16x18 - Episode 18

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x18 - Episode 18

Post by bunniefuu »

I have to nominate you, Amber, as a replacement nominee.

With Amber and Jocasta on the block, Team America got a new mission.

Vote against the majority of the house in this week's eviction and then publicly accuse

two other house guests.

But Donnie was worried it would hurt his game.

I didn't come across the country to have my game messed up.

At the live eviction…

It's time for the live voting to begin.

America got denied.

I vote to evict Amber.

Donnie's made it very clear that he's not on board with this mission or Team America

if it affects its own game.

And Amber got the boot.

You are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Officially ending Caleb's no mask.

Oh, that was quick.

She does look good in Black and White.

At the head of household competition…

I'm sorry, Jocasta.

Reset and step down.

Victoria, Christine and Derek, the three of you have been eliminated.

It came down to Hayden, Nicole, Sak, Donnie and Caleb.

And tonight, two of them will become the new heads of household.

Plus, it's the most punishing battle of the block yet.

All this right now on Big Brother.

How's this?

We're going to a tiebreaker question.

The two people who come closest to the correct number will be the new heads of household.

Here we go.

In seconds, what was the total length of the Giddy Up Veto competition

from the official start to when Hayden hit his button?

Okay, everyone, I need an answer, please.

The correct answer is 568 seconds, which means congratulations to Nicole and Donnie.

The two of you are the new heads of household.

Donnie and I went HOH.

I'm super excited.

But then again, I remember how stressed out I was last time I went HOH.

So right now, I guess I'm unsure on how I feel.

Donnie, it's Donnie.

I had 720, but I had 720 to start with.

I am tickled pink that I won head of household today.

I'm even excited that I share it with Nicole.

She's someone that from day one, I wanted to align myself with.

Good stuff.

I storm off the court, act like I'm pissed.

I couldn't be happier.

Losing this competition is in my best interest.

I don't want to win two HOHs back to back weeks and put a huge target on my back.

I just did my math wrong.

I'm one of my…

Sign me up for the Academy Awards, because I just won Best Actor in the BB House, baby.

What was the answer?

Donnie has already made it clear that his personal game takes precedent over any Team America missions.

Now that he's won HOH, I'm interested to see if he's going to be loyal to us

or he feels like there's some dissension and he needs to make a move now.

Again, this is the first time this summer that neither a b*mb squad member nor a detonator is in charge.

And it's really worrisome to me because I feel like one of my Alliance members might be in danger of going home this week.

You okay?

I'm sorry.

Come here.

Listen, listen.

You can't win every one.

You're going to win one.

I knew it.

It happens.

When you're in front of 9 million people, you get nervous.

But I probably look really stupid because I'm like…

I thought I had it.

I know you wanted to win this one because you wanted to see it.

Because I just need to see them, Barry.

I really need to see them.

I just really want to see them.

I can only see them in my mind.

My faith keeps me strong in this house.

But I need to see my family or read some words from my family.

You're day 42 and you're still in this thing.

Try to look at the positives of this.

If there's one guy you trust in this house, who is it?

That man right there.

You're going to be safe this week.

You're going to have an opportunity for HOH next week.

And you can see him next week.

Seven days.

You're in a pretty good position right now.

Can I?

You're right.

All right, give me a hug.

If you need to talk, let me know.

What's your gut feeling?

I think we can come up with a really good plan.

I think we can work together and come up with a perfect plan.

I think so, too.


We need to include Hayden.

Yep, 100%.

That's 100%.

I trust Hayden.

Believe it or not, the boy is very smart.

So I would like his say so on it, too, because he hangs out with some other people

and he has insight that I don't have about these people.

There's not a lot of choices.

There's only nine people that can go up and we need four.

It's almost 50%.

I mean, I know some people are throwing competitions on purpose

because they don't want blood on their hands and they're just sailing by

and it's making me angry.

It was countable last night and there wasn't, but like a handful of people

that's never won had a household.

