16x32 - Episode 32

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x32 - Episode 32

Post by bunniefuu »

Only 20 days remain in the battle for a half million dollars.

And with only seven house guests left, tonight's double eviction is only the beginning of what promises to be an action-packed ride to finale night.

Welcome to Big Brother.

The Bominators had Nicole firmly in their sights.

I have nominated you Nicole and you Christine.

It looks like your time's up here in the Big Brother house pretty lady.

But puppet master Derek had a different target in mind.

Christine, you better be careful.

You might be in for a surprise.

You might be seeing Julie sooner than you think.

And he got his boys Caleb and Cody on board.

She's more dangerous than Nicole.

She's a beast.

Derek's got a really good point.

If Nicole wins the veto and pulls herself off, I love Christine.

But it may be the time that she's got to go home.

At an expl*sive veto competition, Cody was the first to be extinct.

This means you're going to be a dinosaur for a week.

Nicole hung in round after round.

It's down to me, Christine and Derek.

I need these two to explode so I can win the veto.

But it was Christine who was truly devolved.

Congratulations, you have won the Golden Power of Veto!

After Frankie whispered to Christine, beast mode had his sights set on a new target.

Frankie ran up to her and whispered something to her.

And then when I walked up he stopped talking.

I'll put him up and he'll run.

And it looked like Frankie was going to be the replacement nominee.

I would hate for next week to come and Frankie win and put us up.

I told you guys.

Absolutely could happen.

Nicole compared Derek to a big brother legend.

You're the closest thing to Dan that I've ever came across.

The Yankees' link?

In this game you're dead to me.

You don't make it 11 weeks in this house without being put on the block once like I have, without having a flawless strategy.

Donnie started to catch on to it.

He's in the jury house.

Nicole's on to it now.

Sorry Nicole, you gotta go too.

So he put a stop to the back door plan.

Nicole wins HOH.

They put me and you up.

You two up.

We don't have to vote to keep you.

Causing beast mode to go with a pawn instead.

Nicole is literally the main target this week.

But Victoria, you're looking beautiful as ever.

He'll love me.

Tonight, either Nicole or Victoria's game comes to an end.

And strap in, cause it's time for another double eviction baby.

You're going to see a new head of household, a veto winner, and a second house guest evicted all within the hour.

Plus, a brand new game changing twist will be revealed.

All of this live right now on Big Brother.

Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

And tonight, the most twisted summer ever continues.

Tonight is the second double eviction of the summer.

And that means two house guests will be evicted before the hour is up.

But that's just the beginning of the surprises that lie in store for everyone this week.

Sunday, Big Brother legends Jeff and Jordan will return to the house with a big surprise for the house guests.

And tonight, I will unleash a twist that will alter the game like never before.

More on that a little later in the show.

But first, Nicole may be the target.

But with a double eviction looming, she's not the only house guest in trouble tonight.

Do you want me to make lunch or something?

Maybe some grilled chicken, possibly.

I could do salmon, spinach salad.

Well, go figure you'd say fish.

I was just told that I was a target and I'm definitely going home this week.

And 30 seconds later, the whole house is talking about if they want chicken or fish.

At this point, I feel like they're heartless.

You can put chicken on a skillet.

I know.

I just hate for the taste.

They obviously don't care how I feel.

This is a big moment for me.

I'm just so pissed.

Freaking ridiculous.

It's freaking stupid game moves.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Get some guts.

It's pretty sad that this girl is more willing to make big moves than Big Beast mode because he wants this five foot two blonde girl who is alone in the game out of the house.

How does it benefit him?

I don't know.


He took the easiest way out.

I thought he was going to put a break.

Why wouldn't he put him up?

Because he's a wimp.

We're literally two wins away from being the final four.


I don't want to feel like I'm hiding something from you.

I don't want you to.

Literally, I stayed up for the past couple of nights.

My wheels had just been spinning.

I thought of me going, I'm going to throw Frankie up.

It crossed my mind.

So I'm telling Frankie that the b*mb squad had mentioned putting him up as a backdoor option sitting next to Nicole because the last thing I need is someone else going behind my back and telling Frankie the things that was said and then Frankie not trust me anymore.

Altogether, collectively, we were like, what is the best game move?

Do we think Frankie's for us or against us?

Who brought it up to potentially backdoor me in that conversation?

