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Mind Body Spirit (2023)

Posted: 05/03/24 14:45
by bunniefuu
- Cool. Okay, compose yourself.


Greetings everyone, I...


everyone, I'm Anya. Whoa.

Greetings everyone, my name...

Greetings everyone.

Hi, I'm, no. Hi, I'm Anya.

Mind. No, greetings, greetings.



Greetings everyone, I'm Anya.

Welcome to Mind Body Spirit.

Mind Body Spirit is so much

more than a fitness channel.

It is a journey

to self discovery,

and aligning

our mind, body, and spirit

is the closest we can

get to our truest selves.

But in order to

make that discovery,

we've gotta be

willing to take risks.

So get ready to step

outta your comfort zone.

Go for it. Be brave.

Don't become a lost soul

floating through the void. Woo.

Like me, before

my morning coffee.

My grandmother gave me

this house in her will.

She passed away

about a year ago.

And I never

really got to meet her.

Didn't really

know her that well.

But, you know,

it really felt like a,

the universe telling me to

make a change in my life.

So that's what I did. I

moved out to California.

I left my old life

behind. Yes, thank you.

And I took a risk and...

so can you.

I promise, if you stick with me,

then we will go to

places you never imagine.


I promise, if you stick with me,

then we will go to places

that you can never imagine.

We will recharge our

minds, reclaim our bodies,


our bodies are the places

that our spirits call home.

You ready?

Today, we are going to dive

right into a balancing posture.

So, we're going

to meet in Savasana.

No, no, Tadasana.

Meaning in

Tadasana, standing posture,

we're going to root our

feet into the ground,

lift one knee up to the heart,

stretch all the way back,

squeeze those inner

thighs, engage that core.

And if you discover

that you are a little bit

limited in flexibility,

don't let that hold you

back, just go with the flip.

Now, if you start

to lose your balance,

which will probably happen,

you know, just

get right back up.

Like my friend Kenzi says,

"Practice make powerful."

Okay, I guess I need

some practice here too...

Shit. Ow!

Damn it!


You gotta do it. You gotta

do it. You gotta do it, Anya.

No way.

That's definitely a door.

f*ck it.


So, welcome to my

grandma's hidden pantry.

I will just put this down here

on the weird candle bread.

Okay, that's weird.

Oh, Jesus.

Nope, I guess not.



What the f*ck?

Oh, geez!

Oh, Jesus, f*ck!






"For my Anya."

"For my Anya."


everyone, welcome back.

The passage-

The passage

that I was just reading to you

was written to me by my

grandmother, Verasha.

I was never allowed to meet

her. My mom never let me.

Family drama.

I, I never knew that she was

a teacher, a healer like me.

'Cause it runs in our blood.

This house is the place

that her spirit called home.

I guess I just,

I never realized how much

of her was still here.

Hi grandma.

So she dedicated this

journal to me. I don't know.

She wanted somebody in our

family to know what she did,

where she went.

She spent her lifetime

reconnecting with her Slavic

heritage, my heritage,

collecting rituals like this.

A lot of it is in Russian.

She translated some of it

and then phoneticized some

other passages for me.

"The path to self-discovery

is paved with doubt.

But every step

you take brings you closer

to who you really are.

To not be afraid in this

journey, in this life,

you are not alone.

Whenever you are lost, you

can find yourself here."

I wish you knew how much

those words meant to me.

How much she's inspired me.

I mean, she just,

she experienced so much.

I just...

I wish...

I wish I could be like her.

And someday I will.

But right now,

I am here with you.

So let's get moving, shall we?

We're going to start

in a balancing posture.

Don't be afraid.

I am right here with you.

Root your feet into the ground,

float one knee up to your heart,

and kick it back behind you

as you lengthen

through your spine.

And if you fall, you know,

just get back up, right?

It's called

practice for a reason.

Woo. Alright, hold here for

a couple of deep breaths in.

Digging into that heel.

One more. In.

And as you come

back to your feet,

don't just plop down, float

your knee back to your heart,

and then let it drop

back down to the ground.

And that's it. You did

it. Great job, everyone.

Thank you so

much for joining me.

Thank you for listening to me,

and I really hope we can

really become one mind,

one body, one spirit together.



- This is

KenziFit. You ready to sweat?

If you wanna unlock your body,

you have to unleash your mind.

Don't listen to that voice

inside you that says you can't,

because you can.

Why meditate when

you can "sweatitate."

Only on KenziFit.

