16x02 - Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x02 - Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ Julie: eight houseguests

Have moved in, and even though

Eight more are waiting in the

Wings, a head of household has

Already been crowned.

It's all part of what's shaping

Up to be the most twisted summer


Welcome to "big brother."

♪♪ Previously on "big brother":

Eight strangers began the battle

For a half million dollars.

Among them, the ground keeper.

The d.j.

The liberal.

The athlete.

The small-town girl.

And the broadway dancer with a

Family secret.

♪♪ My sister is ariana grande.

♪♪ Speculation quickly began

That more houseguests were


♪♪ There's definitely not just

Eight of us.

♪♪ So the first alliance of the

Summer was formed.

♪♪ Since we are the first eight

In this house, I think that we

Should all stick together.

♪♪ What about the crazy s?

♪♪ I like the crazy s.

♪♪ But the women of the house

Had a secret agenda.

♪♪ There are four of us.

♪♪ So is it alliance el quatro?

♪♪ Julie: houseguests.

♪♪ Julie shocked the house with

A game-changing announcement.

♪♪ Julie: just because you're

Head of household doesn't mean

You're safe.

♪♪ What does that even mean?

Through the got to be something


♪♪ The first head of household

Competition was no day at the


In the end, the broadway

Performer was a smash on his

Opening night debut.

♪♪ I just won the first h.o.h.

Of the summer!

♪♪ But the celebration was

Short-lived when juliealded

Another piece to the most

Twisted summer ever.

♪♪ A secret group of eight

Houseguests will be joining you

Inside house, and one person

From that group will also become

Head of household.

♪♪ And then she revealed a new

Interactive twist called team

America to viewers.

♪♪ A secret three-person

Alliance controlled by you,


♪♪ Tonight, eight new

Houseguests join the battle for

The half million dollars.

Plus, a second head of household

Will be crowned.

But when julie reveals the final

Piece of the head of household

Twist, everyone will be forced

To rethink their game.

And who did you choose as the

First member of team america?

It all happens right now on "big


♪♪ To pretty colors and high


Captioning funded by


( Cheers and applause )

♪♪ Julie: good evening.

I'm julie chen, and welcome to

Night two of the "big brother"

Premiere event.

Tonight, eight new houseguests

Move in, a second head of

Household will be crowned, and

The final details to this

Summer's big game-changing twist

Will be revealed.

Plus, who did you vote for to

Become the first member of team

America, the secret alliance

You'll be sending on missions

All summer long.

You'll find out soon enough.

But first, it's time to meet the

Final eight houseguests.

They have no idea that the game

Has already begun and that there

Are eight people already living

In the "big brother" house.

Before we clue them in, let's

Get to know a little bit about


♪♪ Oh!

( Screaming ).

♪♪ This country boy's going to

The "big brother" house, baby.

♪♪ Lift your head upon a little


♪♪ I own my own photography

Business which is my passion.

I was raised in israel but when

I was eight years old we moved


We're orthodox, but we don't

Dress it obviously.

It's easy to manipulate guys.

Just, like, lie to their face

And just, like, send them out

The door.

I know I will win the half

Million dollars because victoria

Gets what victoria wants.

♪♪ I'm from hopkinsville,

Kentucky, and I consider myself

To be a metrosexual country boy.

On certain days, I got my boots

On, but then there's them other

Days when I gotta get the hair

Gel out and put it through my

Hair and the next thing you

Know, I look like robin thick

Out there.

We do a lot of hunting.

Man, this guy will sneak up on

You so quick, it ain't even


This is a dead end.

♪♪ I'm originally from long

Beach, california.

I'm just coming out of a -year

Marriage, so the "big brother"

House can be the beginning of a

Whole new start.

<Span tts:fontstyle="italic">( cheers ).

♪♪ This is what life's about!

♪♪ So where are we picking?

Are we picking by the water?

I have three kids.

They're definitely the most

Important things in my life.

