16x08 - Episode 8

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x08 - Episode 8

Post by bunniefuu »

Promises made, promises broken, targets set, then changed.

The only thing that seems certain in this game,

if you name your alliance the b*mb Squad,

it's bound to blow up.

Welcome to Big Brother.


Previously on Big Brother.

Head of household, Devin, targeted Brittany for eviction.

I've nominated you, Paola, and you, Brittany.

I don't want somebody like you in the house.


So he convinced Paola to throw the Battle of the Block.

Brittany and Devin.

That's incorrect.


That's how you throw a competition.

Devin's desire to get rid of Brittany continued to fracture the b*mb Squad.

You like Brittany, you like Brittany.

I like Brittany.

Next week, one of us is gonna make a reach.

That one.

Act correct, Devin.

Simple as that.

When word got back to Devin that some of his alliance were turning on him…

Who said put me out?


He called yet another meeting.

Caleb said that basically there's people in this alliance pretty much that want me gone,

so who said it?

Afterwards, Zach confessed to Devin.

You were one of the people that said that you wanted me voted out of the house.

Is that what you're saying?

It came out of my mouth.

Did I mean it?


Zach just told me everything that I need to know.

At an out of this world veto competition…


Devin became the master of the universe.

You have won the power of veto.

I've got all the power in the house.

While Donny, Frankie, and Derek were chosen by viewers to be Team America…

I have got your back.

Devin made amends with Brittany.

If I were to put that veto around your neck,

I would expect you to not put me up if you won HOH 100%.

You can keep this in the back of your mind for later.

How through that competition?

After Devin dropped a truth b*mb on Zach…

I don't trust you.

I know that's a problem and you're wearing an alliance together.

You want me to be straight up with you.

That's all I'm telling you.

Yeah, I want you to be straight up with me.


Zach dared Devin to put him on the block.

If you want to put him on the block, you do it.

And Devin called his bluff.

Zach, I've got to put you up on the block, brother.

You are the replacement nominee.

Tonight, watch the expl*sive repercussions of the veto meeting.

No, you're not!

I'm gonna get a liar!

Plus, who will be evicted?

Paula or Zach?

It all happens live, right now on Big Brother.

Hey, can we kiss it out?


Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

It's been a tumultuous week for the house guests, to say the least.

Especially for the two who find themselves on the chopping block tonight.

Just days ago, neither Paula nor Zach dreamed they would be in jeopardy of going home.

But tonight, one of them will see their game come to an end.

So, who will be the next house guest sent packing?

We'll soon find out.

But first, when last we left the Big Brother house,

Devin had shocked everyone, turning on his alliance member, Zach.

But follow was utter chaos.

Can I say something really fast?

I'll be next, too.


I know this puts my butt on the line.

I want to make it clear why I said what I said against somebody that I thought was my friend.

I knew by how she was acting with me, she was going to throw the competition.

As we were doing the competition, she didn't have her glasses.

She never goes without her glasses.

So, I know what it's like to wake up with a knife in her back.

You lie to my face, and I never go back when somebody does that to me.

So, if you stay…

The honor chart.

I get it.


All right.

Here's what my defense is.

We all know how he is.

Thank you.

I'm sorry, but you're not a good person.

I would rather throw my head on the toilet bowl and drown than stay with you in our week.

Brittany, you're right.

He asked me to throw the competition.

Did I throw it?

No, I did not throw the competition.

Yeah, you did, because I said I was going to put the veto on your neck.

No, I did not.

I'm so glad I have a front row seat.

I was looking at this person, looking at this person, wondering what you're going to say,

wondering what you're going to say back.

I was tickled to death.

Time out.

Going into this, I went to you, and I said, if you throw the competition,

because Brittany was my original target, I was able to have a couple of conversations.

I realized, you know what, she's here for her kids, and I don't want to do that to her.

You've been lying this day!

No, no, hold on.

Time out.

Time out.

No, no, no.


This is after the…

You are a liar!

Everybody listen to this.

