16x15 - Episode 15

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x15 - Episode 15

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother…

Zach formed a new alliance with Christine, Cody, Frankie, and Derek.

How about the detonators?

And they were ready to blow up Brittany's game.

Brittany is without a doubt the target for the detonators this week.

She's going home, no doubt about it.

Meanwhile, Amber tried to rally the girls.

What is it?

It's a cold.

Must be her.

Completely unaware of Christine's true allegiance.

I really, really trust Christine.

I think with her by my side that we can get some of these guys out of the house.

Head of household Cody considered back-dooring Caleb.

I'm just so mad at this point that I don't care if Caleb's in my alliance.

He's looking really good as a replacement.

But he decided it was safer to make Donnie a pawn.

I'm sorry, Donnie.

Making Brittany the detonator's first casualty…

You are a victim from the Big Brother house.

At the head of household competition…

The last two house guests standing will be the new heads of household.

The detonators targeted the rest of the house.

Donnie and Dacosta.

Amber and Victoria.

And after Derek threw the competition to Frankie…

You are the first H.



Zac became the second head of household, making Zanky the new power couple.

Tonight, which two house guests will Zac nominate for eviction?

And which two will Frankie nominate?

Plus, the nominees fight for their lives in the Battle of the Bloc.

All this right now on Big Brother.

We're like Hansel and Gretel.

Come on, I don't even know these people.

That's a good one, buddy.

Thank you.

Frankie winning H.



I couldn't be happier.

But when it comes to Zac, you never know what to expect.

He's a hot mess, so I'm just hoping Frankie can influence him to not put me on the block.

You're okay with that?

I threw it to him, right?

Because you know you're safe with your problem.

And now he gets to see his grandfather.

On the other hand, you have Zac as H.



And he's kind of a wild card.

He's unpredictable.

So you never know what you're going to get with him.

I had to give it to him.

How do I take his grandfather's picture with me?

Absolutely, bro.

That's good.

That's good.

Go ahead.

That's good.

Let it out.

Let it out.

Oh, my God.

That couldn't work out any better.

Wait a second.

Did you realize?

In the finals, it was all day.

I'm just trying to…

I've got one main target.

Her name is Amber.

Why, you ask?

I had a little birdie chirping on my ear this week telling me that Amber is coming after all the guys.

And most specifically, yours truly, Zac Attack the Beast.

So she wants to work with Nicole and I to get the boys out.

And that's their first target.

You said yes, right?


Okay, good.


I got to get the first jab in and make sure I send her home before she gets the chance to send me home.

My bad, Amber.


Are you okay?

Yes, I'm good.

Do you need ice?

Here, do you need ice?

Did you hear it right in the leg?

Oh, my God.

Yeah, that's it hurt.

Do you need ice?

No, I'm good.

I promise.

I'm so sorry.

You okay?

Yeah, it's good.

I'm a tough one.

Yeah, give her a hug, Cody.

Congratulations, Donnie.

Well, thank you.

I guess we'll fight together tomorrow.

Didn't you think it was a little spacious to put me and you together?


Christine picked the next dude to face off.

Um, Donnie and Jacasta.

Donnie and Jacasta come on up.

Donnie, I'm no fool.

That's crazy.

Since Brittany's gone, I feel like I'm targeted with Jacasta and Victoria.

We are the three that they usually throw up there and just toy with us to see what we do.

Hopefully, I won't go up, but I could be sitting up there for the fourth time again this week.

I mean, I know that was the best hug I've ever had in my entire life.

Let's do it again.

Okay, who's going to cry harder?

That's the best question.


Do we have a target?

Okay, but I think you have to be the one, obviously.

I mean, you knew when you were sitting in the first place, this was going to be rough.

Yeah, yeah.

Obviously, I'm going to get blood on my hands and I'm fine with that.

I want to get blood on my hands, dude.

I don't want to k*ll a piston.

I don't care.

You know what I'm saying?

I mean, it's a good play for my game, for Zac Attack.

I don't know if it's a good move for everyone else, but yeah.

No one's going to question it.

You're a lunatic.

Yeah, exactly.

I am stoked to be HOH this week.

All I want to do is send Amber packing out the door.

Bye-bye, Asta Nunka.