- Hi baby.

- Hi, Lenka.

- Anya, you know,

I hate that name.

Your grandmother

always called me that.

- Hi, Lenny.

- Come on, we can

do better than that.

- How about "mom?"

- Sure.

- That was fun. Did you call

me just to give me a hard time?

- You told me to call

you once I got settled.

- So you're

settled. Is this news?

- Mom...

- I'm just asking.

- You're so far from home.

No friends, no family.

- Grandma's family.

- Verasha is dead, Anya.

Boris! Enough!

Okay, fine. Your grandmother

was family, but...

- Go on.

- She wasn't

the woman you think she was.

Boris! Boris!

- You know, you've always

told me about who she wasn't,

but you've never actually

told me who she was.

You never told

me she was spiritual.

- I can't tell you about a

woman who was never around.

That's a pretty

heavy pour, sweetheart.

Verasha only came back

when she needed something.

All she did was

take and take and take.

And now she's

taking you from me.

- Jesus, mom, she hasn't

taken me from you.

If anything,

she's given me a place

to finally figure

myself out, you know?

- And you can't

do that here at home?

I, I can move my

things out of your room.

- I'm not coming home, okay?

I've literally spent all that

I have just to get out here.

- Anya, I know that.

I just wanna make sure that

you're safe, that you're okay.

- I'm okay.

- Good. I just wanna help you.

- Yeah, well

then you should have.

- This f*cking dog.

Boris, you get

out of here right now!

assh*le! Quick!

- Did you ever

think that maybe grandma

felt like she had to

leave to find herself?

- And why would you say that?

- Because

she said so in her journal.

- I see. Is

that what you believe?

- It's, it's not

about what I believe.

That's what I have to do.

That's what I am doing.

- Anya, I just, I just don't

want you to waste your life

obsessing over your grandmother.

- Obsessing? I am

not obsessing, mom.

- That's not what I meant, baby.

You just,

you get so lost in things.

And I am not

there to pull you out.

- I know what I'm doing.

- Of course, you do.

But listen, if you wanna find

yourself, go find yourself.

Go anywhere.

Just not, not there.

None of us knew

that place existed.

- Yeah, well maybe she

didn't want you to know.

Maybe all of this

was always just for me.

Maybe she saw herself in me

in a way that she could

never see in you.

- Oh, Anya, I promise you,

you are nothing like her.

- Goodbye, Lenka.

- Anya-

- Hey guys!

Oh my God. I'm sorry. Reflex.

- That's okay.

- Do your thing, girl.

- Yeah, no, totally. No worries.


Welcome everyone, I'm Anya.

And today we have

a very special guest.

This is Kenzi Duffert.

- Oh, I, I don't use

that name professionally.

- f*ck! Oh, I'm sorry-

- No, that's okay.

- I'm so sorry.

- That's totally cool.

- I'm sorry.

- Don't worry about it.

- Thank you for

doing this with me again.

- Yeah, of course, chigger.

Your mom said that you

were really struggling,

so I'm happy to help.

- Yes, thank you.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Welcome everyone, I am Anya,

and today we have

a very special guest.

This is KenziFit.

- Hey guys.

Kenzi and I grew up together

and we recently reconnected

when I moved out here.

And I'm just so excited to

partner with her on

today's video

and to really learn about

how she's connecting

with her fan base.

- I'll be guiding you

through my 10 minute total

body takeover strength flow,

a little bit of yoga, a

little bit of lifting,

and a lot of sweat.

So get ready.

Okay, how do

you normally kick things off?

- Um, well, let's, I don't know,

I kind of keep things

pretty loose, you know,

and it's all about

the discovery process.

All my things are about-

- Ah ha. So how do

you kick things off?

- Process.

Well, usually I start talking

about how I'm feeling and-

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- First tip.

- Right.

- No one gives

a shit about how you feel.

People only

care about themselves.

They want structure,

not a therapy session.

So you gotta be fearless.

- Fearless.

Um, you're also going to

want to build your brand.


that helps you stand out,

you know, find your thing.

- Oh, um...

What about, what about this?

- Oh, God.

- This is my grandma's.

- And she was like

collecting all these rituals

from our homeland and it's...

- Um, I mean, that might

be a little too obscure.

People want

things that they know,

but like with

a little extra personality.

So remix some yoga flows,

pepper in some Sanskrit.

- Yeah, I know.

I just, I don't really feel

comfortable teaching a language

that I don't

actually speak, you know?

- Fake it till you make it.

