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Ever After High: Dragon Games (2016)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:46
by bunniefuu
♪ They told you everything
was waiting for you ♪

♪ They told you everything
was set in stone ♪

♪ It's an open book,
a road in reverse ♪

♪ A brand new hook,
forget that curse ♪

♪ Rewrite, Ignite, Restart! ♪

♪ 'Cause it's your life ♪

♪ Go forward or rewind! ♪

♪ 'Cause you're a Royal
you're a Rebel ♪

♪ You're more than one
together, ♪

♪ However you go ever in... ♪

♪ Ever After High! ♪

Male narrator:
Things were looking awfully

for the students
of Ever After high.

Brooke page:
The Evil Queen had taken
over the school

and given it one wicked

(Magic whooshes)


Female narrator:
And the darkest chapter
in Apple White's story

was being written.

A cursed apple
from the Evil Queen

had poisoned her into
forever after sleep.

Brooke page:
And Daring Charming
had just jumped out
of the booking glass!

Daring Charming:
Now please, please -

I understand it's been quite
some time

since you've seen this face

and you must be going through
withdrawal but take caution!

Too much handsome at once
can be a shock to the system.

Sips not gulps, people.

Hunter huntsman:
Hey guys!

(Laughing, cheering)

- Yeah! We made it!
- Woo-hoo!

- Hunter!

How did you--
- It was Jillian's beanstalk.

- A few of us were able to
sneak away from the school

while Faybelle was out
with the dragons.

(Laughing, cheering)

- Wow, daring let you borrow
his mirror?

That's a first.

- This is no ordinary mirror -
the booking glass.

We can use it to send my mother
back to the mirror realm.

How did we make this thing work

- I don't know.
It just started talking

and then Daring popped out.

- Helloooo. Mirror lady?

Start doing mirror stuff!!
(Taps, fizzles)

Mirrie: Passcode incorrect.

- We don't have a passcode!

Raven, can't you do something?

- Yeah. Unlock it with magic.

- In history of evil spells,

Baba Yaga said the booking glass
is shielded by dark fairy magic.

I-I can't crack it.

- We have to send that Evil
Queen back to where she belongs

for poisoning Apple.

- Wait. Apple's been poisoned?

- It's true. Forever after

- This is it, Charming.

You have to wake your sleeping
damsel with a kiss -

and it's happily ever after
from here on out!

Ohhhh! This is all happening
so fast!

How do I look? How's my hair?

- Come on, drama prince -
let's go save Apple.

(Wings flutter)

- I did it!

I found Raven and her friends
in the enchanted forest!

I poisoned Apple White!

I am on a wicked role!

I am... being completely
ignored! Ahem!

- Faybelle. Which of these nail
polish colors

gives off more
of a "be scared of me

because I'm your evil ruler"

- Did you hear what I said?

I took care of everything.

How about a little evil credit
over here?

- Need I remind you who wears
the crown in this wicked

None of this would be happening
without my brilliant planning.

Those idealistic damsels
are still out there

and this isn't over yet.

But I've come too far not
to see my ultimate plan
to completion.

Are you sure about this color?

- You look spelltacular.

(Horse whinnies, hopeful gasps)

(Birds chirps)

(All cheer, clap)

Daring charming:
Apple White, you are my damsel.

And I am your Prince Charming.

And now I will fulfill
our destinies -

and we shall live happily

(Kiss) after.

Hm. Heh. Happily ever after.

Ever after. Heh.

- Daring? Is something wrong?

- I'm-I'm not the prince
of destiny.

I'm not her prince charming.

Cedar wood:
What does this mean?

- It means Apple's forever
sleep -

really is for ever after.

We're here today to honor
and spellebrate Apple White.

She was a royal.

She was my roommate.

And she was my friend.

She was kind - she was loving -

and she deserved her
happily ever after.

I wish I was as powerful
as my mother -

that I had the kind of magic
that could take me back

to when all of this started.

If I could go back, I'd tell
Apple that she has a choice.

We all do.

We all have the power to choose
our stories.

And if your choice is to follow
your pre-determined destiny -

you have to trust that it will
happen in its own time.

And you don't have to make
a deal with evil.

Make a deal with evil...

I-I have to go.

(Shocked gasps, murmuring)

- Where are you going?

- To make sure the rest of my
friends don't end up like Apple.

- You're going to see your
mother, aren't you?

Raven, you can't!

- It's the only way.
I know what i'm doing.

Here. You're going to need this.

The booking glass?
But-but we don't know how to--

Trust me. Somebody is about
to have a change of heart.

(Dragon roars)

- (Gasp) What are you up to,
Raven Queen?

(Dragon squawks)

- Hello, Raven.

- We, need to talk.

Evil Queen:
Attention subjects!
Your attention please!

Justine Dancer:
(Gasp) The Evil queen
is on my mirrorphone.

Farrah Goodfairy:
Mine too!

Evil Queen:
Just thought you'd be hexcited
to know

that I am leaving Ever After

and this kingdom,
forever after.

