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36x04 - Those Who Wander Are Not Lost

Posted: 05/03/24 13:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on the amazing race

Let's go run a race around the world!

Military pilot Juan treasured returning

to his native country.

I couldn't be more thankful

that I get to share this
experience with my best friend.

Vinny's strategy at the roadblock

I was using two hands.

We're going all hands on deck here.

Paid off for him and girlfriend Amber.

- You are team number two.
- Yes.

Sean confronted his greatest fear.

Nah, I ain't doing that. Nah, it's too high.

Cesar's culinary skills...

This is like being at work.

Helped him and boyfriend
Ricky to win the leg.

- You are team number one.
- Yes!

Meanwhile, twins Anthony and Bailey's

indecision at the detour...

We're gonna go... we're
gonna go load the vans, dude.

- Let's just go cook.
- We're cooking.

Led to their elimination.

You are eliminated from the race.

Run, run, run!

Run, run!

Teams are soaring over Medellín,

nearly a mile high in
the andes mountains.

When they land, they'll
start the next leg of the race

in three departure groups.

I love Colombia!

We're like eagles soaring in Colombia.

This is so cool.

- Mom!
- Danny!

This is incredible.

Why am I crying?

It's nice, but it's kind of scary.

He's on hands free.

He better put his hands back on there.


We're about to jump,
and I am... so scared.

Paragliding was not something

that I would have done on my own,

and then, it was so foggy.
I was like, "can we see?

Is this even safe?"

My baby's dealing with emotions.

Give me a hug. It's gonna be okay.

I was so scared, but I
didn't want to back down.

We have three kids,
and it's important for me

to have my daughters look up to me

and feel like, "my mama's amazing.

She's a superhero."

It definitely motivates me. I
really want to make them proud.

I want to follow through. I'm not a quitter.

I'm not a quitter.

I love you, babe.

I'm terrified of heights.

Fear is an understatement.

Like, you know, I always
say, I can't even stand

on the second step of a
ladder without getting nervous.

The mantra we have in
our life is "keep going",

"don't quit." You know, we have
three kids, we have a business.

If we didn't keep going,
we would have just drowned.

We know how to stay the course.

Let's go, baby.


Yeah. Let's go, baby!

Come on, let's go.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah!

Man, this is amazing.

I'm on top of the world, baby!

My gosh.

- Yeah, it's...
- But keeping my eyes closed.

I was so scared.

But she did it. I'm proud
of her. She didn't punk out.

She conquered her fear.

It is beautiful.

- Yeah?
- Keep going. Keep moving.

Keep going.

My god!

This is amazing.

There was no point where I was fearful

because the beauty just overtook it.

I got to tell you,

this is the most amazing
thing I've ever seen.

I got emotional up there.

I don't get emotional. I mean...

No, he doesn't. I'm his wife.


My partner all the way over there.

- Hey, bobo!
- Hey, bobo!

- Wow!
- You know,

you think you've experienced a lot

of flight when you're a pilot,
but this is something else.

Words can't describe this.

I've never seen Medellín from this angle.

- That is so close.
- Yeah.


I see the landing down
there. I see it. I see it.

Okay, we're turning now. Ooh.


Whoa! Whoa!

Wow! Thank you.

- Yeah, man.
- Thank you so much.


Route info.

"Welcome to Medellín."

"Find your next clue in the

"comuna 13 en reversadero #1,

near the base of the escalator."

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

- Comuna... 13.
- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- We're leaving in group one, again.
- Yeah.

But this time we have new competitors.

We really haven't had a chance to race

alongside of Amber and vinny.

"Make your way on foot to the taxis."

They jump a lot

- of teams on the last leg.
- A lot of places last leg.

So, it's a little intimidating.

Our goal is to stay in

the first group, no matter what.

Let's go!

- Team number one right now.
- Come on.

Ricky and Cesar are super fast

at pretty much everything
that they're doing,

and we really want to
compete and show 'em

that we can knock them
down from first place

to at least second.

So now, it's gonna be a game, just like,

- "hey, let's see who gets one."
- A little cat and mouse game.

Where we at, baby?

"Welcome to Medellín. Find
your next clue at comuna 13"

"en reversadero #1 near
the base of the escalators."

- Let's go.
- All right, let's go.

This is obviously my birth
country and my birth city.

- Which one you want... this one?
- Yeah.

But city's completely
changed from when I was here.

Completely different perspective.

Let's go.

So, I am not in familiar territory.

So with the exception of my parents,

my entire family is here, so,

if I run into my aunt,
she's gonna expect me

to be... to be home for
lunch or dinner tonight,

and once I say "no,"
she's getting on the phone

directly with my mom, and
I'm gonna hear about it tonight.

The last leg of the race,

- we came in third again.
- And we said we wanted

to be steady Eddie, and I
think maintaining third place

is pretty steady.

We're not as fast, we're
not as smart, not as cute

- as all the other teams.
- Speak for yourself.

But I think our plan's working.

There's no need to change anything.

Who's that?

- Yellow team.
- Is that team yellow?

That's the yellow
team. She's just chilling,

- got her arm out.
- Yeah, she's chilling.

- She's hanging out.
- She looks like

she's going on a Sunday afternoon drive.

- We're getting along really well. Yeah.
- Yeah. Yeah.

I feel closer to her than
ever, doing this race,

which is really fun.

If we ever get in the
position of being in the end,

I think that's when the...

No. We'll see how that goes.

- But let's hope we don't have to go there.
- Exactly.

There's no question we are...
We're getting number one today.

- That's gonna happen.
- ! There's no question

we're going to attempt to move up spots.

"Find your next clue at comuna 13."

Down. Run. Go.

- Come on, bae.
- Coming.

Yup, it's this way and
around the corner to the right.

- Come on, babe.
- Yup, let's go.

Go, go. Go, go, go!


We went paragliding

this morning. It was really, really fun.

I want to do as much as I
can in my lifetime, and so,

I am a licensed skydiver.

I've jumped out of a plane by
myself, I think, 82 times now.

Losing my parents to cancer...
like, that was eye-opening.

I saw how short life could be.

I want to enjoy mine.

Yes, honk at him.

Honk at... yes, señor!
Yes, señor! Go, go, go!

My high school lifestyle

didn't allow me to remember
much Spanish, so

I don't think we are performing as well

- as... that we can.
- As well as we thought we would.

We started out eight years ago

being firefighters on
the same department.

And then after

my first baby, I wanted to
move to a fire department

closer to where I live.

