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31x11 - This One is For One Million Dollars

Posted: 05/03/24 13:23
by bunniefuu
- [Phil] Previously on "The Amazing Race..."

In a first ever reality showdown,

teams from "Survivor"

[teams cheering]

"Big Brother"

[teams cheering]

And "The Amazing Race..."

- Whoo. - Here we come.

- Began a race around the world.


- Whoo.

- Whoa. - Go, go.

- [Phil] Teams travel to breathtaking new locations.

- [Racer] This is worth the million dollars right here.

- This is the coolest thing ever!

- [Phil] And took on thrilling, new challenges.

[Korey screams] - That is nuts.

- I love this life!

- A U-turn vote.

- What?

- [Phil] A first ever U-turn vote shook up the race.

- Colin and Christie.

- The Reilly sisters.

- It's a million dollars, that was not smart.

- [Phil] And a second U-turn shook up Nicole and Victor.

- [Jamal] Happy birthday.

- [Leo] We're definitely gonna U-turn you.

- [Nicole] I don't like Leo and Jamal.

- [Phil] Along the way, seven teams were eliminated.

Art and JJ, Rupert and Laura,

Corinne and Eliza, Janelle and Britney, Rachel and Elissa,

Chris and Bret, Becca and Floyd,

you have been eliminated from the race.

- Ooh, ouch.

- [Phil] Leaving three "Amazing Race" teams...

- Finally!

- This is just the best day in the whole wide world.

[Colin and Christie cheering]

- [Phil] And one "Big Brother" team...

- Freaking passing them.

- [Victor] Hauling ass.

- [Phil] With a chance at the $ million.

- Oh my God.

- [Phil] Tonight, one of these four teams

will win "The Amazing Race."

- I love "The Amazing Race!"

[upbeat adventurous music]

- Fly to London, England.

- [Phil] Teams will leave the land of herrings, clogs,

tulips and windmills and travel across the English Channel

to London, England.

They'll find their next clue at Gatwick Aviation Museum.

- I've been to London a few times.

These next two legs are just pure focus, run our race,

do everything we can to try to come in first.

What's the least expensive way to get to the airport?

- [Travel Agent] By taxi.

- The goal has always been to get into that final leg

and win the million dollars.

- Here, you wanna look for Korey and Tyler real quick?

I was just throwing my bag in.

- Yeah.

For the final leg, I think it would be fun

to race with Korey and Tyler and Leo and Jamal

to show that "The Amazing Race" teams are the best.

- [Colin] Hey, you sexy boys.

- [Tyler] What are you doing?

- [Colin] Waiting for you guys.

- Hi, good morning.

- Good morning.

- London, baby.

- This season of "The Amazing Race"

has been a lot more challenging in so many ways

than our first time around.

Not only were the challenges harder,

not only were the contestants harder,

everyone thought that they had this in the bag.

- We are this close to making it to the final three again.

If we had it our way,

we would love for an all "Amazing Race" alumni final three.

- Well, there's no world where Afghanimals

and Nic and Vic are sharing a taxi.

- [Korey] Did they?

- I don't think so.

- Damn it.

- No. - I hate you.

- Can we just go somewhere else?

Leg is a very mysterious leg for us.

On season in Japan, leg , we got eliminated.

- Leo and Jamal.

- Yeah.

- [Phil] I am sorry to tell you that

you are the last team to arrive.

You have been eliminated from the race.

- Season , leg ,

we unfortunately got eliminated again in England.

- You are the last team to arrive

and you have been eliminated from the race.

- Deja vu.

- Let's go back to London, why not?

Just to get a W.

- What? - And by W, I mean number one

and by number one, I mean, final three.

And by final three, I mean, we're gonna win this thing.

- All right.

- Yeah, I definitely think that we can win this thing.

We beat all these teams once before, at least

and it's cool to be the only non "Amazing Race" team.

We can't get out now.

I already see the Afghanimals up to no good.

They U-turned us.

- I'm still livid.

I don't wanna look in the Afghanimals direction.

I don't even wanna talk to them.

- [Leo] Look, he still won't talk to you.

- He's so upset, look at him.

How you guys doing?

You guys are going down.

- Trying to give the Afghanimals their triple crown

of th leg defeats.

- [Leo] Hello.

- Today's a great day, you want to know why?

We're going back to England for redemption.

[Jamal howls]

- We are in leg and all four teams

are on the same flight.

- All eyes on the Afghanimals, am I right?

- You are right.

[fast-paced adventurous music]

[fast-paced adventurous music continues]

[fast-paced adventurous music continues]

[fast-paced adventurous music continues]

[upbeat triumphant music]

- Hurry, hurry, hurry. - Go, go, go.

- Taxi. - Right there, right there.

- [Victor] I hate trying to find taxis.

- [Tyler] One just went by.

- Can we get in your taxi, please?

- [Taxi Driver] You just go in there.

- You have to order it.

- Taxi, please.

- We need a taxi, one taxi. - Where to?

- Gatwick Aviation Museum.

- We take you after this?

- I swear, we should have called the taxi.

- [Christie] What is going on?

- Can people get taxis anywhere else?

No, right? They have to come through you.

- They're not meant to. - Okay.

- It's illegal to pick up taxis.

- Okay.

- [Korey] Are you available?

Are you sure? Just over to Gatwick Aviation Museum.

- Korey, come on.

- [Korey] This is fun.

- [Nicole] [groans] I don't like wasting time.

- Korey. - Where?


- Tyler, you have to get in there.

You have to go book it in there.

- [Tyler] Okay.

- Thank you, thank you. - Thanks so much.

- Let's go, let's go.

- Let's go, let's go.

Gatwick Aviation Museum.

How far is it?

- [Taxi Driver] Six minutes.

- All right, no problem, you get us there ASAP.

- [Nicole] Can we get a taxi?

- Right here. - Holy crap.

- Let's go. - We're all trying to get

- Colin. - Taxis right now.

- People realize you have to book a taxi inside.

- [Colin] You have to book?

- [Tyler] Yeah.

- [Jamal] We're here for our redemption.

- Yeah. - It's all in your hands.

What's your name?

- Linus.

- [Jamal] Linus, nice.

Right here, right here, sir.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- Thank you Linus.

- Thank you Linus.

- [Leo] Right here, Jamal.

- [Jamal] Let's go, baby, come on.

- [Leo] Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- [Phil] Teams will take a scenic helicopter ride

over the English countryside and the White Cliffs of Dover

before landing at Dover Castle.

- Good job.

- Pilots! - Who's the fastest?

What's your name?

- Ian!

- Let's go fly this. - Yes, let's go!

- Hopefully we can find this clue quick

and make up some time in this leg.

I know it's gonna be a tight leg the entire time.

- I feel like we got a long day ahead of us.

- [Korey] Getting down to the nitty gritty.

- You okay?

- Just get there.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- All right, let's go, rock and roll.

There we go.

[Leo and Jamal applauding]


- We're exploring the beautiful countryside of England.

Beautiful views, we're so excited and so blessed.


- [Pilot] This is the best view, I think,

the Seven Sisters you start from here.

- This is amazing.

- [Leo] I wanna buy a helicopter.

How much does this cost?

- [Pilot] This will cost you $ million.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Leo and Jamal laughing]

[upbeat music]

- [Victor] Helicopter, let's go.

- [Nicole] Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- Ready? Let's do it.

Come on, let's go, Nic.

There we go.

- Make your way to the helipad outside

and choose available helicopter pilots.

- Right here, right here.

- Christie, nice to meet you. - Hi, Christie.

- Thank you so much.

- There's Tyler and Korey.

- [Tyler] Okay, come on, let's go.

- So awesome.

- [Korey] Is that Colin and Christie right there?

- Yeah.

- [Pilot] Here we go.

- Wow. - That is awesome.

Wow. - Beautiful.

- [Nicole] This is so cool.

- Beautiful day for flying.

- [Korey] Those cliffs are something.

- That little lighthouse down there to the right.

- [Christie] Holy moly.

- I've never seen anything like this before.

- [Colin] This is a pretty magical helicopter ride.

- Oh, there it is.

- [Pilot] Yeah, this is Dover Castle on the left side.

- [Leo] See it Jamal?

- [Jamal] Yeah.

- I think that's where our clue is.

Let's get it.

- Hello, soldiers.

- Thank you guys, thank you.

- Road Block, who can't keep a secret?

- This is where Winston Churchill had a labyrinth of tunnels

dug during World w*r II.

A secret hideaway where British soldiers

deciphered encrypted messages from the enemy,

something teams will now do to complete this Road Block.

If they can crack the code

and then correctly type it up on a vintage typewriter,

they'll have their next clue.

- I'll do it. - Leo's gonna do it.

I can't ever keep a secret.

Let's go, buddy.

Do you know what it's about, soldier?

- I'm afraid I can't answer that.

- Okie dokie.

We go all the way down, huh?

We had to march,

we had to march all the way to the castle.

It's a long walk.

And the Dover Castle is just breathtaking

and amazing history,

was so proud to have stepped on that castle.

[upbeat mysterious music]

Oh my God.

So when I got to that Road Block, it had a little sheet

and it was really intense.

Where's the communications room?

Step one, I had to listen through a communications system,

a speech that was being said by Chamberlain.

- [Soldier] Communications room.

- You had to get the th, the th and the th word

from his speech, so you could decipher the code

that Chamberlain had sent.

- [Chamberlain] For it is evil things that we shall

be fighting against. - For it is evil.

I was the first one there, no other teams in sight.

So I was able to take my time

and make sure I got those words correctly,

which was faith, prevail and evil.

Prevail, faith, evil.

I'm glad there's no other teams right here,

I think I got the words that fit perfectly.

