do Australian
boomerang sellers go bankrupt?

I don't know that one.

Because the goods
are always returned!

Funny, don't you think?

- Is Carlo not in yet?
- He never shows up before 10:00.

Can you tell him I was looking for him?
I need to speak to him urgently.

We'll hide everything.
Everything in the house.

No one must ever know.

We must forget.

We must forget everything.


Forever. That's all.

Oh yes, she pointed to the stalls.

There, to the middle of
the sixth or seventh row.

And you can't remember the faces
of the people sitting there?

No, I'm sorry.

There were lights on us
and the audience was just a blur.

[Bardi] I must say,
on thinking it over,

I seem to recall,
while Helga was speaking,

I noticed some kind of movement

in the sixth or seventh
or maybe the eighth row.

- I couldn't say exactly.
- What kind of movement?

What, please?

I said what kind of movement?

[Bardi] I think someone stood up
and left his seat.

But of course it was
just an impression.

As our friend Giordani
has already told you,

the lights were rather strong.

You see?
You're not nervous any more.

You can even button your shirt
without your hand shaking.

Look, why do you keep on
with this "nervous" bit?

It is in my nature.
It's my artistic temperament.

What made you decide
to be a pianist?

Well, my psychiatrist would say
it's because I hated my father...

because when I bang the keys,
I'm really bashing his teeth in.

Actually, it's because I like music.

What about you? Why did you
decide to become a journalist?

Because I like working.

I think that a woman's got
to be independent, so she...

Oh, don't start with me
about all that woman stuff.

It is a fundamental fact.

Men are different from women.

Women are weaker.
Well, they're gentler.

They're what?


[Gianna laughs raucously]

What on earth are you doing?

Come on, Tarzan.
Why don't you try me?

- What's that?
- Indian wrestling.

Come on.
Then we'll see who's the weaker!

- Don't be ridiculous!
- You backing out?


That was a total cheat.
You caught me completely off guard.

I mean, if you're going to
play the game

you might at least
stick to the rules.

Mm-hmm. You too!

I mean, if you're going to do it,
you might as well do it properly.

I mean do it.
You want to do it?

- Do you want to do it properly...
- Yes!

without actually cheating?
All right.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah!

All right.

Both elbows on the table,
directly straight, okay?

- Absolutely on the table.
- I know the rules.

- And don't start till I say "ready".
- Okay.

All right?
Wait... wait... wait...





[Table creaks]

[Grunting, straining]

That was an absolute...
elbow off the table!

That is a total
and absolute cheat!

- A total cheat! Why, it's just...
- All right, all right.

- That's bloody ridiculous. You're a...
- You are a big... strong... male. I give up.

So, where do you say
we go now?

Go where?

We are not going anywhere.

If anyone is going anywhere,
I am going by myself.

Oh, yeah!

I'm going to see a friend,
that's where.

I have things to do, you know.
I can't stand around here all day

playing stupid bloody games.

I'm following up
an important lead,

and don't ask me what it is,
because I'm not about to tell you.

But listen, don't be angry now.

- I can go with you, can't I?
- No.

But listen, we decided
to work together, no?

No. It seems that there are
some things which

you just cannot do seriously
with liberated women.

So, I am going on my own.

Listen, have it your own way, stupid!

I'll carry out my own investigation,
and we'll see who comes out on top.

What is that?
Another game of Indian wrestling?

Yeah. In a way.

Okay. So when will I see you again?



How about later tonight?

- What time will you be back?
- I don't know.

I'll try to call you.

Okay. But I'll tell you again
that I don't...

If you don't want to, just say so.

I was just trying to say that
I don't know what time I'll be back.

All right.


Tell me the truth.

Do you find me so unattractive?


So, what's wrong, then?
My scent? What?

Nothing at all, why?

Oh, nothing. I was just wondering.


Er... yes, I'm, er... Marcus Daly.
I'm a friend of Carla's.

Oh please,
won't you come in?

I know who you are.
Carlo's told me all about you.

You're an engineer?

No, no. I'm a pianist.
I teach at the conservatory.

A pianist?
Come in, won't you? Come in.

Now, what can I offer you? Would you
like some coffee, or perhaps a little...

No, thank you, no.
I actually came to see Carlo.

He wasn't at the bar, he was...

