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Dora: Say Hola to Adventure! (2023)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:30
by bunniefuu
- Bienvenidos,

I got my backpack

- Vmonos!

- Don't forget Map!

- Dora! Lead the way!

- With help from you

both: We'll save the day!

- Let's go!

- Swinging with Dora

- Whoo!


Laughing with Dora

Let's go explore with

- [gasps]

- Explorer Dora

Sing D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Dora

all: Dora!

- Sing D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Dora

all: Dora!

- Oh, sper bien!


We have a friend like Dora


- Yummy! Mm!

- Hola, soy Dora!

We're making a tres leches cake

for Benny's abuela.

- Yeah!

It's our Special Cake Day!

We do this every year.

And for the first time,

I'm making the cake.

- And we're using

my family's recipe.

- Is it done yet?

Is it done yet?

- Almost.

- Ay! Whoopsie.


Well, the frosting's good.

- The whole cake

looks good, Benny.

- It's ginormous!

- It sure is,

but I was wondering if

I should make it ginormous-er!


- [gasps]

- Ah, ah!

- [gasps]

- Whoo.

Dora, what do you think?

- I think it's done, Benny.

- Let's eat!

- Wait!

We can't eat it until

my abuela gets here.

- Ooh, I can't waity wait wait!

- Map alert!

all: Map alert?


- The map alert is

the bridge from Abuela's house

is blocked.

Abuela can't come

for Cake Day.

- Oh, no.

But I really wanna see

mi abuela

for Special Cake Day.

- Me too!

- Oh, Benny, you're gonna see

your abuela.

- I am?

- S.

If Abuela can't come to

the cake,

we'll bring the cake to Abuela.

- How?

- Yeah, the bridge is blocked.

- Map will show us another way.

Say "Map."

all: Map!

- Soy Mapa!

The bridge is blocked.

We've gotta find another way

to Benny's abuela's house.


The only other way is

over the mountains

and through the lakes.

So you tell Dora,

"go over the mountains

and through the lakes."

- So where do we go?

Over the mountains

and through the lakes.

Got it! To Abuela's!

- Abuela! Abuela! Abuela!

[all gasp]

- Yay!

- Yeah!

[upbeat music]

- What are we bringing?

- Tres leches

- Traemos para Abuela!

- Special cake

- Over the mountains

both: And through the lakes

- On our way to Abuela

- No time for a break

- Uno, dos, tres leches

all: Let's go!

Tres le-ches


Spe-cial cake

Tres le-ches

- Look, Dora.

We made it to the Nutty Forest.

And there is Tico.

- Hola, amigos.


Qu lindo tres leches!

- No, no, Tico.

We gotta wait.

- S.

Es para la abuela de Benny!

- It's Special Cake Day!

[all gasping]

- Oo, es un da especial!

Vamos, rpido!

- Wuh-oh, it's getting windy.

- Ay, nueces!

The nuts are going

to ruin the cake!

- [gasps]

I can't watch.

- Fuera!

- Great hit, Tico. Qu batazo!

- All right, Tico!

- Wuh-oh, there's too many.

This is nuts!

- Necesito ayuda!

- We've gotta help Tico.

When you see nuts,

say "nueces."

Here comes some nuts.

Say "nueces."

all: Nueces!

- Again!

all: Nueces!

- Even more nuts!

all: Nueces!

- Jonrn!

[fireworks explode]

all: Tico! Tico! Tico!

- Phew!

That was a close one.

And the cake is safe!

[upbeat tune]

[thunder rumbles]

- Wuh-oh. Not anymore.

- Rain?

My cake cannot get wet.

My abuela doesn't like

a smushy cake.

- I'll eat a smushy cake.

- Yo tambin!

- Let's check Backpack

for something

that can keep the cake dry.

Say Backpack.

- I'm Backpack,


I've always got your back

Let's see what we got.

An umbrella, a floaty,

a rubber ducky.

What can Dora use to keep

Benny's cake dry?

That's right.