And there's three people that's never been nominated.

You know, the three.





They don't know how it feels.

I definitely think it's time to shake things up.

There needs to be big moves made in this house.

Look at what's happening.

All the girls are leaving and some guys need to go up on the block

and see what it's like to be up there.

I need it.


What's up?


First of all, congratulations for winning.

Thank you.

Second of all, if you need someone to put up, you can put me up.

Oh, really?



And that'll be my favor.

So I tell Nicole to put me on the block, but this is all part of reverse psychology.

I want her to make a stupid decision and not put me on the block.

I deserve it.

You know, I kind of want that.

So, I mean…

I don't know.

Zach, I'll see.

Yeah, I mean, what did you and Donnie talk about?

Did you guys like this?

Who is your guy?

No, we didn't discuss.

Who do you want out of the house?



I told you who I did last week and I asked you…

Yeah, no, you didn't.

You're a full-trap.

What do you mean?

What do you mean I full-trap you?

Zach thinks that I'm going to tell him who my target is and I don't know why he thinks

I'd give any information to him.

Last week, I'm a Fruit Loop Dingus.

Well, you Fruit Loop Dingus, I bet you didn't see this coming.

Then now, what, Zach?

We're best friends?


Donnie and I are close, so I'm going to see what he says to me.

Hopefully, he like shows me some insight, but I can tell this is going to be the first

BOB where you're not going to be working together.

You think so?


Oh, for sure.

I mean, unless you guys have the same target.

Right, I don't…

You can't tell me who your target is?

I don't want to see my target.

Is it a boy or a girl?

I don't know.

I'll tell you when I'm more comfortable.

I'm not going to spit out my target and then have it be running around the house.

I mean, I'll keep my mouth shut.

Call me U.


It's not U.



All right, Nicole, I see it.

It's all you need to know.

I mean, I think I'm fine with Donnie.

We just gave up 10 grand for him.

Yes, exactly.

I better be f***ing safe.

He just cost me five grand.

Yeah, exactly.

That's what I said.


Not only have Frankie and I both been HOHs and not put Donnie on the block, we also decided

not to carry out this last Team America mission because Donnie didn't feel it was in the best

interest of his personal game.

I think that, you know, I can just be like, I didn't, but I'm up, I didn't.

That's not where I am.


So, it's like…

When I was HOH, I didn't put him up either.

No, exactly.

So, let's hope he returns up here.

I'm getting better.

I gotta tell you something.


You're not doing too good with your strategy.


I'm not winning HOHs.

You're not playing a DNGs in the game at all anymore.

I know.

Now, I hit the switch of strategies.

Well, I didn't feel safe with two people that were left upstairs.

What was that sound like?

Game on and set out.

Good point.

I wasn't gonna throw a straight throw a cop and then go home.


Good point.



I just didn't feel safe like I am.

I thought about it.

And like…

Oh, hello.

What's up, guys?

We were just kissing.

You sleeping in my bed with me?

I'm sleeping in your bed, yeah.


So, we gotta watch.

Do you see how he's everywhere?


He tries to be crazy.

He's everywhere.

You know what I mean?

Frankie in this house is a huge threat because he plays an incredible social game.

He has everybody's best friend and he's just very good at pretty much everything.

So, that's a threat to my game.

I never said this to anybody.


But if I were to pay to worry you'd be a poor friend.

He's not at work.

I'm not working.

Oh, okay.

Yeah, they can't do anything.

Nicole brings up the idea of Backdoor and Frankie and I agree, but I'm absolutely lying because

I need Frankie here and I don't want him to be nominated for anything.

But at the same token, I'm not gonna tell him because I know he'll run right back to

her and she's gonna know it came from me and I could be going up instead of Frankie.

Frankie's playing us.

If that's the Backdoor plan, if that comes to fruition, I'm in.



Joe H.


Oh, buddy.

You're supposed to be skipping.

Keep the blue twinkling.


Let's see it.


