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16x39 - Episode 39

Posted: 05/04/24 06:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on Big Brother.

After Frankie was booted back to Broadway.

You are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Derek claimed a crucial head of household.

Congratulations to you, Derek.

You are the new HOH.

And the hit men put beast mode in their crosshairs.

I don't want him getting to the final three and winning $500,000.

But Derek made him believe he was a pawn.

We're gonna battle without like gentlemen in the final three.

You can put man if you want to.

I've nominated you Victoria and you beast mode.


In the final power of veto of the summer.

There is no benefit to me winning this one.

It was do or die for Caleb.

The only way I can ensure my own safety is if I win that golden power of veto

and me and my bros will move on to the final three.

But it was Cody who secured himself safety.

Yeah baby, let's go!

There you go buddy.


Giving him the sole power to evict.

Now I'm guaranteeing who's going to the final three

and who I'm gonna have to compete against so that I can be sitting in the final two.

Beast mode believed loyalty would keep him in the game.

We're here due to loyalty, respecting people, being honest with people.

But Cody revealed his true loyalties were with Derek.

On day two, we made a final two alliance called the hit men.

And he sent beast mode cowboy riding off into the sunset.

Caleb, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

Tonight, the battle for the final head of household begins.

Plus, Cody, Derek and Victoria celebrate the summer,

including some hilarious moments you haven't seen.

Oh my god!

All this right now on Big Brother.


Sorry, but I know that one wasn't easy for you.

You know, now that Caleb's evicted, I'm in the final three with my number one ally, Cody,

and basically my best friend in the house, Victoria.

Two people that will absolutely take me to the final two if I don't win it myself.

I couldn't ask for a better situation.

I mean, obviously, you know, he was pissed off, understandably so.

We all went through the same way.

There's no way he wouldn't.

I'm sure he didn't expect that.

Cody, you're a good guy.

It feels in his speech that he has been in an alliance called the Hitman with Derek.

Sorry, Cody.

Me and Derek have literally been working together since day one,

and he better be taking me to the final two if it's not me taking him, I mean.

I cannot believe that it worked.

Oh my god.

We came over there on day two.

Before you even were talking to me.

I spoke to you the first time.

Oh no, yeah, we were talking.

Yeah, yeah, we're not.

That's funny.

I thought we have a name.

I thought we.

We do have a name.

Brother and sister.


Blood is thicker than water.


Hey, is he mad at me?

I'm gonna go talk to him right now.


Cody thinks that he has a final two with Derek, but me and Derek are basically brother and sisters.

I am so happy.

This is the best day ever.

So I will be the one sitting next to him.

Late night time, so you're top three.


And the last girl standing.

Just gotta win two comps.

Can I win?

Some money.

Love you bro.

We're going on the national stage.

We're going to the final two, buddy.

Love you too.

Revealing to Caleb that he was going to be the one evicted tonight was probably the hardest thing I had to do this entire game.

And I can only hope that he doesn't feel like I crossed him so drastically that he would never vote for me.

You know, let me send him home.

No, I don't.

He's on this league.

See, it was us getting to be together.

Oh, here we go.

Let's do it.


We got breakfast.

Oh my God.

Look at that omelet.

Are you guys ready for this?

There we go.

There we go.

Hey, cheers.

Final three.

Final three.


This is pretty freaking snazzy here.

Is this real?

You guys thinking make it to this point?

Yeah, definitely.

I was like, I'm going final three.





I knew it the whole time.

So grateful.

So why did you think you wouldn't make it to the final three?

Well, when I first came into this house, I felt like an outsider and I've never felt like that in my life.

And when I was nominated, I thought my life in this game was over.

But then I won the BOD and I won final three.

You know, beginning of this game, Frankie and Caleb were the first two HOHs and that's when they started the b*mb squad.

They knew that they were going to have some blood on their hands.

They needed a barrier around them to protect them.

Absolutely all that.

We were right when we said that wasn't all guidelines.


There was.


I think that was a strategy and it was a good one.

I think that we can make this and ride this out to the end.

It's too early for an alliance and we're not even that close as a group.

I mean, we have, you know, we haven't even had that many conversations.

