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Secrets of the Neanderthals (2024)

Posted: 05/03/24 14:40
by bunniefuu
[tense, mysterious music playing]

[wind whistling, rustling]

[Sir Patrick Stewart] Long ago,

the plains of East Africa

were home to our distant ancestors.

[tense music continues]

[Stewart] For reasons lost to time,

some of these ancestors

decided to leave and headed north

to become the Neanderthals.

Over time their numbers grew.

Their territories stretching from Russia

to the Atlantic Coast.

Small clans roaming

across this vast wilderness.

Surviving against the odds

for over 300,000 years

until, suddenly,

they disappeared.

Only in a few places,

have their remains survived,

and one of the most significant

is found in the Middle East,

an archaeological treasure trove

hidden deep in the mountains of Kurdistan,

Shanidar Cave.

[man in Kurdish] The Shanidar Cave

is regarded as one

of the most revered caves in the world

during the time of the Neanderthals

and h*m* Sapiens.

In a place where life

has been ever present,

we might find answers to questions.

Questions that are still mysterious.

[Stewart] Who were the Neanderthals?

What made them so successful for so long?

And why, ultimately, did they disappear?

[music fades]

[woman] The Shanidar Cave's

in the foothills of the Bradost Mountains,

but to call them foothills

doesn't conjure up the right image.

It feels mountainous.

It's quite jagged and precipitous.

Shanidar Cave makes an impression

just because of its size and its scale.

You have to approach from below,

and it's incredibly impressive.

It's very large.

It has a very wide mouth,

so it's very light.

You have the swifts

kind of flying in overhead,

and eagles circling above,

and wolves howling at night.

It's an amazing place.

[birds chirping]

And to actually be the person

who's excavating that as well

is extremely extraordinary.

[Stewart] Emma is part of a team

of British archaeologists

invited by their Kurdish colleagues

to continue work in the cave.

[Emma] Shanidar Cave is hugely iconic

in the history of Neanderthal studies,

and played

a really pivotal role in us rethinking

what we assumed Neanderthals did,

and what they were like,

and what they were capable of.

The aim of the new project is to use

the whole range of archaeological science

now available to us,

to shed new light on Neanderthal behavior.

[Stewart] The trench

has not been excavated since the 1960s.

And since that time,

the way we think about our closest

human relatives has shifted considerably.

We still use the word

Neanderthal to describe somebody

that's kind of oafish, whatever.

It's still used as a term of abuse

in common parlance,

"He's a real Neanderthal."

Archaeologically, they are more

and more similar to h*m* Sapiens,

and much of that rethinking owes

its origins to the work

that Ralph Solecki did here

in Shanidar Cave.

[evocative music playing]

Ralph Solecki was born in 1917.

He died a few years ago at a great age.

He was incredibly tough.

He stood on a land mine

in the Second World w*r,

and, miraculously, survived.

He was clearly a very remarkable man.

It's not clear to me precisely

how he heard of Shanidar,

but he came here, and he worked here

for five seasons between 1951 and 1960.

He laid out a trench

that went north-south

covering most of the floor of the cave.

[evocative music playing]

[Graeme] Why the site became so well-known

is he found ten Neanderthal men,

women, and children.

[upbeat electric guitar music playing]

[music peaks, fades]

[Barzani in Kurdish] At that time,

we were young.

I was approximately...

seventeen, eighteen years old.

The doctor taught us.

Many stones came out of the cave,

large stones.

They used expl*sives.


They found the Neanderthal skeletons.

It was a big deal.

Their ribs and bones were thick.

Their head was very large.

Their hands,

everything about them was striking.

[Stewart] This was Solecki's

first major discovery.

He labelled it Shanidar 1.

A skeleton from a species

very different to our own.

[pensive music playing]

[Graeme] They've got

rather more robust features.

Big brow ridges

and a rather differently shaped skull,

and we have this very rounded skull.

They're stocky.

We assume

they must have some kind of language.

The more we know about them,

the more it's clear

that they were much more complicated

than we thought 40, 50 years ago.

[man in Kurdish] We call it

the tree of life.

Each human and each animal

becomes a branch on that tree of life.

We are one of the branches,

and the Neanderthals were another.

Somewhere along the line, we separated.

[birds chirping]

I truly feel

that I am sitting on my cousin's remains.



[Emma] At the moment,

we are about 4.5 meters

from the surface of the cave.

So this is about 45,000 years ago.