It was a liqueur, wasn't it?
Would this...?

Oh, how silly of me!
I'll just run in and make some coffee.

- I won't be a minute.
- No, really.

I don't want anything.
I just want to talk to Carlo.

Oh, well that's no trouble.
Carlo! Carlo!

Oh, I can't think today!

My boy's gone out. He told me
he was going out, and I forgot.

But come here, Marc.
Come and talk to me.

Sit here.
There we are.

Tell me something about yourself.
Do you like engineering?

- No. I am a pianist.
- And I'm an actress.

Or I mean I was an actress.
That's me in all those photos.

Oh, I had so many good parts.
Do you like them?

[Marcus] Yes, I just wish
I'd had the opportunity to see you.

It's better in the past.
When I first married Carlo's father...

of course, Carlo wasn't born then...

he made me give up acting,
at the height of my career.

Now, it's all gone.
It's just those photos.

But that's water under the bridge.
I console myself by playing the piano.

- Do you play the piano?
- I'm a pianist.

Oh my, what a
magnificent combination!

An engineer-pianist!
Listen, couldn't we play a duet?

No, really. Unfortunately,
I just don't have time.

But I would very much like
to speak to Carlo.

It's very urgent.
Do you know where he is?

Why yes, of course,
he wrote it down for me.

He said the house of...

someone called Ricci.
Here it is!


I'm looking for Carlo.

His mother gave me this address.
Is he here?

Yes, yes. Come in.

Thank you.

[Door shuts behind him]

You don't know how ill he's been.
I wish I knew what's come over him.

He's in a bad way.

See. He's been like this
for over an hour.

He started drinking, as usual.

Maybe more than usual.
Then he started talking nonsense.

Oh, look who's here.

Caught me red-handed, huh?

Good old Carlo.

He's not only a drunk
but a f*gg*t as well.

Surprise, surprise!

[Marcus] Come on, come on.
Pull yourself together.

But I already told you, you won't
last long if you drink so much.

And I told you, who wants to last?

The liver is gone,
and so are the intestines.

Come on, try to get up. Put your head
under a cold tap. It will do you good.

Then I'll take you out
for some fresh air.

I love that guy.
But he's such a downer.

- He drinks and drinks...
- [Toilet flushes]

and then he starts talking
a lot of nonsense.

I think he's really cracking up.

He said he wanted to make love,
and then he wanted to go away.

And then he wanted to sleep.

He kept getting worse.

And then he started screaming.
I was about to call a doctor.

I'll make some coffee.

No, it's late already.

I need to go, or else this time
the Blue Bar will sack me for good.

You coming with me?



for before.

Don't be silly. Call me, huh?

Good bye.

- Why'd you come looking for me?
- I wanted to ask you something.

You remember the other night,
the night of the m*rder?

I said I'd thought I'd seen
a painting in that house.

But a few minutes later
it was no longer there. You remember?

- Vaguely.
- Got a light?


You said that maybe the painting
represented something important.

You said a lot of things
about memory and truth.

A lot of things I didn't really
understand at the time.


I remember, but...
for God's sake don't ask me now

what point I was trying
to get across.

I remember about every tenth word
after a drunk like that, you know.

Hey, listen to me.

Why don't you just pack up
and clear out?

What are you doing messing around
with this business anyway?

Can't you see the guy's crazy?
A maniac?

Anyone who'd commit
a crime like that...

is sick.

I'm just fascinated
by the whole thing, you know?

- [Carlo laughs]
- In a morbid, morbid kind of way.

But, but, but, listen.
Just listen to this. Just listen to me.

That painting was definitely there.
I did not invent that.

And maybe that's
something important.

So now... it's become
a kind of a challenge to my memory.

- A challenge.
- Challenge, challenge.

I challenge myself...

and I always lose.
But then I'm not you.

I mean, if I ever got the bug
to do what you're trying to do,

I'd end up getting m*rder*d myself!

[TV news] ...police spokesman
said later that the arrest

of the kidnappers
was imminent.

In another report from police
headquarters, there is still

no further news on the m*rder of
German mind reader, Helga Ulmann.

Police are concentrating
their investigation

on a person who was seen
leaving the scene of the crime

by an English pianist, tenant of another
apartment in the same building.

