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30x07 - The First Rule of Amazing Race Club

Posted: 05/03/24 13:21
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on "The Amazing Race."

Teams took on Zimbabwe where they were

hit with a game changing twist.

You are going to be swapping partners.

Oh my God.

NARRATOR: Six new teams raced through the Bush.

It's going to be one of those days.

We are so close.

NARRATOR: Cody and Jen cruised through the course.

Good job, Cody.

NARRATOR: While Kristi and Jessica hit a snag.

You want to work together?

We're going to give it a shot, and then let you know.

NARRATOR: Teams reunited before heading to the capital

city of Harare, where Ocean Rescue

an IndyCar played the U-turn.

You want to U-turn somebody?

Big Brother and Yale?

We have to do it.

NARRATOR: Forcing Cody and Jessica--

I don't think she likes you.

I don't like her, so the feeling's mutual.

NARRATOR: --and Henry and Evan--

God, that sucks.

NARRATOR: --to battle it out and avoid elimination.

Every second counts when you're getting U-turned.

Got it, Hen?

I'm just so tired.

NARRATOR: But a final challenge had

teams singing a different tune.

[SINGING] Oh, yay.

Oh, yay baba.

[SINGING] Oh, yah, yay.

NARRATOR: In the end, both teams survive the U-turn.

Thank you.

NARRATOR: And the eighth leg was the twin's swansong.

We are going to miss your smiling faces.

Five teams remain, who will be eliminated next?

You are off.

Am I way off?

We are going to go buy some sneakers,

hopefully, from the local mall.

After we checked into our pit stop, my sneakers got lost.

And now, I am officially racing in flip flops.

Worst case scenario, I'll carry her.

[laugh] I believe him.

Remember this place?


We are back to the scene of the crime,

the mall where the detour was yesterday.

During the last leg, Cody and I got U-turned by Ocean Spray.

Bata, is that it? Yeah.


We have $ of Zimbabwe money, so we're

hoping that we can find some sneakers for that amount.

Brittany said to me, through a smile,

that she hopes there's no hard feelings.

Yeah, there's no hard feelings.

If we can make them as uncomfortable as possible,

I'm fine with that.

Or just get them eliminated, I'm fine with that too.

That works. Those good?

- Yeah. - All right.

We'll take these.


Crisis averted, I got some sneakers.

[music playing]

Fly to the kingdom of Bahrain.

Teams will now leave the acacia covered savannas

of Zimbabwe, and fly more than , miles

to the kingdom of Bahrain, a Middle Eastern country

never before visited on "The Amazing Race,"

and a modern financial center that still embraces

its rich Islamic tradition.

This is where they'll pick up cars and drive to the capital

and port city of Manama.

All right, let's go.

Do you know where that is?

Nope, no idea.

Big brother did come back from the U-turn,

but it did make a difference in keeping us on top.

Emotionally and mentally, it just keeps us in a good place.

We are trying to get to--

It's a travel agency.

At this point in the game, it's either be smart or--

or be too nice.


And yeah, we don't want to be eliminated.

We've kind of just accepted that, you know,

we don't know what tomorrow is going to bring,

and just enjoy the moment.

And every leg that we do, we're just having

fun being together as a couple.

It's good to leave on top, but it's always nerve

wracking, because right now--

We have learned that leaving first

doesn't always mean that you're going to stay in first.

Holy crap.

Off to Bahrain.

All right.

We, as a pair, have yet to finish below third place.

Communication's great.

We're just kindred spirits.

We are girls that nobody is telling us that we can't do it.

Fly to the kingdom of Bahrain.

That's great for us.

It's so good.

I've been there a couple times.

That's wonderful.


There's not many laps left in this race.

So will be coming up on the white flag very soon.

And then, it's the checkered flag

with a million dollar prize.

We won't be satisfied with second place.

It's something that's just born and bred in us that winning is

everything, and we can really open up the throttle

and go for it.

I have raced in Bahrain probably over ten times.

At least we know where the racetrack is.

This is pretty much going up to Detroit for me.


[music playing]

We just survived a U-turn.

No real animosity towards team IndyCar.

We understand that it's part of the game.

And if anything, it's somewhat flattering.

I mean, we're sort of a back of the pack kind of people,

you know?

Only for this.

Not in real life.

Definitely not back of the pack kind of a girl.

LUCAS: So we're trying to find the fastest route

to the kingdom of Bahrain.

So Ethiopian Airlines, and then you connect from Dubai.

BRITTANY: Is that a safe connection?

There won't be any issue having a flight canceled or anything?

Well, we can never guarantee.


We'll just keep our fingers crossed.

I think we'll be fine, honey.

I'm pretty positive.


BRITTANY: It's the first time in his life

he's thinking positive.


BRITTANY: It's a good time to think positive though, babe.

Trust the airplanes.

Come on.

KRISTI: Harare International Airport.

Africa, see ya later.

We're all on the same flight.

Thank you, sir. Have a good day.

The kingdom of Bahrain.

Here we go.

HOST: All teams are making their way

to the kingdom of Bahrain via the connecting city of Dubai

in the United Arab Emirates.

[music playing]

When you got on the flight-- on the plane,

you had it in your hand.


Let me check my bag again.

No, I checked it.

I checked it a million times.

Sounds like Lucas lost his passport.

Oh man.

It has to just be on the plane or something.

Because they need it to get on the plane, right?


I don't even know where you begin if you don't have

a passport and you're here.

You would know--

Yeah, but you're in the airport.

You have to get out of the airport.

You have to clear customs into the country.

Oh my God.

That's a brain bender.

We went up-- back up to the flight

to search for the passport.

Because we realized that we lost it

when we were trying to get our boarding

pass for the connecting flight.

And they wouldn't let us get back on the plane to search it.

But they didn't find it?


If Lucas doesn't recover his passport,

he really can't continue the leg.

I know they're trying to find it.

They think they might have left it on the last plane.

But we don't know yet.

We're just waiting to see if we'll

find them in the boarding area.

We have about minutes until boarding.

So everybody's kind of on edge trying

to see what's going to happen.

Is there somebody in Addis Ababa

that would be able to go in there and search again for me?

They'll probably just call the US embassy and--

- Well, good thing-- - That's a nightmare.

That's just not how you want anyone to go out.

I think he's going to take the brunt of it.

Oh, poor Lucas.

I just feel bad for her, because I do stuff like that

all the time.

And I give her the passports, because I

forget stuff all the time.

And this was the one that I didn't do.

And I lost it.

She's got to remember that he just

delivered a wonderful ring.

They won a leg.

Hopefully the ring is still in there.

Oh boy.

Can you imagine if the ring wasn't in there?

That would not be good.

Sounds like that Karma was kicking in way earlier

than I anticipated.


Oh boy.

That's cold.

It is on the plane.

I know % it's on the plane.

But the plane is gone.

I believe the first rule of Amazing

Race club is to always have your travel documents a.k.a.

Passport with you.

Sorry, honey.

We're getting on our flight now to Bahrain

with all the other teams.

And we still haven't seen Ocean Rescue.

So we're not really sure whether that

means they were able to find their passport or not.

It is what it is.

It's all right.

It's all right.


No, it's not.

I love you.

I love you too.

[music playing]

[music playing]


That is heat.

Oh man.

It's hot.

- Kristi, right here. - This one?

Yeah. This one.

Marked cars, here we go.

Let's take this friendly one right here.


Just get in one.

CODY: Drive yourselves to the Dhow Shipyard

at the Marac fishermen quarter.

Once there, search for your next clue.


Here you go.

CONNOR: A couple of nice buildings here.

It's cool out here, isn't it?

That's why they built a giant Formula

One track, because there's a lot of cash up in here.

KRISTI: This is freaking cool. JEN: Yeah.

We're looking for the--

I'm pretty happy about where we are right now.

JEN: Oh, I'm super happy.

Look at that.

KRISTI: That building has wind turbines in the center of it.

That is so rad.

I don't really know what's going

on with Brittany and Lucas.

I'm trying to not even focus on them

right now, because we just need to focus on us

and get this leg done.

It doesn't matter what Brittany and Lucas are doing.

We arrived at the airport in Bahrain,

and team Ocean Rescue was not on our flight from Dubai

because Lucas couldn't find his passport.

But they're only an hour behind us.

So we know that we're so close that there's always

a scary possibility that they could pop up after finding it

and hopping on the next flight.

BRITTANY: We're rapidly trying to get to the US consulate

here in Dubai to get a rushed expedited passport.

We were rushing to make connection flights.

And I just forgot about the passport.

I set it down and--

It's a human error-- silly mistake that anybody can make.