This is the level at which we have

the burial or deposition of Shanidar 1.

[tense, dramatic music playing]

[Emma] He'd had an injury

to the right side of his head.

But also to the left eye,

which might well have left him

blind in that eye,

and might be linked

to some of his other injuries.

[music continues]

[Emma] He was also paralyzed

down his right arm,

and had both broken

his right arm in more than one place,

but also, it seems,

that either had the lower part

intentionally or accidentally removed,

so, basically, had no right arm

from just above the elbow.

There were also other injuries.

He had quite severe arthritis in his knee.

Fractures to bones in his foot.

So perhaps in terms of, say, hunting,

he might have not been able to hunt

in the typical way,

but had survived to a relatively old age.

[birds chirping]

[music continues]

[Stewart] The implication

of the new find was profound.

[music fading]

[Emma] The discovery of Shanidar 1

was potentially a huge shift

because it did suggest that, perhaps,

there was this element of caring

and compassion in Neanderthal society.

[Stewart] Here was evidence

of a severely injured individual

being supported by their clan.

[tense, mysterious music playing]

[Stewart] And soon,

Solecki unearthed another body

with an equally remarkable story to tell.

Shanidar 3 was another adult male,

and he too, carried injuries,

including what looked like

a serious wound to his ribs.

A stark reminder

of the violent side of Neolithic life.

Remarkably, elsewhere in the cave,

more relics have been found

that offer a clue to Shanidar 3's fate.

These are some of the artifacts

recovered from Shanidar Cave.

So, this larger piece is what we call

a "core." Now, a core is a cobble.

Cobbles are, basically, rounded stones

that could be from the river.

Neanderthal picked this up

with the intention of taking off pieces,

either for this to become a tool itself,

or for the pieces that come off,

which we call "flakes,"

to be used as a tool.

All readily available in the Zab River,

which is about two miles that way.

So, I'm attempting

to make something similar to a spearhead.

What I basically do is

go along the edge

and take off smaller pieces.

By doing that,

I'm essentially sharpening it.

I've not removed that much,

but already we can see

that it is quite sharp.

So a spear point like that,

has only taken me

about five or six minutes to produce.

This is a very deadly w*apon

used in the right hands,

and someone who understands

what they're doing,

and what they're holding.

[music intensifies]

[music fading]

[Emma] One of the interesting things

with Shanidar 3

is that they had a puncture wound.

That suggests that this stone tip

to a spear, or whatever it was,

went in some distance into the rib cage.

It might well have punctured the lung

and caused a collapsed lung.

[music peaks up]




[speaks Neanderthal]


[music fades]

[Emma] The wound to the ribs

is consistent with a projectile.

You can imagine

sort of a spear being thrown.


[Emma] It could be a hunting accident.

It could be v*olence between people.

But what we can say is

that they did have this wound,

and that they had survived for some time.

And so that might suggest

that they had some support

and help to make it through the injury.

[Neanderthal grunting]

[Stewart] Though severely injured,

it appears both Shanidar 3 and Shanidar 1

had been cared for

by the people around them.

This was a radical new view

of Neanderthal life.

And elsewhere,

more evidence of their behavior

had been found in a cave

far to the northwest of Shanidar.

[suspenseful music playing]

[woman] Every new evidence,

that you have about Neanderthals,

is actually showing you

how human they are.

But their behavior

was different from ours.

They lived in a completely

different world to our world.

This is part of the Krapina Collection.

They are around 130,000 years old,

and they are the biggest collection

of Neanderthals coming from a single site.

We are estimating possibly up

to around 80 individual Neanderthals.

You don't have their whole bodies buried.

You actually have just fragments

of each of those individuals.

So that is very unusual.

On the Krapina bones, both cranial,

so skull bones, and also postcranial,

you see a lot of, uh,

human-made cut marks.

What this is is a tibia,

and there is a possibility

that it was broken on purpose,

that it was smashed.

You can also see cut marks here

and even some other marks.

One of the reasons

you would maybe smash a long bone

is because it's like a container

of bone marrow.

This is a fibula that has

another interesting kind of marking

on the surface of the bone.

They were probably made

when someone was scraping off

the remaining flesh of the bone

or remaining muscle tissue of the bone.

As you would do

when you were just like doing the same

with your chicken bone at your lunch.


[Davorka] When you hear

they were eating each other,

you're immediately, like, shocked.