So to trust somebody with your life in this game is ludicrous.

One, two, three, four.




Those are the six guys.

One of us has the power to win every single type of conversation.


No one's going to be able to beat us, dude.

I would agree with that.

What's funny was before I even came in the house, I was like, I'm going to help form an alliance called the b*mb squad.

I love it.

I just got so excited.

Who are you in with?

You in with the dogs?

With the boys?

We're the boys.

All right.

We're no longer the boys.

We're the freaking b*mb squad.

All right.

We got a six person alliance.

And all guys alliance.

You'd be the six.


You good?

Yeah, dude.


No chitchat.

We're staying together through and through.

It was mostly guys, though.

It was absolutely mostly guys.

Devin is the one who brought Amber and Christina into it.

Me and him were kind of like, oh, eight of 16 house guests are an alliance.

That's good.

This is a huge no-no what I'm doing right now as well.

So I'm going to tell you, like, there's a guy's alliance.

That's six.

Christine is a stone cold k*ller.

She knows everything there is to know about the game of Big Brother.

And Amber, she would be the perfect smokescreen for the b*mb squad.

I know it's late, dude, but like serious talk because everyone's sleeping.

I want to get it out now.

Look, dude, we need to bring two girls into that alliance.

With the numbers, dude, if we had two more girls,

we're guaranteed you know Amber and Christine.

I get woke up in the dadgum morning.

I got boogers in my eyes, my visions blurry, and I got my boy Devin.

He bust out to me that, hey, we got two new members of the b*mb squad.

I had no idea if I was in a dream or if this was real life situation.

That Caleb, Cody, Derek, Frank, myself, you, you, that's eight.

That's it.

I have no choice but to, you know, let Christine and Amber into my alliance.

We're honored to have you.

Dude, the b*mb squad is essentially what made me new close.

It's what got us really tight in the house.


I definitely felt the b*mb squad was genuine,

but at the same time, we knew right off the bat that we were at the bottom of the totem pole.

They actually, believe it or not, they created that alliance, that hitman alliance.


Hey, man, I'm happy that it brought me close to you.

Hey, Super Pump, it worked out.

Thanks, Caleb and Devin.

We appreciate it.

All right, let's crank out our name.

Oh, God, dude, I don't even know where to start.

Dude, we should have this hashed out within 20 minutes.

If you come up with something, just throw it out there.

Brick City.

Brick City, I don't know why I was thinking of one up.

That's not bad.

The b*mb squad thought that they had everything under control, and me and you were one up on the entire thing.

One up.

Not necessarily a name, more like a term.

Yeah, if we have to constantly explain it, then it's not good.

Silent K*llers?


I like the whole, like, the quiet…


Like quiet…

That's where I'm going.

That's where I'm trying to go with it.

Silent, undercover.

How about the hitmen?

Dude, you don't see it coming.

Dude, the hitmen?

You just got whacked.

I love it, dude.

So there it is, folks.

The hitmen have been formed.

And you better be careful, because when you find out you're the next target, it's already too late.


We got this, dude.

Hell, yeah.

When the b*mb squad started, it was pretty obvious what person was a loose cannon.

Devin, all day long.

Do you guys remember when Devin called that crazy house meeting?

I know he thought he was doing a good thing, but he actually threw himself under the bun.

That was, like, the most epic night of the beginning of the season.

I think me and Frankie were actually sharing popcorn during that speech.

It was kind of funny.

You're getting ready for the show.

It was a dreamin'.

It was definitely a popcorn moment.

All right.

I just wanted to kind of get some things off my chest.

Excuse me if I get a little emotional.

Coming into this house, I wanted to come in here and play the most honest and integral game that has ever been played.

And I knew that if I'm doing that, I may not make it very far.

A lot of you guys have heard me say that the most important thing to me is my daughter, what she thinks of me when I leave here.

And that's honest to God the truth.

But when I walked through that door on day one and I got to stand in the same house where a lot of the greats have played,

and it hit me that the greats haven't gotten to the end of this game without being somewhat dishonest and somewhat deceitful at times.

When it came to the first nominations, I forced Caleb Tanner.