So am I going to get to finish this?

You are just like…

Yo, your daughter is going to look at this, and she's going to laugh at you,

because she hears every single conversation.

You will pull everybody in the damn house.

Hang on.

So you're getting called out right now.

No, so then, on top of that, I let Hayden and Nicole both know.

I said, hey, you guys don't worry.

Tyler's going to throw the comp.

This is the best show ever, until my name gets brought up.

I do not want to be associated with this at all.

You're right.

I had to change a part.

That's why I stayed up in the room the last couple of days.

I didn't want to talk to anybody.

You got what you wanted?

All right, perfect.

And that's fine.

All right, my turn.

I never liked Devin in the first place.

He hit me with the first jab.

That gives Zach Attack the green light to come back with an uppercut,

and I play dirty.

I'm going below the belt.

I might have to blow up some other people's game.

Frankie, don't feel threatened.

Pow, you suck at everything.

Straight up.

It's no big deal.

It's true.

Devin, there's not an ounce of truth in your body.

So there's no chance in hell I'm going home letting you know that now.

Every single person on this couch, I know you're going to vote for me.

I'm not worried.

People on this couch, I'm not really sure at this point.

Frankie, I don't really know, but I really hope you vote for me.

Caleb, not so sure either.

But all you guys know in this room, I'm not going home.

Devin, your personality changes with the blow of the wind.

I'm going after you.

Everyone in this house should be going after you too.


It's cool with me.

No one is ever going to vote for you in the jury.

All he does is smile with his fake smile,

and now I'm just like ranting on about how much I hate Devin.

But you're a huge liar, dude.

You called the house meeting, crying over your daughter.

I would never compromise my honesty or integrity for any amount of money.

And you do just that every single day.

Perfect, dude.

So what's your response to that?

Best of luck to you, bud.

All right.


If the house knows that my only goal in life is to get Devin evicted,

there's no way that they're going to vote to evict me this week.

I came into the house as the biggest target, and you know what?

Ultimately, at some point in time, I will leave the house as the biggest target.

You know, I could care less what pal and Zach have to say about me.

Now all I can do is just sit here and hope they rip each other apart.

I'm extremely pissed at Devin because when this all started,

it was nobody from the b*mb squad gets put up.

It's week two, and so Devin putting Zach up is just showing that he's completely disloyal to the b*mb squad.

I'm shaking.

I am so shocked right now.

If Zach keeps this up, you know, if the b*mb squad is going to have to send him home.

I told you, y'all, you haven't seen New York.

It's going to come out today.

I don't know what's going to happen at this point.

I just hope that they see Zach as a threat, and they keep me in the house.

You know why you put me on blast with that man?

Why would you do that?

I'll talk to you later, dude.

Get some sleep.

That was wonderful.


So Devin puts an alliance member, Zach, up on the block.

The next thing you know, he's flaming up.

Porns are coming out, and he's got words of blazing throwing the whole b*mb squad under the bus.

And anybody that tries to throw, be smoke cowboy up under the bus, son, I'm gunning for you.

Hey, explain to me why you're smiling at me right now.

I'm super pissed at Zach right now.

By Zach calling me out, he's immediately pointed out to everyone that I'm untrustworthy

and someone who is in the middle of everything.

Dude, don't be upset.

Everyone still trusts you.

Not anymore, thanks to you.

Are you serious right now?


I'm sorry.

I don't understand why you would do that.

Bro, I…

It just came out.

I didn't mean anything by it.

I have no idea why you would do that to me.

It's just terrible.

I don't think it's big a deal as you're making it.

I was your friend.

I had your back.

I was telling you.

You still have my back.


Nothing changed.

Yeah, well, now you have to work twice as hard to keep me safe.

I will.

I'm staying this weekend.

You know I have your back 120%.


So I didn't break anything.

I just want to tell you.


I think I took it too far.

I need to make sure Frankie's still about me and Frankie.

My apology to him is completely sincere.

I shouldn't have put you out there.