It's really unfortunate.

We're not giving up.

The Dhow Shipyard.

CONNER: There it is.

It's time to haul some timber.

Highly skilled boat builders had

been using teak and traditional Bahrain wood like this

to build these magnificent vessels here

for thousands of years.

Teams must carry these heavy pieces of timber

across a Dhow construction site to this scale

and weigh out pounds for the foreman

to earn their next clue.

- Clue right here. - All right.

Here we go.

Weigh out pounds for the foreman

to receive your next clue.

Sweet let's do this.

ALEX: Here's the scale.

- Look down here? - There it is.

There's the scale.

So you want to get big ones, or you want to get one each?

- Big ones. - Yeah?

pounds, we can't carry that all at once.

No, but we can make a pile, I'm sure.

- Oh. - OK.

- So let's just get a ton. - It's too heavy.


That's pretty heavy, man.

Do you want to just get one together?

There's really big pieces.

All right. How about this one?

Do you have to lift them together?

- No, we don't have to. - Drag it.


- Carrying it is crazy. - Ugh.

- Can you drag that? - Yeah.

OK. Let's do that.

I'll drag this piece.

- Let's leave it here. - Careful dude.

KRISTI: I was surprised when IndyCar

was each carrying an end when you can carry twice as much

by dragging it.

So as soon as I saw them doing that I was like,

that's not the right way to do it.




They're heavier than I thought.

All right.

HENRY: [non-english].

Oh, Team Extreme is over there.

This is crazy.

This is pretty ridiculous.

Do you know where the DHOW Shipyard is?


I do not know where it is.

CODY: I think that's an indication

at least he's got to go.

I think you can drag that on your own.


You got one?

How do you want to do this?

Can you do this piece by yourself?

OK, great. I'll do this one.

I can drag this one.

You want to grab that one?

Losing it.

I'm losing it. Come on.


Come on.

Halfway there.


It's so hot.

HENRY: Holy crap.


I need a second.

I don't think that we're quite as strong

as some of the other teams.

But we just carried the heaviest pieces of timber that we could.

Drop it.

We're almost there. Let's get there.

I think we're good, Kristi.

How heavy you think that was?


That'll be .

This our pile?

That'll be .

- I think we have . - I don't know.

Let's go one more.

I think .

Let's go one more.

I think we're there.

What happens if we weigh it and we're not there?

Then we take it off the scale.

But if we're right, we're right.

Ooh. OK.

Can you help me with this one now?

Can you do it by yourself? - Yeah.

Can you take two, or--


Ugh. - OK.

I'm going to go.

OK, cool.

I think we have it.

All we needed was one more, I bet.

They're trying already.

There's no way.

I want to try though.


They got it, they got it.

We got it.

How'd they do that so fast?

Oh man.

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much.

HOST: Candy shops line the streets

of the historic district of Muharram.

Teams must drive themselves to this sweet shop

and sample the King of Halwa-- a local treat--

to receive their next clue.

All right, let's get out of here.

How'd they beat us?

Oh, we just carried a lot more timber than we needed.

I'm already so sweaty.

Do you want to try weighing all of this or get more?

One more load maybe, because they

have to weigh theirs anyways. - Yeah.

As long as they're weighing theirs.

- Yeah. - Straighten it out.

There you go.

All right.


Thank you very much. - All right.

Let's go get the king.

What about this piece together?

Let's just try the last one.




We got it. Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Let's go.

[music playing]

Right here.

Oh, this is my challenge.

Hold on a second.

We have to bring pounds to the scale?

Yeah, right.

Oh my God.

It's so hot.


Be careful.

I need you long haul.

How heavy are these?

Yeah, that's heavy.


Come on, Jess.


It's heavy.

All right.

Scale's over here.

This is way heavier than I anticipated.

My boyfriend's built Tonka tough, like a cyborg.

It's really hard to keep up with.

Cody pushes me to do things that I'm not

entirely sure I'm capable of.

The guy's a beast.

He's a competition animal.

He lives for this stuff.


I need you to at least run.

My biggest stress it's just keeping

up with Cody, not disappointing him, not holding him back.

Come on, Jess.

I'm coming.

I don't want to be the reason that we lose a million dollars.

One more trip? Two more trips?

Nope, this should be the last one.

But when it comes to me, he's so very protective,

and patient, and kind.

So that's why I love him even more than before.

Good job, babe.

All right.

[music playing]

I'm digging all the dirt off you.

Ah, don't do that.

You're just rubbing it in.

It looks cooler when I have dirt on me.

No I'm not.

It doesn't look cool.

Yes, it does.

You're filthy.


It takes years of makeup experience

to even try and get this same look on camera.

And I got it naturally.

I feel like a mom right now.


But could you please stop?

JESSICA: I'm helping.

CODY: You're not helping at all.

You're embarrassing me in front of my friends.


The place is going to be on our right

before we get to a shopping area.

What's it called again?

Showaiter Sweets.

ALEX: Sweet.

We just saw IndyCar, BTW, if anyone else--

JEN: Oh we did?

--didn't see that happen.

Right here.

Showaiter Sweets.

Hey, guys.

Where do you think it is?

It says, go here.

Yeah, Showaiter Sweets.

Yeah, we have to ask for a guy.

- The King. - Right here.

And that's really all it says.

Is the King of Halwa here?

We're looking for King of Halwa.

The king of what?



We're going to look in here.


King of Halwa?

No, we don't have here King of Halwa.

This right here.

King of Halwa, it's kind of-- inside you can eat.

ALEX: Oh my gosh.

Are you kidding me?

You have to go inside.

You go inside. - Thank you very much, sir.

Appreciate it.

Let's get them.


Over here.

They got it?

He knew what it was.

The King of Halwa's a food.

And it's in that sign.

Right here.

KRISTI: Sweet.

- Hello. - Hello.

ALEX: King of Halwa?

KRISTI: We're looking for the King of Halwa.

JEN: King of Halwa.

ALEX: Times two.

Can we take a spoon?



ALEX: Let's cheers guys.

KRISTI: Cheers you guys.

We don't know what it is.

Cheers, cheers, cheers.

We just eat it, right?

Mm. Oh wow.


How was yours?

Thought it would be warm.

That's amazing.

Thank you very much, sir. KRISTI: Thank you so much.

ALEX: Drive yourselves to Delmon pottery

industry in the village of Alai and search for your next clue.

Gentlemen, let's do this.

That was really good.

[music playing]

EVAN: Hussein mode, Showaiter Sweets.

Are we sure we're going in the right place up there?


But what are you-- - That's the road.


I have exactly the same amount of information as you have.

I'm just expressing a concern.

Well, I don't know what specific concern

you're expressing.

That because Manama--

like on the map, Manama is a specific name.

It's such a small place.


That I don't think it's unreasonable for

this whole area to be Manama.

So that's like the more important--

OK, cool.

Those are great points.

It's a lot of sweets on this street.

There's a lot of sweets.


JESSICA: It smells amazing.

I feel like Willy Wonka.

Who are we asking for?

King of Halwa.


Why are there so many sweet shops?

Do you know where Hussein Mode Showaiter Sweets is?

- That's it. - Go ahead.

Go, go, go.

We're looking for the King of Halwa.

JESSICA: It smells really good.

Oh yeah.

Babe, you need to get a bite of this.

CODY: Delicious.

JESSICA: Thank you.

That dessert was b*mb.

Delmon pottery industry.

This is Sheik Solomon Avenue.

- What? - How do you know that, Alex?

Because the [inaudible] right there, or that

big building's right there.

Oh yeah, left.

You're right.

We can just get over an argument really quickly,

because there are some things that are happening at miles

an hour that will really make you angry.

But guess what?

A mile later, which happens in less than two seconds,

you're already completing another move.

Traffic around here sucks.

I don't remember this at all.

This is excruciating.

I'm just going to let you know right now.

I'd rather hang upside down naked being set on fire arms



So I will get off of the next place

that we can get off, because I don't want to go too far

and end up in Saudi Arabia.

EVAN: We really appreciate the help.

Thank you so much.

JESSICA: Oh Yale, we want to ignore them.

- Give them one of those. - Good.

That was a good cover.

I liked it.

There's Big Brother.

EVAN: Oh yeah.


Evan totally wears the pants in that relationship.

Henry is really nice, and Evan just

like [makes smacking noise]

Henry, come on.

We'll look for the sweet shop.

Showaiter Sweets.



We are looking for the King of Halwa.

- Oh, wow. - Oh.

Thank you.

Thank you.


- That is really good. - Mm.


Thank you.


I think this is right.

I think this is the loop.