I told him to put up Donny, and Caleb had nothing to do with it.

I didn't trust Donny.

I was scared that Donny wasn't who he said he was.

And it breaks my heart that I passed judgment on Donny without really knowing him.

In my heart, no amount of money, whether it's 500 grand or $500 million, is worth compromising my integrity and who I am as a person.

And if it doesn't get me very far in this game, so be it.

I'm not looking for anything.

But I just want to know that the day I walk out that door, that I hear people clap, and they're proud of me because I did the right thing.

That's all.

I'm using the b*mb squad to get myself a little further, but this is just reaffirming the fact that I'm not going to be able to work with Devin long term.


Derek, when the b*mb squad started, remember how alone Donny was?

He was an absolute outsider.

He really was.

I will say this.

For Donny being so alone in the house, he lasted an awful long time.

Dude, absolutely.

Yes, he's a beast.

Sure gets lonely.

Long days, long days.

Got nobody to play with.

Eat and slop.

Sleeping on a block of ice.

Long days.

Nobody to plot with.

I guess I'll plot by myself.

I think I'm going crazy.

At least I ain't talking to myself.

I think that Donny's age had a lot to do with why he felt like an outsider.

We're all really young, and we're flirting.

I mean, talking about flirting, I mean, obviously, I know I was doing it, but it was pretty obvious, Hayden and Nicole, they had a huge flirt thing going on.

They didn't want to make it seem like they were going to have a showman's, but it was pretty obvious.

It was.

It was cute, though.

It was cute.

Oh, man.

No, don't.

You're going to get in trouble, Hayden.

I'm going to go brush my teeth.

I'll let you guys flirt a little longer.

I don't like flirting.


You're the master of flirting.

Am I?

Am I good at it?


I got it down to you.

I'm pretty sure, like, the Big Brother house has taken us back to, like, fourth grade.

I'm a little schoolboy crush.

You are a hopeless romantic.

I am.

I am very much a hopeless romantic.

I really would take you on a date, though.

You know?


Hayden just made me, like, feel good.

It looks really hot today.


I think you're the cutest girl I've ever met.

I'm happy that you're here, though, because it would suck.

I am so happy that I'm here.

And I'm so happy that you're here.

Will you be my wife?

Oh, my God!

Are you serious?

Oh, my God.


Is that serious?

I'm so happy I have a boy to cuddle with in the baby house.

You guys have no idea.

You mean with a kiss, sugar lips?

I'm finally starting to make some moves.

Nicole, seems like she's warming up to me.

Please, let me get a kiss.

Are you over right now?

No, no.

The cheese is over.

I want to.

What about the Caleb Amber wannabe showman?

That was a rough one to watch.

He was head over heels for Amber.

Caleb took, like, a hello, good morning, as, like, the world, and she was just like, ooh.

But I think we all have to agree, probably the oddest one we saw was the Zach and Frankie connection.

Zach never had a friend that was like Frankie, and so I think when Frankie was, like, all over Zach, Zach, like, loved that.



Just double.

I am not gay, but the bond that Frankie and I have is so genuine and sincere that I truly feel like he is my boyfriend.

Dearest Zach, I mean, he's just like a little puppy dog.

He just follows me everywhere that I go.

We cuddle in bed.

We do meals together.

We do weights together.

We go in the pool together, make up dances together.

Oh my goodness.

I don't know what I have in him, but it's lovely for now.


Hashtag Zanky.

I can just, like, sleep on you.

I know what I look like.

Oh, God, we're perfect.

Too bad I'm not gay, right?

I was married.

I absolutely would marry you.

You'd be having the best sex of your life.


You f***ing girl.

I love you.

Yeah, me too.

It's crazy how much I love this h*m*.

It's crazy.

You know, Frankie was definitely close with everybody in the house, but there was a point where he started lying and everyone kind of turned on him.

Zach was extremely upset, but Caleb was right up there with him.

I mean, that speech he gave before the actual battle of the block, unbelievable.

That was epic.

You excited?

We got this.

Just slow and steady, live communication.

Caleb and I are extremely, extremely close, and when I looked at him in the eyes and he wouldn't meet my gaze, I knew he was going to throw this competition.