In a way, I felt like Cody was trying to keep Nicole because he knew he had Nicole in his pocket.

You know, we're at the point of the game where I would actually be surprised if they did not think about backdoring me.

I think it's definitely more Cody than Derek.

Now, do I want them to do this?

Absolutely not.

I just went through all the scenarios in my head and I just sit back and I was like, you know, I'm going to trust in Frankie and hopefully it don't bite me in the butt.

I need you.

And I need you the same.

I am your biggest ally in this house.


Damn it!

Everything okay?


Everything okay?

Don't leave it.

You know the conversation you guys had last night.

You know me.

I know everything.

It wasn't anything serious.

He brought it up.

He's like, you just draw the bed.

I'm like, yeah.

If he's on our side, that's an ally.

No, I knew that.

He's kind of, he's paranoid all the time.

You know that.

He's constantly paranoid because of it.

But it would have seemed like you kind of had my back.

Oh, yeah, Rose.

Honestly, I think it was more, are you going to take this opportunity to make a crazy big move that could end your game?

I wasn't that concerned about it though.

It didn't seem like he was leaning that way.

I'm not stupid.

He was seriously considering it.

I don't know if Frankie's really buying the fact that it wasn't a serious consideration to put him up as a replacement nominee.

But I have to try to talk him off the ledge because I don't want him taking a shot at me, Caleb, or Cody.

Did you really think you were that in Jeopardy then?


I didn't get that in just, I think that was more paranoid.

I mean, I thought it would like.

What happened if you told me?


He told me, honestly.

Oh, then I guess I see where you're coming from.

If I go out of this game, I do want the knife coming from the front.

I can tell you one thing.

After the backlash we got from the last guy going home, you don't have to worry about me.

Derek and I are Team America and we have sworn to always have each other's back in this house.

So when he's trying to play stupid with me about potentially back-dooring me, it kind of infuriates me.

Like, fess up.

I want to be good for my game, so.

I know.

Caleb and Frankie were up there having a serious talk.

And Frankie came downstairs, I was sitting there.

I was like, everything's going to be like, don't play dumb.

He's like, I know you were up there with Cody.

He's like, you know, that's fine, I understand.

I'm just glad that it's not happening.

Oh my God, Caleb.

This kid plays the game like an ass clown because he probably sent to Frankie all the stuff that I told him.

No, I don't think he did.

I 100% think he did.

Seriously, that's the impression I got.

So I wouldn't blow a lid yet because you couldn't have f***ing yourself up if Caleb didn't say anything.

And I don't think he did.

I'm really pissed that Caleb at this point is playing a blindly loyal game.

But my main focus is still getting Frankie out of this house as soon as possible.

You've got to get Christine or Frankie out.

I know for a fact that they're going to go after me first.

They're going after me before they're going to go after you.

We have to win the double evict.

If I win, I'll put Christine up.

If Christine takes herself down, I'll put Frankie up.

That's why I should be honest with you, I don't really like Christine.

And I'll be damned if I let Frankie get to the end.

That's why I wanted to know my double eviction.

Your hand.

Ah, this is kidding.

Let's head to the living room and spring the news on the house guests about tonight's double eviction.

Hello, house guests.

Well, there's a lot of you left in the game and a lot of game left to be played.

So house guests, buckle up.

It's going to be a bumpy ride and it all begins right now.

It's time for the second double eviction of the summer.


That means you are going to experience a whole week of Big Brother in the next 60 minutes.

Nicole, Victoria, in just a few moments, Derek, Cody, Frankie and Christine will cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each have one last chance to plead your case.

Nicole, you're first.

When I came back into this game, I think I forgot to leave my heart at the door.

And Victoria, I just want to thank you so much.

You've been such a great friend to me throughout this whole process.

And to the rest of you, stop playing Big Baby.

Let's play Big Brother and let's do some big game moves.

Well done.

Thanks, Nicole.

Let's go, Ty.

Victoria, you're up.

First off, Mom, Dad, Lauren, Joy, I love you so much.

Miss you like crazy.

Couldn't have done it without you.

How's, guys?

I've enjoyed playing this game with you all summer.

Unfortunately, I'm sitting next to Nicole, who's an amazing person and a great game player.

However, I would love to continue and stay and play this game with you guys.

With that being said, no hard feelings.

Love you guys and wish you the best of luck.


