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30x01 - You're a Champion, Prove It

Posted: 05/03/24 13:16
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

PHIL KEOGHAN: At just over miles long and a few miles

wide, the tiny island of Manhattan

is home to . million people, and is

the starting line for the momentous th season

of "The Amazing Race."

Hundreds have gathered in Washington Square Park

to witness the beginning of the adventure.

[cheering and applause]

Making their way through the city to the start line

right now are the most competitive

teams we've ever assembled.

They're world champions, gold medalists,

life-savers, and music sensations,

but above all, competitors.

ANNOUNCER: Joey Chestnut!

I'm Joey Chestnut.

And I am Tim "Eater X" Janus.

We're world champion competitive eaters.

I'm ranked number one in the world.

And he was ranked number two.

I hold more than world records in eating.

hot dogs in minutes.

pounds of rib meat in minutes.

hard-boiled eggs in six minutes.

We're both excited to be competing with each other

instead of against each other.

We're about to eat these other racers for lunch.

Bring it.

CEDRIC: The only thing that's going

to be running through my mind is, don't get eliminated first!

I'm Cedric Ceballos.

I'm a former NBA All-Star, -year veteran of the league,

also a slam dunk champion.

I'm Shawn Marion.

I'm a -year vet, a four time All-Star,

And NBA Champion .

Running The Amazing Race is going to be a slam dunk.

I definitely think people think we're the underdogs,

so we want to prove them wrong.

I'm Dessie Mitcheson.

And this is Kayla Fitzgerald.

And we are Team MitchFitz.

We both model, but we're more petite than most

girls in our industry.

We're both below ' ".

So we're misfits in the industry,

so we came up with MitchFitz.

And then, we work in the boxing industry.

So we do everything that leads up to a huge fight.

We do the press conferences, the weigh-ins,

and then, of course, fight day.

BOTH: We're ready to knock out the competition.

[bell ringing]

CONOR: Competition is fuel for our souls.

I mean, that's what we are driven to do is to compete.

ANNOUNCER: Alexander Rossi to win the th Indianapolis !

My name is Conor Daly.

My name is Alex Rossi.

I have won the th running of the Indianapolis in .

I have a place in Indianapolis that Conor lives in now.

Hey, yeah.


He was nice enough to offer a spare room.

I do pay rent.

He does pay rent, which is--

Something I've never done before.


So you're making progress, man.


Obviously, the next step is getting

my own place as an adult man.

$ million, you can get your own house.

We have to cross the finish line first.

And get that checkered flag.

I'm Jen Hudak.

I'm Kristi Leskinen.

JEN: And we're professional skiers.

KRISTI: We both competed in half pipe and slopestyle.

Jen is a two-time world champion,

a five-time X-Games medalist.

Kristi was one of the original pioneers of this sport.

She has podiums and medals from almost every competition

that there is.

KRISTI: When I got into the sport,

I didn't accept that girls didn't do it.

Girls aren't supposed to do dangerous things,

and I was all about proving that wrong.

Meeting Kristi was an awestruck moment for me.

She was someone that I admired and wanted to be like.

Yes, yes, flatter me more.


JESSICA: "Amazing Race" is going to continue our journey

with our relationship.

We met on "Big Brother."

Congratulations, Jessica.

You have won!

The first person is Cody!

You are the new head of household!

We kind of connected right off the bat,

and we've been super-glued to each other ever since.

Do you wanna make out?

Jessica is the love of my life.

She stood by my side in the Big Brother house

through everything that I did.

I mean, I was wrong so many damn times in that house,

but she was just extremely loyal.

So if we can get through that, we're going

to be great on "Amazing Race."


Welcome to Washington Square Park, New York City!

[cheering and applause]

This is the start of "The Amazing Race" season--


Season , that's right.

And I'm very excited right now to introduce

to you the teams for this season of "The Amazing Race."


Here they are!

[cheering and applause]

Welcome to "The Amazing Race."

Would you mind if the most successful

competitive eater ever had a hot dog before we started the race?


You better hurry up.

Explain to everybody why you are the world's

best competitive eater, Joey.

hot dogs in minutes on the th.