Listen, people don't really care

as long as you seem authentic.

- But this is authentic.

- No one wants

to read old books.

Look, you wanna

be successful, right?

- Yeah. Yes.

- So, how many videos

have you dropped so far?

- I just started recording them.

I was gonna, I was gonna

release them all when I'm ready.

- Okay, so you haven't

put anything out yet?

- Well, no, I just, I didn't

want it to seem like bullshit,

I wanted it to be true to me.

- Okay, well, you're

not gonna get any views

if you don't

have anything to watch.

Oh girl, that is not even

a tip. That's just a fact.

- Okay.

- Oh shit, I have to teach

a class in like an hour.

Can we do this?

- Yeah, absolutely.

- Like now-ish.

- Okay. Yep. Cool.

- Namaste, b*tches.

We're getting started with

two hand front race swings.

Thirty seconds starts now.

And up!

And up!

And up!

Keep that core tight!

Feeling the burn, Anya.

- Oh yeah.

- Yeah, this is intense.

- Yes. Get it, girl.

- Woo. Wow.

- Woo.

- Up and up!

Squeeze your glutes.

- Squeezing.

- Up to the sky.

- Smile through the pain!

- Okay.

Hi everyone. Ugh.

Hey, hi.

Greetings. Namaste, whatever.

Everyone has this voice

inside of themselves

that really feels

like their truth, right?

But then there's

all these other voices

that are telling you

that that truth is a lie.


maybe they're right,

but it's really hard to know

which voice to listen to.

But the most important

thing is that we make space

for ourselves to listen, right?

So in the interest

of an open mind,

we are going to do

a mindful meditation.

Find yourself in Sukhasana.

You know what? Nah, forget that.

Just sit however you want, but

make sure you're comfortable.

Feel yourself connecting

to the earth.


your spine. Soften your eyes.

Inhale into your belly.

Exhale. Let it all go.

Inhale into your belly.

Exhale. Let it go.

And in.

And out.

And in.

And as you continue this rhythm,

clear your mind of the chatter.

Quiet every voice, but your own.

And in.

And out.

And in.

And out.

Keep it going. Inhale in.

Exhale. Let it go.

One final breath in.

Exhale, let

it all go.



And sometimes your

meditations get cut short,

but you know, that's okay,

because it's all a part

of the journey, right?

And I don't know about you,

but I really felt like I

was finally given the chance

to listen to myself.

So I hope you did too.

- Hey

guys, KenziFit here

with my daily dose

of damn good advice.

Never be afraid of how

powerful you really are.

Discover the power

you have inside you.

Don't wait for the universe

to give you a sign.

Discover it for yourself.

Click the link below to

sign up for my new discover-

- Whenever you are lost,

you can find yourself here.

Last night I realized

Verasha was trying

to tell me something.


that I was looking for,

my path, my answers,

they are all right here.

This is a traditional

Slavic ritual

called "prisoyedineniye"

or "the joining."

It is a month

long daily practice

curated by my

ancestors generations ago

meant to join

the soul back to the body,

the ultimate

spiritual centering.

My grandmother, she saw

how this culture takes

and takes and takes and

never gives anything back.

So she found something in

the history of our people.

I know that these videos

started out as one thing,

but I truly believe that

they can be so much more.

I don't know how

to speak Sanskrit.

I am an influencer

imposter living a lie.

And I don't know

how far I'll have to go

to start living my truth, but...

this feels like the first step.

- For years,

I was a sl*ve to caffeine.

Working on Wall Street,

I would drink

like 12 espressos a day.

But when I went on a

business retreat in Bali,

I tried Chamisal tea.

It fueled my mind and my body

in a way I had

never felt before.

And I knew it was my job

to bring

that experience to the world.

So I quit corporate life

and turned my liquid

capital into liquid dreams.

This is RthNrgy,

a sacred blend of earth's

greatest treasures.

- The hollowing,

the cleansing,

the many,

the expansion.

These are the core pillars of...

the joining.

I know this might all

seem a little strange,

but, it's like I said, discovery

is all about taking risks.

We gotta be fearless, right?

We're never gonna

know how far we can go

until we go there.

The first step to finding

yourself is finding your voice.


I'm sorry. Ignore me.

Was a joke, don't ignore me.

Hey guys, welcome to

day one of our practice.

We're going to be kicking

off our journey with...

the hollowing.

It is an incantation,

a guided vocal chant,

meant to bring

the voice back to the body,

and really open us up

for what's about to come.