Thank you, ladies.

All right, everyone, it's time for the live voting to begin.

Neither nominee is allowed to vote.

Caleb, as head of household, you will only vote in the event of a tie.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict.

Christine, your first tonight, please go to the diary room.

How good.

First again.

She looked good.

Christine was targeted by her alliance this week and saved herself.

Will she go against them with her vote?

Hi, Christine.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.


Derek had originally wanted to keep Nicole safe, but with his game threatened, he's had a change of heart.

Hi, Derek.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Frankie had repeatedly said that he wants Nicole out.

His vote should be obvious.

Hi, Frankie.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.

I love you.

It's official.

With three votes to evict Nicole, Nicole will be leaving the Big Brother house tonight, but let's see how Cody votes.

Hello, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

You look amazing.

I wish I could stay the same for you.

Oh, I appreciate that.

Thank you.

You do look adorable, though.

Thank you.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.

Thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the house guests.

House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted house guests will have just a few moments to say goodbye, gather her belongings, and walk out the front door.

By a vote of four to zero, Nicole, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Enjoy, Eden.

Crush it.

Oh, my God.

I'm so nervous.

I'm so nervous.

I'm so nervous.

I remember my longs.

Get it, Nicole.

Get it.

Get it, Nicole.


Oh, my God.


You look beautiful.

Thank you.

Here we go.

Here we go.

Now we gotta play.

Oh, Jesus.

Quiet, baby.

There you go, Nicole.

Hey, final six.

Congratulations, guys.

Congrats, everyone.

Get it.

Looks like someone got a little nervous.

Yeah, I should've.

I'm all sorry.

Let's get ready.

Let's get ready to go play it, baby.

Well, Nicole, here we are once again.

I know.

I'm back too soon.

You said returning to the game, you had a really hard time getting your head back into

the game.

I did.

Why was it so hard?

I think because I was out and I went in with a lot of emotions, took a lot of things to


And I went back into that competition.

I couldn't even think of what day it was in the house, and I was like, this isn't good.

So just being out and going back in, it's just different.

What do you make of the people who are left in the house?

There's a lot of good game players in there right now, and I honestly cannot even tell

you who's gonna be standing at the finale or who's gonna be following me out the door.

But you have said that it's a matter of time before they turn on each other.

Oh, yeah.

In your opinion, who will be the first to turn on the others?

Um, let's see.

I think Frankie and Cody, maybe?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I'm excited.

I don't know.

I think they're all gonna turn right now.

You never know.

That's the beauty of Big Brother.


I haven't had a chance to ask you since you and Hayden were reunited in the jury house.

How are things between the two of you?

Really good.

Better than before.

We both admitted that we like each other, so hopefully…

We're rooting for you, too.

Any final thoughts?

Uh, no.

I'm just excited to see who's following you tonight.

Oh, I bet you are.

Who do you want to follow you tonight?

Um, sorry, ladies, but probably Cody and maybe Christine.

So either or.

You're off to the jury house.


Say hi to Hayden for us.

We'll see you back here for finale night when you help decide who wins.


Up next, it's the live head of household competition with the chaos of a double eviction in full


Will a member of the detonators take this opportunity to turn on one of their own?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's time to crown a new head of household.

Free from the threat of eviction, this H.



must immediately put two house guests on the

chopping block.

The winner of this competition will be the only house guest safe during tonight's second

live eviction.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

House guests, the power's up for grabs.

Caleb, as outgoing head of household, you are not eligible to compete.

This competition is called what the bleep.

And here's how it works.

I will play a series of videos containing statements by evicted house guests this summer,

each featuring a bleeped out word.

I will then tell you what the bleeped out word might be.

You must answer if that word is true or false.

Get the answer correct.

You stay in the game.

Get it wrong and you will be eliminated.

The last house guest standing will be the new H.



Does everyone understand?

Yes, Julie.


Then let's begin.

Here is your first clip.

I miss you so much.

I miss your s***.

True or false?

The bleeped word was massages.

Answers, please.

Now that the answers are locked, let's see what the real word was.

I miss your kiss.

Which means the answer is false.

The bleeped out word, as you heard, was kisses and it also means a big congratulations to Derek, you, the new head of household.

Nominations will take place in just a few minutes, so I need everyone to please head back inside the house.

