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16x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 05/04/24 07:02
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Previously on "big

Brother", devin's erratic

Behavior started to worry

His b*mb sqad allies.

♪♪ Devin is acting like a

Loose canon.

♪♪ You are a mess.

♪♪ He is having paranoid

Delusions, having devin in

Your life is no bueno.

♪♪ But when he swerved up

Paranoia about donny.

♪♪ I think he's playing dumb

Or is stronger than he is.

♪♪ You won't wear fat

Agencies unless you served.

♪♪ Devin's conscience

Started to get to him.

♪♪ My heart keeps telling me

That you were in the


♪♪ I will feel really bad if

Donny is everything that he

Says he is.

♪♪ After joey became the

b*mb squad's target.

♪♪ Joey, you know, I'm

Nominating you to be

Replacement nominee.

♪♪ Devin's replacement

Continued to worry his

Alliance members.

♪♪ It has to be unanimous.

♪♪ There goes devin again.

♪♪ Why does it have to an a

Unanimous vote.

As long as we get out the

Person we want t doesn't


♪♪ At the first live

Eviction of the summer, joey

Was sent back to seattle.

♪♪ Julie: you are evicted

From the big brother house.

♪♪ In part one of the battle

For head of household, amber

Became the queen bee of

Sorority row.

♪♪ You are this week's first

Head of household.

♪♪ In the second head of

Household competition --

♪♪ Let's go.

♪♪ Hayden and cody were neck

And neck.

But it was devin who ruled

The fraternity.

♪♪ Julie: are you the new


Devin, go ahead and take

That seat next to amber.

Which two house guests will

Amber nominate for eviction

And which house guests will

Devin nominate.

Plus which nominee will be

Saved in the battle of the


Find out right now on "big


♪♪ Lord is my shepherd and

He know exactly what I want

♪♪ Julie: I have some very

Important news for everyone.

Cody, I'm sorry, but your

Foot hit the floor before

You hit your button.

♪♪ Julie tells me that I was

Disqualified for the

Competition and I wouldn't

Be the ho had.

And that just makes my heart


As I get towards the end I

Kind of felt myself come off

Balance so I tried to lead

With my butt and my foot

Must have hit or dragged.

I wish I would have just

Taken my time.

♪♪ Julie: that means devin,

You are the new hoh.

Devin, go ahead and take

That seat next to amber.

I'm sorry, cody.

You need to step down from

That seat.


♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ Oh my god.

♪♪ I just wanted to-- I'm

Sorry, thank you so much.


♪♪ To win this hoh means

Everything to me.

It brings me back to why I'm


I'm here for my daughter and

I'm here to win this money

For her so that I can, you

Know, have a better life for


♪♪ Devin winning hoh means

Week of hell in the big

Brother house.

♪♪ This kid is a ticking

Time b*mb.

I don't know when he's going

To explode.

The only thing I can hope is

He doesn't go power crazy.

♪♪ Hey.

What did I say before this


What did I say before this


What I did say?

♪♪ I'm happy that devin won

Because he's a part of the

b*mb squad but I feel like

Devin is just going do crazy

Things like he has been

Doing the wol week.

And I don't really trust


♪♪ Oh my god.

♪♪ Hang in there bro, hang

In there it's okay.

Your foot hit the grass

Right before you hit the


♪♪ I don't know, I saw

Hayden get close.

I didn't see him like fall.

♪♪ Look at me, don't worry

About it.

Don't worry about it.

♪♪ Hi it, bro.

I wanted to see pictures of

My parent.

♪♪ My boy code is down in

The dumps.

He almost won hoh.

It didn't happen.

No big deal.

I need to keep cody's head

In the game because he's

Safe, I'm safe.

It's all great.

♪♪ Yo, we have to go out

There and be happy devin


♪♪ Yes, yes.

♪♪ High spirit, bro, high


♪♪ Who wants to see our hoh



♪♪ Yay.

♪♪ Who!

♪♪ Wait, where's alex?

All right.

Here we go.

(Cheers and applause)

Oh my god, it's amber.

♪♪ I'm so, so happy right


I can see pictures of my mom

And my sister this is all I

Wanted out of being hoh and

I've got it.

♪♪ That's like when she was

First born.

♪♪ When I see the photo of

My daughter, I immediately

Realize I came here to

Better my daughter's life.

And from this point on I

Want to make sure I play

This game with integity and

As much honesty as I can.