According to
one newspaper report,

this important eyewitness can identify
the mysterious night visitor.

♪ [Boogie-woogie piano]

Carlo should be careful.

If they find out he's a good pianist,
they'll get rid of him for sure!

♪ [Solo piano noodling]

[Car door shuts in the distance]

[Car engine starts]

♪ [Solo piano continues]


♪ [Piano continues]


♪ [Piano continues, faintly]

[Door or window slams]

♪ [Piano continues,
more hesitantly]

♪ [Piano returns to original theme,
much more confidently]

♪ [Childish chanting,
faintly in the distance]

♪ [Chanting much louder,
with tinkling accompaniment]

♪ [Chanting faint again]

♪ [Chanting suddenly stops] ♪

♪ [Piano recommences]

[Floorboards creaking]

♪ [Piano in distance,
getting louder]

[Creaking stops]

♪ [Marcus continues playing]

♪ [Marcus continues playing,
with one hand]

[Telephone rings]

I don't know who you are,
but you've got to help me.

- Marc? It's me, Gianna!
- Gianna. [Sigh of relief]

[Deep voice]
This time you're safe.

- [Gianna] Hello? Hello?
- [Voice] I'll k*ll you anyway,

- [Voice] Sooner or later...
- [Gianna] Hello?

- Marc?
- Hello?

- What is it? Hello? Hello?
- Listen, Gianna! Gianna!

There's somebody in the house.
Absolutely trying to k*ll me, you know?

- Do you want me to call the police?
- [Thumping sound]

- Hello? Hello?
- Just wait there. Wait a second.


♪ [Instrumental version
of children's chant]

Well, that's it, all right.

That's the same song
that I heard last night.

And if I remember correctly

you told me that Helga had said

she'd heard a child singing
that day in the theater.

That's right, and this little song

may be very well the
leitmotif of the crimes.

You see, we're starting from what I
presume to be a correct supposition.

The m*rder*r is
a schizophrenic paranoid.

Anyone who kills with such frenzy

surely does it in a state
of temporary madness.

Well then, in everyday life,
this person could appear quite normal.

As normal as you or I,
or anyone else.

And when he kills, he must recreate
these specific conditions

which will trigger the release
of all his pent-up madness.

A particular time and day
of the week, even clothing.

Something that recreates
the same images

that frame a context
that provoked trauma in the past.

I'd like to add something
much less scientific

to this business
about the children's song.

If you recall,
Helga also mentioned a house,

as well as a child singing.
And, well...

I remember having read a little book,
quite some time ago, on folklore.

I think the title was The Modern Ghost
and the Black Legends of Today

The author spoke
about a haunted house

from which the neighbors could
sometimes hear singing,

like that of a child.

The conjecture is that
an act of bloodshed

was once committed in that house.

Do you have that book?

Oh no, but if you want to find it,

you might try the Library
of Folklore and Popular Traditions.



"In a house near Rome,
a strange thing happened.

"One night,
a hunter woke before dawn

"and heard a child singing
in a high shrill voice.

"Soon after, the voice stopped
and he heard screaming and weeping."


[Audible tearing]

[Sinister wind]

[Wind getting louder]

[Strange childlike cries]

[Wind and cries
getting louder]

- [Abrupt cut to café noise]
- No, nothing

Nothing except
what Bardi told me.

No name, no address...

- Well, what are you going to do?
- [Typewriters, telephones]

The author.

I want to get hold of her.

Listen, will you write down her name?
Her name is, er...

- Amanda Righetti.
- Wait.

Righetti. You got it?


- [Hiss of steam]
- Jesus Christ!

What the hell?

What the hell did you
want to do that for?

Putting a bloody machine
next to here?

- What's the matter?
- Nothing, nothing.

Will you try and find her for me?
The name is Righetti.

I mean, she must know
where the house is,

and she's probably got some
other information too.

[Pinball machine sounds,

Look, I'll call you back. I'll call...

I can't hear!

- [Hissing steam]
- The address!

Look, can't you just leave that alone,
for Christ's sake?

♪ [Main Deep Red theme plays
over silent footage]

♪ [Emphatic chord]

♪ [Emphatic chord]

[Amanda Righetti] Please remember
the birdseed tomorrow morning.

You don't need to worry, Miss Amanda.