Then I just gotta figure out this code.

Step two, you had get the letters

and then number 'em out alphabetically.

All the A's, one, two,

and then the B's, there was no B's

and the C then C's and then once you got the next letter,

then you had to number it from three.

That's the code.

It sounds a little confusing

'cause it was a little confusing.

[inhales] Oh man.

[upbeat action music]

- Afghanimals.

- Let's rock and roll.

Come on.

Ready, Road Block.

Who can't keep a secret? - Who can't keep a secret?

I'll do it. - Okay.

All right, go get it, baby. - Christie, nice to meet you.

- Who can't keep a secret?

- This is them.

How about you just go for it.

- [Korey] There's Nic and Vic.

- Good luck, babes.

- [Tyler] Hello.

- [Colin] It's deciphering a code.

- It's deciphering a code.

It's all you. - Okay, Korey can.

- Colin went right up to him and said,

hey, it's a decoding thing, without them even asking.

- Thanks.

- Hey soldier, I pick you.

- He didn't tell us what it was

and I knew they're all working against us.

- Oh my God, please God, lemme get this.

Step three, you had a bunch of letters in the box

from the previous step and you had to get the letters

and then put it numerically underneath that

to decipher the code.

Oh my God, it's saying Dunkirk.

Oh my God.

I had just seen the movie "Dunkirk,"

I had figured out the code system.

The Dunkirk evacuation has begun, we will never surrender.

Oh my God, I figured it out.

This was my thing.

I love puzzles and I figured it out.

Okay, let's go.


Sir, we have an important message for you.

The Dunkirk evacuation has begun, we will never surrender.

- Good.

- Thank you, sir.

- Very well done. - Thank you.

- Your next mission, do not open it

until you've rejoined your unit.


- Do you wanna confirm that we have the right words?

- [Korey] Yeah.

- Faith, prevail, evil, okay.

- So what are we doing in the second part?

- That's what I'm trying to figure out.

- I think you start at the top.

Ssh, ssh, ssh, hold on.

I knew I was gonna work with Christie on this

no matter what.

The tricky part was trying to do so

without Victor realizing we were working together.

- [Victor] Communications room, please.

- So whenever Victor went back down to listen to the quote,

Christie and I would immediately start working together.

- Go from left to right and write a one.

Look, this is the first A right here.

- So wait, look, A. - Faith.

- Yes and then prevail. - So that's one

and then that's two. - Two.

- [Christie] Oh, I see.

- It seemed like Christie and Korey were working together

and they were whispering a lot.

Makes me feel like I'm out of this group of people

helping each other.

If I gotta start figuring this out on my own, I will.

And if I can't, I'm gonna figure out a way

to get help somehow.

So what do you guys think that you had to put in here

that made you pick those numbers?

- I don't know.

I'm sorry, I'm just feeling like V crowded.

I'm like panicking all of a sudden.

- Good job, man, good job. [Leo laughing]

Let's go, read the next clue.

All right, Route Info.

Board your helicopter and tell your pilot

to fly you to London.

When you land, search the pier on the River Thames.

- River Thames? I love the River Thames.

- For your next clue, let's go.

- Okay, there's something surrender here.

If that spells something,

then wouldn't the other things spell something?

- Then the third step, the stanzas of the three letters

made literally no sense.

I think it's this, the second part.

So wait, yes.

- One. - If there's more than one A,

go from left to right.

I figured out that the problem was the second step,

we were going right to left with multiple letters

instead of left to right.

- Korey, do you have it figured out?

Will you help?

- I think so.

Victor just got it.

- What did, what?

Okay, just tell me the like, so what is-

- So if there's two A's, right here you go left

and then left to right, not right to left.

- The second letter, if you just tell me-

- Can I go see the brigadier?

- But so I'm going-

- You count to the left, to go backwards around

not to the right.

Can we go?

- Important message for you, sir.

- Let's have a look.

Thank you very much, that's vital to our w*r effort.

You've done very well.

- Yes!

- Christie was kind of freaking out

because she saw Victor leave and then she knew I was leaving

and I was trying to tell her what it was,

but it's so tough now because it's just four teams

and right now we're in third place.

The Dunkirk evacuation has begun, we will never surrender.

- Very well done.

Good luck, and God speed.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- [Victor] Christie and Korey were whispering to each other.

- Yeah, I told you that everyone's working together, but us.

- Nice work, brother.

- I told her how to do it as I was leaving.

I think she's got it.

There was one trick.

- Okay. - Oh my God.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- As I was writing out the message, it was jumbled

and my knowledge of British history is lacking.

Maybe these were words I just didn't know.

So I was doing my best to kind of guesstimate.

- [Tyler] Can you see?

- I don't see her, but we will once we're up.

- I'm just gonna go get it checked.

- Yeah, maybe Christie has a weak spot when she's alone.

[Victor and Nicole laughing]

[upbeat dramatic music]

- [Brigadier] What? This is utter gibberish.

Do it again!

[upbeat dramatic music]

- After everyone left, I immediately got in my head

and I couldn't figure it out.

I feel like I have it in order

because I can see the last part.

We will never surrender.

Korey gave me the code, but with the message,

it just made no sense to me at all.

I just, I don't get it.

- I'm just sending her love

and hopefully she can stay calm and stay present.

- No.

[upbeat adventurous music]

- I like this trip to England a lot better than our last.

- Yes we do.

- [Pilot] Well, we're gonna be hitting the River Thames.

- [Jamal] I can't believe we're doing this right now.

- [Pilot] Okay, there's Buckingham Palace down there.

To the left of Buckingham Palace, that's Hyde Park.

- [Leo] And that's the London Eye?

- [Pilot] The pier that you're going to

is out on the right side.

- Yeah!

- [Jamal] That's the pier right there.

I see the clue, I see the box.

Oh, right there.

[upbeat music]

- All right, Route Info.

Travel the River Thames by speed boat to Savoy Pier.

- The spectacular skyline of London

and below me, Piccadilly Circus,

where teams must find the golden queen

to get their next clue.

- Let's go. - Yes.

I love Piccadilly Circus.

- Two Afghanimals in the circus.

- Hello! - You guys ready?

We need mock speed, mock speed.

- Jamal and I are in first place, amazing.

- First helicopters, and now

speed boats. - Speed boats.

- I mean, what else could you ask for?

- [Leo] What will "The Amazing Race" think of next?

- [Jamal] Is this London Bridges?

- Tower Bridge. - Nice.

- We love England! Whoo!

- Look at the detail. - I love it.

- [Victor] We've got a little bit of a lead, baby.

- Little bit.

[upbeat adventurous music]

Clue box.

- [Victor] Nice.

- I saw another helicopter, it's landing.

So someone's right behind us.

- They're waving us in.

- We're just gonna run out into the right.

Yeah, I see the clue box.

- [Tyler] Do you?

- [Korey] Yep, right here.

- We just gotta make sure we don't make any mistakes

and keep our lead.

- Let's get in and out of there before Nic and Vic.

- Piccadilly Circus?

Excuse me, sir, you know where's Piccadilly Circus?

- [Pedestrian] So keep walking

and I think it's down on the right.

- [Jamal] Thank you, buddy, appreciate it.

I think this is it.

Right there, I found her.

Let's go Leo.

Hello. - Hi Queen.

- Thank you. - Yes.

- Thank you so much. - Thank you, appreciate it.

Okay, let's go.

- Detour, know or row.

- If you hail a cab in London,

then rest assured the cabby will know your destination.

To get a license, drivers have to memorize...

- routes,

about , points of interests and landmarks.

- Through an elaborate maze of...

- , streets, lanes, roads and alleyways

that make up our metropolis.

[bell dings]

- No easy feat.

This Detour requires teams to memorize a cab route

one turn at a time under the watchful eye of Dave Cannell,

the Master of the Worshipful Company

of Hackney Carriage Drivers.

[upbeat music]

Rowing dates back to the first modern Olympics

and is this country's most prolific medal winner

at the games.

Teams will now learn from the best.

Olympic medal winners who will teach them how to row

this two person skip.

They'll need to complete this meter course

in under one minute to get their next clue.

- You wanna do the row?

That's one minute.

Gotta hurry up,

we got a , minute lead. - Yeah, let's go.

- Let's keep that momentum.

[Christie talks faintly]

- The message still wasn't making any sense

and I knew that the only way I was going to figure this out

was to stay focused and start all over.

Okay, okay, I'm seeing something here.

Oh, I see.

And when I finally did that,

I realized I had switched around and .

I think I've got it this time.

Suddenly everything came together and made sense.

I think this is it.

- Hope this is good, I've been called away

from my lunch for this.

Very well done, this is for you.

Do not open the envelope until you return to your unit.

Very well done, best of British luck.

- Whoo. [claps] Yeah.

Pilot, okay, let's pull her up, let's pull her up.

- Let's go - We gotta be fast.

I'm sorry.

- I'm so proud of you.

Anything can happen.

Energy's flowing, everything's gonna flow.

[gentle dramatic music]

[upbeat triumphant music]

[horses trotting]

- Look at the ducks.

- The boathouse.

Who's the fastest rower in the town?

Let's go with you.

- Hi, I'm Matt.

- Thanks Matt. - Jamal.

- Nice to meet you.

So what we gonna do is just slowly lower the boat

right into the water.

As you can see, it's quite narrow.

- What are the likelihood of it tipping over?

- It can happen.

The important thing is the boat will float.

Just grab the boat, hold onto it-

- But what if I'm stuck under it?

- I'll come and rescue you, hopefully we won't have to,

but we'll find out.

- Oh my God.

- So are you guys ready for me to let go?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Okay guys, so it's up to you.

- Oh my God, Jamal don't move.

