16x38 - Episode 38

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x38 - Episode 38

Post by bunniefuu »

Four house guests are left in the game all promising to take each other to the final three.

But it's eviction night, which means one of those promises is about to be broken.

Welcome to Big Brother.

Previously on Big Brother.

After a rewind shook up the house.

The game has officially been rewound one week.

Caleb sees the opportunity to become head of household.

There you go buddy, nice job.

When he put Frankie on the block.

I've nominated you Victoria and you Frankie.

The Broadway performer worried his curtain call was imminent.

I have to win this veto.

I'm sitting up on that block.

I am sure those boys will take the shot.

With a second chance at the Big Brother freak show.

Last week Frankie smoked all of us in this competition.

So I know if I'm going to win it, I need to be as close to perfection as possible.

Frankie could not repeat his previous victory.

Wow, huge move.

I just won the biggest cop of the summer so far.

So he made one last appeal to the hit men.

What he did to me this week, the way he did it was nothing.

I'm going to try and work them over so they understand that I have a clear target.

Caleb has wronged me.

But it was not enough to prevent the Frankie show from being canceled.

By a vote of 2-0 Frankie, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

With a crucial head of household up for grabs, the undercover cop locked up a win.

Congratulations to you Derek, you are the new HOA.

Tonight, it's all about the final and most important power of veto competition of the season.

Plus, another house guest will be evicted.

All this right now, live on Big Brother.

Victoria, please try to win something.

Good evening, I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

It's day 90 inside the Big Brother house and after 3 months of plotting and planning, competing and conspiring,

Derek finds himself in control once again.

Tonight, he will make the final nominations of the summer.

Then, everyone will battle it out for the last power of veto.

The winner of that POV will have the chance to change the nominations live.

In the process, they will determine who will cast the sole vote to evict.

So who will win the veto and grab all of the power?

We'll soon find out.

But first, last night Derek and Cody sent Frankie packing.

Now, they're in power again.

So who will the hit men target tonight?

I'm so sorry I sent you home, Frankie.

I'm sorry Frankie.


You know, we were getting down to the wire and unfortunately for Frankie, you know, it was time to let him go.

Am I good?

Am I good?


I can't lie to you, Frankie.

I can't lie to you.

I can't lie to you.

Thank you.

I can't do it too.

No, you can't.

I can't look at you and do that.

Thank you.

Nothing I can say you're doing right.

It's not gonna happen.

It's not gonna happen.

You're the best player in the game.

You're the best player in the game.

I know.

I know.

Just make it real quick.

There's no doubt he knows.

You're an extremely intelligent kid.

I am.

One of if not the best player in this game.

And, you know, I think the best player in there.

The thought of mine is, I think you knew.

Yeah, I did.

I know.

You're a beast.

I know.

None of you could be sitting next to me.

I know that.

But this is what I just would like to say.

By doing this to me, you have created the most powerful person in this game.

Because when I step out of those front doors, you're reconnecting me with my millions of followers.



And B, you're reconnecting me with the jury.

And let's face it.

Who's the most convincing speaker in this house?

You're looking at the person who will single-handedly pick the winner of this game.

Shut up, Frankie.

I will.

I swear.

Do you disagree?

Yeah, absolutely.

You're not Jesus in this house.

I'm not giving you any reason why you should go tell the jury who's winning the game.

Me, not happening.

You think you're so powerful in it.

You, I will decide on who wins this game.

You won't.

You will not decide nothing.

People in that jury house have been playing with us this whole game.

They know who each individual has done them wrong.

They know who has won comps.

But you don't know what's been going on in this game.

You don't either, obviously.

Bottom line, I'm not as scared of you as you are of me.

You are, obviously.

You want my honest opinion?

If it was me and you in the final two, I'd smoke you.

I don't think so, okay.

I know so.

You're wrong.

I played a better game than you have.

No, you haven't.

I have one more comp than you have.


You've thrown everyone in this house under the bus numerous times.

I have no more comps.

If you have outmanipulated you…

You can go say whatever you want.

I just don't want to get hostile.

Bottom line is I respect you as a player.