They're mynah birds.
Well, I don't know...

I guess I don't understand.
They don't just cheep, do they?

They whistle. They imitate
the washing machine, the television,

even our own voices.

Oh, it's like having a madman
in the house!

They scare me.

- Well, goodbye.
- See you tomorrow.


[Gate creaks]

[Door shuts]

[Mynah bird tweeting]

[Sudden squawk]

[Vehicle drawing up outside]


[Door slamming elsewhere]

[Repetitive banging]

[Door locked]

[Sinister wind,
faint children's cries]

[Wind and cries continue,
with faint tinkling music-box]

[Wind, cries and tinkling
drown out all natural sound]


[Bird squawks]

[Wind and cries continue]

- [Light switch click]
- [Gasp]

[Repeated clicking
of light switch]

[Wind, cries and music box


♪ [Children's chanting]

That house.

The ghost of that house.

[Sudden silence]


[Loud squawking]

[Brief scream]

♪ [Suspenseful music]

[Thud, followed by scream]


[Sound of running water
now dominant]

♪ [Music stops abruptly]

[Struggling, splashing,
stifled screaming]


[Running water stops]


[Window rattles]

[Howling wind]

[Insects chirruping]

[Dogs barking]


♪ [Repetitive arpeggios]

♪ [Music gets louder]

♪ [Music gets quieter]

[Gianna] You have two choices.
You can either flee to Lebanon...

[Marcus] Or I can try to find out
what's going on as soon as possible.

How long will the police take
to find me?

Did you take a taxi to Amanda's?

[Marcus] No, a rental car.
Why haven't you fixed this seat?

- I feel silly sitting so low down!
- I forgot. Sorry.

They'll find you by your fingerprints.

I bet you left
them all over the house, right?

It would take another Florence flood

- to wipe them clean!
- [Gianna laughs]

Say they find
the body tomorrow morning.

They'll check the prints
against the usual suspects.

It'll take them
a while to connect both murders,

but in the end they'll be after you.

You only have
a couple of days. It's not long.

No, it's not.
But first, I have to find this.

What a nice house. It looks strange.
Do you know where it is?

I wouldn't have to
look for it if I knew!

- So, what are you going to do?
- I'm not telling you.

It seems like
everything here has ears.

How could the k*ller know
I was coming here?

I have no idea.

One thing's for sure.
I'm not telling anyone my next move.

This is so unbelievable!
You're so nice!

Hey, darling,
I hope you don't think that I'm...

Listen, I'm doing this to protect you,
to keep you out of danger.

- I promise, as soon as I...
- Blah, blah, blah!

I swear, as soon as I discover
something, I'll tell you.

Why don't we stop
this stupid childish competition?

We should be working together.

You know,
two brains are better than one.

Just where do you women
keep your brains?

Let's be honest.
Women have brute force,

you beat us at arm wrestling, but men
have the monopoly on intelligence.

- Have I made myself clear?
- Yes, very clear.

At last.

- ♪ [Romantic music]
- A little drink?

I have Anisette,

Sambuca, Caffé Borghetti.

Don't you have anything less sickly?

Whisky? Cognac?

Yes, that's better.

We'd be more comfortable
at my place, don't you think?

Maybe, but we're fine here.

Yes, but I think it would be better
at my place.

Okay, let's go.

[Car engine
sputters into life]

♪ [Marcus whistling]

Who do you think you are, idiot?

I've never met a man
as arrogant as you!

You must have been spoiled rotten
by women!

Anyway, it's because I don't have
a boyfriend right now. That's all!

You've got such a big head.

- Oh, damn.
- What's wrong?


♪ [Romantic music continues]

Yes, it's a dracaena indivisa.

[Man] Yeah, sure. It's a dracaena indivisa, that's what it is.

You won't find it here.
It grows in the Canary Islands.

It's highly delicate, and suffers
if exposed to cold.

I don't believe anyone imports it.

You'll find it just too hard
to get it rooted.

No, sir.
Never handled it myself.

- Well, thank you.
- No, never.

- Yes.
- Are you sure?

But it was a long time ago.

I remember because we had a
special order of about a dozen

from the Canary Islands.

Unfortunately, most of them died
in the first couple of years.

The climate isn't
humid enough for them.

In fact, they were so unsuccessful,
that was the last time I tried.