That's my fault.

I really do believe that Zach knows he screwed up.

But regardless of how he feels personally, he still totally ruined my game.

And I really don't know if I can trust this kid ever again.

Can we stay here?

Stay here.

I can't.

I have nothing to say.

All right, dude.

Oh, my God.

So you think people are going to vote for you than me?

Why do you think that?

No one trusts you.


Amber, wasn't I loyal to you?

I don't know.

You always do this, Pab.

You always put someone on the spot.

You're paranoid.

How the hell am I paranoid?

Dude, you're moping around.

What did you do yesterday?

You didn't leave your room yesterday?

Because I was sick.

You really want to start this?

You really want to start this right now?

Yeah, let's go.

Let's go.

Oh, my God.

Debate right now.

Oh, my God.

I'm just telling you how I feel about you, dude.

How do you feel about me?

Tell me.

Like, ugh.

You are…


Yeah, because you are a liar.

I don't…

Okay, about what?

The whole Britney situation?

Yes, about that whole Britney situation.

I don't want to be brought into it.


Can I just ask you a question?

See, you always ask other people,

why can't you just talk to me?

Yeah, you didn't use your glasses.

I got my glasses.

You're a huge liar, pal.

Okay, whatever.

Because you threw the competition.

I didn't throw the competition.

Dude, all right.

I told you the truth.

I said, did I think about it?

Yeah, I did.

You are lying to me right now.

You're a liar.

I don't even justify myself.

Zach, what are you thinking?

I really want Zach to say, but at this point,

he is kind of making it hard on himself.

It's out in the open now.

All right, Zach.

All right, pal.

All we need is six, because if we had six and six,

I'll walk in there on the tiebreaker.

So Zach's going home.

Zach's going home.

I think it's pretty clear that Zach is no longer in the b*mb squad.

It's important to replace Zach with somebody new,

because we still want to control the house vote.

I want to make sure that we ride it out

all the way down to the final eight.

I did the math yesterday.

I did the Amber one, Christine two, Derek three, Frankie four,

me five.

We need to get Hayden though.

I need Hayden up here.

And I said, I need you a part of this dude.

Hayden's the perfect guy to move into Zach's spot in the Alliance.

Hayden's trustworthy.

He's a competitor, but also on top of that,

he doesn't get overzealous, and that is a very valuable tool.

All right.

First and foremost, dude, there's been an Alliance since day two,

the b*mb squad, which was me, Caleb, Frankie, Derek, Cody, Zach.

Christine and Amber, that made it an eight-person Alliance.

One Alliance member is gone now.

We have the votes.

He's gone.

I trust you.

Everybody in here trusts you.

You're a competitor.

What I'm saying is we would like for you to be a part of this.

You down?

I mean, this is all like so fast.

Like this is so much coming out.

Devin is revealing the golden b*mb squad to me,

but he's just forcing me to be in it.

He says, hey, like, you know, we have the numbers.

Join or die.

I appreciate you guys talking to me so much.

Like I really do.

Look at me.

Yeah, I mean, the numbers work, and it's people who want to be here.

So it all makes sense.

I'm going to say yes to his face when, in reality,

my number one goal will be to blow up the b*mb squad.

I promise you, dude, I will never, ever, ever again put up another Alliance member.

Now with Hayden on board, there's no chance Zach's staying.

We've got all the numbers to make sure that he's leaving this week.

So you're on board?


All right, bro.

Welcome to the squad, bro.

Coming up, Paola and Zach have spoken their minds,

but which one will win over the hearts of their fellow House guests?

Then it's the live vote and eviction.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Zach has insulted the HOH and turned on his Alliance.

Now there's only one move left.

Damage control.

God, I hope I stay this week.

Just keep a level head.

You cannot, under any circumstance, repeat what happened to me today.

I want to keep Zach here.

Zach has already stated that he'll be going after Devin,

and Devin will be going after him.

As long as those two individuals are still in the house,

I should be safe, which allows me to complete more missions for Team America.