I respect him as a player.

I respect him as a player.

And we knew all along one of us was gonna win.

But your road ends today.

Your picture is now black and white.

The correct answer is 462 seconds, which means congratulations to you, Derek.

You are the new HOH.

I'm ecstatic.

Not only does it guarantee myself in the final three…

Even if I win the veto, I'm not the guy that has to tell somebody they're going home.

Couldn't ask for a better situation.

Yeah, bud.

Thank you.

Oh, my God.

All of you, you all suck.

You said you want some, yeah.

Can I get the last question wrong?

It just sucks.

Such a punch to the gut.

I'm super pumped for my man Derek.

But right now, a lot of weight's hanging on the POV.

And if I don't win the veto cup, there's a chance that I don't make it to the final three.

We'll look at the end.

I don't know what this is.

But I'm thinking this might be from home.

Holla, Derek.

Whoa, whoa.

You bet your asterisk, Hossa.

Holla, Fruit Loof Dingus.


Oh, my God.

Say, Holla, Daddy.

Oh, my God.

That's my wife and my daughter.

She said, Holla.

Oh, my God.

Do that again, please.

That's unbelievable.

Dude, did you see my face?

I'm like, that's a baby.

So I get a Holla, and I got to tell you, I haven't heard her voice in a while,

but I'll never forget it.

That's my daughter.

And to hear her articulate my daughter's become

makes me extremely proud as a father

and makes me very excited to see them very soon.

Oh, my God.


Say, Holla, Daddy.

That's good.

That is amazing.

Oh, my God.

This is unbelievable.

And it lets us know how much closer we are to the end

and how much closer we are to seeing our family.

Couldn't have a better feeling at this point.


Thank you, big buddy.

That was amazing.

Obviously, you don't have to campaign to me.

You know the situation.

No, I know.

Going into the nomination talks,

I have to speak to three different houseguests,

all of whom think I'm going to the end with them.

I don't want to piss somebody off because that could be the person deciding

who they go to the final two with,

and I don't want this nomination to be the reason why they don't take me.

Okay, but I'm going out.

Well, only because you hate me and we have to play with the persona,

but it really doesn't matter who goes on the block

because ultimately the person who wins the veto is going to decide who goes with him.

We've been playing this whole we don't like each other thing for a couple weeks now,

so it's only natural that she goes on the block.

One of us had to win HOH.

If one of us didn't win HOH, it was a good likelihood

we were going to be on the block next to each other.

One of us was going to go home.

This is the only scenario where both of us can be in the final three.

I know.

I am so glad that this whole act, it's working

and everything is going according to plan,

and guess what?

I'm not going anywhere.

You're going to tell Cody to come up.


My conversation with Cody is simple.

I want him to know that on team Hitman 100%

and I'm essentially going to let him decide whether he wants to go on the block or not.

By letting him choose, it makes us that much more close.

What do you feel more comfortable with?

I'm not putting you up.

You say, Derek, I don't want to be on the block.

You're not going on the block.

If you're not putting me up, I don't mind it.

I'm not putting you on the block.

Me and you are going to the final two.

We just got to win this veto.

We just have to win it.

You or I have to win it because I don't want him getting to the final three

and winning $500,000 because he hasn't played the game well enough to do it.

I agree.

I'm pissed.

Oh, 100%.

So, you have to win the veto.

You have to send him home.

Beat Victoria in the final three.

We're in the final two.

They have to give one of us the half million dollars.


Just got to do it.

All right, bud.

You might do it all the way, bro.

You're my man.

All the way, dude.


We got this.

So, I've already talked to Victoria and Cody.

Everything's good with them.

Now I just have to talk to Caleb.

And the only goal here is to convince him to volunteer to go on the block.

What up, bro?

What up, Tim Dog?

All right, so you know the deal.

Victoria, me and her ain't seen eye to eye.

She's going up.

Cody's, same thing as you.

He's like, dude, I don't care if you put me up, it don't matter.

Because obviously, it doesn't matter who I put up.

But you have two chances.

If you win the veto or I win the veto, you're coming off.