♪♪ Letter, letter, letter!

Letter, letter, letter.

♪♪ It's from my mom.

Devin, first of all I want

To tell you how much I love


I thank god for you every


I prayed for ten boys, god

Gave me one boy with the

Energy of ten boys.

I believe in you.

Good luck.

I love you truly, your



Hi, ambi, wanted to let you

Know I have been thinking

About you more and more

These days.

I want only the best from


I told you I'm going to

Start crying.

I have faith in you, woman,

Keep your head up, stay

Strong and I love you.

Hugs and kisses, mom.

♪♪ Oh my goodness.

♪♪ Man, that girl right

There, you know, that's the

Kind of girl I would want to

Take home to my mom and dad

And just kind of say hey,

You know, I picked a really

Great onement she amazes me

Every day.

♪♪ Gosh, I said I wouldn't

Cry on this show.

♪♪ I've been thinking a lot

About my daughter.

And there's a lot of things

That I've done in this game

That I never, ever thought I

Would do.

It's not the person mi.

And I know you've got to be

Somebody else so you're not

Here in the game.

But I just feel real bad.

I'm going to tell donny the

Truth, that I passed

Judgement on him.

And I'm very, very sorry for


And I can't let that fester

Any more.

♪♪ Haydenee, don, I can talk

To you real quick, man?

In this game I told my

Friends and my family that I

Would play the game with

Honesty and integrity.

I want to let you know that

I didn't have the trust in


And I felt that you were

Hiding something.

And so I said, you know,

He's dangerous.

I think he's a threat.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ I was the sole person who

Did that and the sole person

That pushed for it.

They didn't want to do it.

They had other people in


♪♪ I'm laying there dream

Being jelly beans an

Unicorns when he starts

Spilling the beans about


♪♪ Am I still a target for


♪♪ No.

If you were still a target

For me I wouldn't come and

Tell me this.

♪♪ I appreciate you telling


I really do.

Don't worry about it.

It's all good.

It would have been bad if

You would have judge me and

Been wrong and I went home.

But it worked itself out.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Understand.

♪♪ All right.

♪♪ Don't worry about it.

Don't worry about it.

I trust people until they

Break my trust.

But devin has already let me

Down so he will have to

Prove himself.

And he won't get my trust

Back %.

♪♪ I'm who I say I am.

I hope you learned that.

♪♪ I'm very, very sorry.

♪♪ Thanks for coming to me.

♪♪ I'm going to let the

Housemates know, just to let

You know.

♪♪ Thank you.

Have a good night.

♪♪ You too.

♪♪ Can I talk to you guys,

Can I talk to the house real


♪♪ Devin cleared things it

Up with donny.

I feel like it's time for me

To talk to everybody else in

The house about this.

♪♪ I just want to get some

Stuff off my chest.

♪♪ For sure.

♪♪ If you watch big brother,

You know whenever someone

Calls a house meeting it

Never ends well.

You don't know what the hell

Is about to happen.

♪♪ All right.

I just wanted to kind of get

Some things off my chest.

Excuse me if I get a little


♪♪ What is happening now?

♪♪ Coming into this house I

Wanted to come in here and

Play the most honest and

Integral game that has ever

Been played.

And I knew that by doing

That I may not make it very

Far but I was okay with that.

A lot of you guys have heard

Me say that the most

Important thing for me is my


And what she thinks of me

When I leave here.

And that is honest to god

The truth.

But when I walked through

That door on day one and I

Got the sense in the house

Where a lot of the greats

Have played it hit me that

The greats got to end of the

Game without being somewhat

Dishonest an deceitful at


I wanted to make sure that I

Spoke to you guys because

It's laying heavy on my


But when it came to the

First nomination, I forced

Came ebb-- caleb's hand and

Put up donny, cate eb had

Nothing to do with it.

I didn't trust donny.

I was scared donny wasn't

Who he said he was.

And it breaks my heart that

I passed judgement on donny

Without really knowing

Himment because out of

Anybody here, everybody

Knows that donny is the

Kindest man in this world.

He's the most caring, most

Generous, most giving


And he may not have a lot to

Give physically, but he has

So much to give in wisdom

And in heart.

And my heart, no amount of

Money whether it's grand

Or million dollars is

Worth compromising my

Integrity and who I am as a


And it doesn't get me very

Far in this game, so be it.

I'm not looking for


But I just want to know that

The day I walk out that door,

That I hear people clap an

They're proud of me because

I did the right thing.

