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36x01 - You Can't Drive While You're Crying

Posted: 05/03/24 13:42
by bunniefuu
On an all-new season
of the amazing race...

Let's go, baby!

two... We are absolutely

gonna be the first
mother-son duo

to win the amazing race.

- Good job!
- I'm proud of you.

I love being underestimated.

I think when people see

that I'm, like,
this four, 11 girl,

they're like,
"that girl's weak."

Have you jumped out
of a plane 81 times?

He's the best teammate

- that I've ever had in my life...
- I appreciate that, babe.

Which is why I made you
my husband, so, lucky you.

I appreciate it.

My goal is to prove two women

can get anything accomplished.

- You're almost there, buddy.
- You're almost there.

Finish it up.

The money's icing on the cake.

It's going to be about
the experience first.

We're gonna come out winners,

even if we don't come out
with a million-dollar check,

which is unlikely.

- Will embark -on a breathtaking...
- Wow.

Thrilling... Whoo!
It's going so fast!

Unpredictable journey.

Ready to go.

A life-changing adventure

that will test their physical

- I'm bleeding.
- My god!

And mental fortitude...

- Nah, I ain't doing that.
- Babe, please don't quit.

The world is bigger than you.

Like never before.


Only the best will get a shot

at racing to the finish
line for $1 million.

Let's go hard and
race around the world!

It all begins here
in puerto vallarta.

Travel publications
have called it

the friendliest
city in the world,

the number one culinary
destination in Mexico,

and rated the beaches here
among the best in the world.

Let's go!

Welcome to Mexico.

Yes, good to see you all.
Look at those beautiful faces.

What a dynamic group of
people that we have here,

and it is going
to be competitive.

Just tell us a little
bit about yourselves.

- We'll jump right in.
- I'll go.

- Hello. Come on.
- So, my name is Sean.

This is my wife,
my life, Michelle.

- Aw.
- I'm Michelle Clark.

And we're the owners
of double Dutch aerobics.


And my wife...
My wife is a what?

- World champion in double Dutch.
- Ooh!

And I'm a master dda instructor,

and all that means
is that we can teach

- anybody in the world.
- Anybody how to jump double Dutch.

- Including you, Phil.
- Yes.

I do hope we get to do a
little jumping at the mat.

Yes, we will.

We are 25-year-old
identical twins.

We live in clear water, Florida.

And we're, like, all-around
beach boys, so starting off

at the beach feels
pretty fitting for us.

We're in our element here.

My dad has been
raising me as a single dad

since I was ten years old,
and he's my teammate for life.

So I wouldn't want to
do this with anybody else.

We live in a
one-bedroom apartment,

so we're just excited to
see the world together, and...

- We're just happy to be outside right now.
- Yes.

We're both certified
registered nurse anesthetists.

What does that even mean?

That means that you can
put out your competition,

and they wake up
at the finish line.

- Exactly.
- Within seconds.

We've been traveling
anesthesia providers,

traveling all over the
country, providing anesthesia.

Juan and I met
in pilot training.

Since then, we've been pretty
much as inseparable as it gets

by living on different
sides of the country.

Happy to be here and
share this with my best friend

and be able to make our
wives back home proud

- and my little one.
- Man.

It's a dream that we
couldn't even fathom.


We've been dating
for three years.

We live in San
Diego, California.

I cannot believe
we're in Mexico.

My family's from Mexico,
emigrated from Mexico,

and I'm first-generation

And I am just so...
Just ecstatic to be here.

We're both, um, students

and summer camp
aquatics directors.

- We've been fans for such a long time.
- Forever.

We watched Tammy and
Victor and Nick and starr win

all those years ago.

Did you have to say that?

But it's our turn now.

We're so excited to be here.

We are so excited
to have you all here.

We know it's gonna
be competitive.

And just like last season,

no non-elimination
legs on this race.

You don't have that crutch there

in case you make a mistake.

And that means you have to
be on your game all the time.

On your game, all
the time, every leg.

Last season, we
went to a country

that we had never
been to before.

Well, this season, there
are two new countries

that we have never
been to before.

Your first clue is on the car

which is parked
out in the parking lot

on the other side of the hotel.

Okay, let's get
those backpacks on.

Let's buckle up.

Is everybody ready to race?

- Yeah!
- All right.

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck. Travel safe.

- Go!
- Let's go, baby!

- Let's go.
- My goodness!

- This way, this way.
- Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

- Yes, we can.
- Come on, let's go. - Come on.

I'm right behind you. Keep
going. Don't stop. Don't stop.

Keep pushing.

Bailey, come on. Bailey!

- Mom, we don't have to go fast.
- You're doing great.

Go to the left, left.

- I'm slipping.
- Are you okay?

Just take your time.

Shane, parking
lot, directly in front.

I see it, Juan.
Juan, right there.

Go, Ricky. Go.

- Go all the way up there.
- All right.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Route info.

"Welcome to puerto
vallarta, Mexico."

"Drive yourselves to
downtown puerto vallarta."

"And find the voladores along
the malecón for your next clue."

Let's go, baby!

- Let's find our car, babe.
- Taxis, taxis.

He said across the street.

- Sorry.
- No. No, don't apologize.

- No map?
- There's no map.

No map, but we here,
baby, the amazing race.

We here. We ready to race.

I can't believe it. We're
on... The amazing race.

- No way.
- My hands are shaking. Whoo! Okay.

All right, we're going
to "find the voladores

along the malecón
for your next clue."

These brave high flyers
are known as bird men,

or voladores, who
take part in an ancient

Mexican ritual
appealing to the gods

to bring rain for
a good harvest.

This is where

teams will make
their first big decision

on their amazing race.

Puerto vallarta brings
amazing memories because,

after nine months of dating,

we became boyfriends here.

Cesar and I have been
dating for about four years.

I'm a super fan of
the amazing race,

and it's a dream
being here with Ricky.

I think the amazing race
is my chance to show him

that no matter what,
I'm gonna be there.

This is our dream
now, not just yours.

What a coincidence.
We're here, like...

- We're here. I know you...
- It's happening. It's happening.

And it's the amazing race.

We're actually looking
for the "vala-do ray,"


I wish I didn't fail
Spanish twice now.

So I'm actually half Mexican.

My father is Mexican.

But I am sadly monolingual.

We're cousins,
but I really consider

karishma my little sister.

I actually lived with her
family for about six months.

We had the sisterly
bonding experience.