We're not with each other every day,

so we don't know each other's skills

and how to communicate
with each other.

- So we had some learning curves.
- I've...

You want to bump hats?

- Yeah. Mwah.
- Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.

We just paraglided off of a mountain.

- Yes.
- So I'm just...

Everything else is gravy after that.

Look at this. This is gnarly.

That is full of people.

- Do you see those flags right there?
- Yeah.

Sí. Gracias, señor. Okay, go.

Where we going?

Let's go, let's go.


Thank you. Good. Great.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Vincent! Slow down!

Wait for me. Wait for me.

- You want to just stay right behind 'em?
- Yeah.

To your right, Ricky.

Let's go, baby.

I need you to slow down.

- I need you to speed up.
- You're super slow.

They said escalators.

- This is the base.
- This is the base.

You guys see it?

It said at the base

of the escalator. We're at
the base of the escalator.

- Did you find it, guys? Okay.
- I can't find a clue at all.

Clue? Anybody have a clue? Clue?


Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Okay, there's a sign for the escalators.

Right there. Right there, Ricky!

My god. Come on, come
on, come on, come on.

There. They saw it. They saw it.

Come on. Come on, come on, come on.


Dance vibes or wall scribes?

While Medellín has
had a checkered past,

in the last 30 years,

it's gone through a rapid transformation,

with a focus on alleviating poverty

and providing a better
future for the new generation.

A big part of changing people's lives here

includes the use of expressive dance

and artwork. Break dancing

started on the streets of New
York more than 50 years ago,

and is now popular all over the world.

Some moves you have to see to believe.

This detour requires teams to
get in sync with these breakers

for just 30 seconds.

How hard could that be?

You can see why this
neighborhood, comuna 13,

is regarded as the
most colorful in Medellín.

There's artwork everywhere,
expressing the history

and the hopes of this vibrant city.

Scattered among these murals
are the pieces of a rebus puzzle

identified by race markers

that teams need to put
together to complete this detour.

If you want to play
along, here are the pieces.

When they recite the answer correctly

to local artist chota13, he'll
hand them their next clue.

- Come here.
- We're gonna do wall scribe.

"Make your way on foot to the very..."

"Top of the escalators."

"You should not walk
or run on the escalators."

Memory challenges are
probably more of our stronger suit.

We're gonna do wall scribe.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

"You should not walk
or run on the escalators."

Wait a second. Look at this!

- It's beautiful.
- My god.

We had a little...

About ten seconds to
enjoy the comuna 13... yeah.

The hill, like, all the brick houses there,

- and music and breeze.
- People and music and, like...

- And everyone having fun.
- People are

break dancing and rapping

and drinking and having a great time.

- It really was a cool spot.
- So...

So far, we did one, two, three, four.

"Find the pictures along the wall."

There's supposed to be six of them.

- Let's go.
- Keep going. Come on, I'm with you.

Hey, hey, hey. Juan, Juan, Juan, Juan.

Dance vibe or wall scribe?

- I'm thinking dance. All right.
- Let's do it. Let's do it.

- Yeah, we're doing dance.
- We're doing dance. Let's go.

We decided to do the dancing because

we're gonna stick to the physical stuff.

I'm very familiar with salsa,

- very familiar with merengue.
- I don't dance unless

it's, like, line dancing at a country bar.

"Make your way on foot to
the very top of the escalator."

- Let's go.
- Top of the escalators.

- It's actually beautiful.
- Yeah, it's awesome.

It seems like a cultural arts center.

It's a lot of art everywhere
and murals. It's gorgeous.

I've never been here
before. Still more escalators.

Yeah, more escalators.

Okay. Yeah. Okay.

Hurry up.

All right, let's go.

So we got to find the
base of the escalators.

Okay, go up, up, up, up.

- Up, up, up.
- Yeah. I know I am.

Columa 13 is not gonna
be an address, baby.

Right here. I think this is it?

Comuna 13.

- Museo.
- Look at you. Good job.

No, I don't think that's it.

No, I know. We got to keep going.

Let's run.

Is it up?

- I see it! I see it! Go.
- Where?

This way.

Let's go.

Right here. Here's a clue box.

- I think we can break dance.
- Let's do it.

Okay, break dance.

- What are you guys gonna do?
- Breakdance.

We'll break dance.


"The order you see the puzzle pictures

"is the order you should remember them

to reveal the answer."

- Let's go.
- We need to ask someone

where this is.

Thank you, thank you. Stay, stay.

- Don't leave.
- Don't leave.

Yeah! Let's go, baby!

- Hey, gracias, señor.
- Gracias, gracias.

- Honey, I can't run.
- It's okay.

"Choose any available break dancer

"who will lead you to the dance studio,

where you'll learn a
break dance routine."

- There they are.
- Here we go.

Here we go, here we go, here we go.

- Hey, come. -Hey.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Let's go. We got it. We got it.
- We got it.

Let's go, baby. Let's get this, all right?

- Let's do it.
- Vamos, vamos, vamos.

- Okay, there's a rhythm.
- It's like line dancing.

- It's gonna be hard.
- Yeah, it's gonna be hard.

It's gonna be hard.

How the heck are we
gonna learn this thing?

- Okay.
- We'll split solos.

- We'll split solos.
- Okay.

I figured, "hey, let's break
this down into pieces."

"We're the only team here.
These guys are gonna be

with us for a little while."

- My.
- Hey.

Let's start it piece by piece.

- Right.
- And I figured, we're gonna good.


One. Two.

Okay. Yup.


- That's easy.
- Okay.

It might be up, because,
remember, it's gonna be

I think so. I think so. It's gonna be

between two streets.

- What are we looking for?
- Right here. These. These flags.

- Look, look, look.
- Got it, got it, got it, got it.

- Here. T-h.
- Yeah. T-h.

- Plus e.
- T-h plus.

The world.

- The world?
- The world.

The memory challenge was essentially

decoding images and

letters to, like, make a phrase.

Getting it

in order and reciting it in order correctly.



S and k.

Okay, "the world is magnify."...

- Magnific?
- The world is small. The world is small?

The rat with a magnifying glass.

- Hand?
- T plus hand is... It's hand. Hand.

This is smaller than.

- Yeah.
- T plus hand minus d.

So you put it together, and it's "than."

- T-h-a-n.
- Than.

"The world is smaller than..."

- You.
- You.

- It was a mirror.
- It was just a mirror.

- "The world is..."
- So it was like your reflection.