That's all.


♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ So devin, that, does that

Mean you were the reason why

A lot of us were

Nominatedment because

Apparently I thought it was

Supposed to be for the

People who fell off first.

♪♪ So it wasn't going by the

First people that fell off?

♪♪ I am using the b*mb squad

To get further but there is

Just reaffirming the fact

That I'm to the going to be

Able to work with devin long


♪♪ I wanted to meet with a

Few of the key members of

The squad.

Just to make sure that we

Knew we were still on the

Same page.

I knew I put a huge target

On my back.

♪♪ Dude.

♪♪ I want them to know, rest

Assured, the squad, we're a

Team all the way to the end.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ You know what I said last


♪♪ I mean people describe --

♪♪ What.

♪♪ People describe it as you

Tried to throw me off the


♪♪ Devin had this house


Devin comes out to tell that

He was the reason nominees

Were put up.

Frankie and I told the house

That our nominees were put

Up on the block due to who

Fell off first at the hoh

Competition so straight up

Made me look like a liar.

♪♪ I guess it was the donny

Thing, that I made caleb put

You up.

♪♪ That is exactly what I


Did you get the sense I

Tried to throw him under the

Bus last night?

♪♪ It seems like-- I think

It happened unfortunately,

It just happened.

♪♪ What?

♪♪ Yeah.

That's the sense that the

House got.

They said that before you

Walked away.

♪♪ That is what she said to


♪♪ As soon as you said that

She said I guess you didn't

Nominate people who based on

Who fell first.

♪♪ You miscon trued.

I am playing this game, I

Went and told donny straight

To his face before I even

Told anybody else.

♪♪ It makes it look like

Caleb was lying to the house

About how he got nominated.

♪♪ What?

♪♪ Devin is under the

Assumption that if you tell

The truth and you're honest

In this game everything will

Be fine.

And I'm like please, this is

Big brother.

Stop telling the truth.

♪♪ If that's you what want

To do, you know I have your

Back as a human being, you

Know that.

But you also know that this

Is a game.

You know, you have to think

About everything that you

Say in this house.

Because everything has


♪♪ Oh, man, did I just make

You feel bad.

Because I know she's the

Most paranoid person in the


I just wish britainee could

Differentiate between

Honesty and game in this


♪♪ You know that britainee

Twisted my words and miscon

Trued what I said just up

Set me to the core.

At that moment I realized

% That I don't want

Britainee in the house

Because as a human being,

All I have is my word and my

Integrity and the actions

That follow that.

So at this point britainee

Has made herself a target

Whether she realizes it or


♪♪ Oh man.

I just hope my mom's okay.

♪♪ Why wouldn't she be okay?

♪♪ She's just a worrywart,

Really, really bad.

No, don't, don't.

You're going to get in

Trouble, hayden.

♪♪ I'm going to go brush my


♪♪ Here.

♪♪ I'll let you guys flirt a

Little longer.

♪♪ I don't like flirting.

♪♪ You're the master of


♪♪ Am I good at it?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ I got it down pat.

♪♪ What is your favorite


♪♪ Mint green.

♪♪ Interesting.

Was's your favorite thing to


♪♪ Don't do-- I don't do


♪♪ You don't do anything.

♪♪ I love being with my

Girlfriends and go out and

Get superdressed up.

♪♪ I'm pretty sure the big

Brother house has taken us

Back to like fourth grade.

I have a little schoolboy


♪♪ What's your favorite


♪♪ The notebook.

♪♪ Are you a hopeless


♪♪ I am.

I am very much a hopeless


♪♪ I really would take you

On a date though, you know.

♪♪ Stop.

Hayden just made me feel


I definitely could see

Myself working with him.

And I think that would be a

Good move in this game.

♪♪ I just flirt and then

That's as far as it goes.

♪♪ Yeah, exactly.

♪♪ Physically we need him.

I just don't know if you

Should be afraid --

♪♪ When nicole first brings

Up hayden's name I'm not

Sure if I want to align with


But hayden is a physical


And I think that could be a

Really good asset for our


♪♪ You know weirdoes need to

Stick together.

♪♪ Okay,


♪♪ What's going on?

♪♪ You wouldn't tell people

If you were with us?

♪♪ With you guys or the


♪♪ No, like specifically us.

♪♪ Like we want to be in

This alliance.

♪♪ It's a secret.

