16x14 - Episode 14

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x14 - Episode 14

Post by bunniefuu »

A love triangle, a Zac Efron man crush, and a beloved groundskeeper in jeopardy of going home.

Just another typical week in the house.

Welcome to Big Brother.

Previously on Big Brother.

Cody, Derek, Frankie, Christine, and Zac ignited a new alliance.

How about the detonators?

Leaving Caleb in the dark.

Caleb and Amber are too much drama to deal with.

The detonators had one mission.

I've nominated you, Victoria, and you, Brittany.

To blow Brittany right out of the house.

I really want to keep my nominations the same so that I don't have to get any more blood on my hands and we can send Brittany packing.

After being slighted by Amber yet again.

This just doesn't sit too well with stealth mode cowboy.

Caleb found an unlikely new ally.

I hope you stay.

I hope you win the power of veto.

At a prize stealing veto competition.

Damn it.

Caleb won the game.

That'll do it.

But he took $5,000 instead of the veto.

What are you doing?

So Victoria was safe.

This is the best accessory I can ever get.

And Caleb unknowingly put himself in danger.

I'm just so mad at this point that I don't care if Caleb's in my alliance.

He's looking really good as a replacement.

Derek and Frankie urged Cody against making a big move.

Put up Donny.

Donny's the obvious choice as a pawn this week.

He's not in our alliance and everyone likes him so it ensures that Brittany's going to go home.

Then Donny made a last minute appeal.

Think about your family.

What they were going to communicate.

If I didn't put Caleb up, my brother would become the biggest.

And Cody promised him safety.

Stop putting me on the block.

But after Derek once again got in Cody's ear.

If she stays in one's HOH, we might be up there competing against each other.

If one of us is going home.

Cody made a gut wrenching choice.

I'm sorry Donny.

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house?

Donny or Brittany?

Plus, will Hayden and Nicole finally make it a fish?

Find out live right now on Big Brother.

I don't know how to drink this.

This is what's different.

Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

It's day 35 inside the Big Brother house and Cody is in shambles.

Torn between his dislike for Caleb and his need to stay true to his alliance, the detonators.

Cody's reign as HOH has left him an emotional wreck.

But in the end, he sided with his alliance putting Donny on the block.

So will leaving Caleb in the game come back to bite him?

Only time will tell.

But first, you voted for him and Cody put him on the block.

Will Team America lose a member tonight?


No, I'm good for now.

Cody assured me he wouldn't put me up.

In this game, you don't take anybody's word for what they say.

You were the only person I was hoping to be sitting by my side.

I was the only person that I was hoping to be sitting beside.

Being put up on the block next to Donny just completely sucks because Donny's been by my side throughout, you know, a lot of this game.

He's a good friend of mine and I just hate knowing that I have to campaign against him.

Donny, I'm sorry.

Dad tore me up after put someone up who, number one I just told I wasn't going to,

and two I don't really feel deserves to be up on the block.

I just really hope that putting Donny up instead of Caleb doesn't come around to bite me in the butt.

I couldn't do it.

No, honestly I think it was the smartest game move you could have possibly made.

I just was like sitting there being like, I didn't even get a chance to talk to him about it.

He would have been blown up because there would have been no way for me to be like,

yo dude, like you're fine, it just would have been bad all around for my game.

It was the best move he could have done.

Bro, if he puts me up next week, Frankie, I'm going to kick you in the nuts.

Cody, there's no way.

I feel like such a bitch.

You good, man?

Oh yeah.

You have my vote, you know, it's his day.


I think you have, I think it's going to be a unanimous vote for you to stay, honestly.

Just so that I think, I think everyone loves you, everyone wants you here,

and she's rough with a lot of feathers, so I think that's my personal opinion.

I appreciate that.

Definitely of mine.

I love you.

Did you talk to him this morning?

And he said he wasn't putting you up?

He said he wasn't putting me up, yeah.

I feel terrible that Donnie's on the block.

Although I'm not the one who put him there, I definitely didn't fight for him either.

So unfortunately, this is kind of a necessary evil to ensure that Brittany goes home this week.

