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36x06 - Our Alliance Strikes Again

Posted: 05/03/24 13:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Amazing Race

nine teams raced to Santiago, Chile.

Damn, this is high.

Danny's navigation skills
came to the rescue.

I think Danny is

our secret w*apon.

Firefighter moms.

Sunny and Bizzy fell into last place...

Where are we going?

- I'm heading... Okay.
- Where are we going?

- Pull over, please.
- My God. Okay.

But staged another comeback
to stay in the race.

Good job!

Let's go, Biz!

In a battle for first place

I firmly believe that we are
a first-place team, consistently

coming in the middle of the pack.

Boyfriends Ricky and Cesar

edged out military pilots

Juan and Shane
to win their third leg in a ro.

Ricky and Cesar, you are first place.


Meanwhile, frustration
at the Roadblock...

This stupid little bolt is stuck
in this stupid little thing.

Led to the elimination

of cousins Kishori and Karishma.

I'm sorry to tell you
that you've been eliminated

from the race.

Tonight, the remaining eight teams fly

to Argentina's second largest city:


- Route Info.
- "Welcome to Córdoba, Argentina."

"This is a Mega Leg.

"Drive to Plaza del Bicentenaro

- "to find your clue."
- "To find your next clue."

Let's go. Ready?

Yup, let's do it.

Did they left already?

No, they have the car in front of us.

I need to know where I'm going, please.

Okay, you're gonna turn right here.

- You got a good grip?
- I got a good grip of where to start.

All right, let's get in the ca.

The Mega Leg sounds scary, but

I think we'll be okay. We're good at

pacing ourselves.

We're halfway through the race,
and at this point,

if we can keep up our energy,
we can make it to the end.

I mean, whatever we have
been doing, it's working,

- so why changing it.
- Yeah.

- Ricky, it's not that far, okay?
- Okay.

First group, baby.

Last leg, we found
ourselves getting a little

emotionally invested
in the first-place finish.

So our focus is to race a clean race,

and not let little mistakes
turn into big ones.

"This is a Mega Leg."

"Drive to the Plaza del Bicentenario

to find your clue."

- Let's go, Mom.
- All right, let's go.

- Yeah, let's go.
- I got it, guys.

All right, let's just follow Danny.

- Let's get it, baby.
- Let's go.

- Hey, don't lose us, okay?
- No, no, no, we all gonna ride.

Holy cow. Start of a Mega Leg.

Let's go!

Driving through this way.

This might be the roundabout.

- I'm turning right?
- Yes.

- This is Parque del Bicentenario over here.
- Where?

- They're hanging from the circles.
- Go, go, go.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Have to find first.

Here it is.


"Bicicletaor boleadora?"

Everyone these days seems
to be talking about reducing,

reusing and recycling,

and this might be the healthiest
way to do it... ReciU.

Invented here in Córdoba
using a modern stationary bike

connected to a small grinder,
teams need to use

their pedal power
to grind up plastic bottles.

Once teams have recycled
enough plastic bottles

to fill up one container,

- Good job.
- They'll get a clue from one of the inventors.

Gauchos are Argentina's cowboys,

and are an integral part

of this country's culture and history.

Their life skills are handed
down through the generations

and include the art

of throwing the boleadores,

an effective way of catching cattle.

In this Detour,
teams will get ten attempts

for each of them to wrap abola

around a moving target.

- I think we could throw better.
- Throw things? Yeah?

Clues, clues, clues, clues, clues.

Just grab one.

This is it. This is it.

Detour. "Bicicletaor boleadora?"

- Dude, second one sounds good.
- Yeah? Yeah, let's do that.

Holy cow. Super excited.

Vinny and Amber and Rod and Leticia

were like, "We're just gonna follow you."

For the Mega Leg,
working with an alliance

is actually key.

Our job today is not to win the Mega Leg.

- Our job is to survive the Mega Leg.
- The Mega Leg.

Where I'm a little nervous is

it's Roadblock day for Mom.

And if she can do both today,

I think we can win this race.

And then you'll kind of want
to probably be

- in the right-hand lane.
- Okay.

Right now,
we're following Angie and Danny.

They're, like,
the navigating king and queen.

Our goal today is just to stick with them.

Mega Leg is gonna be
a long run today. I feel good.

But it's always good when
you know where you're going.

Getting lost is what you don't want to do.

It's right here.

Yup. Just park right here.

Nice. That was perfect.

We're gonna go get the clues.

All right, y'all can look for the clue box.

Yeah, let's go over here.
Come on, guys. I'll find it.

Mom, let's go.

Go ahead. Grab that one, Rod.
Grab that one.

Detour. "'Bike-a-see' or 'bulornda?'"

Your call. Do you want to see?

- Let's see what they're doing.
- Okay.

All right. We're gonna do boleadora.

We're gonna do it, too, guys.

- Which one?
- Yeah, I like that. The Boleadora.

All right, let's go together.

- There, there, there.
- I'm just gonna park here.

- Yeah. Okay. Good.
- Okay.

Over here. I see it. I see there.

To the right.

There is an ongoing demonstration,

so we should maybe see it once.

Range master?

Hat and scarf.

- Gracias.
- Okay.

Demonstration, Ricky.


Can we... can move on?

We must wrap one of them

around any part of the target.

- Okay.
- We each have to get one in the ten.

Start getting ready.

Get-get some footing here.

I also have to time it.

Go, go, go, go!


Prepare yourself. Get momentum.

Maybe Ricky will get it on this one.

Or maybe on the next one. Okay.

- Route Info.
- Mega Leg! - Let's go.

Okay, hold on. I see it. Okay.

I can go straight or make a right.

You want to go straight.

We're leaving
in the third out of third group,

but with the Mega Leg,
anything can happen.

Got the little water right here on our left.

That should be on your map, right?

- No. No waters, no.
- Okay. No water. Okay.

We're on Velez, you said?

- We're on Marcelas.
- This is a different street, though.

The route we're following
isn't by the river,

and that's the river.

Keep going for ten.

I might get it on three.

Lookit, right here, right here.

Nice, dude. Nice!

Go, go, go, go, go!

There's more teams here.

- Hey, you see those legs?
- Yeah.

That's what you're aiming for.

As long as one ball goes
through, we can wrap around it,

so, you have to aim for the legs.

We may not have

the actual directions

'cause we're going to Plaza España.

- God dang it.
- There's no need to panic, Derek.

- I'm not panicked. I'm just like, "Damn."
- Okay.

Okay, so how do you feel, Biz?

I'm getting anxious 'cause
I can't find where we are.

Okay. I think
we should ask for directions.

- I see clues! I see clues! Go!
- Yeah.

You pick a high one. Don't pick...

"Bicicletaor boleadora?"

- Boleadora.
- Just go to the car. Go to the car.