Oh, my goodness.

Where's Johnny?

Where's Johnny?

Where's Johnny?

Where's Christine?

Oh, she's a slumber.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, Donnie.

You look like a stud.

Look at you.

You have no beard.

It was wonderful to see a picture of my beautiful girlfriend, Christine.

I hadn't seen her in a long time.

She looks beautiful, those nice legs.

I was glad that my fellow houseguest could see I had such a pretty girlfriend.

Mine is a trusty.

I love that.

You look hot in that picture.


I never wore glasses in high school.

God, the balls.

Who's that?

That's Mariah.

Oh, Mariah.

Hey, Mariah has to know me.

Mariah, beast mode cowboy.


Amber literally has only been gone for a few hours and he already has his sights set on

another girl that he can't have.

Caleb, you're not.

It's from Mariah.

She's my soulmate, for real.

I want to start out by saying that I'm so proud of you.

Also, I recently got a boyfriend.

I'm done.

I miss you so much.

This is by far the longest that we have gone without talking since we met and it's a struggle.

Love you so much.


So, Mariah, young turtle.

Where is it done?


Holy moly.

She calls me DJ.

Hey, DJ.

Well, if you were reading this, you won HOH.


You earned it and deserve it.

Everyone is doing well and they say, hey, I miss you so much.

I miss your kisses.

And your massages with those wonderful hands.

I miss snuggling with you and lying next to you.

You mean the world to me and I don't ever want to be without you or away from you like this again.

Thank you for loving me, Christine.

That was a great winner.

Donnie, I'm aroused by that winner.

You have to bleep some of that letter out.

Best day of my life.

You want to go ahead and get our talk out of the way.

We can just go in the bathroom though.

Ain't much to say.

I'm a little bit nervous with Donnie being one of the HOHs.

Unless you like talking to me, we can have a long conversation.

I have put Donnie up in the past, so to keep the blood off his hands, hey, I'm a good target.

Of course, I'm going to say what everyone says.

I don't want to go up.

That's never a good feeling.

I've been there.

I was there three times.

The first week I was nominated with PAL.

You were never the target that we wanted to go home.

It's going to take a lot of convincing me to think that PALO was the target that week.

Especially when Devin came and told me he was sorry for targeting me.

That I was the target.

That's Devin's one person.

Devin's not all about it.

But Devin didn't nominate me.

You did.

If I'm nominated due to the fact that you and her fell off first, put me up.

I'm going to play my heart out and I'm going to do my best to win.

Then you shouldn't hold it against me because you were the first person to nominate me.

If Donny knows what's best for him, he would not put me up on the block.

Because if he does, the next time I'm in power, I will definitely come running right after Donny.

If you don't nominate me, I won't nominate you.

That's honestly the only deal I can make.

If you do get nominated by someone else and then I'll win the POV, I'll use it on you.

It's the only thing I can offer you at this moment.

Because that's just how the game goes.

Whoever I put up there may not be the target.

If I am nominated, I would die to be put up with Victoria.

You wouldn't want to be.

No, I don't want to be next to her.

If I'm put up, I want to be put up with someone that's a good gamer and that I can win with.

Caleb reveals to me that he don't want to go up on the block with someone like Victoria.

He should have never told me that.

How do you get a chance to win a pool?

What do you want to hit it on the side?

Definitely not there.

You're not even aiming at it.

When I play pool with Hayden, he's super good at pool and I'm not very good.

He tries to help me.

I don't always listen.

Wait, can we hit this seven directly?

Hayden and I are super competitive.

I mean, I guess it's time for me to take a spot.

I think she knows what she's doing because she hops that thing up and nails me in the junk.

Lately, Nicole's been feeling a little jealous of the whole me and Victoria thing.

I never took Nicole to be the vengeful pipe, but uh…

I don't know where the ball went.

I don't know.

It's probably stuck in my genitals.

And look, you did scratch.

Well, I won't nominate you.



That's on my end.

I appreciate that.