And let's not forget, we have two pioneers of goat yoga.

You look-- you're standing next to NBA All-Stars.

I know!


Let me tell you something about these two right here.

When I first met them, they said, Phil, just sign

the check, just sign the check.



Team Extreme, this would be the fourth

win for an all-girl team.

That's the goal?

That's absolutely the goal, yeah.

And, Jen, of everybody I've met,

I'm not sure if I met anybody as competitive as you.

I do love a good competition.

Anybody here intimidate you guys?


I mean, obviously, everyone has done something incredible,

so, you know, that should be pretty interesting to race

against. I'm excited.


Let's go!

Let's get this historic th season of "The Amazing Race"

started right now.

You have a plane to catch, that will take you

on a life-changing adventure.

You want to know where you're going to first?


Guess where the clue is?

In the fountain.

You're going to have to get wet to get your clue.

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.



Let's go, Tim!


Fly to Reykjavik, Iceland!


We're going to Iceland!

This way! Let's go!

Good luck, guys.

Good luck, good luck, good luck!

Oh, my god, oh, my good.

Good luck!

Oh, my god.

CEDRIC: Let's go!

It's time for "The Amazing Race."

SHAWN: Season is about to begin.

[music playing]

You know, he's won the biggest race in the world,

but he hasn't won the biggest race around the world yet,

which is--

That is true.

--what we have to do.

In New York, everywhere I look on my compass,

I don't know where I am.

I can't figure out the layout.

Babe, you're a boat captain.

You should be able to read a compass.

We are Ocean Rescue lifeguards.

Between both of us, we've probably

rescued about , people.

Brittany Is my Wonder Woman.

And she just won nationals.

She's a badass woman.

She can take on anybody.

Lucas and I have been dating for nine years now.

I think that I deserve Lucas to propose to me.

Nine years is definitely long enough.

LUCAS: I can't make excuses anymore.

So I went out and I got an engagement ring.

And I hope to do it somewhere on The Amazing Race.

She's not expecting it, but when it feels right,

I think I'll do it then.

We do goat yoga in Arizona.

Have you ever heard of it?

I've been teaching yoga for about years.

And I have a ton of goats.

So we thought, why not put the two

together and make goat yoga?

But we don't just do goat yoga.

I do trapeze.

I teach kids parkour.

I was a professional water skier.

- We're moms. - Puzzles.


I'm a dental hygienist.

We're going to win Amazing Race.

BOTH: We goat this!

One advantage I think Henry and I have are,

you know, cool heads and the ability

to calm down and plan things out.


We have experience in this having debated together.

We've been dating for a year and a half,

but we were partners competing together first.

We actually met freshman year when we joined

Yale's competitive debate team.

We won the North American Championship,

the Pan American Championship, went to the World Championship.

Evan was named the top female speaker

in the world, which is why she is the most

persuasive woman in the world.

I don't even think when people first

meet us they would automatically assume that we went to Yale.

Have our little notepad that I keep

in the right-hand pocket of our bag

so that it's always accessible.

I don't think we scream "Yale" in any way.

Maybe we want to ask if there are

any driving particularities.

The decision on who to go in the fountain

was just kind of instantaneous twin talk.

Twin talk is when you don't say nothing

but you already know what you-- you didn't have to.

Hi, I'm Eric Guiffreda.

And I'm Daniel Guiffreda.

We're the Guiffreda twins from Gonzalez, Louisiana.

We know what each other's thinking.

We know what each other likes and don't

like because it's all the same.

We've got a built-in friend, partner,

fishing partner, hunting partner, and now

world traveling partner.

We have the same career.

We're both firefighter paramedics.

Me and Eric have been fans of "The Amazing Race" for years.

So I wouldn't have chosen anybody else for the race.

Now, just get out there and try to get it done.

We love everybody.

Everybody seems so friendly and nice.

And I want to be friends with everybody after this,

but I also want to beat all of them.

Without malice, we will destroy them.

Chris and I are violinists in the singing

string quartet, Well-Strung.