Jamal, I can't do this.

- Okay, okay, okay, do you wanna switch?

- Can you pull us back please?

We got in the water, it was super unstable.

It started tipping to the left.

Help, help, help.

- Oh my God. - Hurry.

And I started panicking and screaming.

Take me, take me out.

Water, eh, eh...

- Not our best trait.

- That was not for me.

- [Nicole] Looks like the golden queen.

Oh wow, that's so cool. - Ah.

Oh my gosh. - Thank you.

What do you wanna do?

- Do you wanna row?

- Sure, are you strong enough to do that?

- Yeah, we've gotta both do it.

- Travel by taxi, okay.

- [Korey] Nic and Vic are right there, Ty.

- Right here, right here, right here,

right here, right here, can we have a clue?

Thank you, you look beautiful.

- Yes.

- [Victor] Oh, they're right here.

- Thank you. - Thank you, thank you.

- [Nicole] Oh, crap.

- Row the length of the course in one minute or less.

We have to row.

- [Jamal] Is that the green cabin right there?

- Hello? - Are you ready

to start your challenge?

- Yeah.

Oh, we gotta choose our hats.

We'll knock it out, then we'll get outta here.

- [Leo] We just have to memorize what he says, okay.

- Leave on right, Kensington Road.

- Leave on right, Kensington Road.

How many points of interest are you gonna tell us?

- [Taxi Driver] Seven. - Seven, okay.

You get the first four or three?

- [Taxi Driver] And streets.

- We pick a taxi driver and we had to memorize streets

and also seven points of interest.

- On the left, the Baglioni Hotel.

Right, Gloucester Road.

- What was the last one you said?

- Gloucester Road.

- Gloucester with the G.

Sounds easy, but it's not.

You had to memorize, not just the street,

you have to make sure if it's a court or a place or a road.

It's gonna be hard to remember.

- On the right, Gloucester Road Underground Station.

Right, Courtfield Road.

- Can you slow down a bit?

- [Taxi Driver] Forward Courtfield Gardens.

Left, Collingham Road. - Oh my God.

- Left, Harrington Gardens.

- Are you kidding me? - On the right,

The Bentley Hotel.

- How many more is there?

- Forward, Stanhope Gardens. - Oh my God.

- [Taxi Driver] Forward, Harrington Road.

Right, Thurloe Place.

- Oh my God.

- [Taxi Driver] On the left, Ernest Shackleton's Statue.

On the left, The Royal Geographical Society.

- Oh yeah, we're gonna have to do this all over again, dude.

- Sit down on left, Royal Albert Hall.

Thank you, gentlemen.

- Hi. - Hello.

- Take a seat. - Thank you.

- So the route you've just learned,

can you recite to me please?

[upbeat jovial music]

- Right on Kensington Road.

- Would you like to try again? - No, no.

Right on Kensington Road, left on...

- Gloucester, then right on Hermosa Beach and then [laughs]

[bell dings]

- Try again. - All right.

- Run around the road again.

- [Colin] All right, let's rock and roll.

- [Christie] If there's any possible way to catch up,

we will do it.

- Yep, we're gonna come from behind

and bust into the top three.

Let's do this.


- [Christie] Whoo!

- Nic, what's the clue say?


- An available instructor, right here.

Can you help us?

- Yeah, sure.

- I see little boats, where's the instructors?

There they are.

You're all smile, will you instruct us?

- Let's do it.

- Victor, come on.

- That's it. - We get in the boat

and we're like, wow, this is super wobbly.

It's hard to just not flip over.

Oh my God.

- Nicole, oar in the water. - Oh my gosh.

- Counterweight, please. - I'm trying.

- I was not ready for a boat

that I actually had to stabilize with my core.

- Oh my gosh.

This is gonna be very ugly, people.

- So it's arms away, you rock the body over

and your blades should be flat.

- It's like this. - Yeah.

- It runs across the water flat, flat, flat, flat, flat.

That's where you twist it and start pulling.

- [Instructor] Yeah guys.

Yeah, you're getting it.

- Come on, let's go, Nic.

- [Instructor] Yeah, good, good, good.

Yeah, well done.

Good job, good job, good job, nice.

- [Korey] Gosh dang it.

You wanna try to keep it balanced?

- Yes. - Are we supposed to be trying

like almost falling over?

- Let's just try to stay afloat here.


[Nicole shrieks]


- What's the course?

- [Instructor] The red buoys there, that's your start line.

- [Korey] Okay.

- [Instructor] And the yellow buoys over there,

that's your finish line.

- [Korey] Yep, I see it.

- And then you've got that one minute.

- Let's try it.

- [Instructor] Starter, we are ready to race.

- Attention!


[upbeat music]

- Good job guys, yeah, nice.

Good job.

Yeah, good, good, good. - Ah.


[upbeat music]

- Oh, they tipped too. [laughs]

- [Tyler] That is not easy.

- Should be Piccadilly Circus. - Okay.

- Golden queen, got it.

Okay, here we go.

Hello. - Hi.

Thank you. - Thank you.

I think we're gonna do row

because that's our best chance of like getting it done.

- Okay, let's find a taxi.

- Taxi!

We are going to the boathouse

on the Serpentine in Hyde Park.

Both of these Detours seem like

they could cause some problems.

- Left on De Vere Gardens.

Left on Canning Place.

Right on Gloucester Road.

On the left-

- On the right, Gloucester...

- No stop, man, this is mine.

Why are you jumping into mine?

- No, that was right. - Nah, I mean,

you're speaking for me, I can't...

- Carry on from the Gloucester.

- No.

- [Taxi Driver] Are you ready, gentlemen?

- [Jamal] Okay, let's go.

[upbeat music]

- Attention!


- [Instructor] Let's go.

Ah, a little tap on the left.

Now you're good, you're good to go now.

You're nice and straight.

- I felt like I was practicing for the Olympics

and me and my partner had to be in sync,

but I still thought like, I can just, you know,

muscle this out and we'll be fine

and we'll knock this out of the park no problem.

Oh my God.

- [Instructor] Make sure those blades

are coming outta the water.

[upbeat dramatic music]

[buzzer buzzes]

- Oh my God. - Oh my gosh.

- Christie, we've got this.

- Okay.

- It's been a little trying, conditions have been variable,

but we're keeping unconditional love.

- Oh no.

- Colin and Christie are here.

- We see Korey and Tyler and Nic and Vic, but we're in it,

we're in it, we've got a fighting chance, so.

- We caught up, it's a miracle.

- [Christie] Finding alignment no matter the conditions.

- [Instructor] Yeah, well done boys, nice.

- What we thought was gonna be a brute strength challenge

turned out being a lot of coordination

and trying to work together,

which we had a little bit of trouble with.

- This keeps catching.

[upbeat dramatic music]

[buzzer buzzes]

We're out.

- [Instructor] Let's go.

Make sure the oars are flat.

- [Korey] They're probably gonna get it pretty quickly.

- Oh. - Yeah, good.

That's it Vic, let's go.

- [grunts] Come on, Vic.

- [Instructor] You did better this time.

- Not giving up.

- Attention!


- Okay, let's go.

[Korey and Tyler grunt]



We were panicked.

We had a feeling that Nicole and Victor

and Colin and Christie were gonna stay at the rowing

no matter what.

- [Tyler] It just seemed so hard.

- [Korey] And at this point,

we'll probably be fighting for last place.

What do we do?

[upbeat dramatic music]

- I think we're gonna switch,

go to the other side of the Detour.

We were in trouble,

but I definitely felt like we need to leave,

so we have the opportunity to make it to the final three.

- It looks like Korey and Tyler are switching Detours.

- Are you ready?

Attention, go!

[upbeat dramatic music]

- It's leaning.

- The difficulty with the rowing was,

it required an immense amount of skill and balance.

You gotta get that paddle out of the water.

There we go.

- It's really hard.

The technique of me holding the oars up

and Colin doing the rowing on its own

was probably the best way to possibly

complete this challenge.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- [Announcer] Your minute is up.

- [Colin] It's okay, this is just practice.

- Colin and Christie look like they're struggling right now,

but we're struggling too.

- It is very difficult for me to hold that position.

- Do you wanna switch Detours?

- It just seemed impossible.

This is the time we have to switch Detours.

Yeah, take us outta here.

- Attention, go!

- [Instructor] Legs.

[Colin shrieks] Hold those oars.

Hold onto the oars, hold onto the oars.

Hold onto the oars.

- No, no.


- They just flipped.

- I know, our best bet is that they just don't get it.

- Let's go win this leg.

It's gonna take them forever to get that taxicab test.

We're gonna get this.

- It would be amazing if we showed up to this other Detour

and there were other teams there struggling.

- I'm guessing this is gonna be really hard too

'cause the other one was really hard,

but we gotta get this done to get ahead of Tyler and Korey.

- [Korey] Those are marked cabs.

- [Tyler] Yep, yep, yep.

- [Korey] Put on a hat.

- That's cute, here we go.

- Leave on the right, Kensington Road.

- Just remember the lefts and I'll do the rights.

- Yeah, that sounds good, let's try that, let's try that.

- Left, De Vere Gardens.

- De Vere Gardens. - De Vere Gardens.

- We can do this, I feel better about this one.

- [Tyler] Yeah.

- On the left, The Montana Hotel.

On the right, the Gloucester Road Underground Station.

Right on Courtfield Court.

- Sorry guys.

- First, it was just a matter of trial and error.

- Yeah, every time we did it,

we kept getting better and better.

- All right gentlemen, are you ready?

- We got it now.

- So first, you make a right on Kensington Road.

Then there's a left,

on the left there's the Baglioni Hotel.