- I think it's...
- Or bigger, bigger.

Bigger than you.

- Either bigger or smaller.
- Yeah.

- Those are marked.
- These are marked.

- These are all marked.
- Okay.


T-h plus.

E plus earth?

- Earth or world?
- Globe, earth.

- I don't know.
- Okay.

Wait, wait, wait!

"The world is bigger than you imagine"?

That you imagine? That you dream?

- "The world is bigger than you..."
- Dream?

Dream? Imagine?

- That's "than."
- Babe, that's "than."

- So, it's "the."
- Okay.

- "The world... is"?
- "The world... is... Skis."

What is that?

Let's go, baby.

I see it.

We want to do the dance vibes.

- Dance vibes?
- Yes.

I'm during that age where
break dancing was a thing,

and I was the one on the cardboard.

He didn't really even include me

- in that decision-making.
- I did not.

That is not my strong suit.

Let's go.

Coming from my
background, I've just always

zoned in, focused on
the actual task at hand.

I grew up break dancing in the '80s.

I can't dance at all.

Just give me a piece of cardboard.

So, me learning how
to actually take my wife

on that journey... it's challenge for me.

- So I don't know what.
- My baby can't dance.

- This is about to look like.
- But we finna get it done.

We're looking for comuna 13.

- Perdone, per done, per done, per done.
- Excuse me. Excuse me.

Mom, you're doing so
good. I'm so proud of you.

Escalators right here.

"Near the base of the escalators."

Near the base.

I don't see it. Let's go...

- Let's go up, mom.
- Gracias.

We might have to ask someone for

I know. Let's just go up.

- Let's just do it.
- This is the base.

- Let's go up. That one...
- No. This is the base.

- But...
- That's not a base.

- This is a base.
- I know, but...

Finding the clue box
was actually really difficult.

We were like, "where is it?" We know

- it's supposed to be here.
- Yeah.

- Right down here, mom.
- Down here?

Near the base of the escalators.

- This is the base.
- I know.

Base of the escalators.

I'm getting nervous

because this morning,
we left in group three,

and so, other teams are right behind us.

We're a little slower
than all of the other teams,

and we have to be able to make up time.

Where? Where? Danny?

- Ask somebody.
- Reversadero numero uno.

- Ask somebody.
- Reversadero numero uno.

I don't see it.

"The world is bigger than your..."

Bad thoughts. Bigger. Evil thoughts.

- Evil thoughts?
- Yeah, I mean

I don't see an artist.

- Here. Him?
- Hola, hola, hola.


"The world is bigger
than your evil thoughts."

- No? There's no line.
- Sorry.

So let's just keep trying
and trying and trying.

"The world is bigger than you imagine."


There's a mirror. A mirror.

"The world is smaller than you."

- "The world is smaller than you."
- Okay, let's go.

- Grab one.
- I got one.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

- Ooh!
- They love stairs.

A studio. Let's get it right.

- Yeah.
- Let's get it. Let's get it.

We got to find the
patterns, find the patterns.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
- There's a pattern

to every rhythm you see.

- One. -No.
- You got it.

Two. Left.

This is tough.

When we saw

the break dance for
the first time, I thought

we should be fine with that.

But it turns out it was actually

the memorization of the steps...

Than it was the rhythm,
which then threw off.

Yvonne's rhythm.

One, two, three, four.

Breakdancing's not my thing.

And stop.

There's more, babe. There's more.

"The world is smaller..."

"The world is smaller than you think."

- The world is smaller than you think.
- "Than you think."

- Okay, so where do we go? Chota13.
- I know.

It's down right here. It's down right here.

"The world is bigger than you think."

- "That your devil not."
- No.

This is them. This is them.

"The world is smaller than you think"?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, baby! Let's go!

They got it.


I get to do it?

No. No, no, no.

Teams will find their next
clue here at Plaza botero.

Let's go.

- We're gonna try again.
- Okay.

"The world is bigger..."

"Than you think."


- Well, we should try "smaller."
- Okay.

"The world is smaller than you think."

- Yes. Yes. Thank you.
- Yes. Thank you.

Thank you so much. Here.
We got this, Ricky. We got this.

We're just trying to find
our break dancers, man.

My guy. What up, man?

All right, let's go. We got this, babe.


Hey, what up, family?

Let's go, boy. Come
on, come on, let's go.

- Let's go.
- We must look real good out there.

Back, back.

Three, four.

One, two, three, four. Step forward.

My gosh, babe. This is so hard.

- Couldn't get my rhythm right.
- You had to go

left, right, front, back, jump, and then

something that looked
like five mountain climbers,

and then spin.

One. Two. Back.

Shelisa wants to be

the life of the party. Every
party we have at home,

she breaks out the music
and she starts to dance.

And I don't do that.

So, I said, "honey,

if you teach me, we can
get through this thing."

Start at the beginning.
They're doing it. Come on!

- I want to do it with you.
- I need to learn it to teach you.

I can't learn it and teach
you if I'm not watching.

I speak Derek's slow
dance learning language.

So, that's why he was leaning on me.

Do it again. Do it again.

- Do it again.
- Kick. Hop. Watch.

And then bring this
leg over, cross and turn.

Vincent, if you do not
slow down, I'm gonna quit.

Baby, they're on your ass.

I know. I'm going as fast as I can.

You're about to make me cry,
so I need you to stop, please.

Come on, Ricky. Come on.

- "Near the base of the escalators."
- "The escalators."

- You're wearing me out.
- This way.

Excuse me.

- Do you know where it is?
- Keep... keep going.

- Where is it?
- It's around there.

Around there. Okay.

We love Danny and Angie,

their relationship, everything about them.

We kind of have this alliance.

And we can help each other get

to the end of this race.

- Move, move, move.
- Okay, okay.

- We're gonna dance.
- We're dancing.

- We grew up dancing.
- We're dancing. Let's go.

Rebus puzzles. I love rebus puzzles.

- Let's do rebus puzzles.
- Okay.

Growing up, we didn't
have a lot of TV in the house.

It was all, like, "let's play
games, let's work on puzzles."

I have done probably
over 100 escape rooms.

Him and his dad

will stay up till 3:00 in the
morning and do puzzles

and I'm like, "I'm out."

Perdone, per done, per done.

Let's go, babe.

- One, two, three.
- Two, three.

Let's go, sunny!

Double Dutch is ahead.

Excuse me, where's comuna 13?

Straight up.

Thank you.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go, go, go.
- Come on.