Whatever she does is strictly up to her.


She and I hadn't even talked about names.

You know, I know you got to do what's good for your game and I support whatever people you want.


I just want to say congratulations.

Thanks, Dan.

There's a huge chance of making up for last week this week.


You know, maybe under the we respect this.

It was good.

It couldn't have jeopardized our game.

Yeah, exactly.

That's a good news.

I would definitely if I was you try to keep staying HOH.

And if we got some other type of mission, I could always pull you all up there.

Like I can pull anybody up there and we still have an isolation spot.

Kind of like when you, you know…

I definitely want Donny to remain HOH this week.

It would ensure the safety of Team America.

It would also dethrone Nicole, squashing the plan to backdoor Frankie.

Who would y'all think that the target should be?

Safe Bets.

It's obviously Victoria.

And Ticasa.

It's hard for me to nominate her.

My plan for Donny this week is to leave him alone.

I do not want to get too much blood on my hands.

So I trust that I am safe for the week.

Donny, you do your thing.

Maybe you can see it Nicole.

If I let you put up Ticasa, you gotta let me put up Victoria.


If the person puts up Victoria, it's gonna be in a better situation.

Then you do both of you with that?

Who could be the other two?

Did you guys talk together yet?

Yeah, but we had named names for her and we just congratulated one another.

What do you think?

You want to put up Kela maybe?

If it permits himself.

That's good.


And then who would you put up with him?

If you didn't use her, I was going to.

It kills me to put up Ticasa.

It would k*ll me deader.

I understand!

I understand!

I was thinking possibly her and Zach.

If I had to choose that four, is what I would pick.

They have to know that we can't throw.

I said I can't throw up two strong guys.

They're coming after me.

They're gonna win.

If Caleb and Victoria lost, you stay ahead of household.

You have Caleb and Victoria up there.

If the power of Vito isn't used, Caleb goes home.

That would be great.

If the power of Vito is used, who do you put up as a replacement?

I would put up Frankie.

Would you?

I would try it.

How's the back door?

I put him up against Zach and I think Zach would stay.

I think Frankie is the root of basically everything.

Frankie is the puppet master.

If you want to back door Frankie, that would be the way to go because I don't feel comfortable enough to do it.

I would never nominate Frankie because he is a member of Team America like myself.

However, I believe if given the opportunity, Frankie would back door me.

So I would absolutely be in on back door and Frankie.

That would be on you.

I would be a vote, yes.

I don't know if I could be strong enough to stand up there and put him up as a replacement.

Well, still we only have to take one day at a time.

Getting rid of Frankie would be the biggest move at this point in the game.

But it is a huge risk because if I gamble and put him up on the block and he doesn't go home, you can pretty much call my game over.

Oh my gosh, how awesome would this be?

I am ready to make big news in this game.

It would be awesome.

It would be awesome.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Why wouldn't I be okay?

I don't know.

Do I not look okay?

No, you look suspicious.

I did say I want to create some drama tonight.


Better watch it.

You better watch it.

I don't know.

No, I just came up because I wanted to talk to this girl.


All right, guys, can I talk to him?

Earlier, I tried my reverse psychology approach with Nicole.

Don't feel too comfortable with that.

Now I got to talk to that dingus and just convince her that putting up yours truly is not a good idea.

I don't want to be put up, obviously.

But if I do happen to put you up, do you understand why I'm putting you up?

I mean, you better not.

But if you get the first pick, it's in your best interest, in my opinion, to pick weak players.

If you get picked first, you need to put up Victoria Chasten.

There's no other option.

People will look at you like a stupid person if you don't put up Victoria Chasten.

That's extremely predictable.

And if you go against the grain, it just kind of raises questions.

All right.

If Nicole is smart, she'll put up two weak players that will lose the battle of the block.

She will be the remaining HOH, and she'll be able to back door city whoever she chooses.

You're going to be up here all week, and then you're going to have every option in your frickin' arsenal to send home whoever you want.