Good talk.


Thank you.


When questioning Amber, I'm questioning her allegiance.

You know what I'm saying?

And I don't want to have to do that.

She's telling people that she's coming after me.

Is she just saying that or does she actually want to put me up?

Who told you that?


I believe that it came out of her mouth.

Do I believe that she meant it?

I don't know.

I'm going to talk to her as far as I know.

If I don't know what's coming up tomorrow, I'm going to do something stupid, either put her up or not put her up.

And one of the things that's going to be stupid, I don't know if it's going to be not putting her up,

and she's sending home next week, or it's going to be putting her up, and then having you coming after me.

If Zach wants to put Amber up, quite frankly, I wouldn't like it, because for one, she's an alliance member,

and that would definitely go against the grain.

But on the other token, Amber's starting to, you know, get a little bit too big for her britches in this house,

and she's forgetting who is keeping her safe in this game.

How about I go up and talk to her and say, I want to know where your head's at.

If you get power next week, who are you putting up?

She'll tell me.

And leave it at that.

Just tell her that, all right?

I will.

I'm glad we talked, all right?

That was good.

What time?


People are telling Zach that if you come in power next week, you're coming after him.

He's like, look, dude, I got people telling me that Amber says that I'm her target.

Who's saying that?

You know, so tell me.

If it was Jocasta and Donny, I never even said that to them.

It wasn't.

So there's people within the alliance.

Zach late.

Zach said talk to her and find out where her head's at, because I don't want to put her up on a spontaneous…

If he does that, then I'm going to mention the whole alliance.

That's all I gotta say.

Who wants to see our angelic truth?

Oh my God!

I'm putting everyone on the block.

If your name begins with any letter in the alphabet, you are being nominated for eviction.

Okey dokey.


Oh wow!

Little broski right here.

Look at that little star.

Zach's actually a handsome guy right there.

Look at him.



I'm so happy to be in the H-O-H room.

It's a great feeling.

I'm the king of the castle.

The fact that it's me and my best friend Frankie, aka Zanky, couldn't make me happy.

Look at this guy.

Frankie, he's your twin.

He is!

That's unbelievable!

That's him always.

Always in a suit and tie.

It doesn't matter if he's tanning.

I ran straight to the pictures to see my grandfather's face.

I mean, he is the most adorable man to ever walk the planet Earth.

Oh God, I love him so much.

And he will be so, so, so missed.

And that really felt awesome to see his face.

Oh my God.

I got Justin Bieber.

I love you Justin.

What are you thinking, honestly?

Well, honestly, I mean, you know, it doesn't do me any good to get out of the gate.

Why is this week the worst week?

It's hard.

Especially on the set.

Because it's not too hard.

I know.

Did you want her to hear it or do you want to talk to her?

Yeah, I know I do want to talk to her.

You're going to have to take her for the team this week, girl.

No, no, I didn't hear that.

You're going to have to.

I didn't hear that.

What happened?

You're going to have to.


Somehow, somehow, something's in the air.

You have a severe case of narcolepsy.

And in this BOB competition, you are going to fall asleep and make a ground.

I won't throw it.

What is this?

Listen, listen, listen.

This is the plan.

Amber's coming after me.

I know.

I'm not fortunate enough to put her up.

I have to put her up.

So you can't.

I'm not going to throw it.

Zach wants to nominate me along with Amber and have me throw the battle of the block competition.

That would mean that I would stay on the block as a nominee.

Oh, hell no.

You are not going home.

Come on, Kristin.

Why are you throwing?

You're not going to go home.

So it happens every season.

That person always goes home.

You're not going home.

I mean, you can't throw the competition.

I'm extremely disappointed in Kristin at this point.

She brings nothing to the table.

All I ask of her is to just throw a competition and she tells me no.

I'm frustrated.

I'm irritated.

I am beyond pissed at you, Kristin.

Earn some stripes for the team.

You really won't do it, Kristin.


This is…

this is…

this situation's…

Oh my God.

That pickle looks so good.

My mouth just watered.

One more.

You don't like pickles?

You couldn't pay me to eat that freaking pickle.

What if I say Caleb?

I'll go on a date with you if you eat a pickle.

That'd be hard.