You all have time now to strategize and I'll call you all back into the living room in just a few minutes for nominations.



I'm so close to switching to you.

You two are retired now, all but the new one.

I miss you and I was like, I could have swore she said it in the same thing and I also miss you.

It was both.

It was both.

It was both.

But that one was first because he was crying like crazy.

The second one, he wasn't crying.


I knew it was kisses.


How would you guys remember kisses?

It was both.

It was massages.

He said it was massages.

No, no, no.

The second one, I missed your soft hands.


That's the way you start, not my side.


Not my side.

He said, I missed your soft hands.

Up next, Derek must nominate two house guests for eviction.

But with tonight's live veto competition still to play, it's anyone's guest who will be the second house guest sent packing.

Plus, I'll reveal the next big twist of this most twisted summer ever.

Stay with us.

We're all going like ginger beans.

We're going to walk.

Hey, I didn't want to laugh.

I said I was like, you're the best.

Thanks for the guy.

Have you seen the soft hands?

Soft hands.

That's what we're talking about.


Are we live, right?

You guys are going to want to say no.

I'm going to wear that.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Just moments ago, Derek became the new head of household.

It is now his responsibility to put two house guests on the chopping block.

Let's listen in on Last Minute Strategy.

I don't have to go home.

Because they want you to go home.

It's going to look bad if I don't look at them protecting you.

Christine's a target.

She doesn't win the veto.

If she does win the veto, Frankie's going home.

For sure.

Cody and Gail already said it.

I promise you, you're good.

What do you got?

I love you.

I love you too.

Please don't blow me up.

Who's next?

Who's next?

Cody's going to win last.



You already know.

You already know.

When the veto, please.

Let's get the college and see if Christine does win the veto.

Frankie's going home.

He's got to go.

He's got to go.



If Ken's in Victoria home, that'd be a loss for us.


Let's do it.

Houseguests, it's time for the live nomination ceremony to begin.

Everyone needs to gather in the living room right now.

All right.

You're all there.

Derek, as head of household, it's now time for you to face your housemates and make

your two nominations.

Everyone's giving me their names.

I'm going with the house.

I'm not trying to make any waves.

I apologize, Victoria.

You know I love you.

Please take a seat.

Christine as well.

Please take a seat.

It's nothing personal.

Going with the house.

Ladies, thank you for taking your places in the nomination, Chairs.

One of you may be the next house guest to be evicted, but you still have one last chance

to save yourselves because the live veto competition is next.

Up next, Victoria and Christine's lives in this game are on the line.

The battle for survival plays out when we return.

Stay with us.

You can definitely help.

Probably won't let you.

Come on, make the move.

I like an eagle through this.

One of you jimos win this, please.

Welcome back to a special double eviction episode of Big Brother.

Already tonight, Nicole was evicted from the Big Brother house.

Then, Derek became the new head of household.

He then put Victoria and Christine up for eviction.

Now, everyone will face off in the most important power of veto competition of the summer.

Will Victoria or Christine win the POV and save themselves?

It's time to find out.

House guests, it's now time for the power of veto competition.

The winner of the power of veto can use it to remove one of the nominees from the chopping block,

or they can leave Derek's nominations intact.

This competition is called mazed and confused, and here's how it's played.

On my go, you must navigate a ball through three unique crop circle mazes.

The first house guest to get their ball to the end and set off their censor will win the power of veto.

Does everyone understand?


Very well, then.

On your mark, get set, go.

Franky makes it down to the second maze.

Christine makes it down to the second maze, as does Caleb.

And Cody does too, and so does Victoria.

Now everybody is working on their second maze.

Franky is on the third and final maze.

Caleb is on the final maze.

Christine is on the final maze.

Congratulations to you, Franky.

You have won the power of veto.

Franky, you have just a few minutes to decide if you're going to use it or not.

Here we go.

I got you.

I got you.

I got you.

I got you.

I just seen how close I am.

Will the nominations change, and who will be the second house guest sent to the jury tonight?

Find out next.

Plus, I'll reveal the next big twist of the summer.

Stay with us.

Thank you.

Good job, Franky.

Oh, wow, that is wonderful.

Thank you.

That was sick.

Yeah, that's awesome.

Yeah, that's the one they use every day.

That's the CD.


What are you doing here?

I'm going to do a full-time dance.

Yeah, of course you are.