[quarter playing]

CHRIS: One of our favorite things to do

is take a classical piece and a pop song

and mash them together, and we create a whole new entity.

TREVOR: When we released our last album,

it charted at number eight, I think,

on the classical billboard.

CHRIS: on the pop chart.

TREVOR: We've been in a group together for over five years.

CHRIS: We've lived together for three years.

I know your idiosyncrasies.

I know when you need a coffee.

I know when you're getting hangry.

I know when you need a nap.

Yeah, totally.

I know when you need to wash.

We're going to Iceland!

We're going to Iceland!

Our first flight on the race.


Hopefully not our last.

Hopefully not our last.

PHIL KEOGHAN: Teams are making their way

to Iceland and the capital city of Reykjavik.

When they land, they must drive themselves

to a river canyon waterfall known as Geitargljufur

and pick up their next clue.

We're in Reykjavik, which is pretty exciting.

A lot of shuffling could happen based on how teams drive

and how they navigate.

We're on the road, and we've got

an Indy champion here driving,

so I couldn't complain.

Shockingly, these other teams aren't dumb.

I was hoping it was going to be a walk

in the park against these guys.

We're not on "Big Brother" anymore.

Well, we lost that.

We're still going on the right--

the right way, hun, right?

- Yeah, route one. - In route one.

Yeah, perfect, perfect.

Just letting you know that if you steer me wrong,

I will hold it over your head for the rest of our lives.

I will be passive aggressive about it first,

and then slowly, it'll seep into your bones

to the point where it gives you nightmares.

That's all I'm saying.

I love you, baby.

When you wrote down all the directions,

did you put how many kilometers between each one?

Um, yes, but when I talked to the airline, stewardess,

they told me that was the long way,

so I got different directions from her.

I just want you to tell me that stuff so I'm not like--

You were asleep the whole time.

Sunrise in Iceland.

Oh, so pretty.


Look at that.

Ooh, look at that.

Oh, my god.

Look at that.

That is dope!

Baby, I'm taking you places.

Baby, you ever seen the sun rise in Iceland, baby?

SHAWN MARION: [laughs] I feel like I'm

still at home right now.

You know, I got me a driver.

I just ain't got to tip you, so it's all good.


HENRY: I'm just going to keep going

straight till we get there.

Geitargljufur parking.

Henry, that was it.

Oh, OK, OK.

Looks like we're the first ones here because we

don't see any other cars.

PHIL KEOGHAN: Iceland is one of the few places on Earth

where you can see tectonic plates pushing

against each other, creating spectacular canyons

like this, the Geitargljufur.

Teams will now get to see it from the air, when they

pick up an Icelandic flag while dangling

high above a raging river.

Oh, my god.

I just saw the water and everything.

There was definitely a moment of shock

to actually see what I was about to do,

so that was a little stressful.

It looks cold and rocky.

Don't drop me, hun.

- You got this. - Mwah.


You're good to go.


Oh, my god!

I was just trying to take deep breaths.

And honestly, if I wasn't, I would probably start crying

and that would freak me out more.

A camp flag.

HENRY: Great job, Ev!

She's doing great, which is pretty far away.

Just a little scary.

Got the flag!

EVAN: Woo!

One of you must traverse feet over the river canyon

to retrieve the flag of Iceland.

EVAN: You can do this!

I'm so close!

Oh, my god.

Last one.

Just keep going hand over hand, Jess.

- Yeah. - Don't think about it.

Congratulations. Here's your next clue.

Thank you so much.

HENRY: Drive yourselves to Esjumelur

and search for your next clue.

Good job, Yale.

Good luck, guys.

Once your partner pulls you back to safety,

you can exchange the flag for the next clue.

- That way. - There it is right there.

I see the clue. - OK, I can pull you.

- Yeah. - Sounds good.



This is so sick!

Good job, Jessica.

Stay focused.

Your crotch should thank me right now, because, oh, boy.

CODY: [chuckles]

This is the problem that I'm holding a map.


I think we're a good day or two away from our destination

right now, you know.

Is this why you're always late to competitive eating contests?

We're lost.

April doesn't know how to read maps.

She just has-- directionally challenged a little bit.