I know it might

feel a little bit silly,

but you know,

just trust your voice,

listen to

your voice, love your voice.

I will be following Verasha

and you will be following me.

Everyone inhale in.

Did you hear that?

Well, I'm sure my neighbors

heard something.

Well done, everyone. That

was great. Really awesome.

I hope you take

your voice with you

into the rest of your day.

And until then...

Day three, y'all.

Like Verasha says,

"Strong body, strong mind.

Find the shape that fits you."

Verasha's recipe,

a healthy body

is a receptive body.

If this is as far as you

can go, that's great.

It's only day six.

Just push yourself a

little further each time.

And remember,

make space in your body,

make space for your spirit.

Oh shit. Cheers.

I am receiving this.

The cleansing.

So, now that we've hollowed

out a space within us,

we are going to

clear out all the crap

that's stuck down inside.

So the next

phase of our practice

is going to be kind of

like a detoxifying purge.

It's really all about

getting rid of anything

and everything

that no longer serves us.

Don't freak out.

This is a very, very

common holistic practice.

It is called a throat

cleanse. You can look it up.

It's kind of like a nasal

cleanse, which I've done before.

Not a big deal.

All you do is you take a string

and you swallow

it on down in your throat,

and then you take it back out.

And that's it.

Okay, here

we go. We're gonna do it.


Well, that was rough.

I definitely feel lighter.

Spiritually, not so much,

but physically,

you better believe it.

I know I talked a big game

about really taking risks

to discover yourself,

but I think the only

thing that I discovered

is that I can keep throwing up

even after my

stomach is completely empty.

Maybe I missed something.

Maybe I did

it wrong. I don't know.

Maybe I'm not ready for this.

So today

I am going to

stick with what I know.

A classic seated vinyasa flow.

So find a comfortable

seat on your sits bones,


lengthen through your spine,

lifting away from the ground

out through

the crown of your head.

Lifting, lifting, lifting.


lifting, lifting,



Okay, so something

just happened there.

I don't know what it was.

Maybe it was just a feeling,

but it definitely felt powerful.

And listen, yeah, maybe I am

crazy to keep going with this.

Definitely not not crazy.

I have discovered something

powerful in these pages,

in this practice,

something beyond me.

That is where Verasha went,

and that is where

she wants me to go.

And I, I've gotta be fearless

in order to get there.


Otherwise, I'll just end up

right back where I started


I hope you can understand,

and I hope you're still with me.


Right, day 12,

the next part of our practice

is called "the many."

But there's

only half a page here.

It's like a poem or

a riddle or something.

"The many selves

share only one mind.

And you can't see the truth

when your thoughts are blind."

Blind eye.

Come on, Anya, get burned.

Oh, geez.

Okay, so, the many.

The journal says that this is

a remedy for the cleansing.

Kind of like an herbal

elixir to heal the body

and expand the mind.

So, okay, "you must

consider your many self

all facets of your being.

So you might see

yourself as one whole."

So essentially, you gotta relax.

So I know that most of you

don't have

a mystery bottle of tea leaves

hiding around in your dead

grandma's secret crawlspace.

But you know, you can use

any kind of herbal remedy

that you have,

maybe some CBD,

whatever mellows you out.

Last time I did

shrooms, I was at the zoo,

and I cried for like six hours.

Let's hope

that doesn't happen again.

Cheers, Verasha. Cheers to you.

Here we go.

Ugh. Woo.

Ah, gross.



I definitely do feel a

little calmer though.

So, yes.

The next thing that we

have to do is we have to...

So the next...

next thing...

- Hello?

- Hello.

- Anya, are are you

all right? It's so late.

- Anya, are

you all right? It's so late.

- Anya, is that you?

Who am I speaking to?

- Who am I speaking to?

Anya, are you, are you there?




Anya? Anya, are you there?

- Mom?

Anya? Honey, what is going on?

- We're okay.

- We, who's there with you?

- I'm, I'm okay.

I don't, I don't know.

I just had a bad dream.

It's, it's nothing.

I'm sorry I called.

- Are

you sure you're okay?

Who is there with you?

- Grandma.

Hey, thank

you so much for coming.

- Yeah, for sure.


we've been redecorating.

- I guess so.

- Kinda looks

like my grandma's house.

- Thank you.

- So how are the videos going?

- I'm really excited to show

you what I've been working on.

- I can't wait.

Jesus, Anya,

have you been eating?

- I've been

focusing on making space.