All right, if you slice it up for me right now, I'll do it now.


The possibilities of me going on this date with Amber outweighs the fact that I hate pickles.

Amber, can you please come downstairs for a second?


I honestly thought that this kid was going to let the whole pickle thing go.

I thought that he forgot about it.

I forgot about it.

I got to eat this whole thing.

Don't eat it.

Why not?

You're going to get sick.

I think it'll be worth it.

Oh my goodness.


Amber, next time think before you speak.

It's good.

Caleb, it's good.

It's the nastiest thing I have ever put in my mouth.

Literally, you put a squid in your mouth with a pickle taste.

That's exactly what it tastes like.

He put the whole thing in his mouth.

Pickle completely gone.

This country boy is about to take over Amber on a date.

What did you say yesterday?

I didn't think you'd do it.

Now I'm kind of stuck in a pickle and I have no idea how to get out of this one.

Are you guys going on a date?

I guess so.

When you're in the Big Brother house, you just can't have a little simple date.

I got to set the mood.

I get my boys to help me.

I set up two chairs by the pool.

Yeah, right opposite like that.

Oh, that's perfect.

Mama always said I'm a hopeless romantic.

Where am I sitting right here?

On this side.

Thank you, Caleb.

You're welcome.

All right, well you got a baby date.

I know.

This should be the best date that I have ever had in my life.


This is funny.


We're on a date.

I know.

This is funny.

This is a Big Brother date.

It means something to me.


I mean, this is a nice little setup.

I'm kind of surprised.

I thought about the hammock and I was like, they all do hammock dates.

That's, I want a candle lit.



And I figured it would be nice.

Thank you.

Once a week, I want to have a sit down conversation with you and learn something new about you

that I don't want no one else here to know.

I don't know.

I plan on being married around 30.

I don't plan anything anymore.

I think your parents would probably, they'd probably love me just because of who I am.

Oh, right.

The fact that I can sit here with you and talk about whatever.


It's the best feeling in the world to know that you're here.


Hey, over here.

I have like an aunt in my top.

This is my first and last date with Caleb.

You know, I'm not, I'm not interested.

And I don't think he's realized that yet.

Was that harsh?

I think I got it.



Is anyone else in here?

No, just us.

This is the case, dude.

I would love to put up Amber.

Can't put her on the block.

She's gonna blow up.

That makes even more reason to.

She'll blow all of us up.

Blow what up?

The b*mb squad.

To who?


A back door could totally work out.


Back door, Amber.

Get her out of here.

I don't think it's a bad move.

Yeah, then who are you gonna put up?

Donny and Jocasta.

You don't want to put up Donny.

Yeah, don't put up Donny.

So, I'm gonna put up Nicole and Jocasta.

But I come to Christine to help the team out.

Throw the competition and she flips a…

Did she not flip?

We literally just started a group of five.

And we can't even keep one of those five off the block when two of those five are in power.

Dude, I'm just saying, dude, when I go up to her and I'm saying,

can you just throw the competition and she literally flips a…

No, she's only looking out for herself.

And we've all made moves for each other, right?

Am I wrong or…?

I agree, but like, if you came to me and said,

go up in front of the combat, you'd be like, go f*** yourself.

Zach, we already knew that this kid was just stirring drama up.

He just loves doing it.

And so now that he has an HOH key around his neck and he's got a little bit of power,

it's like, multiply it by a million and stick a firework underneath him and just set him off.

What are you doing?

Okay, then who else should I put up?


You can put up Nicole.

Nicole, trust me more than Christine.

Dude, at this point…

But Christine is in our five personalities that you started.

You sat there, stood up with all four of us in the room, and we were like,

let's lock this in.

You know what?

I need to put my robe on because I don't think I'm thinking clear right now.

Dude, certain troops.

It's game time, bro.

Yeah, right.

And so you need to lock down the people that you started something with

that will have your back.

How do I put this?

People that don't pull their weight in an alliance get left behind.

Or should I say, evicted.

You're on a power trip.

You're on the biggest power trip I've seen bigger than Demi.

Look at me.

Boom, butts in my robe, baby.

As I'm looking at Zach, I'm staring at, like, a villain.

And I'm like, what have we created?

What monster is sitting in front of me?