Team Ocean Rescue wasn't able to take our flight from Dubai.

But given that Henry and I have had a tremendous amount now

of navigational difficulties, safety

could disappear pretty quickly.

I really hope they don't find their passports.

[music playing]

So we just finished coming out of the American consulate.

And I don't know where the passport is.


Brittany, do you have the passport?


Brittany has to hold my passport.

You better believe that I'm going to hold onto this

for the rest of your days.

So I have a temporary passport issued to me.

And the picture in the passport looks

like [laughs] he's traumatized for life

because of this experience. - Yeah.

I'm very grumpy.

BRITTANY: It was actually a lot quicker than we thought.

And we are going to try to find the first flight out

to Bahrain.

And the good part is that there's

flights leaving every hour. And so--

It's a very short flight.

And it's--

LUCAS: --an hour and minutes.

So hopefully everybody's lost.

Do you know where that is?

Very far.

Very far?

Very far.

It was just really difficult to get yourself

in the right place, because the signs

were absolutely horrifying.

And it didn't help that if you missed a turn

or were not sure about something,

and you went straight, it could be six or seven minutes

before you could turn around.

And then there was traffic.

KRISTI: Aah. Aah.

What are we on? - Hmm.

We want to just get somewhere where

someone's definitely going to be able to tell us where to go.

- Yeah. - Yeah.

This is pandemonium.

EVAN: Could you possibly help us with directions?

[non-english speech]


JESSICA: I think we should turn around.

We're just driving in circles.

Every time you miss one turn here, it costs you minutes.

It's the worst.

It's crazy that the people that work and live

here don't know where this place is.

Not good at all.

We just can't find this place.


We're lost.

JESSICA: Oh my God.

This is so frustrating.

I'm not happy.

[music playing]

[cars honking]

Delmon pottery.

Make a match.

Mixing one part red and three part yellow Bahraini clay,

these potters are using skills that have been handed down

from generation to generation for more than , years

here in Bahrain.

It would take years for them to make something this good.

So we're sending them on a treasure hunt--

a game of memory, where they must find the identical match

for these items hidden inside the hundreds

of pots that cover the grounds here at Ali Village.

CODY: Choose a pouch of original relics on a table.

Let's open it and see what it looks like.


We have a little bell, a little teapot,

a stone with an x on it.



I always get distracted by the animals.

Oh my gosh, she's got a cat again.

Look it. [meow]

- Kitty, get out of here. - I've had all--

Come on. Come on.

[meow] - Oh my God, kitty.

I love you. You're adorable.

All right.

All right, Jess, focus. [meow]


So we're looking in the pots for these items?


Oh, you're so cute.

CODY: Let's start searching down there.

[music playing]

Pick em up.




Pick em up.


This is insane.

Oh my God.

It's not a match, is it?

JESSICA: It was really frustrating.

There were so many pots.

It was insane.

Gosh, this sucks.


Is this one?

Let's check it.

You may only take one pot to the owner at a time.


Sorry, not a match.

Oh my God, Cody.

Oh God, it's so hot.

God, I want to rip my shirt off.

CONNOR: Ugh, just let's get through this.

My gosh.

ALEX: This is Connor's--

he rides his wave of emotions.

It's like excited, mad, just want to get through it,

then he gets excited again.

And then we do well.

- Ali. - Oh!

Let's go.

CODY: It's very, very tedious.

Nothing. Nothing.

All right.

Let's move on to the next group.

Was this one?

No, right?

I think it might be.

Let's go.

That's a match.


Let's go get the camel.

We got one.

Let's go.

Search hundreds of clay pots and find relics that match.

Oh my God-- to receive your next clue.

Good job, bud.


There's Jess and Cody.

Find relics that match to receive your next clue.

OK, so you remember five and I remember five.

OK, great.

Let's go super systematic so we know we've looked at.

Oh my gosh.

Big Brother over there.

CODY: Was this one? - Yes.

- Pretty sure? - Yeah.

All right. What's up ladies?

Oh my God.

This is so hard.

OK, good?


You good?

No match.

That's crazy.

Find relics that match to receive your next clue.

We need to look at this and try and memorize it.

This is crazy.

I don't know what to do.

Kristi, I got one.

You don't have like a-- oh, here's a pawn.

OK, let's check the bell too.

Was this one of our things?

I don't think so.

The pottery challenge was very much like a match game.

The trinkets had super small differences.

The hardest part was just paying attention to detail.

CJ I need your help a little bit more than that.

I know, I got to look at them more.

Could you do that?

- No match. - Yes.

No, it's a different color. It's OK.

It's wrong. - Not match.


Oh, I see.

That's so funny.

No match.


Oh my God, this is complicated.

This could take forever.

Sorry, Kristi.

I don't know what to do.

Got a lot to search here.

LUCAS: So we're back at the Dubai airport,

and we got the first flight out.

BRITTANY: It's a very short flight.

LUCAS: An hour and minutes.

Optimistic that maybe we're going to still

be somewhere in the leg.

We don't know what to expect.

But it is what it is.

All ready for it.

No matter what.

[music playing]

Do we get the chess piece?

Let's see it. That's it.

- That's it? - Yep.

OK, let's check. Yep.

Yep. - Let's go.

- It's blue enough? - Yep.

Yeah, that's a match.

- Thank you. - Thank you so much.

Oh, thank you.

That's it.

That's it.

- Nice one. - Match.

- Yes. - Great.


All right, great.

It wasn't really until we got the first two

or three pieces where it was like, we know what we're doing.

Let's start hustling a little bit.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

It's so easy to just go to each vase again and again.

And you might just miss one.

We just had a methodical approach.

And then we'd kind of corner off the areas

in a very strategic way that worked out well for us.

Diamond earring.

Let's do it.

Yes, it's a match.

- Thank you very much. - Oh my gosh.

We only have two left.


Check, please.

Yeah, it's a match.

Just one left.

We just have to bell we've got to get.

Wow, it is so hot.

Oh, this is one of mine.

This is definitely one of mine. Yeah.

Come on.

- OK, let's go. - Connor?



Yeah, that's it.

- No. - It's not right.


And my camel thing wasn't either.

Bring home the money.

Bring home the bacon.

- It's a match. - Thank you.

Got it.

Thank you.

We closed the gap a lot.

- Camel? - No.

This is not-- you think this is right?

- No. - It has a green thing on it--

It's not green. It's white.


It's not this color, Henry.


If we make this one, we will only need--

- Yes. - --one more.

- Great. - It's good.

- Fantastic. - It's good.

Thank you. Thank you.

Great. It's a match.

Thank you.

Thanks, man.

Three more.

Let's just get it done.

Is it-- oh, that's it?


Oh, here we go Kristi. Yes.


We got to hurry, Jess.

It's match.

Here is your clue.

We bust it?

Go ahead.

Break it.


Mazel tov.

Drive yourselves to the Bahrain

endurance village in [inaudible] and search for your next clue.

Good job, babe.


Oh my gosh, thank you so much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

My brain is mush.

Let's do it.

It's a match.

Great, thank you.

Thank you.

Good work, Hen.

We're doing it.

I checked all these.

Check again.

Come on baby.

Got it.

About time.

That's a match.

Thank you, sir.

- Good recovery, bro. - Yeah.

By the track.

It's on the way to the track.

We can still win this thing.

Just go to work.


- This sucks. - Yeah, it's OK.


I mean, we'll get it eventually.

We're going to get through all of them.


It's not like a skill we're lacking.

Where do you want to go?

I don't know.

We can't find the [inaudible].

Are you OK?

It's super hot.

Are you OK?


I'm fine.

I'm just super hot.

Where haven't we looked?

Where's our rock?

IndyCar left before us despite arriving a little bit after us.

We really just got stuck on the last item.

You got all of these over here? - Yeah.

Got those already.

I was really hot and probably not

being as methodical as I should have been in order

to just get that last one.

Let's do this area one more time.

It was frustrating.

But at a certain point we just knew

we had probably missed a pot.

So we just started at the back of the shop

and tipped over every single vessel.


Yeah, that's it.

- It's match. - Yay.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.


Oh. - Oh wow.


There's something inside, I think.

Oh my God, I didn't even break it.

Oh, whoops.


Now we should just chuck it.

Yeah, ready?

You want to do that?


Drive yourselves to Bahrain Endurance Village.

JESSICA: This is so annoying.

We're in the right city, and we can't find the stupid place.

Any kind of lead we had, we've definitely lost.

So far really enjoying ourselves here apart

from the lost factor.

The lost factor is never fun.


Well, there it is.


And there's camels.

Good job.

Milk a camel.