But maybe his ration is everybody likes me.

This would be a safe week to vote her out.

Well, I think this goes without saying regardless, you 100% have my vote.

It's definitely comforting that Derek is telling me I'm safe,

but I know there's people behind Cody doing things.

It could be Derek.

I'm kind of suspicious of him being the kingpin, but I hope I'm wrong.

It's not going to happen, buddy.

All right.

I promise you it's not going to happen.

I don't know.

I think I handled it very well.

I thought about this like a lot.

It wasn't like a spur of the moment decision for me.

I was like, if I want to secure Brittany out, it has to be done.

I was looking at it in another way, like maybe you have this other big alliance that you like.

And you do like me, but you was willing to risk me.

I was fishing for information from Cody about this big alliance, and he wouldn't give it up.

But I hope when you see on Thursday that it is literally 10 to 0, then you'll be like, okay.

Like, you're not going home.


People are telling me that I'm safe this week, but being a Big Brother fan, I know that pawns do go home,

and I'm not feeling that great right now.

You know, if something happens and I do go home, I think you're not going to.

I'm telling you right now.

Unless people are lying right to my face.

This is Big Brother.

Can I talk to you now?

If I want to stay this week, I definitely need to talk with somebody that has a big influence on a lot of the other house guests.

I think that Caleb is one of those people.

I just feel like what you say a lot of people listen to.


I don't care what I have to do, like, to stay.

I just, I strongly feel like he's a bigger threat than I am.

It pisses me off, but I just feel like I have fought so much harder to go home before a couple people,

and I refuse to go home before them.

Zach and Victoria.


I feel that you're not going to come after me, so in my opinion, I feel like keeping you would be better for my game, too.

Dining is more of a threat, and I don't want that kind of person in here coming after me.

Me, personally, I would rather you be here, because if you're not coming after me, why would I not?

I'm going to be completely honest with you.

I hope Victoria goes home.

Imagine you going home before her.

That's how Brittany feels right now.

I start bringing my heart into the game.

I only matter because you guys are a part of my alliance, but when I see a woman out there fighting for her life,

me, I would have never kicked them 2,400 goals if I knew I was going home.

The fact that she's fought harder than anyone in this house to still be here, let's be real in this situation.

If Donny won HOH, you already know he would put us up.

Brittany's tight with me.

I like Brittany.

I hope we hang out outside this house.

He's tight with me as well.

I don't think she would come after me if she was in the gym.

I don't think she'd come after me either.

Donny, if he wins, he's going to put up one, possibly two people on our alliance up.

We have to protect our alliance, so if we feel that they're going to come after anyone in our alliance, we have to protect that.

The thing about Donny is he could be a big threat to the b*mb squad.

He's already proven himself more than one time.

He's a huge competitor.

He's pulled himself off the block.

He's won the POV a few times.

He might just get some power and come after us.

Both of the people that are up there, we can't trust him as far as we can draw him.

So if we collectively said Donny's going home, well then Donny would go home.

I don't think any of us have any allegiances to him.


We don't have any

locked up in the Big Brother house.

It's easy to get lost in the game, but sometimes news from the outside world can put everything in perspective.

Frankie, please go to the diary room.

Frankie, are you okay?

Yeah, my grandfather passed away.

Oh my god, dude, are you serious?

Hi, baby.

Come sit down.

Thank you.

Do you want someone to read it for you?

I will.

My dearest Frankie, I'm so sad to tell you that grandpa lost his battle with cancer.

He wanted you to know how proud he is of you, and that he is rooting for you to win.

Even though he had no idea what was going on on the show, he was watching just for you, live feeds and all.

He also insisted that whatever happened, he didn't want to interfere with this opportunity for you.

Please don't think about coming home.

All of us are here strongly supporting you and encouraging you to work hard like grandpa did his whole life.

Be strong as he would be and smile because he deserves to be celebrated.

We love you endlessly, mommy.

I mean, he was 19, which is amazing.

Amazing man.

His name was Frank.

Oh my god.

Even though he had no idea what was going on on the show, I can only imagine how confused he was just watching the show and being like, what?


What's HOH?