- Perfecto.

Gracias, Mochila!

- I've got your back.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!


- Over the mountains

both: And through the lakes

- On our way to Abuela

- No time for a break

all: Let's go!

Tres le-ches


Spe-cial cake

Tres le-ches!

- Look, the rain stopped!




- Miren!

We're almost at

my abuela's house!

- Nothing can stop us now.

- Zoop!

- Wuh-oh!

both: The cake!

- Oh, nuts!

Where did all these nuts

come from?

- Tico.

- Dora, we gotta get

the cake back.

- I'm on it.

- Wuh-oh!

That bird is gonna make

the branch break.

Shoo, bird, shoo.

- Shoo, bird, shoo!

- Hey! Don't copy me!

- Hey, don't copy me.

- The copycat bird's copying

everything I'm doing.

- The copycat bird's

copying everything I'm doing!

- Dora, help!

- Dora, help!

- I know.

If we flap our wings,

he'll copy us and fly away.

Flap your wings with me.

Flap, flap, flap.

- Est volando!

- He's flying!

Keep flapping!

all: Flap, flap, flap,

flap, flap!

- It worked. Great flapping.

Thanks for helping.

- Whoa!

- Gracias!

You saved my abuela's cake

just in time.

Group hug!

Ooh, watch the cake.

- Now, let's go take it to


- And eat it!

- What are we bringing?

- Tres leches

- Traemos para abuela

- Special cake

- Over the mountains

both: And through the lakes

- On our way to Abuela

- No time for a break

- Uno, dos, tres leches

all: Let's go!

Tres le-ches


Spe-cial cake

Tres le-ches

[wind gusting]

[all groaning]

- Uh-oh.

This wind is really strong.

My abuela doesn't like

a wibbly, wobbly cake.

- You got this, Benny.

You're stronger than any wind.

- You're right, Dora.

Hold the cake.

I'll block the wind.

For Abuela!

- For Special Cake Day!

- Un da especial!

- You did it, Benny.

Bien hecho!

- Woo-hoo!

We made it to Abuela's house.

[upbeat tune]

all: Hola!

- [gasps]

Benny, you're here!

Ay, it's so nice to see you,

and on Special Cake Day.

If only there was...a cake!

- A tres leches.

- [kissing]


Qu riqusimo!

Let's eat.

- Ooh, yeah!

- [gasps]

- Ooh.

- And you get a slice, too.

- Time to enjoy the cake,


Say, "buen provecho!"

all: Buen provecho!

- Now, let's eat.

- S!

- Yeah!

- [gulps]

- Mmm!

- So good, Benny!

- [munching]

- Uy qu rico!

- Thanks, amigos.

Gracias, Dora, for making

Special Cake Day extra special.

- De nada, Benny.

And we couldn't have done it

without your help.

Sper bien!


We did it, we did it, yeah!

- We, we did, did, did it


We did it, we did it, yeah!

- We, we did it

- We saw a copycat bird

and told him "shoo!"

- Mi parte favorita!

both: Buen provecho,

"let's eat," we said to you

- That was my favorite part.

- What was your favorite part?

Sper bien!

all: Pudimos juntos

We did it together, yeah!

- Go Benny and Abuela!

Go Benny and Abuela!

Go cake!

- Hola. Soy Dora!

- And I'm Boots.

[in deep voice]

And I'm Mr. Banana.

- Well, hello, Mr. Banana.

- Want to hear a joke?

- Yeah.

- What kind of key

opens a banana?

A monkey!


- Help us, Dora.


- What's wrong?

- Our instruments,

they're gone!

- [gasps]

- Oh, no!

Did Swiper swipe them?

- No. So much worse!

- We were late for

band practice,

and we took a shortcut through

the Musical Forest.

- When suddenly,

we heard a loud, scary sound.

[loud scary sound]

[all scream]

- It wizzled!

- It wozzled!

- It wooed!

together: It was

the Wizzle Wozzle Woo sound!


The Wizzle Wozzle Woo sound?