Yeah, I know, but if you don't win, I'm stuck on the block.

And then I could go home.

But if you don't win and I don't put you up, you're going on the block anyways.

I just would rather you making a decision, personally.

Because I know where your head's at.


I mean, honestly, we shouldn't even care who goes up as long as she doesn't win.

But if Victoria ain't winning, there ain't no chance it's going to be me, you or him.

I want you guys to know that I'm down with both of you.

We're going to battle it out like gentlemen in the final three.

Yeah, I don't care, man.

You could put me up if you want to.

I'm going to…

Beast it.

And then if I win the veto, I'm taking you off.


I'm feeling as good as you can at this point.

I'm pretty sure Caleb feels now that he's the reason he's going on the block.

Victoria knows that she's going to go up there every time that she's available.

And Cody now feels that much closer to me because I stuck to my word and kept him safe.

What really matters is the veto tomorrow because that's the person who's going to decide someone else's fate in this game.

We're at such a crucial point in this game.

And all I can hope right now is that everyone's buying what I'm selling and I still have everyone's trust after this nomination ceremony.

This is the nomination ceremony.

One of my duties as head of household is to nominate two houseguests for eviction.

The first houseguest I have nominated is…

The next houseguest I have nominated is…


I have nominated you, Victoria, and you, Beast Mode.

Victoria, we haven't really seen eye to eye the last couple of weeks.

And for that reason, I think you saw these nominations coming.

Beast Mode, this is just a formality.

You and Cody both have my back and I have yours.

I have no doubt you're going to go into this veto competition and crush it.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

Beast Mode!

All right, Vy, we've been here before.

I knew I was going to go up on the block.

Derek had to put me up.

We still have to fool these boys, making them think that we are not working together and that we don't trust each other.

You're welcome.

Now I just got to win that POV and fight for my life in this game.

I'm glad that Derek kept me off the block and kept his word, but now it's do or die.

Because if I don't win this veto, I'm going to be popping right up onto that block and have the potential of going home.

This isn't about me and my two Apadres.

This is about Victoria.

Because if she does not win this veto, she's going home.

Celebratory, dude.

You made it to the final four.

Hell yeah.

You're going to tell the final three, so let's celebrate.

So that's it.

Nominations are in stone.

It seems like everyone's feeling pretty safe.

Caleb, I'm in.

You better win that veto or you could be packing it back.

Coming up, it's the most important competition of the summer.

The winner not only guarantees themselves a spot in the final three, but will decide who will cast the sole vote to evict tonight.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

All summer long, Caleb has said that he is controlling this game.

So is he running the house or simply running his mouth?

She's getting tough, man.

The game?

Yeah, because I know that I'm looked at as the biggest threat now.

Time is flying.

Good, though.

I'm ready to get out there and see what is waiting for me.

Might be a movie producer saying I want that guy in my next army movie.

Could be a guy saying I want to sign him to my record label.

I could be waiting out there for a huge fitness modeling contract.

That would be crazy.

I know there's something waiting.

I'm going to surprise my family.

Beast Mode Ninja.



My name's Paul Reynolds.

I'm Caleb Reynolds' father.

Caleb as a kid was a happy-go-lucky kid, always a smile on his face, always a jokester.

He really is like that.

Caleb has been a beast his whole life.

Did you see that?

Muscle and brawn.

And bravado.

That's Beast Mode cowboy.

I have a picture out there.

I've done a huge, like, fitness photo sh**t.

And I was, like, completely naked in a football, like, covering my stuff, you know.

Everything about the picture is flawless.

Some people just say I'm too manly for Halloween.

I'm literally, honestly, on the verge of being about 7% body fat.

I could probably place in a fitness physique competition right now.

I've never been on a soccer field and played.

But I feel like if I went out there, it'd be like, dang, that kid's good.

There's a group of people around, and they're telling stories.

He's going to put a twist on it to make his story better than anybody's.

My junior year of high school, I was the poetry winner of Kentucky.

Like, I could probably write a book, and it'd be a number one seller.

Why don't you?

I don't know.

