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Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams (2007)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:49
by bunniefuu
Hello, everyone.
It's me, Princess Aurora.

It's nice to see you.
I'm so glad you're here.

So I have a question for you.

Has anybody ever asked you
to do something really difficult

and you were excited to try,
but it just seemed impossible?

Maybe you weren't really sure
you were up to the challenge?

I know. It
happened to me, too.

Really, it did.

You wanna know what
I did about it?

Well, here.
Come this way.

It all took place not so
long ago at the palace.

Well, my dear, we'll only
be gone for two days,

but you'll be completely in charge.
-I look forward to the responsibility.

You know, running the kingdom
can be quite a challenge-.

Papers to sign, the cook, the gardener
and the rest of the staff to attend to.

Loyal subjects to meet.

I'm prepared, Father.
-Yes. A little preparation

and a lot of perseverance
will see you through.

I understand completely.

Well, then, duke, have all
the arrangements been made

for the royal conference?
-Yes, Your Majesties.

You may rely on me to see that
everything remains perfectly intact.

Remember, Aurora,
you're a princess, after all.

Just stick with it, and
you'll be fine.

She'll be more than fine.
She'll be perfect.

Thank you.

Stefan! Your sash. Uh, what
colours are you wearing?

Well, let's see. I'm wearing
black and gold...

No, no, no, no, no! To the
royal conference, of course.

I don't want our
sash to clash.

Ah, yes.

I was thinking of going with
a muted turquoise this year.

I debated the turquoise myself,

but ultimately favoured
the olive green.

It brings out the emeralds
in my crown, you know.

My crown! Stefan! Have you
seen my crown?

My speech! How about
my speech?

I can't believe I'll be in charge
of the whole kingdom.

I know you.

You can do it in your sleep,
my sleeping beauty.

I'll miss you.

Oh, Phillip. I'll
miss you, too.

Before you go
to bed tonight,

look at the brightest
star in the sky

and know that I'll be looking
at the same star.

I will.
I promise.

Sampson, we're gonna have
to work on your timing.

Now come on, Sampson.
You get him for two whole days.

You're just gonna
have to wait.

Whenever you're
ready, Phillip.

You should go.

Um, ready!

I have an idea.

I'll throw a royal banquet
to celebrate your return.

With everything else to manage
in the palace? Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.
I can do it.

And I want to.


Well, Aurora, you've got
the keys to the kingdom.

Remember all
we've told you,

persevere, and you'll
get through it.

I will, Father.
Don't worry.

Oh, I'm not worried, child.

Now, you're sure you packed my speech?
Big speech, much pressure.

Opening address
for the conference.

Can't forget that.


For the love
of monarchies!

Where is my sword?
Has anyone seen my sword?

Never mind.
Hoo! Found it.

Yes, King Hubert
is a force of nature.

It's a wonder
he didn't forget his head.

Well, I suppose I should go inside
and commence my duties.

Wow. The keys
to the kingdom.

I've got the keys to the kingdom

The world is open wide

So I'll just have to walk right up

And see what's inside

I've got the keys to the kingdom

And soon, they will see

They gave them to the right one

To me

Carrots, peas
Roquefort cheese

Add a little
pepper, please

One more jar

Fizzy things to drink

Tulips here,
lilies there

See if you can
carve a bear

Orange trees,
if you please

Paint the trellis pink

She's got the keys
to the kingdom

A wonder to achieve

The biggest vote
of confidence

A soul can receive

She's got the keys
to the kingdom

It's keeper I'll be

And do her job

All of these
momentous decisions

Are they up to me?

Of course,
I'm royalty

But do I have
what it takes?

What if I make mistakes?

I don't know,
but I'll start

Leading with my heart

She's got the keys
to the kingdom

The palace and the throne

We know that she can handle
any job on her own

She's got the keys
to the kingdom

Right here in my hand

And everything is
bound to be grand

She's got the keys
to the kingdom

Her world is open wide

She's got the capability
to take it in stride

She's got the keys
to the kingdom

It's all up to me

I’ll show them
what a princess

Can be

Welcome home, everyone.

