16x33 - Episode 33

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x33 - Episode 33

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother.

Caleb revealed to Frankie that he was almost back door.

Thought of me going, I'm gonna feel Frankie up.

It crossed my mind.

In a way, I felt like Cody was trying to keep the pole.

So Derek quickly tried to defuse the situation.

Did you really think you were that in Jeffrey?


I didn't get that in just…

I think that was more paranoid.

And warned his fellow hit man about what happened.

He's like, I know you were up there with Cody.

He's like, you know, that's fine, I understand.

I'm just glad that it's not happening.

Oh my God, Caleb.

This kid plays the game like ass clowns.

Hello, house guests.

After Julie announced the second double eviction of the summer…

You are going to experience a whole week of Big Brother in the next 60 minutes.

Nicole was sent back to jury.

By a vote of four to zero.

Nicole, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Moments after winning the head of household…

Derek, you are the new head of household.

Derek informed Victoria, Caleb and Cody of his plan…

Chris needs a target just when the veto…

If she does when the veto Frankie's going home.

And left Christine and Frankie in the dark.

This is perfect.

At the nomination, he put up a target and a pawn.

I apologize, Victoria.

You know I love you.

Please take a seat, Christine as well.

Please take a seat.

It's nothing personal.

Going with the house.

At an amazing veto competition, Frankie crop dusted the rest of the house.

Congratulations to you, Frankie.

You have won the power veto.

So the Bominator sent home their most expendable member.

By a vote of three to zero.

Christine, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

But before the smoke cleared, Julie announced a new twist.

It's called the Big Brother Rewind.

And shocked the house guests with a mysterious button.

That could be the new box.

Don't touch it.

Don't touch it.

Tonight, who will win head of household and who will be nominated for eviction?

And will the Rewind button be activated?

Plus, Big Brother legends Jeff and Jordan return to the house where the relationship began.

And Big Jeff pops the question that everyone's been waiting for.

And country music star Brett Eldridge makes a surprise appearance.

All this right now on Big Brother.

Stupid game moves.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The Big Brother killedleen and

Christine, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

I have a gut feeling about Christine this entire game, and she's really rubbed me the wrong way

on numerous occasions.

So when she got up and walked out with all the same bye to any of us,

I think that was the true Christine, and it was indicative of the crowd reaction.

That means that we made the right choice.

Thanks guys.

If anyone was doubting themselves in any way, shape, or form, this was the girl that we should have


This is the girl we did pick.

And she just got crushed.

She must have been crushing us in there.

She must have been crushing you, I think.

That's what I was thinking.

Yeah, a little.

I don't know what she was saying behind other people's back that would make people boo her

when she walked out of the house, but it actually made me a little bit nervous and shocked.

She was probably, there's always somebody, she was probably making fun of you.


And they gave it to her.

They gave it to her.

What the heck is that?

Oh, God.

Oh, my God.

Get out here, Victoria.

Oh, my God.

Is it a reset button?

It's the same game, game.

What reset?

What, though?

I don't know.

That button could be a million things.

You just never know.

You might end up with that gum Hawaii trip.

You might end up with that gum new big old diesel truck.

But on the other hand, it could be a million things.

It ain't no good.

OK, what if they say if one of you reset the game, each one of the five out of the players

wins another five grand?

I don't think so.

What if it is?

What if it is?

If you touch the button, we're going to know you touched it.

And I'm going to k*ll you in your sleep.

You don't know what it is.

I don't care if you touch it, I'm going to k*ll you.

That could be a box.

Don't touch it.

Are you serious?

I am a huge fan of the show.

I know what the button means.

The button means you push the button.

I'm terrified of what's going to happen when I push the button.

But if I have the chance, of course I'd push the button.

I think there's a reason they're showing a Phillips head screwdriver.

You know what?

In this HOH, it might be if you find the screw

driver, you get to go in the room and unscrew drive and hit the button

and you get a luxury.

We have no clue.


That button's got to be in this house somewhere,

and I've got a snake in suspicion exactly where it is.

The old have not room.

The choice is yours.


Damn it!

All right, the choice is ours.

Select the choice.

OK, we're going to talk about it.

Can you move it?


Don't hit me, you might hit it.


You scared me like that.

No, it can't come off.

It's a twist.

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

The choice is ours, that's it.

Man, it's a big old button right there.


Maybe it would be an extra week.

It could be.

We might just get smoked by freezing cold air.

I mean, it's not going to be good.