It can be extremely hard to

Leave my kids but I've never

Gone out and done something for


As challenging as it's going to

Be, I think I'm going to grow as

A person.

Your hair is all sandy.

♪♪ Is this really my key?

I'm going to try really hard not

To cry.

I just want to kiss it.

♪♪ "Big brother ," baby, here

I come.

♪♪ I'm a barista.

And I love it because I get to

Meet tons of people.

I know everything about

Everybody in the town.

Beautiful signature.

I am married to the love of my


He wasn't exactly what I was

Looking for.

I was attracted to chubby,

Short, hairy, tattooed men.

And I end up marrying the

Skinniest, tallest guy in

Tucson, pretty much.

I'm a brub fanatic.

Everyone is going to trust me.

I'm really nice.

But I have to kick some people


I have to get blood on my hand

Or I can't win.

♪♪ Everyone thinks I look like a

College kid but I'm actually a

Police officer.

Put your hands out, please.

Relax them.

I worked under cover narcotics

For three years.

I've worked as a dealer.

I've worked in college


I've worked in bars.

I've worked in clubs.

Anything you can think of.

Because of the things I've seep,

There's nothing in the house

That's going to throw me off my


♪♪ Oh, my god!

No way!

♪♪ You see that?

That's $,.

♪♪ Oh, father, you get the


♪♪ There she is.

I just graduated from the

University of florida, currently

I am unemployed.

I hang out, play golf with my

Little brother, and just chill.

Up top.

You're the man!

Come on, daddy!

I don't need friends because all

I care about is myself.

Count it!

They serve me no purpose.

It's all my, baby.

I'm going to lie in the "big

Brother" house, obviously, to

Win this game.

It gives me a rush.

I'm lying every single time I

Open my mouth.

I tell people how it is and I

Don't care what the consequences


I actually did get punched in my

Face for telling someone exactly

What I thought.


♪♪ Praise god, everybody.

All right, all right, all right.

I'm your minister and

Motivational speaker from the

Church house.

Today I want you to stop holding

Things in and I want you to

Release it.

I am a mother of two awesome


♪♪ Amen.

♪♪ What makes me an awesome mom

Is because god gave them to me.

I get to win money.

♪♪ I'm gonna win money.

♪♪ You!

I'm gonna make it all the way,

You know, because we got each


♪♪ I'm from long beach, and I'm

A pedicab driver.

People are going to get along

With me.

I'm the goofy, funny kid.

I'm going to be friends with


People definitely underestimate


They see the long hair.

They see my surfer personality.

But I got straight as in

School and I was on the dean's


Le won't see it comin coming and

I'm walking into that house and

Win $,.

♪♪ You got an hour.

You have to get on a plane, kid!

Let's go.

♪♪ Can I take off my qliewn

Form, first.

♪♪ Come on, guys, let's go.

♪♪ You are not ready for me,


♪♪ Toughest decision of the day,

Which flower hat do I bring?

I have so many.

I think I have to bring them


♪♪ My past is my past.

I've done a lot of things.

I've done a lot of people-- men,


But god has made me, transformed

Me, made me the person I am and

Love is love.

♪♪ Being under cover you develop

An instinct to tell when

Somebody is lying and I think it

Will be extremely beneficial in

The house.

♪♪ I wish I was packing nothing

Because then it would mean I

Could be naked all summer.

I love being naked.

I come home, whip my clothes off

And I don't care who is looking

In the window.

Good night.

♪♪ If there was somebody in the

House that was snobby and looked

Down on people that's the kind

Of purpose I don't get along


♪♪ People that annoy me, people

That talk, people that sleep,

People that breathe, and people

That live.

♪♪ I do not like pretentious


♪♪ Obviously.

♪♪ Love shoes, and I do love

Dressing up.

I think heels are a girl's best


♪♪ You got to smell good for the


♪♪ I know that showmances can be

Risky, but if I can keep it a

Secret and he's good look, why


♪♪ I might even have to spray


♪♪ First time being single in

Years, so if I have to flirt a

Little bit to win a half million

Dollar prize I have to flirt a

Little bit.