HOST: There is no animal on the planet more useful to humans

in this arid environment than these hardened

no nonsense camels.

Not only have these ships of the desert provided transportation

to the Bedouin people for centuries,

but they also provide this highly nutritious milk.

Teams have to fill this cup up the old fashioned

way for their next clue.

Choose a camel herder.

Over there.

All right.

Who's our camel man?


Let's go cameling.

ALEX: You going to show us how to milk a camel?

CONNOR: These hands were made for milking.


Let's get in there, boys.

It's like a cow.


[laughs] Whoop.

Whoop. It's--


Every time I would grab it, it would hike its knee.

Oh, whoa, jeez.


I don't think that's right.

So I was like, well, yeah, if you're

touching my nether regions, I'm going to hike some knees too.

Oh boy.

We've got to get the milking here fellas.

We could be here all day.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do here.

Just work it.

Oh, you got to really squeeze it.

Yeah, just squeeze it.

You got to get right in there and just milk the teat.

Today was the first time milking any creature.

I've never been in a situation where I've been asked to--

let's say-- I don't even know what words to use.

Why did you choose not to milk the camel, Alex?

Good camel.

All you got to do is pet.

I'm just grabbing things.

Just boom. Milk.

Milk. Milk.

And it was just a weird sensation.


Oh yeah.

Get in there and milk.



This one's a squirter.

I think I got some in my eye.

Can we get malaria from camels?


This is not how I planed to spend today,

hunkering underneath a large animal of the desert,

squeezing its nipples.

Doing good man.

It's OK, sweetheart.

All right.

We're getting there.

Oh yeah, that was a big one.

This makes me want to have cereal.


Think this is done.

OK? - Good.

OK. Nice.

Good job.

No one's here yet. - Milk a camel?

Milk a camel! yes.

Fill up a [inaudible] with camel

milk to receive your next clue.

I'm freaking pumped.

Come on, baby.

Give us a good number.

Oh this the guy, going for it.

- Good. - Oh yeah.

Good. OK.


There's not a lot of life out here in the Arabian Desert,

which is why this magnificent -year-old

tree really stands out.

This is the tree of life.

No one knows exactly how it's surviving,

because the nearest source of water is two miles away.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

Whoo. Let's go.


Go camels.

- I am the camel king. - Let's go.

Let's hustle.

Did you guys already milk your camel?


You're so fast.

Hey, let's run. Come on.

We need a camel herder.

Oh my God, they're so cute.

Let's get this win.

Oh, the baby's drinking.

Oh, that's so cute.

I just was really excited to have

like face time with animals.

Oh, the little baby's like kissing me.

The little baby was cute.


All the time, it's so cute.

I feel like I'm getting very personal.


It's OK.

Thank you for sharing your milk.

Do you know where the Bahrain Royal Equestrian

and Endurance Federation is?

Course not.

We haven't seen any teams recently.

So it seems as though we have some catching up to do.

Oh my goodness.

It's OK.

How much of this do we need?

Up to the line.

It's OK? This is good?


Thank you.

Thank you, camel.

Oh my gosh, do I have to drink this?

No. Yeah.

- Good. - We're good.

- Good work. - [inaudible]

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

[music playing]

HOST: Alex and Connor.


Nice to see you out here.

Hey, good to see you too.

Welcome to the Tree of Life in Bahrain.

Thank you.

Thank you very much. Ooh.


There he is.

With our falcon flapping his wings, you are team number one.

Good job, man.


So what did you win the first time you won?

We won $, grand each?

$, each. HOST: Yeah.

Guess what you've won this time?

Oh boy.

$, each.

- Yeah. - Yeah.

Oh my God.

That's amazing.

Let's go.

HOST: That's enough rent for a while.

You could get-- - I can smell the cash.

Yeah. Yeah.

You can get out of Alex's house, maybe rent

your own place for a while.

I mean it's--

we have fun, man.

I mean, we wouldn't be doing this together if we didn't

enjoy each other's company.


During this whole race, you see

people's relationships degrade.

No matter what, if you have a good partnership,

you're only strengthening your friendship.

Because at the end of the day, we've got each other.

And that's it.

And we want to win a giant bag of money.

So like let's just do whatever it takes to get there.

Can you tell me where the Endurance

Village in Royal Equestrian is?

It should be right around here?

Do you know where it is?




Can we go with you?


Thank you so much.

This is so cool.

HENRY: Hello.

EVAN: Hi, buddy.

I talk to like all animals the same-- the same way

I talk to you.



Oh my God.

These noises.

Camels make a noise that's similar to the noise

Henry makes when I wake him up in the morning.

It's like ugh.


Just like that.

EVAN: [laughs] We felt right at home.

Oh my goodness.

This is incredible.

[non-english speech]

HOST: Kristi and Jen, I'm pleased to tell you

that you are team number two. Congratulations.

- Yes. - Thank you.

Good job, Kristi. HOST: So consistent.

[laughter] - Means a lot.

We appreciate it.

We're really good at delegating and then working

together to a common goal.


HENRY: Great job, Ev.

Ooh, gently.

I am keeping the camel very calm.

JESSICA: Hello, camels.

Smells great out here.

Is that Yale up there?


Cody and Jess just got here.

Oh my goodness.


She's done.

It's up to the line, right?



EVAN: You kept her very calm.

I tried.

A gentle touch.


It took us so long to find this place.


[non-english speech]

Come on, Jess. Go, go, go.


Can I milk you?

We're falling behind.

So we need you to give it up.

Oh God.


I'm just doing this?


It's ew-- it's slimy.

This is fun.

Why do they sound so mean?

It's what you sound like when you burp.

[laughs] Oh my God.

This is gross.

I was excited to see the camels for a millisecond

until I realized that they were just disgusting.

Babe, I don't want to do this.

You want to get this end?





You're not clean.

I was out once I saw testicles.



There were testicles.


No, like right behind the udders, I saw a testicle.


I don't know.

[laughs] You're a rockstar.

You're k*lling it.

Oh my God.

Very uncomfortable.

You're getting squirted on by a camel.


- Is that enough? - Good.

Oh my God.

Because tell us-- tell me we don't have to drink that.

You want some?


I'm OK, thank you.

Are you going to drink that?

I'll drink it all.


You really-- I don't want you getting sick.

That's cool. You should prove your point.

You eat ants.

You drink camel milk.

He's a US Marine.

I can't keep him from doing anything.

[laughs] Milk wasn't half bad.


HOST: How did you do with the navigation?

We definitely got lost.

But I think we stayed calm.

I think debate teaches you a way of thinking that allows you

to communicate really well with other people who

also think the same way.

It's efficient.

We understand how each other thinks.

Attention to detail, analytical thinking,

comparative advantage, a margin of error,

go through those processes is just our personalities.


HOST: How did you know he was going to do that?

I am falconier.

HOST: You're a falconier so you know everything?



HOST: So what is it about you guys that make you a good team?

There's just like a lot of love and trust between us.

And I mean, we just try and grow respect

between us as we continue on.

JESSICA: This is kind of validating that everything

that we thought we were in the Big Brother house

we're now out in the world.

And we're exactly who we thought the other person was.

And that's very satisfying.

[music playing]

Finally made it after a long day.

Better late than never.

We are here.

We finally did arrive.

Trying to be optimistic, trying to hope that we can still race.

We've had a great time.

We were frustrated in the beginning.

Then we won a leg.

Then we got engaged.

BRITTANY: [laughs] Kind of a big deal.

LUCAS: So things were turning up.

Yeah, trying to see the positive.

[laughs] Kind of hard.

Bahrain was very pretty from the air at night.

So hopefully we'll be able to see it during the day.

[music playing]

HOST: Lucas and Brittany, considering

that you lost your passport today,

I want to congratulate you on your tenacity

for somehow making it to Bahrain.

But unfortunately, you can see the sun is set.

The teams have checked in.

You're the last team to arrive here in Bahrain.

And unfortunately, you have been eliminated from the race.

We figured.

Been a rough day.


I feel like I left my family down.

I let my friends down.

And most of all, I let Brittany down.


No, he didn't.

HOST: What do you say to him now,

considering how he's feeling?

He's been amazing this whole race.

I couldn't ask for a better partner ever.

And just seeing him beat himself up like that,

it's what hurts me the most out of this whole thing.

Yes, I wanted to continue racing.

Yes, a million dollars have been great for a wedding.

But at the end of the day, he's the main reason I'm here.

I love him.

And we said, no matter what happens.

It's you and me.

Nothing else matters.

Brittany wanted to come on this race with you

for a very good reason.

And Brittany, you ended up with something you wanted

on this race, didn't you.