CODY: Come on, Jess.

You're doing really good.

Come on, come on, come on.

Good job, Jessica.


Big Brother finished theirs.

Oh, we've got to hustle. Bye.

Have fun, buddy.

He's literally hanging over a waterfall.

I mean, I love everything about what's going on in this race,

but I don't know about that.

Did you get it?

Don't drop it.

You want the waist to be tight.

I do too.

[laughs] Yeah.

Very tight.

I had to go out on the traverse.

And heights is not my thing.

Dangling is not my thing.

But "The Amazing Race" have been a part of my family's lives

for seasons.

I know my kids will be watching.

I didn't want to, but it was for the race.

I got you.

Go ahead.

I don't know.

Oh, he's over [inaudible] waterfall.

I mean, man.

We're a lot heavier than everybody else,

so you can tell it's a little harder

to climb back up right now.

You got it?

Let's go!

You're coming back, buddy.

Don't worry.

I didn't have breakfast this morning, so it should be easy.

You didn't die.

That's huge.

OK, let's do.

You got it, Kristi!

Come on, baby.

Oh, my god.


My man.

JEN: This is all you, girl!



Just pull steady, Jen!

We stopped competing because our sport kind of

got too dangerous, but that doesn't

take the competitor out of us.

We're almost there, dude!

I miss the competition and I miss pushing myself,

and you get to do that on "The Amazing Race."

I'm pretty sure we just smoked everybody at that.

Good work.

I'm wishing we could work a little bit better

together, not get aggravated with each other.

Little things that are not a big deal to me, just

do it your way because I really don't care.

You're like, I know what I'm doing.

I talked to the flight attendant while you slept,

like, because I'm so lazy.

You just talked to the--

No, that's what I meant!

--flight attendant the whole time.

Yes, you did! You totally said--

- No. - --you just slept.

No, that was--

That's how you said it exactly.

That was just a fact.

That's not what I meant. I didn't--

While you were sleeping, I spent the whole time

figuring out where to go.

Sarah, I don't know if you're trying

to cause drama or something--

Oh, my gosh.

--but that's not going to work.

You just do your passive aggressive,

while you were asleep, I figured out all the directions.

No, I'm holding my tongue.

I wish we could get along better.

Are you gonna cry again?

I don't know why you have to be so hurtful.

I just don't understand why you're fighting with me.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm not fighting with you.

You're like mad at me--

You're, like, yelling at me.

And you're actually kind of not nice sometimes.

Like, we're on the same team.

Yeah, my feelings were hurt.

I've known Sarah so long.

And she kind of has a stronger personality, and I'm sensitive.

And sometimes, they just kind of clash.

I mean, I'm not bossy.

I brought stuff up, and she just takes offense so easily.

Just being here on Amazing Race,

and my dreams are coming true.

So I'm going to do whatever it takes to stay in this race.

I just wish you'd be nicer.

That's all.

Oh, my god.

This is insane.

I've never done anything like this.

Holy crap.

I actually have a really big fear of heights.

Going into the race, I wanted to really

push myself and try new things.

Oh, my god.

So when I saw that, I was like, I'm doing it.

Oh, my god.

This is crazy!

You got it, girl!

This is insane.

Oh, my god.

I'm kind of scared!

Ready when y'all are.

We got to beat them.

See you later!




Get it! - Woo!

Good job!

Woo hoo!

Wait for me.

Come on, Kayla!


This is so hard on my arms!

Oh, my god.

All right, well, there goes my fear of heights.

This is so gnarly!


Trevor, come on!

You did so good!


I love you!

What's up, buddy?

Here you go!

I'm praying for forgiveness from the Lord for my jealousy

I feel for you going out there.

[laughs] That was so freaking cool.

Good job, teammate.

HENRY: Oh, is that a clue box?

EVAN: Oh, my god.

That's in ice.


PHIL KEOGHAN: Teams will face their first Roadblock here

on the foothills of Mount Esja.

Riding along in one of these off road buggies with an expert

driver, teams will race back and forth across this riverbed

as many times as they need to, looking for letters that

spell out Ingolfstorg, the name of a square

in Downtown Reykjavik.