- Well, maybe you make space

for a Caesar wrap or something.

Look, are you, are you

sure you wanna sh**t this?

- Why?

- You look not great?

- I'm fine.

- Okay.

Is someone else here?

- No, it's just us.

Hi everyone, welcome back to

Mind Body Spirit, I'm Anya.

It's day 17. Let's get

started with today's practice.

- And I'm Kenzi from KenziFit.

- Right.

- Do you wanna start over again?

- No, not really.

And this is Kenzi.

She'll be joining

us for today's practice.

The expansion, the joining.

- Wait, sorry.

Can, can we stop this a second?

I, I thought this was

gonna be like a flow.

What, what is this?

- This is Verasha.

- What the f*ck is a Verasha?

- My grandmother.

- Okay, can we cut?

- Why? What's wrong?

- I'm, I'm not doing whatever

this is. This isn't my thing.

- Yeah, I know. It's my thing.

- Okay, great for you, I guess,

but like this

isn't on brand for me.

Like, what even is this?

- Hey!

- Whoa. Chill. Jesus,

Anya, look at yourself.

- I have been looking at

myself more than you ever will.

- What the f*ck is your deal?

I'm just trying to help you.

- I don't need your help, c**t!

- You know what?


The only reason that I am here

is because your mom begged

me to come and check on you

and make sure you didn't try

to f*cking k*ll yourself again.

I don't need to be a guest

star on your shitty video diary

that nobody's

gonna f*cking watch.

I actually have a following.

I actually help

people feel good.

I'm not just...

I am not just sitting around

in this stupid f*cking room

starving myself

and getting lifestyle tips

from the book of the dead.

- Who the f*ck

do you think you are?

Your whole entire f*cking career

is built on the backs

of people like Verasha,

people with the f*cking

fortitude to go out into

the world

and experience real shit.

You, you bounce your tits

around doing some jumping jacks,

and you think that you're

changing people's lives.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

You consume

other people's cultures

and then shit them back out

into leopard-neon spandex.

Kenzi, you're

a f*cking colonizer!

- Oh my God!

- This is real.

- This is truth. This is my

heritage and I am living it.

- Oh...

my f*cking God!

Anya, are you serious?


You need a f*cking Taco Bell.

At least back when

you actually ate food.

I mean, what?

You seriously think that

your weird f*cking grandma

traveled the world?

She probably never even

left this f*cking house.

Just some sad old lady

getting drunk on Vodka

and making up stories because

her family abandoned her.

Keep your f*cking

Siberian bullshit.

f*ck you, f*ck your

grandma. Have a great life.

I am done with this and

I am so done with you.

And I am taking this with me.

- Hey!

Get out!

- What the f*ck, Anya?

- Get out.

Get out!

- You f*cking psycho!

- Anya, what is

the matter with you?

Why haven't you called me back?

Kenzi's mom said

you two got in a fight.

- Yeah, I'm sorry. I, I

meant to call you earlier.

I just-

- I've been so

worried about you.

I almost called the police.

- Mom, I'm sorry. Okay?

- You look sick.

- I, I need help.

- Okay. Okay. I'll get the

first flight out there.

- No, mom, I need help

translating something.

- No.

- Mom, please.

- I said no.

- Please.

- Anya.

- Mom, please.

- I don't, I don't

know what I'm doing.

- What has she done to you?

- I, I don't

know. I don't know. And-

- Anya, this is why I never

told you about your grandmother.

The day I heard Verasha died,

all I felt was happiness,

because I knew she would

never come back for you.

- Jesus, mom.

- Anya, come home, please.

- Okay.

- I am sorry, mom.

I am so sorry

that I didn't listen to you,

but I need you to

translate this for me.

But I need

you to help me for once,

because if I don't find

a way to finish this,

then I will never escape it

and I can't keep running.

So please, please

tell me what this says.

- Show me.

- So...

she translated most of it

and, and phonetized some

other places, but not this.

And it looks like it's in

the same alphabet, I think.

It might be just

a different dialect or...

- Anya. Anya.

- What does it say?

- I, I can't, I can't say it.

- Mom, please tell me.

- Anya.

- Mom, please tell me.

- Anya, I can't say it.

- It doesn't make any sense

- What?

- It's, it's, it's some

sort of ancient tongue.

It's barely even Russian.

I don't know what this is.

Anya. Anya, please come home.

- You f*cking bitch.

I've been lying to you

because my grandmother

has been lying to me.