Then on the left-

- Then you take a left. - on De Vere Gardens.

- Then a left on Canning Place - Place.


- We can, that's okay.

It might be better to just do it again.

- Yeah, Thank you. - Thank you so much.

Korey, that was so great.

- [Korey] This will be just like the poem, we can get it.

- We gotta choose an available cabby.

Available cabby?

We gotta go.

We can do this.

- Leave on the right, Kensington Road.

- On the right is Kensington Road.

- On the left, The Baglioni Hotel.

- Baglioni.

We get into the cab and immediately, you know,

you hear right this location, turn left on this road.

- Left, De Vere Gardens.

- Left, De Vere Gardens. - Left, De Vere, oh my God.

- Forward here.

- Gloucester Road.

- I don't know how to pronounce that.

- We're like, what the heck is he talking about?

- I hope this is multiple choice.

- [Victor] This is insane.

- [Korey] Let's just keep talking it out.

- [Tyler] Yes.

- [Taxi Driver] Left, Collingham Road.

- Left on Collingham.

- That's so easy, my aunt's name is Colleen Ham.

- Colleen, love Colleen Ham.

- Left, Exhibition Road.

On the right, the Victoria and Albert Museum.

- [Jamal] You're right there, baby.

- On the left, the Ernest Shackleton Statue.

Left, Kensington Gore.

On the left, The Royal Geographical Society.

Sit down on left, Royal Albert Hall.

[bell dings]

Oh my God. - Thank God.

Thank you man, thank you so much.

- Congratulations. - I love you, bro.

- Race to your next pit stop at Camden Stables Market

and search for Phil.

- Teams must now make their way

to London's iconic Camden Market,

the pit stop with this leg of the race

where I'll be waiting for them with Winston Churchill.

- [Leo] Oh my God, Jamal, we're in it, bro.

- All right, let's go. - We're in it, redemption.


- We got this.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- The oar just wouldn't quite pull out of the water

and I would snag myself and in that moment,

if I got frustrated, the whole run was over.

I had to just like stay in flow

and let's let our subconscious minds take over,

if we have any chance of staying in this.

[upbeat dramatic music]

Oh sh**t.

- [Instructor] Keep going, keep going.

- [Colin] Nice work, Christie Lee Woods.

- That was really good, I'll pull you back, ready.

- If that's not belief that it's possible,

let that belief set into every cell of our bodies.

- So we're gonna leave right on Kensington Road.

On the left is the Baglioni Hotel.

We're gonna do a left

on De Vere Gardens. - De Vere Gardens.

- We're gonna do a left

on Canning Place. - Canning Place.

- Korey was perfect for this.

- Is the Bentley Hotel.

- [Tyler] There were so many turns and twists

and gardens and places and roads.

- Then you make a left on Kensington Gore.

- And then on your left is the Royal Geographical Society.

And then on your left,

you set down to the Royal Albert Hall.

[bell dings]

- Well done guys.

- My goodness. - Congratulations.

- Thank you so much. - I could cry.

I could cry. - Korey.

- Let's get out of here.

- Taxi. - There's one.

- And then we take a right on, how do you say that word?


Oh, how do I pronounce it?

- Gloucester. - Okay.

- And then the Montana Hotel is on the left.

- On the right is the Gloucester Underground

Station. - Station.

And then you take another right.

- On Courtfield and then forward is Courtfield Gardens.

- And then you take...

sh**t, sorry boo.

We'll try it again.

- Go on, guys.

- Dang it, we got it though.

- You were so good at that.

- I don't know, what?

- So good at that, Korey, Korey.

- We came so close last time and just came up this short.

So I just want to get there

- I know. - And get in the top three.

- I'm just glad there's no more challenges.

It's just find Phil.

- Come on, Leo.

- Oh baby, oh baby.

- Oh my God, please Phil. - Oh baby, oh baby.

Oh baby. - Please.

- Leo and Jamal.

- [Jamal] Oh my God, we're the first ones.

- Welcome to Camden Market.

Before I can check you in,

you have a few items to pick up around the market.

- Oh. - This is your next clue.

Rip it and read it right here.

- Are you kidding me? - Okay.

[upbeat music] [people chattering]

- Leo and Jamal, this is your next clue.

Rip it and read it right here.

- Search Camden Stables Market for the items in the display.

[fast-paced action music]

And correctly position them for Phil

to check in at the pit stop.

Oh my God, we're the first ones bro.

- Okay, okay.

- When we got to the pit stop and we're like, oh my God,

this might be first place.

- Phil gives us another clue.

I was like, ah here we go. - Ah, no.

Can't lose now.

- So we need a big suitcase.

The suitcase, let's go find the suitcase first.

- Hello, excuse me, we're on a race.

- I need suitcases.

- Wait, this, oh, this outfit might be in here.

- Right here, Jamal, I got the dress.

- Oh nice. - Thank you.

- We had to find eight items.

- Where's the suitcase? - Oh, it's here.

- Open it, let's put it in here.

- Yeah.

And the eight items were scattered all over this market.

Here's cameras right here, Leo, I found it.

- Oh, okay. - I found it.

Not to mention, trying to get around was not easy.

Oh man, this place is huge.

Beep beep beep beep, so sorry, so sorry.

- There's Phil, right here, sir.

Right here, right here. - Right here, right here.

- All right, Tyler and Korey,

I need you to pick up a few items from around the market

before I can check you in,

here's your next clue. - Are you serious?

- Carpets, where can I get carpets?

This market was like a maze.

- Purple shoes, a teapot.

There's probably different entrances, second stories,

third stories and there's- - Basements.

- Teapots, where can I get teapots?

- We went from being lions to little mice

looking for cheese.

You know where we can find a carpet, a rug?

- No English.

- No English?

- Do you have any teapots for sale?

Oh, here.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- This place is crazy, man.

- [Tyler] This looks like it's gonna have a trunk.

There's a trunk. - There's a trunk, yes.

Thank you.

Excuse us, big trunk coming through.

Sorry, so sorry. - Sorry, thank you.

- [Korey] We need a drum, blue lamp.

- [Tyler] There was a drum, a lamp.

- [Korey] The tea kettle, oh, and she's got purple shoes on.

- You know where the food court is?

- Yeah. - Yes.

- Right, turn right from there.

The third shop on the right-hand side,

they sell carpeted rugs.

- Okay, what's it called? Do you know?

- It's called Rug Shop.

- [Jamal] Okay. [chuckles]

- We gotta find a rug store.

Hey boys. - What up, boys.

- What'd you find?

- Teapot. - Tea kettle.

- Yes, thank God they were right there.

- Thank you. - We'll take that.

- We go this way?

- Where can I find my magic carpet?

Oh my God.

- [Instructor] Go, go, go, go!

Doing good.

[upbeat music]

- Let's go.

- Stop!

[crowd cheering]

- [Christie] All right, we did it.

- [Colin] Come on, baby.

- Way to go, Colin, whoo.

So we finally got the rowing.

In fact, I think we were seconds literally.


- Spiffing performance.

- Thank you very much.

- I mean, we could see light at the end of the tunnel.

- [Colin] Okay, here we go.

Camden Stables Market.

- [Christie] Really, really fast.

- [Colin] Coming back, coming from the back,

fighting our way into the top three.

- And then on the left will be

the Ernest Shackleton Statue.

We'll take a left on Kensington Gore.

On the left will be the Royal Geographical Society

and set on the left is the Royal Albert Hall.

[bell dings]


- Wow, thank God. - Oh man.

- Oh my God. - Thank you so much.

Is that a taxi?

- Yeah. - You know where

the Camden Stables Market is?

- [Nicole] We're in a race, we gotta hurry, okay.

- We might still be in this, babe.

We just have to get there.

- I'm so scared to find out.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- All right, Leo, let's not run around

with our heads knocked off.

- I think we went here.

- We went everywhere.

- My name is Aladdin and I'm looking for my carpet.

- Oh, right here Leo, it has to be here.

Right here, Leo. - The lamp.

- All right, let's go, all right.

We're looking for a teapot. - Oh, here.

I got the drum.

- Sorry, sorry, sorry, thank you, take it, take it.

- Okay, let's go.

- Go Colin. - Down here.

- Purple shoes not in there?

Looks kind of wild and crazy.

Oh my God.

We gotta find some big purple shoes.

Big purple shoes.

- Colin and Christie, here's your next clue.

- Okay.

- Oh my God. - Geez.

- It has to be here.

The big purple shoes.

- Right here Leo, I found it, yeah.

Thank you.

In the most awkward place, I told you.

[upbeat electronic music]

Let's get the hell outta here.

- Purple shoes, we need to get, okay.

- Any vintage shoes here?

- [Christie] I think they're gonna be

sitting outside, Colin.

- Any purple, bright purple heels?

- Nope, nope, nope.

- [Christie] Look around for other items.

- The box, that's it.

Here we go.

Okay, start by taking this there.

- Yep.

- Take a breath. - Okay.

Corset. - Corsets, grab it.

Okay, cool, here we go.

- So we're looking for the drum.

Someone else got a case 'cause there's only one trunk left.

- Okay. - Oh right here.

- Right here. - Stop, stop, stop.

Oh my God, they're there.

- Going for the corset, probably needs to come on first.

- Oh, there's something else.

- What? - Hey, come on, come on.

- Here's your next clue, rip it and read it.

- Holy crap.

Okay, run. - We're still in it.

- All we need is one more item.

Excuse me, sir, where can we find a rug?

- Persian rugs. - A rug store.

- What? - Persian rugs.

- Just through there on the yard.

It's along the back wall. - In here?

- [Tyler] Oh, she had a camera, didn't she?

- Right here, you're right.

Oh my God, good call.

Thank God, we're gonna take this.