Let's go, Juan.

Close, Juan. Close.

Remember, the wind is
coming to... from your right.

Come on, come on.

- Remember, you only get ten throws, buddy.
- Yeah, yeah.

Do you see it? It's right up here, guys.

It's right over here.

They're down there. You see 'em?

There's pink. There's a ton
of teams that are here.

Okay. It's okay.

Put a hat on and this scarf?

Mom, this is gonna be strong,
it looks like.

- Can you do it?
- I don't know.

Uno, dos, tres.

- We got this.
- Yeah, I don't know.

I thought we should go on a bike.

This is not the Detour for us.

Hey, Rod and Chichi,

- we're switching Detours.
- We're switching.

- We're switching.
- You want to switch?

All right. It look crazy.

Yeah, babe,
I think we should switch, too.

It seem like they struggling.

You just got to get one, bro.
Just got to get one.


That was the last one.

So we didn't get it.

- Do you know...
- Do you know

where Plaza del Bicentenario?

- It's a little plaza thing.
- Gracias, señor.

- Okay. All right.
- Yeah, appreciate that.

Plaza del Bicentenario.


Okay. Okay.

- Okay.
- Gracias.

- Do you understand, Sunny?
- A little bit.

You got it, buddy. Come on.

Good try, Shane.

- Go, go, go.
- Nice work. That was great.

Yeah, I feel good about this. We got it.

Real good job.

That's good. That's good.

- All right, buddy.
- Good job, bro. Good job.

Take your time, take your time.

Wait on it. Wait on it.

There you go.

- There you go!
- There it is!

- Let's go, Juan!
- Yes!

Don't worry. We're good.

- I know.
- You can do it.

I heard.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you very much.

- Thank you.
- All right, let's go, let's go, let's go.

- Good job, guys.
- Good work, guys.

Route Info.

Teams must drive themselves

to Circuito Lobo Race
in the outskirts of Córdoba

where they'll find their next clue.

- Let's go. Let's go.
- All right, let's boogie.

Getting done
with the Detour before Ricky

and Cesar was huge.

Good work.

- I'm hitting him.
- Hey, it's almost there.

That's fine.

So parking got to be right here.

It's between this street
and this one up here.

- There it is. Boom.
- We made it.

- Hi, y'all.
- We did good.

- We did good. Let's go, baby.
- Let's go!

- Baby, let me ride the bike.
- Okay.

- Can I ride a bike, Mom?
- Let's go.

Grab a bike.

He's gonna show you how to do it.

One of us had to ride the bike,

and the other had to feed the machine

- with the plastic bottles to break 'em up.
- Yeah.

- Only one at a time?
- Till it gets to where?

It says all the way to the top.

- Get the big bottles.
- Mom, you're gonna

grab some bottles.


- Yo, Rod.
- Let's ride, baby.

- It's gym time, baby.
- Okay, go.

Yeah! I trained for this, baby. Let's go.

At the end, we have to sweep up

our pieces with the broom.

Holy... What just happened?

- Stop...
- You got to go. Go. Come on.

Baby, it just got hard.

This is it. Hold that. All right.

Which one you want to do?

- Bicycle? Or you want to throw?
- Let's throw.

- You're... Okay, let's throw.
- You can throw, too.

Beautiful throw. You are amazing.

Very frustrating.


- Muchas gracias. Muchas gracia.
- Gracias. Gracias.

Looks like it should
have a street name on it.

- I see parking.
- Where?

Straight ahead.

I need water. Just put it here.

- Are you guys done?
- Are you done?

- Patience is key on this one.
- Down... down the hill.

- Okay?
- Okay. Thank you, guys.

I see him to the left.

This goes over our clothes?

Which one do you want to do?

That's like a bow and arrow.
That's a bicycle.

- Yeah.
- We could pedal our little heinies off.

Let me know when you want to switch.

You got it. Come on.

- Babe, it's a marathon.
- I know.

I got it.

Hard work. Let's go.

Right now,
I'm competing against Mr. NFL.

- Yeah, and Mr...
- Very physically fit people.

Danny's physically fit,

but I don't think he trained with a bike.

- Mom, can we switch real quick?
- Yup.

Come on, bottle. Go in there!

- You want to switch?
- Yeah.

Gosh, we're only...
not even halfway there.

Babe, it's a marathon.

I've never

seen him struggle
with anything physically, ever,

in my entire four years of dating him.

- Babe, I need you to go.
- We can switch.

You got to push hard.

That's what I'm talking about.

This thing is extremely hard.

Once you have the bottle in
the middle, it just gets jammed.

- Babe, I can't do it.
- Push, push.

Babe, it's not spinning!

What is wrong with our bike?

What the... Something's
wrong with our bike, babe.

- But what is wrong with our bike?
- Push back, push back.

Where you have to get, like,

the ring of the bottle and all of that.

It's significantly... It's harder.

- It jams up the recycling bike.
- Yeah.

There you go. Now push forward.

If you didn't keep
your momentum, you would just

have to pedal backwards
and then forward,

backwards and then forward,
just go get that bottle

to go all the way through.

- This sucks.
- Can't get it started.

- One, Mom.
- I know.

Then back and then forward.

Hard work. Let's go.

I need another bottle, baby.

- I'm rolling.
- You got this, baby.

You're almost there.

- Here you go, bobo. You got this.
- This is it.


- Over here.
- Right here.

We need to make up some time.

we can get this done quickly, like this.

- And he's gonna show us how to throw it.
- Okay.

I look good.

Let's work!

- You're k*lling it, Rod.
- I'm built for this!

This is what he made me for! Let's work.


That... Was that good?

He's a machine. Take a look at him.

Let's talk about Rod on that bike.

You're about there, baby.

- Beast.
- He beasted that Detour.

There's no stop.

Nice and smooth, baby.
Nice and smooth.

A lot of the other teams that were there

were rotating, but these thunder thighs

down here rode that bike.


Yeah, that's it.

- Yeah.
- Okay, man, good job.

Man, that's what I'm talking about. Yeah.

They just finished.

"Drive to Circuit Lobo.

Race to your next clue."

In the NFL, one thing
that was big was teamwork,

and in Amazing Race, when
you're working with other team,

everybody has to contribute something.

- Find it on the map.
- I'm about to pull it out.

Whoever finishes first gets

to start the mapping process.

You got it, Amber.

- Amber, it's hard.
- Let's take our time.

We definitely took a back
road, but here, I'm here for it.

- You know what? No traffic.
- This is where

it gets sketchy because we ran
out of directions at this point.

I wrote 'em down, and
they're gonna be backwards.

- Ooh, a little dirt road.
- Yup.

Shane and Juan really,
really want that first place,

but we're gonna give them a fight for it.

Great driver, good navigator.

We're on good track.