Caleb, look at me.

Look at me.

Look at me right now.

Look at me.

You're not throwing this.

I need you.

You need me in this game.

Whatever was fed to you, just leave it.

It's done.

It's not true.

Frankie, it is true.

Caleb, I'm telling you, please do not throw this.


Please do not do this.

I don't believe you at all.

Let me have a chance to explain it to you.

I don't believe you.

I think we both know this.

Amber is gone because of you.

You lied.

And you know it.

You know it.

Right now, I am playing this competition with the guy that has manipulated everyone in this house.

And quite frankly, I just simply want to get him packing.

I want to give the house what they want and do what's best for my alliance.

So this is all about Amber and Nicole?

No, it's about more than that.

As soon as Nicole wins, you run in there and throw me under the bus.

You throw Derek under the bus.

You throw him under the bus.

You throw Cody under the bus.

All right, so you're just going to throw this?

Yeah, I'm not playing this game with you.

So what happens when you break trust and loyalty?

This right here.

I'm literally going to watch you take your last breaths and your last B.



that you even get to play.

That's why I'm beast mode cowboy.

They don't call me that for nothing.

After Frankie won the Battle of the Block, Zack was even more upset.

Zack was like crushed by that.

I felt like he was burned by his boyfriend.


I really wanted to send Frankie home this week, but he won the Battle of the Block.

Now I could be going home this week.

You know, Frankie was my best friend in this house.

I feel absolutely betrayed.

I'm hurt.

I'm heartbroken.

I'm extremely pissed off.

You've been talking about me this entire time.

That's not true.

I've had your back.

No, you haven't.

Are you serious?

Come on, Zack.

You lie to everyone, dude.

You go behind all of our backs.

Oh my God, it's Big Brother.

I've had your back this whole time, bro.

You knew that.

I've had your back this whole time.

No, you haven't though.

You're still here because of me.

You're not the reason why I'm here.

I am.

It's literally pathetic.

I'm done with you.

I've given you literally my Big Brother life on platter.

You know that.

Man, look at all these people on this wall.

You know who was fun though?


Nicole was so adorable and was America's sweetheart,

but she was a firecracker.

Remember when Nicole yanked Zack's underwear?

Dude, you're going to pull them over his head.

I think she took his man card out of his underwear when she did it.

I'm hyped up right now.

I want to drink some coffee.

I just want to taste coffee.

You know when you're in the mood for it?

Yeah, you make the coffee, bro.

This is my dirty socks I'm putting them in his mouth.

What'd you say, Zack?

I'm taking my dirty socks in my mouth.

Here, can I do it?

Yeah, try.

You've got to catch me first.

Get him, Nicole.

Hey, listen.

No, wait.

Stop real quick.

Listen, I want to talk to you civilly.

Get it, Nicole.

Yeah, Nicole.

Get it, Nicole.

Oh, my Jesus.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

She is America's favorite player.

Yeah, Nicole was tough, man.

She didn't take no crap, but when she saw those zombies in the mirror,

she was scared, man.

She got rattled pretty easily.

I hadn't seen the zombies,

but I actually heard her screaming from the HOH room,

and I knew something was going down.

It would just be better than that.




Can I watch you eat?

Why do you?

Why do you?

Oh, my God.

Did you see this?

Hiccup free.

Where am I?

Oh, my God.

Did I do that or did you?

Oh, dude, I don't want to do this.

I don't want to do this.

Oh, my God.

Nicole was tough.

I mean, she got evicted, earned her way back in,

and then gravitated towards Donnie,

and you could tell he developed an actual friendship.

Honestly, the guy had a heart of gold, man.

He was probably the most genuine guy that was in the house.

I don't want you to feel, like, sad,

because you are amazing.

How are you feeling right now?

It just gets emotional.

Like what?

Young people being nice to me.

What do you mean?

You're my best friend at the house.

And that's why I'm emotional.

These young kids caring about me,

how sweet and kind they were to me,

it touched my heart.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Oh, that was tough, man.

Donnie, you're upset now.

You see me get a little emotional.

Yeah, yeah.

This is not because of the defeat.