You don't think so?


Some of the house guests are definitely excited about the button.

Not everyone.

For me, I think I've played a pretty good game to this point.

I'm playing for more than just myself.

And I would hate for curiosity to jeopardize that.

Twist after twisted twist.

No, it is not going to be.

What have we got in good, though, this season?



This is the most season.

It could be the first time we get something really good.

No, Caleb.

It could be.

Next thing you know, screen shows up

and it shows like a closet full of all designer clothes and all that stuff.

Pandora's box.

It's kind of what it is.

It is Pandora's box.

They've never done a group Pandora's box.


What is game?

This has a significance.

Obviously, it's a very bad game.

It ruins somebody's game.

This is cool, guys.

Whatever it is, it's cool.

I don't think it's happening tonight.

Nothing's happening.

Nothing's happening.

But I'm obsessed with this.

I want to do my house.

Let's just start speculating.

So funny, man.

Yeah, I'm like in shock right now.

I'm in shock.

I'm not.


No, I've never heard that.

It's never heard that bad on any season, have you?

Honestly, I think that the world probably

saw your relationship as very looking very bad on her part.



Very bad.

Mm hmm.

And I do not think that anyone faults you for what you were doing.

You're playing a game for half a million dollars.

She is.

She it's a little different when you're married.

You know what I'm saying?

And you didn't have sex with her.

Did you?



In my opinion, she did not look at you as a friend.

She didn't.

She looked at you with love.

She literally.


Let you out of her sight for one minute.

I think it's possible that she was in love with you.

She liked you a lot.

And I wouldn't say that for me.

I wouldn't say in love with you.

But do I think she really liked you?


For me, when Frankie says this,

I think it's complete disrespect to Christine because she's not sitting here

and that stuff gets outside of the house.

I don't see that.

I never saw Christine and I's relationship in any way like that.

For me, like I didn't act like crazy different with her.

Like I wasn't like jumping on top of her.

I think I'm with him.

She was she looked at you a little bit more as a friend.

Then more than more than.


I know how to be very flirty and very friendly.

So, you know, for me, if the booze had anything to do with me,

you know, that was part of my game.

We'll see when I walk out if I get booed.

My God, that was.

I've I am I never.


Get in here real quick.

I love these boys.

However, if they don't think they can beat me in the end,

they will take a shot at me.

So I know that I need to win HOH.

Otherwise, I definitely could be gone.

Oh my God.

Do you want to say we not to her?

So let me know.

No, we're not going to crush her.

This week, better enjoy your time.

I don't worry.

I'd like to tell her the day of the eviction.

I listen to you.

We want to deal with it for two days.

Final five, the b*mb squad, baby.

We've got one more week to make it final for,

you know, being the founding father of the b*mb squad.

Something I started on day two is still put together an intact baby.


do you want your game would have been

to that got your best interest at heart, bro.

Oh, dude, have I stirred you wrong yet?

No, you put them up.

He would have been coming after you.

But now if you win, now you take your shot.


What else?


Give you a bunch.

Oh, man.

Christine boy down for the count.

Well done, boys.

I do know one thing.

It doesn't matter what it is.

The choice not being a no.


Oh, no.

End of story.

I ain't going to lie to you guys.

If I win, I'm going to be scared about Frankie.


Because he can win the scene on the same medical plane.

Now it's a matter of.

We got to take the shot.

If he wins the veto, close himself off.

If he wins the next day,

Caleb's going up with one of you.

Do more.

That's if he wins next week.

Next day, you have to win a veto and the age.

Oh, I definitely get it.

Making big moves in this game can be very scary.

But if Caleb or I win the head of household,

now is going to be the time to take a shot at a huge player like Frankie.

So come on, Caleb.

It's time to put our big boy pants on and get ready to make a big move

in this game.

So I walk out into the backyard.

I see a bunch of corn st*lks.

I even see a cow.

Looks like it's ready to be milked.

This country boy right here feels right at home.

So glad I wore these shoes.

From planting seeds of doubt to growing relationships in the Big Brother

House, you reap what you sow.

In today's competition, you'll plant seeds on your shovel to harvest

an HOH victory on go.

Crawl under your fence, grab a seed, then walk across your giant

shovel handle, then carefully place your seed on your spade.

You must walk back and forth across your handle, bringing one seed

at a time from your wooden tub to your spade.

The first house guest to have all their seeds on their spade, go back

under the fence and hit their button will be the new head of household.