I do hope the conference
was a huge success.

Oh, my, oh, my.

So much to do. Thank goodness
we're here. Where should we begin?

Begin what?

Helping, of course.

Oh. Well, thank you all
for the offer,

but I'm doing just fine.

Are you sure, dear?
There's so much to do.

Oh, trust me. You'll be the first
I call if I need assistance.

Well, we'll just be a breath
away if you need us.

Your Highness, I'm
so sorry to disturb you,

but problem, problem.
I have a problem.

You must sign,
you must sign.

There are so many
things to sign.

Father said there'd be
papers to sign.

I've been busy with the banquet,
but I'm happy to begin.

Just hand me the first one to read.
-Read? Did you say read?

That'd take months.
No, no, no, no, no.

Reading won't be necessary,
Your Majesty. You just need to... sign.

I'm sorry, but if I'm
going to sign something,

I need to know
what it says,

even if that means taking
a little extra time.

But we'll never get
through them all.

Of course we will. We just need
to show a little perseverance.

Uh... Yes, Your Majesty.


Oh, my. Duke,
are you all right?

Oh, yes, Your Highness.
Small tumble.

Please be careful.
I wouldn't want you to get hurt.

No, Your Highness.

OK, then. I'll take
the next document, please.

Here you are...
Your Highness.

Thank you.

I'll take the next one, duke.


Why, duke, you're
dripping wet.

Yes. Just an unfortunate
dip in the moat.

Not to worry,
Your Highness.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Wait. This is King Hubert's
speech for the royal conference.

I have to get it to him
before it's too late.

But, Your Highness,
we've only just begun.

Yes. I'll be right back.

I need someone to deliver this.

You called, child?

Yes, please say you did.

Well, yes, I actually
do need your help.

Here. I need you to take this speech
to King Hubert at the royal conference.

It's very important.
You must hurry.

Consider it
done, dear.

Yes, we'll leave
right away.

Right away.
-Your Highness?

We really have a great
deal of work to do.

In a moment.

Come along, Merriweather.

Yes, as soon as I
fix my shoe.

You two go ahead.
I'll catch up in a minute.

All right, but
don't dilly-dally.

Now, dear, I'm not
supposed to do this.

In fact, Flora and Fauna
would be so angry.

But I want you
to take my wand.

Whatever for?

Well, things could get
a little too difficult,

and you just might
need the help.

You're very kind, but
I'm not going to use it.

Even if things do become difficult,
I just have to stick with it,

and that means
no magic.

Yes, well, that's fine, dear.
You just hold on to it, anyway.

-Your Highness, please.

I have to go. You
have to go.

Now remember, dear,
and this is very important,

if you ask the wand
to do something,

you must be very specific.

If you're not and say something like,
"Make me dinner",

it might turn you into a helping of
roasted boar and a side of potatoes.

Yes, yes, yes, of course.
I understand. Now go. And good luck.

I'm sorry. So,
where were we?

Ah, yes.

Ah, there.
All finished.

I admit it wasn't easy, but I'm
proud to say I stuck with it,

and that's what matters.


Oh, dear.

Oh, I wish they could pick
themselves up into a nice, neat pile.

Oh, my. I didn't mean...

Oh, well... no harm done,
I suppose.

There you are, my star.

Good night,
sweet prince.

I made it
through today.

but I must say, I can't wait
to see you tomorrow.

Oh, maybe just
one more time.

Make my dress a
beautiful ball gown.

With a dazzling necklace
and matching earrings.

And now a
jewelled tiara.

OK, OK, enough's enough.

I tried it. It was fun,
but I'm done.

Make it my nightgown, please.

Make it pink.

Good morning, duke.

Good morning, Your Highness.
I do hope you got enough rest.