We're fairly confident we're last because

we didn't see any other teams there.

- So we think that we're last.
- Yeah, take a left on San Juan.

We're heading to the Detour.

We're gonna help recycle
and save this Earth.

This leg's for the Earth.

Baby, you're almost there.

Babe, I think
they're about to get a check.

- Come on.
- If you do another whole one,

- we're gonna be really close.
- Yup.

Rod and Chichi are still here.

- Yes.
- Yes.

This is why you don't skip leg day.

- I never skip leg day.
- Check?

Check, check, check?

- Thank you. Thank you.
- Good job.

Thank you. Yes!

- Señor, por favor.
- Can we get a check?

"Drive to Circuito Lobo Race
to find your next clue."

- Are y'all okay if we join you? Is that okay?
- Yes.

- Let's go, baby.
- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.
- That was not easy.

- Thank you. Thank you.
- For you.

Man, we k*lled that.

Come on! Mega Leg, part one.

- That's right.
- That was triple the pain.

One, two.

All your strength. Not yet.

It's okay.

Let go of the small one.

It was off.

Let it go a little bit earlier.

So yellow team just got it...

That's what I'm saying, baby.

On their first try.

That's okay. You got this, Yvo.

- Mother F.
- My God. This is t*rture.

- My goodness.
- What is he doing?

- What are you doing?
- I got this one.

- I got it.
- What are you aiming at?

- Yes.
- Yeah!

- Please, bobo, please get this.
- I'll get this.

Wait, I only have one left.

Okay. I'll get it on this one.

Come on, I know you can get it.

- God! I'm going that way.
- The hell was that?

You got this, bobo.

Too late.

This is the last one,
then we got to start over.

What the...

Watch this.

And it crunches it. Okay.

- And we can both do it.
- Yeah.

- I don't see any teams around.
- It tells me

they all chose the other one
and they're stuck

and we're gonna pass 'em
right at this point.

Or we're in dead last.

Good. Good, Yvo.

Come on, bobo, come on.

You got it, you're throwing a Frisbee.

- And turn to the side.
- I know you ain't

- I know you ain't talking.
- I'm giving you

I'm giving you kudos. I'm
saying, I'm trying to help you.

There you go. You got it.


Yes, yes!


They're done, Derek.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you so much. Muchas gracias.

We know we can ride a bike
and we know we can recycle cans.

But we chose to do this.

Good job.

Okay, baby, you're good.

- That's good.
- Yes.

- Okay.
- Okay.

My God.

- That was money.
- We are done.

- You are done here, sir.
- One more time. One more time.

You are not... No. Derek, it's time to go.

I'd really hate to leave and
go start over somewhere else.

Derek, it's time to go.

- We're switching. Let's go.
- Damn!

- Wow.
- Lisa,

I still think we should have stayed there.

- I'd have got it.
- No, you would not have.

I saw your throws.
Your throws were completely off.

You weren't even close.

- I was close a lot of times.
- No, you weren't.

Okay, we're gonna have
to find someplace

for directions now, buddy.

What about these guys...
you want to ask these guys?

Sí. Muchas gracias.

- Ten minutes away.
- Yeah.

Here. I think this is it.

- Yeah? Yeah, I see a marker.
- Yeah, I see a two.

Let's run. Let's run. In the tires.


- Roadblock.
- Roadblock.

"Who's got..."

"A good sense of direction?"

The World Rally Championship
is comprised

of 13 races scattered around the globe.

And Rally Argentina here in
Córdoba has been a hot favorite

for more than 30 years.

Many racers agree that the unforgiving,

rocky, dusty roads found here

make it the toughest and
roughest on the race calendar.

Teaming up with a professional driver,

teams must memorize
the complex sequence of turns

on this one-and-a-half-mile course.

If they can recreate
the track on this board,

a rally official will hand them a clue.

This is not a good time to get carsick.

- I can do that. I can do that.
- You can do that.

Okay, I'm ready to, suit up.

I get suited up, I get everything on.

All right, who's ready?

And when you get in, the seat's, like,

super tiny, they have, like,
a five-point harness.

Like, strap you in,
he, like, ties you down, and

you could not move.

I have never done anything
like the rally car before.

It was actually really cool
because I've always

wanted to be able to drive like that.

Those are, like,
a lot of turns, so... Whoa.

Whoa. He's going so fast.

It was pretty warm inside the car.

Of course, there was no air conditioning.

That was another challenge, was
just, like, trying to keep cal.


All right, I got to focus here.

To do the quiz, I only had three minutes.

Finish line. Great.

And I'm like, "Okay,
here's the finish line."

Where does it need to go from here?

I was getting frustrated.

I think this needs to come over.

I couldn't figure it out.

- Okay. Hey, stop. Stop.
- Okay.

Ricky, there's no one else.
Take your time.

- Ready to go again?
- Yeah.

They say, "Run your own race,"

but if you know someone solid
at navigation

why not follow them?

Danny is really good at navigating,

so we wanted to kind of stick with him.

I think running your race
is a good strategy.

I just don't think
it's always the right strategy.

I don't know if he's screaming,
but I would like, "".

- Yup.
- Yes. Good!

- All right.
- We got to boogie.

We headed out
to our first Roadblock, and

there are Ricky and Caesar again.

We couldn't get ahead of 'em.

"Who's got a good sense of direction?"

I think this is gonna be Juan.

Yeah. Yeah, it'll be me.

- Okay.
- Okay.

I need to redo everything.

So this is really big challenge.

Another sharp turn.

No, that wouldn't make sense.
That wouldn't make sense.

Where is that last piece?

I'd definitely say
that in my experience flying,

mapping routes out and knowing
kind of what's gonna happen

ahead of time is something
that we do very commonly.

Okay. Now stop. Stop.

You got it, Ricky! You got it!

Come on. Lucky 17.

Okay, Biz. We're good. Check?

- Good job.
- Thank you.

- Awesome crunching!
- Thank you, thank you.

Straight ahead. Turn around.

Let's go, bro!

Let's do it.

I got to put the track

together, so... I want to start.

I'll move it around as I go.

Back... and around.

It's an incredible, incredible experience.

So those are right.

Now I just got
to figure these out right here.

Juan is going fast, so...

- Yeah.
- You guys might be out of here.

Yup, yup. This looks exactly
like what we did.

He's almost out of pieces, so...

- No way, man.
- He ain't that smart.

He's a smart guy. He ain't that smart.


- Yes.
- Yes. Let's go!

I think he got it.

That's gonna look bad on TV.

- All right.
- Let's go!

Go, bro. Let's go. All right, ready?

Dude, you smoked it.
"The Mega Leg continues.

"Drive to Estadio Francisco Cabasés,

"the home field of Talleres de Córdoba,

to find your next clue."

