01x02 - Lucky Lover

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Showtime". Aired: 8 March 2024.*
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Showtime is a series that delves into the world of Bollywood, production houses and how they function.
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01x02 - Lucky Lover

Post by bunniefuu »

Four-star review, and
a brand new phone in return.

[Mahika] People resting largely
on their father's laurels

and minting money from legacies

put even nepotism to shame.

[Yasmin] Where's the press
release, Raghu?

Yasmin Ali in and as...

Agent Haseena.

[Victor] You sold it for a pittance.

You bribe people for a good review?

[Armaan] Nobody has done Parkour
in an Indian period film.

I just can't ruin this film by
inserting Parkour in the mix.

I have made a decision, Deven.

If there was something you could
change at Viktory Studios,

what would it be?

[news reporter] Renowned director
and producer Victor Khanna

has committed su1c1de.

I leave managing control
of Viktory Studios

to my granddaughter from
my first wife, Mahika Nandy.

f*ck you, Mahika Nandy!

[reporter 1] From a movie critic
to a movie mogul,

-let's meet Mahika Nandy.
-[reporter 2] Will she continue

the legacy of Viktory Studios or--

[reporter 3] A fresh scandal
in Bollywood.

Mahika Nandy steals
Raghu Khanna's throne...

[reporter 4] Raghu Khanna's life
is like a movie's plot.

His own father betrayed him.

[reporter 5] How will Viktory Studios
endure the turmoil--

[Vikas] There's no point in
screaming at me, Raghu.

Medical reports, witness authenticity,
everything checks out.

I have spoken to their lawyers too.

Everything proves
he was of sound mind.

There is no point
taking this to court.

I think you should discuss this
with Mahika and maybe negotiate

-amongst yourselves.
-No, no, no, Vikas!

Vikas, Vikas.

You want me to teach you your job?

All I'm trying to tell you is that
there is no way out.

Was he out of his f*cking mind
when he made this will?

Find me some loophole
in this shit, man!

I have done a run-through
on all the loopholes.

Sorry to say, but prima facie,
the will looks solid.

Prima facie can go f*ck yourself.

Boss, Deven has called that kid
to the office.

He's letting her take charge already.

-Do I pay you to give me bad news?
-[bottle thumps on table]

[footsteps echo]

[Raghu] f*ck you, Deven.

[Yasmin] It's not so complicated.

You are Raghu Khanna.

This isn't your first rodeo.

And that girl? She's just a baby.

Hold her hand and show her the way.

Nobody can say no to Raghu Khanna.

-[riveting music builds]
-[car honking]

[engine revving, whirring]

[man] Please sign this,

then I'll explain to you
your duties and rights.

[chairs rolling]

-[woman] Good morning, sir!
-[man] Good morning, sir!

[footsteps approaching]

[music turns intense]

[knocking on door]

Sir, the boss has called for her.

-[music rises, fades out]
-[liquid pouring]

Mahika Nandy!

Come, come! Welcome.

Some water for you?

Come. Come, sit down.

Please sit.

[Raghu exhales loudly]

[gulping loudly]

[bangles clinking]

-[Mahika exhales]
-[Raghu sighs]

I'm sorry.

[intriguing music]

For... what?

I apologise for my father's mistake.
It's habitual.

Sorry to involve you in all this.

I thought
you would be upset with me.

No, no, not at all.

You're not at fault. No.

Generation after generation,
VK has played this age-old game.

Using people like pawns
for his own benefit.

And not even once...

He didn't ask you even once
if you really wanted all this.

[Raghu scoffs]

But then, such is life,

such is VK.

[music fades out]

I suddenly feel like a burden
has been lifted off of me.

Yeah, you're right.

What will I even do?

I don't know anything.

No, no,
you'll slowly learn everything.

Baby steps. We've all been there.

You know, I did see your review.

And despite your criticism,

Pyaar Dangerous will mint
at least 150 crores at the box office.

No matter how the film turns out,

people give their all to make it.

But you'll learn the tricks of the trade
once you start working with me.

[music restarts]


I mean... I do agree with VK
on one point.