(Shocked gasps)
Yes... that's right,

your curs-ed little lives
have all been spared

Because, well let's just say
mother's day came early this

My daughter, Raven Queen,
has agreed to join me.

To become evil and take over
other lands with me.

(Confused murmuring)
Raven joined the Evil Queen?!
Raven is going to be evil?!

Evil Queen:
Let's see here...

What land shall
we take over first?

We could take another crack
at wonderland.

Or we could conquer and rule
over gingerbread land.

Or-or hear me out now -

the land of the giants!

- Those all sound great, mom.
I'll go anywhere you want.

As long as it's not here.

- Ah! I'm too excited to pick.

My wicked little blackbird
has flown home.

Mother-daughter evil selfie!

(Camera clicks)

Oh my fairy godmother!

I've spent all this time
fluttering around,

doing your evil bidding without
so much as a...

"hey, thanks Faybelle.
Hex of a job."

And now little miss...

(mocking) "I'm gonna choose
my own destiny"

comes waltzing in and you
actually believe she's going
to be evil?!

- Will you excuse us
for a moment?

That is my daughter
you're talking about.

(Muffled arguing)

- Whatever after.

I'm telling you,
she is up to something.

You don't honestly think
she's evil now.

- She's going to be just like me
because I gave her no choice!

All of my plotting and planning

has finally gotten me
what I want!

Don't you understand? I won!

- All of this was about Raven?

But what about me?

Evil Queen:
What about you?

Now where were we?

Ooh... what about the Sea

We could rule over
the mer-folk?

Ooh! We could get paddle boats!

(Wings flutter)

(Low hum of chatter)

(Beep, plays a slow tune)

- Oh yes. That's what feelings
sound like.

Hey what the hex?
(record scratches)

Can't you see I'm trying
to wallow?

- All this pouting -

and not a good look on you.

It's time to turn the page,

- Oh. That's easy for you
to say.

Don't you understand?

I just lost my destiny.

I'm not Apple's prince charming!

- And I'm not a damsel
in distress!

Some of us aren't going to
follow our original destinies.

- Raven did.

Nobody ever thought she would
but look what happened.

- Raven did what she had
to save her friends.

She had a choice to make.
And so do you.

- I was so sure I was Apple's
prince charming.

- (Sighs) If my kiss can't wake
her then I don't what can.

Briar: (Gasp) Apple, wake up!

(Big inhale)


(Panicked breaths)

- Darling? What are you--

Breathe Apple, breathe!

(Concerned gasps)

(Realizing gasp)

(Exhales big breath,
magic whooshes)

(Big breath, coughing)

All: Apple's back!
Darling did it! Apple is awake!

What happened? Did-did Daring
wake me up?

- (Giggles)

Wait. Where's Raven?

- Uh...

Apple White:

The Evil Queen cannot
be allowed to win like this.

We have to do something.

- I'm sorry, Apple,
but I think we're too late.

- You don't understand.
This is all my fault.

I set the Evil Queen free.

I thought keeping her secret
was going to be good for
Ever After high.

Good for all of us.

But look at all the trouble
it lead to.

And Raven joining sides
with her mother?

That's not the happily ever
after she wanted.

Please. Help me fight back,
help me save Raven.

We have dragons!
We have the booking glass.

We just need the passcode.

- We've tried, Apple.

But it's not like we can
guess the combination.

Daring just got lucky
when he got captured.

- Lucky? I wouldn't put it
that way.

I would!

(Dragon squawks)

(Dragon roar, landing thud)


- Let me guess. Don't know how
to unlock the booking glass?

One, two, three, four...

that booking glass
is locked no more!

(Magic whooshes)

What should I capture?

Hmm. How about a sandwich.

(Magic whooshes)

- I don't understand.
Why are you switching sides?

This dark fairy is just out
for revenge.

I worked my wings off
for that ungrateful queen.

Let's see how well her wicked
plans go

without Faybelle in her corner.

- What are you waiting for,

- Dragon up!
- (Cheering)

(Dragon roar)


Darling Charming:
"Somebody is going to have
a change of heart."

That's what Raven told me
before she left.

- What does that mean?

Briar Beauty:
It means that she knew Faybelle
was going to get angry

at the evil queen
and switch sides.

Ashlynn Ella:
This was part of her plan
all along.

She's playing her mother.

- And she knows that we're
coming with the booking glass.

Evil Queen:
And we'll need some dragon

a little dark fairy dust...

My dark robe oh and my other
dark robe.

Almost finished packing!

Why do you keep doing that?

- Doing what?

- Staring ominously in to the

What are you looking for?

- Nothing. I'm just really

About being evil and conquering
the world and stuff.

- Prove it.

(Magic whooshes)


Evil Queen:
You're on the path to become
evil now, dear.

Toss Snow White and those
teachers into that void.

- Hmm.

- Raven, please help ussss.

