16x07 - Episode 7

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x07 - Episode 7

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother…

Devin and Amber became the new heads of household.

Congratulations, Amber!

When Devin started to regret turning on Donny…

I just feel real bad, and I can't let that fester anymore.

he decided to reveal his betrayal.

I don't want to let you know, babe,

that I didn't have the trust in you

when I felt that you were hiding something.

He then confessed his sins to the entire house.

When it came to the first day,

when I first nominated him,

I forced Caleb Tanner, I told him to put up Donny,

and Caleb had nothing to do with it.

But Brittany took exception to what was said.

Does that mean you were the reason why

a lot of us were nominated?

Because apparently I thought it was supposed to be

for the people that fell off first.

And when it got back to Devin…

As soon as you said that, Brittany looked at me and said,

well, I guess then you didn't nominate people

based on who fell first, actually.

Brittany became his number-one target.

At this point, Brittany has made herself a target,

whether she realizes it or not.

After nominations were made…

I've nominated you, Paola, and you, Brittany.

I have nominated you, Hayden, and you, Nicole.

Devon revealed a plan to ensure Brittany stayed on the block.

Paola, Paola's gonna throw the comp tomorrow

when you guys do it.

So he spun a deal with the DJ.

You threw the comp.

You are not going home.

You promised.

I'm gonna peek you, swear to hell.

At the Battle of the Block competition,

Paola followed through with Devin's wishes.

Brittany and Devin.

That's incorrect.


That's how you throw a competition.

Allowing Nicole and Hayden to free themselves from the block.

I am so stoked to have won this competition.

With Amber dethroned.


Devin was left ruler of the house.

Brittany's my target.

My plan is to keep her butt right there on the block

until she walks out that door.

Tonight, who will win the power of Veto?

And will it be used to save either Paola or Brittany

from the chopping block and a b*mb squad breakdown?

There's no more lines.

We're done.

leads to a Veto meeting expl*si*n.

Plus, Donnie is already a part of Team America.

I will be the best I can not to let all y'all dance.

Who did you choose as the final two members?

Find out right now on Big Brother.

This is Big Brother.

Stop telling the truth.

What do you know?

I'm still HOH.

Yo, Pal Pal did her part by throwing the competition

and hopefully I'll be seeing Brittany walk out that door pretty soon.

I've been pulling so many strings around this house,

I consider myself the puppet master.

I'm not sure it's called…

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

This is amazing.

Hayden and I just won Battle of the Block.

Which means that we are safe for the week

and our little weirdo alliance is still together.

I mean, don't mess with us, I guess.

We can't celebrate for too long.

Are you okay?

I'm no longer HOH, so I hope that since Devin and I

are part of the b*mb squad that I'm safe this week.

But of course, in this house, you have to be worried.

You never know what's going to happen.

I just want to give you a hug.

I know.

Give me a hug.

You were in this sport.

Thank you for for freezing.

Yeah, you're cold.

I just feel like I'm going home.

I didn't see my time being done here.

I'm definitely Devin's target,

and I'm kind of worried at this point.

But if Devin thinks that I'm going out of this house without a fight,

he's definitely got another thing coming.

Dude, I'm so sorry that you even had to be in that position.

Hey, we had to put two strong people up against these two.

She knew what was up, and like honest to God,

she clearly blew through one of those questions,

and she didn't answer her landing room.

And I could have dominated that.

Go on.

Papa doesn't win competitions.

Papa's never going to win a competition as long as she is in this house.

Either way, me and Nicole are safe.

Just know that we would not have put you in that position if we didn't feel that we were going to have a sure fighter way to win.


So just know that we love you, bro.

Make sure to catch me in your pocket.

Make sure that you're here just as long as anyone's happy.

Devin has lost his mind.

This guy is all over the place throwing words left and right.

He's giving me this creepy man hug.

It's like super intimate.

I think he's going to stick his tongue in my ear.



Hey, that'll never happen again, dude.

Yeah, it's cool.

I'm so happy and so thankful.

Thank you so much.

No, it just feels weird.

I think we're safe for a week.