I think that's what makes
our relationship so awesome.

I was 17 when my parents died.

Losing my father to
non-hodgkin's lymphoma and

losing my mom to breast cancer

- was very hard.
- I know her parents

are gonna be there in spirit

- with us on the race, cheering us on.
- Yeah.

- We're gonna do this for them.
- Yeah.

We've just started the race.

I'm sweating like an animal.

I should exercise
maybe a little more.

You know I run, and it felt like

I never ran a day in my
life. Isn't that messed up?

I know.

My Spanish is decent.

I minored in Spanish in college.

I don't have any other
language other than southern.

As a little kid, I've
been dreaming

of the amazing race.

And I told my friends I was
gonna be on the amazing race

when I was, like,

that I was gonna get to do it

- with my mom.
- Yeah.

And so, I'm really
honored and really blessed.

I just want to watch him enjoy.

I mean, every mom just wants

to watch their child
live their dream.

I'm watching mine.

And you can't drive
when you're crying.

This is definitely... I
was a really sick kid.

Um, I had to be homeschooled

'cause I was literally allergic
to the walls of my school,

couldn't run across a playground

without having an asthma attack.

He has some challenges, yup.

So to be able to embark

on a race around the world
and to be able to do that

with someone who's
an absolute hero to you

it means more than
a million dollars.

I don't know 100%
where we are right now

in the race. A lot of the teams
just took off from the start,

so it's unclear if they're
stopping to ask for directions.

This is definitely
an experience.

We've always been super
fans of the amazing race.

In high school, I took
French, she took Spanish.

We had to make sure we took
different languages because

he wanted to prepare for the
moment we were on the race.

I can't imagine running
the race with anybody

other than Rohan.

We are extremely close.

He's my ride-or-die in my life.

We want to look
out for one another,

and it just further establishes

the trust that we
have in each other.

It's very different driving
in a different country,

so I'm hoping that I can
get the hang of this soon.

- This is fun.
- Took me a little bit

to catch my breath, but I
think I'm back in the game.

We love stress. We love stress.

My dad honestly
thrives on stress.

I sure thrive on it. I do
my best work under stress.

We're trying to find
the malecón, and then,

we can rejoice once we
land on the mat in first place.

- It's always about coming in first.
- It's coming in first.

- That's it.
- If you're not trying to be the best

at everything you do,
you're not trying hard enough.

I'm an active duty
air force tanker pilot.

And I am a temp pilot
in the air national guard.

Shane and I met
at pilot training.

It's extremely strenuous,

and you really need to lock on

to someone, and that
someone was Juan.

At the end of any bad day or
good day, we were together.

We laughed together,
we cried together.

So that's what
makes us so tight.

I think we just got off the
highway, though, 'cause

I think, the whole time,
that was the highway.

We were supposed to go that way?

Even speaking Spanish,

it's still kind of
difficult, because, like,

it's a relatively busy city that
you're not used to being in,

and just, everything
looks different.

Well, we are in puerto vallarta.

We are in puerto vallarta.

- Look for streets.
- I am!

Don't yell. Just
look for streets.

Well, hell, I can't see 'em.

Why don't you turn this way?

'Cause you said
to get off of the...

- No, I didn't!
- You said, I... you said...

- No! 'Cause that's the Avenue.
- No!

- See the sign.
- Okay, we got two signs here.

Shut up.


Allende. This is it.

- Allende?
- Yeah, yeah. Turn left. Left, left.

Wait, wait, wait. Behind.

I-I cannot...

Come on, come on,
come on. Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'm gonna park on the right.

Yeah, along the yellow curb.

Voladores? Straight ahead?
Okay, he said straight ahead.

Come on, Ricky. Come on.

Go, go, go, go, go!

Let's go, right
here, straight ahead.

Lots of cards!

"Detour. Pick 'em up..."

"Or pin them down."

This is the malecón,
a 15-block promenade

that is perhaps the most
popular place to walk in town,

and the best place
to see local artwork,

including these rocking horses,

which are scattered up
and down the boardwalk.

Teams need to
pick up two of them

from storage high on this hill

and transport them down
the narrow, cobblestone streets

to the malecón.

Once their horses have
a happy young rider,

they'll get their next clue.

Lucha libre, second
only to soccer

as Mexico's most
popular spectator sport.

Fans of this freestyle
wrestling argue

that it's faster,
more flamboyant,

has more brawls, more mass,
and more high-flying action

than any other form of
professional wrestling.

After watching 40
seconds of this battle royale

and relying only
on their memory,

teams need to match five
pairs of these luchadores

based on who's fighting
whom in all the mayhem.

- Okay, so a memory or a physical?
- Okay.

In our previous trip here,

those rocking horses were out,

so we knew that they
were gonna be big.

- "Pin them down."
- "Pin them down."

- Come on.
- Okay, let's figure out where we going.

I think we should do
the wrestling match.

Let's do "transport two
rocking horses." Okay.


So we're gonna
find, calle corona

at 408, which should be
three blocks, hopefully.

What the hell is going on?

- Derek?!
- What?

My bag opened!

What's unzipped?

You done bust your zipper.

Shelisa and I have
been married for 34 years.

When it comes down
to it, she's my best friend.


And we'll get along,
and we'll work out fine.

I'm recently retired
as the chief of police

for Ontario police department.

I was at the
sheriff's department.

I was actually the first

female lieutenant

in the history of
the department,

so I was really,
um, proud of myself.

- I was proud of you, as well.
- Thanks.

- You have the clue?
- You good with dumping these?

Yeah, dumping those.

Not working out.

Calle corona. What
address is this?

It's 200 this way. 362.

I told you to go back this way.

Okay. All right,
all right, all right.

Baby, we out here. Let's go.

I chose the wrestling
match 'cause I'm stable,

I can sit down, pay attention.

Even though I don't
have the best memory

hers is better than mine... but
I think that's the best choice.

I think that's the best choice.

Since we don't know
exactly where we're going.

I am a former NFL player.

Got drafted in the first
round to Washington.

- Go, commanders.
- Yeah. Yeah.

And how it translates

into the amazing race, I
think, in pressure situations

that's where I'm at my best.

We're going on
nine years married.

Rod doesn't like
to lose anything.

He's an athlete, I'm not.

But I come from very
humble beginnings.

I've been a fighter
my whole life.

So I'm not quitting,
and neither is he.

Let's go, baby.

There's too many clues in
there. They ain't got here yet.

I definitely made a
wrong turn somewhere.