But beware, if you or any of your seeds hit the dirt, you must reset

all of your seeds to your wooden tub and start over.


Are you ready to play Seed Saw?

Last week was a little scary.

I found out that my own alliance was debating about backdoring me.

So I'm feeling pretty alone in this game and I want to win every

competition for the rest of the season, starting with this HOH.

I want to win this because it would ensure that Derek and I are going

to be safe for the week.

It would make sure that we're going to the final four and I can try to

get out a big player like Frankie, who I think is going to be very

difficult to be in this game.

On your mark, get set, go!

Oh wow.

The way this head of household competition works is you have to

carry your seeds from one end of this gigantic Seesaw shovel to the

other end, place your seed and then walk back.

If your seeds fall out or if you fall off your balance beam, you have

to start all over again.

First person to get all their seeds onto their shovel head will be

the new head of household.

There's no doubt that Cody and Caleb want Frankie on the block this


He's a competition beast and it'd be scary sitting next to him in

the final two.

You're serious.

Balance in this competition is key.

You ain't got it.

You got seeds flying everywhere.

You're going to be falling off into the dirt.

You're literally going to be starting over half the time you start.

You got to have balance, which is something that a beast-mowed

cowboy is expertise.

Oh my gosh.

That's crazy.

I have to win this competition.

I have been nominated twice in the past week.

I'm the last girl standing and I have to show these boys that I'm

a force to be reckoned with.

Caleb has caught back up with Frankie.

Remember, you drop a seed, you have to completely start over.

I feel like I've got a really good handle on this shovel.

I put one foot in front of the other and using my weight to

distribute back and forth.

Looks like Caleb and Frankie are tied with six.

It looks like it's a little dry out there.

Maybe some water will help the crops.

Yeah, buddy.

Hey, this is Big Brother boys and girls.


Oh, Cody has to reset.

Water's going everywhere.

Back in my infantry days, if it ain't raining, it ain't training.

All this rain coming down ain't doing nothing but making this game

a lot more fun for beast mode.

Caleb and Frankie are in a tight race.

Victoria's down.

I want to win this age-to-age competition so bad, but I don't know

if it's worth a broken neck.

I keep hearing from my left the four-four thing.

Who made it to the final five?

Never mind.

I don't feel bad for her at all.

Oh, Cody has to reset.


I'm even further behind than I just was and I look over at Frankie

and he's doing extremely well.

This is an important head of household and I need to pull myself


The placement of the seeds in this competition is everything.

Each of the seeds is a different bounciness, density, weight.

So as soon as it even touches the ground, the balls are like,

boom, boom, boom, boom.

No, no, no, please, no.

God, that's so nerve-wracking.

Frankie and Caleb are neck and neck.

Another reset for Victoria.

I happen to look over and Frankie is neck and neck with me.

When I put a seed down, he's putting a seed down.

Other than that, I don't see anyone else doing nothing.

I know I should feel a hundred percent safe if Caleb wins, but there's

a little voice in the back of my head saying, they tried to back door

you last week and I can't ignore that.

I mean, I know the only way that I'm guaranteed safety this week is

if I win.

Caleb and Frankie are tied with four seeds to go.

It's coming down to the wire and it's Frankie and Caleb.

And although I feel safe with both of them, I'd rather see Caleb pull

this one off.

He's more loyal to the final three cause and he's more easily manipulated

if I need to do it later in the week.

Frankie and I both just need a couple more seeds to win this game.

I don't know if I can let this city boy beat this old country boy and

the country boys.

Well, how?

Oh my God.

As I'm neck and neck with Caleb, I know there are two options either.

I pick up the speed and risk flinging one of my seeds up or I pray that

Caleb knocks one of his seeds out because he's getting nervous.


Victoria, you have to start over again.

Even though I've had to start over twice, I still don't think I'm out

of this thing because Caleb or Frankie could fall off the shovel or drop

a seed and then I'm right back in it.

Caleb and Frankie are neck and neck.

Oh my gosh.

That freaking three balls.

I do that.

So as soon as I see Caleb seeds go flying, I decide that I have to make

sure that my seeds are all balanced and secure because I am so close to

winning this.

It is my competition to lose.

Looks like Frankie's going for his last one.

Caleb dropped a seed out of the shovel head and I'm just thinking all

as I need is Frankie to drop one seed or fall off the shovel head and

I have a huge lead.

So I have all my seeds in my shovel and I just have to be extremely

slow and careful lowering the seeds back down to the ground so that I

can run and push that button.