- All right, let's do it. Come on.
- Okay.

- Let's do it.
- Estadio.

- There it is.
- Okay.

"Choose one recycle bike."


All right, let's go.

Let me know when you get tired,
then I'll do mine.

- You do five, I'll do five.
- Okay.

I look like Tour de France.
Tour de Argentina.

Man, where in the world are we at?

We got this, babe.

- All right, Mom, let's go.
- Ooh.

My goodness.

I'm really lost.

I don't think I'm gonna get it.

Maybe this time Ricky gets it.

Let's go, baby.

- Roadblock.
- Okay.

I'm gonna do it.

You got this, Mom.

Damn it!

I keep losing where I've...
where I've started.

It's really frustrating.

Who's the best? Is that you? You?

This is a really hot suit,

and... I just got
to keep my mind right now.

- Can I pick you? All right.
- Yeah.

Let's go, Amber!

- Here? Okay.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Amazing Race!

I think I almost have it,

but I just have it in the wrong order.

- Ricky, you got...
- I'm not... I'm not getting it.

My brain just wasn't clicking.

I do get laser focused, and if something

doesn't go the way I want,
it is frustrating.

Frustration... it's one
of my biggest fear here.

It's gonna get in his head.

Yes, Mom! Come on!

Hope she doesn't pass out in the car.

He's gonna get it.
Eventually, he's gonna get it.

I don't have a clue
where to start on this thing.

So... so, it's like...

- Okay.
- Okay.

I just need to
pick 'em all up and see them.

My goodness.

Ooh, smoke.



This is... Here we go.

I know I'm about out of time.

I can't... Yeah.

My God. I think I got it.

- Check, check, check.
- He got it. He got it. He got it.

Yes. Good. Got it.

- He's gonna cry.
- Thank you!

Stop. Stop. Stop.

Hey, stop. Go.

Route Info. "The Mega Leg continues."

Okay, stop, stop.

- My God.
- This is so hard.

You can go.

I'm pooped.

- No, you have not done...
- Done five.

- You haven't done five!
- I did. Give it a try.

My legs are jelly right now.

- Give it a try.
- He cheated.

- He did not do five.
- I did.

- Just go.
- His is still in there, too.

Do that one.

I'm gonna write this down
very slowly and carefully.

Left on Potiso.

We have circled this freeway
so many times.

Okay, let's go.

- Here, I got... I got water.
- Okay. Let's go.

Mom, drink water!

Let's go, Mama B!

You want me to do it?

- Sure.
- Okay.

This is not my forte... spatial.

Need to relax and think.

But we didn't go all the way out.

We came back in.

- Stop? Okay.
- Okay.

I'm really pumped to do this right now.

I've always wanted to go in a race car.

I was really hoping
it would be something like thi.

- Yeah.
- Check, please.

Yes. Very good.

- Yay!
- All right.

- Gracias. Okay.
- Come over here. Let's read this.


Ooh, smoke.

It's really hot in this thing.

I just need to keep it cool right now

and get this in one or two tries.

There's no way.

Stop. Stop. Stop.

Okay, that looks good.


Ooh, please.

Babe, I don't know if I can do this.

- You can do this, baby.
- No, this is, like, impossible!

This looks cool.


I'll do it. It's me.

I can't even get mine
to curve around now.

I live for that thrill.

Okay, you must stop.

Come on, Sunny!

Can't do this.

I can't get in that car again
without getting sick.

Can I sit for a minute?

No. We got medics on Mom.

It's so hot in that car.

I was so sick to my stomach,
I couldn't even think

fast enough to get the tiles

down and out in three minutes.

So, I felt defeated, and then,

I just felt myself starting
to go downhill, physically.

- I'm just...
- It's all right.

- Might have to...
- No. No.

Yeah, well, might think about a penalty

because if it started now,
it'd be better later.

Let's just wait. Mom?

Breathe, drink water,

- and you're gonna do it.
- Yeah, but, honey, I don't know.

- No, no.
- This is spatial.

It's a four-hour penalty.

There's nothing I can do.

I think this is the end of our day.

- You're gonna do it.
- Honey, I don't know.

- Hey, no, no.
- It's spatial.

It's a four-hour penalty.

Whenever you see
a parent struggle, as a kid,

like, they're the people
who are usually strong for you.

- I'm really proud of you.
- I don't want to sit in this outfit

- for four hours, honey, trust me.
- I know.

- I know.
- We'll just have to wait and see.

I know you're not giving up on me.

- Do what you need to do.
- Yup. Yup. Okay, baby.

- Okay, stop. Stop.
- Okay. All right.

How is it?

Sickening after a while, -I bet.

Just don't understand!

I had to remind myself
why I'm here, and why I'm here

is sitting right next to me.

I want to see his dreams
come true, so, I am like,

"Okay, I need to get it together."

Okay, I'm riding again.

We'll do it one more time
and get her done.



- Check!
- Let's go! Yes!

- Let's go! Let's go!
- Good.


What am I looking at? What...

How does it have to go?
In a circle, or what?

- You... this.
- Strong work.

- I am so proud of you.
- Come on.

No good.

Clearly, it's no good. I know it's no good.

- Let's go. I'm gonna help them now.
- Gotcha.

Angie, you got it. You got it.

The far left is a one
that goes back into the middle.

It's a single piece, goes in the middle.

It's okay, hon. You go run your race.

- You go run this race. Go.
- No, Angie. I can't leave you.

- Yes, you can.
- No.

You get out of here.

You win that one for me. Go.
Be number one today.

Stop. Stop.

I can't leave you guys.

Thanks for looking out
for my mom. We're gonna be okay.

- No. I'm not leaving you guys.
- I know. I know. I know.

We came here as a team,
we're leaving as a team.


I want to make sure she gets it.

God, that was fun!

Here's Angie, Angie, Angie.

- Okay.
- Go ahead and get 'em all laid out.

Babe, let's go!

- This piece is the bottom, middle.
- Okay.

- To the left? There they go.
- Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

- And then that one right there.
- Right there.

Come on, Sunny, you got this.

- Come on, Angie. You got it.
- Okay.

- Yes!
- Yes!

Okay. Good.

I believe in you, Angie.

Route Info.

So I helped Angie.
Now I'm gonna help Leticia.

We're gonna be out of here.

Amber, Leticia

and Angie were clearly all helping,

and they were not gonna
help anybody else.

This piece goes up here.

- This one?
- Yup.

You got it.

Come on, Sunny!

That alliance was definitely
was painful to watch.

Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup. That's it.


- Okay. Thank you.
- Gracias.

All right. Good job, good job.

Done. Done.

That's right. I got it.

- Yay.
- Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Get over here, get over here,
get over here!

That's my baby!

- Good.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

We just left the Roadblock

with Amber and Vinny behind us
and Rod and Chichi behind us.