[scraping continues]

[Davorka] But it's also the question,

"What kind of cannibalism?"

What did it mean to them?


Look at this,

it cuts like a real kitchen knife.

- [Davorka] It's almost effortless.

- [Ankica] Yes, so easy.

Recreating the tools,

the ways to do stuff,

we are trying to go into the head

of those people,

and, you know, see the cognitive processes

that go behind.

[Davorka] So, what is different is

that we're just getting cut marks

close to the articulation sites.

And what is weird

in the human remains in Krapina is

that you are getting it

all along the long bones.

So as if someone

is actually scraping it continuously.

[Ankica] Yes.

[Davorka] I cannot imagine, like,

doing this to someone I actually know.

So, this is the famous Krapina 3 skull.

It is the most complete cranial specimen

in the whole collection,

and it's the only one that has a face.

This person, we believe, was a female.

A young Neanderthal in her 20s.

What is very interesting

is that on the frontal bone,

you have a series

of something like 40 cut marks.

There is determination

to do 40 cut marks

slowly and very close together.

Even if they were consuming these bones,

I don't think it was

because they were starving.

It's actually deeply complex behavior.

[tense, mysterious music playing]

[Davorka] Maybe by consuming the flesh

of the person they knew,

they want to get some kind of virtue,

something that they admired in this person

that they shared their lives with.

In the ethnographic examples

that we know of,

until recently, people consumed

their loved ones

because by consuming their flesh,

they're trying to take in something

that can continue on to other generations,

you know, it's some kind of legacy.

I cannot say that this was exactly

what was the driving force

behind this kind

of behavior in Neanderthals,

but it's another possibility.

[Stewart] The way Neanderthals

treated their dead

shows us the complexity of their thinking.

And nowhere is this better understood

than in Ralph Solecki's

most famous discovery,

Shanidar 4, or what became known

as "The Flower Burial."

[Ralph Solecki] Now in this cave,

we have found nine Neanderthals,

of which two are most important.

Number 1 found over there,

at the depth of about five meters,

and one here, Shanidar 4,

found at a depth of about seven meters.

Ralph Solecki was one

of the world's great archaeologists.

There's no doubt at all,

and he was a great storyteller.

This seems to indicate, perhaps,

the first signs of spiritual evolution

and maybe the first stirrings of religion.

[tense music playing]

[Chris Hunt] The flower burial was one

of these seminal moments,

because it was pretty well

a complete Neanderthal,

which was an incredible rarity.

And it was sampled for pollen,

which at the time,

was quite a radical thing to do.

We had found pollen

extracted from the soil,

something like this,

and this pollen

indicates the eight types of flowers,

which we think

were interred with the individual.

[Chris] He doesn't quite go

as far as saying,

"They conducted a funeral service,"

but that's sort of the way

that the prose takes you.

[John Solecki] "Someone

in the last ice age

had ranged the mountains

in the mournful task

of collecting flowers."

[sad music playing]

[Chris] The public perception

of the Neanderthals

always was that they lived ugly lives.

They were ugly people.

They had no finer feelings.

They had no higher thought.

And here were

sensitive caring individuals.

And it made every front page,

because here you have

weeping Neanderthals gathering plants,

from the hillside around,

to honor their dead.

[John Solecki] Here were

the first "Flower People,"

a discovery wholly unprecedented

in archaeology.

[sad music continues]

[music fades]

[birds chirping]

[tense music playing]

[Stewart] In the years

since the discovery of Shanidar 4,

the Flower Burial theory

has come under fire.

Somebody who's studying jirds,

which are little burrowing mammals,

a little bit like a hamster with a tail,

found that the jirds took

flowers into their burrows to eat them.

So, that was quite

a body blow in many ways,

particularly because Solecki had noticed

what appeared to be animal burrows.

[Stewart] But the team have

new evidence that suggests

Solecki was partly right after all.

[Chris] This is a landscape which has

things like hyenas and wolves in it,

and leopards, even today.

If they just left a body,

almost certainly, something

would have come along and eaten it.

[tense music continues]

[Chris] These are

basically whole individuals

that haven't had that done to them.

In some way, these bodies were protected.

My guesstimate is that,

probably, they were taking branches

and producing a fairly

unpleasant barrier for wild animals.

And bits of that vegetation and pollen

fell into the corpse's rib cage

as it became a skeleton.

The Solecki story, I think,

is a wonderful story.