Why is he wearing that?

Oh god.

But he was actually the first member of my family to be okay with my coming out.



That's awesome.

Literally, like one day, like the quietest, most wonderful man literally was like, he's my grandson.

I'm going to love him no matter what.

He's perfect.

And it was like, everyone was like.

You need a group hug?



I like this idea.

This is a crazy game.

We are being cutthroat and sometimes downright hurtful.

But when something terrible happens, we have no one to go to but each other.

And in this moment, I feel so supported.

And that is so wonderful.

Thank you guys so much for being here.

I love you guys.

We'll be right back.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Let's go to the living room and talk with the house guests.

Hello, house guests.

Frankie, I want to start out tonight by offering my deepest condolences on the loss of your grandfather.

Thank you very much, Julie.

You're welcome.

Well, everyone, a lot has happened this week.

Let's start with you, Caleb.

You had the chance to take that veto and ensure your safety.

But instead, you chose $5,000.


There's some stuff at home that I want to pay and get done.

And quite frankly, I felt safe enough that I didn't need the veto.

So I took the cash.


What's up, Julie?

What was going through your mind when you saw Caleb take the cash?

You know what?

I just I'm excited to go to Germany.

And I was very grateful that no one took my trip away from me.


Cody, what would you say was the hardest part of your reign as HOH?

I definitely happen to put up a replacement nominee.

We saw you struggle with that.

Yeah, wasn't a good one.

Well, I have some news for everyone.

Last week, there were no have nots.

But this week, they're back.

And they've already been determined.

The four have nots are the four laziest players in the game as determined by the activity trackers you're all wearing.

Amber, how do you think you did this week?

I think I did great.

I'm cleaning this house all the time.

So I'm running around everywhere.

So I think I did great.


Christine, let me ask you, who do you think is definitely a have not?

Honestly, probably Zach.


What can I say?

Well, let me tell everyone, we have been monitoring all of you, all of your activity for several days.

And here are the results.

The four laziest people in the house this week and thus, the have nots for the week are Nicole,



and Derek.

Interesting response.

Now, of course, if any of you become HOH, you will no longer be a have not.

I'll be back in just a few minutes to begin the live vote and eviction.

He's been patient.

He's been persistent.

But what do Nicole's friends and family think of Hayden's show-mancing ways?

What is up, Hayden?

If I act weird today, I had a dream about you last night.



I mean, it wasn't like, steamy or anything.

But you were like, came over to my house for something.

It was weird.

So I'm already meeting the family.

What are your parents' names?

Jenny and Dave.

Can't wait to meet you guys.

My name's Jenny and I'm Nicole's mom.

Nicole's very funny and she's smart.

She doesn't always show it.

She's huge.

Will you quiz me on my states?

What is the main weather type in Oregon?

That's not a state, is it?


I don't travel the world, Hayden.

She's a little bit lonely for Nicole.

Everybody's got t-shirts, they got banners put out.

Nicole being in the Big Brother house is huge for our areas.

Ubley has about 800 people that live in it.

We're just a village.

We're not even a city.

This shirt, it says thumbs up for coconuts.

Coconut's is her nickname.

Team coconuts, we get you!

Hayden is a little weird, I think.


Because, um, I don't know, he always tries to make sex with Nicole.

You look good today.

I honestly showered.

You wanna come cuddle?


I'm not fine.

It takes Nicole a long time to warm up to a guy and she plays extremely hard again.

Will you be my wife?

Oh my God!

Are you serious?

Oh my God!


Is this serious?


I think Hayden's cool.

Definitely has a way with words.

What's up, Shoudy?

But I'd rather Nicole bring home the $500,000 than bring home Hayden.

We'll find out, I guess.

We're like, hands on Gretel.

Come on, I don't even know all these people.

I think Hayden is a lot of fun.

I kinda had my mind set on Nicole marrying a farmer and not a petty cab driver.

What is a petty, what's a petty cab?

Would you ever give me a kiss on TV?

I don't know.

So yes?

She never really talked about show-mances, so it's all new to me.

If Hayden gets a kiss, he's starting to win her over.