[Marcus] Do you think you could
tell me who ordered them?

[Man] Well, I guess I could
look up the old invoices.

Why do you want to know?

[Marcus] I'm an architect. I'm making
some environmental studies.

Well, let's see what we can find.

[Captain] Where's my bottle? Spit out
my bottle, for Christ's sake! Damn you.

Captain, finally!
I've been looking for you for an hour!

What do you want?
Does no one check these machines?

They do, but they steal the drinks.

Of course!
This place is full of thieves!

- Sorry, sir, but you're not thinking.
- Not you, idiot.

So, are you doing overtime?

Yes. The strike's been called off
for now.

Our requests
are examined by the Ministry.

- But we're planning a sit-in.
- What are you planning?

A protest sit-in.
We all gather outside in the courtyard

and stay there
for one, two, four hours...

- What did you want to tell me before?
- I almost forgot.

The chief is here
and he insists on speaking to you.

Oh, crap!

Hello? Is that Professor Giordani?

This is Marcus Daly. I need
to talk to you. It's very important.

No, I'd like to see you right now,
if possible.

Amanda Righetti was m*rder*d.

[Football commentary]

[Marcus] She was pointing at the
mirror with her finger.

It didn't look natural to me.
The index finger of her right hand,

It was as if she was trying
to point something out, you know?

♪ [Opera aria]

Do you think they've discovered
the body by now?

I would have thought so.

Assuming it wasn't your
imagination just working overtime...

In any case, I'll go over there
and have a look.

[Dogs growling]

♪ [Suspenseful music]


♪ [Music fades] ♪

Well, this used to belong
to a guy called Schwartz.

Where is he now?

He died. German, a writer.
Odd sort of fellow.

He bought the place in '63, I think.

Before that,
it was empty for a long time.

I don't know, but apparently
it was full of ghosts.

Schwartz, he never
heard those stories.

He just thought the price was right,
so he bought it.

And who lived there before?

[Caretaker] I can't help you there.
It would be more than 20 years ago.

Before my time.

This writer, Schwartz.
How did he die?

It was an accident, poor bastard.
He fell out of a window.

It was me that found her, you know.

This morning, very early,
at 8:00,

when I came to do
the cleaning, like always.

Oh, I... I nearly
died of fright, you know.

Then the police! They kept me for
hours asking me all sorts of questions.

But what could I tell them?
I mean, what do I know?

Just think, it hasn't been half an hour
since they took out the body!

Poor Amanda.
Who could have done it?

A maniac, who else? It's always
a maniac and they never catch them!

Where was she found?

In the bathroom.

Come, I'll show you.

There's all that blood.
All over the place.

I'm going to try and
clean it off now.

But I'm getting out of here
before it gets dark, you know.

Oh, such a mess everywhere!

[Phone rings]

Oh, excuse me.

Hello? Oh, it's you.

How should I be,
with what I've been through today?

No, no. They've gone.


[Running water
gets louder]

[Snapping sound]

Of course,
I told him everything!

[Running water
drowns out phone conversation]


What are you doing? You're
running out all the hot water!

I just wanted to find out...

- who the m*rder*r was.
- With hot water?

Hot water.

You didn't hear if the police
found anything? I mean...

No, just a doll.

And I heard them talk
about a child.

But of course.

A child.

That's right.
Thank you.

[Snapping sound]

My daughter will go with you.
I ain't got time right now.

If you've got any questions,

you can ask 'em when you
bring the keys back.


Come back here this minute!

- What is it?
- You little witch.

I told you not to do that again!

Now off you go!
Go on!

[Olga laughs]

- What did you do?
- Nothing. Don't pay any attention.

My father's just a little crazy.

[Keys jangling]

[Gate creaks open]

[Gate creaks shut]

I'll bring you the keys back later.

- Be careful, huh?
- What?

- There are ghosts in there!
- Ghosts?

Everyone around here
says there are.


♪ [Music, with an
insistent bassline]

♪ [Music continues,
with no natural sound]

♪ [Music abruptly stops
with a clatter of glass] ♪

[Door creaks open]

♪ [Music starts again,
bassline upfront]

♪ [Music continues,
with heartbeat-like beat]

♪ [Music fades out,
leaving just the heartbeat]

♪ [Heartbeat stops] ♪
[Footsteps crunch on gravel]

[Window creaks
and slams shut]

♪ [Heartbeat starts again]

♪ [Main Deep Red theme
suddenly starts playing]

♪ [Music stops] ♪

[Splashing water]





glass pane shatters]


[Door creaks open]

Mr. Daly!