[laughs] I got him.

That's all I ever wanted.

We got some amazing experiences.

And we're going to be able to spend our rest of our life

with each other now.


And most importantly, I still have my ring, safe and sound.

That one was not left anywhere.

[music playing]

And the race is on.

Let's do it.

Oh, there's some cash peeking out of here.

Fly to Chiang Mai in exotic Thailand.

HOST: Teams will now travel , miles from Bahrain

to the lush tropical kingdom of Thailand

and the ancient city of Chiang Mai.

After touching down, they'll jump in a [non-english],,

the most popular and cheapest way

to get around this beautiful city,

known as the Rose of the North.

Teams will then make their way to Royal Park Rajapruek, where

they'll find their next clue hidden among these herd

of elephants who are walking in the middle

of these elaborate gardens.

What's a [non-english]?

Is that like a spaceship?

We're starting from pole position

today, which means first.

We need to go to the airport, please.

We're down to four teams.

It was competitive on the first leg.

But you had more room to make mistakes.

We don't have that room anymore.

And it's four very, very, very good teams.

I've never been to Thailand.

We have to take a spaceship when we get there.


So very curious to see what their spaceship program's like.

ALEX: Departures.

Hello, sir.

We need the fastest flight to Chiang Mai.

Hey, gents.

We've flown around the world and got there early morning

and needed to compete that day skiing because some flights

were delayed. - Yeah.

This is the earliest one we can get?

Yeah, yes.

We like seeing what we're capable of in everything

we do in our lives.

And we want to win The Amazing Race.

Thank you so much.

[non-english speech]

Winning the race would mean a lot to us after four years

of pretty expensive education.

And we're both looking towards grad school.

So being able to pay for that would be a big deal as well.

Bahrain to Dubai, Dubai-Bangkok.

But not available will be link with the Chiang Mai.

We're just going to think about our options.

- Welcome. - Thanks so much.

Sorry guys. - No, you're good.

Good luck.

Every single team, including us, is well-rounded.

It really it just comes down to who makes the small mistake.

What are the chances that we just get screwed

and have no flights from Bangkok to--

That seems not worth it like at all.

They just walked away from the table and said,

we'll think about it.

But they had no idea what the hell he was saying.

There is no reason to stress about other flights,

because they don't exist.


We love to race with Kristi and Jen and Big Brother.

The three of us is kind of friends.

And then be awesome to just kind of ride

into the finals with them.

When you play against the best, you know you beat the best.

They're fun to hang out with.


EVAN: Big Brother, Team Extreme, and IndyCar

are just tighter as a group.

Henry and I are just pretty comfortable doing

things independently.

I think the only area in which we don't stack up well

against the other teams are competitions

of like brute strength.

But there are plenty of other challenges

where we've excelled.

And we're feeling great about our chances

for the rest of the race.

Ticket to Thailand.

Let's go.

Leg .

Thailand, let's go.

There are three strong teams apart from us left in the race.

And two of them are coming to finals with us.

Last leg we didn't do so well, but every leg is fresh.

So our confidence isn't shaken at all.

Now there's really no room for error.

So we have to just be on point these next few legs.

The prize is right there.

So there's no letting off the gas.

[music playing]

Oh my God.

I'm freaking pumped.

Oh yes.

Oh yeah.

Look at these things.

Do you speak English? - A little bit.

A little bit?


We need to go to the Royal Park.

Rajapruek? - Mm-hmm.


We're in a very important race.

Do you understand?

Go around to the other side.

This doesn't go in, if that's what you're thinking.

There's a roof right there.

Sure is.

Yeah, I was hoping I could talk to him too.


Let's go.

Woo hoo.

Woo hoo.

Look at your map.

So I think that we're cutting down this way.

We don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I'll see if I see any streets.

Unfortunately, communication with

your driver in one of these [non-english] is not easy.


- This is so cool. - Yeah.

It really is.

A little bit worried that we're

going to pass another car too close,

and my head's just going to go--


That's IndyCar.

ALEX: How do you say fast in--



Wrong language.


Look at this view.

You can't find this in the States, babe.

I've heard that Thailand is gorgeous.

And seeing it, it definitely doesn't disappoint.

Babe, this might be my favorite spot out of all of them so far.


I think I still think I like the American trees a little better.

If you had this in the States, they would chop it

down and put buildings on it.

Do you know how much bugs this all brings?

You would never be able to lay out.

[laughs] You're such a dork.

- Royal Park Rajapruek. - Woo hoo.

We're going to be making a right.

No, we can't talk to him right here.

- Right. - But you can--

His window's down. So--

- OK. - They're going right.

I don't know whose-- [interposing voices]

--driver is right.

But the [laughs] girls went that way.

We're entirely unclear how much English our driver speaks.

Park right there?

Wait for us? Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

There's IndyCar.

You can stop.

Which way to the elephants?

That way?

It's closed here?

It's locked.

- It's closed. - Do you speak English at all?

[interposing voices]

--want to go where everyone else is?



You want to go where everyone else is?

- Can we go that way? - Yeah, yeah.


That way.

ALEX: Oh boy.

Look at this.

CONNOR: What an incredible sight.

Oh my God.

This place is massive.

Elephants right there.

Let's go.

All right.

HOST: Teams must now present their garland

to one of the ladies in the area of the Royal Pavilion.

If she accepts their garland, they'll

receive their next clue.

Where's it at?

- On the elephant, right there. - OK.

We're here.

This is like awesome.

There's Big Brother.


These things?


Quick, quick, quick.

Get out of here.

She accepts your garland, she will hand you your next clue.


Alex, right there.



Oh yeah.

- Thank you. - Thank you so much.

This way, Jen.

Yes, there she is.


Patara elephant farm is one of a dozen elephant sanctuaries

here in Northern Thailand.

These magnificent creatures are rescues

used for breeding to ensure they never become extinct.

Tremendous care is taken to monitor

the health of these elephants-- something teams

can now experience when they take their height

and weight measurements.

Let's hope they don't get distracted

by these little banana thieves.

This area around Chiang Mai is known as the land

of a million rice fields.

And every year after harvest, these giant patties

become the perfect muddy playground for kids who

catch these slippery bullfrogs.

Once they've caught unhappy frogs,

they'll receive their next clue.

Hey guys.

- Seize it. - Seize it.

Make your way to the rice paddies.

This should be fine. Catching frogs is easy.

- Is it? - No.

She showed her wrists like they're full.

So we need to find another one.

Did they see something?

Oh, it looks like there's the thing that--

Do you think it's down?

Hello. Oh, you have two already.

- OK. - OK.

- Thank you. - Great, thanks.

Let's go over to this side.

This doesn't seem right.

Wait. Yeah, that one.


Yeah, let's do it.

Kristi. Down there.

Let's go. Let's go.

They're right behind us.

I know.


They got it.

Yale, man.

They're stinky.

Thanks so much.

Oh jeez.

There was one down there.

We're doing [inaudible].

Let's go.

[non-english speech]

- Oh, OK. - Yeah?

All right. Thanks, buddy.

Let's do it.

Where are you going?

I don't know.

Trying to find a lady around here.

Kristi, there's one over here.

Is this the one?

Yeah, the woman.

You can bring me in?

Right here.

Excuse me.

Will you accept?

Thank you so much.

X Games found it.


- This? - Elephants?

Yeah? - Let's do elephants.

I'm not afraid of some frogs.

Let's try elephants.

Up to you.

Want to be coy too, so Cody didn't catch on.

Hi. Do you have a clue?

You guys? Yeah?

Come on. Come on.

Come on.

Which way do you want to go?

I'm not seeing anybody, Jess.

Wait, do they--



This is unreal.

I honestly don't know where to go.

Oh God, I can't run forever.

[music playing]

This is unreal.

I hate that we don't even see it yet.

Up there.


You're k*lling it.

Can I give you this?

Can I also have your umbrella?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Size it or seize it. - Let's do the second one.

Seize it.

I think I'm the little girl that would be catching frogs.

But I trust Jen's math skills.

We can't question it.

If that's what we decide to do, that's what we're doing.

If we go back to frogs for some reason,

I'll be extra fast at it.

I don't understand, Kristi, seriously.

Sorry. Sorry.


I honestly feel like you were prompting

me to choose that one too.

So we need to commit. - Sorry.


We're good.

We're going to elephants.

We treat each other like sisters.

And at times, there's some bickering.

So I think I was the annoying little sister there going,

I want to do the frogs.

But at the end of the day, we're

both working as hard as we possibly can

to do our best in this race.

And I'm the best decision maker.

I think a lot of people might choose the other detour.