I got asked to do porn a few years ago.

Can't hear straight porn.

In his defense, out of the 8,000 or 9,000 stories that he's told since he's been in the house,

there is a degree of truth to almost every one of them, except the dog thing.

My dad breeds, they're called Bullgos.

They're American Bulldog and Argentina Dogo mix.

They hunt lions in Africa.

Where was that?

In Argentina.

I don't know where that came from.

I don't know.

Oh, my gosh.


I love it.

I love it.

Nice, bro.

Damn it, it doesn't even look bad.

I know.

The world he came from, shaking your hips is part of your uniform.

Ten, hut!

I think Caleb's time in Iraq taught him to appreciate America,

the freedom that we have here.

It taught him loyalty.

I've nominated you, Victoria, and you, Frankie.

I have made a pact with these three other guys a long time ago to be the final four.

I wish Caleb was in it a little more for himself than he is.

Caleb's loyalty, I think it's going to hurt him.

I think he trusted Derek and Cody in what they said.

I think it was a bad strategy move putting Frankie up,

because I think Frankie would have had his back till the end.

His loyalty might have lasted one week too long.


In the coming days, we'll find out.


I feel for Caleb to win this game, he has got to win that next veto.

I think it'd be a good idea to take Victoria into the final two,

because really I think the jury house would look at her as she got carried all the way to the end.

So I think that would be good for Caleb's game.

Wow, man.

There's more people better go.

Up next, it's the most crucial competition yet.

Caleb, Cody, Derek, and Victoria battle it out for the power of veto

and the chance to secure their spot in the final three.

Stay with them.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's time for the most important power of veto competition of the summer.

The winner not only guarantees themselves a spot in the final three,

they decide which houseguest will cast the sole vote to evict.

Who will win the final power of veto?

It's time to find out.


Oh my God.


That's dope.

Oh my God.

Classic pictures.

Inspired by CBS's new drama series, Stalker, that premieres Wednesday, October 1st,

we'll be playing detective as we race to solve our crime board puzzles.

Stalker is created by Kevin Williamson of Screen Feens.


The show stars Maggie Q and Dylan McDermott in a psychological thriller

about detectives who investigate stalking incidents for the threat assessment unit of the LAPD.

Wow, that's sick.

That's sick.

Pretty cool.

That's sick.

As members of the veto assessment unit,

we each have a crime board puzzle with 14 clues on it.

We also have surveillance photos of the ex-houseguest.

When the horn sounds, remove your file folders to reveal the clues.

Our job is to complete the puzzle by matching ex-houseguest to the clues they correspond to.

When you think you have correctly placed the photos on the board, run over and hit your button.

If incorrect, you must figure out what is wrong and continue solving the puzzle.

The first houseguest to complete the puzzle with all the correct photos in place and hit their button

will capture the final and most important veto of the summer.

But be careful.

Some clues have multiple answers, but there is only one solution to the entire crime board puzzle.

Are you ready to play Stalking the Veto?

Yeah, let's go.

Let's do it.

You look at this competition and think it has Derek written all over it.

I do this on a daily basis outside this house.

That being said, there is no benefit to me winning this one.

So somebody else is going to have to win this one.

This veto competition is literally the most important comp of the summer.

Not only does the winner guarantee themselves a spot in the final three,

but they get to cast the sole vote to evict.

If Victoria or Caleb win this competition, I'm going to be the replacement nominee

and then it's up to them to decide whether or not they want to bring me to the final three.

So winning this comp is everything.

It is the biggest power veto ever, and it definitely carries the most weight.

I know Derek had told me that if he wins, he's going to pull me off the block.

But the only way I can ensure my own safety is if I win that golden power veto

and me and my bros will move on to the final three.

Winning this is huge.

If I win this power veto, I can almost guarantee that me and Derek will make it to final two.

You know, I feel good that Derek's got my back.

Derek says that he's got my back.

I'm so glad that Derek has my back.

The only person's back that really matters to me is my own.

On the same deviled eggs team in the call on the Golden Plain Giddy Up.

I've never been good at webs.

This could possibly be the hardest and worst competition for beast mode in this situation.