It's got me on the edges, that's all I can say.

But I'm watching closely.

It's over.

Are you over right now?

No, not that Jesus over.

No, I'm not.

Coming up, Brittany or Donnie, will Team America lose one of their own, or will this single mom go home?

The live vote begins next.

Then it's the live head of household competition.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Together, Brittany or Donnie, one of them is about to trade in the Big Brother house for their own house.

Let's return to the living room and begin the live vote.

House guests, it's now time for the live voting to begin.

Brittany, Donnie, in just moments, your housemates will cast their votes to evict,

but before they do, you each have a final chance to sway their votes with one brief statement.

Brittany, you're first.


God, this sucks.

Okay, so I feel like I'm professional sitting up here for the third time.

I just want to say it's not very easy sitting next to this man, but I can't make eye contact with you because you make me emotional.

You know, it's been a great ride, great journey here.

I've never once given up.

I feel like the only way that I had to prove myself was by taking on the goal-oriented penalty.

That's all I had left in me, and I did it for you guys to prove how much I wanted to be here.

This man stood by my side.

Thank you.

So thank you to those that vote for me, those that question me.

I come by it honestly to be hard to read.

I'm sorry for that.

That's just who I am.

Those that aren't sure, just please give me one more chance.

I just keep trying to prove to you guys and fight to be here.

I haven't given up.

If not, I respect your vote.

Thank you, Brittany.

Donnie, it's your turn.

Please be brief.


I just want to thank God for the opportunity to play this game I love, Big Brother.

I want to thank my wonderful family and say I love you to them and my pretty beautiful girlfriend, Christine.

And to say to my fellow houseguests that there's a special place in my heart for each and every one of you.

God bless you all, and God bless America.

Thank you, Donnie.

Thank you both.

It's time for the live voting to begin.

As always, the two nominees are not allowed to vote.

Cody, as current HOH, you will only vote in the event of a tie.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict.

Jocasta, you're up first.

Please go to the diary room.

Donnie saved Jocasta from the block last week.

Will she do the same for him this week?

Hi, Jocasta.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to sadly evict Brittany.

Thank you.

Nicole has been closed with both nominees.

So what is best for her game tonight?

Hi, Nicole.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Brittany.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Hayden's only true ally in the game is Nicole.

As she votes, so should he.

Hi, Hayden.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Brittany.

Thank you.


After being targeted by the boys in the house, Amber has talked about an all-girls alliance.

Is it enough to keep Brittany in the game?

Hi, Amber.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict Brittany.

Thank you.

Thank you.

The vote is four votes to evict Brittany and zero votes to evict Donnie.

The final six house guests cast their votes live when we return to the game.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

The house guests are voting live to evict either Brittany or Donnie.

So far, it's four votes to evict Brittany and zero votes to evict Donnie.

Let's continue with the live vote.

Derek played a key role in getting Donnie on the block, but is he willing to break up Team America so soon?

Hi, Derek.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict Brittany.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Caleb has bonded with Brittany this week and sees Donnie as a threat.

Will this guide his vote tonight?

Hi, Caleb.

How you doing, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict a beautiful Brittany.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's official.

With six votes to evict Brittany, Brittany will leave the house tonight.

But let's see how the other votes fall.

Hi, Christine.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Brittany.

Thank you.

Hi, Victoria.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I happily vote to evict the conniving Brittany.

Thank you.

Thank you, Julie.

As a member of the detonators, Zach's vote should follow the others.

Hi, Zach.

Hey, Julie.

What's up?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Brittany.

Thank you.

Frankie assured Donnie he was safe, and tonight Team America should stay united.

Hi, Frankie.

Hi, Julie.

Thank you so much for your condolences.

You are welcome.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I cast my vote to evict Brittany.

Thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the House guests.

House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted House guests will have just a few moments to say goodbye, gather his or her belongings, and walk out the front door.

With ten votes to evict Brittany, you are evicted from the Big Brother House.

Thank you.

Don't eat me sad.

Bye, sir.

You're so fierce.

You're so fierce.

Go get him.

I'll shut up the same time.