Don't know where I'd have been
without them,

so feeling extremely blessed
and grateful.

"Drive to Estadio Francisco Cabasés."

I mean, it's a stadium,
so I feel good about it.

We're in South America. I presume

we're probably gonna have
a soccer challenge.

And I played soccer my whole life.

We're feeling good. We're not very tired.

So continuing the Mega Leg
is looking really good.

We're always rolling for first,

but other peoples' race is not
gonna affect our race,

so we're just gonna race
our race and hope

that it's the fastest one out of everybody.

Yes. Let's go.

Juan and Shane are ahead of us,

and everyone else
seems to be behind us.

We just don't want eighth place today.

Mega Leg is a marathon.

And we are the only ones here.

- Yeah, we got... we got to catch up.
- All right.

- Yes. Okay.
- Okay. Feel a little better.

"Who's got a good sense of direction?"

- Derek does.
- Okay.

- I just hope he has fun.
- Let's go.

All right, let's do this.

All right.

- I see it, I see it.
- Yeah.

All right, bro.

So, yeah, yeah, right there,
right there on your left.

There it is.

- Roadblock.
- What do we got?

"Who wants to score?"

Soccer is the world's
undisputed number one sport,

and number one here in Argentina.

To hard-core soccer fans,

bubble soccer might look like a joke.

As a matter of fact, it started as a joke

and became so popular

there are now leagues all over the world.

This Roadblock
requires one team member

to join a bubble soccer team

and score one goal against
their opponents.

- Me.
- No, no, let me do it. Let me do it...

- Dude, it's... what if it's soccer?
- It's soccer?

- What if, what if it is?
- You think it's soccer?

- I think it is.
- I kind of felt bad because, like, Juan

his whole life is soccer.

It's-it's giant soccer balls.

But he's, like, extremely well-rounded,

as far as all the Roadblocks

and Detours that we could possibly face.

Like, I don't have
the memorization that Juan does

and stuff like that, so I'm like,

"We could knock out one of
my Roadblocks. I could do this."

- Do it, do it, do it...
- All right, all right, all right.

"Make your way onto the field
and put your bubble suit on.

"You have one minute and

If the ball goes out of bounds,
it's still in play."

- Good luck, Shane.
- Okay.

- Go score. Go score.
- Holy cow.

- "Get ready to join your team."
- Make your way

"to the referees." All right, I'm ready.

What team?

So, I did not have a strategy.

I have to score. Nobody else can score.

I have to score one goal.

I think we got a good, solid lead,

and he's gonna prove himself.

Come on, Shane! Let's go!

Let's go! Yeah.

- Let's go!
- Let's go, baby.

Here it is.

My God, he's gonna score. Dude,

- hell yeah. He scored.
- Let's go.

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Dude, that quick!

Shane is extremely good at this.

Dude, Shane, that was so fast.


- All right, let's do it.
- All right.

"Find your next clue on the steps

overlooking the city
in Mirador del Coniferal."


My God. I'm out of shape.

Not here. On the next one, okay?

Here, here. It's this one.

Run! Here.


"Who Wants to Score?"

Can I do it?

- Yeah, you do it.
- I'll do it.

Go, yellow! Go, yellow team!

I had my straps on.

I'm trying to maneuver. It's hot in there.

Go, go, go, go!

Here. Here, here.


This is not like anything
that I have done before.

Players were punching me.

I'm like, "What?
This is definitely not soccer."

Watch out!

I do have a good sense of direction.

I'm proud of my sense of direction, but

I'm not a puzzle guy.


That'll get me how to start.

We had an S-turn.

That doesn't fit.

So, we're headed south...

- We're headed...
- We're headed east.

We're headed southeast right now.

So that's where we need to go.

East? I thought we're headed west.

We just need a street sign.

Boy, are we trying to figure this out,

and we be having no clue.

So, freeway now.

- So, we're heading the way we need to go?
- Yep.

I think we got a chance here.

"Steps overlooking the city."

On the stairs. It's got
to be halfway down?


- There it is.
- Sweet. Let's do it.

All right.

Detour. "Who Did It
or What's Your Beef?"

Humans have been using
fingerprints for identification

for thousands of years.

But it wasn't until 1892,
here in Argentina,

that a detective realized you could use

a bloody fingerprint to solve a crime.

This Detour requires teams
to find a fingerprint

using brushes,
latent powder and lifting tape,

then compare the fingerprint
with other prints on file.

When they find a match,
they'll identify a suspect

and get a clue.

Argentina has earned
a reputation for having

the best meats in the world,
making it a top exporter.

It all comes down to having good cuts.

After learning 14 of them,
teams must make their way

to one of three available tables,

then correctly place them on
this board for their next clue.

The cuts are probably
gonna be easier for me

'cause I speak Spanish.

Let's do the cuts.

- All right. We're gonna do the cuts.
- Let's do the cuts...

Come on. Let's go.

- Let's go!
- Let's go, baby!

Let's do it.

Come on, Cesar! Go, go, go!

Good one. Get up. Recover.

I'm exhausted.

And at this point, I'm realizig
that you have been pushed.

So if you can throw
as many of the contenders

into the floor,
then you have more room to win.

Yeah, that's it. That's it.

Get out of my way.

Go, Cesar!

I'm exhausted, but I'm heavy,

and I just start running
against the other team.

Like, I get one, two,
and I think I got three

of the other players down.

And I have another three teammates.

So the ball gets set up for me.

This is the soccer that I can play.

Kick it!

Heck yes!

Yeah! Yeah!

- Thank you!
- Goal...!

You rocked it.

- We have to go, Ricky.
- Okay.

We're coming up
to a main street. Thank you.

We're back on track, I guess.

- The highway. This is the highway.
- Okay.

Never been more
excited to see a highway.

On the Mega Leg.

- Uhp, this is it.
- Yeah.

Take this to the right.

- Get off?
- Yes.

Do you remember what the...

Yes, it was Avenue.

Okay, well, then this would be right, then.

- This should be 25 de Mayo.
- All right, here we go.

Okay, so take a left up here?


Is right here.

- There it is.
- Parking. Yep. That's it.

- What is this?
- I think this is it.

- Yep, this is it.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hola. ¿Cómo estás?

Holy cow.

We walked in there, and they had

One, two, three, four, five.

He just started naming 'em.

- Entraña.
- Entraña.

- Tapa de nalga.
- "Tapo..."

- Bife ancho.
- Wait, wait.

He went through it pretty quic.
He was not stopping.

Tapa de as a do.

Okay. So I'm gonna have him...


Tapa de nalga.

- He's ignoring me.
- Vacío.


Bife angosta.

Great. Okay.


Look, here are the steps.

- Right here. Right here, I see it.
- All right.