- We ran out of the forest,

but we left our instruments


- I miss my accordion.

- I miss my cymbals.

- I miss my trumpet.

[blows raspberry]


And now they're gone forever!

Para siempre!

- [wailing]

- Est bien.

It'll be OK.

I know you're all afraid of

the Wizzle Wozzle Woo.

together: S, we are.

- But we need to get

your instruments back.

- You'll go with us to

the Musical Forest?

- Yeah.

- Well, if anyone can help us,

it's you.

Muchas gracias, Dora!

- De nada.

Now, let's go get

your instruments back.

together: Vamos!

[loud scary sound]

- Gonna find

the Wizzle Wozzle

all: Wizzle Wozzle Woo

- Let's go!

- Gonna find

the Wizzle Wozzle

Wizzle Wozzle Woo

- Vamos!

- Going into the forest

with me, and me, and you

Gonna find

the Wizzle Wozzle

Wizzle Wozzle Woo

- Ooh, Tallest Mountain.

- And the Musical Forest is

on the other side.

- But how are we supposed to

get over it?

- It's super tall.

- Altsima!

- It's at least twice as big

as me!

- Look, there's Benny.

He can give us a ride over

tallest mountain.

Wave your arms and say,


all: Benny, Benny, Benny!

- "Benny"? I'm Benny.

Hi, guys!

- Whoa, sweet ride.

- But why are you clapping?

- Check it out.

My balloon now runs on claps.

If I clap quickly,

it flies up into the air.

[clapping quickly]


all: Wee!

- And if I clap slower,

it goes back down.

- Whoa!

- Oh!

- Increble!

- Wow!

together: So cool!

- Benny, can you give us a ride

over Tallest Mountain

to the Musical Forest?

- The Musical Forest?

But I just came from there!

I heard this sound like

"Wizzle Wozzle Woo"

and I Wizzle Wozzle Wooed

out of there!

- Whoa!

Everyone in the forest is

trying to get away

from the Wizzle Wozzle Woo.

- That's why we need to

find out what it is

so we can make it stop.

Can you help us, Benny?

- I'm in.

Wizzle wozzle woo,

here we come.

- Perfecto!

Vmonos. Let's go.

Let's all clap really fast

to make the balloon go

up into the air.


Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!

[all clapping quickly]

Great job.

- Uh-oh.

I think we're too low to

fly over tallest mountain.

- We're gonna crash!

[all scream]

- We need to clap as fast as

we can

to fly over Tallest Mountain.

Clap super fast!

[all clapping]

Faster! Faster!

[all clapping]

All right!

- Woo-hoo!

- Sper bien!

That was some fast clapping.

Gracias, Benny.

[all blowing raspberries]

all: Aw! This is usually when

we play our instruments!

- I miss my accordion so much!

- Well, let's go get them back

and stop that

Wizzle Wozzle Woo.

To the Musical Forest!

[slow clapping]

- Miren!

The Musical Forest is

just over

the Grumpy Old Troll's bridge.

We're almost there, amiguitos.

You'll have your instruments

back in no time.

[all gasp]

- Grumpy Old Troll?

Your bridge, what happened?

- I'll tell you what happened.

[loud scary sound]

That noise happened!

There was a wizzle,

then a wozzle, then a--

- Woo.

- Bingo!

Just when I thought

I couldn't get any grumpier.

Now, I'm taking my bridge

and moving it

somewhere that's noise-free.

- But we need to cross

that bridge.

- Yeah. We've gotta get to

the Musical Forest

to find out what's making

that sound and stop it.

- Stop the sound?

That'd be troll-rific!

Tell you what,

I'll let you cross my bridge

if you can answer my riddle.

- Deal.

Will you help us solve

the Grumpy Old Troll's riddle?

Muchas gracias.

- For this riddle to be done,

tell me where this noise

comes from.


Is it a meatball or a guitar?

- Por supuesto!

A guitar.

- That's right!

You get the bridge back.