Head up. Step-step forward.

Karishma, let's get this on the first try.

We can do it.

- We can do it.
- We wanted a dance challenge,

we got a friggin' dance challenge.

Can you push it?

I need you to run fast and long.

That's all I'm asking you to do.

You're wearing me out.
Just want you to know.

Plaza botero.

Plaza botero, por favor.

Okay, Amber

I'm trying my best, so
when you try to hurry me up,

you're looking like a real...

Baby, don't do that.

You're blaming. I'm just

looking for more from you,

and if you don't have more, I understand.

Like, I'm not trying to be, like...

- No, I understand.
- A burden.

No, you're not a burden.

- I'm just trying my best...
- I would rather be last

than have this.

I think you should take
a little time to-to think...

Just leave me alone.

It's hard for you to handle the pressure.

I actually think it's a lot
to do with the pressure

of being first and second.

So that's why I'm gonna try
to slow down, listen to you.

We're both very type a, ocd individuals.

But I've always kind of
lacked self-confidence

and, you know, I do
have anxiety and then

this race is so challenging and stressful.

And I love the
competitiveness that we have,

but we got to bring it down just

a little bit or we're gonna
rip each other apart.

I'm just trying my best and
it's not working out for you.

And it's not best for us
and I understand that.

I appreciate your intensity.

- Okay.
- Slow it down.


- There you go, there you go.
- Yeah.

Okay, we're gonna do wall scribe.

- Want to dance?
- Yes.

All right, we're gonna
choose dance vibes.

Okay, go, go, go, go.

I'm going back to 1992.

Here we go, here we go.

- All right. One. Two.
- One. Two.

So, when he was teaching
us the dance move,

it was a lot like what we
do at double Dutch aerobics.

We'll do, like, five different exercises

and then we turn it into a combination.

I was like, "Michelle, we can do this."

All right, we're looking for marked clues.

- But they're marked with what?
- I see it, I see it.

- "The." "the."
- "The."

- The world.
- The world.

Rebus puzzles... like,

- I eat rebus puzzles for breakfast.
- Yup.

- He loves 'em.
- This is my daily dose of adrenaline.

Smaller! Smaller than you!

- Okay.
- Bigger than you.

- Ready? Let's give it a try.
- I'm ready to go. You want to do it?

- All right. Hey, let's go.
- Good luck, guys.

- All right, buddy.
- We got this, man. No pressure.

- That transition's gonna be smooth.
- Yeah.

All right. Hey, it's easy, it's
easy, we got this. We got this.


One, two, three, four.

The first one was not good.

- Yeah.
- I was, like, "man.

My feet are everywhere."

- "The world is bigger than you."
- Wait.

"Think." "the world is
bigger than you think."

Than you...

Curious. He's right here. Chota!

"The world is bigger than you think."

- Sorry. No.
- No?

Smaller. Wait. The world...
It's the smaller rat. Ready?

"The world is"

"smaller than you think."

- Absolutely. Thank you!
- Thank you. Thank you.

- Let's go, mom. We got it.
- Okay.

It was great.

We just made up a ton of time.

"Then find all the marked puzzle pictures

along the mural wall between them."

Who will be painting a
mural? It's got to be on here.

It's got to be on here.

Let's do this one first. The rat.

- There's a-a thing of a rat.
- There's a magnify...

- So, a rat took some... skis.
- Skis?

Minus the I.

Double h hockey sticks.

- Across the world.
- The world. Art world.

- Mama rat took baby rat down a ski hill.
- Ski hill.

Double h hockey sticks around the world.

Around the world.
And then they did yoga.

- Om. Om.
- And... that's "om"?

- Yup.
- Okay. Om.

- The second piece of artwork...
- Piece of artwork.

- Yeah.
- Was an "om."

It was an "om" sign.

I've got a good friend

who's a yogi, so, you
know, I knew what that was.

Mama rat took baby rat
skiing around the world.

They did some om...
They did some yoga,

and that was a positive experience.

- Okay.
- Okay?

You ready?

- Yeah! Yeah!
- Yeah? Yeah!

- Yeah, baby!
- Yeah, let's go, let's go!

"Take your taxi to Plaza botero

and search for your next clue."

Side, side, forward,
forward, step, bow, open.

You got it? Want to try it?

We ready.

They gonna do it before
so you can watch 'em. Yeah.


It's time, baby. Breakdance fever, baby.

Let's go.


Derek was off rhythm.

Let's go, baby! We finna get it going!

Yeah! Let's go!

One, six, seven, eight. Hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.



- So, "thome"?
- "Thome"?

"Thome who roam around the world..."

- Wonders?
- Wanders.


"Those who travel..."

"Those who wander are not lost."

You got it!

- Chota! Check?
- Yeah.

"Those who wander are not lost."

No. No.

- Okay, let's go back.
- We got to go back.

Please. Please, please,
please, please, please.

Gracias. Gracias.

I think we just made up
a little more time there.

Have you seen Cesar since our...

- I-I don't know.
- I don't think so.

My god. It is so congested.

If we're also suffering
from the traffic, for sure,

- everyone else will be suffering.
- Everyone is.

- Right foot forward.
- Come on.

Come up. Turn around.

Kick that left leg out.

- One, two, three, four.
- Up, back.

This one.

- Right foot out.
- You want to try it?

- I need one more run-through.
- Okay.

Slow down, baby.

Come on!

Today you got to give me grace, 'cause

I just didn't have it. The rhythm

wasn't there because
I kept watching her.

And it was throwing me off.

I'm like, "why are you looking at me?"

You know I can't dance.

Baby, way too... What are we missing?

I have a whole new
respect for break dancers.

Break dancing is difficult.

Spin it, Derek! Spin it!

- Yeah!
- Yes!

Thank you.

- We just go all the way down.
- Okay.

As a Latin woman,

I'm pretty embarrassed
about what happened.


And then I would look over at Yvonne

and she would be doing
some awkward move.

It's okay, nobody's gonna see it.

- Left, right, front, forward!
- Forward, forward.


We are struggling.

I forgot how hard that break
dancing with a routine is.

- I'm usually just going to...
- He knew I can't dance.

I don't know why he chose that one.

He made that decision without me.

Not a good marriage move.

Baby, what are we missing?

Watch the back.

You want to watch now?

Watching the other teams didn't help

- 'cause they were messing up.
- Everybody was struggling.

I was focusing on the
actual dancers behind them.

So, those were the professionals.