This studio needs a new energy.

You and I.

The perfect combination
of art and commerce.

What say?


You seriously think so?

Yes! You're the future
of Viktory Studios,

and digital media
is the future of cinema!

[snaps finger]

I have an idea.

I think you should be a part
of our digital team.

How's that?

You mean make films for Hotstar,

Netflix and all of tha--

Well, that shall happen,
but later.

First, let's start with the grassroots
of digital media, shall we?

Handle our social media pages,
understand our target groups,

connect with our audience
and followers.


you'll be making the films,

and I will tweet about them?


Well, I think,

according to my grandfather's will,

I'm the one who is supposed
to make the movies.

[tense music fades in]

Your grandfather?
[mirthless laughter]

Isn't it too soon
to call him your grandfather?

Well, I'm glad
you're smart enough to understand

that desperate times
call for desperate measures.

Nepotism is
the perfect quick-fix excuse

for every outsider wanting
to be an insider.


And if this studio was left up to
pseudo-intellectual outsiders like you,

we'd have shut shop long ago.

Either way, Mahika,

this industry isn't cut out
for women.

[drums crescendo, fade out]

I mean, I'm family and so...

just giving you some advice.

Don't you worry about me.

I've managed myself
just fine so far.

And as for sensibilities,

it doesn't matter
where you're coming from.

You just need to be passionate
about storytelling.

Go ahead
and sell your mindless films.

And I will make meaningful movies.

The ones that will make
your father proud.

All right.


[silence ensues]


I might not be the V in Viktory,

but the studio
is nothing without me.

[foot shuffles]

My dear Uncle,

give me your blessings...

so I can fight you fair and square.

[loud percussions]

[door clicks open, bangs shut]

[chair rolls away]

[loud banging]

[footstep echoing]

[music interludes]

Every film starts off easy.

A little banter, some humour,
a bit of romance.

But the real deal starts
after the interval.

Today marks the interval point
in all of your lives!

I am leaving Viktory Studios
and starting my very own

independent studio.

w*r always has a singular goal.

And it will be mine.

So, who's coming with me?

[riveting opening music]

-[birds chirping]
-[crows cawing]

[footsteps approaching]

[light switches on]

[peon] Good morning, madam.

-Come, I'll escort you to your cabin.

You're quite early.

Usually, in movie studios,
no one comes before noon.


-[door creaks]
-[nostalgic music]

[lights switch on]

Make yourself comfortable, ma'am.

[music turns muffled]

-[paper rustles]

[chart slides]

[Prithvi] Okay!

These are all of Viktory's projects
that are looking dicey.

Basically, since Raghu left us,
we've been f*cked.

Raghu is going to go after
our projects, actors, everything.

If they back out now,

that will be the end of Viktory.

It's Viktory versus
Raghu Khanna Pictures.

Disco Dhadkan.

Jogi ki Jogini?

Dhat Tere Ki?

What kind of films are these?

[Deven] Look, Mahika,

it's not about
which movie gets made.

Right now, it's about
how we get it done.

The industry is gauging

whether you can headline
new projects

or whether they should believe
Raghu's words when he said

that there is no Viktory Studios
without Raghu.

[catchy music]

[Raghu] Komal-ji!

Are you not going to congratulate me
on Raghu Khanna Pictures?

You've been an industry veteran.

You need to highlight
what that naive amateur is up to.

The world needs to know.

Hi, sir. This is Mahika Nandy
from Samachar TV.

This is for a narration--


[Prithvi] Mahi, you're a producer now,
not a journalist.

The actors needed you then.
But now you need them.


The caption should read,

"Will she fall off the chair,
or will it break?"

"Is she going to be
VK's biggest f*cking flop?"

Who's the first on the list?

Farah Khan.

[man] Congrats on RKP, man.

Let's discuss this
over a drink tonight.

Take care, man.

Hello, Farah ma'am.

This is Mahika Nandy
from Viktory Studios.

[Farah] Who? Mahika who?

It's not Naandi. It's Nandy!