Thank you, Donnie.

Can I get a bit?

Just cut down.

Bye, Britt.

Bye, guys.

Good luck.

I love you.

Love you, Brittany.

Love you, girl.

I know.

I have no idea.

She walked up and jumped.

See you never.

She looks good.

I am going out.

I'm going out.

I'm going out.

You were not expecting that.

You know, it's funny.

I kind of was.

The House tends to vote with each other,

and there's a lot of people in there that don't vote for the direction that they want to vote.

Why not?

There's a lot of people in there that are just kind of scared,

that are trying to just kind of get through the game.

Who are they scared of?

There's definitely some people that kind of control the House.

Kayla being one of them.

A lot of the guys, a lot of the girls are just kind of weak players,

and sorry, my heart's like racing.

And I think they feared me making a bold move.

They made that clear, so…

This was the third time you were up on the block.

Why do you think you were such a target in the House?

I feel like just the people that they put up first,

they wanted to kind of continue that pattern.

It was easier to continue to put up the same people

so that they don't have targets on their back.

And there was like an alliance formed, I do believe that, in the beginning.

And we just happened to come in late, so the game had already started before we even started our game.

Well, you may be going home tonight, but you did complete quite a feat with your feet.

Oh, my God, I know.

They're goals, they're nice and clean, they're…

Have you recovered?

How are your feet?

They look gorgeous.

No, they're disgusting.

Holy smokes.

It looks like I have a plum underneath my toenail.

It's gross.

It's nasty.

In the event you were the one voted out tonight, Brittany,

your Housemates taped some goodbye messages.

Oh, God.

I've seen these before.

Brittany, thank God you're walking out the door.

It was better for my game to make sure you were gone.

You were a great person and we became kind of friends.

However, if I never see you again, I don't really care.

This is the hardest choice that I've had to make in this house.

You know, Donnie saved me and there's no way in the world that I could not be loyal to him, too.

And I don't want you to think that it was easy, and I really love you, Brittany.

Brittany, you're an extremely nice person and a great cook.

But as far as this game is concerned, you're unpredictable and you could be putting me up next week.

So I'm pumped you're gone.

I hope you are seeing this because there's only two choices, me or you.

You have been a trooper.

I think you've been dealt a bad hand in this game.

And I'm going to miss our little ice cream dates at night.

I love presents.

Brittany, are you at all looking forward to going home?

Oh, God, yes.

I'm so happy and I don't mean to get emotional, but it's been so hard being away from my kids.

So hard.

Well, there are some people here tonight who are dying to see you.

Oh, my God!

Up next, the power is back up for grabs.

We'll crown two.

New heads of household when we return.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's now time to crown two new heads of household.

Each must nominate two house guests for eviction.

Who will become the two most powerful house guests in the game?

Let's head to the backyard and find out.

House guests, the power is up for grabs.

Cody, as outgoing HOH, you are not eligible to compete.

This competition is called Country Hits, and here's how it works.

Two at a time, you'll face off at the podium.

There, you'll hear a short country song that will describe one of three competitions that took place this summer.

Your goal is to identify one of the three types of competitions, either HOH, Battle of the Block, or Power of Veto competition.

If you are the first person to buzz in with the correct answer, you stay in the game and your opponent is eliminated.

You'll then choose the next two house guests to face off.

If you answer incorrectly, you will be eliminated and your opponent will stay in the game and choose the next two to face off.

If no one buzzes in, you will both be eliminated unless it's the final round.

The last two house guests standing will be the new heads of household.

Does everyone understand?

All right.

Earlier today, you randomly chose the first two house guests to face off.

Hayden and Christine, let's begin.

Here's your first song.

Blue scootin' buggy, not all that it seems.

Harder rockin' kicker, balancing on memes.

Christine, you rang in first with the answer HOH.

That is correct.

That was the BB rager.

Hayden stepped down, have a seat at the bar.

Christine picked the next two to face off.

Donnie and Jacosta.

Donnie and Jacosta, come on up.

This is hard.

All right.

Donnie and Jacosta, here's your song.

Got the champagne flowin' at the party of the year, flyin' high glasses, race, swingin' from the chandelier.