They knew it and they had
a lot more rhythm with it,

and I just tried to follow the
steps that I could remember.


Hey! Hey! Hey!


Yeah! My guy.

- Let's go, baby. Let's go.
- Let's go.

Yeah! We gonna get it today!

Good job.

"Gnome... travel..."

"I... focus."

- "I look..."
- "I find..."

Find myself?

And we... we keep forgetting this one,

we got to get this one.

That's the last one, it has to
go at the end, and he's like,

"through travel that I
find myself wandering."

Okay. Okay.


Thank you!

Get it, get it.

This is a traffic nightmare.

- This is real traffic.
- I thought L.A. traffic was bad.

These people are out
here honking at the police.

Man, if you honk at me
when I was on patrol,

then you must want
to talk to me in person.

I just talked to the taxi driver, and,

he's gonna take a
different route because

he thinks he might get there quicker.

According to the GPS, it's
gonna take four minutes longer,

but that traffic was at a standstill, so...

Yeah, it wasn't going anywhere.

I think he had a really good idea going

this way, and hopefully
it pays off in the end.

Right now I think we're proving

this is why we deserve to be here.

- We...
- This is why my kid has worked

so hard for so many years,

and this is why he deserves to be here.

All right, we're almost there.

Where's your money?

- Okay, we're gonna take some notes.
- Kinda looks

a little bit like your bedroom, baby.

Okay, mom.

They're sculptures.

Like, there's a face called cabeza.

On our way to downtown,
we were stuck in traffic.

We needed to make the best of our time.

We asked for the taxi driver's phone.

We're looking at all the sculptures

that are on Plaza
botero, just to get ahead.

There's a lady laying down on her belly.

Then there is apparently...
it looks like a horse.

Anything that we can get
right now, it's an advantage.

We're gonna get to the Plaza botero.

What do you want to do?

I need to do a roadblock.

And you're... I guarantee
you're gonna get it done

really quick, actually.

As long as I don't have
you, like, pressuring me,

I think I can perform really well, actually.

Okay. Yeah.

Thank you. Gracias, señor.

- There it is! I see it. Come on.
- I see it.



"Who's feeling artsy?"

You'll find the work of
Medellín's most famous artist,

Fernando botero, in
the world's biggest cities.

Botero's unique style
is instantly recognizable

because of what he calls
"the sensuality of form."

There are more bronze
botero sculptures in this Plaza

than anywhere else on the planet,

carefully watched over by local vendors.

This roadblock requires
teams to pay careful attention

to where 12 of them are located

and then place their names
in the correct spot on this map.

- I'm doing it.
- Come on, baby, come on, come on.

It's right here.

You got this.

It's at your pace, baby.

I pick a station, and it's a map of the area

and there's all of these
pegs representing the statues.

So I had to basically
match the statue to the peg

all on the map, and pick...

And Amber's not the most,

directionally-inclined individual.

No, I'm not.

- Let me figure out where I am.
- Let's go, baby.

I need to figure out where
I am on the map now.

You got this.

Mujer vestida.


The sculptures were kind of
spread out all over the area.

This place was huge.

There were some sculptures
that went blocks down.


In front of that.

It's hard to figure out where
the sculptures need to go

on the actual map.

There was, like, 20 pegs
on the board and only,

like, 12 actual names of the sculptures

that I had to identify.

And the names are
really tricky to memorize.

What if it's "t-h plus"?

I think that's just an e.

It's "the earth..."

"The earth"?

"It's a small world" or something?

"Is smaller than I... Thought."

- "The world is smaller..."
- Yes, yes.

- "than I thought."
- That matches.

"The world is smaller than I thought."

- No, no.
- Close, close.

"The world is smaller than I imagined."


- You're right.
- I thought.

You're right. We're on it.

Left, right, spin!



Come on. Yes!

Go, let's run. Let's get
out of here. Come on.

Five, six, seven, eight. Go!


I don't think we've really
felt the pressure until

- the cousins got it.
- I know, she was like,

"we got to get this,"
and I was like, "I know."

- Yes! Thank you.
- ! Thank you.

Thank you.

Cabeza, caballo, mano.

There was a lot of
pressure because I feel

like Vincent expects a lot out of me,

and I always have that
feeling of "I'm letting him down."


I think I have to work on a lot of my own

insecurities and I need to love myself

for who I am and, and my strengths.

This is hard.

It's a lot of running.

So I found the museum,
so now I'm trying to get the...

The sculptures around the museum.

Saw the museum, I was like,

"okay, there's a row here of sculptures."

So I definitely found the museum

and I found, this building right here.

It's right here.

So I'm just trying to get my...

Where is it?

You got this, babe, come on.

We're making this
way too difficult, maybe.

So, "the earth I... Search, seek, find..."

"The earth I find than we thought."

"Than we thought"?

Let's try that.

"The earth I find than I think."

- No.
- No, okay.

"The earth I find makes us think."


Caballo, one, two, three?


You got this, babe.

Nobody's even here yet.

Here, here, here.

- "Who's feeling artsy?"
- Artsy. I'll do it.

- I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it.
- Okay.

I think I'll do pretty well with this.

- Light pink is here.
- You can beat Amber.

- You can beat Amber.
- Okay.

Mujer vestida.

I am on the side of
the cultura, which is...

It's this. I'm over here.

Thankfully, the building in
front of us was checkered,

so it was a checkered building, and then

the museum was labeled, thankfully.

And I knew the museum
was on the other side.

So it was fairly easy to
orient myself to where

I was.

Vestido. Perro.

I took all of my tiles and I laid them out

and tried to memorize as
many of them as I could.

Okay, now I've got to go look.

Not this one.

Mujer vestidais the first

on my left, headed towards perro.

Caballoacross from perro.

I came... down this way.

So I know caballo.

This is really hard.

It is really hard.

I'm extremely confident
in my partner right now.

We've been through nine years

of school and education,
and I think that Amber is

really gonna show that off this time.

- She's got this.
- I really want to look at hers

'cause she hasn't put her shade down,

but I'm gonna play it fair and not look.

- "This world."
- I think it's "this."

Okay, "this world is
smaller than we wandered."


- Let's say "thought."
- Okay, okay.

"This world is smaller than we thought."

"This world is smaller than we think."


"The world is smaller than I think."

I don't know where to go with this.

I don't know how to get out of this.

I don't know how to get out of this, either.

- We could get this dance, biz.
- You want to go switch?

- Well, what do...
- We're so close, though.