♪♪ I have my military wraislet

From when I was deployed.

I am ex-military and that's

Something you can't forget.

This is probably one of my

Favorites right here.

♪♪ Hold the beach down for me.

♪♪ Love you so much.

♪♪ Love you, too.

♪♪ Stay focused and win that


♪♪ That's right!

♪♪ I love you.

I love you very much.


♪♪ I love you honey.

You're going to do just fine.

♪♪ All right, bye, dad.

Love you, too.

I'm going to make you proud.

I promise.

♪♪ Just remember your

Grandmother is watching.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ Country boy is on his way.

♪♪ I've got my key, and this

Summer I'm going to dominate.

♪♪ "Big brother," here I come.

( Cheers and applause ).

♪♪ Julie: hello, houseguests.


As I'm sure you know, our motto

Is "expect the unexpected."

Now, you may be wondering why

There are only eight of you out

Here right now.

That's because eight houseguests

Are already inside.

And a head of household has

Already been crowned.

That's right.

Someone in the house is

Currently the most powerful

Player in the game.

Not to worry.

One of you will also be crowned

Head of household.

By the end of the night, we will

Have two h.o.h.s.

But this is the most twisted

Summer ever.

And by the end of the week, only

One h.o.h. Will be left


Now, that you're up to speed,

It's time to get you in the game

Already in progress.

The first four to enter the "big

Brother" house are jocasta,

Caleb, christine, and hayden.

Head on in.

( Cheers and applause ).

♪♪ Oh, my god!

♪♪ Oh, here they come, dude.

( Screaming )

♪♪ This is awesome!

I'm in the "big brother" house.

I've seen every single episode

Of every season and I never

Thought that I would actually be


♪♪ Hi, honey.

How are you?

You smell good.

♪♪ Thank you, thank you.

♪♪ My lord, there are some hoats

In this house.

Amber is hot.

She's sexy.

She's t got the smile.

She's got the eyes.

Amber has taken a big bite of my

Cake right now.

♪♪ Where are the rooms?

♪♪ That way, that way!

I can't believe there are all

Already eight people living


My biggest concern is where am I


♪♪ Are we sharing gidon't know.

♪♪ Oh, crap.

And most importantly, who the

Heck am I sleeping with are we

Sharing beds?

♪♪ Yes, we have to share beds.

♪♪ As long as it's not a man,

I'm good, because my husband--

But most of all, god-- is


♪♪ Can I share a bed with a


I'm married.

♪♪ I saw you and I was like, oh,

The rock is here.

I'm sorry--

♪♪ No, it's all good.

♪♪ It's like a look-alike


♪♪ I am surrounded by greatness.

I got the rock over here.

I got whitney houston over here.

I'm standing next to john


It's like this is celebrity

Season right here.

I had no idea I was going to be

Spending my summer with some

Head of household legends.


The theme in here is crazy.

♪♪ It's like a green veggie.

♪♪ The first group moved in and

We bonded and formed an alliance


I've got their backs but there's

No reason not to be nice to this

New group.

Somewhere down the line.

♪♪ May need one of these people.

This is intense, yeah.

♪♪ Julie: that leaves

Victoria, zach, derrick, and


Go on in.

( Cheers and applause )

♪♪ Oh, my god!

♪♪ Devin?

Nice to meet you.


♪♪ Thanks, bro.

♪♪ Everyone's going bananas.

♪♪ Zach, pow-pow.

♪♪ I'm meeting people this

Way, people this way.

There are conversations going

On at once.

♪♪ Cody?

Nice to meet you, bro.

But I don't give a damn about

Meeting these people.

I'm trying to get my head in the

Game because I'm leaving with

The grand prize, no matter what.

♪♪ You're so cute!

Hi, I'm frankie.

♪♪ Right when I walk in the

House I see this guy and he has

Pink hair, which is perfect, and

I'm wearing a pink dress and,ob,

Pink is my favorite color did

You check out the house?