There was one math-related detour in--

HENRY: Belgium.


And it seems like a lot of people

said it was really, really difficult.

But me got our jobs-- all of our interviews--

included a ton of mental math.

HENRY: The calculations would be more up our alley

than chasing frogs.

We caught up with another team.


It's Yale.

I wonder if that means--

And then, that other team up there too.

How did we catch up with two teams?

The school will be up on the right shortly.

We're about six kilometers beyond

that to do the elephants.

Do you want to catch frogs?

I'm good with your instinct.

I would love to play with elephants.

But we do need to choose what's fastest.

So, do you think this is it?





He might just be following them.

Is it here?


CONNOR: What just happened?

ALEX: The other team just stopped.

CONNOR: Yeah. - All right.

Our guy's good.

I feel close to death a few times, but still.

JESSICA: [laughs]

ALEX: We're here. - Right here.

Right here. Stop.

Stop. Stop.

Stop. Stay here.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh my God.

CONNOR: Oh wow.

That's real.


[children laughing]

ALEX: This is going to be super horrendous.

Oh boy.

What's the mud like?

It's weird.


Oh yeah.

Here we go.

Here we go.

How do we catch them frogs?

Don't see any frogs man.

Are the kids getting any? What are they doing?


CONNOR: Wait to see how they do it.

I don't know how you see them.

ALEX: I don't either.


CONNOR: frogs.

Big Brother showed up.

Not only do we get to play with frogs,

we get to play with frogs in the mud.

Oh look.


CODY: I can't wait to watch just for them.

JESSICA: So cute.

CODY: It reminds me of my daughter.

I have a daughter.

She's five years old.

And if I have the money to finance whatever venture

she's trying to have like later on in life,

that's what I want for her.

I wasn't able to bring home the money on Big Brother,

so hopefully I can use this opportunity

and get the million dollars.

We got to hurry, Jess. We got to go.


This is tough, man.

Where the heck are the frogs?

CONNOR: The kids are snatching them up like it's--

I know, bro.

But this is insane.

- This is the worst. - Yeah, I know.

Do you have your map?

Give me the map.

Just up on the right.

- Oh, he's going to ask. - You're going to ask--

He doesn't know where he's going.

They're probably just going to drive off.


Go sir. Go.

Go. Go.

Go. Ugh.

EVAN: God that sucks.

HENRY: Yeah, it does.

OK, let's follow them.

Let's get back in and follow them at least.

They have the same map as us.

If they can't figure it out, they can't figure it out.

We're in a race.

You're down here in the mud bogs.

Could be a barricade of enemy frogs.

Bro, Kristi and Jen just got here.

Let's go.

JESSICA: I cannot believe I'm going to do this right now.

Just do it.

This is disgusting.


If I step on a frog, I'm not going to be OK.

Oh my God.

They're giant frogs too.

Do you want to leave?

Well, Yale doesn't know where they're going.

I mean, I don't see a single frog.


This is awful.

All right.

Kristi, let's get out here.

That was a speedy mistake.

It didn't seem like anyone was catching frogs.

So we abandoned ship very quickly and changed detours.

To our elephant farm. Can I sit in front?

- Yeah, yeah. - OK, great.


OK, great.

I don't see anything even moving.

I think Frog Lake is empty.

HENRY: Right here. EVAN: Right here.

Right here.

Thank you so much.

Let's go.


Oh my God.

Holy moly.


This is incredible.

Oh my God.

After being teased with elephant statues,

when we got to the elephant detour, we saw real elephants.

And that was awesome.

It was really incredible.

I'm so glad we did this detour.

HENRY: I know.

Can we go with you?

Hi. - Welcome.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much for having us.

- Manoi. - Manoi?

It's her baby, Lucky.

Oh, it's so cute.

What we need you to do is measure the elephant.

And that's all for health care purposes.

- Oh wow, OK. - OK?

We're helping you take care of them?


And importantly before you are doing that, you need to become

friends with the elephants.

- Oh, OK. - We would love to.

The best thing to make friend is pick a fruit,

and then say bon.


And then in her mouth.




- Oh wow. - Bon.

Can I feed you?

Oh my God.


- [non-english] - [non-english]

- [non-english] - [non-english]


You are incredible.

OK here we go.

So we have charts of the elephant.

The veterinarian and caretakers need accurate height and weight

measurements in order to make sure that dosage for nutrition

and medicine are correct.

So we certainly didn't want to [laughs]

get it wrong for more than just competitive reasons.

So in order to get this information,

you need to do the tape measure.


And use your tape to get around the feet.

- All the way around. - OK.

And you're going to need to do the tusk.

And also from eyes to eyes, which is from here all the way


The lower corner. OK.


And then the forehead.

And the girth part, one of you may have to be on here.

- Oh! - Oh, wow.

- OK? - OK.

And then formulas for height and weight.


We are the recent college grads in this.

- All right. - Oh, you're OK.

You're OK.

You're OK.

Oh, de, de. De de.

De de. De de.

De de.

De de.

De de.

De de.

De de.



[laughs] This is hard.


It's OK.

I still have her foot.

[laughs] No.

De de. De de.

Henry, keep patting her.


You can put the thing down.

You don't have to hold that with you the whole time you know.

Oh OK.

And now it's under the foot right here.

So. - Oh my God.

God, is there something super obvious that we're doing wrong?

[music playing]

Are they under the mud, babe?

All right.

Jess, they're in the mud.

Good eye.

Hear that?

Let's get some froggies.


I think I found one.

- Grab it. - Uh.

I will try my best. Aah!

Ew, gross.


Here, we got one. Oh.

They're slippery.

We had to catch Jurassic sized frogs.

These frogs were real girthy fellas, like big chunky frogs.

And they were not messing around.



JESSICA: You're doing great, baby.

You're doing so good.


He's getting a ton of them.

Man, I know.

Hey, got one.

Keep a good grip.



Oh my God.

This is so frustrating.

Great job.


I was so close.

All right.

Look out to your right.

I don't know what Yale is doing here.

But that is not where we're going.

I don't know why they don't know where

they're going, because they have the same map as us.

The [inaudible] resort.

Oh sh**t. We passed it.

We passed it.

[inaudible] resort is past it.

I think maybe it was at that--


I think we need to turn around, sir.

Told you.


Let's place it.


I think it's in the correct place.


So close.

One meter and .

I think finally.

Oh, Team Extreme is over there.

EVAN: OK, we want to go a little bit faster, right?


There is a frickin' baby elephant.

- Oh, there's a baby elephant. - Oh my God.

My heart is melting.

This is the most amazing incredible thing.

[interposing voices]

Lucky boy.

Yum, yum, yum, yum.

[interposing voices]

So cute.

OK, let's do this.

I think it's--

oh, you have-- hello, buddy.


I'm going to say .

? OK.


That's the right--


All the way down the side.

Between the ears and girth length

are the last ones we need.

Eyes, .

Between eyes, .

EVAN: What's next?


Then we need between ears.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

This is awesome.


Is this right?


Think I have to turn around?


This is such, such a cool task.

This is insane.

This is awesome.


Come on, Alex.

We can do this.

Frog man.

Hey, aren't Marines called frogmen?


Seals, OK.

CONNOR: It was definitely impressive to see Cody

in they're like a swamp rat, just--

just getting those frogs with every limb of his body.

He's just a bad ass Marine man.

CONNOR: He's a Marine.

That's not our thing.

Yo, I'm at a loss.

I don't know what to do.

You could be walk around here all day

looking for froggy town.

I mean, this guy's a Marine.

He'll probably get it.

But I don't think it's built for us.

This is insane.

[music playing]

[non-english speech]

Let's get out of here.

This is insane.

Let me just try one more time.



I got this sucker.

Oh no.



Get back here, Kermit.

Got him.




He's so slippery.

I got him.

It's like a trophy.



All right.

Well, that's one.

JESSICA: Yeah, babe.

Cody has found frogs, and I found zero.

This was nothing that I am good at.

Insects and reptiles-- I'm not even going to pretend like I'm

cool with it.

But-- OK.


I hate this game.

Call me Connor Daly, the Frog Hunter.


They're all there.

They're all right there. - I got him.

All right.

Good job.

Got one.

CONNOR: Come on, gator.

Oh yeah.

Got two.


That's a double whammy.

All it took was finding where they hang out

and how to grab them.

Then we just got on a roll.

Daddy's got a brand new frog.


It was also cool to kind of see the little kids,

because they were having so much fun.

Yeah, they were having a great time.

It went from like misery of, why am I doing this,

to actually, I enjoyed it.

- I thought it was kind of fun. - Yeah.