So my first move in this competition, I started going for the guarantees.

So I see a victim with five votes.

I know that Zach went home on a five-to-oh because I was sitting next to him.

So I'm going to put his picture up there.

But then I see the clue that's connected to that is on same deviled eggs team.

So that's when I realized the other person that went home five-to-oh, Donny.

And so I knew that I had to switch Zach and Donny.

I'm thinking I'm doing really well in this competition and I hope I should be able to smoke this.

I see the first clue, which is week one, have not.

And then the next clue connecting to it is never played a bob.

Obviously that must be Joey.

She went out week one and she was a have not.

So boom, that's one down.

Otev asked for their drink.

So I see it one of the clues that Otev asked for their drink.

And I see a connecting clue that says lost every b.




That was pow pow.

My girl pow pow couldn't win a b.



even if she had the answer key.

That might be the only one up there, but I know I got pow pow's right.

So I hit the buzzer and it's not right.

And I look up and I see Christine's face on a spot that she shouldn't be.

So I get to a point where it's crunch time and I need to pick up the pace.

Never played a b.




I hear Cody hit his buzzer, but I'm not just going to give up and sit down and act like I'm ice fishing.

I've at least got to throw some pictures up on this board.

And you never know.

I might just accidentally get them all correct.

As I put you across this picture, I'm pretty sure I'm doing really well at this competition.

However, the fact that I can't see any of the other guys' status and how they're doing, it's just stressful and you just never know.

It was definitely tough to throw this one.

I haven't won a b.



all season and I've definitely tried to win some of them.

And I would have loved to win the cop one, but I'm here for $500,000 not to win a b.




I look at this board and I'm thinking it ain't happening.

Not today, not tomorrow.

There ain't no way b.



mode's finishing this thing.

As soon as I move Hayden from one part of the board to the right spot, I know that this new spot that I need to fill is Joey.

Yeah, baby!

Let's go!

There we go.

Just won the veto.

It's super huge.

I'm guaranteeing myself in the final three.

I couldn't be happier.

This is unbelievable.

Two-time, baby.

I'm still on the block, but at this point, I'm thinking final three is finally here.

My boy Cody pulled through.

Victoria is going home, and us three beasts are heading out to the dadgum finale to the final three.

Congratulations, Cody.

You won the final veto competition of the summer.

Come get your medallion.

There you go, buddy.


This week couldn't go any better for me.

I won the H.



so I'm guaranteed final three.

Cody won the veto, so he's the one who has to actually send somebody out the door, and that's the last thing they're going to hear about him.

As much as I love the kid, I'd rather it be him than me, because that person is probably going to vote for whoever's sitting next to Cody.

Having won the veto, Cody assures his spot in the final three and earns the right to cast the sole vote to evict tonight.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Derek holds the key to the H.




Cody holds the power of veto, and that leaves Caleb and Victoria just holding on.

Not only is winning the veto, I guarantee my safety huge, but now I'm guaranteeing who's going to the final three and who I'm going to have to compete against so that I can be sitting in the final two.

The power's all in my hands this week.

Couldn't be happier.

We made it, you guys.

Derek pulls through.

You pulled through.

Frankie went home.

There we are.

Dude, you smoked it.

You absolutely crushed it.

After the veto competition, we are all celebrating, but unfortunately, Caleb doesn't know that his time in this game has come to an end.

Two vetoes back to back.

Beasted it.

Caleb, I like you a lot.

You're a great guy, but I love my family a little bit more, and I have to play this game with my head and not my heart, and for that reason, it's time for you to go.

You know what us three look like?


Not in a bad way.

We're all loyal.

When comes when we need to?

I mean, I hate that I'm going to be sitting in the chair.

But, you know, you've sit there enough, so put me up there.

Once again, fourth time sitting in the block, I volunteered.

Makes a lot of sense.

I have played a very loyal game, especially to Derek and Cody.

I'm hoping the guys that I've proven my loyalty to prove the same kind of loyalty to me because we have had a final three deal for some time now.

I'm glad it played out how it's played out.