♪♪ Did you not check it out yet?

♪♪ No.

He's super, super sweet so I

Feel like we're going to click

Really well.

Where are you from.

♪♪ Miami I'm from ft.


I love me a cartoon princess.

She's wearing pink, which we all

Know is my favorite color.

♪♪ I forgot everybody's names.

Now that the next group of eight

Is in the house, I definitely

Think that the chemistry is

Already changing, and I'm

Worried that these alliances

That we formed are just going to


It's making me really sad.

♪♪ So did you guys already do,

Like, a competition?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ I'm stepping into a game

That's already being played.

My stomach is definitely in qot.

I'm nervous.

And I have to play catch-up.

So who's h.o.h.?

♪♪ He's got the pink hair.


♪♪ Oh, okay, frankie.


♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ For your h.o.h., Right?

♪♪ I don't really understand it.

There's going to be two.

♪♪ Oh, okay.

♪♪ I don't know what's going on.

It works a little differently

This year.

♪♪ This is crazy, dude.

♪♪ How long do you think the

Eight other people have been in

Here for?

♪♪ They've been in here a little


There are already eight people

That already had the opportunity

To bond and get to know each

Other and you don't know what's

Been discussed at this point.

♪♪ I will feel like it's us

Versus them at this point.

♪♪ Guys, let's sit down and

Introduce ourselves!

♪♪ Where is the champagne?

<Span tts:fontstyle="italic">( cheers )

( Applause )

♪♪ Yay!

You can start, jocasta.

♪♪ Yes.

I'm jocasta.

I am from georgia.

I am a stay-at-home mom and a


♪♪ Jocasta tells us she's a

Minister, and I'm like what!

I don't think she's ready for

All the lying, the showmance,

People half naked.

I don't know if she knows what

She's getting into in the "big

Brother" house.

♪♪ I'm victoria.

I am .

And I'm from miami, florida.

Looking around, there are cute

Girls here.

I mean, they have the cute

Little bodies and they have cute

Little faces.

But honestly, who are we


I am the hottest one here.

♪♪ Hi, I'm christine.

I'm .

I'm just a barista from tucson,


♪♪ You're not just a barista.

I love you.

You're from seattle right now.

Christine, I love this girl.

♪♪ What's up, everyone?

My name is zach.

I'm years old.

And I'm unemployed.

( Cheers and applause )

♪♪ My name is derrick.

I'm years old.

I'm from rode.

I am married.

I have an -month-old daughter.

I miss her very much already and

I'm a part-time recreation

Coordinate coordinator.

I'm not telling the houseguests

That I'm a police officer

Because obviously a main

Nt of our job is knowing knowing

When someone is lying to us.

I'm back under cover at the "big

Brother" house.

♪♪ I'm hayden.

I'm , from long beach,


I don't surf.

( Laughter )

I'm a pedicab driver.

♪♪ Oh, yeah!

♪♪ Rats.

I don't even remember the name

Of the people that came in the

House with me.

Now, I got another group of

People I gotta learn their name.

I'm in trouble.

( Applause ).

♪♪ I'm brittany.

I'm .

Originally from long beach as


I also am a mother of three.

♪♪ What!

♪♪ No way!

♪♪ First time in my life being

Single for this past year.

( Cheers and applause )

Pretty crazy.

Lots of changes.

♪♪ That body is ridiculous!

You can't tell me three kids

Came out of that body.

♪♪ All right, my name is caleb.

I am from a little small town in

Kentucky, and I am a hunting


♪♪ This guy's going to be a

Problem for me in this game.

He's probably super daeft, and

He's not going to get all of

This, and I'm most likely not

Going to get all of that.

♪♪ Well, cheers, guys.

<Span tts:fontstyle="italic">( cheers )

♪♪ There are actually of us.

♪♪ Julie: at last, we have a

Full house, and the game is in

Full swing.

But the most twisted summer ever

Is just getting started.

Coming up, we'll crown a second

Head of household.