You see this symbol, the

top of all the ritual pages?

Yeah, I thought, I thought

that it was like a, a flourish

or a signature or something.


it's not.

It's a f*cking key

to what's hidden in these pages.

These aren't words of wisdom.

It's f*cking backwards

black magic bullshit.

This was never

meant to cleanse my spirit.

This was meant

to destroy my spirit.

It was meant to

destroy my spirit

and make room for hers.

And I...

followed blindly because it's

easier than facing myself.

Verasha, please, please,

Verasha, you don't have,

you don't have to do this.

Please, please.

No, please, please.

Please, please.

- Hey guys,

it's Kenzi from KenziFit.

Frown Lines looking fierce.

Clear the years away with

Renuyu, age defying day cream.

Handcrafted with

natural ingredients

to leave your skin feeling

fresh and you feeling younger.

Click the link below and

enter promo code Kenzi

for 10% off your order.

Renuyu. Feel new.

Look new. Live new.

Absolve your skin.

- Hi Kenzi,

this is Anya speaking.

I can't tell you how sorry I

am for my behavior earlier.

I feel so ashamed.

To be perfectly honest with you,

I think a lot of that anger

came from a place of jealousy.

I mean, you're just so

worldly and wise and kind.

And sometimes, sometimes,

sometimes I feel

like I can't compete.

There's this

little voice inside of me

that just won't let be myself.

And I just wanna

tell her to let go.

It's okay.

It's okay.

But until then, I sincerely

hope you can forgive me.

And as a sign of good faith,

I would love to have you over

to record some more videos

and bury the old hatchet.

Wishing you wellness my friend.


- Are you filming me?

- Yes. Is

that all right with you?

- Yeah, sure.

Holy shit, are

you okay? What happened?

- Oh, this.

I hit my head while I was

rearranging some furniture.

- It looks like it hurt.

- I'm fine now.

- I'm sorry. I shouldn't

have said, I mean earlier.

I'm sorry.

Do you wanna sit?

I am sorry for

getting so heated.

It's just...

being this, this perfect person

is just so f*cking

stressful, you know?

- I completely understand.

And I'm sorry too.

I shouldn't have

said those things.

- Are you sure you're okay?

- I feel fantastic.

I truly do.

- I...

I guess I have to thank you.

- Is that so?

- Yeah.

- You know, I don't really agree

with the way you handled things,

and I was pretty

f*cking upset with you.

But what you said,

it wasn't bullshit.

We're all just borrowing,

stealing, I guess,

just like

taking pieces of things

and making them our identity

without really thinking

about where they come from.

And I guess,

I guess I just don't really

know who I am without them.

- You're you.

That's all you can be.

- I mean, I put in the work.

It's not like easy,

but I'm not, you know,

special or whatever.

- But you are.

- How hard did

you hit your head?

I am glad you're here.

- I'm glad I am too.

- Okay, so what exactly

did you have in mind?

- It's a guided meditation.

I practiced it on

my own a few nights ago,

but it's supposed to be better

when someone

else is guiding you.

- Cool. You,

you wanna do an intro?

- I recorded

an introduction earlier,

but perhaps we can say "hello."

- Okay. Yeah. Cool. Kick it off.

- Welcome back everyone

to Mind Body Spirit.

We have a familiar guest today.

- Hey guys, KenziFit here.

- I will be guiding you

through a meditation.

And Kenzi here, will

be my first recipient.

Find yourself in a

comfortable corpse pose.

Whatever feels best to you.

- Okay.

Allow your back body

to sink to the ground.

Let your belly rise

and fall with a breath.

Sink deeper with every exhale.


and out.


- Oh. Okay.

- It's okay.

- And as you relax,

your partner will gently reach

your arms out to your sides,

extending away from your ribs,

allowing your breath to

fill into your lungs,

reaching their full capacity.


and out.

Continue with this rhythm.


and out.

This is really nice.

- So how long should I-

- I am ready to

receive all of you.

- Hello?

- Anya? Jesus, are you okay?

- I have

been calling you nonstop.

- Oh, don't worry.

I'm fine. I slept well.

I feel rested now.

- That's a relief.

It's, it's good

to hear your voice.

- Hmm. It's good

to hear your voice too.

- What

happened with the journal?

- Well,

I put that behind me.

- Oh, good.



- I was trying so

hard to be someone else

that I finally found myself.

I think it's time

I come home, Lenka.

- I look forward

to seeing you again.

I love you, Anya.