We love shopping.

- Right here, Leo.

- Oh my God, thank God.

- Thank you. - Yes.

- That guy was on the money.

- We have a camera that we had to get, like a long lens.


- Excuse me, excuse me. - We got our magic carpet.

- Here's some rugs, Ty.

- Yes. - Can we take this?

Thank you.

Oh my God, there's Colin and Christie.

Good job guys.

- Thank you. - You made it.

- Only Race teams, come on, come on, come on.

- [Nicole] No, it had stars on it.

- So is this the only place that sells these types of lamps?

- Yeah, there's another one.

Come over here, I will show you.

- Okay. - Yeah, thank you.

- We need someone who sells purple heels.

We need purple high heels and the drum.

We know we're this close to checking in,

but not quite there yet.

That's the shoes, that's all shoes back there.

- [Christie] Korey and Tyler came from there.

- Let's go. - With the carpet.

- [Colin] Okay, come on.

- Here, here. - Come on, come on, come on.

- It's a camera, it's a camera.

Give her the tabla.


- Leo and Jamal.

- You gotta give it to us, baby.

- You are team number one.

- Yes! [Leo laughing]

- Never give in.

- Never. - Exactly.

- Never give in. - We never.

- Never, never, never. - Never.

- You didn't. - Give me .

One, two, three.

The curse of leg is officially gone.

We're going to the final three

where we can compete for that million.

- Can you tell us

where anything is? - What are you looking for?

- Carpet, purple shoes.

- Rug is that way. - Okay.

- [Korey] We need the shoes and the drum.

- Shoes and drum. - Everything else

is that way. - Okay.

- I just wanna find one thing, so I know we're not crazy.

- [Colin] Where can I find carpets?

- Carpets, where? - Carpets, do you know where?

- Okay, this way, this is too far.

- What, are you sure? - Yes.

- [Korey] Ty, there are like freaky stuff in there.

- [Tyler] Yeah, let's go, look at that place.

- [Korey] What the?

I love this music. - Could be in here.

- [Tyler] Yeah, me too.

- [Korey] This is crazy, but it's fun.

It's gotta be in here. - This could be it.

Ah, Korey.

- Yes, thank you.

- Thank you so much. - Are they my size?

Come on shopping.

Oh, feeling good.

- The giant chest, where are you?

- [Victor] Come on, let's go Nic.

- Here we go, carpet. - My vibes are high.

Okay, let's just be looking on the way back.

- Okay.

- Oh my God.

- [Korey] Let's get this done.

- [Tyler] If you see Colin and Christie, let's help.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- You guys have drums?

- Drums? - There, there, there.

- Down this way? - This way?

- [Tyler] Okay, I think it's ready.

- Oh my God, let's get done with this.

- All right, throw me a bone on the shoes.

Y'all are checking in, - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- You guys are good. - No, no, no,

the shoes are in this like electronic disco store.

You can't miss, it's like disco neon lights,

you're gonna like dance in.

- Go get 'em, go get 'em.

- Ty, is she good?

Let me turn the tea kettle, make it perfect.

- [Colin] So drums on the way with to the disco store.

We got this, let's go.

- She's beautiful.

What do you think?

- Okay, because we're in a very public place,

you're team number two.

Congratulations, you're one of the three teams

that will be racing to the finish line.

- [Tyler] Thank you.

- It's a huge achievement to finish this leg

in second place.

- Yes. - Which is extraordinary.

- To get to do this once with my best friend

was a dream came true

and when we found out we got to come back,

we wanted to make it this far again.

So I'm just proud of us.

- We are beyond lucky.

- [Nicole] This is a huge marketplace.

- [Victor] Come on, let's go Nic.

We just have to beat Colin and Christie.

- I see it, the drum in there. - Drum.

And this was on the way to the shoes.

The shoes are in like a disco lights store.

- [Christie] I'm just not seeing it.

- Oh, look, look, look.

- That's it. - Nice.

- This has to be it.

Oh yeah, a lot of funky stuff in here.

- Okay, let's focus.

- [Colin] Who knows where some purple shoes are?

Purple boots.

Take a look upstairs, purple boots.

- [Christie] I don't see anything.

- There we go.

- I think it's gotta be in here.

- This has shoes, so let's allow

yourself to be guided. - Yep.

Any funky vintage boots?

- Oh, chest. - Ah.

- [Victor] All right, we got this baby.

- [Nicole] We can do this.

- Let's go, let's go.

- [Christie] I wanna go back to the other store.

- Yep.

Look all the way around, every column, maybe over here.

Oh, look, right here in the case.

- Awesome.

- Booyah.

- I'm almost done, we can get to final three, come on.

[Nicole sighs]

- [Christie] We've got this.

- [Nicole] There's Christie and Colin.

Oh crap.

- Camera.

You wanna put this like the other guys?

- I want to go look at the display.

- They're already almost freaking done already.

- Hurry baby.

- Wait, the camera goes like this sitting up.

- [Nicole] Victor, come on.

- Okay, rock and roll, we're good.

How about that?

- [groans] Dang it, we did so good.

- Colin and Christie, I am pleased to tell you

that you are one of the three teams that will be racing

to the finish line for $ million, congratulations.

- Thank you. - Thank you, Phil.

- Today was incredibly difficult.

Did you realize how far behind you were today?

- I had some idea.

That was a pretty good test

of emotional and mental resiliency.

- Yes. - Yes it was.

- But you know, Colin, he made me believe

that it was possible.

He never gave up.

- You did it.

- Nicole and Victor, as you can see,

all the other teams have checked in.

I am very sorry to tell you

that unfortunately you've been eliminated from the race.

- Aw baby. [Nicole chuckles]

- To have come this far after going further

than any of the other "Big Brother" teams

or the "Survivor" teams,

you should be extremely proud of yourselves.

Happy you gave this adventure a shot?

- We did way better than we expected.

- Yeah, we did, we did.

It was the awesomest experience

and I think we're stronger now.

- Oh yeah.

We did meet on "Big Brother" and she is my soulmate.

- I cried more on this show

than I did two seasons of "Big Brother," so dang.

[upbeat triumphant music]

- I got goosebumps already.

Fly to Detroit, Michigan.

- [Phil] Our final three teams will now complete

their circumnavigation around the world

across the Atlantic Ocean

as they fly back to the United States

to Detroit, Michigan.

After touching down, teams must find the Spirit of Detroit,

a famous city landmark, where they'll get their next clue.

- Let's do it.

Detroit, Michigan. - Detroit, Michigan.

Do-do-do-do, this is it.

- Final destination, final three

and we're getting ready to compete for that million dollars.

We are ready,

excited for Detroit. - Yes.

Motor City, here we come.

We broke all the records.

We hold the record for most Detours, most Road Blocks,

most legs completed.

Like, we are the Kings of "The Amazing Race."

I feel good.

There's just no question about it.

It's our time to shine.

- Detroit, Michigan. - Fly to Detroit, Michigan.

- Hometown. - We're going home.

- Let's go. - We're going home.

Holy cow.

Having made it to the finale for a second time,

we are kind of in disbelief.

We are so excited to be here.

It was a long, hard road and we're ready to face the finale.

- Korey and I have been to Detroit many times

because we're from Michigan.

So every time we fly home, this airport is our airport.

- The first time we ran this race,

we made it all the way to the finale

and came up just a little bit short.

Maybe that first shot was not for us,

but now that it's down to the wire, we really can win this.

- [Colin] All right, final leg.

Tyler and Korey are from Michigan.

- I wonder how well they know Detroit.

- Making the final three years ago felt awesome.

But this time, I would say it's gotta feel better.

The teams were the best of the best,

so getting here to the top three just feels,

we're super grateful.

Last time we had youth on our side

and this time we have wisdom.

I think we've done a lot better job of just maintaining

a positive emotional state and keeping our vibes up,

which I think has saved us a couple of times now.

It's felt incredible.

- May the highest vibing team win.

- Land of the free, home of the Afghanimals, here we come.

- Detroit, Michigan, here we come, baby.

- The other teams do not intimidate us.

Tyler and Korey and Colin and Christie,

we actually like them a lot.

So we don't mind them being in the final three,

but they have to get used to seeing our backs.

- Homeward bounds, one last flight.

While a lot of other people thought

we're taking pretty strong teams to the finale,

we have beat both of these teams multiple times.

- You can do it, you can do it.

- I don't mind racing these two teams in the finale.

I think it's gonna push us to come out in front.


- We are off to the Motor City

for the final leg of "The Amazing Race."

- Oh yeah, baby.

- It's time to go out and win this race.

- We raced, we went on trains, we flew, we ran, we yelled

and now we're coming back to you, America.

Here we come.

[upbeat music]

- Let's go, let's go.

Let's go buddy.

- Taxi, taxi. - Come on.

- Spirit of Detroit?

- You know where's Spirit of Detroit?

- Yeah.

- We're in a race around the world for a million dollars.

- Look, that team is passing us.

- We need to pass that white taxi up front.

Thank you, I'm gonna give you all my money.

- We are headed to the Spirit of Detroit.

It is in Downtown Detroit

and we know exactly where we're going.

- All the teams seem to leave about the same time.

I think Leo and Jamal may have passed us in their taxi.

- We're just hoping that every second,

every minute that we get ahead

is a crucial advantage for us.

This is the Super Bowl.

This is game seven of the World Series.

Go Leo.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- Let's go, let's go.

- All right, Road Block.

Who's good with numbers?

- That's you. - That's me.

- While Detroit is best known for cars and music,

it is also home to beautiful art deco buildings like this,

The Guardian.

This Road Block gives teams a chance to see

this national landmark from the top

during a jaw dropping -foot face forward repel.