I think there's enough detail

now in our understanding

to know that it isn't a correct story,

by any means.

But I think the idea of Neanderthals

caring for their dead,

of perhaps protecting them...

actually, that isn't that far,

in some ways, from what he said.

[Stewart] Ralph Solecki made

his Flower Burial discovery in 1960.

He planned to return the following year,

but he would never excavate

at Shanidar again.

[music turns eerie]


[male reporter 1] The Kurds are

undisputed masters of the mountains,

where the Iraqi tanks can't reach them.

[dramatic music playing]

[male reporter 2] This is not

the United States against Iraq.

[male soldier] Boom! There's a hit.

[male reporter 2] It's Iraq

against the world.

[male reporter 3] This is what regime

change looks like.

[crowd clamoring]

[male reporter 4] S*ddam has gone.

[male reporter 5] Pummeled

by modern weaponry,

the cruel caliphate is now surrounded

by these troops.

[Emma] In the early 2010s,

because the situation

had substantially settled down...

[male reporter 6] The Islamic State

is meeting its end.

[Emma]...the Kurdish regional government

approached Professor Graeme Barker

to start new excavations at Shanidar Cave.

We weren't expecting to find

any Neanderthal remains,

and that wasn't the aim of the project,

it was to, kind of, enhance the work

that Solecki had done.

[Stewart] So, it came as a huge surprise

when, in 2018, the team discovered

the first Neanderthal skeleton

found anywhere

for over a quarter of a century.

[Emma] The first thing that really came up

was part of the skull,

which was incredibly exciting.

It was actually part of the eye socket.

And it has

very clear Neanderthal characteristics,

in that the brow ridge

in Neanderthals are much heavier.

And directly under that, was the left arm,

and the left arm was kind

of folded underneath,

sort of across the body,

and tucked under the head.

[Stewart] Modern dating placed it

amongst the oldest

of Solecki's discoveries.

[mysterious music playing]

[Emma] I think we find 75,000 years ago

quite hard to conceptualize.

If you think about

what we know about written history

can seem like a long time,

and that's a drop in the ocean

in terms of the history of our species.

[music intensifies]

When you think what's gone on

in the world in that time period,

Neanderthals have disappeared,

modern humans have colonized

the globe for good or ill.


[Graeme] Agriculture, cities, urbanism.

European colonialism.


[Graeme] The awfulness

of the 20th century.

[crowd clamoring]

[dramatic music intensifies, fades]

[muffled expl*si*n]

[Graeme] Throughout all these events,

there he has sat...

[sad, mysterious music playing]

...or she, as flat as a pancake,

under a great mass of rocks.

And we come along,

against all odds, and find it.

[music continues]

[Graeme] It's certainly

a generational find.

Completely out of the blue.

[music fades]

The skull itself was very heavily crushed.

So, actually, the entire skull

was crushed flat

and was probably two,

three centimeters thick.

Very fragmented.

And very delicate.

Even a brush stroke can make things

crumble and almost disappear.

So you have to proceed so carefully.

[man] What is that piece?

[Emma] That's the front of the mandible,

and most of the lower teeth,

but not quite all of them.

We removed it in small sections

with all of the sediment

to help keep it together.

It is very painstaking,

and that's for good reason.

You get one go.

Archaeology is,

by its very nature, destructive.

Once you've excavated it,

you can't do it again.

Those little packages

were then all brought back to the UK,

so that we can put them back together.

[church bells in distance]

[tense music playing]

[Emma] We have a small team,

but it's a great team.

People come from all over the world.

[woman] After cleaning

and strengthening the bones,

then I had the pieces,

and I could start to do the restoration,

which is a big jigsaw.

So, the first fragment

is like the easy part.

And then it gets more complicated.

You need patience,

because you have

a very unique specimen in your hands.

It's a lot of responsibility.

[Stewart] If the skull can be reassembled,

then the team hope

to reconstruct the face of Shanidar Z.

And another part of the skull

contains yet more clues.

[woman] Today I've been collecting

the dental calculus

that has formed on the teeth

of the Shanidar Z individual.

Dental calculus is

an incrustation on your teeth.

It's what your dentist goes

to remove once a year.

It forms naturally in your mouth,

and as it forms, it traps everything

that ends up in your mouth.

So, we're able to get a lot

of information out of this material.

[mysterious, evocative music playing]

[Amanda] There is sort

of this persistent narrative

that Neanderthals were high-level hunters,

who ate meat, meat, with meat on the side.