You want to ask these
people right here, there.

Um, I can't stop right here.

Maya, we can't keep
driving in this direction.

Okay. I'm trying to figure out
what to do right now, Rohan.

Straight, right, left?

Where do you want me to go?

Um... We're definitely
not in the right area.

We are very, very lost, Rohan.

- Yeah.
- I hate this.

Hopefully, there's a
team that just as lost as...

- Us.
- We are right now.

We didn't have a
map. We prepared

for weeks and weeks and weeks.

We'd go places with maps.

We definitely could have
gone to buy one, but it was just

thinking about how much time
we could have potentially lost.

It's definitely a little
bit nerve-racking.

But as we've seen
watching the race,

anything can still happen.

So, I'm staying optimistic.

Hey, there's a team
right there. Okay.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- All right.

Got some motion.

Are these the
answering stations?

These are the
answering stations.

- These are fine.
- Okay. My god.

Have to be ringside.

Ringside. Okay.


Out of nowhere, all of these
luchadores jump into the ring.

Yeah, like, 30 guys just,
like, come rushing the ring.

It was very chaotic.

My god. My goodness.

- That's it.
- Okay.


- So, versus, versus, left and right.
- Go, go, go. Yes.

- Okay, this blue guy was wrestling yellow.
- Okay.

- I think yellow. Cool.
- Wait, wait, wait.

- Just...
- Wait, wait, wait. I need a skull.

- Like, a little skull on top.
- Skull.

- Give me that.
- What are-what are...

- You have those set?
- I have these two for sure.

sh**t. They already started.

- Lightning and blue?
- I didn't see this one.

My god.

"Climb the voladores."

That's them? Voladores?

It is, just as you thought.

- Clue box. Clue box.
- Where?

Down here.

- Here you go.
- Detour.

- We're picking, "pick 'em up."
- "Pick 'em up."

- You can take this right.
- This looks like some colors.

Yeah, let's park
here. Let's park here.

All right, let's go. This
is it, bro, right here.

Dude, we just
stumbled up on this one.

- Is this it?
- Clue?


- This might be them, bro.
- Here, here. Down here.

Look at these guys, bro.

- Yeah, yeah, right here.
- There's a clue.

Let's go.

How's it going? What's
up? You got the clue?

Nice to meet you.

Do we get to climb up?

I don't think we have to, bro.

Yeah, I think we do.

We're chill dudes,
but we also know

when it's time to
step up and compete.

Doing the race
together as a team

is so important
to us just because

we grew up with people
pitting us against each other.

You know, who's better at this,

who got the hotter
girls, who's faster,

who makes more money.

Everything was a competition, so

it made us kind of resent
each other in an aspect.

So I think to come together

and just working
together as a team

is long overdue for us.

We don't have to
prove to each other,

you know, who's better,
'cause we're better together.

You were about
to free-climb that.

Just, who has a clue, then?

- All right.
- It's right here, dude.


I for sure thought we were
climbing that pole, dude.

All right.

So we're gonna do the horses.

We need to be looking for...

- There's another team.
- Yes, come on. Boardwalk.

- Where's the boardwalk?
- Yes, that's where we're heading.

We're headed down
to the boardwalk.

So, malecón... I'm
guessing it's near the water.

I believe so.

Grab it.

Come on, it's the clue box!

The voladores. Look at it!

- That's awesome!
- There it is right there.

Let's go!

- We're going... walla walla!
- First and second!

- Walla walla!
- Walla walla, first and second.

- Let's go!
- Let's go!

Quick! Keys in the car!

Keys in the car!
Keys in the car!

Child, I can't with
you. Lock the car!

- Which one's our car?!
- That one up there!

- Kishori...
- My god.

Lock the car.

Snap. There it is.

We're gonna do "pick 'em up."

- "Pick 'em up."
- "Pick 'em up"?

"Only seven teams may
compete in each detour.

First come, first serve."

Yes! My god. Yes,
karishma, found it.

"Pick 'em up." We're
gonna choose "pick 'em up."

- We're gonna do "pin 'em down."
- "Pin 'em down." We're good.

- We have a good memory.
- We have a good memory.

And we love wrestlers!

"Pick 'em up."

The physical challenge,
you know it for sure.

You just have to ask
for some directions.

- Let's ask.
- English?

- Calle corona.
- Calle corona?


Uno, dos, trés, cuatro bloques.


"One large and one
small rocking horse."

There's still teams back there.

You can take a breather.

I just got to walk fast instead
of running for a second.

No worries. You got this.

Enjoy the beautiful Mexican
sun. This is amazing.

I've always been a daddy's girl.

I'm 26 years old and I
still live at home, so I think

that tells something
about our relationship

and how close we are.

My mom passed away from
cancer when I was ten years old.

I don't think that I could
have been the person

that I am today
without his support.

I've had to take on
both roles a little bit.

I never can replace
her mother, but I've done

what I can do to try
to make Mary thrive,

and she really is
my best, best friend.

Come on!

That's not calle corona.

One more. Let's do one more.

- Gracias. Calle...
- Corona?

- Calle 408...
- Calle corona?

Corona. Get the clue out,
baby, so she can see it.


We've been dating for...

- A little over four years.
- We actually met

in nurse anesthesia school.

We're, like, in the cadaver lab,

and he's, like,
trying to talk to me.

We've talked about
engagement, getting married,

and, hopefully, if we
win the million dollars,

that would be even better.

- I'm very outgoing.
- She's the thinker,

- and I'm the doer.
- Yeah.

- Let's count how many blocks.
- One.

This is gonna be our first
one. One, two, three, four.

Gracias, señora.

- Babe, you with me?
- Yeah.

I'm trying.

Those two.

- Blue mask.
- I think we might have it.

Come on, come on, come on.

- Ref, check?
- Check?

My god. The tension.

What you got, ref?

- No, no, no!
- Okay.

Hey, can we get it going?

No, no, no, not the
top one, the bottom.

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Your middle...

No. He had, like, a
wart here, so I saw that.

Like, I got on his size.

Yeah! Let's go.

Here, here. Just stay back.


There's a bunch of
y'all here at one time.

I see the... I like the red.

When all the guys got
in the ring and started

battling it out, I was so lost.

I didn't know what
mask to look at.

I wasn't expecting,
like, 50 guys

to run out there,
so I feel like,

find out what's happening.
Like, just take that in.

Yeah, but...

- Baby, baby?
- Somebody with a skull on his head.