All right.

And I don't know who your target is this week, but I hope it's not me.

It's not.

All right.



Stack is trying to help me out by telling me who I should put up so I can stay HOH.

But little does he know that if I stay HOH, I plan on back dooring his best friend, Frankie.

Keep that in mind.

All right.

My goal with my nominations this week is to make a big move.

I want a great competitor to walk out that door.

Basically, the same people are running this house, and I want to shake it off.

As HOH this week, I want to make my nominations with least amount of blood as possible because I don't want to make myself a bigger target in the weeks to come.

This is the nomination ceremony.

It's our responsibility as the heads of households to each nominate two houseguests for eviction.

Based on a random draw, I will reveal my nominations first.

The first houseguest I have nominated is…

The next houseguest I have nominated is…


I have nominated you, Jakosta, and you, Zach.

Jakosta, this is strictly a game move.

I love you so much, and I'm so sorry.

Zach, I wanted to keep up the tradition of using the Big Brother dictionary, so last night I looked up super villain.

I only saw a picture of Evil d*ck.

You're way too cute and innocent, and with everything that happened last week, I think you saw this coming.

The first houseguest I have nominated is…

The second houseguest I have nominated is…

I have nominated you, Caleb, and you, Victoria.

The reason I nominated you, Caleb, was because you were the first person to nominate me, tit for tat.

I think if you survive this week, we are square.

Victoria, I am very sorry to have nominated you, but your blood has been on many people's hands, so I figured your blood is diluted on mine.

I am very sorry, good luck to each and every one of you.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

Good speeches.

That was a really good speech.

I think Nicole's speech is extremely stupid.

She thinks I'm not the super villain that I actually am.

That's very offensive.

I am on the block again.

Whose fault is it?

It's actually I'm blaming me.

I knew that I had to win HOH in order to stay safe for this week.

Did I know all answers yet?

What did I do?

Get nervous!

Sorry, Caleb.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Donnie puts me on the block with the one person that I did not want to be next to, and that was Victoria.

Thank you, Donnie.


Quite frankly, I feel like I'm going to go into this B.


all by myself.

That's so stupid.

You did it.

Today's the fourth.

See you soon.

So we're failing.

You did it perfectly.

Don't be scared.

Let's just play.

k*lled your speech.

Did I?


Wait, your ass is not…

Nailed it.

Did I?


Did it make sense?

It's all right.

It's not really an insult.


To him it is.

But I didn't call him.

It's an innuendo.

Like, figuring out the dictionary.

You pulled a line out of his book.

You did great.

That's perfect.


You did good.


You just got nervous?

Yeah, I talked fast.

No, no, no, you did good.

It was perfect.

Everything you said was perfect.

He thinks that the strongest player should survive.

He's got it.


Sorry you had to go up my ass.

Sorry, I'm going to do my best.

She wants us to play a game of cat and mouse.

Well, she looks like a mouse and I'm as swift as a cat, so I'm coming for your head, Nicole.

You can nominate me all you want, Nicole.

But I know that I have my team on my back and I have the numbers to stay.

You all right?

Yeah, a bit better.

So next week when I win HOH, you better bet your bottom dollar that you're going to be sitting on that chopping block.

I mean, I'm not worried.

I'm going to win the BOV.

I'm just going to win losing to Caleb and Victoria.

It's mental.

I mean, it shouldn't be hard at all.

But we'll see.

Either way, we just yell it out.

It's actually perfect.

They have no chance.

Victoria can't stay in Caleb.


You're just going to scream.

Like scream.


It's going to be funny.

I wish I could watch, but I wouldn't be too busy.

Kicking butt, winning, guaranteeing my safety, getting ready for my celebratory intercourse date.

Yeah, we both need it, you know?

Oh my God, it's so bad.

We're super close.

Cheer me on.

I will.

We got to do this.

All right.

We have to win.

We don't have a choice.

We don't have a choice.

The good thing is I'm with you.