Yeah, but we don't have to do anything really.

Don't say.

Just be ourselves.

Yeah, don't want anything we have to be prepared for.

It's for some reason this whole battle is what we think it's lead to.

The last thing that we want to do is be associated with Devin and his evil genius plan.

Just in case it does get leaked, all we have to say is that it wasn't part of our plan at all.

So, you know, I'm glad we got all that out of the way.

And now, you know, for me and Nicole, it's time to get down to some serious business.

Hey, can we kiss it out?



All right, guys, who goes home?

There are two subdivisions of the b*mb squad.

There's the supporters of Devin, a.



the idiots.

Then there's the non-supporters of the dictatorship, the firm believers that Devin is insane.

The only person that wants to break the g*n is Devin.

Yeah, right.


You like Brittany.

You like Brittany.

I like Brittany.

She's a strong player.

She had beer goggles on.

She's still the better than pal.

Go get you the pal.

Put it this way.

Devin, why don't you go on, soul?

Joey's got to go.

Brittany is now saying I don't like it.

So we're just getting rid of all the players.

The players that are going to go at it.

We're going to get scary.

And I'm not doing it for two weeks in a row.

No, I'm not doing anything for him anymore.

Devin thinks he runs this alliance and we're doing all his bidding.

I've had enough of it.

We have a voice too.

We all want Brittany to stay and we want Pow Pow gone.

Devin, we're sick of it.

Whichever two power Brittany, whichever one of them stays, we're reeling in.

That's another book for us.

Next week, one of us is going to win each and we're at the right time.

As simple as that.

I'm definitely Superman.

I'm a Superwoman.

We'll find out.

We'll find out when you're up on that block.

A Superwoman pulls herself off every time.

When you're up on the block, I'm going to sit back and have my glass of wine.

I'll blow you a kiss.

Just to say bye.

Oh man.

They're having a flirt man's car.

Just detrimental to the team.

It's just dangerous.

Amber's relationship with Caleb worries me.

She's just toying with the guy's emotions and he's just totally just falling for it.

When it comes down to it, who's Caleb going to choose?

Amber or his other squad members.

You know what makes business and pleasure?

I'm this husband.

I want to make sure we're on the same page.

Britney and Pow Pow are going to be up.

Britney does not win the POV.

Who are we sending home?

If we don't send home, Britney, Devin's going to flip and turn on us.

Devin's only sending her home for personal reasons.

If we decided collectively that we wanted Britney to stay in power to go,

for whatever reason, I'm just knowing that I was an example.

He would throw a cow because he's the one that put her up.

Me and Devin are going to end up butting heads here for too long anyways

because he talks to you incorrectly.

Like when we were up in the room and you had started to say something,

I think it's best to make them feel confident and tell them.

Okay, then let me do it, okay?

Let me do it, all right?

I'm so sorry.

I can't talk to Devin.

He doesn't allow me to talk.

He just controls me.

You shouldn't be in fear of anything because nobody's going to intimidate you

or bully you.

It's not going to happen.

You shouldn't have to be worried about speaking your mind because it is a game.

I just can't listen when he talks to you because he's kind of mean to you and demeaning it.

Devin is the last person I ever want to be in alliance with.

He's scary and he's going to crumble at any second.

He's definitely a problem.

And if I hear him talking to you or you like that…

Any girlfriend I'm out of this is a game.

I protect him because he's a friend of mine and an member of the alliance.

But at the same time, as cheesy as it sounds, I protect my queen a lot.

Because at the end of the day, I would much rather have her next to me than Devin.

I just want to let Devin know, home fry, this ain't going to work in my kitchen, baby.

Outside or inside my alliance, we treat women with loyalty, dignity and respect.

Yes, we're in a game, but at the same time, we ain't having that.

I want to take you as far as I can and if he's hurting my game, I can't do that.

Daddy's home.

Hey, I wanted to share something with you.

There's quite a few people in this house that feel like you put Brittany up due to personal reason.

It was a personal reason.

I made sure I said it was a personal reason.

Yeah, well, to me, I think more people are wanting pal gone than Brittany.