Plus, america, you began voting

Before the houseguests even

Moved in.

So, whom did you choose to be

The first member of team


Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

My religion.

♪♪ Me, too.

♪♪ We're raised do good--

♪♪ Are you jewish?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Growing up in south florida,

I have so many jewish friend.

♪♪ Me and frankie just clicked.

I mean, he's just amazing.

We just have the best time


Have you seen the beehive?

The beehive.

I'm super paranoid pause I'm

H.o.h. And julie just told us

There's going to be h.o.h. , So

I have to find somebody on the

Other side of the house they

Immediately want to trust.

I'm feeling pretty good about it

Being victoria.

I feel hike it's different now.

Why don't you win h.o.h.?

And then we'll have a bedroom


♪♪ I know.

I don't even know if it's the

Same competition.

Do you think it's the same one?

♪♪ I think it's the same one.

You'll get up there.

♪♪ I really like frankie, and I

Do want to work with him.

I think that we can get really

Far in this game together.

♪♪ I feel like if would be great

If it's someone that I want to

Work with.

♪♪ Yeah. I'm ready to compete.

♪♪ Kentucky, huh?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ I see caleb with his body,

And I want to figure out what

This guy is all about because I

Want to know if he's a threat to

My game.

♪♪ Kentucky people are good old

Southern, romantic--

♪♪ You're romantic?

♪♪ I'm very romantic.

♪♪ Really.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ You look tough because you're


♪♪ What's your vibe about these


♪♪ I feel like everyone is being

Nice but I'm a very straight-up


♪♪ Me, too.

♪♪ I'm from new york so I say

How it is.

♪♪ I'm trying to feel everybody


I read people so well.

♪♪ Do you think you're going to

Win the h.o.h. Competition or do

You want to?

♪♪ I think I'll win it.

♪♪ Do you want to, though?

♪♪ I don't know nothin'.

It is not in my d.n.a. To throw

A competition.

You know, it's part of my

Strategy to come in here and be

A lion and be vicious and roar.

♪♪ Yeah, but you have a really

Good-- like, you're very strong

Minded and that's, like,


♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Caleb is cocky.

Caleb is a beast.

Caleb is intense.

And this guy worries me.

He's definitely going to try to

Knock the other big ego in the

House, and that would be me.

And, yeah...

♪♪ This is just insane.

♪♪ This is crazy.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ That we're here.

♪♪ I can't believe this.

♪♪ We have to do, like, a couple

Of ice breaker stuff.

♪♪ I can be a cricket.


( Making cricket sound ).

♪♪ Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

♪♪ That's a cricket.

♪♪ How do you do that?

♪♪ I'm not just whistling just

To be whistling.

What I'm doing is, I'm


♪♪ I can do it, too.

♪♪ During a basketball game--

Time out.

♪♪ Yeah, not even close.

Not even close.

Can't even get it.

♪♪ I don't want people to say

Donny is good at the game.

I want them to say donny sure is


That's making me less of a

Target for these dominant


♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Are you excited?

♪♪ I'm as excited there are

Other people with kids in the


My daughter being so young,

There are a lot of milestones

That will transpire that I'm not

Going to see.

♪♪ Definitely.

♪♪ It's bittersweet.

♪♪ Look at the sunset.

Look at the stars.

♪♪ Eel be looking at the same


♪♪ And they'll be be in your


It's nice to go to somebody else

Who has children and relate.

Because some of these people

Might not want to hear about


This is a once-in-a-lifetime

Opportunity and I'm not playing

This game for the fame or the


I'm playing to win the money and

Provide a better life for my

Wife and daughter.

We all came here for different


I'm looking forward to it.

♪♪ Me, too.

♪♪ Awesome!

♪♪ You're from new york, new


♪♪ New york, new york.

♪♪ But I went to school in south


♪♪ Where.

♪♪ Ft. Lauderdale.

♪♪ Where?

♪♪ Pine crest.

♪♪ You went to pine crest?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ I know so many people from

Pine crest.

I know what pine crest kids are


I know what they're like.