[wildlife noises]

[Amanda] It's only been in the last 10

to 20 years that we've come to recognize

that Neanderthals

did actually also consume plants.

Knowing how to turn something

that is poisonous when raw

into something

that is nutritious and edible,

it is something

that you have to learn over a lifetime.

And if we take

modern foragers as our example,

then the people who specialized

in gathering knowledge

were probably women.

By reconstructing

what kinds of plants Neanderthals ate,

we might be getting a window

into the role of women in their society.

We'll never know their whole story,

we'll never know their name,

their hopes and dreams.

But it's fascinating

to be involved in a project

where you're bringing even just

a tiny sliver of their life visible again.

And you do wonder, "Who is this person?"

"What were they like?

What's their life story?"

"How did they come to be here?"

I find it very hard to translate

from what a skull looks like to what

that person would have looked like.

That's where the remarkable skills

of people

like the Kennis brothers come in.

[amusing music playing]

Here we have the skull that Emma,

the data Emma, sent us.

We've got an almost complete skull,

nice complete skull, and it's printed out.

- So now we can see him.

- Wow.

Who are the Kennis brothers?

The Kennis brothers are two twins

who are fascinated by human evolution.

Let's see, look at this nose.

It looks a very Neanderthal-like nose,

but what we see is

that the other side of the nose

is very narrow.

[Adrie] We reconstruct

ancient extinct humans.

We try to show people

how maybe the early ancestors

would look like in real life.

- Big eyes, tall face, small nose.

- Big eye, yeah.

You know, like... spectacles, you know,

these enormous, big spectacles like...

If you put the mandible below it,

it looks like... uh...

[Adrie] We were very bad at school.

We didn't read much.

We went to the library, and we saw

some beautiful pictures of Neanderthals.

We see immediately those worn-down teeth,

mamma mia!

- [Alfons] Incredible teeth.

- [Adrie] Typical Neanderthal.

- They use their teeth like a vice. Yeah.

- [Alfons] Vice. Like a tool.

[Adrie] That, we find fascinating.

How a face, an ape face,

could morph into a human face.

[gentle uplifting music playing]

[Adrie] For us, what's fascinating

about Neanderthals is,

they've got an enormous, big nose,

an enormous puffy face.

Never in human evolution

did you see such a big, strange face.

So that's fantastic to see.

[music continues]

[Alfons] So, mostly we get skulls.

Mostly the skulls are distorted.

We're gonna correct the skulls.

We're going to make them

complete with forensic methods.

When the skull is complete,

then we apply the tissue thickness,

the muscles on it and the flesh.

We fill it up with a kind of skin layer.

I want to make them human-like,

not too brutish, human-like,

but not too clich.

[Adrie] Yeah, you can come.

[Alfons] I hope that a lot of people

look at this face

and maybe look at how strange it is.

They had such peculiar features.

And that's so striking

because the brain size is same as us.

They are as human as us,

but still there are differences,

and that's fascinating,

why are they different?

It's such a kind

of parallel evolution with us.

- [Alfons] All right.

- [Adrie] Yeah, all right. Okay.

[Alfons] And why did one disappear,

and why is one still alive?

That's fascinating. That's the other us.

[mysterious music playing]

[Stewart] Historically, these "other us"

were thought to be

not as smart as our own species.

Only h*m* Sapiens are capable

of imagination, creativity, invention.

But this prejudice has been shattered

by what was found inside a secret

and truly extraordinary French cave.

[adventurous music playing]

[woman] First, we go

into this very narrow space.

You have to be really careful

how you enter in it.

Push your bag in front of you.

[music peaks, fades]

There you enter another world.

[ethereal music playing]

[man in French] It is really unnatural

to go into the caves.

These are places that people fear.

And especially

to the very bottom of the caves.

[music fades]

The cave has been there

for a very long time.

A million years, probably.

So that's also something that you feel

when you enter there.

A kind of environment

that knew already a very long history.

When you go a bit further,

you have these nice very calm lakes.

The cave is shaped by water

dripping in and forming

these very nice stalagmites, stalactites.

What's really interesting...

you see that

there is really a kind of pattern.

These are forming circles.

This is not something

you would see in a natural cave.

[man in French] It's very constructed.

We understood

that there were architectural tricks.

Small elements to wedge

the large stalagmites.

All of this is completely structured

and thought out.