And I'm with you.

As long as we listen to each other, usually that's how it works.


It's just communication.

Communication is key in the BOV.

I do not mind working with Zach during the Battle of the Block because Zach, he's a smart cookie.

Everybody else in the house having a problem with Zach being a little mouthy to them, but not Mama J.

Zach knows Mama J don't play.

So we just have to not panic and just stay focused and always talk to each other.


Like I tried to have that same talk last week with Victoria.

It didn't work.

But I know with you, it'll work.

Without a doubt.

Without a doubt.

You know.

Well, at least I'm up with you and I'm not up with freaking Victoria.

We're going to win this.

We're going to win this and we're going to guarantee our safety and the rest of the week is going to be perfect.

We'll think it through right before you get out there.

You know, before we even like mention anything, you think it through and you think about your strategy.

I'll think about mine and hopefully we get the same strategy.


But hopefully it's a mental cough because we're going to want to investigate.



I kind of expect this.

We do.

And I know it's coming.


And I know like we have a difference in ourselves.

We ain't really had a difference.

We just haven't talked a lot.

You're my everything.

We have to be.

Because in those competitions, it's all about communication.

So be super free to give me instructions and do this and do that.

And I need this because that's all there is in those.

I'm not going to take any.

I'm not going to like freak out.

No one wants to be stuck with Victoria on the block because we see how she is in competitions.

If you lose a B.



, she's the reason you lost.

That's just plain and simple.

I'm ready to win this.

We will.

So I just want to k*ll it and.

We got to be best friends right now and we have to work together to pull ourselves off.

And hopefully this will make us closer in the game.

For sure.

Thanks Caleb.

I appreciate it.

You're ready to play.


You already know B.



is ready to play.

Princess is ready to play.

Alright, we'll play it.

Hey kids, it's time for Battle of the Bar.

Get dressed and meet me in the backyard.

Thank you.


Oh my God.

So I walk into the backyard and I see my childhood fantasy.

I see teddy bears and blocks and dominoes and I want to play with everything.

Except I don't want to play because I don't want to be on the block.

No way.

I hope you're ready because this challenge is not all fun and games.

In this Battle of the Block, Donnie's nominees will battle Nicole's nominees to save themselves from the chopping block.

The winning pair not only earn safety for the rest of the week, but they will dethrone the HOH that nominated them.

To win this game, you must create one path of dominoes across your game board to the bull's eye button.

Once your path is complete, trigger your first domino and keep your fingers crossed.

All of your dominoes must fall over with the final domino landing on the bull's eye.

But here's the catch.

You must knock down three punishment dominoes along the way and it's up to you to choose which three.

Win the game and you're off the block, but you have to do all the punishments you knocked over.

Lose the game and you won't have to do the punishments, but you will still be on the chopping block.

Who's ready to play Domino Effect?


I absolutely love Donnie, but I know I can't trust Donnie and Nicole because they'll look out for themselves.

I have to trust my own alliance.

It's the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Which one are you for?

Slop for two weeks and I'm not shaving my head.

Victoria and I have to win the Battle of the Block because that is the only way we can guarantee 100% our safety for the week.

If Jocasta and I can win this, we will be safe for the week and we will dethrone Nicole, which would be amazing.

On your mark, get set, domigo!

The object of this competition is to create a domino chain and you have to knock down at least three gold domino punishments.

So even if you win, you lose.

A little closer.

A little closer.

We decide to steer clear from the shaved head because Zach doesn't want to shave his and I'm definitely not shaving my head.

I will take out the weave, but shave the head she won't do.

So we're going towards manure bath.

Yeah, that's what we'll do.

This competition is more of a brains competition.

Zach has a ton of brain, so I'm nervous.

You guys are k*lling it.

Oh my God, he's going for the shaved head.

I did not want to shave my head, but with choosing that punishment, I think it's going to be our fastest way to the finish.

Heck, who knows?

Maybe I can convince Victoria to want to shave her head instead of me.