Mahika Nandy. Yes, that's what
I've been trying to tell you.

Alia, come on, don't be so modest.

You've caught the pulse
of the audience.

Disco Dhadkan is ours to make!

He's not doing it anymore?

[hisses angrily]

f*ck it, man.

Imtiaz sir,
it's a very unique story.

The guy leaves his house to go to
Europe to do some soul-searching.

Why are you so upset, Nawaz?

Nawaz refused too?

Trust me, Tiger is stoked
after the last narration.

Get him to sign the contract,
and I'll gift you a new phone.

[music softens]

[Mahika] Nobody's taking me seriously.

I understand films too.

Do I not deserve a fair chance?

Mahi, understanding films is fine.
But making films

is a different ball game altogether.

Yeah, bro. We'll add whatever
social agenda you want in the film.

Let Ayushmann say yes at least.

The script is really fun. You'll get
to do something different.

Just say yes, and we'll start
production next week.

At least say bye
before hanging up, man!

[Zico shouts]

There are two types of people
in this world.

Humans and these bloody actors!

Sid, Ananya, Adi,

none of them is willing
to play a hand.

They're saying if Mahika is a rookie,
then RK Pictures is also a new studio.

Jawani Mastani, Disco Dhadkan,
Tu Toh Gaya were shelved by Viktory.

But no one is willing
to sign with us either.

When you were an outsider,

you despised
these industry practices

in which people get jobs
that they don't deserve.

-Now that you're an insider,

show them you're worthy
of this position.

[tape scratching, music restarts]

[Raghu] Deven and I
put together 1857.

I know him well enough.

He'll first go to Regal Star.

Actually, set up a meeting
with Rustom.

As soon as possible.

[Deven] 1857 is our only way
to get back on track.

Rustom Boxwala of Regal Star Ventures
is investing in Viktory.

is the first of the three-film deal
we have with Regal Star.

We'll be doomed
if the cash flow stops.

We should meet Rustom soon.

[music fades out]

[clock ticking]

[tea set clinking]

-[clock ticking]
-[liquid pouring]


[loud slurping]

[footsteps descending]

[cup clinks on saucer]

[Rustom] Sit, sit, sit.

[Rustom exhales]



Rustom, meet Mahika Nandy.

-Mahika, meet--
-I'm sure she knows.

-[tense music]
-Tell me.

We'll go on floors on the ninth
of next month.

That's great.

But what film do you plan to make
without a lead actor?

Is Armaan still willing
to work with Viktory?

Yes, yes, of course!

He's very excited.

In fact, he spoke to Mahika
last night and told her

that he just can't wait
to start sh**ting. Right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's an important film for him.

It's an important project
for me, as well.

and the money I have put into this.

Now, I am not sure if I can
recover my investment

after Victor's last move.

So, I'm sorry to say it.

The future doesn't look too bright.

-[Deven] Rustom.
-[Mahika] Sir!

[music fades to silence]

Please wait a minute.

[clock ticking]

The oldest trope in film history
is the story of the underdog

who nobody relies on

and who everyone considers an idiot.

I feel all that person needs
is some faith

and a believer.

After that,
their story changes overnight.

[introspective music]

I have Viktory Studios.

The legacy, the brand, the trust.

Forty years' worth of it.

Sir, you tell me now.

What can one not achieve
with such a rare combination?

Don't just believe me.

Believe in us.

And, sir, I assure you.

I promise you that Viktory Studios
will make 1857 not only a great film

but also a profitable one.

[breathes out]

Filmy folk
either play with emotions,

or they play the number game.

Looks like you found the middle way.

With Armaan on board,

Regal Star and Viktory's alliance
is truly gold.

[hopeful music]

-That went well.
-Something is wrong.

Mahika, you'll have to read
between the lines.

He means that, without Armaan,
there is no deal.

We'll have to speak to Armaan
at the earliest.

-[footsteps approaching]
-[suspenseful music]


[Rustom] You know how it is, Raghu.

Armaan's flops are more profitable
than other actors' hits.

And you can't deny that.

I'm happy only if the studio
is in profit.

You want Armaan?