It's not good.

You guys know I have your back forever, and I have Derek's back forever.

Christine doesn't have my back.

Yeah, she's in my alliance.

What does she do for us?

Am I being rational right now?

What's going on?

What's going on?


You told me.

Are you the only one in here?


Who should I put up?

Because it changes by the second.

I really like Nicole.

She's extremely gullible.

And if Christine doesn't want to play for Team Detonators,

step up to the plate and do something for us,

I'm going to mess with her game a little bit.

What's your thoughts, I guess?

Obviously, Amber's the target because she's coming after me,

so that's who I want gone.

In a perfect world, I put her up next to Christine.

Christine throws the competition.

Worst case scenario, Amber wins the veto, and Caleb goes home.

You know?


In a perfect world.

But, you know, Christine is so adamant that she can't do that.

No one's put you up, Christine.

Like, people are doing favors for you.

It's week six, like, between you and I,

I wish I could just tell you everything.

Because there is something.



And I trust you not to tell anyone.

I don't tell anybody anything.

How much do you trust Christine?

I trust her.

With your life?

I don't know about my life.

I don't trust anybody in here with my life.

You trust her the most out of anyone in this house?

Are you guys in an alliance?

We're strictly friends.


When Zaxi asking me how much I can trust Christine in this game,

I'm thinking that he knows something that I don't,

so I'm just nervous that she has an alliance with other people

that I don't know about.

Does that affect anything in this game?

Being friends?


I mean, like, you wouldn't put up Cody, I wouldn't put up Christine.


That's exactly how it is.


Well, Cody and I are a little more than friends.

Put it that way.

I just hope that you don't say anything.

I don't want to say anything, Zax,

but I just, like, came up here to, like, just see what was going on.

I don't know what's going on.

At this point, I am so confused.

I need to talk to Christine because I don't know what's going on,

and I'm paranoid, and I need to fix it.

I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or what, but…

Is there anything that you want to tell me?

Some of it.

Of course I trust you, but then, like, Zax was…

This is what I got from Zax 5.

Basically, he just kept saying to me, like,

how much do you really trust Christine?

Like, do you really know…

Do you really know everything?

Like, I wish there's…

I could know you.

There's so much that I could tell you.

Can I tell you?

I mean, worried a little bit because of the b*mb squad,

and it's fine, and I just feel like coming out and telling you right now,

like, because otherwise it will build up, and I'll be, like,

Yeah, I mean, it was just…

I am so frustrated with you.

and if Zax blows this for me, I am going to be royally screwed.

First of all, you know that the b*mb squad is not still working together for us.

We wouldn't be putting Gail up in Amber up,

but this is probably our targets.

Second of all, Zax is nuts.

He is trying to pin me against you.

It's driving me nuts.

He's trying to endure, I know.

I don't know, but it's pissing me off.

I cannot blow up on Zax right now.


If he was any choice, I would be running to his face and screaming right now.

And I don't know what I can do.

No, you don't do anything.

I know.

We just gotta wait till tomorrow.


If Christine has been playing me this whole time,

I don't even know what I would do.

She's the one person that I really want to work with throughout this whole game,

and it would honestly just break my heart.


You're solid.

I am solid.


We are playing a very good game right now.

Obviously, it's something to change.

But you and I are playing a really good game,

and it's crazy that we're kind of playing it together.

The detonators are great, because there's people in that alliance

that I really trust and want to work with.

But at the end of the day, there's only two of us that are going to be in the finals,

and I think that Derek is just as down as I am to work together to the end.

Hey, we're going to make it to the end.

I really wholeheartedly believe it.

Dude, Zach, man.

Now, Zach, we gotta keep him on a short leash.

His game sucks.

Here he comes.

Here he comes.

Thought you were going to sleep, Paison.

Who's winning between you two clowns?

He's smoking me.

The detonators could be a good thing going forward at this point,

but it's still too large of a group, and there's too many promises being made.

We have Zach, unpredictable and erratic.

We have Frankie, charismatic but sly.

And then we have Christine, floating by but methodical.

So now, me and Cody, we have a final two deal,

and we can use that to our advantage.

All right, let's crank out our name.

Oh, god, dude, I don't even know where to start.