It's because I've got people like y'all that cares for me,

and it touches my heart, and it makes me cry.

We're going to bed.

I sure do feel sorry for Jacosta right now.

She's not doing well.

She just needs to lie in bed and hydrate.

He's exhausted.

The poor thing is not even going to be able to play in the veto competition.

Congratulations, Donnie.

You won the Golden Power veto.

Thank you.

Somebody's not going home.

Jacosta's not going home this week.

It's that cage.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

I'm so good.

Oh, eeee!

It's bad enough that I'm on the block, but Donnie telling me that he won the veto

and that he's going to use it on me made me feel 100% better.

Guys, what about me?

Do you have a favorite Victoria memory you'd like to share?

Victoria, to be honest, the best members of you are probably in competitions.

Gee, thanks.

Victoria, let's see what word you spelled.

This is a pharmacist, but no C's.

This competition is literally my version of hell.


No, no, over here.



I definitely do not know how to play chess, but at least I know how to move in a nail shape.

I have to freaking jump up on rooftops and go zip lining.

This is so out of my element.

This competition is a nightmare.

Victoria looks dag-gum straight up pitiful.

I've seen a newborn horse with more coordination than Victoria.



Somebody hate that.

We got to remember the last guy's picture to turn black and white.

My man Beast Mode.

Caleb was actually a funny guy, and he would literally judy chop me in the face all day long.

I had no idea that he was a ninja.

Have you guys seen my round-off kick?

I would love to.

It was like this.

That's beautiful.

That's all I got to say about that.

Oh, I thought that was another kick that was going to happen.


Dude, I can take your head off your shoulders.


No, please no.

Caleb literally is having flashbacks to when he was like a ninja assassin.

He is going through this house being like,

And it's absolutely terrifying.

I am a third degree black belt.

Freaking Jettly and Jackie Chan.

They don't hold a candle to Beast Mode cowboy.

I am a smooth baby.

I am a smooth.

My favorite Caleb moment actually happened pretty recently.

Please lower the outside arms.

You all right?


I am.

No worries.

We got a lot of characters in here, but I'd have to say the biggest personality in the house had to be Frankie.

Frankie's biggest moment in this house was the huge reveal of who his sister was.

And by far the most upset was my man Zach.

Oh, God, yeah.

Yeah, very upset about the fact that Frankie is a man.

Frankie was playing for a charity.

So I've been lying to you the entire game since I walked into this house.

I'm not who I said I was.

My sister is a mega mega pop star.

Shut up.

This is why.

What is my last name?

Grandy Marcioni.


Amanda Ariana Grande.

Grande is your sister.

Yeah, she's my sister.


I'm hoping that if I tell them the 100% honest truth, it will distract them and will buy me enough time to reform some relationships and figure out how I'm going to get to the end of this game.

I am playing this game for a charity that I represent and it's called Build On and I'm using the money that I get from this show to build schools in Africa.

Are you even gay?

I'm very gay.

All right.

All right, dude, honestly, I'll take what I was going to say at first.

Frankie, you've built a house of lies.

You betrayed me.

You hurt me.

I don't even know what to think anymore.

Who are you?

So he tricked me.

He tricked me once.

He's going to trick me again.

That's what I'm saying.

That's why I don't.

I don't know.

But it is extremely relevant that he's donating all his money to charity.

Does it upset you or make you happy?

Obviously, it's a strategy.

He's telling us because he didn't have to tell us that.


Obviously, all of us want the money for ourselves and for our family.

He's using that against all of us.

It's literally hit me for like a millisecond.

He's playing for a charity.

I have no chance.

I have no chance.

This kid's playing for children in Africa.

What wouldn't he win?

I don't want to win.

This guy already won fan favorite.

He's donating the money to kids in Africa.

Why the f*** is he not going to win?

Give him the money.

I'm wasting my time right now.

You know what still like bugs me to this day that we have no idea who it was?

When all of our stuff went missing.

But how epic was our neighborhood watch?

It was super fun.

You know, I do think the popular opinion going around the house was that Zach took everyone's belongings.

Dude, where's his hat?

So our task this week was to steal and hide a personal item from each house guest.