One of that button hit it.

Congratulations Frankie.

You're the new head of household.

Frankie come get your key buddy.

Don't hug me.

Do not hug me.

Come on.

It's just water.

You know Frankie wins a comp yet again.

No surprise here.

This kid is a winning machine and I'm just frustrated at this point with

myself that I didn't show up to an important HOH and win it.

This country boy right now is a little bit angry.

I'm really hoping Frankie has his eyes on the right target.

That way we can have a smooth week.

Thank you guys.

Thank you so much.

Now that I have the power and I'm HOH and I did hear of a plan to

backdoor me last week.

It might be time for me to take a shot at them.

As soon as this HOH competition is over and we head inside all of us

jet to the back room because we've been waiting to see if we can have

a chance to push this button.

There it is.

The choice is yours.

It only takes one.

We don't know what it is.

BOB comes back.

I'm not HOH.

We have to go back outside doing a whole new competition.

Are we really gonna not push the button?

I mean, I'm pushing the button dude on it.

I'm with him.

I just we have to push the button.

See what it is.

If we make the choice to push the button, we must be prepared for Hell's


I think everyone at this point is terrified of that button, but we

got this.

Let's push the button.

Everybody that wants to push the button raise your hand.

I think we're gonna talk about it.

Okay, this big brother.

If we don't push the button, we're gonna look like it.

And if we don't push the button, we're gonna regret not doing it.

Not if it's not if Christine comes back in.

This just says the choice is yours.

It only takes one.

There is nothing here saying that there's any positive thing about it.

It's not gonna ruin your chance of $5,000.

I mean mine actually.


As a fan of the show.

I want to crush that button right now.

I want to see what's gonna happen.

I want fireworks.

I want it all as a houseguest considering my own game.

I'm very apprehensive.

I know that at this point it could be a game changer.

Hence the game word all over the room, but I'm torn.

At first I was like, I was in a but what's the worst that can happen?

One of us go home right now.

Derek saying that it might be something really bad.

He just made me kind of nervous.

So now I don't even know if I want to press that button.

I don't know why we're in this house and not going to push the button.

I am like a kid in a candy store in there and I'm really excited that we have something new in this game.

So I'm ready to push it.

So your game ends a week earlier than if it would have ended like on Thursday.

More of a push it or not.

Push the button.

Fine guys.

What is that?

Five days.

Five days or 19 hours, 11 minutes, a second.

To what?

So somebody comes back in the house or something.

I don't know.

We push this button and a clock appears and from where I'm from a clock is never a good thing.

A countdown like that is usually for an Armageddon, a b*mb, not nothing good and I'm nervous.

It does look very warlike.

I will say this.

We pushed it awful fast.

Yeah, okay.


Good job.

We had to push it.

You can't not push it because if you have to push it.

If my balls were dropped.

If, if I were slipped.

Well, there's nothing you can do about it now.

Don't get too upset because honestly, I think that thing in there is going to change the game.

Whatever it is, it's real big.

It's going to alter the game.

I don't think you'll go home.

Honestly, I'm so pumped at this point, dude.

We're final five.

You're the last girl in big brother 16.

You could go home tomorrow and you're going to be the most remembered girl in the house.

Oh my God.

You're the best girl player.

You've won first place for the girls.

It is sometimes tough to see how easy it is for Victoria to just buy into what everyone says, but she's a good girl.

She's got a great heart.

I also love the fact that she doesn't seem to want to take the half of the time.

It's like $10 million away from me, which is one less person I have to worry about.

You're the top girl with big brother 16.

Your face is the last girl in the board.

That's in stone.

It's done.

Derek, you're the best ever.

It's the truth.

Are you so proud of me?

Dude, thank God you won, dude.



Yeah, it's so much anxiety because you never know who's going to win.

It worked out perfect.

I don't want to piss anyone off.

I'm a little nervous.

I feel like I just continually get it.

You might see my pants.

You naked k*ll boy.

You're one of the smartest people that I've ever met.

But what do you, I mean you even know what you're thinking.

You've kept me safe twice.

You've used kept me safe twice.

Cody's only kept me safe once.

I mean like is that the rationale that I'm really going to come down to?

Like, you've never been on the block.

I know, but that would be, I mean you put me on the block.

I want you to feel it.

I know, I know, I know.

I'm going to be honest with me.

I think you put up someone who thinks you're back to the least.

I know, I wouldn't say that.