How it played out is not a mistake.

No, we're not here because of a mistake.

We're here due to loyalty, respecting people, being honest with people, you know, because Frankie was a competition beast.

But due to him being not loyal, look where he's at.

You know what I mean?

Obviously, Caleb doesn't really get it.

There's only one person that I need to stay loyal to, and that's Derek.

This is Big Brother.

We brought Caleb in tight so that he could get rid of a player that he probably should have been loyal to.

Hearing loyalty from Caleb, it's kind of fallen on deaf ears.

How it played out got us all to this point and got us all to the point that we're going to next, moving forward.

There's no loyalty that him and I have.

He needed to get used to get Frankie out, and now that he did, it's like he's no longer needed.

Simple as that.

Up next, it's the biggest decision of Cody's game.

His live vote is next.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Cody has won the power of Vito, and in doing so, earned the right to cast the soul.

Vote to evict.

Let's head to the living room and get his decision.

Hello, Houseguests.

Hello, Final Four, I should say.

Thank you, Julie.

Now, before we get started, I have some news for everyone.

One week from tonight, one of you will walk out the front door a half million dollars richer.

Next Wednesday is finale night, but only three of you will make it to the finale.

Derek and Cody have already secured their spots, and it's time to find out who will take the third.

Cody, you hold the power of Vito, but you cannot change the nominations because simply put, there is no one left to put up.

So, Victoria, Caleb, you've been in the Big Brother house for 90 days, but for one of you, this will be your last.

I'd like to give each of you one final chance to address Cody before he casts the soul vote to evict.

Victoria, for the ninth time, is there anyone left to thank whom you have not thanked already?

No, this speech is basically going to be to Cody and the Houseguests, and I'm good.

Go ahead, you have the floor.

First off, I just want to say congratulations on making it to Final Four, and I'm very proud to be a part of it.

As you guys know, I love this game, and I've loved playing it with you guys all summer.

Cody, congratulations on winning the last Vito.

At the end of the day, you've got to do what's best for your game.

If it's keeping me, I would greatly appreciate it.

If it's keeping Caleb, I respect that as well.

I wish you the best of luck.

Either way, no hard feelings, and I love you guys.

Thank you, Victoria.

Thank you, Julie.

Caleb, it's your turn.

First off, I do want to give God all the glory and praise for me being in the seat that I'm in,

to all the troops that fight for our country.

I love them, and they get all the respect that I have.

Mom, boys, one church, the Bills, love you guys.

At the end of the day, Paison, family, we've had a long road, man.

We have been ups and downs.

At the end of the day, loyalty to me is much more than a word,

and we are in this exact position due to it being much more than a word than us three.

I have been in power numerous times, and you're safe because of it.

And the same way goes with Derek.

You know, she hasn't had the chance to show her loyalties to you due to the fact that she just hasn't won anything.

But with that being said, I have been loyal to you this whole game, and you have two options.

You can send me out of that door with the sharpness of your duty,

or you can keep me in this house and save my life by the loyalty in your actions.

Love you, bud.

Thank you.

Just a reminder, the Evicted Houseguest will have only a few moments to say goodbye,

gather his or her belongings, and walk out the front door.

Cody, please stand.

Face the nominees and cast your sole vote to evict.

So, you know, loyalty has been a huge ongoing term used in this game,

and I feel like both of you have been extremely loyal to me.

Peace Mode, you've won a bunch of comps.

And due to you guys being so loyal, I think you both deserve to know that on day two,

this guy right here came to me when I wasn't really on the ends with a large group and said,

I want you to be my ride or die.

I'm going to take you to the end, and you're going to take me to the end,

and we're going to do everything together.

We're never going to cross each other.

We're never going to lie to each other, and we're never going to go behind each other's backs.

And so on day two, we made a final two alliance called the Hitman.

We've made every decision together.

We've done everything together.

And honestly, this decision, which has been much like all of our other ones,

is what's going to give us the best opportunity to sit next to each other

and make that promise come true that we did on day two.

And so it kills me, dude.

And you know, I love you, Bismill, but our best chance is sending you out of the house today.