- My god.
- What is happening right now?

- Come on. Come on, Ricky.
- One, two, three. Babe?

It was lucha versus giganteze.

- For sure. There's, like the two...
- Blue and green.

White and blue. I remember.

Lightning and gold I
don't think was right.

- Okay. Is there a blue of these?
- I saw him.

Yeah, I saw him fight
somebody in the blue.

So now we just...

- Let's get it right.
- Let's get it right.

We cannot wait
another five minutes.

He fought somebody in blue,
but I don't think it was this one.

He fought somebody,
looked like a cat woman.

- 231?
- Yeah, this is north side.

This works. We
got to go this way.

- Corona. Calle corona.
- Good job.

- I see 'em. Come on.
- Good job.

Come on. There's a lot
of them here. We're good.

Look how many are here.

It's gonna be hard because
it's on cobblestones, so...

- Well, well, get on...
- Geez!

There was a smaller horse

and a larger horse, and it's my

- I took the smaller horse.
- Of course she did.

All right, all right,
hold on to the head.

The cobblestones made it
very difficult to maneuver.

And going downhill,

and they weren't
the lightest horses.

I didn't think about
the cobblestones.

I know there's a
better strategy here.

Are we having fun yet?

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

The streets are too rocky.

- That's not gonna work.
- Um... Pulling is easier.

We met three years ago
through a meetup group called...

"Girls who like girls
who like to hike."

We do not currently
live together.

We're going a little
bit backwards, I'd say.

We're thinking about
a family already.

We don't follow the
same sort of timelines

that a lot of other people do,

and it sort of confuses
our friends and family.

We're both fiercely independent.

Careful. There's some holes!

Careful! Careful!

Streets just keep
getting worse and worse.

Are you confident?

Lightning and blue.
Lightning and blue.

- I'm confident.
- Okay, should we go?

- Check, please.
- Check, please.

Check, check.

We've got it. We've got it.

- No, no, no!
- Focus.

I don't want to do this again.

Okay. Me neither.

Just say "amazing"
from the get-go

and let us get out of here.

- No, no.
- No, no, no?

- The pink team just came.
- Let's get it right

on this one, Ricky. We
need to be the next ones out.

- We're not looking, we're not...
- My god, I'm so sorry.

We're not looking, I promise.

- We're gonna pick 'em up.
- Being firefighters,

we're strong and
we've got skills.

Okay, so it says I can park
along the side of the road,

but obviously, it's
all freaking taken up.

Okay, it's not fair, but

we need to get up
road, up the street.

How do we get up there, bro?

- sh**t.
- We have to find a parking spot.


We still don't know where
we're going, which it's...

A little nerve-racking.

Maya, would you feel
more comfortable if I drove?

You have to help me try to
figure out where we're going.

- Okay?
- Yeah, I got you.

We're back on a main road.

That's the win of the moment.

Maya, we're never out
of it until we get there.

I'm sure there's a team
that struggled with directions,

maybe not to our
extent, but you know

that once we get to a task,
we can make up some time.

Yeah, we're gonna be okay.

We are.

We're looking for, "make
your foot to calle corona 408."

This is calle juarez.

This is juarez.

We're looking for corona.

It's a seven-person
limit, seven-team limit.

Hopefully, we get there
before everybody else does

and we're not wasting our time.

This is not right.

This is not right.

Grab it by the handle.

It's easier this way.

We have to make
sure there's no stairs.

Let's go 'cause we can
just... We can always just...

- Go down the next street.
- Yeah.

Right. We should
have done more stairs.

Holy... Come on, come on.

My legs.

Babe, it's a... A
marathon, not a sprint.

- Okay?
- There's some horses up here.

All right, let's take this.

This one's not fun.

- We got to go down.
- Yeah.

Yeah, when do y'all
want to go down?

- Let's go down this hill.
- Let's do it?

Trying to bring those
horses down the hill

I mean, we tried a few
different techniques.

We didn't know if we
wanted to push or pull.

- It all sucked, though.
- Yeah.

Hills are not your friend.

The wheels were, like...

Get jammed into
the cobblestones.

Yeah, get jammed
into the cobblestones.

And then the horse is rocking

to the left and
then to the right,

and you're like, "what
is going on here?"

- You're going too fast. It's...
- I got the weight.

- It's steep.
- You control it. I got the weight.


- What happened?
- My finger.

- You okay?
- Yeah. You pinched it.

Can you... Can
you just get away?


Okay, memorize the
masks and their bodysuits.

Um... He's fighting yellow-red.

My gosh.

Orange, green, black, yellow.

Blue and black, white and green,
red and skull, blue and black.

White and green, red
and skull, blue and black.

White and green, red...

- Lightning and gold.
- Yes, yes, yes.

I got my people.

I'm gonna get a splinter.

- Check, please. Check, check.
- Check, please. Check.

I feel like it's these two.

Check, check, check.


- Thank you. Thank you.
- Thank you.


- Might be easier from the couch.
- Okay. Route info.

- "Drive yourself to lienzo charro..."
- "Lienzo charro.

- Miguel 'prieto' ibarria." Okay.
- "Find your next clue."

I think we're
still in first, Ricky.


Yeah, that's what I'm
talking about, baby!

- Thank you so much.
- We're amazing.

They got theirs.

- Check?
- We here, baby. Let's go. -Okay.


- That one's not right. It's not right.
- It's okay. We got it.

I thought these
horses would be small,

but they're ginormous.

Mom, I'm coming!

- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- Can I help?

This is the road, you're saying?

- Yes. Yes! Yes!
- Yes!

We are one of the last ones.

Getting to our first clue box,
there's only two clues in there.

And at that point, I
said, "we're in trouble."

We screwed up. Dude, we're done.

- Want to do "pick 'em up"?
- All right.

- We're gonna do "pick 'em up."
- We're gonna do "pick 'em up."

Boy, is it hot!

We're sweaty, exhausting.

It was a scorcher.


Slow and easy.

Lookit. Lookit, mar. Lookit.

Are there more horses up there?

- Yup.
- Okay, thanks.

You got it, guys.

- Are there more horses?
- Yeah. -Yeah.

Awesome! Thank you.

- My god.
- Just slow and steady.

- We don't have to run.
- It's not here?

There's another team.

- Fancy seeing you here.
- Hey. -Hey.

- Y'all are doing great.
- More horses up there?

Yeah, there were
two pairs of them left.

- There's still two more left.
- Thank you.