Yes, thank you. So, how
may I be of service today?

Today you'll meet
with your royal subjects.

How exciting. Are there
many to see?

Not too many,
Your Majesty.

Ah. Oh, my.

Does the king really get through
all of them in just one day?

Oh, yes, always.
Without fail.

Well, I suppose you should send
the first person in, then.

Your Highness...
-Your Excellency...

My neighbor’s impossible.

Me impossible?
Your wall is the problem.

Before you lived there,
my tree was free to grow.

Good walls make
good neighbours.

Except in your case.

Gentlemen, gentlemen, please.
One at a time.

You, good man,
you may speak first.

Princess Aurora,

this man's apple tree reaches
over the stone wall between us

and drops apples everywhere,

attracting the squirrels,
bombarding me vegetables!

But he's threatening to chop off
every leaf and branch

that reaches over the wall.

That would butcher my tree.
Is that what you want?

Gentlemen, please.
Now let me think.

I believe I have a solution.

Kind sir, would it be
acceptable to you

if our groundskeeper
groomed your tree

so it grows stronger and healthier,
but away from the wall?

That would be exceedingly
generous of you, good princess.

Would it be acceptable
to you as well?

Yes, Your Highness.

That would be
most appreciated.

Excellent. Can we do that, duke?

Of course,
Your Highness.

You just need to fill out
the proper forms.

Good, then. Consider it done.

The proper forms,
Your Highness.


All right. Well, that's
one problem solved.

Oh, I do hope the fairies have
made it to King Hubert by now.

Oh, I know I brought my speech!

I must've packed it
at least five times.

Pockets. Maybe it's
in one of my pockets.

I know. Maybe this one.

Or this. Oh.

Your Majesty.

Everyone is gathered
to hear your opening speech.

King Alistair respectfully requests

that you deliver it in five minutes.
-Five minutes?!

I mean, five minutes?
Of course.

It's an honor. I...
I'm speechless. Uh...

I'm speechless.

My speech, I need
to find my speech.

I can't go anywhere...

That couldn't have been five minutes.
I'm not ready! Go away!

Your Highness, it's us, Flora,
Fauna and Merriweather.

We have your speech.
-My speech! My speech!

Don't know how I could've forgotten it.
Thank you all so much.

Must make a good
impression, you know.

Everyone who's
anyone is waiting.

Not a moment to lose.

Thank you. And not
a moment too soon.

I must away. My speech,
you know.

Well, ladies, we got
King Hubert his speech in time.

That was a job well done.
-Yes, it was.

Now let's get out our wands
and fly on home.

Our wands?
Oh, um, uh...

Well, I was thinking
it's a lovely day for a walk.

Who's with me?

Oh! That's quite amusing, Merriweather.

Yes. Don't be ridiculous.

Take out your wand
and let's go.

Aurora may need us.

Come on, Merriweather.
What's keeping you?

Take out your wand.

I can't, all right? I don't have it.
-What do you mean you don't have it?

I was worried about Aurora
being on her own,

so I lent it to her.


Giving your wand away
willy-nilly like that.

Goodness, the very thought.
Here you go, have a wand.

It's only the source
of all my power and magic.

But please take it.

Doesn't matter that it
could be an utter disaster.

Maybe we should all give them away.
Wouldn't that be something?

Giving Aurora your wand.
You have any idea what could happen?

I'm sorry. I was only
trying to help.

And she said she wasn't
even going to use it.

Besides, what could
possibly go wrong?

Show the next party in, please.

The recent rains have
washed away the roads.

Weevils are eating my crops.

Might the royal colour be changed
to maroon and orange?

Will there be enough wood
and coal for this winter?

There's a very odd smell
coming from...

Your Highness, perhaps
we should stop for the day.

I'm sure your father
would understand.

No, no, no.
I can do this.

I promised I would,
and I will.

Ahem. Show the next party in, please.

Well, you see, Your Highness,
the locusts ate my crop,

my cow was stolen, my pigs died
and a wolf ate my chickens.