♪♪ I like working with

Nicole and christine, I like

Them as people as well as

Game players, they are

Pretty trustworthy people

And I feel like we could

Help each other get really

Far in this game.

♪♪♪ I will save you.

♪♪ So I'm with the b*mb squd,

I have nicole and hayden on

The other side.

So I'm either really genius

Or I am going to be

Destroyed very soon


♪♪ I'm starting to-- I

Wouldn't say lonely, because

That's not the word.

I would used to calling on

Certain people to cudel and

Curl up and watch some

Movies with me.

And feel like I am dorb --

Maybe feel like I'm loved a

Little bit.

I don't really know exactly

What it is called.

♪♪ Hey, man, I'll curl up

With you, dude.

♪♪ I know you will.

♪♪ I'll always curl up with

You, brother.

♪♪ Kuz I will cuddle up in a

Heartbeat just because I

Miss it so much.

No one was scared to cuddle.

Just the thought of holding

Somebody, you know.

♪♪ I know exactly what

You're saying.

Everything can be cool, just

Know, man, that I'm always

Going to be there for you.

♪♪ You're a good man, dude.

♪♪ I try.

♪♪ If I could sing you a

Song I would sing you a

Great song right now.

I might just do it anyways.

♪♪ Hi.

♪♪ Amber and I have both

Been crowned cohohs so we

Have to sit down, get

Together and collectively

Decide who we are going to

Put up as our nominees.

♪♪ If I had to put up

Anybody I would think about

Putting up britainee and pao


I just look at it like this

You have the head of the

Snake out of the house.

Now we need to sweep the

Body out with it.

♪♪ For me I don't want to be

Two girls because in our

Alliance we have six guys,

Two girls.

And I don't want it make it

Look like I'm attacking the


♪♪ You have to put up a guy,

That's the bottom line.

♪♪ I know, I'm not doing

Donny, I can't.

Honestly, you have it easy.

I have it hard because it's

Just me and christine out of

All of you guys am like I

Only have two guys to choose


♪♪ The only thing that went

Through my head was, second,

Damn what if we did put an

Alliance member up and that

Alliance member purposefully

Drew the comp, put him on

The block, we have the

Number to save the alliance

Number and send brittany out

The door.

♪♪ You have pov, lots of

Things that can happen, we

Get exposed during the week

An guess what, the alliance

Member is absolutely going


You said you don't want to

Put up donny, hayden is not

Going to be mad at you.

Because he's here to play,

He said it from the start.

Nicole is scared of you

Though, to be honest.

♪♪ It's too risky to put an

Alliance member on the block,

Especially if it's me, that

Ain't happening.

Time to throw somebody else

Out there.

Nicole hasn't played any

Game yet so nicole, sorry,

You're hit.

♪♪ Nicole-- talk any game

With me?

To new.

♪♪ No.

♪♪ So she is is playing a

Floater game right now.

♪♪ I want to tell you now

The biggest floater in this

Is jocasta.

If I get hoh she will be the

First one up.

♪♪ If I put up someone from

The b*mb squad as a pawn t

Could help me out and not

Make it look like I'm in an

Alliance but it could also

Come back and bite us and

Possibly send someone home.

♪♪ The loyaltiy is to eight,

Not to .

♪♪ This is a dirty house.

The kitsch sen a total

Pigsty, it looks like a w*r


Amber and I are up while

Everybody is just hanging

Out, relaxing, feet up.

And we're just going to town

On this kitchen trying to

Clean it up.

It's beyond aggravating.

And why is there hand lotion

In the kitchen?

♪♪ Is this yours?

♪♪ Oh, yeah, here, I'll take


What's wrong?

♪♪ Huh?

♪♪ What's wrong?

♪♪ Nothing, I'm just pissed

Off about like the kitchen.

♪♪ Yeah, but I think

Everybody was tired tonight.

♪♪ It just blows my mind it

Shouldn't even pileup like

That people shouldn't be

Cleaning up after other


You should be cleaning up

After your zchl I men we're

Not animal, you know.

♪♪ I'm a mom, I have three

Kids and I don't need devin

Telling me when to do the


♪♪ It's just annoying,

That's all.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ Devin to me is just a hot


And he's trying to act as if

He's the boss of the house.

And he's calling all the

sh*ts but it's to the going

To happen.

♪♪ Don't act like I don't

Stuff around here.

He's walking around like

Trying to boss people.