You got up there, you stood toe-to-toe with a giant, and you're like,

listen, you're a piece of…

It was good, but it's a one-time thing.

You do it again, now you're loose cannon.

I promise I won't do that.

No, but I'm just saying, but like you said,

I'm not going to kiss anybody's ass,

but you do have to go to him and tell them that you would appreciate their vote,

because if you don't, they're going to be like,

this could be a gift if he's here or not.

This isn't a street fight, this is a chess board,

and we're moving chess pieces.

Ultimately, I'm voting the way you used to vote.

We just need to think about the best for the three of us.


Where do you stand on it right now?

I still think that Devin and Caleb are stronger allies than Zach.

I mean, if Zach stays, then…

He's a target.

And not me, you, and Derek.

Yeah, unless we become his target.

Zach's target?


Absolutely not, though.

No way in hell.

But Pow hates Devin, too.

She's like my best little friend in here.

That don't mean I won't vote her out.

I'll throw this out there.

If you think Devin and Caleb's got your back more than me and Derek,

you're wrong.

If we can put no blood on our hands and get them convinced that Zach's not gonna come after them

and send Pow home to make everyone happy,

then that's also good.

What's the word?

For one, this sweet tea is amazing.

Me and you talking candidly, from my experience in this game,

it's better to play it safe until we have to beef with people,

until we have to knuckle up, and then you knuckle it up.

What do you think we should do?

Because if we keep Pow, we can use her.

Can I throw something at you, though?

they can use her, too, because she will flop right to him.

Yeah, for Battle of the Bloc, they will put her with one of us.


And then we're in trouble.


Here's my thing.

Zach doesn't mind you.

And honestly, he was not talking about you.

He wants Devin.

And as long as Devin's in the house, Devin's a target.

Me and you won.

If he does win HOH.

He would never put you up.

He wouldn't put you up.

There's too many of the targets in the house that he wants out.

I really don't think he's gonna go after any guys.

Am I sure?

No, I'm not.

That's what's up about this game.

But that's what we're gonna talk about it.

In all honesty, our best case scenario to make it another week

is to vote for Zach to stay.

So, it's all set.

We're good.


So, I'm sure Caleb will win that one.

We can all vote this game.

It doesn't expose us to anything.

We don't have a light anymore.

I'm just gonna play dumb.


Because that's the best thing.

So, it looks like Zach is staying.

And I want to be the one to tell Devin

because I'm not sure how he's gonna take it.

And if I'm the one telling him, I can diffuse it

so that it works to my advantage.

Do I need to say it?

So, what is the gist of it?

Zach is staying.

How so?

Caleb did it because Zach had the votes to stay.

Why would Caleb do that?

So, now we are the b*mb squad plus one.

So, now we are a nine person alliance.

I'm not in the squad no more, bro.

This is a solo game for me from here on out.

The only thing I can do is win competitions

and anybody can go up on the block now.

The entire house is gonna have to stop the love of a father

for his daughter because I'm gonna do anything

for my little girl to make sure every single person is gone.

It's crazy in this game because you can win HOH

and POV and then at the end of the week,

you're like, what did I gain from this?

Now I can really see like why some of my favorite players

would constantly say, you know, I don't want to get

blood on my hands this early in the game.

Me being a competitive person, having a daughter

that I want to see, like my emotions took over

and I wanted to win everything.

I can't just get real fun, buddy.

I want to pick every single person in this house off

one by one by one by one.

So it will leave me to last, okay?

Get that light flowing around.

I see you, man.

Coming up, who will be the next house guest sent packing?

The live vote begins next.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Paola or Zach, the game ends for one of them tonight.

Let's go to the living room and begin the live vote.

Hello, house guests.

Well, everyone, it was certainly a great time.

It was certainly a crazy week.

Oh, my gosh!

Especially that veto meeting.

Jocasta, give me one word to describe it.


I would say crazy.

What the heck.

Okay, Frankie, what would be your one word,

and it cannot be crazy.