That's stupid.

Who's a bigger threat to us right now?

To the alliance.

I don't care to individual people, to the alliance.

Not to the people outside the alliance.

The only people that matter are the alliance.

You pull the alliance.

Ask Derek right now.

Who's a bigger threat, pal or Brittany?

There are members in our alliance that do not feel the same way, so it's chaos.

It's chaos.

It's because you're over there talking to Amber, bro.

You can see it how you want to see it.

It's fine, but…

No, that's exactly how it is, though.

You're over there talking to Amber, and that's where you're getting that from in your mindset.

Why are you talking to me like this right now?

Like, for real, why are you talking to me because you're over there hanging out in the freaking hammock with Amber?

I'm saying what people feel, then.

You're getting lovestruck, and you're listening to everything that you're saying, and you and I have talked about it before.

And you know you're my boy, but I'm just telling you right now, oh, now you're getting upset.

I'm not going to get upset.

I'm just…

I bring something to your attention, and just like always, you blow it out of proportion every time.

Oh, my God.

Whatever, bro.

Whatever, man.

Like, always.

This is the truth.


Look at him.

Both of the girls are scared to death to even talk to you.

What are you talking about, dude?

Christine doesn't feel that way.

Well, then we should talk to Christine.

Let's talk to her.

Let's talk to her.

That's going to cost too much for drama.

I'm standing there watching this clash of the not-so-Titans, and the last thing that I want to have happen is for the b*mb squad to blow up in front of everyone.

Always got your back, bro.

Got your back.

But now you're just like one of the…

It's not what half the house is saying, dude.

What are you talking about?

Yeah, whatever, bro.

You're a lovestruck puppy.



I don't even care.

Oh, my God, dude.



Everything was fine.

Is that wrong with him?

You feel better?

No, I don't.

Come here.

Because I think you're just losing it, bro.

I've got your back, and you sit there and talk to me like that.

You talk to me foul.

It's the way you talk to the girls.

I don't talk to any of the girls in a disrespectful way.

You're over here talking to him, man.

It's not what half the house is saying.

Hey, look, this is the thing.

There's no more in line.

There's no more in line.


There's no more in line.

We're done.

Okay, cool.

If the whole thing is done…

That's fine.


And you'll be going home next week.

Come on, dude.

I don't care.



Oh, okay.

Oh, my God.

Congratulations, Frankie.

You have been chosen by America to take part in

this summer's interactive twist.


America has voted for you to be part of a secret alliance called Team America.

You and two other house guests will work together to carry out secret missions all summer long.

For every mission that Team America accomplishes, each member will receive $5,000.

This is the coolest thing that's ever happened.

I promise you I will do everything I can to not let you guys down.

I have got your back.

To find out who the other alliance members are…

Go to the weight bench tonight at 9 p.



And create a sentence using the following code words.

Bald eagle and apple pie.

The other members of Team America will do the same.

Good luck and God bless America.

All right, biceps, you start with a two and a half.

Did you guys have any dessert?


Amber, what's your favorite dessert?

Cookie dough.

At this point, I have no idea who the other two members of Team America are.

All I know is the magic words are…

Bald eagle and apple pie.

What's your favorite dessert, Frankie?


I'm really partial at apple pie.

Ooh, yum.


So good, right?

I do love apple pie.

Oh, a cheesecake too.


I really deserve it.



You ever been to New York?

The zoo?

I love animals like them, exotic animals.



What's your favorite?

Probably a zebra.

My locals, do they have…

It's not a very uncommon animal.

They had like a bald eagle.


Those things are big in person, man.

Oh, yeah, they are.

Then things will straight put their claws in a mountain goat

and push it off a cliff.

Because you know they hang on to the side of the cliff?

Watch it.

Look it up.

That's sad.

We got Derek, who is playing a very smart game.

Me, who's kind of got my fingers in everyone's business.

But we still don't know who the third member is.

The minute I see that beautiful beard come outside,

I know that's my third team member.

I know Donny.

America loves him, and they love that beard.

I want dessert.

Donny, what's your favorite dessert back there?