We're so close, but
we're not coming up with it.

"World is smaller than
you imagine." God.

Why is that not it? Damn it.

I don't know where to
go with this. I don't know

- how to get out of this.
- It was the most

- frustrating moments...
- Moments, plural, yeah.

We've had in this race.

- We could get this dance, biz.
- Okay, okay.

Let's go switch.

We're gonna switch this time.

We cannot get this.

Everybody's gone.

We get to the studio, and
we are the only ones there.

I'm not ready to give
up, so I'm giving it 100%.


I have a really good picture memory.

Okay. Cabezaand gato.

She was laying here on the corner.

So I only needed, like, a couple of words

and I knew what they were.

Hombre on the horse... Was here.

Three more.

Okay. All right. Got to change that one.

Think I'm pretty sure,
other than changing

this one, they're all right.

"Who's feeling artsy?"

- Okay.
- I'll do it. I'm doing it.

You got this.

Nothing but good
vibes, babe, you got this.

Okay. Think I'm good.

Can I get a check?

Please, señor?

Yay! Thank you.

You crushed it.


"Route info. Race on
foot to your next pit stop."

The parques del río Medellín

has an environmentally
sustainable design,

part of Medellín's goal of becoming.

South America's first eco city.

Teams will find me
here on this green bridge,

part of this city's urban oasis.

The last team to check
in here will be eliminated.

- Let's freaking go.
- Let's go, baby.

- Parques...
- Let's go. All right.

Who do we ask? Who do we ask?

Okay, check?

All right, judge, what do you think?

Muchas gracias.

- You got it. You got it. Perfect, perfect.
- Okay.

Can we use your phone?

- Please?
- Please, please, please, please.

Fast, fast, fast.

Okay, okay. Got it, got it, got it.

Do you want to jump ship?

- She's taking forever.
- No.

Danny's right there.

Danny, I'm gonna help you.

Okay, amazing.

We couldn't get directions,

so I took that moment to, to help Danny.

- The museum...
- Yeah.

Is over there.

We knew that we weren't gonna pass

Ricky and Cesar.

I mean, anything can happen, but

my heart was telling me
to help that other team.

And-and you're gonna turn left
and see all the statues, okay?

- ¿Tienes UN teléfono?
- Thank you.

Amber and vinny are there,

and we've kind of made
a little bit of an alliance

with each other, and Amber's like,

"let me just orient you" -beautiful people.

"So you know where you're at."

- Yeah.
- They're incredible people,

and we can't wait to continue

- running the race with them.
- Yeah.

English? Inglés, inglés.

¿Dónde está parques
del río me-Medellín?

- ¿Dos? Dos minutos?
- Yeah.

Okay, let's go.

We can at least secure second place

and we can secure Danny and Angie

to stay up in front of the pack,

and we feel that that energy
will always return tenfold.

What a freaking day.

Step, kick, step.

We took our time.

We wanted to make sure we had

a decent shot of getting it instantly.

- Yup.
- Because we knew we were last.


Perro, perro, perro.

Perro. Mujer con esposa.

Perro. "P." Mujer con esposa.

Amber gave me the spatial

of where the museum
was, which helped me

kind of orient my brain
on where the statues was.


Mujer con esposa.

And I was like, "yes, let's go."

As a super fan, I want
to make an alliance

that can learn from each other,

that have different strengths

to be able to help each other in the race.

Adán, Eva, gato. A, e, g.

I get the statues, take about
four at a time, and make, like,

letter anagrams in my head
to remember the positions.

It was a buffet of puzzles for him today.

He was in his element.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, all you can eat puzzles.

- Hey, keep 'em coming.
- Keep 'em...

Mano. Fruta. Esfinge.

That's amazing.

- "Who's feeling artsy?"
- That would be me.

Shelisa, you're feeling
artsy. That's an easy one.

You got this, baby, you got this.

- You're feeling artsy.
- Okay. Yeah.

We'll take this one here.

But where is there a map?

Is there something on the back?

No, it's not.

That's a different station.

Where's a map?



Come on, Danny, I believe in you, babe.

He's kicking butt.

Okay, this is the map.

So, there's only 12.

There's 23 markings,
and there's only 12,

so I'm just gonna try to figure this out.


That sucks. Rod and leticia

they were behind us, so
they-they closed the gap,

which is not what you want to see.

- The pilot boys, but they...
- And they were

- ahead of us at the dance.
- They left before us.

They left be... before us.

But those guys definitely speak Spanish,

so I'm gonna listen
to what they're saying.

This it, right here.

So, we in a rat race.

- Hey, watch out. Let's go, buddy.
- Let's go, let's go.

Here, this is it. We
got to look for the clue

that's all it says.

Over here, over here.

"Who's feeling artsy?"

- I do, I do.
- Okay.

- All right, all right...
- You got it?

Yeah. All right. Where do we go?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.

- Okay. Okay. Here.
- Check, check, check.

- All right, bro.
- Hey.

- I got six and you get six.
- All right.

Rod jumped in and asked if
we wanted to work together.

Like, absolutely.

Rod and leticia, they are a strong team.

These are the six I got.

And then cabeza.
Yeah, good, good, good.

- Let's go.
- So I'll get these.

Let's go.

No good? Okay.

You got this, Danny!

Come on.

You want to hold my hand?

- We're coming, Phil!
- We're coming!

- In one, in two. Hey.
- Yeah.

We made it.

Welcome to Medellín, Colombia.

- Muchas gracias.
- Muchas gracias.

Ricky and Cesar,

would you like to hear some news?

Tell us that we're first.

Be a nice way to end the day, wouldn't it?

It would be a great way to end the day.

I am very pleased to tell you

that you are, in fact, team number one.


As the winners of this leg of the race,

you have won $2,500 each.

- Yes.
- Amazing!

Got to love cash, baby.

You guys are making it look
like you were born to do this,

born to be on amazing race.

We have gone second,
second... First, first.

It's been very dreamlike.

I think the real secret is just being

- flexible and...
- Adaptable.

- Adaptable, and just enjoy it.
- And enjoy it. Enjoy it.

What's this one?

Cabeza. Cabeza. Gracias.

Okay. Cat has a big head.

Cat has a big head.

Okay, let's go try this.

I got to figure out where we are.

We are near the museum.

This has to be it, then.


Got that one. Okay.

I mean, cat had a big head, right?

"Who's feeling artsy?"

- Michelle's gonna do it.
- Michelle's gonna do it.