[Fiesta Trio vocalizing]

- We'll get your trumpet

back soon, little buddy.

- Good job solving my riddle.

- Now let's go find out

what's making that sound.

- And stop that Wizzle Wozzle


- Woo.

- Ah!

I mean, woo-hoo! Let's go!

- To the Musical Forest!

[loud scary sound]

Gonna find

the Wizzle Wozzle

all: Wizzle wozzle woo

- Let's go!

- Gonna find

the Wizzle Wozzle

all: Wizzle wozzle woo

- Woo-hoo!


together: Viva Fiesta Trio!


[bells tinkle]

- Oh, yeah!

- Yeah!

[cymbal crashes]


Wow, this Musical Forest

sure is music-y.

[cymbals clash]

[loud scary sound]

- That's the wizzle!

- And the wozzle!

- And the woo!

together: It's getting louder!

- That means

we're getting closer to

your instruments, amiguitos.

together: But how are we gonna

get up there?

- It's so tall,

and we're so small.


[bongos drumming]

[bongos drumming]

- [gasps] Look!

The more you dance on

the bongo, the more it rises.

- Bang on the bongo?

[bongos drumming]

- Yeah, we need to dance on

the bongos

to get all the way to the top.

Dance with us.


A-bing bang on the bongo

A-bing bang on the bongo

- Baila!

all: Bing bang on the bongo

- Baila!

all: Bing bang on the bongo

Baila, baila,

dance on the bongos

Take us to the top

Baila, baila,

dance on the bongos

Take us to the top

Everyone dance,

dance, dance

Keep moving to the beat

Baila, baila, baila

Take us to the top

- Woo-hoo!


together: Viva Fiesta Trio!

[loud scary sound]

[all scream]

all: The Wizzle Wozzle Woo!

- Miren!

- The Wizzle Wozzle Woo

is coming from that bush.

- That's a kazoo bush.


And I think I know

what's causing the sound.

[kazoos buzzing]

- Are you sure

that's a good idea, Dora?

- It's really loud!

- I can't look!

[kazoos buzzing]

- [laughs] Don't worry.

The Wizzle Wozzle Woo is


- [snoring]

- The Big Red Chicken.

all: Big Red Chicken?

- The Big Red Chicken's snoring

is making the kazoo bush go

"Wizzle Wozzle Woo"!

- It's quite the snor-chestra.


- I can't believe we were

scared of a snoring chicken.

- And look what I found.

- Our instruments! Yay, Dora!

- My trumpet!

- My cymbals!

- My accordion!

together: Gracias!

[upbeat tune]

- [squawks]

Oh! Hey, everybody.

What are you all doing here?

- We were on an adventure to

find out

what was causing a scary sound.

- A scary sound?



- We figured out

the Wizzle Wozzle Woo,

and we couldn't have done it

without you.

Sper bien!


We did it, we did it, yeah!


We, we did, did, did it


We did it, we did it, yeah!

both: We, we did it

- Together, we found

the Wizzle Wozzle Woo

- That was my favorite part!

all: We sang "Baila!"

dancing on the bongos too


Fue nuestra parte favorita!

- What was your favorite part?

Sper bien!

all: Pudimos juntos

We did it together, yeah!

- [squawks]

[upbeat music]

all: Uno, dos, tres


- I learned a new dance

You move your hands

and count to three

I'm gonna teach it to you,

so you can all dance with me

all: Uno, dos, tres


- Buensimo.

Great dancing.

- Dora, Dora, Dora!

- Hi, Boots.

- Dora, look.

An invitation to a party.

Let's open it. Let's open it.

- Guess who's invited to a

big dance party at Party Park?

both: Who?

- You.

both: When?

- Now.

both: Wow.

- Everyone put on

your party pants

'cause we're gonna do

the Rainforest Ritmo dance.

- Rainforest Ritmo?

What's that?

- It's an awesome new dance

everyone in the rainforest

is doing.

Uno, dos, tres, ritmo

- Got it.

Watch this.