(Magic whooshes)

(Magic blasts)

- (Chuckles) Nice try, birdy,

but I am much more powerful
than you!

(Magic blasts)

(Gasps, Nevermore whimpers)

(Evil Queen Cackles)

I know you're just doing
all this to save your little
friends out there.

(Nevermore roars)

(Magic whoosh)

(Chains clink, whimpers)
Raven: Nevermore!

- You may not be evil now,
Raven Queen,

mark my words - you will learn!

(Dragon squawks, Raven gasps)

(Dragon roar)

Raven Queen:
Apple. Apple's awake!

- Yes. And it seems somebody
showed her how to use the
booking glass.

You! You were behind this!

You played on Faybelle's

and tricked her into joining
your friends.

You manipulative little chip
off the old glass slipper.

It takes a truly wicked mind
to concoct a scheme like that.

Oh you have so potential!

It's too bad I have to go
destroy your friends now.

Spell you later.

(Dragon roar)


(Dragons squawk)

(Low growl)

- All right, everyone,
listen up.

Apple has to get as close
to the Evil Queen as she can

let's cover her back
and make sure she gets there.

Hang on to your crowns!


(Dragon squawks)


(Dragon squawks)


- No I have to help them!

I have to help my friends
and defeat my mother!

Lizard Giles:
Raven please help us.

Frog Milton:
She can't do it, she doesn't
have the strength.

- Agh! (Magic whooshes)

(Nevermore squawks)


(Magic whoosh)
(Happy squawk)


(Magic whooshes and blasts)

(Scared gasps)

(Magic whooshes)

Both: Aghhhh!

- Ooh! Wooo!

(Dragon roars)

(Calculating beeps)

(Evil cackle)


(Dragon roar)

- Ahh!
- Ahhhhhh!

(Magic whooshes)

- Whoooo!

- Thanks, sis.

(Flames whoosh)

Blondie Lockes:
Blondie Lockes here,

reporting from the front-lines
of the most spell-binding

dragon battle ever after!

Apple white is leading
a team of students

in a royal campaign
to stop the Evil Queen

and send her back
to the mirror realm!

More to come as the pages
continue to turn on this
amazing story.

(Magic blast)

(Magic blast, Dragon roars)

- Maddy, use the fire

- (Gasp)

(Dragon roars, clank)

- Not exactly what I had
in mind, but it works!

- (Laughs)




(Evil Queen cackles)


(Effort grunts)

- (Gasp) Capture the evil q--

- (Cackles)

Now I'm going to let all
your friends see

what it's like to spend
100 years in the mirror realm.

Starting with you!

Capture Apple!
(Magic blast)

Somebody's been practicing!

- Agh!

- Well, isn't this a fun little

- It's over, mom.

We're taking back the school.

- You might want to think about
what you're doing, Apple.

You're throwing away your

- Don't listen to her, Apple.

Without me - you'll never get
your happily ever after.

Raven has made it abundantly

that she doesn't intend
to follow in my footsteps.

Face it.
You don't have a choice.

- Yes, I do.

We all have a choice.

And I'll find my happily ever
after some other way -

without you.

Capture Evil Queen!

(Magic blast)
Evil Queen: Noo!

I'm - not - going - back!

(Chuckles) I told you!

I'm - more - powerful than you!

- Apple!

- She's weakening the booking

(Magic hums)

Evil Queen: Nooooo!

- Agh!
- Whooaa!

- Whhoooooaaa!
- Ahhhhhh!

- Whoa!

(Dragon whooshes)

Evil Queen: Nooooo!


(Magic whooshes)

(Unsteady) Whoa!


(Loud thud)

(Magic hums)

(Magic whooshes)

- I'm back! It worked.

Female narrator:
With the help of her friends,

Apple was able to right
the wrong of freeing
the evil queen.

(Happy gasp)

Brooke page:
And as for Raven and her

Let's just say their
relationship is still...

Heh, heh. Complicated.

- Miss Queen, need I remind
you, do not touch the glass.

- Oh please.


Evil Queen:
There's my little blackbird.

Raven queen: Mom.
Evil queen: So... what's new?

- How are you holding up
in there?

- Oh it's not so bad, I suppose.

Somebody left a sandwich
in here.

I'm... Royally proud of you,

- Seriously? After all that?

- You demonstrated that your
powers are even stronger
than before.

And to orchestrate such
a crafty scheme

to take down the evil queen?
The Evil Queen.

You're more like me than
you realize.

Like it or not - you can't
escape your destiny.

- We'll see. I have to go, mom.
I'm late for a match.

Evil Queen:
I'll be watching.

(Dragon whooshes, crowd cheers)

- Hey what took you so long -
let's do this!

- Ready when you are!


♪ This fire's burning brighter ♪

♪ See the fire in our eyes ♪

♪ It's burning brighter ♪

♪ Let go of the fear and fly ♪

♪ Higher and higher ♪

- That's my girl...

♪ Rise up, the sky's the limit
now ♪

♪ At Ever After High! ♪