We're going to try "What's Your Beef?"


That's at the bottom.

Boom. Boom.

Come on, baby.

All right.

He has to go again?

I should have done the puzzle.

Almost, sir. Almost.


Tapa de as a do.

Colita de cuadril.

- You ready?
- I'm ready to try.

- I want to see what it is that we're doing.
- Okay.

"When you think you're ready,
make your way on foot

to Patio de los Naranjos."

It's definitely on this street.

- Goes 70. Zero to 100.
- Patio de los...

- Patio de los...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah...

- Go, go, go, go, go.
- All right.

Let's go.

All right, here we go. Let's do it.

- We see this big wooden cutting board.
- Yeah.

With, like, a cow on it
with all the cuts separated,

- and it's basically matching.
- What's this?

- Do you remember this?
- I don't remember this...

The cuts were all kind of the same, like,

very lean.

- Entraña. Yeah, I got you.
- Yeah. Entraña. Entraña.

We couldn't really pick
out specific characteristics.


I put the obvious ones,
and now these all look the same.

Are you sure about this?

No, I mean...


- Roadblock.
- Roadblock.

- Okay.
- "Who Wants to Score?"

- I'd like to score.
- Okay.

- I love scoring.
- Yeah.

In all senses of the word.

Let's rock it, Biz.

So, she just needs to score a point.

Nice job.


- I go in here?
- Yeah, go in here.

"Who Wants to Score?" Okay.

- I think you can do it.
- I'll try it.

- I think you can do it. Okay.
- Okay.

I have never been in one of these.

Let's go, bobo. Kick some ass.

This way?

Goal that way? Okay.

So wait, are there two games going on?

- There's got to be.
- Half and half.

I'm not really sure who's on my team.

Come on.

They're just bouncing around. My God.

My God.

I somehow have to score a goal

against these professionals.

My God.

I want to get out of here so bad.

I'm positive about these and this.

What about this, dude? This is...

- Let's just get a check and see what happens.
- Okay.



- Let's go back. Let's go back.
- Let's go. Let's go.

Hopefully we'll be able to keep this lead.

- Park, park, park.
- There's one car in here.

We're right... we're right out front of it.

So the guys are here.

- Hola, hola.
- Hola.

Although I'm a chef,

pastry has been always my passion.

Butcher has never been my strong suit.

Tapa de nalga.

- Tapa de nalga.
- Bife ancho.

- There's another team here, Shane.
- Is there?

- Yeah.
- Geez.



Seeing Cesar, the first thing

that came to mind with me is,
this guy's a chef.

- Like, I hope he's not, like, a very...
- Yeah.

Meat-related chef,
or else we're gonna get smoked.


Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I like that.

- Should we try and then come back if we need?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Asado.

It's nice to see

that the other team is here,

'cause we might still have the first place.

- Bife angosta.
- Bife angosta.

- Cuadril. - Cuadril.
- Cuadril.

- Here, here, here. Okay.
- Hola.

More than, like, the meat or whatever,

it's a memory challenge.

This one's big. Lomo.

- Lomo.
- Okay.

"As." "Asa" something.

Honestly, I don't know.

- I think I got it, Shane.
- All right, let's go.

- Let's go, buddy.
- Let's do it.

- Matambre.
- Matambre.

What's this one?

Let's go, buddy.

They took our friggin' station.

It's okay.

sh**t! I need to pass it
to one of my teammates.

Let's go!

My God.

Holy crap.

- There you go, there you go.
- My God.

She's just got to stand by the net more.

Let's go. We making up.
We trying to make up time.

We got lost for a minute.

Go straight, Mom.


Yep, you're doing great. Go straight.

We're looking for the home field, right?


We should be coming up soon.

- No? Okay. Okay.
- Wait. What's this?

- Matambre. But that's it.
- That's it. That's the one.

- Okay, w-what's this?
- I-I don't remember.

This one is just weird,
but I think it's the marucha.

- Let's just go back.
- I think we're getting closer,

- but why don't we go back?
- My God.

Take it easy. We're close.

Come on, come on, come on.

All right, you got this, Yvo.

All right.

Here we go, Biz.

Let's go, Biz. There you go, Biz.

- Get it in, get it!
- Go. Score.



Scored a goal!

Okay. Here.


"Find your next clue on
the steps overlooking the city."

Let's go!

Come on.

There you go.

Yes, girl!

Come on. Every second counts.

No, that's not it. That's not it.

One of these two.

It was the fatty... It was
the one with the really fat...

Okay, well, then this one's got to go here.

- Okay. Check.
- Check.

Check, please?

- Come on.
- Yeah, yeah. Come on.

Please, please.

- Yeah.
- Yes!

- Yes, yes, yes. Thank you.
- Let's do it. All right.

- Yes, yes. Let's go, let's go.
- They got it.

"Race to the Pit Stop."

After racing around Córdoba

on an exhausting Mega Leg,

teams will finally get some rest

here at Plaza de San Martín.

It's also where the last team
to arrive will be eliminated.

"Plaza de San Martín." Let's go, buddy.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go...
- Let's go. Let's go.

Tapa de nalga.

Check, please.

Come on, come on, come on.

Por favor.

- We got it. Thank you.
- Yes. Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Muchas, much as, much as gracia.

This is like playing "suduko,"

and if you don't get it right,
you mess up everything else.

It's a puzzle. If one goes in,
they all fall into place.

Holy shmoly. Check, please.

What a dummy.

Finally got it.

Yes. Good.

My God.

Good job not giving up.

Proud of you.

You're gonna say, "that was easy."

I mean, are you freaking kidding me?

It took you that long
to figure this puzzle out?

I started with starting that down here.

You did it.

"The Mega Leg continues."

!¡Vámonos, mija!

Let's go. All right.

- My God.
- You tried.

Hey, we got there eventually.

We did. That's all that matters.

Let's go.

- It's gonna be you.
- Roadblock.

- "Who Wants to Score?"
- "Who Wants to Score?"

Dad wants to score. I do. Rod does.

- I'll do it. I'll do it.
- Yeah.

- I got it. I'm gonna do it.
- Okay.

The way that we win this race,

if we can knock out some
Roadblocks for Mom right now,

this is a good strategic decision.

And then I walked in,

and I saw the bubble suits, and I'm like,

"You've got to be kidding. Another suit?"

Yeah. You about
to play against somebody.

Y'all ready to get this party going?

I walk in there,
and I see those bubble balls.

I was like, "my God. This is perfect."

Okay, let's go.

Anything where we can get physical

and a ball is in play, I want to do it.

Let's go, baby!

- You go through?
- Yeah.

Come on.

That don't work. Come on, man.

Come on!

So we really hitting for real.
All bets was off.

Kick it to me.

Come on, Rod.

My gosh.

Baby, you okay?

Come on.