Uno, dos, tres

Wow. That dance is harder

than it looks.

- I'll show you, Boots,

one step at a time.

- But the party's starting now.

- No te preocupes.

You can learn the moves

along the way.

- Really?

- By the time we get there,

Boots, you'll be the best

dancer in the rainforest.

- Then what are we waiting for?

- Let's ask Map how to get to

Isa Sand's party.

Say "Map."

- Soy mapa.

Where do we need to go?

Isa's dance party?

Ooh, you came to the right map

'cause I love dancing

the Rainforest Ritmo.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

And we can teach

Boots the dance

by going over Ritmo River.

So you tell Dora

to go to Ritmo River.

- Where do we go?

Ritmo River. Got it.

Hey, Boots,

give yourself a chance

I see you working hard

to learn this dance

I know that you can do it

'Cause you're getting

through it

Just take one step,

one step at a time

Don't worry

if you get all the moves

Just remember,

I believe in you

all: It will get better,

it'll come together

- Just take one step,

step, step

One step at a time

all: One step

- Take one step at a time

One step

all: One step at a time

One step at a time,

one step

- Take one step

all: One step at a time

- Just take one step

all: One step at a time

[air horn blows]

- Dora, we made it

to the river.

- And there's Party Park.

- And there's the boat

to take us across the river.

Come on, boaty, let's go.

Let's go.



It's too far.

We can't reach it.

- Well, if there was more

water, the boat would rise.

- But where are we gonna

get all that water?

[thunder rumbles]

- [gasps]

From that raincloud.

Hola. Do you think you could

help us by...

- Sorry, I have a bad case

of the thunders.

What did you say?

- I said do you think...

- [thunders]

- She said...

- [thunders]


- It's too thundery.

- And windy.

- Come back!

No, this way.

No, this way.

No, this way.

Dora, I don't think

he's coming back.

- We'll get him back, Boots.

We'll catch that cloud and

bring him back to the river.

Let's check Backpack

for something

that can lasso the raincloud.

Say "Backpack."

- I'm backpack


I've always got your back

Hola. Dora needs something

to lasso the raincloud.

Here it goes. Bowling balls.

Ropes. Rubber duckies.

What can she use to lasso

the raincloud?

Yeah, the ropes.

- Buensimo.

both: Gracias, mochila.

- I got your back.

Yum, yum, yum, yum.


- All right, we're ready to

get you, raincloud.


- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Uh-oh.

- Catch that...

- [thunders]

- I said catch that cloud.

- [thunders]

- [snores]

On the count of tres.


- I got it.

- [croaks]

- Whoa.

Don't got it.

- [croaks]

- Let's try again, Boots.

One step at a time.

Lift your arm over your head

and lasso, lasso, lasso.

Now, on the count of tres,

throw it.

Uno, dos, tres.

both: Lasso.

- Phew. Thanks.

- Yay! We caught the cloud.

- And you learned

the first move, Boots.

- I did?


Whoa. I did.

- Hey, raincloud, do you think

you could make it...

- [thunders]

- Ah, he still can't hear us.

- [thunders]

What did you say?

- Hmm.

If he can't hear us, we'll just

have to show him what we need.

Rain down your fingertips

like this.

- Oh! You want it to rain.



Got it.

- Gracias, raincloud.

- De nada.

- That was awesome.

We were all...


And then the cloud

actually made it rain.

It was super cool.

- Yeah, and it's even cooler

that you learned

the second move.

- No way.

Yes, way.

- Life vests.

both: So we can be safe.

- Only one dance move

left to learn.

Hope I can learn it

before the party.

- I think you will.

Why don't you steer?

- All right.

- Aye! Hungry fish ahead.

- Hungry, hungry,

hungry, hungry.

- Help me steer.

- Put your hands on the wheel

and turn.

Turn, turn, turn.

- Phew!

Now, we just have to

get past those rocks.

- Those aren't rocks, Boots.


both: Crocodiles!

- Not today, cocodrilos.