The trick is figuring out these numbers,

give them the correct order of the letters.

Good job, buddy.

I like the suit.

I've never been in a dune buggy before.

It's going to be a lot of fun.

Good luck, hun.

It's a little nerve-wracking to see him just drive off.


Oh, man.

R, R. Woo!

R, G.

R, G.

R, G.


All the letters had a smaller number

that was attached to them.

I pretty quickly thought that the numbers

would probably mean the order that the letters were in.


Oh, wow!

Oh, my god.

The biggest detail is probably not even the speed

but the fact that I got splashed with like a huge puddle of

water every couple of minutes.

Could you drive a little slower?

Go for it.

Uh, sure.

- You're doing it. - All right.


Go, Henry!

Saw some letters that I'm now trying

to arrange in the right order.

I think there were of them.

But it took me a few tries on the course to make

sure I got all the letters.

I know that he's being smart and trying to figure it out.

I think he'll be fine.

And, you know, we'll get out of here soon, so no worries yet.



Oh, really?

I thought that's what it was.


I'm used to this because I put on race suits, so--

It's exactly what he normally wears.

It's just another day at the office.

This looks dope.

I don't even know what I'm looking for.

There's an F right there.

There's an F. How about that right there?

CODY: The driver, he seems like he's

been driving the off-roads of Iceland since he was a child.

Every puddle he saw, he just slammed into it.

Yee haw!

JOEY: Oh, my god.

I'm dying.

TIM: Don't quit, man!

That's hot dog you're eating.

You wouldn't quit at hot dogs.

You wouldn't quit at .

You're not quitting now.

I need to a couple less hot dogs and work

out a little bit more.

Do it, buddy!

Finish it, dude!

Finish it!

Woo hoo, hoo!

BRITTANY: You got it, babe.

You got it.


Look at this.

BRITTANY: Good job, baby.

LUCAS: This is awesome!

TIM: Come on, Joey!

Keep it up, man!

Joey, come on. - Let's go, honey!

Come on!

You got it.

You got me.

Get up, man.

Good god.

These people are going to be hot on our heels.

Good job, babe.

There are no numbers for the letters.

JESSICA: Let's go, babe!

Say that too. Say--

- No. - [laughs]

EVAN: Henry, stay calm!

I'm good.

EVAN: Take your time.

Hey, Henry, don't be calm.


I think if Conor can pull off the win against the wizards

of Yale, he'll be pretty--


One of the race car drivers referred to us

as the Yale Wizards.

I hope that means that we're intimidating some people

to start out.

ALEX: Let's go, Conor!

Clearly, I must be missing something, as usual.

I mean, I memorized all the letters,

but how am I supposed to arrange a group of letters

into something random?

I have no idea what the heck is going on here.

Check-- check this.

No, it's wrong.


It's right.

It's right?

Here's your next clue.


Somebody finished. Conor.

Conor finished.



That's not Conor.

Oh, it's Cody!


I am so proud of you.

You are such a rock star.

Well, I got false information, but that's fine.

Big Brother completed it, so that's pretty cool for them.

I'm not sure about that.


PHIL KEOGHAN: These modern day vikings

are famous for dominating international lifting


Teams must find Katrine, who will ask them to identify

two popular national tonics.

JESSICA: Babe, you just beat a Yale graduate

in a spelling competition.

Well, some say I am smart.

I haven't met those people.

I'm just kidding.

I are smarter than Yale.


Oh, I see a letter.




You got it, Sarah!

All right, let's go.


Go, Eric! Let's go, man.

Keep going.

Go, go, go, go, go.

We're last.

This is everything right here.

You have it?

Come on! Hurry up!

Hurry up!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Let's go!

OK, get me out.

Get me out of here.

I really like the twins, but we got to beat them.

We've got to make up some serious time.


EVAN: Cody and Jessica left pretty quickly,

so we've been passed by one team so far.

Two more teams just came, so it's

really starting to heat up.

And I just hope that Henry can figure it out.


Now you're right.

Oh, thank god!

You can figure this out.