- Mr. Daly!
- Yes?

Is anything wrong?
We didn't see you come back.

No, I'm just leaving now.

The place is dangerous at night.

The lights got turned off
a couple of years ago, and....

You're coming down now, huh?

What kept you so long?

Hey, you're bleeding.
What's the matter?

[Marcus] Nah, it's nothing.
It's just a scratch.

A bit of glass fell on me.

[Caretaker] I did warn you.
The place is falling apart.

[Plaster falls out of the wall]

[Slow footsteps]

[Hissing, clanking]

[Phone ringing]

[Phone replaced
on cradle]

[Drink being poured]



[Labored breathing]

[Sinister whisper]

♪ [Pounding music]

♪ [Music abruptly stops] ♪

[Door opens, followed by
creaking wheels]

[Sinister, child-like

♪ [Music starts again]

[Giordani laughs hysterically]

[Percussive crash,
followed by groan]

[Repeated heavy blows,
splintering sounds]

♪ [Music stops] ♪

- [Marcus] Hello, Gianna?
- Hi Marc. Having fun?

I'm having a ball.
I finished two crossword puzzles.

Well, I have a tough puzzle
to solve here.

They k*lled Giordani
not long ago.

The neighbors called the police.
They heard screaming.

- What happened there?
- Nothing, it's just a scratch.


Seriously, I have to admit I don't
know what's going on right now.

This son of a bitch knows everything!
He knows every move in advance.

Sorry, but I don't remember
where you said I should flee to?

- Lebanon.
- Yeah, right.


But I'd have to fly to get there
and I'm scared of flying.

It's nothing to be nervous about.

Just think you'll be landing soon,
one way or another.

Thank you.

How about we take the car
and drive to Spain?

We? You mean that I can come too?

- Yes, if you'd like to.
- Of course I'd like to!

We'll have a fantastic holiday!

Sun, sea, bullfights, parties,
flamenco... How does it sound?

Sure, of course.
I suggested it, after all.

I don't know about you,
but I'm on the verge of a breakdown.

There's no point staying here
and talking about it.

Come on. Let's not waste any time.
You go back home and pack.

I'll be back in an hour!

We'll have to rent a car,
because mine isn't good for long trips.

I know.

I love you! Wow!

And who's this?

An old girlfriend.
Her name is Carol.

- From Rome?
- She's American. She lives in Paris.

You used to go for vamps, then?
You like super sexy women.

Bye bye!

♪ [Syncopated blues beat] ♪

♪ [Music stops] ♪

♪ [Final musical flourish] ♪

Hello? Hello, this is Marcus Daly.

- Oh, the engineer.
- No, the pianist.

I wonder if I could speak to Carlo?
Is he home?

No, my boy's just gone out.

But you could come over
and wait for him, if you like.

We had such a lovely
chat last time.

And besides, you haven't
seen my scrapbook yet.

- Shit!
- What was that? Hello?

Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry.
Nothing, nothing. Bye.

[Phone replaced]

Why did I not notice that before?


[Rattling chain]

[Door creaks open]


The window.

It's missing.
That's right.

[Footsteps crunching
on gravel]

[Footsteps echoing]

[Insects chirruping]

crumbling masonry]

Made it!

[Breaking glass]

♪ [Dramatic music]

♪ [Music gets faster]


♪ [Rhythm section stops,
leaving electronic whistling sound]

♪ [Rhythm section starts again]

♪ [Music continues,
swamping natural sounds]

♪ [Drum solo]

♪ [Drums give way
to throbbing bassline]

♪ [Electronic chirruping
over the bass and drums]

♪ [Music getting louder]

♪ [Cymbal crash]

[Sudden thud]

Forget it. It's too late.

What happened?

I found your note
and came straight here.

I saw a reddish light
in one of the windows.

So I rushed upstairs,
and found you lying near the flames.

A minute or two longer, and
you'd have been a roast duck, baby.

It's all lost.

There was a body,
in, er...

in a walled-in room.