♪♪ Okay, so, yes, maybe pine

Crest does have a reputation of

Being a bit of a rich kid,

Snobby high school.

Don't be throwing "j" I judgment

In my face as soon as you meet


You don't know me.

♪♪ You went to new york to

Pursue your thing.

♪♪ I went to new york to pursue

Theater and I was in "mama mia."

♪♪ What's "mama mia."

♪♪ "Mamma mia" is a broadway


♪♪ You're the most praud way

Person I have ever seen.

I'm waiting for you to bust


( Singing ).

♪♪ I don't know if zach or

Frankie have talked at this


Zach comes in super abrasive.

Frankie is h.o.h., Man.

Maybe tone it down a little bit.

Pump the brakes.

♪♪ You have the voice of an


♪♪ Thank you.

Hey, zach, maybe you shouldn't

Be pissing off the first h.o.h.

In the first conversation you

Have with him.

I guess you're making my

Decision pretty easy this week.

♪♪ Julie: welcome back to

Night two of the "big brother"

Premiere event.

Just moments ago, the final

Houseguests moved into the "big

Brother" house and learned that

One of them would become the

Second head of household of the


Last night, frankie became the

First h.o.h.

So who will join him?

It's time to find out.

Houseguests, I need the second

Group of eight to please put on

Your gear and head to the


Your head of household

Competition is about to begin.

♪♪ God, thank you so much for

This opportunity.

God, I absolute love you.

I praise you.

I thank you.

Talking to god before this

Competition is all I need so I'm

Ready to go.

I'm pumped.

I'm amped.

Let's bring it!


♪♪ Oh, look at this!

♪♪ Here we go!

♪♪ Oh, my god!

♪♪ So I walk out.

E's a tiki w*r t bar to my left.

There's a pig roasting on a


I'm jewish.

Am I supposed to be doing this?

Sphwhriewl it's time to crown

Our second head of household of

The summer.

Keep in mind whom ever wins this

Competition will stand side by

Side with frankie.

♪♪ You guys got it!

♪♪ Julie: but not for long

Because by the end of the week,

Only one h.o.h. Will be left in


♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ Julie: I'll have more on

How that will work a little


For now, let's get things


This competition is called "over

The coals."

And the concept is simple-- hold

On to that barbecue spit for

Dear life.

Fall off into the fire pit, and

Your chance of being h.o.h. Will

Go up in flames.

The last houseguest left on the

Spit will be crowned the second

H.o.h. Of the summer.

Okay, everyone, get into


And hold on tight.

Because this competition begins


♪♪ I'd really like to see

Victoria win this h.o.h. Because

I'd really like to work with


* *

My strategy going into this is I

Want to win.

I don't plan on throwing any


I'm just going all in.

I'm sticking to my g*ns.

Hopefully I will win.

♪♪ Everyone is grabbing these

Handles, which didn't really

Have a grip so instead of

Grabbing the handles, I decide

I'm going to bear hug it.

That technique almost guarantees

Me I'm not going to be the first

Person to fall off.

♪♪ You got it, girls.

Go kristin.

♪♪ Christine.

♪♪ It's okay, I know what you


♪♪ Oops.

♪♪ If we had money, we could


I never seen eight people

Spinning around on a hog turner


It looks really, really hard

Holding yourself up on that


I'm glad I didn't have to do it.

♪♪ How do our butts look?

♪♪ Your butts look nice.

♪♪ It's a rotating butt.

♪♪ Look at those nice tusche.

♪♪ I would say caleb has the

Nicest hinny.

♪♪ You got it, victoria!

Get that heel in there, girl.

You got it!

♪♪ Being on the spit is

Horrible, and I'm literally

About to faint.

I'm too pret tow black out.

♪♪ Victoria, you got it.

♪♪ You did great, victoria!

You did great, girl!

♪♪ Julie: and our first

Houseguest is down.

Victoria falls off.

♪♪ Well, victor's out first.

So that didn't work.