Oh, dear. I'm so sorry.
How may I be of service?

Well, I've replanted
my crops,

but it would be a great help
to get some more chickens.


Yes, you'll need
the forms.

Of course.
Another form.

Oh, I'm not sure I can
do this anymore, duke.

Of course you can.
Just stick with it.


Oh, dear. It seems
we've run out of forms.

If you'll excuse me, Your Highness,
I'll be back in just a moment.

Ah, this is much harder
than I thought.

Excuse me, Your Highness?
Did you say something?

No. Uh, no.

I was just thinking of
a way to solve your problem.

Excuse me for a moment.

OK, I know shouldn't
rely on anything

but good hard work, but...

OK, wand, I need
chickens, please.

Lots of little chickens.

What are... Oh,
where did all these...

No matter where. The
important thing is they're yours.


Uh, thank you, but, uh,
they're a little young yet.

Young? Oh, OK.
Not a problem.

Uh, wand, let's try
something else, shall we?

Not little chickens. Bigger
chickens. Big ones!


Oh, my.

Well, I'd say that couldn't
have gone better.

Speech was a
smashing success.

Standing ovation, if you
didn't notice.

We should be
home soon.

I do hope Aurora's been able
to handle everything at the palace.

It can be
quite a lot.

I'm sure she's got it
all under control.

Please turn the duck
back into a farmer.

No, a different farmer.

No. The one he was before.

No, before before.
The one he came in as.

Uh, thank you,
Your Highness,

but perhaps I should come
back some other time.

No, wait. I can do this, I promise.

And a princess never
breaks a promise.

OK, I need pigs, please.

Doesn't matter what they look like
as long they're normal-sized.

Oh. Oh, my.

Oh, my...

Oh. Hey, that's my dress.

Oh, make it stop.

No. Oh, I mean make it...
Make it go away.

No, that's not what I meant.

Oh. I knew I shouldn't
have used this.

I should've stuck with it and
not looked for an easy way out.

All right, all right.
I can fix this.

Now please bring back
the same furniture,

the same farmer
and no pigs,

only normal-sized brown-and-white,
happy, healthy cows.

Ah, oh.

Alright, there you go.

Hopefully you can make a very
good living with an entire herd.

So, if you'll just take
them home now...

Please. Because
I'm done.

Your Majesty, I am
so very grateful,

but I only have room
for three cows.

I can't take any more than that.
If that's all right.

Of course.
-Thank you so much.

Happy to be
of help.

Oh, what a mess.

What am I gonna do
with all these cows?

Oh, where's that wand?

No. Stick with it.

I promised not to use this

No magic

I took the easy way

And look at me today

I'll figure out what to do

Use my head
See it through

Here and now I will start

Leading with my heart

I'm so sorry to keep you waiting,

but I promise I will get
to each and every one of you.

And to thank you for your patience,
I have a gift for all of you.

Who would like a cow?

She's got the keys
to the kingdom

It's all up to me

I've shown them
what a princess

Can be

Stop the coach.

Cows. A herd of cows.

Wh... Where?

The throne room, Your Majesty.
The throne room? Are you mad?

No, no, no, no, not mad.
Cows and chickens.

And pigs.
Pigs, too. Quickly.

You must see.

OK, then. -Thank you,
Your Highness.

You're welcome.

I did it.

See? Look. Cows!

But th... there were,
Your Highness, cows.

Cows and chickens.
Huge, huge chickens.

And... and... and green pigs.

And do you see any
of those cows

and green pigs now?

No, Your Highness.
They're gone.

All of them, gone.

Don't understand.

Are you all right, dear?

What's all this about
pigs and cows?

Long story. But l certainly
won't be needing this anymore.

Thank you.

So how did everything go,
my darling?

It was a total zoo.

But I did learn a great
deal about perseverance.

What was that, Aurora?