Let's go Zach, attack a little further away.

Good job, guys.

Now that Zach and I have gone through the manure bath, the fastest way from there is no HOH.

Zach and I will not be able to play in the head of household next week.

I don't want to do it, but I got to save myself.



Normally in competitions, Victoria panics, but this time she was aggressive.

She was carrying those dominoes.

She was setting them up on her own and not having to be told where to put them.

So now it's anybody's game.

Come on, Victoria, come on girl.

It looks like Beast Mode Cowboy brought out Beast Mode Princess.

I don't think she's moved like that since Black Friday.

The next punishment that Victoria and I chose was Adam and Eve.

Not exactly sure what that means, but hey, it's a direct shot, so why not go for it?

The third and final punishment in our path is slop for two weeks.

By far the worst punishment, however, I'd rather be on slop for two weeks inside the Big Brother house than be on the outside eating like a king.

Slop for two weeks.

This is going to be the life of me.

I've been on slop already this past week.

I don't want to do it, but hey, if that means being safe for the week

and getting to that finish line, I'll take it.

The most difficult part in this game is the corners.

Being able to turn the dominoes, each domino hit one another,

and then creating an exact perfect turn to keep the dominoes going is going to be difficult.

I can't just fix that.

All right, just go to the start.

I'm about to, we're going to hit it.

Go to the start.

I'm ready at the starting line.

Zach's at the end finishing up, and I'm thinking we're going to win.

Okay, go fix it now.

Caleb, go fix it.

Go now.

Me and Caleb are working extremely well, and we're moving as quickly as possible,

but all of a sudden I see Zach and Jocasta ready to push your dominoes down.

Caleb, crap.

I cannot lose this competition.

I have to win to ensure my safety for the week.

Keep going, keep going.

Just fix these.

Just fix these.

How did that possibly happen?

We were so freaking close.

Now we got to pick up all the domino pieces, do it over again, all because of the stupid curve.

If I would have just put one domino, because we were perfect till the very end.

Caleb, should I do it?

Caleb, do you need another one?


Should I do it?

Give me one.

Turn the one up.


Another one, Caleb?

I haven't double checked my work.

I haven't looked at my spacing,

but at the end of the day, I have got to hit my dominoes now because they could beat me.

Are we good?

Press it.

Press it.

Here, go.

Yes, baby.

Congratulations, Caleb and Victoria.

You have won the Battle of the Block and are now safe this week.

Me and Caleb were in Battle of the Block and I am so excited that I just showed all these jambokes

that I am a strong competitor one more week for Victoria and the Big Brother House.

Caleb and Victoria, you are off the block, but you are going to have to suffer some punishments this week.

You will be on flop for two weeks.

Shave head.

Time to get buzzed.

One of you will be shaving the other's head.

Now I have to shave my head.

Adam and Eve, you and your partner will be in paradise wearing two Adam and Eve fig leaf bathing suits for the next 48 hours.

Plus, you will be connected at all times by a fig leaf vine.

I have to be chained to it for 48 hours.

This is the worst thing that ever could have happened.

It went up nothing.

It cleaned my brain.

My time as HOH has come to an end, but if Nicole is ready to make some big moves,

it will be worth me going back downstairs and sleeping with those youngins.

And it feels good.

I hear the phone ringing.

Do you hear it?

Yeah, I know who it is.

I got caller ID.

I'm not picking it up because the girls win the power of Vito so the block can keep ringing because Jocasta, she ain't answering.

That was my fault.

Jocasta was relying on me, but now Jocasta, I'm sitting next to you on the block

and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that you go home and I don't.

I stay HOH.

This is amazing.

I'm just really hoping I have the guts to make a big move and really shake things up this week.

Who will win the power of Vito and will it be used to save either Jocasta or Zach from the block?

And will Nicole make a big move by going through with her plan to backdoor Frankie?

Find out Wednesday at 8, 7 central on Big Brother.
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