That could turn the house

Bad really fast.

♪♪ Our responsibilities

Aheads of household is to

Each nominate two people for


♪♪ Heads of households,

Before you are two eggs, you

Will each choose an egg,

Open it and reveal whether

You will be nominating first

Or second.

Good luck.

♪♪ I have to really believe

Strongly in what I'm doing

Right to you because with

The battle of the block I'm

Not safe as hoh this week.

If my targets pull themselve

Off, hey, I could still be

Going out on that stage with


♪♪ I think the whole house

Is going to be very shocked

When they see who I've


These two people honestly

Don't deserve, you know to

Go home.

But it's best for my game


♪♪ In is the nomination

Ceremony t is our duty as

The heads of household to

Each nominate two house

Guests for eviction.

Based on a random draw, I

Will reveal my nominations


The first house guest that I

Have nominated is-- the next

House guest that I have

Nominated is --

♪♪ I have nominated awe

Paola and you britainee.

You keep talking about how

Much of a warrior you are so

I will give you one more

Chance to throw out your

Samurai sword.

Britainee I nominated you

Because last night I poured

My heart out to the house

And right after you took my

Words and questioned my

Integritiment I don't want

To make it personal but I

Don't want somebody like new

The house.

♪♪ Ditto.

♪♪ The first house guest I

Have nominated is-- .

The next house guest I have

Nominated is --

♪♪ All right, I have

Nominated you hayden and you


I have chose you two because

You guys are very strong

Players and I didn't have

Many options because I do

Love all the guys in this

House and the girls, so I

Chose one guy and one girl.

I love you guys, good luck.

This nomination ceremony is


♪♪ Well.

♪♪ What else is new.

♪♪ Don't stress, nicole.

You're to the going anywhere.

♪♪ You take the two house

Favorites, you are good.

♪♪ Being nominated by devin

Does not surprise me at all.

Devin is definitely

Threatened by me because I'm

Not going to bow down to

Whatever devin says.

Devin wants things to be

Devin away or the highway

And I'm just not a pushover

Like that.

♪♪ You bullied the little


Right now I'm in that

Awkward moment when one

Alliance is nominating the

Only two members of my other

Alliance it this is going to

Be probably a sticky


♪♪ My strategy is to act

Really sad, basically put on

The face and then come

Competition time go hard.

♪♪ Oh my god.

♪♪ Wait a second, you and

Hayden both come upstairs,

Ask why you are being put


I promise I will give a

Great explanation and it

Will be comforting to both

Of you.

You are to the going home

This week.

♪♪ Lock at me, look at me.

You are not going home this


♪♪ How are we not?

♪♪ You need to trust me.

I promise you you are not

Going home.

♪♪ Britainee and hayden.

♪♪ Obviously he put the

Strongest players up against

Us to not give us a chance

Of being taken off the


♪♪ Why would he do that?

♪♪ It's not amber.

She's letting what's his

Face frickin's take control.

♪♪ I don't want to go home.

If I go home --

♪♪ If you go home.

♪♪ It's going take a mir ago

Told save me, like a miracle.

♪♪ I promise ou, I'm going

To take him out.

♪♪ Dude, your beast mode,

Would you have won this.

You are intellectually above

And beyond.

I understand what it looks

Like am like honestly you

Two are together for a

Reason, okay.

My goal is to see britainee

Walk out that door.

I didn't appreciate the fact

That her and joey were

Questioning my integrity.

♪♪ % This game going

Forward for me is all about

Trust and at least trying to

Be as honest as possible.

I wanted to make sure hayden

And nicole know they're not

The target.

I want them to be

Comfortable going into this

Battle of the block


♪♪ I love you, dude.


I never, ever want to see

You up on that block.

And I love you because you

Don't cause any problems.

You're the sweetest girl I

Have ever met in my life.

♪♪ I love you guys, like no

Hard feelings.

If you love us, so much,

Don't put us up.

♪♪ You guys need to trust me

And don't go around and talk

To anybody.

Don't go around and say


Trust me and we are good to


♪♪ Okay, then let me do it,


I am so --

♪♪ You're to the saying --

Pao-pao is going to throw

The comp, don't think that I

Didn't have you guys in


♪♪ Heyen and nicole need to

Know I have a plan for pao

To throw the competition and

Keep britainee on the block.

♪♪ All right, bro?

You good.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Wow.