Donnie, you rang in first with Battle the Block.

That is correct.

That was the pouring 20s competition.

Sorry, Jacosta, you've been eliminated.

Donnie, go ahead and pick the next two to face off.

Frankie and Caleb.


Gentlemen, take your spots, Caleb and Frankie.

Here's your song.

Castin' a spell on you, high in the air.

Tryin' to be the first to make you disappear.

Frankie, you rang in first with Battle the Block.

That is correct.

That was the abracababra.

Sorry, Caleb, stepped down.

Frankie picked the next two to face off.

Amber and Victoria.

Ladies, come on up.

All right.

Amber and Victoria, here's your song.

I want you in my orbit.

It's lonely out in space.

I'm hangin' in this planetary race.

Amber, you rang in first with Power of Veto.

That is correct.

That was the BB Galaxy competition.

Victoria, have a seat at the bar.

Amber, pick the next two to face off.

Let's see.

Donnie and Derek.

Donnie and Derek, come on down.

Donnie and Derek, here's your song.

Derek, you rang in first with HOH.

That is correct.

That was the Underwater Polo competition.

Sorry, Donnie, step down.


Derek, pick the next two to face off.

Zach and Nicole.

Zach and Nicole, here's your song.

Running games and prizes, having a ball, kicking it down, the soccer field, to try to win it all.

Zach, you rang in first with Power of Veto.

That is correct.

That was the BB Cup competition.

Zach, pick the next two to face off.

I don't know.

Amber and…


Ladies, come on down.

Amber and Christine, here's your song.

It must happen one hell of a night.

Embarrassed in photos, by daughters' life.

Christine, you rang in first with Battle of the Block.

That is correct.

That was the We Did What competition.

Sorry, Amber, step down.

Christine, pick the next two to face off.

Frankie and Derek.

I love you.

Frankie, you want to see your grandfather, right?

You want to see your grandfather?

Derek and Frankie, here's your song.

Frankie, you rang in first with HOH.

That is correct.

That was the Over the Coles competition.

And also, Frankie, congratulations.

You are the first HOH.

So go ahead and have a seat.

And that means Christine and Zach will be facing off in the final round.

So Zach and Christine, come on up.

The winner will be the second HOH.

Zach and Christine, here's your song.

Zach, you rang in first with Battle of the Block.

That is correct.

That was Night Moo's competition.

Congratulations to you, Zach, and to you, Frankie.

You two are the new heads of household.

So far, Team America is two for two in their execution of the missions you've chosen for them.

So what secret mission did you choose for them this week?

Find out next when we return.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Let's rejoin the house guests.

Hello, everyone.

Derek, I have a question for you.

When you were up there against Frankie, did you not know the answer or did you throw that to Frankie?

I knew it right away.

I was in it, but there are some things that are bigger than this game.

I want him to see his grandfather.

And you know what?

I feel good about my decision.

I'll eat slop for a week.

Frankie, what does that mean to you?

It means the world to me, Julie.

This house is an emotional roller coaster.

I'm up, I'm down.

And that was just an amazing gesture.

And I'm very appreciative.

And I can't wait to see my grandfather.

Zach, in the final seconds, this is your first time as HOH.

What are you looking forward to?

I cannot wait to see a picture of my little brother and a letter from my family, obviously.

Very nice.

Thank you, house guests.

And have a good night, everyone.

So far, Team America has successfully completed two secret missions, earning them each $10,000.

And it's time to give them their next assignment.

This week, you voted on two potential missions.

And the winning mission is to play the role of puppet master and get two house guests to have an argument at either the nomination ceremony or the veto meeting.

Tune in Sunday as Donnie, Derek, and Frankie attempt to keep a perfect record.

Plus, who will Frankie and Zach nominate for eviction?

On Wednesday, the power of veto is back in play.

Will it once again be used to change the nominations?

Then, one week from tonight, you don't want to miss the next live eviction.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the house guests.

From outside the Big Brother House, I'm Julie Chen.

Good night.


Good night, everyone.

It just got real again.

Good night.

Good night.
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