I would say…



Devin, a lot happened during your time as HOH.

On a scale of one to ten, ten being the best,

how would you rate your reign?

Probably a four and a half.

Four and a half.

Well, Devin, Paola and Zach sit on the chopping block tonight

because of you.


And it's now time to see which one of them will be going home.

Paola, Zach, in just moments,

your housemates will cast their votes to evict,

but before they do, you each have a final chance

to sway their votes with one brief statement.

Paola, you're first.


Well, guys, as you know,

I feel like a winner already if I go, if I stay.

Y'all know I'm a positive person.

Everybody in this room is special, me included, even Zach.

I'm sorry, Devin.

You have five different personalities,

and they all suck, and you deserve to be here,

and me, Zach, don't.

I hope you guys keep me because Zach and I,

I feel like we're in the same level when it comes to competing.

He didn't win any competitions just like I didn't win any competitions,

and it does suck, and honestly,

I feel like I will never throw anybody under the bus.

If I do walk out that door, I'm gonna walk out like a boss

because that's how you guys know me as,

and that's how it's gonna be like,

Donnie, you're my best friend,

Jocasa, Amber, Brittany, I hope all of you guys get along

when I leave, and that's all.

I love you guys.

Thank you.

Thank you, Paola.

All right, Zach, it's your turn, and please, brief.

Of course.

I feel very blessed to be here.

If it wasn't for my beautiful, hardworking mother,

my father, my grandma, my little brother,

I wouldn't be half the person I am today.

I love all of you guys to death, you 12 voters.

It is in the best interest of the house to keep me safe

because none of you are my target.

My target is that man right there,

and if you guys vote to keep me safe,

I will do everything in my power to make sure

that he is evicted from this house.

So when you walk into that diary room,

please vote to evict Paola.

Thank you.

Thank you, Zach.

Thank you both.

All right, it is time for the live voting to begin.

The two nominees, as always, are not allowed to vote.

Devin, as current HOH,

you will only vote in the event of a tie.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room

and cast your vote to evict.

Jocasta, you're first.

Please go to the diary room.

Jocasta is a good friend of Paola's,

but is friendship enough to keep her in the house?

Hello, Jocasta.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

All right, I vote to evict Zach.

Thank you.

You're welcome, Connor, Dilla, and Chris.

Love you.

Brittany made her intentions clear.

Paola is her target.

Hi there, Brittany.

Hello, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Paola.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Derek campaigned all week for Zach.

Will it pay off tonight?

Hello, Derek.

Hey, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Paola.

Thank you.

Thank you.

While Team America has vowed to vote together,

Paola is one of Donnie's best friends.

Hello, Donnie.

Hey there.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Zach.

Thank you.

Thank you.

With two votes to evict Paola and two votes to evict Zach,

it is currently a tie.

The final eight house guests cast their votes live when we return.

Stay with us.

We'll be right back.

Thank you.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

The house guests are voting live to evict either Paola or Zach.

With two votes each, it's currently a tie.

Let's continue with the live vote.

Caleb has been Devon's strongest ally.

Will he do his bidding and vote Zach out tonight?

Hi, Caleb.

What's going on, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

Hi, sadly.

Vote to evict Miss Pow Pow.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Amber has stayed loyal to the b*mb squad,

but with the alliance falling apart, what is her best move?

Hi, Amber.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict my girl Pow Pow.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Hayden is now a reluctant member of the b*mb squad.

Will he send the man he replaced out the door?

Hi, Hayden.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict DJ Palaszczuk!

As in Paola?


Thank you.

Thank you.

Just confirming.

Cody was stunned to see his friend and ally on the block.

He should save him with his vote.

Hi, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Pow Pow.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Frankie felt hurt and betrayed by Zach,

but keeping him in the house may be best for his game.

Hi, Frankie.

Hi, Julie.

Looking fierce tonight.

Thank you.

So are you.

Thank you.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict DJ Paola Shay.

Thank you.

I love you.

It's official.