I'll bring his whole
frickin' village to you.

[intense music]

[helicopter thrumming]

[Prithvi] Don't worry, Mahika.

As far as I know,
Armaan won't give in to Raghu.

He has issues with both Raghu
and the script of 1857.

[Deven] Raghu is merely wounded.

He's not dead yet.
Remember that.

No matter what the story is,
we must have a strategy.

Yeah, looks nice on you.

Ah! Armaan! [laughing]


[Mandy] I felt bad reading about
what Victor did to you.

But mark my words.

You'll go even further in life.

You're known
to swim against the tide.

You strive in chaos.

You've got this, buddy.


Oh, baby,
you touch my heart each time.

What a performance,

my two-time National Award winner.

-[Mandy] Okay, enough now!
-[Raghu laughs]

We can make whatever story we want.

The story is in the public domain.

Forget Armaan,

even Armaanians
will want him to say yes.

We need to find our version of 1857.

[Deven] Hmm, let's get started.

[birds chirping]

[water splashing]

[liquid sloshing]

[sucks deeply]

[percussions play]

-Armaan, I was thinking--
-[Armaan inhales] Hmm!

-1857 is--
-Our country's soil, man.

It's so f*cking refreshing.

[inhales deeply]

Love it.

Can anyone imagine
such a big superstar

being so grounded and rooted?

It's commendable.

Hail the farmer, hail Armaan!


Hits and flops are part
and parcel of it all.

But have you really lived
if you haven't plucked fresh radish

and consumed it with your own hands?

Boss, now, that's a hit.

Come, let's pluck 'em together, man!

[music turns sensuous]

[shower gushing]

[Mandy] Drink, babe?

I'm on a new diet. Keto Kitty.

-Very strict.

I love my carbs.

But you need that body
for all those item dance numbers.

I'm done with random dance numbers.

I'm doing a female-centric
spy thriller.

Agent Haseena.

Very excited!

Wow. [snickers]

I want to surprise everyone
with this film.

I want to surprise myself.
And Raghu as well!

How beautiful!


This is such an interesting time
to be an actress, you know?

Marriage, children,
a successful career,

you can have it all,
without any compromise.

[introspective music]

Why? Who is stopping you?


[Raghu] Hey, Armaan...

I was thinking that we should
change the climax of 1857.

Yeah. Let's f*cking change
the whole thing, man.

It also feels a bit small-scale
in Rajasthan.

Let's f*cking go to Russia for
some great look and feel.

Let's go big!

Yeah? What say?

So, hear me out.

We'll recreate the Gwalior Fort
in Siberia.

So, picture this.

-[eagle squeals]
-[intriguing music]

You enter the frame on a horse
in a wide shot.

[horse neighing]

In the climax.

Close-up of your body.

Your eyes blazing like fire.

And an army of dacoits
in front of you.

f*ck no!

-A hundred invaders on horseback...
-[hooves galloping]

...at 48 frames per second.

Charging towards you at full speed
like f*cking bulls.

A full momentum of sound and visual.

You k*ll 99 of the 100 f*ckers
in a single slash.

But now there is
this one final m*therf*cker.

Double your size.

Fully armoured!

Then, it's you, barefooted,
doing kick-ass Parkour

across the battlements.

Honestly, man, I can't get over
your Parkour idea.

It's been stuck in my head
ever since.

-Your idea.
-[roots snap]

Let's give the audience
what they want.

f*ck logic. What say?

f*cking smashing, man.

Look at this radish.

It's smashing.

After all,
whose radish is it anyway?

Come, I'll feed you some.

Where is...

Aye! [whistles]

[music fades out]

[Mahika] I've been reading
too many scripts. My brain's fried.

And now I'm starving!

[Prithvi] Great, let's order
some take-out.

[Mahika] Why?

[Prithvi] Why not?

Check your phone.
I've sent you something.

[notification dings]

Yes, the narration for it
was amazing.

In fact,

I teared up hearing the climax.

Anyway, we tried a lot
to make it work, but--

But there was no dance number.

That's why you couldn't make it?