- There. There's horses.
- Horses!

We got to the horses.

- And there was only...
- Two left.

- We picked a hard one.
- 'Cause a team came right

- behind us, so it was really...
- Right behind us.

So, that was, like, scary.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

We got there, and double
Dutch is neck-and-neck with us.

And we're the last
team to grab horses.

Sean, let's go. Let's go.

- Here we go. Here we go.
- Got it, got it, got it.

Skull diamond.

- Dead...
- Yes. This one's fighting this one.

- We got it.
- Correct. And we got it. Check?

- Check.
- Can we check?

We wrestling. We wrestling.

We got this. We got it.

Yes! We got this.

I'm hoping there's a horse.

- 404.
- 408.

Where are the damn horses?

Please have some horses!

- Damn it. My lord.
- Aah.

I don't see any horses.

All the rocking horses
had been taken,

and that was a little defeating.

All right, so let's go
to parque hidalgo.

We are going to switch detours

and do "pin 'em down."

It was disappointing
not finding the horses,

but we have a motto in our life,

and it's that, you know,
we've been through worse.

Little tired, a little hot,
little frustrated, but we are...

- We're not gonna give.
- We never give up,

- and we have not given up.
- Till we step on that mat.

We are just gonna try
to do the next challenge.

I'm gonna get to hidalgo
and then ask for the park.

- This is corona street.
- Yeah.

- Now we're looking for 480.
- 408.

- 408.408. Sorry.
- 408.408.

Look, it's the military guys.

Have you guys
done your detour yet?

- We're doing it right now.
- Where you going?

- To corona street, 408.
- Yeah.

- No horses. -No horses?
- No horses left?

- So we got to do the other one.
- All right.

Yeah, so looking
for parque hidalgo.

- You want to stick together?
- Yeah, sure.

- Is that the other detour?
- Lot of teams ahead of us, yeah.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

We should not
have told them that.

Well, I think we need
some help right now.

We got to ask for help.

Before trying to get...

The other team
just went that way.

Okay. Gracias.

I probably shouldn't
have said anything,

but I'm probably too nice
sometimes for my own good.


But right now, I see the
other team over there,

and we're going this way, so
we got to step it up a little bit.

- Let's start heading this way, man.
- Yes. Yes.

That team just went that way.

Dude, it's down here,
bro. It's down here.

I don't... I mean, I
wish them the best,

but I hope they went
the wrong direction,

- and gave us an edge.
- I think they did.

- Being his friend.
- Feeling a little bit better

in this dire
situation to at least,

have them behind us, and I
don't know where they went.

Not my problem.

Don't... we have this.

I control you, horse!
You don't control me!

I got it.

So definitely a workout.

Usually, I have a crew.

We met in 2014
at the fire academy.

for 16 positions,

and there was only three women.

Being a mother of three girls,

I think it's important
to show them

what two women can do
together, and that's my goal.

We'll be able to look
back years after this,

and have our kids see this and
just think how proud they are.

I'm feeling this the
most in my forearms,

and my grip is so loose
'cause I'm sweating.

We're not giving up,
though. We're not giving up.

It's okay. Let's cross, Derek.


No cobblestone. This is great.

We are going to find embuste.

Don't know where that is.

But we're gonna
look for children.

And we're gonna deliver
these horses to 'em

and move the wheels
and receive our next clue.

We're finding the
voladores along the malecón.

This looks like the downtown
area to me, right, Maya?

Yeah, we might be
starting to get there.

That might be it.


It's definitely tight, Rohan.

Yeah, you're gonna
get stuck. You're stuck.

You can't drive... My god. Okay.

We have to turn around.

Ooh, that's gonna
make a Mark, Rohan.

You want me to do it?

- Yeah.
- Can you navigate me?

A little forward. Stop.

Stop. Stop, stop,
stop, stop! Okay.



- Rohan, I don't know what to do.
- Maya, I don't know what to do.

We're sideways. I don't know
how we're gonna get it back up.

A little nervous that

the army guys are
nowhere to be seen, but...

That looks like a freakin' park.


That way.

Damn it.

We're probably
behind the military guys.

We're a little nervous now.

"You must be ringside
during wrestling match." Okay.

All right, so, we
picked this station,

but we got to be ringside.

Wait. Who are we...
Who are we looking at?

Just watch. Watch, Juan. Watch.

What the hell am I looking at?

It's over. It's over.

Well, whatever
it was, it's over.

- We're gonna have to watch that again.
- Okay.

Here we go.

- .-Here we go.
- You see 'em? Hi, guys!

La niños a la niñas.
La niños a la niños.

- Hi!
- Hola.

There's a tool.

- Ooh. Okay. Gracias.
- Look at that!

- Now...
- We have to take these wheels apart

- to get our clue.
- And put 'em in a basket.

- Underneath.
- Right tighty.

Come on.

Do you guys know
where you're going?

- I'm assuming it's the other horses.
- Man.

- Bobo, might be easier to push.
- No, I see it.

You see it?

What's up, yellow team?

We're supposed to
be going to the left.

Watch how I'm doing it.

Hey, hey, hey. Gracias, señor.

Thank you. Perfect. The clue.

Thank you!

Dude, just get it loose enough

that you can do
it with your hand.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

This girl actually knows
how to take these things off.

She's a badass chick.

- Okay.
- All right.

- Put these up, Derek.
- All right, so all the screws, too?

And then we got to
put 'em in a basket.

- Basket. Come on.
- Okay.


- Ta-da!
- Gracias.

- All right, let's go. Let's go.
- All right.

Let's go.

Thank you.

What, do we got to take
off the whole wheels?

Got it. Can I get a check?


One hand. One hand. Yeah!

- All right, take the clue.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, buddy.

Good luck, guys.

Look at what we
have for everyone.

Gracias. Okay, yeah.

Okay, m.

Mom, this way.

They're right here.

You're looking for a
rodeo area on the left side.

- Rodeo's gonna be to the left.
- I think we're doing great.

I don't really see too
many other teams.

I think a lot of people
may not take us seriously,

but this is a very good
leg for us to push front.

- Set the tone. Set the tone.
- Set the tone.

We are headed to
a rodeo. I'm excited.

Left on Alameda.
Where are the signs?

There's no signs on
any of these streets.

- Wait. Alameda!
- Yes! Yes!

- Alameda!
- Alameda!


Take a left, baby! Take a left!

Okay, okay.

Stop. Stop, stop, stop.