This is-- I'm not gay but

The bond that frankie and I

Have is so genuine and

Sincere that I truly feel

Like he is my boyfriend.

♪♪ Where's frankie?

Make way for frankie.

♪♪ Dearest-- I mean he is

Just like a little puppy


He just follows me

Everywhere that I go.

We cuddle in bed.

We do meals together.

We do weights together.

We go in the pool together.

Make up dances together.

♪♪ Oh pie goodness.

♪♪ I don't know what I have

In him but it's lovely for


♪♪ Your hair smells is so


♪♪ I think frankie and zach

Are going to have a


♪♪ They were killedding in

The bad one day, I swear to

God I thought they were

Going to make out.

♪♪ I like gay people.

I'm straight and I only date

Women but frankie is just

One of the greatest people

I've ever met.

♪♪ What's on your mind?

♪♪ I'm giving you nothing

But advice since I have been


And so what I can tell su

You are not, again, a


Don't you freak out.

Don't you get all paranoid.

Now this is a question I'm

Going to have to ask you.

Would you potentially ever

Throw a comp?

♪♪ I feel like I'm the

Weakest player and I don't

Want to go home.

♪♪ You're to the going home.

This is what I promise you.

You throw the comp, I will

Make sure you are here next


I will make sure that the

Next week, so-- I want to

Keep you in this game as

Long as possible.

If I can keep you all the

Way through jury, so I can

Keep you all the way, I


I promise you, I will.

♪♪ If pao-pao those the

Battle of the block

Competition her and

Britainee will both stay on

The block and this guy right

Here stays hoh.

♪♪ You know me, I keep no

Drama in this house.

♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ I like britainee but the

Only thing she has been do

Something causing pr drama.

♪♪ Exactly.

That's my target, potentially.

♪♪ On the other

Hand-- honestly f I wanted

To you go home I would tell

You I want to you go home.

I don't want to you go home.

♪♪ Devin is asking me to

Throw the competition and

I'm not sure if he's someone

That I can trust because he

Is hot and cold.

Working with devin is going

To be a huge gamble.

♪♪ You're to the going home.

You're not going home.

♪♪ You promise.

♪♪ I pinkie swear, if you

Took care of business--

♪♪ Everyone, wake up, the

Competition is on.

Get outside.

♪♪ I hear all this hooting

And hollering and everybody

Running to the backyard.

And I'm out of it.

I feel like I'm back in

Vietnam, devin.

So I walk into the backyard

And I think I'm dreaming.

There's yellow sh*ts,

There's beer everywhere.

There's a kayak in the pool

With a keg in it.

I mean am I about to walk

Into my th year of college.

♪♪ Whooo!

Let's go!

♪♪ Battle of the block is


My nominees are facing off

Against amber's nominees.

Whoever wins will be safe

For the week and they will

Be throne to hoh whoever


♪♪ I really need to win this

Competition for battle of

The block so pao-pao and I

Will be safe and devin will

Be de throned which is

Exactly what I want.

♪♪ If I go to-- throw the

Competition I know for a

Fact that devin is going to

Keep me safe here for as

Long as he can.

But honestly, I don't know

What I am going to do.

♪♪ I was told basically that

Pao was going to throw the


♪♪ The worse case scenario

Would be that this is all a

Settup and they really do

Want hayden and I to be on

The block against each


So we got to do what we have

To do to win this


♪♪ We had quite the rager

Last night but now it's time

For the battle of the block.

I hope you're well rested.

Last night was so crazy you

Probably don't even remember

What you did.

But I've got the photos to

Prove you had the craziest

Night of your life.

Here is how the game works.

I will ask a question about

A series of party photos.

For each question photos

Will flash on the screen one

At a time.

They will continue repeating

Until someone thinks they

Know the answer and they

Will buzz in.

If you get the question

Right you will earn a point

For your team.

And you will get to assign a

Punishment to someone on the

Other team.

But beware get the question

Wrong and that's a major

Party foul because you'll

Get the punishment and the

Other team gets the point.

The first team to four

Points wins.

Everybody ready to see proof

That you had the most epic

Night ever?

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ All right.

Let's play we did what?

Question number one.

Things got a little weird

Last night.

There was even a run-in with

The spaceship.

What was written in the

Ufo's tractor beam.

Three, two, one, go!

♪♪ These photos are so damn

Pacted with weird things

That it's hard to even make

Out what anything is.

There is ufos.

There's animals.