On the way down, they must look out for a series of numbers

that make up the combination needed to open

a massive bank vault.

- Guardian Building.

- He's good with numbers,

so this was definitely his Road Block to accomplish.

- The main entrance, freight elevator.

Oh, okay, got it, got it.

Here, as fast as we can please, thank you.

I picked the Road Block 'cause I love numbers

and it said, who's good with numbers.

And now we have to repel face forward nearly feet.

We went high, th floor, st.


- Pull up here, we'll jump out by the stop sign.

We beat Colin and Christie.

- Cool.

- It's gonna be a Road Block.

Who's good with numbers?

- Me.

Does anybody know the Guardian Building?

That's it?

Thank you so much.

- [Korey] You've got it, Ty.

- Straight, right? - Straight.

- We want to go Spirit of Detroit right there.

Yeah, keep going straight.

- [Christie] Where are they going?

- Okay, let's hop out. - Can we get out?


Looks like it's a Road Block.

- Road Block, who's good with numbers?

I am.

- Yo, what's up? What's up?

Let's do it.

- Take a deep breath.

[upbeat music]

- Excited, going to the top of Detroit.

[elevator dings]

- You got this, Colin, whoo.

We're just pretending like we're two hours behind

and we're coming from the rear.

We seem to do pretty good when we're in that position.

[upbeat music]

- Right here?

- Hi, Leo's up there.

Hello. - All right, come up.

- Okay, nd floor please. - Thank you.

- Yes, sir.

- [Tyler] Hello.

You ready?

[upbeat enigmatic music]

- Step on the apple box for me

and stand there. - Okay.

I'm about to walk off of a building for a million bucks.

- I see somebody like, standing on the top

of the brick building.

- That's definitely Leo up there right now.

I can tell by his lanky legs.

- I'm attached, right?

- He's definitely afraid.

- Lean out. - Oh.


[Leo exclaims]

Oh my God.


- [Jamal] Come on, Leo.

- [Leo] Oh boy.

Whoo. - That's amazing.

Why the hell didn't I do this?

- Look at that.

- It's a plane.

No, it's Leo the Afghanimal.

- [Leo] Jamal!

- Let's do it, Leo!

- Jamal!

- [Korey] I say, that's definitely Leo.

You'll hear him before you see him.

[Jamal laughs]

- Whoa.

Don't fall.


We're repelling face down straight to the concrete

and then when you were past some windows,

the numbers were inside the window.

Seven, I got the number seven, let's do it.


Detroit, I love you.

- Holy crap.

On the roof of the building,

I started to get a little bit of nerves,

but I realized that this was not the moment for that.

I had to do what I had to do and get it done.

- It looks like someone's about to go.

- Yeah, you can let go and just kind of lean forward.

They have you right here.

- Whew, holy crap.

- I'm super scared of heights,

which makes things like this really fun.

If you weren't scared of heights, it would be boring.

- All right, there goes Tyler and there goes Colin.

- [Instructor] Step over the ledges.

- You got it, Ty!

- Oh.


Oh, holy crap.

- Oh, Tyler's struggling.

- Oh no, no, no, no, no.

[upbeat enigmatic music]

My biggest obstacle was myself.

I had it in me, I could do it, I just needed to do it.

- Whoo!

All right, first number.

Number seven.

- [Korey] You got it, Ty.

- Oh my God.


Okay, first number is seven.

- [Jamal] Come on Leo, get the numbers, baby.

Get the numbers.

- , , let's do it.

, .

- Good job, Leo.

Let's go, baby, let's go baby.

You got this, Leo.

- , , .

, , .

, , .

- Good job, Leo!

Leo's almost done.

The other team, Colin,

I see Colin right at the halfway point.

[Colin exclaims]

- , .

- You got it, Ty.

- Yee-haw.

- .

and .

and .

This is not bad at all.

[Christie exclaims]

[Colin exclaims]

- .

, you can almost drive a rental car.

, you can almost buy lottery tickets.

, lucky number.

- , , .

, yes.

- [Jamal] Let's go, Leo.

- One.

, , , .

, , , .

, , , .

- Good job, Leo.

[Leo groans]

- Just kidding, I'm good.

- Come on baby, get it on your first try.

Let's go to the next stop.

This is the lead we need, this is the cushion.

Good job, Leo.

- , , , .

I got the four numbers.


You had to run back to the building

and then unlock a vault with these four numbers.

Spin the top dial at least five times counterclockwise

to the first number.

Spin the top dial clockwise

and land on the second number on the fourth rotation.

, .

You would turn it five times counterclockwise,

four times clockwise, three times counterclockwise,

two times clockwise and then spin it counterclockwise

until it stops.

It's not stopping.

[upbeat adventurous music]

I keep my money under my bed.

I've never seen a vault like that in my life.

I've never dealt with a vault

or any sort of safe with that kind of a mechanism.

Why's isn't it stopping?

[upbeat dramatic music]

- , , , .

- and one.

and one.

- There is a fear of heights in me.

So the key was like, stay calm, stay focused

and stay centered, so that I can remember those numbers.

The last one was and I was like,

the place we're gonna come in today.

- [Korey] You got it, Ty.

Good job, Tyler.

- Spin the top dial at least five times.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- There was instructions on the wall

that were really detailed and I was like, man,

this is like actually a legitimate bank vault.

So this thing is not gonna be super simple to open,

even if you know the combo.

- What the frick?

[upbeat music]

Damn it.

[upbeat adventurous music]

[pedestrians cheering]

- [Korey] There's Col.

- All right, let's go.

We have to figure out where our cab is.

Good job. - I didn't even look.

- No, good job, I've been trying.

- Route Info, play two rounds of fowling.

- Fowling was invented completely by accident

at a tailgate party at the Indianapolis

by this man, Chris Hutt.

It's a challenging combination of bowling and football.

It doesn't matter whether they throw it over arm,

under arm

or side arm.

They can even throw it like a cricket ball.

All they have to do is knock down the pins

to get their next clue.

- Travel by taxi to Fowling Warehouse in Hamtramck.

- Okay, let's look up here. - Okay, let's go.

- And see if this is our taxi. - What are these two bands?

- They were the last ones here and first ones out.

- [Colin] Go across before it stops.

- [Christie] He's coming, Colin, call it!

- They don't know where their taxi's at.

- We don't know where our cab is.

We told him to come pull up,

we had to jump out early to run, we were behind.

- We maybe need to go down one.

[upbeat action music]

- Each number had a very different distinct way

to put it into the vaults

and if you weren't paying very close attention,

you might be turning it the wrong way,

you might be going too far the wrong way.

- I was counting more times, damn it.

- It was challenging to focus,

especially knowing this is it,

this is for the million dollars.

- Seven.

[upbeat adventurous music]

- Oh my God.


Oh my God.

- Come on Leo, come on Leo.

[upbeat music]

- We have no idea where our taxi is.

We're supposed to hang on to him.

- Okay, let's go down one and look.

Son of a [censored].

See, I think he's probably just waiting

right over there one block.

- Come on, Ty. - Okay, I don't see him

over here.

- Come on, Ty! - Korey!

- Okay, come here.

- Good job, our cab's right there to the right.

Play two rounds of fowling with your partner

to receive your next clue.

Travel by taxi

to Fowling Warehouse- - Taxi, let's go.

- It's right here, I see him, Samba's right here.

- Come on Leo, we were the first team here

and the last one to leave.

I should have [censored] done it.

- [Korey] They can't find their taxi.

Samba, we gotta go.

Samba, we gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go.

- [Tyler] Good job, Colin.

- [Korey] Samba, thank you for waiting.

- Go find out exactly where he is right now.

- Fowling Warehouse.

- Can you please tell me where he is?

Agbal, where are you, my man?

Taxi karma, come on now.

[upbeat music]

- We have no idea where our taxi is.

We're supposed to hang on to him.

I don't know where he went.

He didn't park with the other taxis.

- [Colin] Come here, I see him.

Come on. - Okay, let's go.

- [Colin] Agbal, oh my goodness, Agbal.

- [Christie] Okay, you just cost us

minutes. - It's okay, ssh.

It's okay, we'll make it up. - We have to hurry,

we have to go fast. - We'll make it up.

- Here.

- Okay, we gotta make up some time, Agbal.

- Okay, okay. - We have to.

The other two taxis were over there waiting.

- We need to go to Fowling Warehouse in Hamtramck.

- We're gonna be doing this. - You got room, you're good.

- We're gonna be doing this all day.

- You're good, yeah, you're good.

- So you have to- - Ssh.

- No, I wanna talk. - Stop.

- We're gonna be doing this all day,

so when we say park out front,

you have to make it so we can see you, okay?

- Let's not freak him out.

Let's get going first, please, please.

- It freaks him out if you're talking over me.

You know, I just wanna be able to tell him.

- Okay.

- And actually like talk without being talked over.

- I know you can make it up for us here, Agbal.

- [Navigator] Signs for I, I.

- Thank you. - Samba,

we'll be right back again. - We'll be right back.

- Here we come.

Let's go.

We gotta win this. - Hello.

- We got some Michigan locals here.

- All right. - Yeah.

- All right. - We're from Jackson.

- [Instructor] Nice.

- [Korey] Trying to win the big one.

- [Tyler] What was your name?

- Hi, my name's Modiggity.

- Modiggity? - Nice to meet you.

- Bo Diggity?

- Welcome to the Fowling Warehouse guys.

- Thank you. - Home of the original

football bowling pin game. - Perfect.

- What you're gonna do, we're gonna take turns

throwing that football back and forth.

- Yep. - You wanna knock down

all of the pins.

- Got it. - Got it.

- How many throws do we get?