Turn the wheel.

Turn, turn, turn.

- [sighs]

But wait.

Are those crocodiles

and hungry fish?

- Turn, turn, turn.

We made it to the other side.

Great steering.

- Whoo-hoo!

I was steering

all over the place.

Zoom, zoom, zoom.

- Oh, Boots, you're doing

the third move.

- I am?


I am!


That's bananas.

- Just in time, Boots.

[air horn blows]

Now, let's get to the party.

- Dora, Boots, you got here

just in time.

Everyone's doing

the Rainforest Ritmo.

all: Uno, dos, tres

- Come on, Boots.


- I can't do it, Dora.

- You know all the moves,


- But I don't know

how to put them together.

- You just got to take it

one step at a time.

Uno, lasso the cloud.

Dos, make it rain.

Tres, turn the wheel.

- [gasps]

I did all three moves together.

I learned the dance.

I learned the dance.

- Ah, Boots,

I knew you could do it.

[air horn blows]

all: Uno

- Lasso the cloud.

all: Dos

- Make it rain.

all: Tres

- Steer the boat.

all: Ritmo

- Get on your feet

Move to the beat

- Dale, dale

- Ponte las pilas!

- Dance it

all: Ay-a, ay-a


- Move it

all: Ay-a, ay-a


- Vamos!

all: Ay-a, ay-a

- Ritmo

- The rhythm of

the rainforest makes us dance

You never know what you can

do until you take a chance

all: Uno, dos, tres


[air horn blows]

- Good job.

- Fantstico.

- Thanks so much for

teaching me the dance, Dora.

- De nada, Boots.

And we couldn't have done it

without your help.

Uno, dos, tres, ritmo!

- Hola. I'm helping Isa

in her flowery garden.

But where's Boots?

- Ta-da! You found me.


- You'll never guess

what Tico found.

- La encontr! La encontr!

La Nuez Mgica!

- The magic nut.

- Nutticus magicus.

If you hold it

and make a tasty wish,

it turns into

your favorite food.

all: Ooh.

- I'd wish for my favorite

food, empanadas.

- I'd wish for the biggest

banana in the world.

- Donuts!

- Pizza.

- Avocado toast

with two drops of lemon

and a little sprinkle

of volcanic salt.

I like what I like.

- What's your favorite food?

You can wish for that too.

- Oh, but there's only one.

- There's only one now,

but if we plant it,

there'll be enough

for everyone.

- S, s, s.

Vamos a plantarla.

all: Yay!


- Uh-oh, that sounds like


all: Swiper, no...

- You're too late.

You'll never find it now.

- Oh, no, mi nuez!

- Ah, no te preocupes, Tico.

We have to find that nut,

so we can plant it.

And then there'll be nuts

for everyone.

- But where could it be?

- Let's ask Map where we can

find the magic nut.

Say "Map."

- Say "Map." Say "Map."

- What do we need to find?

The magic nut? Locating.

Looks like the nut is

on a slippery stone

in the tricky, trappy forest.



It's so tricky and trappy.

And it's even hard to say.

You try.

Say "tricky, trappy forest."


You tell Dora,

it's in the tricky,

trappy forest.

- Where did the nut go?

The tricky, trappy forest?

all: [gasps]

- Uh-oh.

The tricky, trappy forest.

That sounds tricky.

- And trappy.

- How are we ever gonna get it?

- When something is tricky,

we can work together as a team.

Todos juntos.

Put your hand out.

Say "todos juntos."

all: "Todos juntos."

- Benny's big and strong

On our team he belongs

Tico's chiquitico,

Tico's small and brave

He'll help along the way

Boots can run

and he can climb

He moves so rapdo

all the time

Isa, your song is strong

- I can help move us along

- And Dora's gonna

lead the way

Todos, todos juntos

- Together, we got this

all: Todos, todos juntos

- Together, we do it better

all: Todos, todos juntos

- Together, we got this

all: Todos, todos juntos

Together, we do it better

- A gate!