Oh, that thing is sick.

Yeah, that thing is just like cut off.

Oh, dude, I got you the first one.

All right, why are you doing the seventh one?

The second one I got…

All right, why are you doing the seventh one?

Franky has just won the Power Vito, but will he use it to save one of the nominees?

Let's listen in on Last Minute Strategy.

I don't question you, Franky.

I don't.

All right.

No, no, she goes home.

She goes home.

Victoria, out next.

We give you some Christina.

We are guaranteed the final part.

I know, I know.

Okay, see, I should go over.

He's like each individual person.

I should be like you…

Whatever, whatever you want.

You're probably out, Chris.

Yeah, I see, I see, I see.


Call to your phone or Christine, Derek, and Caleb are.

Right, exactly.

We're still doing it.

Oh, but if he votes the other way, that's bad for him.

Okay, okay, wow.

This is nuts.

We did it.

We did it, man.

We did it.

We got through it.

Oh, my God.

We got through it, bro.

And as soon as I saw that, I was like, yeah, okay, I win this.

And this is great because you're a better endurance cop than me.


This is exactly what we wanted.

This is perfect.

This is exactly what we wanted.

You got to keep me safe now.

I don't think that they're going to…

I trust you, Caleb, on the block.

I have this with most likely, let's be honest, I will.

I will use it.

I think you'll win the HOH.

You put Victoria up next to whoever you want.

I appreciate if you didn't put me up because I didn't put you up, but then.

If we're already talking about next week.

We did it.

Final four.

Final four.

I know, but I got you.


You have one more minute before the nomination ceremony.

Oh, God, go away.

Before the veto ceremony, Raph.

Go away.


Bring somebody next.

Thank you, Julie.

I love you.

You're gorgeous.

I love the black.

Thank you.

I love you too, Julie.

What do you want?

Keeping it the same.

Christine's going out.

Okay, next.

And I love that necklace you're wearing, Julie.


This was the same.


I'm not here for sleep.

Love you.


Oh, you can come to…


You got to give us two…

Oh yeah, yeah, okay.

All right, houseguests.

It is time to begin the veto meeting.

I see you've all gathered in the living room.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Frankie, as winner of the Power Veto…

Say it again.

You may remove one of the nominees from the shopping block.

Yes, as the winner of the Power Veto.

Or you may leave the nominations in place.

Christine, you're first.

I was really close behind you, so I did pretty well in the competition.

I don't expect you to use it.

So yeah, that's really all I have to say.

Thank you, Joseph.

Thank you.

All right, thank you, Christine.

Victoria, it's your turn.

Frankie, I tried my best, and I hope you saw that.

I love you as a person.

I really want to continue and stay and play with you guys if you would use it.

I love that if not, I totally understand.

Love you and I miss the best of luck.

Love you.

All right, thank you, Victoria.

Thank you both.

Frankie, please give us your decision.

I have decided to not change the nominations and honor Derek as the HOH,

so I will not be using the Power Veto.

All right, then.

Since the veto was not used, obviously the nominations will remain in place.

I'll be back for the second live vote and eviction in just a few minutes.

Up next, Victoria or Christine, who will be the second house guest to leave the Big Brother House tonight.

The live vote and eviction is next.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's been an epic night in the Big Brother House.

Earlier this evening, Nicole was evicted.

Now, either Christine or Victoria will follow in her footsteps.

Let's return to the living room for the live vote and eviction.

Hello again, house guests.

Christine, Victoria, in just a few moments, your housemates will cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each have a chance to plead your case.

Christine, you're first.

Tim, you're hot and I love you and I miss you.

Guys, I would love to play this game.

I'd love to continue.

I'd love to be the last girl standing.

That sounds pretty cool.

And I would just like to have more fun because this is my dream.

I'm a super fan, so thanks.

Thank you, Christine.


House guest, I just said this a couple of minutes ago.

I really appreciate that you guys voted for me to stay.

I really want to continue and play this game with you guys,

so please vote for me to stay in this house.

Love you guys.

I wish you best of luck.

No hard feelings.

Thank you, ladies.

All right, everyone.

It's time for the live voting to begin.

Derek, as current head of household, you are not allowed to vote.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict.

Frankie, you're up first.

Please go to the diary room.

Frankie knows he is a possible target moving forward, so who is his best bet to stay in the game?