Well, when something
becomes difficult,

I must stick with it and
not look for an easy way out.

Exactly right,
my princess.

Well, banquet, anyone?

Welcome home to my
family and friends.

While running the castle
was exciting and a challenge,

it's even better to
have you back.

Ha-ha. Marvelous job, my dear.

Yes. Ha-ha. In spite of
the rumors of cows.

Ha-ha. And green pigs.

Did you know about the green pigs?
-And not to mention giant chickens.

Well, let's eat, shall we?

So... about those
giant chickens...

I sure learned my lesson.

I never should've taken
the easy way out by using magic.

I guess you could say I,
uh, chickened out.

But, you know, some things
just take hard work.

And when you persevere
and give it your all,

you can always be proud of yourself.

It was wonderful visiting
with you. See you soon.

No, it's never a good idea
to take the easy way out.

Sometimes you have to work hard
to follow your dreams.

I know another princess who
found that out the hard way.

Hey, you found me.

Hi there. It's me, Jasmine.

You will never believe
what just happened.

I was trying to do something
really important,

but it turned out to be
really hard, too.

And everyone kept
telling me to give up.

Well, I was determined
to show them I could do it.

But you know who else
I had to prove it to?


It happened when Aladdin and Genie
were away for a few days.

You see, I...

Well, why don't I just
show you? Come on.

So, Rajah, what does
my day look like today?

Well, that's not too bad.

Oh, dear. Better get started.

It looks like it's going
to be a busy one.

I now declare this rug shop open.

Get ready to ride
your ship of the desert,

your new camel.

Oh, right, my portrait.

Will you be much longer? Not that
I have anything better to do.

Princess Jasmine, please
try to remain still.

Oh, this looks ridiculous.

I feel like a...
A peacock.

I was born to be
a peacock,

but I got switched as an egg
and now look at me.

This is all I do, pose at
parades and camel shows,

smile and wave,
smile and wave.

Nothing really important
or challenging.

Next time, I paint a bowl of fruit.

I'm not just a peacock princess.

I speak seven languages.

I can name every one
of the 40 thieves.

All 40? It's those last three
that always stump me...

I'm just not living up
to my full potential.

I could be of real service
to the community,

helping schools
or in hospitals.

How about helping me,
Your Highness?

Everyone is waiting for this portrait.
The Daily Scroll needs a picture,

and the royal publicist wants
a copy for the camel show.

I want to do something different.

I'll call the royal dressmaker.

Ooh. Not with my clothes.

With my life.

Another satin gown

Another rose bouquet

Another king,
another ring

Another boring day

I'm gonna sound the call

From Mecca to Siam

I'm more than a
peacock princess

I am

Yeah, right.
-I am!

Not quite.

I smile, and I wave

I wave, and then I smile

I sit on one more camel's hump

For one more
bumpy mile

I'm not just one more silk

In Daddy's caravan

I'm more than a
peacock princess, I am.

I believe she is.

I can find a cure

I can help the poor

I could soar if they'd
give me half a chance

When will they
get a clue?

There's so much that I can do

You can knock 'em flat

Be a diplomat

It's apparent that
girl's got talent

Send the sultan
a royal telegram

I'm more than a
peacock princess

You're more than a
peacock princess

You're more than
-I'm more than

A peacock princess

I am.

You are.
-By far.

-A star.

I am.

I'm not getting anywhere
talking to myself.

I'm going to talk
to my father.

Ah, Father. Good.
I was just looking for you.

And it appears you
have found me.

Can we talk? -Isn't
that what we're doing?

I need more to do.
-Oh, good.

There's another camel show tomorrow.
-No, more useful things.

More challenging. Cutting
ribbons at the opening of shops

and posing for portraits
is not me.

Oh, but you do it so well.

-OK, OK.

So, it's a job you want.

Something meaningful
and challenging,

of real importance
to the kingdom.

Ah. I have the perfect
job for you.

Really? -Something

Of real importance.
Are you sure you're up to it?