Oh yeah.


They hit the frog jackpot over there.

[music playing]

centimeters around.

Henry, where is the next measurement?

Girth length, E is around.

Oh. It's the rope.

Yeah. Exactly.

But I think you might need to start it.


And then hand it to me, and I can--

Yeah, totally.

When I want to get up, I say--

Just say, bon.

You would like to get off from him, tap on his back and say,


KRISTI: [non-english]


It's meters and .




Oh my God.

Oh, wow.

This way?


This is amazing.


Calculation time, Hen? HENRY: OK, let's do it.


H is F times .

EVAN: We have all of the measurements,

but in order to get the weight and the height,

we need to do some calculations with those numbers.

I think I'm going to be great at this.

We've made the right choice.

[music playing]

Oh, it's so cool.

, carry the , .

So from ear to ear--


I am on a freaking elephant.

Are you good?

Um, yeah.

Let's go check.




I wouldn't say we're too far ahead,

but we are by a little bit.



A couple of minutes can be a big deal.

So we're certainly glad to be ahead of someone.

But right now it's--

you're not good. - Not good.

OK. - OK.

- Thanks so much. - OK.

- They screwed up. - What?

Let's do it. Quick.

Do you think it's our measurements or our math?

I think it's the base measurements.

Because the math is--

I don't think our math was incorrect.

It's like--


All right. We're on a hot streak.

We can't let it die.

Just like gambling.

Keep searching around that basket.

They might gravitate towards their pack like a wolf.

I'm going man.

Like wolf frogs.

Outsmart the frog.

Oh. - All right.

We got one more, Alex.



Come on.

Give me a frog.

CODY: Come on, Jess.

You're doing great.

Oh, I found one.

Cody, come here.

It's staring right at me.




I don't want to do it.

I really don't want to touch this.




This is a boy's detour.

So we have G. Our weight in kilograms

is going to be E, which is our girth length

times . minus ,.

So do I have scrap paper anywhere?

Oh, hi.

Oh my gosh.

You're adorable.

Are you going to help me do math?


And what did we get before?



Should be-- that should be correct.

So it's probably our measurement.

Let's go remeasure stuff.


This is a , kilo beast.


Height in centimeters--

F times .

So he's centimeters tall.

Are we taller than that think?

It says, H equals F times .

[interposing voices]

What's ?

centimeters is his right foot circumference.

Yeah, but--

I mean, that's centimeters.

So that's not an elephant's height.

Let's remeasure his foot.

De de.

Here's a meter.

Oh, it was .


Yeah, go ahead.

That's what it is.

We're done.

I'm ready for a check.

if it's a little higher.


What do we have?

- . - .


OK, do the other one now.

It's still .

Yeah, we had before.



We don't want Yale to get in front of us.


- Oh. - Well done.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

So right now, you have to get on your elephant

and take him on the trail.

- Like we both ride him? - Yeah.

I get to ride an elephant?

Aah! - They're out.

They just finished.



And then what do I do?

You push-- you pull yourself up.

Oh my gosh.

And then once you get on around his neck,

then you spin around.

This is the best thing.

OK, squeeze him with your knees behind both ears

and say, Pai. - Pai.

Pai pai.

Pai pai.

I can't believe we got in front of Yale.

We-- Jen, we're riding an elephant.

Pai pai.

We're riding an elephant.

Kristi, this is so cool.

- This is like magnificent. - So cool.

Look mom, no hands!

[interposing voices]

Look mom, no hands.

All right.

We got to go.

I need just one more.

Let me get two just to be safe.

- We got it? - Yeah.

- Are you sure? - No.

But-- - Let's get one more.

All right.

All right.


Big Brother finished.

Dude, what do you want me to do?

JESSICA: You're on a roll today, babe.

I'm glad we didn't get dirty.

Conner, got one.

Good deal.

- Thank you. - Come on.

Come on.


Make your way to the original

Khantokk [inaudible] Restaurant.

Search outside for your next clue.

Let's go.

Baby, I don't know what I'd do without you.

[non-english speech]

Let's go.

[non-english speech]



The Frog Hunter strikes again.


We have to get out of here.

So right foot circumference was--

Was what?

Was-- was it the same.

I just for--


What do you think we should do?

Because none of our measurements changed.

And you don't want to just try putting--

Sure. We can try with this number.


So that just ends up being kilograms.

OK. Do you want to try that?



[music playing]

The Amazing Race.

We love the Amazing Race.

This is the best thing ever.

We're riding an elephant in Chiang Mai.

Oh look at that.

That's for you.

[inaudible], you're so happy.


[non-english speech]

That was unbelievably cool.



- Sorry. - Still wrong.

- OK. - Ugh.

Oh, that sucks.

I hope you're real hungry.

I hope we worked up an appetite.

Because you got a lot of fruit to eat.


We're done.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Bye-bye [inaudible].

Let's get the heck out of here.

OK, I got .

We got one before?


We did not get the measurements correct

on the first or second try.

So that's a little bit embarrassing.


Want to try it.


Thank you.

- Congratulations. - Oh wow.

- We got it? - Thank you.

- Thank you so much. - Thank you.

All right.

Let's go.

Just like to say that we may have just beaten Yale at math.

And that is all.

- [laughs] - Keep going.

Keep going. Fast.

Fast. Yes.

- Thank you. - Don't let them catch us.


Whoa. Be


I got it. - Bye.


- Bye. - Wow.

This is incredible, Hen.

Yeah, seriously.



This is so cool.

[music playing]

Oh my God.

What is going on here?

JESSICA: I don't think he knows where he's going.

Come on, dude.

Oh, there's a team right there.

It's got to be Big Brother.


This guy-- he's I think been our best taxi driver that we've

had so far in the race.


He's got it all locked down, man.



You are incredible.

Oh my God.

Oh, yeah.

We get to feed her these now.



De de.


Thank you so much.

Thank you.

- I want to stay with you. - OK, let's go.


Bye baby.

Let's go.

Fast, fast.

It's a good chance we were pretty far behind when

we left that detour.

That was a long one.

That was unfortunate.

It's right there. Let's do it.

Come on. Clue, clue.


Wants to Thai something new.

HOST: This is a highly nutritious

food rich in protein.

Here in Thailand, eating this popular savory snack

might not sound too bad.

But imagine eating three, along with a frog for good measure

while live scorpions are crawling on your teammate.

The faster they chew, the quicker they'll get through.

And the sooner they'll take the sting out of this roadblock.


Do you think it's cooking?

I mean, it looks--

I think I'd go with it.

[non-english speech]


Oh wow.

CONNOR: Oh boy.

Look at this.

This isn't like awesome.

All right.

Hello. Hi.

- Hi. - I'm Alex.

You sit down in this circle with these local people.

And they all have like normal looking food.

And I'm like, oh, this is going to be great.




CONNOR: I'm thinking, I'm going to stand here and support Alex.

And homeboy comes over with his own basket.

Oh my gosh.


This guy just, boom, right on my nips.

As soon as I started flexing or breathing,

I can feel the legs go bleh, bleh.

It was like the Terminator was on my chest.



Please eat them, Alex.

Or they k*ll me.

Is that it?

I think so.


I'll do it.

[non-english speech] Welcome.


This place is insane.


Do it.

Do it.


What are you doing with that?

Oh my God.


CONNOR: Alex, Please eat.

The taste of the scorpion wasn't the worst part.

It was the trying to chew through the shell.

But if you swallow fast, it like cuts your throat.

And then you want to gag it up.

CONNOR: Cody's eating the crap out of them, Alex.

Just get in there.


Oh God.

It's moving.

It's moving, it's moving.


[music playing]


I had scorpions in places one should never have scorpions.


I was praying Cody saw that I was in distress

and he needed to save me, like he

was my knight in shining armor.

It's chewy.

The exoskeleton was just so chewy.

And that was the worst part.

I'm glad Joey hot dog isn't here right now.

Because Joey would eat like scorpions.

He'd ask for more scorpions.


Another one?


Be the scorpion.


I have no idea what Alex is eating.

I don't care what he's eating, as long as he gets it done.

I like this one.

A lot of bones though.

I could eat frogs, man.

I noticed they didn't put any frogs on me.

I didn't get to trade out the scorpions for frogs.

I think there should have been a rule change there.

CONNOR: Alex eat.

Just get in there.

I'm shaking through.

Oh God.

Please hurry.


We're not used to being behind.

Can we go fast? - We were definitely--

Pressure was mounting.


Step on the gas.

EVAN: The margin for error right now is so small means you

have to be even more perfect.

Old Chiang Mai is just the Old Town.