With seven votes to evict,


Paola will leave the house tonight.

But let's see how the other votes fall.

Hi, Nicole.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Paola.

Thank you.


Christine and Nicole are strongly aligned.

Will they be aligned in their vote tonight?

Hi, Christine.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Paola.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Victoria has laid so low, her vote is anyone's guess.

Hi, Victoria.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict the crazy Pow Pow.

Thank you.

Thank you, Julie.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the house guests.

House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted house guests will have just a few moments to say goodbye,

gather his or her belongings and walk out the front door.

By a vote.

Of 10 to 2.

Zach, you are safe.

Paola, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Don't cry!

Love you, guys.

Love you, girl.

Love you.

Love you, Paola.

Love you, Paola.

Love you, my brain.

See you in the club.

Run, run, run.

See you in the club.

Go, go, go!

She just fell.



God, it's so much quicker now.

Yeah, it is.

Can I tell you something, buddy?

I think you can.

Paola, second time on the block, tonight not so lucky.

Who do you blame for your eviction?

Oh, Devon.

You can't stand that guy.

Oh, God.

Why do you blame Devon?

He's game-socked, and he made, you know, a lot of deals with everybody, and…

What about your role in your eviction?

Because you made a deal with him.

You admitted, and we showed it on last night's show in Diary Room.

You said, quote,

Now that I threw that competition, I kept my word.

Now Devon better keep his.

Why would you risk your safety?

Honestly, I have no idea, Julie.

I don't even know what to say, because when I was doing the B.




So I have no idea what happened with that.

I can't answer that question, so…

Of those left in the game, who are you rooting for?

Obviously my best friend, Donnie and Jocasta.

That's my boo!

I have his little badge with me, so, yeah.

In the event you were the one evicted tonight,

your housemates taped some goodbye messages.

Oh, my God, I hope it's nice.

Look over here and listen.

If you're watching this, I'm not sad at all.

That means I'm sad.

You're a huge liar.

You lie to get yourself out of lies.

I'm not sad to see you go.

Good luck with the rest of your life.

I absolutely hope that you're not seeing this.

I love you so much, and I can't wait to come to New York,

and I can't wait for you to come to Georgia.

Bye, pal.

Love you.

Stay close to God.

If you're hearing this, I'm so sorry.

I wanted to help you as much as I could,

and I'm sorry that I couldn't keep my word.

I know that it got heated during the veto,

and I didn't take any of it personally.

Paola, I love your energy, your spirit.

You always make me laugh.

You comfort me, I want to tell you.

You have been my best friend in the house.

I'll never forget you, and I can't wait to see you.

I love you.

What's your response to what we just heard Donnie say?

Well, forget Zach and Devin.

Hopefully he took it personal, but…

What about what you just heard Donnie say about you?

Oh, my God, I love him.

He is my best friend.

Why tears?

Because, like, I…

Who knew I would be best friend with a 42-year-old bearded man in the house?

I mean, like, me and him, we don't have anything in common, so…

I don't even know.

How could you not love Donnie, right?

Oh, my God, yes.

Thank you, Paola.

Thank you.

Good luck to you.

Up next, the power is back up for grabs.

We'll crown two new heads of household when we return.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's now time to crown two new heads of household.

Each must nominate two house guests for eviction.

Who will become the most powerful people in the game?

Let's head to the backyard and find out.

House guests, the power is up for grabs.

Devin, as outgoing head of household, you are not eligible to compete.

This competition is called Underwater Polo, and here's how it works.

One at a time, you'll step up and hit a single polo ball down the ramp

to the numbered slots below, labeled 1 through 29.

If your ball doesn't go into a slot, you'll get a score of zero.

Now, remember, we are crowning two HOHs,

so the two players with the highest scores after everyone has hit

will become the new heads of household.

Does everyone understand?

Amber, you're up first.

Go ahead and take your shot.

All right.



I don't know where to go.

Well, that's a good shot right there.

Oh, no.