Yes, Father.
What is it?

Royal assistent educator.

Yes. What will I be doing?

What will you be doing?

Why, working with
your cousin Sharma

at the Royal Academy
of Young Scholars.

And you can start today.

Thank you, Father.
That's wonderful.

Good morning, Hakeem.

Princess, Your Highness.

And what do we have here?

Palace guards have been
trying to ride Sahara again.

Captain, you know
it was my wife,

and only my wife,
who could ever ride Sahara.

I trust Sahara has been
teaching them a lesson or two.

You could say that.

Bring Sahara to me, Hakeem.
I have his treat for the day.

Hello, Sahara.

Careful, Jasmine.

If not for this apple, Sahara would
never allow even me to get close to him.

Oh, isn't he beautiful?

If you like featherless type.
For me, a horse is a horse.

Oh, not Sahara, lago.

Sahara was Jasmine's
mother's favourite,

and every day, I'd come
to be reminded of her beauty,

of her strength
and of her courage.

Enjoy your
visit, Father.

And you enjoy your day
with Sharma at the school.

Give her my love.

Abu, you're not supposed
to be eating Father's figs.

Your obsession with figs'll
get you in trouble someday.

Well, time to
go to work.

Royal assistant educator
to the rescue.

Finally, something really important.
I can't wait to get started.

Oh. Thank goodness
you're here.

I'm taking a mental health day. If you
have any problems, call the guards.

And make sure you call
lots of them!

Hello. I'm Princess Jasmine.

But for today, I'd like you to treat me
as you would any other teacher.

Now, what were you doing
before I came in?

This way. Heh-heh.

Hey, that's mine.

Over here.

Ready, set, pull!

Keep that snake
away from Mia.

Ah. Keep that snake
away from me.

Kid pile on Jasmine.

All right, you asked for it.

It's a kitty cat.
Here, kitty, kitty.

Oh, Rajah,
I give up.

It was a disaster, Aneesa.

I wanted to show my father
I could handle more.

What was I thinking?
-You underestimate yourself, child.

Next time, try treating those children

as I treated you when
you were that age.

Was I that bad?
-Not bad.

An absolute

But I learned to stay strong.
I didn't give up.

It's called perseverance, my dear.

I don't know if
I can do it.

You have to believe you can.

You are stronger
than you realise.

You think?
-I know.

Be strong. Never give up.

Be strong. Never give up.

Be strong.

What is it?

Please, Your Highness,
may I speak to you?

Of course. I'll be right down.

I don't know
what happened.

And you couldn't wait
another hour to tell us?

I need my
beauty sleep.

When did you last see him, Hakeem?
-Last night.

I closed the stables,
and when I arrived this morning,

the gate was open,
and Sahara was gone.

And you're sure
you closed the gate?

I think so. Oh,
if I lose this job...

This money helps to feed and clothe
my brothers and sisters.

You won't lose
your job.

But you know how your father
feels about that horse.

And it was my job to make sure
the gate was shut.

I'll send some men to look for Sahara.
He couldn't have gone far.

The guards were already kind
enough to search this morning.

They found nothing.
It's no use.

No, Hakeem. You mustn't give up.

I'll figure it out.
I promise.

I don't know how,
Your Highness.

And now I've got to
get to school

You go. My father
doesn't know yet.

We'll find Sahara and
bring him back

before he brings his
daily apple. Don't worry.

How can I not?

Poor Hakeem.

And my poor father if he
learns the horse is missing.

I'm glade I'm not the one
that let that horse out.

What could've happened?

It's just not like Hakeem
to leave the gate open.

Maybe there's
some other clue.

The horse is gone.
How's that for a clue?

Wait a minute.
A half-eaten fig.

Very interesting.

She found a fig.
Stop the presses.

This isn't just any fig.
It tells an interesting story.

Doesn't it, Abu?

What's the matter, Abu?
Does this fig make you nervous?