Stop. Stop.


I legitimately can't do
anything, Rohan. We're stuck.

You're, like,
basically gridlocked.

I don't know how we're
gonna get out of this. Okay.

I don't know what to do.

- I don't know what to do.
- Um...

Do you want me to
keep going with it?

Yeah, we have to.


Okay, this way.


You might get it with this one.

Okay, you did it. You did it. I
want to say, I'm proud of you.

That was one of the
most stressful moments

of my life, Rohan.

We knew we were playing
catchup with just how long

it was taking us to
get from place to place.

We've always been raised
to be super competitive.

Maya, this is Cal... Leona
vicario. We can park here.

We are both
competitive swimmers,

and I played competitive
softball for ten years.

We just need to
simmer down, focus

and get the task
done and move on.

Maya, we made it
to the first clue box.

- Come on, Maya.
- How bad is it?

Um, we're the last. Detour.

We're gonna pick "pin 'em down."

The two winged masked
guys were fighting each other.

- Was flight...
- Volcano?

I think pyro was fighting
this guy right here.


All right, ref, check.

- No!
- All right. That was expected.

- There they are.
- This is exciting.

I've rehydrated.
I'm ready to go.

- Grab that.
- Got it.

There we go. Okay.


- That's so awesome. Thank you.
- Aw.

Let's go, biz.

What are we watching for?

Why don't you pick?

White is... white is fighting
robot. White is fighting robot.

- That's mummy? Mummy and robot.
- Mummy and robot.

All right, all right.

Santa's fighting volcano.
Where's volcano?

- Here.
- Take him out.

All right. Blue with
black. I know that.

These two are fighting.

- Yeah...
- These two just...

God, I hope this is it.

Okay, so these are
the ones we know now

that we need to look for.

Can we get a check?
Can we get a check?

- Bravo! -Yes!
- Hell, yeah!

This is tricky.

- It's gonna be to the left.
- Hey, look.

- It's purple team.
- Okay.

- All right, come on, bro.
- Let's go.

They're right.

We picked the wrestling one

because it was a
memory challenge.

I have a bachelor's of
science in neuroscience.

I'm a biology major, and so,

studying is something
I have to do often,

and I like to think I
have a decent memory.

- We're not last.
- Gold.


- I got the back side.
- You get this front side.

Watch them. Watch
them. You got that one?

At least we're not in last.

- Come on, baby. There you go.
- A check?

- Something, something.
- All right.

- Hello, hello. Does it work?
- ! Test it.

- Yeah!
- Let's go.

Thank you. Good job, buddy.

- See over there?
- That's it right there.

- Look.
- Yeah.

- We're here, baby.
- We're here.

- We're here.
- Well, there's the clue right there.

Roadblock. "Who
is feeling loopy?"

La charrería is a
centuries-old sport

that tests a horsemen's
lassoing skills

along with their horsemanship.

This roadblock requires teams

to complete a charro challenge

by jumping through a series
of seven spinning lassos

without knocking off
their wide-brimmed hat.

- Okay, I feel loopy. I'll take it.
- Okay.

Hello, hello.

- Yeah.
- Roadblock.

- "Who's feeling loopy?"
- "Who is feeling loopy?"

- You.
- I'll do it. I'll do it.

We decided that
everything here was going

to be a roadblock that
Cesar was going to do.

I grew up in Mexico, and
the language, my home.

Language, your navigation,

all of those things just, like,
set him up for success here.

Feeling loopy, baby!

When I arrived, I
had to wear a hat

and a little red necktie.

Hopefully, they got a big
lasso, 'cause I'm pretty tall.

I'm here, baby!

Big rope, tall guy.

- I get over there.
- "I'm gonna lasso."

And then I get out
there with my first guy.

My bad. I didn't
know you were ready.

And me and him struggling.

I'm like, "buddy, I'm six,
three. I can shrink up,

but I need you to try to
make that rope a little bit..."

You can shrink up?

Big hole, big hole.


So close. It's all right,
baby. That's okay.

My hat.

Aah! Go back here?

Wow. You have to
start over every time?

- Yup.
- It's gonna be tricky.

Yeah. Big hole.

Yes! Good job,
baby! You got this!


Damn it. Dang!

- Focus, focus.
- Uno, dos... trés.


- This one goes with this one.
- Yellow hangs down

- with silver face guy.
- Who was?

I know that this was with skull.

The blue guy was
definitely versus a white guy.

- So, do you want to do another check?
- Yeah. Check?

- Yes!
- Yes! Yes! Yes!

Okay, they got it.

We are still in this.

Can we get a check?

Come on, come on, come on.

- Rohan!
- Yes! Yes!


Thank you so much.

You know, we're still in it.

Yes, baby. Good job.

The boys... they got
there right after us.

Every time we made
it to a challenge,

- a roadblock, a detour...
- That's a team we saw.

Either they was
right there before us,

or they came right after.

So they really was our push.



Yes. Good job, baby.

Pleasure. Thank you.

Let's go, baby!

Route info.

"Drive to your
very first pit stop"

"at Plaza arcos del malecón"

"and find Phil on the mat."

"The last team to check
in will be eliminated."


Let's go.

- Do it give you a direction?
- No. No directions.

Okay, let's get out of here.

You got it. Make
it your last one.

Hopefully, this will go quickly.

Orange left two
minutes ago. Thankfully,

nobody's behind us.

He got it.


"The last team to
check in -" to check in

- will be eliminated."
- Will be eliminated."

Okay, let's get to the car.

- This one?
- This one, right... Stop. Right here.

"Lienzo charro ibarria."

There's a saddle with a clue.

- There it is.
- There's our clue.

Hello! Hello!

- Go, yellow, go!
- Bye, guys. -Hey.

Come on, Ricky. We
have a chance for first!

Yay, Derek! Focus!

All right!

He hates it. He doesn't want
to hear my voice right now.

He like... There you go!

Yes! All right!

- "Drive to your very first pit stop"!
- Let's go.

Right here. Let me guess.

There's the charro
Miguel "El prieto" ibarria!

God bless!

Let's go.

There are so many clues left.

"Who is feeling loopy?"

Wait. Loopy. It's
probably throwing rope.

It's probably the rope.
It's probably going like this.

Are you good at that,
or am I good at that?

I'm from Texas.

Okay, you do it.
Read the... read the...

Give me the info.
We need to read the

- I'm doing the roadblock. I made it.
- Okay.

Karishma, read it.