[Fire crackling]

Yes, 27 Viale Susa. My name is
Gianna Brezzi, I'm a reporter.

Yes, of course.
Please get here as soon as you can.

Hello? Yes, Fire Department?

There's a house on fire.

This number?
Please, one second.

- [Caretaker] 831-4726.
- [Gianna] 831-4726.

Yes, two-six.

[Caretaker] How did it get
started in the first place?

That's what I'd like to know.

You think it was a ghost?

- Who gave you this?
- I did it.

Now that's impossible!
You couldn't have seen it!

Who gave it to you?
Where did you see this, huh?

You heard what she said.

She invented it herself.
She's like that.

Just loves to do horrible things.

If you could just see
what she does to lizards!

That may be true, but she couldn't
possibly have invented this!

How could she?
It's identical!

I saw it at school.

Go on, now you tell me where
you got this. Just tell me.

One day, to punish me,
they made me clean up the archives.

And there were lots of drawings,
from all the old classes,

and there was one like this.

All right, what school?

Near here.
The Leonardo da Vinci School.



[Breaking glass]

[Running water]

♪ [Bassline-heavy music]

[Metal bucket clattering]

[Gate creaking]

[Gate creaks shut]




♪ [Music continues]

[Gianna] Wow.
There must be a million! Great.

[Marcus] Yes, but they'll all be
divided according to year and subject.


Should be somewhere here.

Ah! See?



♪ [Music develops
heartbeat rhythm]

- What is it?
- Didn't you hear that?

No, what was it?

I don't know.
I just heard something.

[Gianna] Listen, you keep at it.
I'm going to take a look.

What do you say I call the police
and tell them we're here?

Yeah, okay.


[Sinister whisper]

- ♪ [Suspenseful music]
- Gianna!




[Creaking chalkboard]

♪ [Music increasing
in volume and intensity]


- Marc, help me. Help me.
- [Marc] Oh my God!

Gianna! I...



All for a lousy story!

You know who it is?

Yes, I know.

I found the drawing.

[Caretaker] It's not far.
You can't miss it.

It's got the name over the door.
Leonardo da Vinci.


It's no use hiding.

I know who you are.

I read the name.


I got here late.
Too bad.

So now what are you going to do?

k*ll you.

I'm sorry because I like you.

But I have to k*ll you.

I told you to stay out of it.

Pack up and clear out, I said!

Why didn't you listen to me?

Are you stupid or something?

Don't you realise it's all your fault?

You're just so damn stubborn!

If you hadn't meddled,
stuck your damn nose in at all...

breaking glass]


God Almighty!
He could have k*lled you!

Hey! He's over there!
By the wall!

You! Hold it!

[g*nsh*t, ricochet]

[Multiple g*nshots]

[Loud vehicle noise]

[Loud thud]


[Sickening thud]

[Squealing brakes]


- Don't worry. She's much better.
- When do you think she'll come round?

Not before morning.

It was a very difficult operation,
but 100% successful.

Fortunately, she's a strong girl.
There was no problem.

♪ [Dramatic orchestral music]

♪ [Pounding timpani]

No, it's impossible.

He was with me when Helga was k*lled.

It couldn't have been him!

He had nothing to do with it.
But why?


[Carlo's voice] Maybe that painting
was made to disappear

because it represented
something important.

Something so important
you don't even realise it.


That painting...

A mirror.

What an idiot.
That's what I saw: a mirror.

[Marcus] There never was
a painting there at all.

What I saw
was the reflection in a mirror.

I saw the face of the m*rder*r.

[Shocked gasp]

Damn you! I hate you!

Carlo had nothing to do
with any of this,

and you k*lled him!

He was...

[Warning shout]

He was only trying to protect me.

Carlo never m*rder*d anybody!

It all began
such a long time ago.

♪ [Child chanting]

Now, don't worry.
Nothing's going to happen to you.

It's all right.
I'll take you to the hospital myself.

No, I told you, I'm not going
to go back there again.

I don't want to.

No-one can force me
to go back to the hospital.

But Martha, it's for your own good.
I know you heard what the doctor said.




♪ [Child's chanting
song continues]



[Lift mechanism starts]


[Horrified yell]

[Lift comes to a stop]

♪ [Deep Red theme music]