- "Who's feeling artsy?"
- I can do it.

- You can do it. I believe in you.
- I can do it.

When I saw the "who's feeling
artsy?" I was like, "all right."

Back home, I'm an artist.

Like, I've literally been
throwing ceramics for years.

"Choose an answer
station with name plates.

Once chosen, you may not switch."

Then I read it. I was
like, "that's all the things

I'm not great at. Those are
the things kishori's great at."

Are you a name station?


Are you a name station?

Who do I go to? What do I do?

Karishma! Come on!

Okay. I'm smart.

I can do this.

My god.

- "Who's feeling artsy?" Yeah.
- Want to do it?

All right. Hey, so we're right here, yeah?

- Is that correct? No.
- No.

The museum is on the other
side. Come on, just walk with me.

- Let's go, boys! Come on!
- Come on, baby!

The museum got one,
two, three, four, five, six

- right in front of the museum.
- Okay.

So you get your bearings right once I...

Yeah, I'm good now, I'm good now.

Maternidad. Mujer vestida. Maternidad.

Mujer vestida.

Maternidad. Mujer vestida.

Okay, which way did I just come from?

I don't know where it starts.

You're okay.

- Breathe. Make sure you breathe.
- Yeah.

Can we all work together, please?

- Something's messed up.
- Hey, look, hey, look.

Hey, gato'snot right, though.

- I can't see which way it goes.
- Check, check?

- Yes! Let's go!
- Yes!

Thank you. Gracias.

There he is. There he is.

Amber and vinny, you
guys are team number two.

What is it like to be
running the race with Amber?

It's frustration, it's pressure,

it's love, it's growth and respect.

Every time I see her crying,

I want to help and do
something, but many times I can't.

There was just a lot of
pressure today, and

I always feel like I'm letting him down, so

I wouldn't ask to run
this race with anyone else

that I didn't think was capable enough.

Amber, come on.

And at the end of the day, you're a team.

And today, you're a very strong team.


And we're gonna continue
to be a strong team.

You've got this, baby. Let's go.

Cabeza. Cabeza, gato.

I am horrible with orientation,
but sculpture names

being in Spanish, I
think, definitely helped.

It was just so innate

that I honestly didn't even think about it.

"Caballo con bridas."

If you didn't know what
you were looking for,

that must have been a lot harder.


Then maybe... adán?

There's no... adán.

And this is when they show on TV

how many I got right
and how many I got wrong.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Aw! Come on, baby.

My god.

Five, six, seven, eight!

- Cross.
- Around the world.


Four, five.

Thank you.

Scusi, scusi, scusi.

Hey, I got it, baby.

- Check, check.
- You ready? Let's get a check.


- Okay.
- All right, bro, I need you

to bear with me, come with me,

and we're gonna figure this out together.

I'm glad they're working together,

but my stomach is in
knots right now. I just...

Yeah, it's hard to be sitting here,

but two minds are better than one.

Hopefully, that'll give us an edge.


Let's go, buddy. Let's go.
Bring it home. Come on.

- No. Okay.
- Gosh.

All right, so... The
museum... is here, right?

Wait, if this is the front of the museum,

- look down here. It's the man.
- She's changing again.

- Big head, and then you have...
- She keeps changing things.


The map is probably confusing.

Like, they might know the exact statue,

but not in the right order.

We were doing so good today.

This is horrible.

- Do not give up!
- I'm trying. I don't...

How does it go?

It wasn't hard figuring out the order.

It was hard figuring out the orientation.

Am I here?

And so that was... ooh.

I'm trying to get as much as I can.

I don't know which way.


Hey, we're coming for you.

- Phil. Super son is...
- Yeah.

Angie and Danny, I'm pleased to tell you

that you've had a fantastic day.

You are team number three.

Yes! Top three!

- Honey, you did it.
- Yeah.

- This one did it.
- Top three is solid.

He lived his day today.
There were puzzles.

- He was so excited about that.
- Great day.

Hey, I got one, two, three,
four, caballoon the left.

From the museum across the street,

one, two, three, four, espejoon the right.

And then we'll take it from there.

Check, check, check.

Come on. Please, lord.

Please, lord. Please, lord. Please, lord.

Yes! Let's go. Let's go!

Check, check. Check, check.

"Race on foot to your next pit stop

at parque rio Medellín
and find Phil at the mat."

Come here, come here, come here.

He say I'm wrong. He say I'm wrong.

Is this... was this one the
third one, or right here?

Caballo, caballo,
caballo, caballo, caballo.

- Let's go.
- Caballo, caballo. Check, check, check.

Come on, baby. Great.

That's what I'm talking
about. Let's go, baby.

Good job. Let's go.
Green team, where you at?


What? You can't tell me what's wrong?


- Okay.
- Think he might...

Maybe the firefighters did get
here before, like, with Danny

and Angie, and they
just finished it really fast.


- 'Cause they could have left.
- I know.

I'm just hoping that the
firefighters are behind us.

Here we are, probably in last.

- But it's not over till it's over, so...
- Yeah.


We got to split up! Baby,
you're not getting it, man.

Babe, I feel like we should go this way.

If you see Phil, or y'all
see Phil, we just yell.

- Yeah, do it, do it.
- All right, where we going?

Or we keep walking the same way.

- All right, we'll go this way.
- I'm gonna head there.

- And I'm gonna flag you down.
- If we don't see anything,

we'll come back to you.

This getting crazy, man.

We're right on top of
Phil. We can't find him.

Phil, where you at?

I'd rather play where's Waldo?

Nah, no. Let's go.

- Is that him?
- Is that him up there?

- Come on, let's see.
- I told you that bridge.

I see something. Go this
way, and we turn all the way...

Hey, fellas!

- I told him.
- Hi, Phil.

Baby, I told you to listen to me.

You're the hardest man to find.

I told you. We were over there.

- I said, "keep going this way."
- But we're here now.

- I appreciate it.
- How long does it take to forgive

in a relationship?

- You have to forgive.
- When he buys me something.


- Phil!
- Juan and Shane, here we go.

You're team number
five, so, still a solid finish.

All right.

- Come on, baby.
- A museum.

Okay. There's a museum there.

I just may have my orientation wrong.

When I saw the map,
I was looking at it as if

the museum was at the top of the map.

That was incorrect.

Once I realized and went back,

the 20th time, I was able to

at least get a pattern
of where things were.

Then, this is up here.

- Come on, shelisa. Let's go.
- Let's get it done, baby.