I like it. Yeah!

Let's go.

Let's go, baby!


- Wow.
- Let's go!

Thank you. Appreciate it.

- All right. Let's go.
- So we have to find steps.

Yeah! Let's go!

Okay, yellows.


There you go, baby!

That's it right there!

What do I do?

I need to get up here.

Mom, you got it!


Mom, you're doing so good!

How do I get up?

A bubble guy came and just took me out.

And I'm like, "Are you kidding me?"

We had lost our lead.

We only had one team behind us.

This was probably one of the hardest

physical days of my life.

They blasted her. Look.

Mom, are you okay?

Mom, are you okay?

I just got back up.

Mom, you got it!

She never gave up.

Please, please, please, don't hit me.

Okay. She didn't.

Mom, I'm so proud of you!

Yep, it's right there.

- Detour. Here we go.
- Okay, let's go, baby.

"Who Did It" versus "What's Your Beef?"

You guys want to do "What's
Your Beef?" and work together?

- We could solve it really fast.
- I think so. Okay, let's go.

Let's go, baby!

Come on now.

Just wait till I get down there,

whoever did that to you.

Position. Baby, that's it! Baby, that's it!

That's it, baby!


That's my girl.

Come on, Mom!

Come on, you got it!

Come on, Mom! Get there!

Go, Mom!

- Go, Mom! Yes!
- No, no, no, no, no, no.

Yes, Mom! Yes!

Let's go, Mom.

We're going to a stadium.

The Detour that
would play to our strengths

would be something
athletic and physical.

Basketball games or soccer,
Derek and I would excel.

There it is, there it is!

- Detour.
- "What's Your Beef?"

- What'd you think?
- I like the beef.

Beef. Memory. We can do it together.

I don't know how they caught u.

You can do everything right in this race,

and people are on your heels.

So, so far we're
in second place, but who knows?

We might be able to beat the guys.

Dude, this traffic is unreal, Shane.

It's freaking green.

It's literally green, and it's a standstill.

My God.

If they get lost,
we may have a chance for first.

Hey, stop. Dude, stop. Dude, stop.

What's gonna happen?

Let's go, baby.

- Where is he?
- Right here.

I see him, I see him, I see him.



Welcome to Córdoba in Argentina.

- Thank you. Thank you.
- Thank you.

Juan and Shane,
you are team number one.

- Let's go!
- Yes!

Let's go!

And I have some fantastic news for you.

As the winners of this leg of
the race, you have won $5,000

- each. - Yes! Yes! Yes! Each.
- Let's go!

- Now we can take the wives wherever they want.
- Yeah.

They can just pick.

It was a long time coming,
but we finally locked down a W,

and to do it on the Mega Leg
feels incredible.

We are really, really,
really hitting our stride.


My God. The Mega Leg.

- One, two...
- Ha!

Ricky and Cesar, today,
another second place finish.

- Good.
- Yes.

This is it right here.

Come on, ladies.

- Let's go, Biz.
- Hola.

I eat a ton of meat.

- Ooh, smells like meat.
- Good thing I love meat.

I know my cuts

in English.

- So how do we want to do this?
- We're taking this side.

- Okay. So you do these three.
- Entraña.

I got these and these three.

- I got these four.
- Bife ancho.

To memorize those names
in Spanish was hard.

Asado, as a do,

as a do, as a do, as a do...

Which means this is, like,
the perfect Detour

to pair up with somebody
and split the tasks up.

- Okay, you guys ready?
- Yeah, let's go. Let's try it.

I think we'll be fine.

Okay, if one of us happens

to get it, we just stay

- and try to help the other one?
- Totally.

Okay. Start laying 'em out.

This is the lomo.

I don't know that one.
She did the long ones.

Where's matambre? Matambre?

It was quite confusing.

- It's this one then, isn't it?
- I think so.

- Or is it this one?
- No, that looks like there.

I don't know. It could be this one.

This looks like it goes right around there.

Are you sure that doesn't go there?

Where is this long-ass one?

This looks like more like butt meat...

The struggle was real.

Looks so easy at the other place.

Rock, paper, scissors.

- I get to score.
- Okay.

- Let's go get it.
- All right.

Look. It says "Derek" on it.

- That's so cute.
- Okay.

All right.

I didn't know that was coming.


- Go!
- Goodness gracious.

My goodness.

I don't think he wants any more contact.

Ooh! There we go.

There we go. We got a lane.


Look at that.

All right. Route Info.

Okay, let's go. We got
to make up some time now.

This doesn't make sense.

We should be getting this.

- This is only 14 things.
- This one looks...

What do you guys think...
are we gonna get it

- or should we just go back?
- Just put out yours

- and do a check.
- Should we just do a check?

Okay. Check.

No. Okay.

Check, please.

- Marucha.
- I'm confident

- with these.
- Please.

Okay. We might have
to go do this one again.

- Yeah, okay.
- Guys, while there's no one here.

It's right here in this building
right here. Look.

- Where, baby?
- Look, right here. This is it.

- This is it.
- This is it right here.

- Hey, how you doing?
- Hola.

We all decided to work together again

and we each took certain cuts
of the beef.

- Entraña.
- Entraña?

- Entraña?
- Tapa de nalga.

That's not the fatty on.

Yeah, I know it's not.

- We got to get going on this.
- Are you guys still going

or you want to go back?

Should we do it again
before another team gets here?

Hold on. Hold on a second.

We'll go look at it first.

First come, first serve.

Two other teams are there.

- Did Rod already go in?
- Yeah, they went in.

We butchers today.

- Here we go.
- I think we should go

- back and get more...
- remember more.

Well, at least we know
we're not that far behind.

- I mean, I feel like I'm throwing a dart.
- Check?

It was a long piece.

- Is that not it?
- Hold on. Let me see.

I got to go back.

- Yeah, let's go back.
- Okay, we're going back.

Okay, I say we go back, too.
Yeah, let's go.

- Beef something.
- Let's go.

Beef ent...

My gosh.

I don't know.

The second we see a team come back,

- let's just sprint over there.
- Okay.

- Go, go. Mom, let's go. Let's go.
- Wait.

- What?
- Danny, there were three teams in there.

Mom, let's go. No, we both get in.

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Okay.

- There's another team.
- We can both

get in, and all three of us stay there.

This is our chance.


We see the two teams
come out, so we know

now there's two vacant spots.

- -Let's go.
- Let's go back

- to the station.
- All right, let's go.

Come on. We don't know.

- Stay there. Stay there.
- We can work together.

What is it? What is it?

It's on a bull.

Tapa de nalga.

- Marucha. - Marucha.
- Are you guys ready?

- I'm ready. - I'm ready.
- Okay, let's go.

- Marucha.
- Gracias.