- I'm the sing-song gate

The sing-song gate

I sing a melody then

you imitate

Try to sing it back to me,


- One of us has to sing

her songs to get through.

- Leave it to me

- Six slimy snails

- Sing it with me.

Six slimy snails

- You got it.

[bell dings]

- Great!

- Double bubble trouble

- Sing with me again.

Double bubble trouble

- You got it.

[bell dings]

- Super bien.

There's just one left.

- How many bats

could a backpack pack

If a backpack could

pack bats

- Whoa.

- You can do it, Isa.

- [deep breath]

How many bats

could a backpack pack

If a backpack could

pack bats

- it.

[bell dings]


- Hooray!

You sang really great

You did it!

Go through the gate

- We're closer to getting

the magic nut back.

- Miren, una cueva.

- Whoa, this cave is dark,


- Uh, I'm over here, Benny.

You're talking to

a bunch of rocks.

- Oopsie. Bye, bunch of rocks.


all: [apologizes]

- I can't see a thing.

- Maybe Backpack has something

we can use to see in the dark.

You have to say "Backpack."

- I'm backpack


I've always got your back

It's my time to shine.

Speaking of shine,

we need something that

can help us see in the dark.

Here it goes.

- A trumpet?

Will a trumpet help us

see in the dark?

No, mochila.

- [blows trumpet]

- Okay, let's try again.

A flashlight, a bucket,

a torta.

What can we use

to see in the dark?

Yeah, the flashlight.

What a bright idea.

both: Gracias, mochila.

- I got your back.

- [laughs]

Hoppity, hop, hop.

Whoa. The way out.

- Wait, Boots, the ropes could

be part of a tricky trap.

both: Whoa.

- There's got to be a button

we can push

to make the ropes go away.

- I don't think

there's just gonna be

a magical button

right on the...

oh, there it is.

- Someone needs to get through

without touching the ropes.

It has to be someone

small and brave.

Pequeo y valiente.

- Soy yo.

- Wow, he's bendy.

- Whoa, I couldn't do that.

- Look at him go.

- Tico.


- A la Nuez Mgica!

- To the magic nut.

Careful, everyone, this looks

like a trippy, trappy path.

- Doesn't look that trippy,

trappy to me.

Whoa. Help!

- Benny's been booby trapped.

- We'll get you down.

- Time to climb.

I'm coming, buddy.



- Thanks, Boots.

You're really good at climbing.

- You got it, Benny.

I can almost taste

that giant banana.

To the magic nut.

- Looks like we have to

get through

this tricky, trappy maze.

- This is gonna take forever.

How are we gonna go through it?

- Go through it? No problem.

- Wow. He really did

go through it.

- Great job, Benny.

That was amazing.

[angelic harmony]

- La nuez!

La nuez!

- The nut.

- Great!

- But it's on

a crocodile's nose.

- [snoring]

- Not great.

- Todos juntos.

Let's work together to

reach the nut.

- He got it.

Uh-oh, Tico can't see

where he's going.

And the crocodile

really wants that nut.

- Now, it's your turn to help.

Tico needs to jump

over the crocodile.

Tell him brinca.


- It worked.

- Again, brinca.

One more. Brinca!

all: Yay, Tico!

- Uy, me escap!


- Thanks for helping Tico

get past the crocodile.

Now, we can plant the nut.

- And this is

the perfect place.

- Nu es magica.

- It's happening!

Say "nu es magica."

all: Nu es magica.

Nu es magica.

Nu es magica.

- Nueces para todos!

all: Nuts for everyone.

- Everyone,

say your favorite food.


- Pizza.

- Donut.

- Giant banana.

- Avocado toast.

- Now, wish for

your favorite food.

all: Ooh. Yummy!

Thanks for helping us

get the magic nut back.

- And planting the magic tree.

- Sper bien!

both: We did it, we did it

Yeah, we did, did, did it

We did it, we did it

Yeah, we did it

Pudimos juntos,

we did it together

all: Yeah!