Yeah, I think so.

This race goes up and down.

And I think that we just have to be really, really focused.

We'll just have to try to make up time.

EVAN: Yup.


Oh my God.

CONNOR: Alex, pretend it's chicken.


Yes. Yes.

Another one.


CONNOR: Get these things off of me.

Good new.

Is that all of them?



Dear Lord baby Jesus.


Poor Jess.

Dude, thank you so much.

Make your way to your next pit stop.

Amazingly, there are more than , Buddhist temples

here in Thailand.

The locals call these temples [non-english],,

where they practice meditation and mindfulness.

The last team to check into this calm and peaceful pit stop

may be eliminated.

- Let's go. - Let's go.

Let's go.

Come on.



Is that it?

All right.


Oh, get it off me. Get it off me.

Get it off me. Get it off.

Faster, faster. Please.

Please. Please.

Please. Aah.

- All right. - Is it all off?


All right.

You ready? Warning.

Last team to check in may be eliminated.

Are you sure they're all off me.

You got one on your shoulders still.



Oh my God.

Oh here. Here.

Here. [interposing voices]

Right there.

OK, you know where it's at?

Please, really fast.

Really, really fast.


CODY: [coughs]

You remember how I said this might be my favorite place?

I'm kind of taking that back.

- Oh, there it is. - Ah, OK.

Road block.

I'll do it.



KRISTI: Oh my God.

Look at this place.

JEN: This is truly full cultural immersion.


I think this is a scorpion.

I'm not that thrilled to be eating these.

Jen, eat fast.

Kristi, I'm not supposed to-- oh my gosh.

They're making those crawl all over her.

I had spent a lot of time in Arizona.

And so we have a lot of scorpions.

And their sting is really terrible.

I wasn't too happy about it.



CONNOR: Let's get it my boy.

Let's get it, son.

Come on.

Come on.

Do you think we're racing for first?


Come on.

Let's get to that pit stop. Pit stop.



Money equals faster?


I can't imagine them being that far ahead of us.

All right.

I'm just gonna-- I'm not even going to like--

Oh, I'm making them move.



JEN: I'm trying, Kristi.

This is mind over matter.

Oh my God.


No way.

Hey, we're at Chiang Mai.


Please sat, go to the Old City.

It looks like we're probably getting there soon.

CONNOR: It's getting tight in here.

This road is brutal.

It's quite the traffic jam we got here.

JESSICA: We're heading to our next pit stop,

and the last team to check in may be eliminated.

So we got to hurry.


Jen, eat fast.

Can't tell if that's a bone or cartilage.

I'm going to eat it.

At a certain point, I just started swallowing.

Because chewing wasn't going to really get you anywhere.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good work, Jen.

All right.

Let's get out of here.

You ready, my friend?

We're going to [inaudible].


Yes, great.

KRISTI: Do we have it, Jen? - Yes.

He knows where it is.

Third place is fine when there's like nine teams.

[laughs] Third place when there's four teams

is stressful.

Let's go.

One clue left.

I'll do it.

OK, great.


Oh my God.

This is awesome.

Oh my God.

I know that Evan does not like bugs.

They're dead, right?

So we might be pretty far behind.


You got this.


You got this.

[music playing]

It is this it? Is this it?

Where is it?

There we go.


No running, it says.

So we got to walk pretty briskly.

Is it? Yeah.

All right.

Let's go. Yeah.

It's got to be deeper in.

CODY: There's no running.

Jess, no running.

Speed walk.

There he is, I think. - Yup.

Come on.

It said no running.

So we're going to be respectful.

But I like to see you here, Phil.

Welcome to [non-english speech]..

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

HOST: Alex and Connor, after legs of The Amazing Race,

you are team number one.


Where did you guys-- [interposing voices]

By a few minutes.

By seconds.


Good job, guys.

[interposing voices]

We're frog hunters.


Do you have any scorpions on you?

Oh my God.

Alex and Connor, as the winners

of this leg of the race, you have won a trip for two

from Travelocity.

And you're going to Curacao.

- Where is that? - Where is that?

Do you know where that is? [laughter]

It's in the Caribbean.

And it's romantic.

I don't know if you want to go with your girlfriend,

or whether you're going to go together.

I'm not going with Connor, I tell you what.

HOST: Yeah.

You're going to spend five nights in a Tula suite

in the Santa Barbara beach and golf resort.

You're going to hike and swim at the island's national parks.

And you're going to take a catamaran to Klein Island.


Oh, that's great.

Did you all hunt for frogs?

You should have seen this guy.


He was on all fours like scooping frogs by the armload.

He is honestly like a godsend.

Because he's just so patient and just picks up all of the slack

without complaining.

And I contributed nothing to this leg of the race.

And I get nervous.

Because I don't want to be the reason

that we lose a million dollars.

She doesn't give herself enough credit.

She's like my foundation for like my strength.

Like without her, I wouldn't have the strength

to carry on through this thing.

This second place win is purely due to him.

If I wasn't useless, then maybe we could have

pulled out a first place win.

Well, with us and Indy, we want Yale gone.

Us, Indy, and X Games, we just kind of--

ALEX: Bonded.

--like bonded together.

And we wanted to be in the top three together.

You guys are all like competition.

It's a little bit of an ego thing.

I mean, as competitors, we want to know

that we won against the best.

And I think the best three teams honestly would be us

and the X Games girls.

EVAN: I think I'm done.

Thank you.


Last check in may be eliminated. - OK.

- Let's go. - Let's do it.

We're still in it until we're not.

So we'll keep going, obviously.

KRISTI: Do we have it, Jen?

Yes, he knows where it is.


Is it a big park?

I have no idea.

There's no way I'm getting that information out of him.

EVAN: I'm disappointed because we lost a lot of time

at the elephant detour.

But stuff's in the past.

And getting upset about it will only make

us worse at what lies ahead.

Nothing that we can do.

We'll see what happens.

Gosh, this is so nerve-wracking.

OK, let's get out.

Thank you very much.

We're going this way?

Every second probably counts today.

Got to move your hips, Phil.

HOST: Don't forget to take a good look

at where you are as well.

You have not finished lower down than third

on any leg of this race.

[interposing voices]

But we want to trend upwards.

We beat Yale at math today.


Jen beat Yale at math today.

HOST: Yeah.

There must be a few synapses firing

the right way in your brain. - Maybe.

We're really proud of the performance we've

put in on this race so far.

We want to continue it.


I know if you added up all our finishes,

I think we'd be pulling ahead.

But that's not how it works.

You have to win that final.

That's what we want to do.

And hopefully Yale is lost.

I hope there is a next leg.

I hope so too.

HENRY: OK, we might be here.

Search the grounds for Phil.

And don't run.

Henry and Evan, you are the last team to arrive.

But I'm pleased to tell you--

this is a non-elimination day. - Oh my God.

Oh, man.

[music playing]

You are still in the race.


Thank goodness.

You will have a speed bump in the next leg of the race.

It's a task that only you have to perform.

You have to complete it before you can continue

racing with the other teams.

It's just great to have another shot.

Henry and I have come from behind before in the race.

We had a rough leg in Belgium but came back from that

in Morocco and won first place.

We were U-turned once in this race.

And caught up to teams that only had to do one detour.

We can excel even more than the other teams

were competing against.

The other teams underestimate the threat that we pose

if we make it to the final.

Hopefully this next leg catches us on a good day.


We just--

Two wins in a row.


We know when to turn up the wick, as they say.

ALEX: Tell you what.

CONNOR: We've had a good last few legs.

And this is the time to really step on the throttle.

We just want to stay in this position,

because that's where the million dollar goes.

You're team number one.

[laughter and cheering]

KRISTI: Going through this entire race,

we never finished lower than third.

JEN: There have only been three all-female teams

to win The Amazing Race.

And we want to be the fourth team to accomplish that.

KRISTI: This is all you girl.

I've always had the expectation

that we're going to do extremely well in this race.

Good job, Jessica.

Gosh, she's fearless. I love her.

We didn't win Big Brother.

So hopefully we can achieve that redemption

by winning the million dollars.

You are team number one.

Henry and I stack up against these teams

really, really well, even when we're at a disadvantage.


We've had really bad rounds that we've

been able to come back from.

Now you're right.

Oh my God.

We're you used to competition, and we

be able to rebound mentally.

[laughter] - sh**t.

How did they get it already?

We're on the right track now just to stay ahead.

We're stellar. Stronger.

As strong as ever.

I know that we can win this.

I know we can win this.

I don't think there's anything that's going to stop us.

We're going to win The Amazing Race.

[music playing]


[music playing]