- Knock 'em all down. - Until we knock 'em

all down. - As much as it takes.

- Okay, can I go?

- Yes.

- Oh my God, Korey.

- Couple of jocks being bros with a football.

Oh, not bad.

- Let's go.


- Ty, you're gonna be the best fowler I've ever seen.

- Fowler.

- [Korey] Fowler.

- [Tyler] Fowling is apparently a combination

of football and bowling.


Korey's on a bowling league.

- I was.

- And he got, they won.

- That was years ago.

Ugh, we got it, Ty.


- I'm actually not bad at throwing a football.

- Just a couple of gamers.


[upbeat music]

- Last team still here.

Other teams left about minutes ago.

A Road Block that seemed easy for the other teams,

for us, we're kind of struggling right now, so.

- I dunno if I'm understanding it.

It says spin the top dial

at least five times counterclockwise.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- This is not good.

This is not good.

- Am I not reading this right?

[upbeat dramatic music]

- Yes, good job Korey.

- Colin and Christie are here.

- [Christie] Okay, we're gonna make up time right here.

- [Colin] Let's do it.

- [Christie] It's like football and bowling in one.

- Yeah, Korey.


- Okay, here we go.

Give me hands, gimme hands.

- [Christie] Whoo!

- Oh.

My goodness, are you kidding me?

- Korey, just quick.


- [Korey] Yes.

- Nice work.

Come on.

- Good job Korey.

- [Christie] Oh, so close.

- Yes Korey.

- Yes.


- One each, let's go, who's gonna get it?

Come on.

[upbeat dramatic music]

- Oh, come on. - Almost.

- [Korey] One pin, come on spare.

- It's okay, come on.

Yeah, Korey.

- Yes. - Yes!

- Come on Korey, come on, come on.

- Thanks Modiggity,

we love you. - Thank you.

Thanks Modiggity.

- [Modiggity] Good job.

- Hi, friend.

- Just pull the handle to get your clue.

[horn honks]

- Thanks so much.

Pull it out.

- [Phil] After almost becoming extinct,

vinyl is now back in the groove,

thanks in part to Detroit native

and White Stripes frontman, Jack White,

whose Third Man Records label has pressed

more than three million discs.

It's a tricky process that teams must now master.

Once they've produced five perfect two-tone records,

they'll be rewarded with a clue.

- Let's go, out, out, out.

- Okay, come on.

We've had one pin left for a little while now.

- You got this, Colin.

Yes. - There it is.

Let's go.

[upbeat music]

- We're about minutes behind right now

from the other teams, so anything could happen.

- Right now, I'm not sure of anything anymore.

Now I'm just confused.

I'm sure of the numbers, , , , .

I turned that knob maybe , times.

It was just so dreading.


You know, and then now I'm overthinking it.

I started doing the numbers,

maybe the numbers I was doing backwards.


Maybe it was the second and the fourth number were switched.



Okay, I give up.

- Why didn't I just do it?

[upbeat dramatic music]

[upbeat adventurous music]

- Third Man Records

right there. - Yep, right here.

Let's go.

This is it.

Back of the store.

Oh, hey you guys. - Hello.

- Gentleman in the middle's

- Hello. - Gonna teach us

- Let's go. - How to press some records.

- [Tyler] Oh, this is amazing.

- Well, this is what you're gonna be making today.

- Beautiful.

- A split color record, okay.

That's what you're going for there.

You're gonna take your B-side label,

you want it to be face down and here's your A-side label,

you want this to be upright.

Now you're gonna take your yellow puck.

- Okay.

- Your red puck. - Okay.

- You're gonna cut this in half.

Now you're actually gonna take each half, place it here.

You want about an inch roughly in between of space,

so that they don't bleed over onto each other.

Push these two buttons here.

Once the shield goes down, you let it go.

There you go.

See. - Beautiful.

- That's what you have here.

Now, we're gonna place it onto the trim table

and it's gonna trim the record.

- Wow.

- Very cool. - And that is it.

There's your record.

We're going for five records that are passable,

five good records.

- Let's do it.

Then we do the B-label down and the A-label...

- Like that? - Yep.

Okay. - Korey, Korey.

- Yep, I'm watching ya.

- Cool.

- Get the yellow disc.

You wanna cut 'em while they're hot.

Cut it right in the half, like a donut.

- [Tyler] Hmm.


- About an inch apart, about an inch apart.

Press the buttons on the side.

- Yep.


Let go.

We'll just...

- I feel good about that.

Cooling process is happening.

- Colin and Christie just got here.

- I see that, yep.

So let's just do this right.

- You guys wanna follow me?

We'll get started. - Okay.

- [Tyler] That's beautiful.

- [Korey] Do you wanna start the next one?

- [Tyler] Yeah.

- [Colin] Okay, let's make some records.

Come on little sticker.

- You wanna do the labels first, Colin?

- I didn't see which button she pushed.

- What? - Where does the B-side go?

- Just face down like this. - I know, I'm just,

I didn't know which direction,

is what I'm asking, Korey. - Oh, sorry.

- If you teach me once, I'll know it.

- Okay, just face down.

- Grab that when it comes out quickly,

time is of the essence.

- A up, B down.

I think a strength that Korey and I have

is really paying attention to the fine details,

but it was challenging to focus.

A side is up.

- B is on the bottom, B is for bottom.

B is for bottom. - B is for bottom, got it.

- [Colin] Okay, we got a good record here.

Clean, love it.

This is all about timing.

- Oh, that one was pretty rough.

- That's okay.

We'll just keep making them.

- We're at four, Ty.

- [Tyler] We are getting through it.

Where are Leo and Jamal?

[upbeat enigmatic music]

[upbeat enigmatic music continues]

- When I'm looking at a clock,

I would think the rotation starts from one

and it starts over.

But I figured out that I think it was on the number

that you left, you would start from there.

[upbeat adventurous music]

- Let's go, Leo.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- My bad, sorry man.

- Let's go.

Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- [Christie] Hurry, hurry, hurry.

- Super clean, super clean.

- Can we have you check some of these for us?

- Beautiful.

- That one is passable.

That's a good record. - It's a pretty good one.

- Perfect. - That's one.

- This one... - That's pretty-

- Got a distinct line in it.

That one actually is passable as well.

- Yes. - Thank you.

- We'll say yes to that one.

- Thanks, Brandon.

- And this one's got a little bleed over it here.

- Yeah, I see that. - Yeah.

- Yeah, this is gonna be a no. - We'll toss her.

- You live and your learn.

- Let's see. - Double bleed.

- Yeah, I don't like the bleed

over here either. - Don't like the bleed.

- So yeah, we're gonna say

no to that. - It's fine, we'll toss it.

- We'll take... - Another bleed.

- This one is, yeah, no also.

So you actually have...

- Two right. - Two done.

- Yeah, two done,

so you need three more. - Okay.

- Cool, thank you. - Got it.

- Is this four? We got, this is our last one.

- Oh, yeah. - Oh, that's a good line.

That's a good line. - That looks pretty.

- We just made our fifth record, it looks beautiful.

Oh, nice. - A-side up.

Go through your records.

- Yes, ma'am.

Did they leave?

- Yeah, they left.

They left about two minutes ago,

three minutes ago. - No, no, no, they're cutting.

They're cutting, no, they're cutting.

- [Christie] Oh, really?

- Please be cute, come on.

Pretty cute.

- That one looks pretty good. - That one looks really good.

- [Instructor] Lines are looking really clean.

- Nice. - It's exactly what we want.

- Thank you. - Super nice.

- Wow, good job Christie. - Super nice line.

Good lines, good lines. - Beautiful.

- Good lines. - Love it.

- Good job. - You guys got

all five done well. - Whoo, Brianne.

- Thank you so much. - You're awesome.

- Thank you, thank you. - Thank you for your help.

- Here we go.

Route Info, travel by taxi to Hart Plaza.

Once there, search amongst the musicians for your next clue.

Here we go.

- Okay, they're out here.

- Please, please, please.

- Okay, we just made up some time.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. - Go, go, go, go.


- Lines are good and the label is good here.

So that's three. - Thank you, Brandon.

- And four.

Four is good. - That looks beautiful.

- Oh my God, Korey. - That one was our best one.

- That looks really good.

- It's as if we made . - Number five.

- Label's right. - Number five

- Label's right. - And we're gonna pass

that one, number five. - Thank you, Brandon.

- Brandon. - Gentlemen.

- Thank you, thank you.

- Thank you so much. - Here's your next clue.

- Thank you, thank you. - Thank you.

Good job, Korey, Korey, pull it.

- Oh my God, my hands.

Travel by taxi to Hart Plaza.

Once there, search amongst the musicians

for your next clue. - Okay, let's go.

[upbeat rock music]

- Come on, run, run, run.

- Okay, search amongst the musicians.

- [Colin] Okay, musicians over here.

[upbeat rock music]

- [Christie] That looks awesome.

[upbeat rock music]

[upbeat rock music continues]

- So much respect for what you guys do.

Thank you for being here.

Search among the musicians.

- Okay, let's just take a breath,

search amongst the musicians.

- Here it is, here it is.

- Okay. - Okay.

- Probably a Detour.

- Route Info.

- Rolling Stone Magazine called this

the st century's greatest riff.

[upbeat rock music]

The White Stripes, "Seven Nation Army."

Teams must assemble a five-piece drum kit from scratch

just like this to get their next clue.

- Awesome.

- Wow, I wish I've done that before.

[upbeat rock music]

- [Christie] There is a finished example.

Do not touch.

When you think your drum kit is properly assembled,

ask the lead drummer to approve your work.

- Okay, here we go.

- [Christie] Tell me what I can do.

- [Colin] Start clearing stuff away.