Something's off.

And then when they notice something is missing, start a neighborhood watch and keep that going for 24 hours.

Where's my boots?


Shut up!

Take the saboteur.

Take the saboteur.

My Gator shirts!



It wasn't that serious when the hats were going missing.

Then my Gator shirt goes missing.

Now it's a really big deal.

It's Victoria!

Hey, sh**t!

Hey, sh**t!

Everyone's panicking.

Everyone's throwing around accusations.

This is exactly what I need to drop the line and see if they take the bait.

A neighborhood watch!

A neighborhood watch!

A B.


neighborhood watch!

Front patrol.

Front patrol, buddy.

I'm by myself.

I was looking for her now.

It's unbelievable how everybody is into this neighborhood watch.

Cody's into it.

Yes, Cody.

I'm Batman.


I'm watching you through the night.

We knew Caleb would be into it.

Oh, so you're just going to follow me around?

Someone will.

You ain't taking no more of my stuff.

I don't think this is going to be a problem to keep this watch for 24 hours.

Want to do a lap?

Full alert.

This is so much fun watching the entire house band together to do this neighborhood watch.

There will be no thieving on my watch.

Where are they?

Where are they?

They're steaming.

I have no idea.

I think it's either you or Cody.

Where are they?

It's you!

Oh my God, it's Zach!

Zach is the ultimate troublemaker.

He's went against the grain in the alliance numerous times.

Who else could it be?

It's gotta be Zach.

It's you!

Just a minute!

It's definitely you.

It's you!

It is!

It's not!

Oh, it's you!

It so makes so much sense.

Everything makes sense now.

You took my butcher, you moke.

I wish.

I'm going to go take a nap.

You guys enjoy yourselves.

I'm good.

I'm watching him.

I need three men on him at all damn times!

I didn't hide people's stuff.

I'm not the saboteur.

But what the hell am I going to do, man?

How am I going to prove to people that I didn't do it?

You're caught.

Am I though?

You're caught.

But you think we're stupid?

Hey, if you're so smart, we're your…

We're on to you.

Dude, Zach definitely gave himself that reputation.

Any chance that he had a moment to say something crazy,

the kid stepped up.

Any veto meeting, any nomination ceremony,

the kid was a loose cannon.

There's no doubt he was a troublemaker

and he took pride in that.

Yeah, he loved it.

I've nominated you, Christine, and you, Nicole.

Christine, if we pulled out the Big Brother dictionary

and we looked up the word floater,

it would be a picture of you holding hands with Gen City,

basically irrelevant.

You know so much about this game

and you look super cute in your German tard.

Like a true super fan.

Well, you fruit looped dingus,

I bet you didn't see this coming.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Wait, hold on.

I want to say something.

I need to say something real quick.

Well, I have everyone here.

Amber, you're sitting right where you belong

and you're on your way out the door.

I couldn't be happier.

B-Smoke Cowboy has saved you twice already in this game.

He risked $500,000 for you

more than all your boyfriends have spent on you combined.

And then to top it all off, he ate a pickle.

A frickin' pickle.

The food he hates more than anything in the world

nearly threw up all over the kitchen

just so you would go on a date with him.

Do you have anything to say for yourself?


Huh, that's funny.

Because that's exactly what you've been saying to him

this entire summer.

All right, my turn.

I never liked Devin in the first place.

He hit me with the first jab.

That gives Zach Attack the green light

to come back with an uppercut, and I play dirty.

I'm going below the belt.

I might have to blow up some other people's game.

Frankie, don't go threatened.

Pow, you suck at everything.

Straight up.

It's no big deal.

It's true.

Devin, there's not an ounce of truth in your body.

So there's no chance in hell I'm going home

letting you know that now.

Every single person on this couch,

I know you're gonna vote for me.

I'm not worried.

People on this couch, I'm not really sure at this point.

Frankie, I don't really know,

but I really hope you vote for me.

Caleb, not so sure either.

But all you guys know in this room,

I'm not going home.

Devin, your personality changes with the blow of the wind.

I'm going after you.

Everyone in this house should be going after you too.


It's cool with me.

No one is ever gonna vote for you in the jury.