Back home, buddy.

My favorite dessert?

Back home outside the house.

I'll show you.

Show me.

Good old apple pie.

Apple pie.

We were just saying that.

Apple pie.


The cup has a picture of a piece of apple pie on it.

Hey, what's the bird that's on the back of a quarter?

Bald eagle.

Bald eagle.

I'm very excited to be a part of Team America.

I feel very privileged and honored.

I am glad that America chose me and the other two guys,

and I'm excited to get started.

We got the brains, we got the beard, and we got the beauty.

Wake up, everybody!

It's time to choose place for the P-Tope Cup!


Only six people will participate in the veto competition,

the head of household, the two nominees,

and three other players selected by random draw.

As HOH, I will pick first.


The only way to really guarantee my safety is to win the veto.

So I'm just hoping right now, whoever gets picked, I can beat them.



Three b*mb Squad members are picked for this veto competition,

but after last night, I don't know who's going to stay loyal

and actually keep the nominations the same.

So what happened between me and Devin last night was just one of them things,

you know, it happens, it was stupid.

The bottom line is Devin's my buddy, he's my friend.

You know, I feel like him and I can go a long way in this game,

so I got to make things right with Devin.

I want to start off by apologizing.

You know, I honestly just wanted to see where your head's at.

Do you know what set me off, bro?

It was just one thing, dude.

It had nothing to do with the game.

It was when you sat there and you said the way you talked to the women in this house,

that set me off, man.

I've never said anything in a bad way to any girl,

and to be real with you, dude, I don't take that stuff lightly, man.

And I understand that.

Honestly, Devin probably needs to change his attitude.

But the last thing I want is the b*mb squad to blow up right now.

If we just hold tight for a few more weeks, I feel like we'll make it to the end.

We do need to figure it out because I still don't know where the votes are standing right now.

Last night, I said, who do y'all want going?

And they said, well, I mean, I don't see nothing wrong with Brittany.

And I thought we were going after the weaker floaters.

And I said, I did too.

That doesn't make any sense, though, because you can work with some of these floaters

because they're not going to win any comps.

But you're going to leave Brittany here potentially.

If you leave her here for another week or two, she's going to put two of us up together.

Why would you want somebody like that here still?


Right now, I just think Caleb's full of crap.

But I'm just trying to keep the alliance together, smooth things over.

I'm better with him than without him.

I love you, bro.

Love you, man.

I ran sorry about that.

No, and I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that it even went that way, bro.

Me too.

But just know that I always got your back, man.

And I have yours.

Because other people are saying different.

I say, y'all do what you want.

I'm not putting them up.

Who said put me up?

Just everybody.

They're all saying, man, Devin is just causing a lot of problems in this house.

They're all saying it.

I wasn't surprised one bit.

I know who I am.

I guess I was just hoping that people in the b*mb squad would wait a little bit before they turned on me.

Hey, go down there and get everybody up here.

I'm going to do real quick because I want to sit there and hash this out as quickly as possible.

There's only one thing that I can do about it.

I got to get to the bottom of it, see how people are feeling, and set things straight.

Hey, you got to go upstairs.


Go upstairs.

I'm going to get my life.

So this is the deal.

I'm going to try to make it as quick and short as possible.

It's time that everybody puts on their big brother face, their big boy pants, no emotions.

Let's do this already.

Here we go again.

Another house meeting sponsored by Devin.

We got to get on the same page every week.

Hooberson at home.

This is not a one-person dictatorship.

The goal is to keep our alliance safe.

It is not about getting out the floaters.

It is about working with the floaters to get out the other strong players.

I'm going to give you my reasoning.

Partially, 50% personal with Brittany, okay?

Pow Pow and I talked before the competition, and she purposely threw that comp.

And I said, you were safe this week if you throw that comp.

That being said, it's not a dictatorship.

We are together.

So if it's Pow and Brittany, who do you want to go?

I don't have problems with anyone at this point.

Once again, behind closed doors, women are very quick to tell us who they want to stay

and who they want to leave.

But as soon as Devin's in the room, they clam up and have nothing to say.