Do you know what
happened to Sahara?


So you expect court to believe
you're totally innocent.

Where were you on
the night in question?

Iago, please.

So, Abu, um...

...where were you on
the night in question?

Is there an echo in here?

Did you see Sahara last night
before he disappeared?

We want the truth.

We can handle the truth.


When did you
last see him?

This is gettin' us nowhere.
Let's play good cop-bad cop.

And I wanna be bad.

I'll handle this, lago.

Do you know
what happened?

Can you show us?

You can tell us. Nothing's
going to happen to you.


What? Ow.

Please, Abu.
It's important.

Eh, the monkey's a mime.
Who knew?

OK, I can get this.
Let's see.

Uh, you were hungry.

What did I tell ya?
I'm a genius at this.

Uh, you're reaching
for the stars.

You're trying
to catch butterflies.

Uh, you started to
pick something.

What? What did
you pick? Apples?


Oh, I got it. I got it.


You were hungry and
were picking some figs.

When the tree ran out.

So you took Sahara out to
the store to get some more,

and you parked him in an illegal
spot, and he was towed.

Dding, ding, ding.
What do I win?

You were eating
a fig, a lot of figs.

Then he felt a little woozy,
and then, whoa,

you went down, and the handle
went up, and then...

Abu, it was you.
You let him out.

Guilty, guilty, guilty!

We have to go
after him.

We? We who?

You heard Hakeem.
The guards couldn't find him.

What makes you think you can?

I have to at least try.

Hakeem could lose his job,
and it wasn't even his fault.

Now, how to keep Father
away from Sahara?

I've got it,

But how do I keep
him occupied?

What would I do?

You're clever. Just keep him
away from the stables

until I can find Sahara
and bring him home.

Oh, Jasmine,
I don't know.

I'm not good at
this kind of thing.

Please. You have to try.

Be strong. Never give up.
Any of that sound familiar?

Oh, you always were
a good listener.

Oh, thank you, Aneesa.

Don't thank me yet.

Let's go.

You're the only one who knows
which way he went. You have to come.

You're right, Abu.
Stay here.

When my father learns you're the one
who let his prize horse escape,

he won't be too mad. -Yeah.
Nice knowin' you, pal.

Which way, Abu?

Oh, dear.

Your Highness, excuse me.
Uh, please, sir, a moment?

Stop! -My goodness, Aneesa.

I must talk to you, Your Highness.
-Yes, yes? What is it?

No, no, no.
Not here.

Of course... What's
wrong with here?

Uh, well, uh...
Please, in private.

You never know who
might be listening.

Whoa. Jasmine, let's make
reality your friend here.

You're in over your head.
There's nothing you can do.

Well, I believe there is.
Can't you go any faster?

This has got "disaster”
written all over it.

On second thought,
this I gotta see.

Hmm... I don't see any
hoofprints. Do you, Abu?

The wind must've blown them away.
We'll just have to keep searching.

Well, you see, and then
I told the cook

that the cinnamon
just wouldn't do.

But I'm not sure
he listened.

Aneesa, is there a point
to any of this?

A point?

Yes, a point. You're keeping me
from my time with Sahara.

Well, I wouldn't want
to do that now, would I?

Thank you.

Oh, are you all right?

I'm fine. Why wouldn't
I be all right?

Well, you went, "Ooh-ah".

And you don't look so well.

Well, I simply said
I... I don't?

No, not at all. Very tense, in fact.

Tense? Well, I feel fine.

There you have it.

That won't be
necessary, Aneesa.

I must go see Sahar...

That's... That's quite
nice, actually.

You ready to quit?


You've been flying
in circles for hours.

I'm not giving up, Iago.

I'll stay out here until I find Sahara.

Thanks, Abu.

What is it with you two?

You've been out
in the sun too long.

It's called perseverance, Iago.

What is it, Abu?
An oasis. Good idea.

If I were a horse, that's
exactly where I'd be.