All right, Amber, go ahead and take your spot in the first place slot.

Cody, we're ready when you are.

Cody, also 17.

All right, go stand next to Amber on the podium over there.

Everyone, I need you to have your balls in hand and ready to go when you get called.

Go ahead, Caleb.

because you are.

And Cody and Amber, thank you for stepping down to slot number second place.

Frankie, we're ready for you.

Find the medal.


Oh, nice.


All right.

Caleb, you're stepping down to second place.

Cody and Amber, you're out.

My birthday.

Yeah, well, that's money, Christine.

That's money.


Sorry, that won't do it.

Step down, Christine.

Nicole, you're up.

Nicole, you got this.

Good job.

Good job.

I want to share that bird.


That's good.

Nicole, go ahead and take your spot in the fourth place.

First place mark.

Frankie, right now, you have the second highest, the 24.

Victoria, 24 is the number to beat.

That was crazy.

That was awesome.

I'm going to throw up.

I'm so nervous.

Wow, work.


Sorry, Victoria.

Step down, you're out.

I'm going to throw up.


Good luck.

Come on, Brittany.

You're out, Brittany.


Zach, you're up.

You have Nicole in first place, 29.

Frankie in second place, the 24.

Come on, Zach.

That's 28, baby.

That's 28, baby.




Sorry, Zach, step down.

Donnie, you're up.


Good job, Zach.

Come on, Donnie.

You're out.

Hayden, we're ready when you are.

Step down, Chacasta, you're up.

Oh my God.

Again, no, you're up.

Nicole's in first place with 29 points.

Frankie in second place with a score of 24.

We need you to hit, Chacasta.

Donnie, you're the, sorry, Derek, you're the last one up.

You need a 24 or better to stay in this game.


A 28, which means congratulations to Derek and Nicole.

The two of you are the two new heads of household.

With team Jana Tunde, I'm going to see you soon.

Yeah, you're good.

Yeah, you're better.

I'm going to see you.

Thank you, brother.

Thank you.

Jana Tunde, team of two.



What have you done, huh?

Good job, everyone.

You're so happy.

You may have noticed that Derek and Nicole and all of the houseguests were wearing bracelets.

That's because this year, we're taking the Big Brother experience to a whole new level

by introducing wireless activity trackers to the game.

Starting tonight, you can now monitor the physical activity of each houseguest all summer long

by going to CBS.

com, be beat tracker to see just how active or lazy your favorite houseguest really are.

And it is bound to affect the game.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Let's rejoin the houseguest.

Hello again, everyone.

And again, congratulations to Derek and Nicole.

Derek, let me start with you.

What are you looking forward to in your HOH room?

She tell me?

Oh, I'm sorry, Nicole.

That question was for Derek.

Oh, that's an easy one for me, Julie, my wife and daughter.

That's what I want to see.

Get a letter from them, hear from them, see them.

There's nothing better than that.


Nicole, how does it feel to be HOH?

I'm so excited.

I know.

Donnie, you've watched this game from your living room two weeks in.

How different is it to actually play it?

It is very different and very exciting.

Well, I hope you're all having fun.

Thank you, houseguests, and have a good night.

Thank you.

We have a huge week ahead of us.

Tune in Sunday as four houseguests are nominated for eviction.

Then they go head to head in the Battle of the Block.

Plus, you voted and Team America will receive their very first mission.

It all happens Sunday.

And on Wednesday, the power of veto is back up for grabs.

Will it be used once again?

Then one week from tonight, you don't want to miss the next live eviction.

From outside the Big Brother House, I'm Julie Chen.

Good night.

Everybody want?

Okay, good.

That's my first, my one-time.

My 26-20, I'm going to tap it and I'm going to bounce it off.

Just enough to drop the sweet.

As soon as I hit it, I was like, that's it.

We got to stay out here for now.

What's up right now?

Oh, dude.

Did you hear what you were doing?

I didn't.

I get a one-time.

I get a 30.

I get a 30.


Who was that coder?
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