When we went back,

we realized almost two seconds later

that we should have just

stayed at the board the entire time

and done all the permutations.

- sh**t.
- They're all there. - sh**t.


it was a strategic error on our part.

So there's three teams in there?

- Yeah.
- Man.

All right, y'all, ready?

This big one right here... lomo.

Let's just take our time.

I don't know
what we should do at this point.

I'm certain they're
gonna help each other.

- They're all working together.
- No doubt about it.

- This sucks.
- Three of them. They're gonna get it now.

Look, this one right here... "pesso."

Peceto. It was a long piece.

No fat on the back of it.

Bizzy and Sunny

and Melissa and Yvonne
were standing outside.

Two teams have to leave.

And as long
as we commandeered the tables..

- We could continue trying.
- They couldn't get inside,


that's not a nice strategy.

But, I mean, of course

you're gonna work with the alliance.

This one right here.

The other little one is cuadril.

- Cuadril.
- Cuadril. It's top right.

We just kept on

figuring out our pieces, like, together.

- Check.
- Tell me something good.

- Yes. - Yes!
- Yes!

Okay. Okay. All right. Come over to us.

Our alliance strikes again.

- This?
- Put that one inside.

- No, the other one inside.
- Here?

Yeah, and put that... Yes, and put

that one on the outside.

Put that on the outside.

- Okay. - Yeah.
- Okay.

Put that one in that one.
Try that. Try that.

- Check.
- Which one with that bone at?

I think... I think
you need to switch those two.

- Wait. No.
- The one with the bone in it goes right here.

- Yay! Thank you.
- Yes! Come on, let's go.

A big fat piece.

Where that fat piece was atop of as a do.

Hey, Angie, do you remember
this big long one?

- I don't.
- Angie, you don't remember any of 'em?

- We were behind you.
- I can't

I honestly let him take over
on this one, so

Danny, can you help us real quick?

No, just, we don't know.

- All right, I know the brown...
- Danny? Danny?

Is "entraña."

Danny was trying to help them,

and that was the moment that

I played the mom card.

Why don't we all just

work together and get this?

Let's all work together.

No, he doesn't...

- Yeah, they don't want to do it.
- They don't want to work...

Those three teams were just
shutting us out.

It was unfortunate, but yeah.

- Yeah! - Yes!
- Thank you.

Thank you, thank you.

The other three teams worked together

and they got it pretty fast.

Y'all, come on. We got
to beat these other teams.

- Hey, y'all, race there.
- Let's separate.

We'll see you at the Pit Stop.

- Go.
- We can't let them catch up.

God. We... lost our lead.

It's okay, it's okay.

My God, I'm losing my mind.

I'm assuming we're in the back

of the pack, but maybe

someone else is struggling
like we were struggling today.

And hopefully, these next
challenges will be one and done.

Then maybe we can catch up
to the pack.

Switch vacío and tapa de as a do.

- So you're saying switch...
- Switch these.

Yeah, switch vacíoand tapa...

- Can I get a check, please?
- Por favor. ¿Sí?

- Yeah, we got it. Okay.
- You got it.

- Gracias. - It's that one.
- Muchas gracias.

My God!

- Okay.
- This is the fatty.

Let's just try this and then this, right?

- Okay, and then we'll switch those two.
- Okay, check.

- Okay...
- Yeah, I think that might be right.

- Yeah? Thank you!
- My God.

- Okay.
- Run like our life depends on it.

Danny wanted to leave
each other and go find Phil,

but we're fixing to follow Dan
and them and see if we can

do a Rat Raceto Phil.

- They're all behind us. Yeah.
- Really?

They were smart, just got
in the car and followed us.

So we might need to lose 'em a tiny bit.

Do we know what street we're on?

I don't.

One street after this bridge,

and then we're gonna turn left.

Nope, it doesn't look
like there's a left after this.

Baby, we just crossed over that
river, and that street is...

Este Sero. Keep going.

Okay, so we're going the right direction.

- We're on Del Mayo.
- You see where we're going?

I see De Mayo. Okay. I see De Mayo.

Okay, this is good. This is good.

Rod and Leticia are right behind us.

I just want to be able
to jump in front of 'em.

My God.

Well, you just let him pass us.

Rod and Chichi are
right over here on the right.

I just got us back in the lead.

I'm a good gangster driver.

I just don't want the...
the girls to catch up.

So, one more street, and then,
that's San Jeronimo.

That's where the Pit Stop is.

- Yeah. That's it.
- That's it. That's it. That's it.

- I think it's up here.
- We can race it out.

Come on, baby. Where you at?

Anybody seen Phil?

- Come on. Phil, Phil.
- Come on, come on.

Baby, run. Hurry up. Fast. Full speed.

- There, there, there, there.
- Come on. Come on.

Come on, baby.

Good job.

What a run in that was.

Rod and Leticia,
you are team number three.

- Congratulations.
- What? - Good job.

- Let's go!
- Let's go. Let's go.

Amber and Vinny,
that makes you team number four.

Let's go.

And Angie and Danny,
that would make you

- team number five.
- Team number five.

- That is huge.
- We'll take it. We finished.

There's another team, also.

There's another team coming in.

Open up a space there.

- Hey, well done.
- Yvonne and Melissa,

I'm pleased to tell you
that you are team number six.

- Congratulations. - Good job.
- Thank you. Thank you.

Here comes the next team.

- Let's go!
- Good job.

Good job, guys.

Guys, why don't you tell them
what team number they are?

- They're team number seven.
- Seven.

You're still in it.

- We survived the Mega Leg.
- Let's go.

You know what,

we went halfway through
The Amazing Race.

There's a lot of people
that can't say that, so...

You want to jog it in?

Well, yeah, we're gonna jog it in.

- We're not gonna walk.
- Okay.

Derek wanted to walk.
I said, "We are not."

You're not. No, that would
not go down well.

Derek and Shelisa,

unfortunately, you are
the last team to arrive.

Sorry to tell you that you have
been eliminated from the race.

She did her thing. I messed up.

- She did her thing.
- No, it's okay. No, we're a team.

- It's not...
- That's right.

Even though Derek struggled
at the rally course,

he didn't let his frustrations
get the best of him.

And what about for you, Derek?
What would you like to say

- about your wife?
- She held her own.

Phil, this girl did everything.
I'm very, very proud of you.

Thanks. Aw.

I wanted to represent cancer survivors

and show that you can still
do whatever you want to do.

This is a great time, great experience.

You know, I retired two years
ago, she retired last year.

This is how you start off a retirement.

And we love building memories together,

so this is one that we'll never forget.

At least he didn't have to come get us.


Next time on The Amazing Race...

All bets are off.

We want to run our own race today.

As some hit the wrong notes...

My gosh.

And others sing a familiar tune.

We're over there!

Stop talking to me like that.