For an archaeologist, it's quite unique.

There is no other equivalent to it.

[Sophie in English] In the biggest

circular structure there,

we have really a very nice hearth

made by stalagmites.

[in French] Here we have a thermal

alteration, but it's not the only one.

We have quite a few...

- Here we agree, that's the hearth.

- It's the hearth.

[Sophie] It's the hearth.

So we have several places here

where a fire was present at some point.

Number 38,

along the middle.

[Sophie in English] It's a bit like

what we'd do when we camp,

and we would take wood and make a hearth,

like, in a teepee form,

like a point form.

[in French] This is very exciting

because we can see traces of soot,

thermal alterations.

There is very black soot,

it's red, it's purple.

Obviously, in all traditional

or prehistoric populations,

we know that fire has a symbolic value.

[mysterious music playing]

[Sophie in English] We find on the ground

very small pieces of burnt wood.

So probably,

they come in the cave with torches.

If you are in the middle of the cave

without light,

it's really dangerous.

So, you need to communicate very well.

You need to master very well the fire,

the lighting.

So, the first idea was

to date these structures.

So, these are the cores

of the Bruniquel Cave,

and these cores tell us

really the age of these structures.

By studying six different cores,

we could come to a very precise age

of 176,500 years,

and this was really incredible, in fact.

[in French] One hundred

seventy-five thousand years ago in Europe,

there were only Neanderthals.

Bruniquel is the oldest construction

in the world that you can see.

[Sophie in English] It's very emotional

when you see these structures,

and, especially, when you know

that they are so old.

[Jacques in French] The recurring question

that keeps coming back is,

"What are the structures for?"

[Sophie in English] The circle

seems to be the world.

So, you are inside the world,

outside the world, these kind of concepts.

With Native Americans,

where you have these circles,

people are in connection

with higher spirits.

Is it the start of the religion?

This is a crucial question,

but which is really difficult to answer.

[Jacques in French] So more and more,

we tend to see in Neanderthals

a much older humanity,

which shares with modern man

more and more things in common.

And therefore with Bruniquel,

we increased this relationship

we have with an ancestor who is very old.

[Stewart in English] The enigmatic circles

at Bruniquel are a wonderful part

of the ongoing reappraisal

of Neanderthal culture...

that began at Shanidar,

and which continues to this day.

[Emma] This year,

we found a few isolated bits

of what we think

could be a single skeleton.

We might have found another individual.

There's the left shoulder blades.

There's also a reasonably

complete right hand.

What we've actually found is four fingers,

more or less, in the place

they'd be in the body.

So, what we'd call articulated.

[Stewart] The new remains

are amongst a cluster of bodies

that include

both Shanidar 4 and Shanidar Z.

[Emma] That's really exciting

because what it is

is evidence of Neanderthals

placing their dead

in this one particular spot.

Are they perhaps coming back

to that same spot on multiple occasions,

which could be decades

or maybe thousands of years apart?

So you start to ask,

"Is it just a coincidence, or is this

potentially something intentional?"

And if so, then, why?

And what's bringing them back there?

[mysterious, dramatic music playing]

[Emma] When Shanidar Z was buried,

there was a stone behind the skull.

And that is interesting

because it seems rather out of place.

And so an idea

we've been thinking about is,

could this be something

that's been put there intentionally?

Another thing that's interesting is that,

on the other side of the body,

you've got the big vertical slab.

Clearly, if you've got big vertical

slabs sticking up out of the ground,

there is a possibility that

that could act as some kind of marker.

So, it seems that certain individuals

were buried here,

and they're coming back

for that very reason,

and to this one spot, that's marked

by this very distinctive stone,

in what is a very distinctive cave.

[Graeme] It looks more

and more as Ralph Solecki

first found that Shanidar Cave

was a special place for Neanderthals.

They are placing bodies.

They're in a world,

in which they are coming back here

regularly and living here.

[Stewart] The cluster of remains

are perhaps evidence

of a Neanderthal burial ground,

a discovery with deep implications.

[Emma] How people treat the dead

can give us really important insights

into thinking, imagination, emotion.

It perhaps also reflects

how we think about death itself,

and whether, for example, we believe

that there might be an afterlife.

[Graeme] It's part of a rising sense

of the complexity of Neanderthal culture.

But they're not here now.

[Stewart] The burials are just

the latest traces of Neanderthal behavior

preserved inside this remarkable cave.