That's the thing, the thing, the thing.

We've all been saying that we're like, hey we've got to chose it back to the end.

But nothing's, no final tools.

Cody and I are the hit men.

And I don't want to see him go on the block.

That being said, I have to look out for my game over anybody else's.

I'm sure he's told him, I'm sure he thinks that you would.

That's the game.

And that doesn't mean someone has to go up.


I can't wait to take this thing off man.

How's the doorbell?

Are you kidding me?



The doorbell rings, my heart starts pumping.

I have no idea what this is about.

We just pushed that button last night.

So I don't know what's going to happen.

What's the final five?



How are you?

It's Jeff and Jordan from seasons 11 and 13.

The best couple, pretty much the couple that made me fall in love with this show.

Just walked into the Big Brother house.

Couldn't be better.

And I wonder if they like my dino outfit.

Oh my God.

This is crazy.

Jeff is every girl's dream.

He's handsome, he's charming, he's a gentleman.

There it is, the final five.

And Jordan, she's gorgeous.

They are the cutest couple, but I'm still wondering why they just walked through that Big Brother door.

How are y'all?

I'm good, oh my God.

It stinks in here.

Yeah, you know how that goes dude.

Thank you.

This house is disgusting.

Oh man, look at this pig pen.

Be honest, it'll make us feel better.

Did the house look like this when you guys were here too?

No, it didn't.

We were a little more tidy I feel like.

Well, we were going to clean today.

Who's the messy person?

Is there a messy person?

No, nobody.

Cody sleeps in here.

That's Cody's test.

Hold the phone, look on the brakes.

This just got reset.

This is your dino dome in here?

This is absolutely my dino dome.

It's mortifying to have someone walk into the place you've been living in and say that it stinks.

And like, I walk around every day and I don't smell anything.

My man Jeff probably thinks I'm a Tyrannosaurus slob.

Look at you guys like trained little animals.

We stand up here and they all take you to the box.

Are you guys ready for a special competition?


Get dressed and meet us in the backyard.

And Cody, this means punishment's over.

But I gotta wear that for Halloween though.

That's all yours.

Jordan and I came to the Big Brother house today to spend a little time with the Final Five.

She thinks we're here to host a luxury competition, but I got something else up my sleeve.



Is this nice?


Here's your thing.

Yeah, I gotta look at that.

I didn't even get to look at it.

You don't even have to look at it.

What do you mean?

Because we're not here for a competition.


No we're not.

Come here.

Oh my God, are you serious?


No, this is a joke.

Come here.


I've literally been around the world.

I never found anybody like you in my life.

So I thought I was only right.

Is this a joke?

Five years ago, we met here.

So I wanted to come full circle.


And ask you, will you marry me?


Oh my God.

I'm shaking, love.

I'm shaking.

Do I have to put it on your finger?

I don't know.

Which finger does it go on?

Put it on.

Oh my God.

Do you love it?


This is real.

It doesn't feel real.

I know it's real.

We're really having a competition though, right?

There's no competition.

At all?


This is for you.

This is not the end though, love.

This is just the beginning, but I have some more surprises for you.


I wanted to share this moment with someone else.

Shut up.

Ricky, hi.

How did she get here, love?

I know, is my family here?

Is your family here?

Oh my God.

You missed me.


What's up?


My time.

How you doing?

My time.

Good job.

I thought it was a good moment.

It was a good moment.

I enjoyed it.

You always tell me to be more romantic.

That's as a rant.

That's as good as it gets, so you better soak it in.

Oh my God.

Are you just growing away?

Yeah, I'm very, very shocked.

I was not expecting this at all.

This is the house that brought us together.

We met.

We became best friends.

I had no idea.

I have been bugging the mess out of him.

Like, if you don't do it, by this time I'm breaking up with you.

Oh my God.

Can you imagine if you said no?

I could have maybe got a new car.

Oh man, I'm a fiancé and a dog.

I know.

That's right.

All right.

Thank you.







Thank you.

Thank you.

Take it easy on Cody, everybody.

All right, guys, I got one more surprise for you.

Atlantic Records recording artist Brett Eldridge is here to sing his new song.

When he said Brett Eldridge, I got so excited because I really like him.

He's like a new upcoming star.

No way.



I mean, that was just the icing on the cake.


That is so awesome.



This is so cool.


How are you doing, buddy?


Thank you, brother.

You're on.

Yes, sir.

I just requested to hear you in the room yesterday.

Oh, really?


I didn't even see that.