Check, please.


Okay. Check? Check, sir.

Thank you, sir.

My god.

Michelle, you got it!

I wonder what she's getting wrong.

I bet you anything they're
putting it upside down,

so it's just flopped.

The museum is right there.

- I know that this is right.
- Keep going, boo boo.

My wife... you know, she's a fighter.

She's gonna keep going, keep going.

That's why I married her.

She's a fighter.

You're looking, babe!

Good job!

- Okay. It's the last one, but that's okay.
- Okay.

- "Who's feeling artsy?" I am.
- "Who's feeling artsy?"

That's me immediately
because I'm an artist.

That's not what I thought
this was gonna be at all.

Here they come. The
fire, the fire, the fire.

Are you kidding me? My goodness.

Thank you, god. Thank you, god.

I'm almost gonna cry of
happiness. They just got here.

They just got here. They just got here.

I'm just trying to figure
out the orientation.

It doesn't say, "you are here,"

so I don't know where we're at.

So I'm gonna be running for a little bit.

Woman reclining.

It seemed like an impossible task.

Like, I could just see it taking forever.

My brain.

I can I see this sign really quick?

My heart is pounding.

I'm having a heart palpitation,
about to have an anxiety attack.

I don't know which way.

- I don't know.
- I don't know.

Karishma, you got this. Keep pushing!

I'm trying. I don't...

If you think you have what it
takes to win the amazing race,

go to CBS.Com/casting and apply now.

I don't get it. Check?

Don't feel defeated.

I'm so confused right now.

Come on, karishma, come on.

This isn't lining up with
how the statues were.

I was like, "how am I gonna
orient and figure out this map?"

Thankfully, I have

entertained the idea of
becoming a landscape architect.

So I saw the circles, and I
saw a big circle and little circle.

Once I found that, it was easier.

Perrois closest, right in front.

Then the horse.

Then there's a big bowl
right behind the horse.

So, you know what?

It has to start straight,

and then it has to wave like this.

That's the order.

And esfingeis that way.

But that doesn't make sense,

because how could the
building be next to there?

I can't get it.

- Phil.
- Let's just finish. Come on.

Come on, give me
five. She worked today.

Welcome to Medellín, Colombia.

- Wow! Muchos sombreros.
- Derek and shelisa,

you know how this works.

- Yeah.
- If you arrived last,

- you get eliminated from the race.
- Yeah.


- Please don't tell me.
- But you're not last.

You're team number six.

Hey. Hey.

You were about to...
You were about to get it.

- I was... I was gonna get an ass whupping?
- Yeah.

Yvonne and Melissa,

I am pleased to tell you that
you are team number seven,

so you get to race another leg.


The face is on that side. Gatois across.

Caballo, recline.


Yeah? Yes. Okay, thank you, thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

It's really hard to see teams get it

when you're there for so long,

and it's, like, there's
only so much you can do.

Let's go.

- I don't get where I am.
- Michelle.

Come on, baby. You got it.

- Come on, let's go.
- All right. Check.

You got it!

Stay focused. Stay calm.

We're trying. I'm trying.

- Where are you going? Did you not see me?
- No.

Sunny and bizzy, you
are team number eight.

- Congratulations. Eight.
- Eight?

You guys are pumped right now?

I'm so pumped! I thought we were done!

But you don't give up because
that is the number one rule

on the amazing race, right?

And for firefighting and motherhood.

- Yes. Yes.
- And for firefighting.

I'm in college. I can do this. Okay.

My parents always just told me,

- "like, don't ever give up on something."
- Yeah.

"Always keep fighting."
And, like, they always

ingrained that in me.

Esfingeis in the back right corner,

right across from mano. I
have the board backwards.

I have the board backwards.

Unless I'm doing it all on the wrong side.

Esfinge. Mano.

Esfingeand mano are
across from each other.

Gatoto the left, cabezato the right.

I've been confused. Now I get it.

Check, check.

I just want her to get
the clue. I'm nervous.

Please be it, please be it, please be it.

Please be it, please be it!


I love you! We are
gonna run for our lives.

Come on.

Let's go. Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Just stay focused.

Wait. Wait. I see him.

I see him. I see him. He's on the bridge.

- He's on the bridge.
- Go.

Come on.

Kishori and karishma


You are not the last team to arrive.

- You are team number nine.
- Thank god.

I was exhausted, but I
didn't want to give up.

Like, I have to do this for kishori,

I have to do this for my parents.

Like, I just couldn't give
up. I couldn't give up.

Such a good teammate.
I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

- All right.
- Let's go.

- Phil, are we first?
- Are we first backwards?

- Last time.
- Yeah.

Michelle and Sean,

I am sorry to tell you that
you're the last team to arrive,

and you have been
eliminated from the race.

Okay. We can take it.

What do you want your kids to take away

from watching the
two of you on the race?

I always say like, "on the
other side of fear is life."

- Yes.
- I want my kids to see their parents...

- Yes.
- Going for it.

- Their parents are kind of cool.
- I know.

I think you guys are very cool.

And then, man, with the skipping.

- I'm ready for a lesson.
- All right, listen,

- we can do it right there.
- You can do it right there?

Come on, let's go.

Of course I wanted to stay for every leg.

But we're leaving wiser, stronger,

and even more in love,

- and you can't ask for more.
- That's right.

Ready? On the count of
three, one, two, three, jump.


- I'm gonna jump with you.
- Yup. Keep jumping.

- A little higher. That's it. Good.
- Good.

- Good, Phil. Look, look.
- One, two.

- Criss... cross. Criss...
- Yes, Phil!

Now feet together. Feet together.

Here we go. One, two, one, two, one...

Sorry. You okay?

- Phil, yes!
- You did it.

That'll make the cut.

- Yes!
- That'll make the cut.

Captioning sponsored
by CBS and Toyota.

Captioned by media access
group at wgbh access.Wgbh.Org.

Next time on the amazing race...

Ready to go, baby, take
back our number one spot.

In Santiago, Chile...

Teams scale new heights...

Babe, my leg is shaking.

And navigation has
relationships on the rocks.

- I don't know where we at, babe.
- Well, we need

I'm... That's what I'm telling you.

It's just as hard for me
driving -parque to central.

And you yelling at the back
seat and you can't find it

- while we're standing still.
- Well, I don't...

You need to tell me where we're going.

You have the dir... You have it all.

- Pull over, please.
- My god. Okay.

- Pull over, please.
- My god. Okay.