Pow is by far the weakest player I've ever seen on Big Brother.

In my life.

And, you know, Pow, I have nothing personal against her, but I like Brittany more.

So I want Brittany to stay.

What are you talking about?

I decided to open my mouth, tell him the truth.


You know what?

We're in a line of eight people, and that's extremely large.

And none of us are ever going to be on the same page about anything.

And that's the other thing.

And as Caleb said, that basically there's people in this alliance pretty much that want me gone.

So who said it?

The deal is that we protect each other all the way to jerk.

That being said, it's about protecting the team.

If one of us goes home, it's going to crumble.

It's just going to crumble.

And we have to keep each other safe.

So I thought it'd be smart to stick up for the rest of the b*mb squad in the HOH room.

I think I opened up my mouth a little too much.

Now I'm on Devin's radar.

I think I got some explaining to do.

So, like, I have said stuff that I didn't really mean, you know?

And I come to you personally and I tell you, you know, you're my friend inside this game, you're my friend outside the game.

I'm going to be loyal to you till the end.

And I don't want you to ever question it, okay?

I want to let you know that, all right?

So you're saying that you were one of the people that said that you wanted me voted out of the house.

Is that what you're saying?

It came out of my mouth.

Did I mean it?


Zach's just told me everything that I need to know.

I know who the weak link in this alliance is.

And right now my trust is broken.

Don't go into the death, all right?

I don't want you to have any more feelings.

No, no, I really don't.

It doesn't even bug me, dude.

I really like people think that I get upset over those things.

I don't.

Hey, everyone.

It's time for the veto competition.

Put on your space gear and head to the backyard.


Right before the veto competition, Devin turns around to pal and says, if I win the veto, I'm going to be the winner.

I'm using it on you.

He can preach as much as he wants about how we all have each other's back.

But no, he has one person's back and one person's back only.

And that's his own self's back.

He's not for the team at all.

Whoa, guys, look at it.

So I walk out to the backyard for the veto competition, and what do I see?


I want to do my house like that veto competition.

I want the whole thing to be space, just gigantic floating balls.

So I look over and I notice these planets are named after big brother icons.

There's Brentrell, Brigadia, McCranda.

I'm kind of hoping that we can get one named after me.

I mean, Deftopia sounds kind of nice.

Space cadets, the big brother planets are out of balance, and your mission is to restore order to the BB galaxy.

To complete your mission, you must hang each of the ten planets on a different silver sector of your galaxy so no planets touch the ground.

Copy mission control.

One wrong move could send your planets falling into space.

Once all ten planets are correctly balanced, hit your warp drive button to return home.

The first cadet to accomplish this mission will be awarded the Power of Veto.

Good luck cadets.

The fate of our universe hangs in the balance.

This mission will commence in three, two, one.

Blast off!

The goal of this competition is to get all your planets balanced on your big brother galaxy without them touching the ground.

I really want to win it and take some power away from Devin, the dictator.

Just rip my pants.

I'm going to get these planets onto the big brother galaxy however I can.

Winning the Power of Veto is huge for me today.

I want all the power to rest in my hands.

Nobody else is.

Good job Derek.

If I win this veto, I plan on keeping the nomination the same.

Get Pow out of the house.

This is one of the most important competitions because if I don't win the veto, I know I'm probably going to be going home this week.

I would have done better with a mimosa or something in me I swear.

I did not learn any of the big brother galaxy in school.



This is so hard.

I'm sitting on the ground.

I'm chasing my planets.

I have this mobile spinning around hitting me in the head.

My brain is spinning as much as the mobile.

You're looking cute Amber.


Everything about this competition is horrible.

The galaxy keeps hitting me in the freaking head.

The balls keep falling off.

Slow and steady.


Can't do anything.

She can't stand.

She can't spell.

She can't hang things.

Hold the balls.

This challenge sucks.

I have all the planets on my mobile.

Last planet left, exterminadius.

Oh no.

At this point, I start rooting for Derek.

He's my boy and I'd rather see him win it than Devin.

Oh my god.

I am watching Derek and Devin.