♪ I'm gonna fight 'em all

♪ A seven nation army couldn't hold me back ♪

♪ They're gonna rip it off

- Give me that bigger one.

♪ Taking their time right behind my back ♪

♪ And I'm talking to myself at night because I can't forget ♪

- [Christie] The feet go out?

- [Colin] What?

♪ And the message coming from my mind ♪

♪ Says, leave it alone

- Right here, right here, right here.

Come here.

Tall on the left, thick on the right, okay?

And this pedal right in the middle.

- What?

- This is some of the loudest music I've ever heard.

I couldn't yell from here to Christie

and even have her hear me.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, Christie!

And so all of a sudden, it just added this element

of intensity and like pressure

because you were just in this unbelievably

loud cacophony of music.

[upbeat rock music]

- Colin, can you teach me how to open these?

- [Colin] What?

[upbeat dramatic music]

- [Tyler] We really are neck and neck.

- Yeah.

Colin and Christie,

we knew they'd be our toughest competition.

We've seen them pretty much at every challenge all day,

either them leaving and us arriving

or us arriving and them leaving.

Right here.

Ty, see all those musicians, oh my God.

Ty, there's Colin and Christie.

- I don't know how to...

it's not opening when I try.

Show me with that one.

- Korey, look what

they're doing. - Where's the clue box, yeah.

We gotta find the clue. - Oh, a clue, a clue.

- Build a drum kit, completely assemble the drums to see...

Okay, both of my brothers play drums.

I've seen them do this a hundred times.

- I'll start putting it around.

♪ And the feeling coming from my bones ♪

♪ Says, go back home

[upbeat rock music]

- Korey, work on this, work on this.

I got that, I got that.

I got it, I got it. - Wait.

Why am I starting on that?

- Because I can't figure it out.

We've spent this entire race

really neck and neck with Colin and Christie.

About half of the race, they'd beat us on legs.

On half of the race, we beat them on legs.

So we really felt like a good match to go head to head

against each other in the finale.

This is it, it's down to just you two doing your best.

I knew I really just had to focus,

but you could barely hear yourself think.

[upbeat rock music]

- Are you sure that's the right one?

Go double check, Colin.

I don't think so.

I think that big one, Colin, goes with this, percussion.

- We need the short guy.

- What? - For the snare.

Here it is, here it is, here it is.

- This way.

So look at the, we're so good at this.


- Korey.

- Here, give me that big cymbal right in the middle.

Flat down.

Got it, okay.

- So this one next.

♪ And I'm talking to myself at night ♪

- We got this Ty, attention to detail.

♪ And the message coming from my eyes ♪

♪ Says, leave it alone

[upbeat rock music]

- [Colin] All right.

[upbeat rock music]

- No sorry guys, it's not correct.

- There is some detail that we're missing, I think.

Pay attention to detail.

Just take a moment.

- Alignment of those two top drums.

Look at the four drumming surfaces angles.

- [Korey] Can we check?

- They're still going.

- No, sorry guys.

- [Korey] Let's go, let's go.

It's this.

- That's done. - This is upside down.

That was it, that was the only thing wrong.

- This foot is % of the way over at a degree angle.

We're good.

- Okay.

- No, sorry guys.

- Probably well over a hundred little detailed things

that you have to get just right

and knowing that there's another team

that could get it at any moment

and go get a million dollars,

that amount of pressure,

it just starts throwing you off your game.

- Sorry guys, not correct.

- What are we missing?

Colin and Christie and us both had our drum sets

pretty much done and neither of us could figure out

what we were doing wrong.

- We have to do it literally drum by drum.

Every little twisty, if they go up and down.

- [Colin] I think it's angles.

- No, sorry guys, not correct.

- It's not correct.

I knew, wow, it's gonna come down to this.

Okay, so these three feet...

- I don't want to look at feet.

I want to look at individual things, okay.

- I don't really get it.

- My brothers are gonna k*ll me.

[upbeat rock music]

[upbeat rock music]

- I think it's something obvious.

I'm telling you... - Okay.

Well, let's look at it, I'm ready.

Let's look, what do you wanna look at?

- Take a breath.

Take a breath.

Now I think it's... - Yeah, I got you.

- I think it's something in the actual equipment.

- Something in the equipment.

Okay, let's look at the way the snare drum is attached.

- [Tyler] This is attention to detail, which we thrive at.

♪ And the feeling coming from my bones ♪

♪ Says, find a home

- I don't think so.

- What does this go to?

- How did you find that?

- That metal thing

was laying on the ground. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- I think that's it Korey, I think that's it.

- [Korey] Check.

[upbeat rock music]

- What do you think is wrong?

- [Korey] Calling all the angels and guides.

- You have to be able to breathe and take it in

for them to talk to you telepathically.

Do you understand? - Okay.

♪ And I'm talking to myself at night because I can't forget ♪

- That was undone.

- You got it. - Thank you.


[upbeat rock music]

Route Info, finally, this is it, the finish line.

Travel by taxi to Fort Wayne

and find Phil at the finish line

on the grounds of the old fort, go, go, go.

[upbeat rock music]

- Can we check?

I swear to God if it's that.

- What was it?

- Hold on.

All of these had to be loose, maybe?

Are you kidding me? - Oh my God.

Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.

We can still make up time if she stutters.

Finally the finish line, travel by taxi to Fort Wayne

and find Phil at the finish line.

Go, go, go, the grounds of the old fort.

- Let's go.

- [Colin] Agbal!

Fort Wayne. - Fort, this is it.

- Good work, Christie.

Good work, Christie Lee Woods.

- Okay, we gotta get there,

this is for a million dollars right here.

- We're gonna win it right here, brother.

- [Korey] Fort Wayne, as fast as you can.

- [Tyler] Did you see the other team?

- [Taxi Driver] Just left.

- Just left minutes ago. - Okay.

So we're gonna beat 'em there.

- We gotta try to catch those guys.

Still feel good with Colin and Christie that close.

- Yeah.

- Minutes in front of us.

If we can catch every green light.

- Cool.

Green light, green light, green light.

- Green light. - It's green, it's green.

- Oh man, oh man.

- We have eggs, we do not yet have chickens.

So we are not gonna count them yet.

- Like it could be a run,

we don't know how quickly they'll finish.

- Okay. - So let's get ready.

- Focus.


- Colin and Christie left the drum set not that far ahead.

- Anything can happen.

- Who knows, maybe their car had a few screws loose itself.

[upbeat dramatic music]

[teams cheering]

- [Christie] Oh my God.

- [Colin] I love you, babe.

[teams cheering]

I love you guys.

I love you.

- countries, cities and more than , miles,

Colin and Christie, I am pleased to tell you

that you are the official winners of "The Amazing Race"

and you have won the $ million prize, congratulations.

- Phil. [chuckles] [teams cheering]

Come on, baby.

- Oh, man.

[upbeat music]

- I love you.

- You guys were steady from the beginning right to the end.

- I am so grateful for this woman right here.

I can't tell you how much I'm in awe of this woman.

She is our coach, she is our tribe, sacred feminine.

She made us a million dollars at that drum set.

[teams cheering]

It feels good to come back and run the race

with a level of awareness and a broader perspective

and just have such a different experience of the whole race.

- How about a round of applause for our winners?

[teams cheering] [teams applauding]

[upbeat music]

- [Korey] I love ya.

- [Tyler] Love ya.

[teams cheering]

[Tyler and Korey chuckle]

[teams cheering]

Hey. [Christie chuckles]

Hi everyone.

- Oh my God.

- Tyler and Korey, after , miles

racing around the world with the teams you see

in front of you, I'm pleased to tell you

that you're team number two, an extraordinary achievement

in this tough competition.

- Thank you. - Absolutely.

[teams cheering]

- Well done, congratulations.

- We improved one

- Thank you. - From last time. [chuckles]

- It's fine, we'll come back.

- Certainly, we're a little bittersweet not to win it again,

but running this again with Tyler,

I mean, it just solidified our bond

and we both know we're never gonna get rid of the other.

"The Amazing Race" just made us so much stronger friends

and we'll never forget it.

- Before every single go, we gave each other hugs

and said, we're proud of each other

and I just couldn't be more proud of us.

- [Phil] Well done, congratulations.

[teams applauding]

- Let's go.

We are in the record books, we're "Amazing Race" kings.

We have done legs of "Amazing Race."

No other team has gotten close to that.

- Here's your next clue. - Thank you.

Like, we did everything, we screamed, we cried, we bled,

we did it all to get to this moment

and we are super blessed and super happy

and we wouldn't take it back for the world.

- This could have been worse.

[upbeat music]

[teams cheering]

- [Phil] Congratulations.

- [Leo] It's all good, thank you, thank you.

- [Colin] Great job.

- The loudest team in "Amazing Race" history,

but there are a few other records that you hold.

How many legs?

- legs.

- How many U-turns?

- [Leo] Three.

- [Phil] How many Road Blocks?

- [Leo] Dozens.

- Are you glad you came on this race?

- Of course, wouldn't take it back for the world.

- It's experience that we're gonna be able to cherish

for a lifetime, but damn, were we close to the million.

Damn, damn, damn.

[teams cheering] [teams applauding]

- Running "The Amazing Race" was the perfect opportunity

to put into practice what we talk about

and try to practice in our kind of unpressurized life.

Does it really hold up to the pressure cooker environment

of racing around the world

against some of the most competitive teams on the planet

and turns out it did.

I am so proud of you.

- I'm so proud of you.

- I know, I feel it.

[teams cheering]

[upbeat rock music]

[upbeat rock music continues]

[thunder rumbling]

[drums beating]

[fast-paced adventurous music]

[fast-paced adventurous music continues]