Dude, we should have this hashed out within 20 minutes.

If you come up with something, just throw it out there.

Brick City.

Brick City.

I was, I don't know why I was thinking of one up.

That's not bad.

The b*mb squad thought that they had everything under control,

and me and you were one up on the entire thing.

One up.

It's not necessarily a name.

More like a term.

Yeah, if we have to constantly explain it, then it's not good.

Silent K*llers.


I like the whole like the quiet.


Like quiet.

That's where I'm going.

That's where I'm trying to go with it.

Silent, undercover.

How about the hit men?

Dude, you don't see it coming.

Dude, the hit men?

You just got whacked.

I love it, dude.

So there it is, folks.

The hit men have been formed.

And you better be careful, because when you find out you're the next target,

it's already too late.

Hit men.

We got this, dude.

Hell yeah.

Team America, it's time to go on your next mission.

America wants you to play the role of puppet master

and get two houseguests to have an argument

at either the nomination ceremony or the veto meeting.

This argument must be a heated exchange that lasts for a minimum of 20 seconds.

Good luck, and God bless America.

This may be the toughest mission yet.

We will try our best to get this to take place for America.

Thank you.

We've got to get two houseguests to have a heated argument

for at least 20 seconds or longer.

It can only take place at the nomination ceremony or the veto meeting.

That's going to be hard.

America, this is going to be a hard one.

But of course I'm going to try and do it.

I'm not going to be with Zach.

Anything's possible.

That's the only good thing we got going for us.

We've got to come up with the two people that we think

and Zach going to be one of them, because he's a hothead.

This mission might be a little difficult this week, America,

but luckily I have my Zach attack that I just need to poke a little bit with a cattle prod.

I think I'll be able to do it.

I can't remember Zach's speech.

All right, I don't want to say.

I am crushing your stuff right now.

The starburst?

I have nominated you, Christine.

If there was a Big Brother dictionary…

You were going to stick to this one because it sounds like it's going somewhere good.

Yeah, I like it.

Zach starts rolling off his speeches for the nomination ceremony.

I glance at Frank and I think, we could use this.

This might be a favor for Team America.

If we pulled out the Big Brother dictionary today and we looked up the word floater,

it would be a picture of you, Christine, and Gen City holding hands.

Oh my God.

What the best thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

Oh my God, you can't say that.


No, no, you have to say that.

That's perfect.

He's going to smoke coming out of her ears.

Don't change a thing.


And just be like, give her a chance.

What's your response?

It's not the best decision to get into an argument or any type of confrontation at the nomination ceremony.

But with Zach, he thrives on it.

So I'm sitting there going, go Zach.

There's no way damage control works after that.

That's my thing.

Well, as long as it's me, not you.

He's like, it might be no damage control, but I'm going to be a legend.

He's right.

He's right.

But if it no more, we'd take the draft for it.

It'd be hard to pick on her.

It's good.

All right.

So we locked in.

I think I don't feel safe with Zach being HOH because he does know that I have said he is my target.

There's no telling what Zach is going to do.

And I could even be going up or even going home this week.

Hey, did you want to talk to me at all?

No, not really.

Maybe tomorrow.

Well, I like whether you and I talk, then you go to Caleb and come to me.

You got to meet.

No, you're exactly right.

Yeah, I feel you.

I heard you were saying things about me.

I've had your back completely and I haven't put you up.

I haven't done anything.

I think it was like he say, she say stuff.

Like that's kind of stressed me out.

I should be coming to you if I have anything to say.

And the same for you.

I think we just have to hash things out and whatever happens happens.

But if you have any concerns, questions or anything like Zidl's, just come to me.

Yeah, for sure.

And honestly, that's 100% of my fault I shouldn't come up to you.

No, no, just like, yeah, anytime.

Amber, thank you very much for coming and waking me up at five in the morning.

I'm not too pleased.

However, I'm going to do you a solid favor and I'm not going to put you on the block.

But I am going to back door you.

All right, you sleep good.

I'm glad you came up with me.

Yeah, yeah, no worries.

No problem.

I'll see you in the morning.

I'll see you in the morning.

Thank you.



This is the nomination ceremony.

It is our responsibility as the two heads of household to each nominate two house guests for eviction.