I'm just trying to like

Focus and look for what I am

Supposed to but I'm easily

Distracted by our weird

Faces on different bodies.

♪♪ Britainee snns woo.

♪♪ Sorry, britainee that is


The correct answer was moo

With an m.

That means one point to

Hayden and nicole.

♪♪ Yes!

♪♪ You may select a

Punishment to give to


♪♪ Throw on the beer gogels

That is the only punishment

That impacts vision.

Britainee, I don't want you

To see anything.

♪♪ Britainee you have to

Wear the beer goggles for

The rest the game.

♪♪ I thought the beer

Goggles would just make me

Look silly am but I actually

Can barely see anything

That's in front of me.

Question number two, what

Animal was under the piano.

♪♪ A cat.

♪♪ That is correct.

♪♪ Nice.

Pao-pao gets the question

Right and I'm thinking what

Are you doing?

We had an agreement.

All she had to do was say

Dog, bird, squirrel.

Which punishment would you

Like to choose.

♪♪ The hang over cure,


♪♪ You must chug this hang

Over cure.

It is a special concoction

Of pizza, soy milk and hot



♪♪ Question number three

What phrase was written on

The tiger's vest?

♪♪ Okay.


♪♪ Bebe brewer.

I'm sorry, that is


It was bebe forever.

So nicole and hayden take

The lead.


♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ You can now pick a

Punishment to give to


♪♪ The canon ball?

♪♪ Canon ball, cannonball,

Canon ball.

♪♪ Britannee jumps in on

This canon ball and I see

That there is a canoe

Sitting in the pool.

As she some koch up if she

Hits her head on this canoe

I'm the first person doing


♪♪ Question number four, a

Couple of you guys got a

Little crazy last night.

Which two guys wore banana


♪♪ Paolance britainee and


♪♪ Britainee and devin, I'm

Sorry, that's incorrect.

♪♪ What, devin?

♪♪ It was devin and donny.

♪♪ Devin and donny.

♪♪ Thank you, pao, that a

Girl, I love to you death.

That is how you throw a


♪♪ That gives nicole and

Hayden a lead of -.

One more point, they win the

Battle of the block and de

Thrown amber.

Which punishment would you

Like to give to park paols


♪♪ Toss on the beer helmet.

♪♪ For your personment you

Have earned the beer helmet

But be careful, this one say

Little leakey.

♪♪ It's not stopping.

♪♪ That's the point.

♪♪ Question number five, who

Was in the trash can that

Said good old boy?

♪♪ Britainee.

♪♪ Caleb.

♪♪ Caleb, that is correct.

Britainee, you may select a


♪♪ Oh man.

♪♪ We'll do a swirlly.

I'll give it to hayden.

♪♪ All right.

♪♪ Toy do remember him

Mentioning something about

Not showering in days so I

Thought it would be perfect

For hadetone just kind of

Rinse off in the toilet


♪♪ This reminds me of high


♪♪ Dow need to wipe your

Face off.

♪♪ Ghooing the sixth round

We're only occupy by one,

It's -.

We basically need to get

This question so that we can

Win so that way we can pull

Ourselves off the block and

Be safe this week.

♪♪ Question number six, it's

Got a truly epic night

Without someone getting a

New tattoo.

What did cody's tattoo say?

♪♪ I'm just a nervous wreck,

If we don't get this

Question right then we're on

The block for this week.

♪♪ Hayden.

♪♪ Bad girl.

♪♪ Bad girl is correct.

♪♪ I'm so stoked we won this


I'm safe for the whole

Entire week.

Yes, yes, yes.

♪♪ I am still the hoh.

I'm stoked it.

It's no secret.

Britainee is my target.

My plan is to keep her butt

Right there on the block so

She walks out that door.

♪♪ Amber, I'm sorry to say,

The party's over for you.

♪♪ I'm not hoh any more,

That's okay with me.

As long as there is no blood

On my hands going into next


♪♪ Not that I threw that

Competition, I kept my word,

Now devin better keep his.

♪♪ Don't worry.

♪♪ I hate that devin remains


He may want me out of this

House, but he's got another

Thing coming if he thinks

That I'm just going to lay

Down and let him bull doze

All over me like he does the

Others in this house.

I'm to the going down

Without a fight.

♪♪ Who will win the power of


And will it be used to save

Either brittany or paola for


And without did you choose

As the final two members of

Team america?

Find out wednesday at :,

Central on big brother.