Hi, Frankie.

Hello again, Julie.

Hello, hello.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict Christine.

Thank you.

Caleb has been voting solidly with the detonators, so what will he do tonight?

Hello, Caleb.

What's going on, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

Got to vote to a girl.

Got to vote to evict my girl Christine.

Got it.

Thank you.

It's official.

With two votes to evict Christine, Christine will be leaving the Big Brother house tonight, but let's see how Cody votes.

Hello again, Cody.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

Vote to evict Christine.

Thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the house guests.

House guests, just a reminder, when I reveal the vote, the evicted house guests will have just a few moments to say goodbye and walk out the front door.

Buy a vote of three to zero.

Christine, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

I'm going to go get them tighter.

They crushed her.

Oh, my God.

I guess you made the right choice.


How fun.

Missy Ha, our princess.

I want to say something.

This is the same, and I forgot the name.

That right there is not going out good.

Hey, that means that we made the right choice.

Thanks, guys.

I appreciate it.

If anyone was doubting themselves in any way, shape or form, this was the girl that we should have picked.

This is the girl we did pick.

And she just got crushed.

She must have been crushing us in there.


Christine, you bolted.

You didn't say goodbye to a single person.

I take it you were flabbergasted and surprised.

What do you think happened?

These were your guys.

These were your detonators, your alliance.


I've been expecting it for a while now.

I got involved in a boys club, and I got involved in the coal, and it got messy.

But early on in the game, you decided, I'm going to stick with these guys.

I'm not going to stick with my buddies Hayden and Nicole.

Sitting here now with me, sixth place, not even final four, do you regret not sticking with Hayden and Nicole?

Yeah, you could say you regret it.

I don't know how it would have turned out either way.

Maybe I would have been knocked out fourth or, you know, I don't know exactly how it would have been.

I made a decision.

It was the wrong one, so…

Why do you think they voted to keep Victoria over you when you've been helping them

and the good soldier all along the way?

Yeah, I don't want to go up, but I will.

Victoria, she's not going to win any competitions.

She hasn't been doing too well in the competitions, so I think they know that they could beat her

if they take her to the final.

So that's what they told me.

You got super close with Cody this summer.


He voted against you.

It seems like you two come from completely different worlds.

What was it about Cody that attracted you to him?

Well, we were just great friends.

He had a hilarious personality.

I thought he was really funny.

And so we became good friends.

Are you mad he voted you out?

I guess, yeah, I mad everybody voted me out, but I definitely understand.

But you and he were tight.

You were very tight, and not even a sympathy vote.

No, I understand the sympathy.

I wouldn't expect a sympathy vote.

If all of them are telling to vote me out, then I totally understand.

You're off to the jury house.

We will see you back here in Finale Night when you help decide who wins this thing.


Thank you, Christine.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Nicole and Christine may be out of the game, but next week's nominees may not suffer the same fate.

It all depends on what happens with this button.

It's the next big twist of the summer, and it's called the Big Brother Rewind.

If that button is pushed in the coming days, then next week's live vote will stop live on the air.

The two nominees will immediately come off the block.

The game will rewind, and the entire week will be replayed.

That means next week's nominees could go from being on the block to becoming head of household.

It's a week you do not want to miss, as we are full steam ahead to the finale.

Tune in Sunday for a very special episode to find out who will be the new head of household to see this Big Brother Rewind twist unleashed on the house guests,

and to witness the return of Big Brother legends Jeff and Jordan for a surprise announcement.

Then, to make way for the NFL on CBS, we are changing our schedule for the rest of the season.

The power of Vito will be back up for grabs on a new day, Tuesday at 8, 7 central.

Then, the next live eviction is also moving to a new day and time.

Next Wednesday at 8, 7 central, will another house guest be evicted, or will the game stop dead in its tracks?

That depends on whether or not the Big Brother Rewind button is pushed.

It all happens live next Wednesday.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the house guests.

From outside the Big Brother house, I'm Julie Chen.

Good night.

It's not $25,000.

It's probably the first time.

It might be something like that.

Seriously, not that bad.

You don't know.

It turned into your friend to work, and she could have been calling you every name in the book in there.


And it makes you look like an idiot because I'm doing it.

You have nothing, there's nothing that you did in the situation.

That's the room.

I need to alter to putting my first time.

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