I'm so sorry, bro.

It's official.

Caleb, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

I'm so sorry, dude.

Love you, bro.

Crush it.

Thank you.

Well, you didn't get any booze.

Thank you.

Thank you.

What is going through your mind right now?

You were pretty blindsided.

I was.

I was.

You know, in this game, when you get to a certain place,

you have to expect things of this nature.

You know, Derek has been my best friend in this house for a long time,

and it kind of upsets me that he's been lying the whole time.

But, hey, I mean, they don't call me beast mode for nothing, you know?

I've made it this far.

I'm very blessed, and I'm proud, and I wish them to the best of luck.

So even though Cody is the one who evicted you tonight,

are you most disappointed in Derek?

I'm most disappointed in Derek because of him and I

have just had something that no one else in the house that I've had with.

Cody came along later and showed his loyalties to me,

and I'm just closer with Derek.

Let's talk about loyalty.

You have said time and time again, that's everything to who you are,

even in this game, Big Brother.

You volunteered four times to go up on the block.

Ultimately, do you think your loyalty cost you this game?

It possibly could have, you know?

My mom always told me I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.

At least you're in the box, she says.

At least I'm in the box.

I don't think that's ever been done for a person to nominate himself four times

in a game like this, but hey, you know, you only live it once, so do it big.

Real quick, you're responsible for having Frankie evicted.


You regret that now?

No, not at all.

Due to that day, he showed me a lot about who he was, his character as a human.

I expected to be respectful to him, and him showed the exact respect that he was given, but he didn't.

The guy too did his own horn the whole game, and it wasn't much seen until that last day,

and showing him respect actually is what I wish that I didn't do,

due to the fact that he had said the things that he said afterwards.

You know it's time to play your goodbye message tapes.

Yeah, I'm ready.

Let's rock it.

Let's look over here and listen.

Caleb, I am sorry to see you go.

One of my favorite moments in this house was being attached to you and being Adam and Eve.

It was tough, but it was such a special bonding that no one else has ever shared in this house.

Caleb, if you're seeing this, Cody just sent you home.

Cody and I have been closed since the first week in this game.

That being said, the relationship you and I had was genuine.

You're a great guy.

You had a heart of gold, and you were loyal and honest to everyone that you worked with,

and I don't think this is the last time we're going to see beast mode.

Caleb, I know you just heard a lot, man,

but this is the kind of stuff that's been going on that you haven't really known about during this game.

There's a lot of back-end stuff that's been going on, and there's a whole other side to this game,

other than just winning comps.

I love you.

We're boys in this, but this is a decision that is benefiting me and Derek

and getting me to the end so that I have the best chance that I can to win the game

if I'm sitting in the final two seats.

Caleb, we'll see you one week from tonight on Finale Night.

Stay right there.

The final three have been determined, and Derek, Cody, and Victoria are headed for Finale Night.

But first, they must face off on the final and most important HOA competition of the summer.

And don't forget, tune in tomorrow night for Thursday Night Football as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers

take on the Atlanta Falcons on PBS and NFL Network.

Football starts here.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

We are in the home stretch.

Join us Friday at 8, 7 Central for a special episode where the battle for the final head of household begins.

Then, next Wednesday, join us for reality TV's biggest night.

First, it's the season premiere of Survivor, followed by the live season finale of Big Brother.

Find out who becomes the final head of household, setting the stage for the last eviction of the summer.

Then, all of the house guests will reunite live.

America's favorite house guests will be revealed,

and either Derek, Cody, or Victoria will walk away with the half million dollar grand prize.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the final three.

From outside the Big Brother house, I'm Julie Chen.

Good night.


It's coming off.


Hey, there we go.

Ladies first.

Oh, wow.

Thanks, Cody.

Can you believe it?

Do you ever think we'll be in the final three?

Oh, man.

That wasn't easy.

That wasn't easy.

Hey, cheers.

Final three.


Pretty good.

Oh, man.

That's pretty good.


Final three.

Final three.

And so the last girl.

So the last girl.

So hang in there.

Love you.


Thank you.
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