And now I have to figure out who

In the second h.o.h. Competition

I can work with and who do I

Want to win this competition.

♪♪ Julie: how is everyone

Doing so far?

I suggest you hold on tight

Because here in the "big

Brother" house, a barbecue isn't

Complete without a little

Barbecue sauce.

♪♪ Oh, no!

♪♪ Oh, no!

♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ The barbecue sauce tastes

Absolutely horrible.

And it makes it that much harder

To hold on.

♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ Brittany, you gave it

Everything, girl.

Good job, girl.

♪♪ Julie: brittany is down and

Out of the competition.

Brittany, you can join others at

The bar.

♪♪ It's slippery as hell.

♪♪ Caleb's clearly a beast at

These competitions.

That may ultimately hurt him by

Putting a larger target on his


That kid's an animal.

♪♪ Oh, gosh!

Hold on "p" jesus.

I'm a girl who likes barbecue

Sauce, but I start slipping.




♪♪ Julie: jocasta is down.

♪♪ This barbecue sauce is


It's slimy.

It's gooey.

It's sticky.

And it keeps getting in my mouth

And high eyes.

I can't see anything.

♪♪ Julie: and christine is


♪♪ The last girl falls off and

I'm still in complete control

But I knew going into it winning

The first h.o.h. Of the summer

Is a huge mistake.

You have to get blood on your

Hands and I'm trying to lay low

For the first couple of weeks.

♪♪ Julie: and zach is down.

It's down to derrick, hayden,

And caleb.

♪♪ You got it, guys!

♪♪ Julie: derrick is down.

♪♪ Mission accomplished.

I prove I'm a strong player but

I don't win h.o.h.

No blood on my hands this week.

Sphwhriewl it's between haden

And caleb now.

One of you is going to be the

Second h.o.h., Gentlemen.

♪♪ How you feeling?

♪♪ Wonderful.

How are you?

♪♪ I'm doing well.

Hanging in there a little bit.

♪♪ Hanging in?

♪♪ Here it goes.

♪♪ You got it, guys!

♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ I don't really know where

Caleb stands.

He seems pretty big bbut, but

I'm thinking I have less body

Weight so I'm hoping I can be

The last man standing.

♪♪ Wow!


♪♪ I'm not worried about anyone

Seeing me be too strong because

I am strong and I'm not here to

Fake people out.

♪♪ Let's go, caleb!

Hold that, baby, hold it!

Oh, my god!

♪♪ I don't care about having a

Target on my back.

I'm in it to win it.

♪♪ It's me and caleb hanging on

To this spit.

I never want to throw a

Competition, so at this point

I'm thinking, you know, I just

Have to hold on and maybe I can

Take this h.o.h.

♪♪ Come on, boys.

♪♪ I got this little -year-old

Skater boy that look like he

Can't hurt a fly hanging on.

When are you just gonna let go?

We're going to be sore tomorrow,


♪♪ This dude is a beast, man.

♪♪ Caleb looks like a machine.

I definitely want to team up

With this guy because I don't

Want to go against him.

Birch breed.

♪♪ Oh!



Hayden and caleb look scary,

Like they're zombies from a

Horror film covered in blood

Good job, hayden!

Good job, caleb!

( Laughter )

♪♪ I can feel my muscles just

Starting to give.

And caleb is hanging off the

Thing like doing disco moves.

♪♪ Julie: oh, and hayden

Dropped which means,

Congratulations, caleb.

You are the second h.o.h. Of the


♪♪ Nice job, dude.

I could have held on longer but

I am so glad that young kid fell

Off this thing because now papa

Bear gets to let gaof his claws.

Say hello to the new h.o.h.

♪♪ Julie: caleb,


You are the second h.o.h. Of the


With that, houseguests, I need

Everyone to please head inside.

♪♪ Oh, my god, we're gonab


♪♪ So I know I made an alliance

With the first group of eight

That walked into this house, but

After seeing caleb, I have, to

Who work with this guy.

I mean, he's a lion and I'm

Going to be his tamer.