Based on a random draw, I will reveal my nominations first.

The first house guest I have nominated is…

The next house guest I have nominated is…

I've nominated you, Jocasta, and you, Victoria.

Please understand that this is 100% strategic and 0% personal.

By nominating two people that I've already put on the block,

I'm not getting any additional blood on my hands in this game.

The first house guest I have nominated for eviction is…

The second house guest that I have nominated for eviction is…

I've nominated you, Christine, and you, Nicole.

Christine, if we pulled out the Big Brother dictionary and we looked up the word floater,

it would be a picture of you holding hands with Gen City, basically irrelevant.


Oh, Nicole.

You know so much about this game, and you look super cute in your germantard.

Like a true super fan.

Well, you fruit loop dingus, I bet you didn't see this coming.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

I don't know whether to cry or what.

You okay?

You okay?

I am on the block right now, and I am pissed off at Zach,

and I'm very livid that I'm up next to Nicole.

If Zach thinks that he can blow up my game with Nicole and put me on the block,

he is sorely mistaken.

Oh my God.

Oh, no hard feelings, I guess.

That's good to know.

Amber is without a doubt my target, but the only way to send her out of this house is Back Door City.

I put Christine on the block because she's not really playing for the team,

and I want to rattle her cage a little bit.

And to top it all off, she's sitting right next to her best friend, Nicole.

What was I…

I don't know.

Nicole, is that a fruit loop dingus?

I don't know.

I left out on that part.

The fact that Zach went out of his way to call me a fruit loop dingus

and tag me personally about things that I don't even know what he's trying to get at

was just horrible.

It hurt my feelings, and I guess I just needed to cry.

You okay?

You sure?

I'm probably going to break that one real quick.

No, no.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Our mission as Team America was to try to incite some type of argument during a nomination ceremony.

Well, as it stands, as Team America, we failed at the nomination ceremony.

The only opportunity we now is to fire it up again during the Pajaro Vito meeting.

We'll see how it goes.

What a ridiculous speech.

You have to so ignore him.


I mean, I do.

I've got nobody wants me on the blog, but oh my God, that speech.

Dingus fruit loop, I bet you didn't see this one coming.

I didn't know, but I laugh and smile, and I'm really pissed and nervous and want to cry.

I mean, you did the right thing just by laughing at him.

Fruit loop dingus?


I'm so sorry.

What an idiot.

I know you're pissed at me, and you can be pissed at me.

I'm not really pissing you for that.

I'm pissed you were running your mouth yesterday.

About what?

Nicole telling her that she can't trust me and all that stuff.

I never said that.

Oh, you're cute.

I know you're dead.

So, okay.

You know what?

I know you did.

I didn't say those things.

So, that was a cute denial.

Okay, well.

That's what I'm upset about.

That's okay.



Alright, cool.


You guys talk it out.

He's dead.

Look, they think.

They may think you're weak or something.

How am I weak?

I keep warning.

We got this, right?

I keep warning.

So, how am I weak?


We're gonna win together, right?

Look at me.

Yeah, I didn't want to.

I didn't want to win.

Nothing else.

There's no option.

We gotta be all right.

There's no option.

That's right.

So, here I am again trying to make sure one of Mama J's children, AKA Victoria, can bring

it through so that we can win the battle of the block.

We'll win.

Look at me.

We're going to win.



We all know Victoria will get a little bit emotional.

Did I say a little?

I mean a lot.



Look at me.

It's like, brrr.


Who is this?

The block?

Want me to hear again?

You want to answer?

Say s-

We won't see you long.


Hang up.

It's good, okay?


That looked like it was pretty ridiculous.

I did not know what to do.

That was-


I did not know my reaction at all.

So, basically, I did the only thing that I think that I could do.

Did you know anything like that speech or-


But I'm not kidding you.

He changed his mind 45 times before I went to bed.

Right now, everybody is fuming at Zach and everyone in the house is Team Christina Nicole.

So, I have to appear like I am on the house's side and I will do whatever is necessary to

make the house happy, even if it includes throwing Zach under the bus.

If he says, you're right, then I don't- I think we're all in danger.

No, that's the-

Like, literally anyone.

But if I stay to reach out to the option, doing whatever we want.