The pandemic hit, and
the audience's taste changed.

So, we didn't want to take a risk.

Anyway, that's not the problem, Mahi.

Yes. It was a great narration,
tight screenplay and all of that.

But the problem was that Raghu
wasn't confident about Satya.

He's too artsy to understand
commercial cinema.

Satya Krishnan...

I don't know...

He's not Viktory material.

The f*ck is a Viktory material?
What are you on about, Prithvi?

His debut film won at Cannes
and Venice.

Satya Krishnan!

We have to meet him and convince him
that his vision won't be compromised.

Convince him?


Good luck trying.

JK, I'm telling you it's a big show.
The rest of the cast is amazing.

It's not like Showtime.
It's a sensible one.

I don't know.
It just doesn't feel right.

Honestly, I feel like doing
something conventional now.

You know, maybe something romantic?

A comedy or... like a period film?

Yes, I know. Come. [whispers]

[Janhvi] Anything nice for me?
What are you casting for now?

So, we're casting for a few things.
But cool, I'll keep this in mind.

[whispering gibberish]

Mahi, I'm here with you.

-I'm nervous.
-I know. It's okay.


-[fast-paced Malayalam rap]

[Mahika] He's here.

-[Prithvi] Hmm?
-[Mahika whispers] He's here!

[beat drops]

I'm Mahika Nandy.

Prithvi. I believe
you already know him.

Of course, I know him.

Hi. Please.

[music fades out]

So, what's up?

I read your draft of 1857.

It's... It's outstanding!

Your characters and their graphs.

Every scene had so much depth,
pain and so much passion.

Thank you, thank you.

But what's the agenda here, guys?

I know you guys are making 1857
with Armaan Singh.

I want to make this film with

you and Armaan together.

Taking it ahead with your vision.

Basically, what she's trying
to say is that

we can provide you
with better scale,

great locations and of course,
a bigger budget, so...

But a majority of the budget
covers Armaan's fees, right?

[intriguing music]

But you'll bring the honesty
and integrity to this film, Satya.

Everyone in Bollywood
spews this same jargon,

but nobody actually means it.

[Janhvi] Um, Mahika?


-Janhvi. Nice to meet you.

Of course I know who you are!

I just didn't realise
that you know me too.

Are you mad?
Everyone knows who you are.

And whoever says they don't
is either dead or lying.

So, please.

It's just all so new to me.

But it's so nice that
you came and said hello.

You know, I've always wanted
to be a Viktory heroine.

And honestly, now more than ever

because, finally, the studio
is in the hands of an able woman.

You've got centre stage
at the big boys' club,

so congratulations.

Thank you.

Best of luck.

See you soon. Bye, guys.

-See you... later.
-[Mahika exhales]


I understand that big-budget projects
come with their own limitations.

But you and I have the same intent
regarding 1857.

He was my grandfather's
maternal ancestor.

-Tatya Tope.
-[emotional music]

All through my childhood,

I never heard any lullabies
or bedtime stories.

I have only heard about
the struggles of Tatya.

The sacrifices he made
for the country,

what he did for the family.

All of it.

But what happened in the end?

They declared him a martyr
and forgot about him.

No one remembers his contribution
to the freedom fight.

I'm not interested
in the battles he fought.

I want to explore the w*r
that raged within him.

The w*r within.

And I don't know if you guys
are up for it or not.

Yeah, we are.

You put your soul into it,

and we'll do everything in our power
to make your vision come true.

This is my promise.

[Satya sighs]


[snaps fingers]

f*ck it, let's give it a shot.

What?! [gasps]

Thank you, thank you so much.

You won't regret this.
Right, Prithvi?

[music breaks out]



♪ Your innocent words ♪

♪ Have stolen my heart away ♪

♪ My eyes have lost their sleep ♪

-♪ And heart continues to sway ♪
-Nice, nice! Go!

♪ Since I first laid eyes on you ♪

♪ My heart's been under a spell ♪

[Yasmin] How sweet!
They look so good together!

-They should make a comeback, right?