You beasted that.

♪♪ Julie: houseguests.

I need everyone to please go to

The living room right now.

Hello, houseguests!

♪♪ Hi, julie!

Glail caleb, congratulations on

Becoming the second head of

Household of the summer.

Now, you've all been speculating

On how this twist will play out.

Well, it's time to end all


Here it goes.

Every week, two heads of

Household will be crowned.

Each h.o.h. Will nominate two

Houseguests for eviction.

To be clear.

When nominations are over, four

Of you will be in jeopardy of

Going home.

♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ Julie: and in a "big

Brother" first, we will have a

New competition called "the

Battle of the block."

♪♪ What?

♪♪ Oh, my god!

♪♪ Julie: this week, frankie,

Your two nominees will battle

Caleb's two nominees.

♪♪ Oh, wow!

♪♪ Julie: and the winning duo

Will not only be saved from the

Chopping block but their victory

Will dethrone the h.o.h. Who

Nominated them.

Sending him back into the pool

Of regular houseguests.

♪♪ That's so intense!

♪♪ This is the craziest twist of

All b.b. History.

It's insanity.

♪♪ Julie: that means, for the

First time ever, you could go

From being h.o.h. To being


♪♪ Holy crap.

♪♪ Great.

♪♪ Julie: frankie?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Julie: caleb, as head of

Household, you will soon be

Responsible for nominating two

Houseguests each for eviction.

I think it's safe to say you

Each have a lot to think about.

Good night, houseguests.

♪♪ Good night, julie.

♪♪ In most seasons, there's two


This year, there are four, which

Doubles your chances of going


It really makes me nervous just

Thinking about how many times I

Can be on the block this summer.

♪♪ I never saw that coming from

"Big brother."


♪♪ This double h.o.h. Twist is

So crazy, that I could be

Nominated for the week, save

Myself in the battle of the

Block, and the head of household

That put me up is back in the

Mix with the rest of the house,

And he's screwed for the week.

♪♪ I'm h.o.h.

I'm not safe.

You know, this is just freaking

Crazy that I could go going


I'm telling you know.

Get ready, america.

It is going to be one crazy


Who wants to lose for me.

♪♪ Welcome to "big brother "!

♪♪ Julie: when we return,

We'll reveal the first member of

Team america and let them in on

Their new alliance.

Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

♪♪ Julie: welcome back to "big


From the brigade to the quack

Pack, alliances have ruled this


And this summer, you will have

The chance to choose and control

Your own three-person alliance

Inside the "big brother" house.

Before the houseguests moved in,

You were able to go online to

Cbs.com and vote for the

Houseguest with whom you'd like

To form an alliance.

Well, your vote are in.

And the houseguests who receive

The most votes will be the first

Member of team america.

It's time to find out who it is.

♪♪ Oh, look at this!

Oh, my god!

Are you ( bleep ) me!

"Congratulations, joey.

America has voted for you to be

Part of a secret alliance called

Team america.

And you two other houseguests

Will work together to carry out

Secret missions all summer long.

For every mission that team

America accomplishes, each

Member will receive $,."

Oh, my god!

"It's up to you to decide if

Keeping team america a secret is

In your best interest.

You'll find out who your other

Alliance members are once

They've been chosen by america.

Good luck, and godspeed."

America, thank you.

Like what?

Say what?

, Of course, I will accept and

Complete any mission that you

Have for me.

Thank you so much.

♪♪ Julie: still need more "big


Don't miss any of the late-night

Drama on "big brother after

Dark," premiering tonight live

At : a.m., : Central,

Only on tvgn.

To find your channel go to


From outside the "big brother"

House, I'm julie chen.

Good night.

( Cheers and applause )

♪♪ Can't wait until we see the

H.o.h. Room.

♪♪ Who wants to see our h.o.h.


Who want wants to see our h.o.h.


Who wants to see our h.o.h.


♪♪ My turn!

♪♪ You're so strong!

My god, you're like a bull!
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