Yet, perhaps, the biggest mystery remains.

Why did a form of humanity,

that thrived for 300,000 years, disappear

forty-thousand years ago?

Perhaps the best place

to search for answers

lies on the shores

of the Mediterranean Sea

at one of the final strongholds

of the Neanderthals.

[man] Well, we're sitting

on the edge of a cliff.

Very close to, what a friend called,

Neanderthal City...

because it's a whole row of caves

on the waterfront,

on the east side of the Rock of Gibraltar.

The Gorham's Cave complex

is a series of caves,

and all these caves show

very clear evidence

of Neanderthal presence

and occupation over a long period of time.

We have evidence going back

to at least 125,000 years ago.

[Stewart] The team have unearthed evidence

that Neanderthals were using the caves

as recently as 40,000 years ago.

[Clive] Over the last 100,000 years

of their existence,

the world of the Neanderthals

was constantly changing.

[thunder rumbling]

[Clive] The climatic changes were brutal.

They had been earlier ice ages,

but the last one, arguably,

was the worst one in terms of impact.

The Scandinavian ice sheet

really spread south.

France and Central Europe

were little more than steppe-tundra.

It really was a very harsh world.

The tundra didn't reach this far south,

but there were still obvious changes.

When conditions get very cold,

a lot of water is trapped as ice,

in ice sheets, in glaciers,

and the sea level drops.

[woman] When the sea level was lower

than it is today,

that would have exposed a large plain

where all these herbivores

would have been living,

where the birds would have been living,

where there would have been

shallow lakes with fresh water.

They would have known exactly

which species they could consume,

where to find them,

and how to best use them.

These are just

a very small sample of all the bones,

and all the remains

that we've found in the caves.

We've got tens of thousands of artifacts

that we found in the last 30 years.

They're eating animals

that are not expected,

and not normally associated,

with Neanderthals.

We have evidence that they were going down

to the rocky shoreline

and picking limpets.

And, in fact, I've got a limpet here,

which has still got a flint tool

stuck on to it.

So, it's where the Neanderthal left it.

But then we get this particular bone,

which comes from a common dolphin,

and it's got cut marks on it.

Maybe the dolphin was dead already

on the shore, but they defleshed it.

They removed the flesh to consume it.

The Neanderthals thrived in Europe

for longer than we have been around.

That's for sure.

To me, that says that they're intelligent,

and that they understand

their environment.


In that sense,

they were extremely successful.

[Clive] The Neanderthals were human.

They were resilient.

They were very much like us.

But, one day, it all came to an end.

[Stewart] Which deepens the mystery

of their disappearance.

After all, if the Gibraltar Neanderthals

were so resilient for so long,

what on earth went wrong?

[Clive] People associate the Ice Age

with getting cold, which of course it did,

but it also got dryer.

The change that hit

these Neanderthals in Gibraltar,

in my view, was one

of a world of trees disappearing.

You have trees,

and why are those significant?

Because they allow you

to ambush hunt large prey.

Through time, their whole physique

had become that

of a wrestler-type build, if you like,

capable of jumping on top

of these animals with spears,

thrusting spears

and k*lling those animals.

Suddenly, that world becomes

an open landscape.

The animals see you coming

a mile away. You can't get near them.

When the change came,

it was so rapid that their biology

couldn't change at that speed.

And that's what hit them.

We think that we are

the pinnacle of evolution,

that's the way

we've always painted ourselves.

Even with respect to the Neanderthals,

we're here, and they're not,

because we were better than they were. Um...

But you can be very highly adapted,

you can do very well on a planet,

like, we'd argue,

perhaps we're doing today.

And yet, the story tells us

that there are other ways of being human,

and those ways can sometimes fail.

We might think we're doing

very well on this planet,

but just be aware.

[Stewart] By around 40,000 years ago,

Neanderthal numbers were in free fall.

Not just in Gibraltar,

but across their entire world.

Climate change

was a factor in their decline.

But so too, was increasing competition

from another species.

To this day, all of us carry

a tiny bit of Neanderthal DNA.

A legacy of our long-lost ancestors.

For at least 100,000 years,

waves of h*m* Sapiens

had spread from Africa

into Europe and Asia,

encountering Neanderthals

as they traveled.

[wildlife noises]

[tense music playing]

[Stewart] Some of these encounters

may have been violent.

[speaks Neanderthal]


[music peaks, fades]

[panting gently]

[Stewart] But some, presumably,

were more peaceful.