They are so close and all I'm thinking is please don't let Devin win.

And I'm just rooting for Derek and I really think he can pull it out.

Knowing he's getting close to finish, I decide to kick it up a notch and I step into another gear and start throwing my planets on.

Derek hasn't figured out and it snaps and it hits me.

I'm a born competitor.

I don't want anybody to win but me.

I got him.

This is mine.

Warp drive.

Here I come.



Congratulations Devin.

You have won the power of veto.

Look at this.

I got the veto.

I've got all the power in the house.

I've got some real game time decisions.

I've got to mull over right now.

I lose the veto.

Just knowing that Devin won it and he gets that satisfaction absolutely kills me.

Somehow I'm going to have to just try to figure out a way to keep myself in this house.

Devin tells me that he is going to take me off the block and not to worry.

But you know what?

You never know with this guy because this guy is like the devil.

What's the matter with you?

I've got to tell him Devin listen man you're my best friend.

Loyal forever.

You know the whole shebang.

Yo Cody, you mind if I just talk to you for a second?

I call them up here but it's fine.


Yo I just wanted to say congratulations bro.

Thanks man.

Better you than me honestly.

So I'm going to ask everybody individually straight up.

I just need a quick answer.

It's going to be quick.

Pal and Britney up there who you voting out?

Dude whatever.

No no.

Pal and Britney up there who you voting out?

It doesn't matter to me.

I don't do that.

I don't want you.

You're like pissing me off.

No I don't trust you right now.

Earlier in the alliance meeting Zach said he wanted to keep Britney in the house.

Now he's telling me he doesn't know what he wants to do.

I think he's just telling me what I want to hear.

You know what?

That doesn't fly in my book.

I don't trust you right now.

It's a problem and you're wearing an alliance together.

You want me to be straight up with you.

That's all I'm telling you.

Yeah you know I want you to be straight up with me.


That's all I need to know.

Can we talk it out or no?

Not right now.

I need to just get a pulse on everybody.

I'm screwed.

I'm in Devon's crosshairs and I got myself into a huge mess.

Damn it.

It's like yo man I don't trust you.

I just don't trust you.

I'm like I was just being honest.

So you were freaking out?

Because I'm like I was just honest that's the way I was going about it and I got nothing to hide but clearly that's not working.

Are you surprised?

What did I say that was so bad though?

You told him that you disagreed with him.

But I didn't lie though.


Why aren't you lying?

Why are you telling the truth?

I don't know dude.

It's very simple.

You told him I disagree with what you're doing.

Now he doesn't trust you.

And he's crazy.

I thought by me telling him that it was building trust.

Zach is losing his mind right now and I feel terrible because I like the kid but I don't know that I can necessarily help him if he's going to insist on blowing up his game and potentially mine in the process.

I just want to say this and like I literally trust you more than anyone in this house.

Okay and I just I don't want you to move over.

I'm not f***ing you over.

Okay okay.

I'm not f***ing myself over.

I have no idea how I'm going to get myself out of this.

I have no idea.

But I'm not giving up.

I'm going to figure it out.

And when I have a good idea I'll let you know.

You're the man.

I love you.

I know I've had my differences with Devin so I know I have to suck it up.

Set aside my pride in order to work something else.

Can I just say something?


This is your game.

Obviously I'd love to stay and I want to continue as far as I can obviously with this game.

I want you to know that I look at you as a threat, a huge threat and you're very intelligent.

You're on the ball 24-7.

And a lot of people trust me and a lot of people don't want me to go home.

I know that.

Honestly as far as parents I do have a soft spot and I hope that one of the parents win.

That's a given.


Because we're not just changing our lives but we're changing the lives of our kids whether it's personal or not.

You know it's harder for us.

We have to fight harder and we have a lot more emotions and stuff that are going through us you know being parents.

And it's not worth me missing out on everything that I just did.

Graduations, birthdays, competitions, baseball and you know but you have to go with what you want to do.

Brittany and I have had our differences but she's saying a lot of right things and on top of that the fact that she's a mother and she sacrificed so much to be here for her kids you know that touches my heart.