All he does is smile with his fake smile,

and now I'm just like ranting on about how much I hate Devin.

But you're a huge liar, dude.

You called the house meeting, crying over your daughter.

I would never compromise my honesty or integrity

for any amount of money,

and you do just that every single day soon.

Perfect, dude.

So what's your response to that?

Uh, best of luck to you, bud.

All right.



If the house knows that my only goal in life

is to get Devin evicted,

there's no way that they're gonna vote to evict me this week.

You know, guys, we gotta put this in perspective.

It's been an amazing summer.

We've had a lot of fun, and we've had some crazy surprises.

But you know what the craziest one was?

When Jeff and Jordan came through the door.

Jeff and Jordan?

What about when Izzy came in the front door?


I jump out of bed, run over to the living room.

I have no idea who's about to walk through that front door

of the Big Brother house.

The suspense is k*lling me.

Where are we at?

Are you serious?

Are you serious?

Oh, my God.

We just got a mascot.

Hi, houseguests.

My name is Izzy.

Your friends on the live feed thought you might like

an extra buddy in the house.

Are you serious?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Now there's two princesses in the house,

and I'm loving every second of it.


You're the cutest girl.

That's the best little puppy I've ever seen.

That's it?

Yeah, that's a really talented rescue dog.

Oh, my God.

Good, good, good, good.

Whoa, I love you.

This is the Big Brother house, okay?

A little bit of backstabbing going on here,

some lying, cheating, stealing.

You don't got to get in all that, okay?

I'm sorry.

I have to vote to evict you.

I've been working with a group of five people in the house,

and we're going to the final five, so I'm sorry.

I sadly vote to evict Izzy.

I sadly vote to evict Izzy.

I sadly vote to evict Izzy.

I'm going to miss you, Izzy.

Bye, girl.

What is it?

Now we've got to watch your picture turn black.

It's so soon, man.

No, come back.


It was so sad to evict Izzy out of this house,

but to get to the final three, right, I mean, it had to be done.

She had to go.

One princess in this house, and that's me.

Of course.

But seriously, guys, you know, we made it to the final three,

and that's huge, and one of us are going to be walking away

with $500,000.

That's crazy.

May the best man or woman win?

Honestly, no offense, but in these comps, guys,

you're going to get crushed.

We'll see, won't we?

The Hitman versus Victoria.

Oh, my God.


So I'm walking to the backyard, and this is epic.

We see these huge hang gliders,

and I know that this competition is going to be pure endurance.

So all I can do is think, Cody, get yourself ready,

because you're going to be up there for a long time.

What are we going to be doing?

This is insane.

Welcome to part one of the final three-part

head of household competition.

The winner of tonight's competition will automatically advance to part three,

where the winner will single-handedly choose who sits next to them on finale night.

Since this is the last HOH, everyone is eligible to compete.

Tonight's competition is called Fly High or Bye-Bye.

To rise above your opponents and win this competition,

simply stay on your hand glider the longest.

The last person hanging on their hand glider will win the first part

of the final HOH competition and soar directly to part three.

Let's get ready to play Fly High or Bye-Bye.

Yeah, baby, let's go.

The house guy saw me as a weak player.

Sorry, guys.

Obviously, I've made it to final three.

Took a lot of work to get here.

So I've got to win this next HOH to ensure myself a shot at being at the final two.

The plan is to get Derek and I to the end.

It meant sitting in the final two.

And so for me, I want to go in there and win this first HOH comp

so I can make sure I'm sitting in that third part to give us the best chance we can.

Here we go.

Here it comes.

This is the fun stuff.

Wow, that is torrential.

I want to do everything I can to win these HOH competitions

so I can ensure that I'm in the final two.

Because reality is this.

One person is going to win 500K, another one is going to win 50K.

The third person, they're not winning anything.

Crushing us.

Oh, my God.

Oh, God.


We're going down.

Who will win the final three-part head of household competition?

And who will the jury crown as the winner of Big Brother?

Plus, who did America vote as their favorite house guest?

Find out on the 90-minute live season finale at a special time,

Wednesday, 9.

That's brutal.

Take it easy.