One group of people recognizing

the humanity of the other.

The path of these epic journeys

would have taken

h*m* Sapiens through the Middle East.

Close to the ancestral burial ground

of the Shanidar Neanderthals.

[evocative music playing]

[Abdulwahab in Kurdish] Neanderthal genes

are present inside many h*m* Sapiens.

And I do really believe

that we are cousins.

We are of the same blood.

We have the same ancestors.

[Emma] One of the things that I find

so fascinating about archaeology

is that diversity of ways of being human.

Looking at how people's skeletons are,

can tell us about their lives

and their experience of the world.

While excavating Shanidar Z,

we could see certain characteristics

that suggested that they're an adult,

but we didn't know

how old they were when they died,

we didn't know

whether they were male or female,

and we didn't know

a great deal either about their life.

So a lot of those kinds of questions

of what we are working on answering now.

What we've got here is the left radius.

So, this is one of the forearm bones.

We can tell already that this was

a relatively small individual,

between about one and a half,

or 1.55 meter to 1.60 meter tall.

That's just over five foot essentially.

Here we've got part of the lower jaw,

the mandible, with some of the teeth.

An important thing to notice,

is that actually many of these teeth,

especially the front teeth here,

are all extremely worn down.

That's the enamel,

that's completely worn off,

all of these teeth.

Certainly, we know that

for a Neanderthal with teeth this worn,

they had to be an older individual,

probably somewhere

between about 40 and 50.

There are ways that we can tell the sex

of the individual from the skeleton.

What we did was use a technique

called proteomics,

which is where you analyze

some of the proteins

in the enamel of the tooth,

because we know that there's

a particular protein that's produced,

while that enamel's forming,

that has a different version

that's encoded by

what's on the X chromosome

compared to what's on the Y chromosome.

So, that indicates very strongly to us

that this is a female individual.

Quite often,

we think of Neanderthals as males,

or we tend to focus on aspects

of male behavior.

This is a really exciting opportunity

to understand Neanderthal society

more completely.

I think to have an actual reconstruction

of what this Neanderthal woman

might have looked like

during life will be incredibly exciting.

- Well, Doctor Pomeroy.

- Let's find out. [chuckles]

- We have one already prepared.

- Hmm.


I'm gonna start from this.

- [Emma] Oh, wow.

- [Graeme] Wow.

- Well.

- [Graeme] Well.

[chuckles] Amazing, we should turn

her round, so that everyone else can see.

Wow. [chuckles]

She's looking at me.

[Emma] Yeah, she is. You've probably spent

the most time with her, so... [chuckles]

- Also, you remember the nose and...

- Yeah.

- It's amazing.

- [Emma] Yeah.

It's interesting

how they've done her expression,

I mean the emotions

that are wrapped into it.

I think that's the beauty

of these kinds of reconstructions,

is that some people are somewhat critical,

and say, "We can never know

what people looked like."

There's various assumptions

we have to make, and that's very true,

but... I think it does give you

a sense of her as a person.

[Luca] Hmm.

[Graeme] She gets to the heart,

doesn't she, of what it means to be human.

What it might have meant

to be human Neanderthal.

Somehow, you do get something of the...

I don't know,

of a deep life history to this person.

[Chris] It's the older people,

with their knowledge, their experience,

who would have known

where the good places were.

That memory, whether it was

only within her head,

or whether it was something

that was in her head,

that she was sharing

through songs and stories

with children and grandchildren,

would have been

absolutely vital to the group.

In many ways, that was the beginning

of civilization in a much more real sense

than the first time

somebody built a building,

or anything like that.

[Emma] She likely had that, kind of,

role of a repository of knowledge

and had a major role in passing on

that knowledge to the next generation.

And here we are, 75,000 years later,

learning from her, still.

[dramatic, evocative music playing]

[Emma] Shanidar Cave has taught us

a huge amount about Neanderthals,

and it still is teaching us.

But also, it's made us reflect on

what does it mean to be human?

[birds chirping]

Things like, having compassion

for one another.

How we deal with death.

And what's inevitably going to happen

to all of us.

[music continues]

[Emma] Right now,

we're getting a snapshot,

and it's amazing and rich,

but we certainly don't have

the whole picture,

and there's much more there

to be discovered

about what we understand

"being human" and "humanity" to be.

[music peaks]

[music fades]

[gentle, ethereal music playing]