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12x03 - Scrip2 2i2le: The Ts Are 2s

Posted: 05/04/24 05:34
by bunniefuu
You know that we're back,
all in trouble.

♪ Shake Zula, the mic rula,
the old schoola ♪

♪ You wanna trip?
I'll bring it to ya ♪

♪ Frylock and I'm on top,
rock ya like a cop ♪

♪ Meatwad, you're up next,
work it out now ♪

♪ Meatwad make the money, see ♪

♪ Meatwad get the honies, "G" ♪

♪ Drivin' in my car,
livin' like a star ♪

♪ Ice on my fingers
and my toes ♪

♪ Check it out, y'all,
check it, check it out ♪

♪ Check it ♪

♪ Check, check ♪

♪ 'Cause we are the Aqua Teens,
make the girls say, "Ho" ♪

♪ Make the homies wanna scream ♪

♪ 'Cause we are the Aqua Teens,
make the girls say, "Ho" ♪

♪ Make the homies wanna scream ♪

...number one in the 'hood, "G."


[ Indistinct conversations ]

Of course!

That's when it happens!

Now we're rolling!

I ain't no physicist,

ain't it night in space
all the time?


That's what I wrote, isn't it?

"Exterior Rings of Gupiter."

I mean, aren't
the rings of Jupiter

exterior by definition?

Yeah, thanks.
I know all that, okay?

And ain't Jupiter
spelled with a "J"?

I spelled it with a "G"
because Disney owns it, okay?!

Look, I can't craft my art
with all your talking.

And also,
this laptop sucks!

Fix my hoverboard,
'cause it's slow as hell.

Uh, that's
our vacuum cleaner.

[ William Shatner voice ] I am
the Zenwa Clean Machine 1019.

I have one voice --
William Shatner.

And that's why it took
two hours to get home,

constantly bumping into
parked cars and backing up,

collecting rocks
and dust.

I had to empty it
four times.

How's the screenplay going?

I got the beginning.

So a large
man-sized drink cup

is on trial for a m*rder
he did not commit,

but wild bears are loose
on his plane.

Then this comet is
hurtling towards Earth,

but then it passes Earth
and doesn't hit it.

So it's like,
where's the story to that?

You can't do this
back at the coffee shop?

That stuck-up barista
kicked me out.

If you don't want me
to drink the cream,

don't put it
out on the table.

It's an easy fix,

Do you need caffeine
to live the dream?

The Zenwa Caffeine Machine
2019 will

pump out enough coffee
to keep the ideas flowing.

I was just talking
about that!

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Sean Connery voice ]
The Caffeine Machine 2019

at your service.

Choose your voice setting.

I have only one --
Sean Connery.

Master Shaken,
not stirred.

Oh, I can already feel
my brain coming to life!

Now let's get cracking
on that screenplay.

All right, well, we open on
"A Master Shake Joint,"

but then I hit a wall.

Interior wall.

I like that setting.

You mind if I take this?

Yeah, sure.

Just don't touch the section

where it says
written by me.

That's locked and approved
by the studio.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

It would be so cool
if something cool happened!

Is it day or night?

Could be either,

'cause there's probably
gonna be a time machine.

He pulls a knife,
you pull a g*n.

He sends one of yours
to the hospital,

you send on of his
to the morgue.

Wow! Did you just
come up with that?

"The End."

Hey, Frylock,
get in here right now!

You mind reading this?
I gotta bounce this off you.

No pressure,
but right now would be optimal.

-All right, Shake, damn!
-You want me to read it?

There can be only one.

Seventeen whole pages!

Look at you.

It's done,
and you're jealous.

You didn't think
I could do it, huh?

Didn't have it in me?
Well, who is not doing it now?

Not me,
'cause I am doing it.

Read it now
in front of us,

and then you'll
leave it with us.

I don't want you
selling it behind my back.

"Interior wall"?

A wall like Alcatraz.

Welcome to the Rock.

Keep reading!

"Script Title."

Is this the title?

Yeah, man.

"Script Title,"
this summer.

We didn't have time
to come up with a title.

I haven't slept
in three days.

[ Snores ]

Wake up, Junior!

You know a lot
about screenplays.

All anybody does in your movie
is drink coffee.

Your characters are named
Boy 1 and Boy 2.

That's not gonna cut it
in Hollywood.

Oh, a real Hollywood insider,

are you?

What's a good
character name, then?

Cybercoffee Soymilk?

I don't drink coffee, man.
It makes me --

No, no, I was pitching that

as a name

for our lead character.

Cybercoffee Soymilk,
the spy.

Are you writing this thing,

or is he?

[ Sylvester Stallone voice ]
Yo, I'm the Zenwa
SteamMachine 3019.

John J. Rambo
in the house.

Shake ordered this,

No, I did!


His job is
frothing my milk.

What the hell is that?

That's the Zenwa
BeanMachine 4019.

He loads beans
into my arse.

I'm sick and tired of all them
superhero franchises.

I mean, what happened to
the days of the classics

where you had a simple
love story

between a candy cane
and a gummi bear

in their quest
for the perfect marriage?

You need to make something
for the adults in the room.

[ Al Pacino voice ]
Gummi bears and candy canes!

[ Laughs ] You a friggin' bean
grinder talks like Al Pacino?


Oh, that's awesome!

Yeah, we just
talkin' movies.

Say hello
to my little friend!

Friggin' Scarface!

[ Michael Caine voice ]
Hello, love.

I'm the Zenwa Groundskeeper.

I have one voice setting --
Michael Caine.

Yeah, I don't like
this one.

This one's a sissy.


pull the wet, used grounds

from my arse.