[sings] ♪ I have gone crazy ♪

♪ I have gone crazy in your love ♪

♪ I have gone crazy ♪

♪ I have gone crazy in your love ♪

-How do we still forget the steps?
-[Mandy laughs]

But our hook step was such a craze!

Audiences used to flock
the black market for tickets.

Baby, they gave you the National Award
for the wrong film.

Our fans deserve to see us
together again.

But you don't want
to make a comeback.

-[phone ringing]

I'll be back.

Yes, Deven.

[suspenseful music]

f*ck it, the idiot is never going
to say yes.

He's going to make me
milk the buffaloes too now.

Don't embarrass me.

How can I say no to you?


let me meet Mahika.



Yeah, sure. Please come.

Thank you so much, Armaan.

The team will be there by 9:00 p.m.

Thank you, thank you.

♪ I have gone crazy ♪

-[waves gushing]
-[intriguing music]

[helicopter thrumming]

[jeep whirring]

[door clicks, shuts]

So, shall I start the paperwork
for 1857?

You get too stressed, bud.

Just chill.

Enjoy your ride back home.


See you.


f*cking assh*le.

Not you.

[boat whirring]

[music fades out]

[footsteps shuffling]

[pleasant music]

He's joining soon?



Prithvi! Remember these?

The iconic Lucky Lover shades!

They were a rage.

You remember?


I didn't realise you were here.

You remember?


I mean, who doesn't remember?

You tossed it into the audience

from your balcony at some event.

And there were so many people!

I was there too.


On this sweet note, I'll give you


[Prithvi clears throat]

By the way,

have you met my astrologer?
My personal astrologer.

I don't sign a single project
without his advice.

Very important man.


[nostalgic music]

The story starts at the end.

Tatya's last night
in the court of Man Singh.

[vehicles honking]

[Raghu] I can't trust
that assh*le Armaan.

He kept Karan hanging
for over a year

and then signed another film.

He's an assh*le but not an idiot.

He's craving a hit
at the box office,

and he knows that you're his last
chance at delivering a hit.

Hmm, let me try speaking to Mandira.

Maybe she can convince him.

Did you see Mandira?

I feel really bad for her.

I think she really wants
to make a comeback.

Offer her an OTT film maybe?

It'll keep the couple busy.

[intriguing music]

[Prithvi] The screen goes black.

[silence ensues]

Was this your first narration?

Uh... yes.

Let this be your last one too.

It was an awful narration.

But the script...


Give me some time, guys.
I'll come back to you.

[Prithvi] Sure, sure.

And thank you for your time, Armaan.

Umm, I...

I want to say something.

The industry is full of stars.

We lack good actors.

And in my humble opinion,

you're an actor and a star.

You have skill and stardom.

It's a rare combination.

You have tackled each wave
in your career with such ease.

You didn't change your priorities
after successful hits

or your instincts after flops
at the box office.

[inspiring music]

Not everyone has the art of
elevating an average script

to an extraordinary film
with their performance.

No matter what you thought
of our script,

if you get on board,

the audience will witness
something that they haven't

in a long time.

Armaan Singh, the performer.

[music fades to silence]

[energetic music builds]

Lucky Lover's shades
have a new address now.

They look better on you.

[music turns intense]

How did the narration go?


The narration. Did you enjoy it?

[Armaan sighs loudly]

It was f*cking insane.

Shook me to my core.

And that girl Mahika,

there's something about her.

So, you're doing the film then?

He's a bit of
a home-theatre type of director.

Close-ups so tight
you can see the actor's wrinkles.

The kind of films you watch at home.

Such films will put my audience
to sleep at single-screen theatres.

And I can't take that risk
with my first action film.

No way.

I agree Raghu's script
isn't as hard-hitting, but...

the film has zing.


[sensual music fades in]

...have something to tell you

I'm all ears.

Raghu called and...

he offered me a film.

Guess which one?

Agent Haseena.

He was suggesting we both sh**t
simultaneously in Russia.

Yours and mine.


Of course.

This is what we've been
waiting for, right?

Yeah, actually.

Really happy for you.

For us.
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