The fact that Brett Eldridge is in the Big Brother backyard is unreal.

It's crazy.

I can't express it.

I'm overwhelmed.

Oh, my gosh.

I can't even breathe right now.

I'm happier than a dadgum tornado in a trailer park.

We've got a special song for the new special couple.

This is a song I just put out called Mean to Me, and I think it's perfect for you guys.

I'm so glad to be here.

Here we go.

You ready?

Oh, my God.

I'm so excited.

I am so excited.

I want you here.

Believe me, you help me in ways you don't even know.

You make me smile when you stay.

The change is yours.

The wine in your glass.

Sweet, sweet.

The dollar in your pocket and the peaceful in your sleep.

That I'd be what you mean to me.

Standing here watching you turning every hand.

In this crowded room, the lights down low.

Dancing slow.

Oh, fallin' is how you feel.

Perfect is what you see.

And I'd be what you mean to me.

I would be a squirrel.

You could be any animal in the whole world and you'd be a squirrel.

What's wrong with the squirrel?

They hang out in neighborhoods and stuff.

A squirrel?

If I could be the fire in your firefly.

The cool little rain is far from your right.

The answer to your prayer in the faith that sets you free.

I'd be what you mean to me.

Standing here watching you turning every hand.

In this crowded room, the lights down low.

Dancing slow.

Oh, fallin' is how you feel.

Perfect is what you see.

And I'd be what you mean to me.

Oh, yeah.

Like, being able to talk, like, I could tell you anything.

Like a package.

Yeah, we are a package.

And oh, all of this talkin' makes you laugh.

But I gotta let you know just how I feel.

Ee, ee, I'd be what you mean to me.

Yeah, fallin' is how you feel.

And perfect's what you see.

And I'd be what you mean to me.


Be what you mean, what you mean, what you mean, what you mean to me.




I feel you guys, I'm more emotional than she is.

I've been looking forward this moment forever.

I knew when I met Jeff, he was the one that I wanted to be with.

And there was nobody else that I even thought about.

For this day to happen in here, I am ecstatic.

It happened.


I really appreciate it.

Thank you.

So Jeff did my favorite things.

You know, my dog, my family, his family, and country music.

Did I knock your socks off?

Yes, you did.

I wasn't expecting that.

Are you ready to spend the rest of the life with this?

You were lucky.


Thank you guys seriously so much for sharing this moment with us.

Thank you so much, man.

But head back inside, guys.

You guys got nominations coming up.

Be your head back in the game.

One of my duties as head of household is to nominate two people for a victory.

That's a good question.

Going into nominations, I'm 99% sure that I'm going to go up,

but I'm going to take myself off like every other time,

or the person that is nominating next to me is going to be going home.

It seems pretty obvious that Victoria is going on the block,

but this is a time of big brother for somebody to make a big move.

And I could definitely be that big move.

Going into nominations, I feel safe.

Honestly, all I can think about was that amazing performance by Brett Eldridge.

Who in the world can think about a nomination after hearing that?

We're approaching the end of this game.

If I make the wrong move, it could cost me my chance at $500,000.

I'm going to go up and do this.

This is the nomination ceremony.

One of my duties as the head of household is to nominate two houseguests for eviction.

I will turn each key to lock in my nominations,

and their faces will appear on the memory wall.

The first houseguest that I've nominated is…

The next houseguest that I've nominated is…

I've nominated you, Cody, and you, Victoria.

Cody, Victoria, you know how much I love you.

Please don't take these nominations as an insult, but rather as a compliment,

because both of you have proven how well you handle the pressures of the block,

and I have no doubt that one of you is going to walk away with a veto, and I hope you do.

I love you, I love you all.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

This is my seventh time being nominated, but guess what?

I'm still in the Big Brother house, and I'm not going anywhere.

So Victoria and my fellow hitman, Cody, are on the block.

That being said, we have a veto competition, a golden button we just pushed,

and come eviction night, there's only two votes.

Things could definitely change in this house really fast.

With only two people voting this week, this lay in the game,

it's extremely nerve-wracking to sit on the block.

I don't care who I'm sitting next to and how much of a point I'm going to be.

If Frankie thinks he's taking a shot at me, he better hit,

because if not, I'm coming right back at him.

Who will win the power of veto, and will it be used to save either Victoria or Cody from the block?

And Team America gets their next mission.

It all happens on a new night, Tuesday at 8, 7 central on Big Brother.

And that's it for today.



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