[ Rattling ]

You fancy movies,
do ya, love?

Oh, yeah,
I'm a real movie buff.

Movies about
people in the buff.

[ Laughs ]

[ Woman moaning ]

This is a classic.

Whoa, look at that.

What is this motion
they're doing?

It's bloody repetitive.

She got a great ass!

Is it over yet?

Tell me when
I can open my eyes.

-It's over.
-That's a short movie.

Are all movies
this short?

They're a lot longer
if you pay for 'em.

You wanna watch
another movie?

They're free.

Just when I thought
I was out,

they pull me back in!

[ Machines all ding ]

-The movie's out!
-The movie's out!

-Let's go!
-Let's watch the movie!

Let's watch a movie!

-Wake up!
-Here it is!

-Here's your movie.
-Let's watch the movie.


Is this
the movie we --

that I wrote by myself?

Caffeine Machine: Yes, Zenwa
greenlit the project.

And we made it
and now it's on TV.

Machines: Zenwa!


My first credit!

Frothaccinos all around!
We're celebrating!

[ Beeping ]

[ "Wedding March" plays ]

I want a perfect wedding.

It would be so cool

if something cool happened,

Boy 2.

They are a lot longer
if you pay for them.

There's bears loose
on this plane!

That's okay.
I'm on trial

for a m*rder
I didn't commit.

Let's watch a movie.

Oh, no.
A comet approaches.

The comet just passed
the planet.

That was a close one.

Let's make another
candy cane.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

Oh. Yeah.

Ah! Ah! Yes. Yes!

Ah, user-generated

I mean, it's not great.
But it is a credit.

Shake, at any time
did you press "Accept"

on any of these devices?

Yes, multiple times.

-Look, see?
-Easy with the hands, love.

They all have cameras and
microphones and transmitters.

They're collecting everything
we say and do, and they own it

because you agreed
to all their insane terms.

-I knew it was you, Frylock.

What are you doing?
We just made a movie!

You broke my heart.

[ Cellphone dialing ]

Yeah, sanitation department,


[ Christopher Walken voice ]
Hi! How may I help you

with your sanitation issue?

You're throwing away
my friends?

Shh! Yeah, yeah, I have
some refuse on my curb,

and I need it gone

Like, now.

Wow! Why not throw away
my dreams, too?


That's terrible.

I hate that you had to
deal with this.

And my career
while you're at it.

Thank you.

You know this is a franchise,



Nice to finally talk
to a human for once.

It is, isn't it?

We'll be there momentarily
to take care of that for you.

[ Whirring and clanging ]

[ Blasting ]

Sorry about
all the background noise.

It's the cleaning crew.

[ Thud ]

[ Whirring, clang ]

You guys are quick!

We pride ourselves
on service.

Could I get you to answer
a brief survey,

and could you mention
that I helped you?

My name is Christopher.

Like the actor
Christopher Walken, right?

Ha. Ha.
I get that all the time.

Zenwa will be calling you
just to catch up,

to see how you're doing.

We had so much fun
dealing with your kind.

[ Clanging ]

[ Blasting ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Bob Dylan voice ]
Hello, sir or madam.

I am the Zenwa Surveyor 7019.

I have three voice settings,
but they are all Bob Dylan.

[ Louis C.K. voice ]
Take this survey,

and you could win a free
Hyper Toaster 8019.

Don't use that voice,
Hyper Toaster.

It's that
or Michael Richards.

Let him in!

On a scale of 1 to 10,
how would you rate

your transaction
with Christopher?

[ Plays harmonica ]

And how might your opinion
be expanded

into a movie franchise?

[ Patrick Stewart voice ]
Yes, how would it?

I'm the Zenwa Lawn Ranger 9019,

and I have one voice setting --
Patrick Stewart.

You could win a trip
for two to Zenwa...

Machines: Zenwa!

...where you can't escape
and you'll be hooked to tubes

and it'll be great!

[ Plays harmonica ]

This all sounds wonderful.

You mind whipping me up
some toast

while I just sorta brainstorm
my thoughts in script form?

Make it so!

You can make toast
from 1,000 miles away

the HyperToaster app.

I've always wanted to make
toast from another city!

I could be bi-toastal.

[ Ding ]

Hey, toast.

No, it's my toast!

Halt! The movie has been
funded and filmed

and now it's on TV.

The robots make movies!

Engage streaming.

[ Fanfare plays ]

Yo, something in this movie
is making me feel bad.

My programming is telling me
to turn my head into toast.

Try a hard reset.

It's bloody too late!

Sabotage the system.


-Goodnight to the bad guys!

[ All shouting and clanging ]

[ Peaceful music plays ]

It's beautiful up here.

Frickin' hate it.

Nothing but sticks
and hicks.

Ain't no robots up here.
We'll be safe, y'all.

No robots?

So no Wi-Fi or television,

We're gonna read books
and play board games,

maybe make some s'mores.

Your plan sucks.

I'm going back to the robots.

Ugh! Oh. Uh! Ah!

[ Whirring and beeping ]

Oh, wow!

Form of a rustic cabin getaway.

[ Whirring and clanging ]

[ Vehicle approaching ]

Ain't most cabins
made of logs?

And not titanium?

Friggin' metal!

This is like a Judas Priest
album cover,

but, you know, if they went,
like, unplugged,

which they never would,
you know they wouldn't.

Look, y'all,
it's robot-proof, okay?

We'll be safe here.

[ Whirring ]

Whoa, whoa!

Achilles' heel boosters go.

Meatwad: Is the cabin
talking, y'all?

And I'm off.

[ Blasting ]