This is the thing though.

If like if I were to use a veto on you would you sit there and be loyal the rest of the game with me or is that going to be hard for you?

My honest answer?


I will be loyal and I will stay out of your way.

If I were to put that veto around your neck I would expect you to save me and not put me up if you want HOH.

You have my word 100% for that.

Making a deal with Devin is like making a deal with the devil.

It leaves me with a really uncomfortable feeling in my stomach because I know it's wrong but I have to kind of give him what he wants just so that I'm guaranteed to be safe.

What I'm about to tell you I don't want you to go downstairs and get pissed off at anybody.

You can keep this in the back of your mind for later but I don't want it to come out later if I did save you.

That's fair.

Pow through that competition.

When Devin tells me that pow pow through the battle of the block I definitely feel betrayed.

I just pretty much got a knife stabbed in my back.

Okay that was part of my game move there but I just told you because I'm looking for good faith letting you know I didn't have to tell you that.

If anybody would have told me a couple days ago that I'd be considering taking Brittany off the block I would have told them they were crazy.

Do you know what?

This game of big brother?

It's crazy in itself.

Well like I know you're sitting there bitter because I said that like right now I don't trust you.

At least I'm like telling you straight up I don't trust you because it's like you're walking around throwing the end of the bus a little bit.

I've only been honest to you.

At the end of the day dude you don't think that I already know like…

Afterwards I told you aside I'm like k*ll me.

I might have said some stuff but it's not what I meant.

But then you know what you do though bro?

You want to say this stuff?

You come and tell me so I don't hear it secondary because when I hear it secondary then it's just you.

I twisted right after bro.

Right after the meeting.

No no no but this has been like for days now.

Because that's when things get twisted and turned.

So now it makes me look at you and be like…

Alright man.

All I can tell you bro is I've only been 120% honest with you.

And if you want to put me on the block you do it.

Bro that didn't even cross my mind.

You just now.


Well I'm telling you.

We made a pact as an alliance we would never put each other up.

This hasn't even crossed my mind to put up an alliance member yet in this game.

You know if it's really what he wants then I might just have to give it to him.

You're digging your own grave right now.


I don't care.

Clearly I don't care.


That wasn't even on my mind.

I'm really stuck with a catch 22 here.

You know I promise to use the veto on Palla and I promise to use it on Brittany.

One of them is going to be mad at me.

And if I do use it and I put Zach up.

Well I'm going against my own alliance and it's not going to be pretty.

I really don't know what's going to happen during this veto meeting.

Devin's full of surprises and I still do not trust him.

It always just depends on which way the wind blows with him.

Going into the veto meeting I know that I have a deal with Devin.

But honestly I don't trust anything that comes out of that guy's mouth.

I have no idea what's going to go on.

If Devin is stupid enough to put me up on the block I'm taking Devin down.

No doubt about it.

It's time for the veto meeting everyone.

This is the veto meeting.

I have nominated both Palla and Brittany for eviction.

But I have the power to veto one of my nominations.

I want to give both nominees a chance to tell me why I should use the veto to save you.

Palla you can go first.

Well this is probably the only time I'm going to shine so.

Thank you.

Thank you Palla.


So I want to make it clear that I'm not a threat.

And I haven't done anything to backstab anybody in the house.

There are some people here that if you keep you'll probably wake up and have a knife in your back like I have.

And since I'm very honest my target is actually sitting next to me.

Thank you.

Brittany I put you on the block partially for personal reasons and partially for my game.

I look at you as a huge threat but that being said getting to know you I realize you're a great woman, a great person and an even better mother.

And today I refuse to let a single mother of three sit on the block and potentially walk out that door.

So today I'm going to use the power of veto on you Brittany.

Since I've just vetoed one of my nominations I have to select a new house guest as a replacement nominee.

So Zach I've got to put you up on the block brother you are the replacement nominee.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Can I say something really fast?

All hell breaks loose post veto meeting.

Plus who will be evicted from the Big Brother house?

Zach or Paola.

Find out live tomorrow at 9 8 central on Big Brother.

Thank you.

Thank you.
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