"You must wear the hat
provided by the handkerchief."

Okay, I need the hat.

We're in Mexico,
she's half-Mexican,

her dad was from Mexico,
so this is her challenge.

I wasn't ready!


Don't get discouraged.

You can do this. I know you can.

"Wear your provided
hat and handkerchief

at all time while
performing this roadblock."

- Make sure it's on there tight.
- Yup.

So, I actually

do not like horses. My
mom took me to a pony fair

when I was little and I
fell off the little ponies

and was scarred from horses.

So, this task has me a
little shaking in my boots.

All right, you got it, baby.

Look at the horses.

"Who's feeling loopy?"

- I can do it.
- You can... you got it?

- Sure.
- Okay.

My god, everybody's here.

- Hello.
- Hey, sweet girl. How are you?

- Another teammate here.
- I know.


You guys got this. Just breathe.

- We'll have fun.
- What are we doing?

Let's go. Hey.

No. One second.

Anything that looks like a
rodeo around here, dude.

I don't know how
other teams are doing

navigating through this, but...

Not... no way everyone here...

- Sorry.
- I didn't even see that one.

- Is great at maps.
- I'm sorry, guys.

Do you see any
road signs at all?

I did, but they aren't the
ones we're looking for.

Here we go.

Keep it up. Keep it up.

Come on, karishma.

We're all rooting for you.

You did it?

Am I done?!

I didn't lose my hat.

Read the clue. Where's my clue?

Just throw it.

"You must wear the provided
hat and handker..." Handkerchief?

I don't have a handkerchief.

- Brb.
- Doesn't read the clue.

I knew this was
gonna be an issue.

She doesn't read
directions carefully.

Karishma did all seven.

Didn't get the clue

because she forgot to
put the handkerchief on.

Fingers crossed
that there's a bunch

of other teams behind
us, and we'll be okay.

- We got this, babe.
- We freaking got this.

We're doing amazing.
Time to fight it out.

We're heading to the
pit stop, and right now,

I call 'em "baby blue
couple"... they was

in front of us at first.
Now they're behind us.

I don't know how he did
with that competition, though,

'cause I don't know if he as
athletic as me, like spider-man.

Come on!

My god.

We're going for first.

Hopefully, orange
got a little lost.

- We're getting there, babe.
- I'm feeling it.

It's coming up, it's
coming up, it's coming up.

Let's go, baby. We almost here.

I don't know what place we
in, but we are almost here.

My god.

The tension.

- I see it right there.
- The red sign, baby.

- There you go. There you go. Right there.
- Okay. Parking.

Go. Go, go, go, go.

I think we got action, baby.

Let's go!

- Welcome to puerto vallarta.
- Gracias.

Thank you. I appreciate
it. Gracias to you.

- Gracias.
- Thank you.

- Rod, you got a big smile going on there.
- I do, man.

I'm just waiting on you to
give us some good news.

I think you are the
first team to arrive.

My guy! That's what
I'm talking about.

Good job, baby.

When we first saw
Phil, I was so excited

for him to tell us,
"you won something!"

Where are we... What did we get?

However... you are still racing.

- My goodness.
- I got another clue for you.

I definitely didn't expect

for him to say to keep going.

Keep on racing.

We was in first place, we had

a leg up on everybody,

so, we was just
ready to keep racing.

"Find your next
clue at the center

of the iguana bridge."

Okay. Give me something,
we'll shuffle these. Let's go.

One, two, three.

Ricky and Cesar,
you are still racing.

Here's your next clue.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Keep on racing.
- Thank you so much.

"Who's feeling loopy?"

- Who? I'll take it.
- All right, do it.

- Here we go.
- Here we go.

Darn it.

Don't give up. You can do this.


Wasn't ready for it.
Wasn't ready for it.

All right, we're jumping
through the lassos.

"Jump" is our middle name.
Double Dutch aerobics.

We own a studio
in Atlanta, Georgia

the double Dutch aerobic studio.

Double Dutch aerobics
is a formatted class

- yes.
- Where we do exercises

inside the double Dutch rope.

You know, we have three
kids, we have a business.

And so, something that's
exciting about the race for us

is it's gonna be the first time

where that's all we
have to focus on.

This is the time where

we get to see who
we are together.

And I think I'm
gonna like it, right?

You got this, babe.

Is someone looking for a cowboy?

I am! I am!

The jump ropers got here.

They're gonna k*ll this.

Yeah, they're gonna k*ll this.

Shane! Let's go,
bro. Let's go. Ready?

Thank you.

I got lucky. I got super lucky.

He got it on the second try.

I mean, like,
Shane is an athlete.

We lapped all those teams.

Go get 'em.

It was incredible
because, hey, we're...

We're somehow back in this.

Green team got here after us,

and they've already finished,
so feeling a little nervous.


You're gonna get it, babe.

- All right, baby.
- Okay. Where's Phil?

Come on, Phil. Where you at?

I see him! There
he is. There he is.

Here we go. Here we go.


- Whoa.
- Derek and shelisa, I am pleased

- to tell you that you're the third...
- I knew it!

- Third place! I knew it.
- To arrive.

- My goodness. My goodness.
- Third place. Yes.

However, you are still racing.

- -Phil!
- I got another clue for you.

- Here is your next clue.
- Okay. Okay. - All right!

Rip it, read it and
keep on racing.

- All right. Thank you.
- Okay. Thank you.

I was like, "I can't quit."

I had to do this for dad.

I was like, I wanted
to make my dad proud.

- For dad!
- Karishma, yay!

Yeah, karishma, good job!

But the double
dutchers are gonna

get it real fast,
so we got to go.

Jump back, jump
forward, jump through.


When I messed up a couple

of times, I was like, "."

The way you jump into
double Dutch ropes is

you always want to
be close to the Turner

before you get in because
if you jump in too far away,

you're gonna get
caught in the ropes.

I got into instructor
mode. I was like,

"okay. I got you. I know
what we're doing now."

- You got it, babe.
- I know.

No, Danny!

There you go. There you go.

Yeah! Yeah.

I think we're very close.

We know we're
not that far behind.

Anyone can have
navigational issues.

The map, like, cuts off.

Like, it's so weird.

There's no road
leading to the rodeo.

- Yes.
- Yes! Come on! Come on!

Gracias, mujera.

Let's go, mama.

This is obviously
a dream of mine,

and I just... I'm really happy
that we get to continue.

I got to get you
to our pit stop.