Let's land and check it out.

Look. Sahara's tracks.

It's Sahara.
He's here.

I told you we'd find him.

What do you want, a medal?

Now let's go back and tell Hakeem
where he can find him.


If we leave, he could
run away again.

What are you gonna do,

walk him back on a leash
like a great big dog?

I'm going to ride him back.
-Are you crazy?

I was riding horses
before I could walk.

But this horse has got a lot of
nicknames back at the palace,

and all of them mean...

It's OK, Abu.
I can do this.

What makes you think
that you can ride that horse?

I don't know. But I do know
that I have to be strong.

And to bring him home safely,
I can't give up.

Fine. Try to ride the horse.
But I don't have to watch it.

Good luck.

If Carpet comes
back without me,

tell my father I had to do it,

not just for him,
but for me, too.

Well, I guess I'd better
stick around, then,

in case I have to give
a detailed account.

Thanks. I need
all the support I can get.

It's OK, Sahara.

It's OK. Shh.

Easy. We're not here
to hurt you.

I know you're scared

And I know what you've been through

Look in my eyes

Can you see I'm frightened, too?

So let's take one step

At a time

I won't give up

That's one thing
I swear will be true

For it's said by the wise

"Keep your eyes on the prize"

And I've got my eyes on you

It's hard to trust

When you've been misunderstood

But starting now

We'll be treated like we should

So let's take this ride

Till it's through

I won't give up

That's one thing
I swear will be true

And I won't give in

I'm stronger than
they ever knew

Don't try to run

'Cause I'll just be there
when you do

For it's said by the wise

"Keep your eyes on the prize"

And I've got my eyes

On you

I won't give up

That's one thing
I swear will be true

For it's said by the wise

"Keep your eyes on the prize"

And I kept my eyes

On you


Come on, you two.
We have to get back.

Move over. It's been
a long day.

Your Highness. Please.

Aneesa, you have kept me
from Sahara long enough.

But... but I have to
tell you something.

Surely you can
walk and talk.

But it's quite important.


Uh, yes, well... I...
It's just that I, uh...

Out with it!

Spider? Where? Where?

Shoulder Large
and hairy.

Oh. Now it's on your head.

Quick, Aneesa, get it off.
Get it off.

Uh, got it.

Enough is enough, Aneesa

I'm going to see Sahara, and
I recommend you not interfere,

or I shall be forced
to call my guards.

Hakeem, bring Sahara
to me, please.

Yes, Your Highness,
about Sahara...

Yes? What is it? He's
all right, isn't he?

Well... there's something
I must tell you.

Oh, why does everyone have
something they must tell me today?

Please just bring me Sahara.

Well, Your Highness,
I would, but...


Jasmine? Is it you?
What are you doing?

Oh, I just thought I'd take
Sahara out for a little ride.

I hope you don't mind.

No one but your mother has ever
been able to ride that horse.

And seeing you riding him
reminds me so much of her.

I hope you're not angry.


I couldn't be prouder.

My beautiful and very
brave princess.

Thank you, Father.

And clearly, I have
underestimated you.

Anyone who has the strength
and courage to ride Sahara

can handle any job
my kingdom has to offer.

Really? -You may
take your pick.

Thank you, Father.
Thank you.

We could build a wing
on the orphanage

or start a new hospital...
-Both are splendid ideas.

But there's something
I have to finish first.

That's Princess Jasmine.
She rode Sahara.

Good morning, Jasmine.

Thank you.

Now, where were we?

So you see?

When you follow your dreams
and keep giving it your all,

you can accomplish anything,

You just have to be strong
and never give up.

Well, that's all for today.

Come back soon,
and we'll do it again, OK?


Well, the candles
are flickering,

and I see our time
is nearly through.

But as you leave
our storybook castle,

keep this bit of magic
in your heart,

always follow your dreams
and never give up.

And we'll see you
back here soon

for more of these
Enchanted Tales.