So, basically, you just have to win because no one is safe.

Oh my gosh.

Oh my God.

This is exactly what I wanted.

Thank you, Zach.

You're very welcome.

I can't wait to meet him.

So, I walk into the backyard.

I see, you know, the table set up, the shipping bottles next door.

I see the presents.

And my first thought is, where are all the bridesmaids?

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the battle of the block.

Frankie's nominees will battle Zach's nominees to save themselves from the chopping block.

The winning pair will earn safety and dethrone their HOH, leaving him crying at the altar.

Here's how it works.

You and your partner must build a giant wedding cake.

Once you have completed your cake, climb to the top with your partner.

The two of you must stand on top together for at least three seconds to win.

But remember, if you don't build a sturdy cake, it and your dreams of wedded bliss will come crashing down.

Do you nominees accept this wedding crashers challenge?

We do!

Zach called me a floater at the nomination ceremony, so I have to win this battle of the block to prove that I'm here to compete.

I have got to win this battle of the block because I need to keep myself safe for the rest of the week.

And I honestly don't care about anyone else's safety in the house.

They don't care about mine, so I'm not going to care about theirs.

Game on.

Yours first.

Christine, grab that one right…

this one right here.

At this battle of the block, you have to build a giant wedding cake,

race up the sides, and stand on the top for at least three seconds with your partner.

I'll straighten them out while you grab the next foam one.

Foam one?


There's pieces made of styrofoam, and then there's squishy pieces.

Our strategy was for me to grab the pieces while Christine stacked them.

Good girl.

Nicole and Christine had this methodical thing going on.

Their cake is literally the most perfect cake I've ever seen.

Then I look over at Victoria and Jocasta's cake.

It doesn't look too tasty.

Come on, Victoria, let's go.

You got this?

Not this one.

Victoria, communicate with Jocasta.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, Victoria.

This one is bigger.

Grab both of them off.

Hey, no, Jocasta, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, Jocasta, it's fine.

Did you hear those crickets?

That's how I feel.

Because the chick didn't listen to nothing.

I told her all day.

I told Victoria we had to do hard, soft, hard, soft, hard, soft.

Did that happen?



How are we going to get up there?

I don't know.

Just make sure you don't fall.

Christina and Nicole need to win and dethrone Zach

because as I'm watching, he starts screaming at them to try and get them to fail.

This kid cannot have any more power.

Or sugar.

Or caffeine.

Come on, you guys got this.

No one feels safe with Zach in power.

He thinks he can just nominate anybody.

He's like a mixture between a toddler and Mussolini.

Get up there.

You guys are going to have to do like a counterbalancing kind of thing.

Nicole and I finished putting our cake together and we start climbing to the top.

All I can hope and pray is that Jocasta and Victoria are far behind.

Step on the white part.

I'm on it, so let's go.

They gotta climb all the way to the top of that?

Victoria, give me your hand.

Make sure it's all centered.

Come on, Victoria.

Can I hold on to you?

Yeah, absolutely.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'm standing in the middle.

Hold on, Jocasta.

Hold on, Jocasta.

I'm slipping.

Jocasta, I'm slipping.


Oh, my God.

Okay, hold on.

Okay, ready.

Congratulations, that's a win.

We just win Battle of the Block.

It feels absolutely amazing.

Hey, Zach, this Fruit Loop dingus is safe this week, but you're not.

Are you kidding me?

My reign of HOH may be over.

It hurt.

Yeah, good one, guys.

You didn't even get me.

However, watch out, America, because Zach Attack gets to play next week.

Y'all done good, Jocasta.

Y'all done good.

We did.

I'm going to fight for the power of Vito to take myself off.

I'm probably going to have to talk to the old Jocasta.

Hey, girl, you still there?

Yes, I am, so that we can definitely bring out the stops and win.

That was unbelievable.

Now that I am the sole HOH for the week and lunatic Zach has been dethroned, I have a lot to think about this week.

Back during Amber is definitely mission one for the week, but if the house calls for Zach's head, I might have to give it to them.

Who will win the power of Vito?

And will it be used to save either Jocasta or Victoria from the Block?

Find out Wednesday at 8, 7 central on Big Brother.

Thanks for watching.
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