- It's way over here.
- Okay.

And we're, like, over here.

I know. It's so weird.

I was living my best life

out there 'cause I knew,
eventually, I'd get it.

- Thank you. Thank you.
- Yes, yes.

Any road signs at all?

Hey, guys.

- Grab your clue, get your hat.
- Look, man. There.

- Dude, I'm...
- Yeah.

- I'm real loopy.
- I think he deserves to do this one.

All right.

We're not, like,
jeans and boots guys,

but we knew we just
had to get through.

- Thank you.
- And the fact he did it so fast,

it kind of gave us a cushion
that we were looking for.


Thank you!

Hey, that was good work, bro.

I don't feel like we're
in the back of the pack.

- I hope not.
- Like, we're fighting for last.

If we're getting lost,
you can imagine

that other people
are getting lost.

Here we go.

We got to gas it.

- Still in it.
- All right.

Well, I'm pretty
good at jump-roping.

I've jump-roped all of my life.

I was, "jump rope"

"for your heart"
when I was a kid.

And now, I even do, like,
just skip-jumps all the time,

so, that's a good
aerobic workout.

- Okay.
- Okay.

You're doing really well.
She's crushing the lassos.

I didn't even get
to, like, sit down.

- She crushed that so hard.
- Yeah.

- This is...
- This just doesn't

look right, babe. I don't
know where we are.

Okay, let's...
Let's turn around.

This is so hard to find.

If you think you have what it
takes to win the amazing race,

got to CBS.Com/casting
and apply now.

Yeah, this is
definitely not right.

We're really lost, so...

Señor. ¿Donde esta la rodeo?

It's closed. This
street is closed.

- We're on the right track.
- We just...

- We need to go around.
- Okay.

Let's go! Let's go!

Let's go, baby!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

- Juan and Shane, you are still racing.
- Boy.

Yeah. There's the
rodeo right there.

- There it is. I see it.
- Yup.

We're here. We're
here. We're here.

There's two. sh**t.
We're almost last place.

When we got there, she
looked at me with this,

you know, "there's
only one clue left."

It was this face of
death, and it was, like...

- It was awful.
- And she said, "you are doing it."

- You got it, Mary.
- I got it.

It was really good to see
the dream team show up.

We weren't in last place,

which pushed us
to keep fighting.

It's okay, Mary.
You're doing good.

When I felt that pressure

going into that roadblock,
it felt a lot like work.

Like, when you have
a crashing patient,

and every heartbeat counts,

it's like, "okay, it's go time."


Thank you. Thank you.

Yeah. I knew he would do it.

When vinny and Amber
left, we were so frustrated.

But when my mom
passed, that is, hands down,

the most difficult thing
that I've ever been through.

And if I can get through that,
I can get through anything.

Michelle and Sean.

Yvonne and Melissa.

Angie and Danny.
Anthony and Bailey.

- Sunny and bizzy.
- Yes!

- You are still racing.
- Okay. - Thanks, Phil!

We're going down the
same road that we got here on

- so we don't...
- Is that quickest, you think?

I wouldn't say
it's the quickest,

but it's the way I
can be assured.

Gracias. Thank you! Thank you.

We're not out of the race yet.

You think this is it?

- Yes, 'cause that's Chris and Mary.
- Yes.

As we were arriving,
we saw Chris and Mary

running out of the roadblock.

They're probably
going to the pit stop,

- so we need to speed through this.
- Yeah.

Yeah, buddy! Get it done, Rohan!

Yeah, Rohan!

- Yes! Thank you so much!
- Yeah, Rohan!

Thank you. Let's go.

I'm so proud of you.
That was really fast.

Maya, they're less
than ten minutes out.

- We can still make it.
- If they get lost...

We're good.

We did it. Yeah.

I'm really proud of karishma.

I know her dad is
looking down at us,

watching, probably
giggling at us.

- Laughing at us.
- He's, like, giggling at my Spanish.

You are still racing 'cause
I got another clue for you.

- Thank you.
- Okay, thank you.

Now that I'm thinking about it,

this road is actually
going opposite

of where we want to go.

So we're far.

Man. We're still in this.

I don't know how
fast I can book it

to the mat, but I'll try.

We're in absolute last place,

but the team before us was
leaving when we came in,

and I got the roadblock
done really quick, so,

if they stopped for directions,

we definitely would
be in front of them.

Okay. Gracias.

- Getting close?
- Hope so.

Babe, this is really bad.

We're just driving in
the opposite direction

- of where we need to go.
- I need to catch

one of these turns
and turn around.

- Yeah. Malecón centro.
- Go straight.

We know exactly
where we're going.

- Yup. Yup.
- And I'll make a u-turn right here,

and we'll be good to go.

Yup. Perfect.

We know it isn't over
until Phil tells us it's over.

You don't have to be
first. You just can't be last.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

My god.

Wow, look at that.
We have another team

- running in behind you.
- Yeah.

Amber and vinny.

We are not eliminated.

- We are not eliminated.
- You are not eliminated.

Yay! Let's go!

- Man, let's go!
- Awesome!

All right, man.


- It just wasn't our day, Phil.
- Wasn't our day at all.

Maya and Rohan, you
are the last team to arrive,

and I'm sorry to tell you

that you have been
eliminated from the race.

It's okay.

I know this was a dream
for you guys to come on

- to the amazing race.
- It really was. - It was.

We've been watching
forever and ever and ever.

And so even just to get to run
one leg of the race has meant...

It's been a dream come true.

One of the things
that I'm proudest of

is we got through the day

without getting mad at
each other, raising our voice.

I can't have asked

for a better partner
to do this with.

I really can say
from this experience

that he is my
ride-or-die in life,

and I can't imagine
my life without him.

We were hoping to see what
we could do with our sibling bond,

and we're sad to go
because we really,

- yeah.
- Like, love the show so much

from the bottom of our hearts.

- Thank you, Phil.
- Thank you, Phil.

Captioning sponsored
by CBS and Toyota.

Captioned by media access
group at wgbh access.Wgbh.Org.

Next time on the amazing race...

The race continues
in puerto vallarta.

I can't believe
we're still racing.

Teams get mixed
up at the roadblock...

Is this your first thing
you're coming to?


Wait. There was
something before this?

Detour before the roadblock.

- We got to go.
- No!

- And the heat...
- You okay? -Yeah.

Takes its toll.

I'm dizzy.

I'm sorry, sweetie.

I'm sorry, sweetie.