I know he's stressed right now, so

hopefully he can take a couple deep breaths

and just get it done.

Let's go, Conor!

HENRY: I'm super dumb.

One of the Os had an accent mark and the other didn't, and I

didn't realize that.

EVAN: Just attention to detail


I think the plain O--


That was the one with the accent.

There's two Os, but one had a little dash,

so I made sure to know which O had the dash

and where that was going to be positioned in the word.

Check, please.

Uh, sorry.

It's wrong.

SHAWN MARION: All right, I got to go back.

OK, got to go back.

I have no idea what's happening right now.

I love it.




All right, all right, all right!


Let's read the clue.

Oh, man.

Let's go.

I'm fairly sure I saw all these letters,

but they were all in a strange order

so I don't know what that means.

I just don't-- I don't get it.

JESSICA: Oh, right here, right here.

There's flags right there on the left.

[men chanting and singing]


Do you have questions for us?

I have two questions for you guys.


Number one, what do us Icelanders call

the drink known as Black Death?

And what is Porskalysi?



Porskalysi. OK.

OK, come find me when you guys have the answer.

Thank you.

[men chanting and singing]

You know what "porskalysi" means?

Like a fish.

Like, uh, cells.

I can't tell if you're serious or kidding.

Do you know what the Black Death drink means?

Thank you guys.


Yeah, no problem.

Katrine, we think we've got it.

Holy cow.

Black Death, coffee.

Coffee? No.

- No? - No.



Porskalysi, uh, is it cod liver oil?

- Yes. - OK.

All right, let's find out what Black Death is.

Uh, what is considered the Black Death here?

It's called Brennivin.

Brennivin means "the birds inside of you."


Oh, is it right here? Oh, my god.

It's right here. There's the marked parking.

The Black Death, Brennivin?

- Yes. - Yes!

OK, come on.

Come on, you guys.

OK, we got a shot for you guys each.


So I'm going to give you the cod liver oil.

You're going to die.

- This is some human stuff. - He has to drive.

- All right. - Great.


Cheers, babe.



[non-english speech]

All right.


I mean, yum!

Better than ever.

Make your way on foot to your first pit stop.

PHIL KEOGHAN: First settled by vikings,

this is the northernmost capital city in the world.

And in the heart of Reykjavik, Reykjavikurtjorn,

the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here at the lakeshore

will be eliminated.

Then we can be first, oh, my god, on the first leg!

[men chanting and singing]

What is Porskalysi?

Like a fish, a fish.

It's fish oil.

Fish oil?

Do you know what drink in Iceland

is called the Black Death?

Brennivin, OK.

This doesn't look like it.

That way.

I don't know, babe.

This doesn't look right.

I got this.

- OK, we have an answer. - OK.

Fish oil?

Fish liver oil?


And, uh, Black Death is Brennivin.

Brennivin, yes. OK, OK.

Guys, come with me. - OK!

- OK, ready, guys? - Yes.

- All right. - Cheers!

- Cheers. - Skal!

You say skal!


Oh, my god.

The best thing I've ever ingested, ever.

Best thing ever.

Babe, we need to ask for help.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

We are looking for this place.

[inaudible]? - This way.

It's a pond.

Oh, a pond!

We saw the pond.

Come on, Jess.

What about that lake?

Could the lake be considered a shore?

No, no, no, no.

It's just disheartening.

We were just in first, and now we're just lost.

OK, keep your eyes peeled.

I'm pretty sure this is it.

Well, if it was it, baby, we would see Phil.

Cody, you're not listening to me.

JEN: Oh!

The water is up here.




I'm Miss Iceland.

Welcome to Reykjavik. - Hi!

Thank you!

Kristi and Jen, you're team number one.


As the winners of this leg of the race,

you have won a trip from Travelocity.

And you are going to Santorini, Greece.


Guys, you're going to enjoy five

nights in a junior suite at the [inaudible] luxury resort.

You're going to have a massage for two with a spa.

And you're going to go on a local wine tour.


Not a bad way to start.

Oh, my gosh!

You have no idea.

To be athletes at our level, number one

does not mean complacency.

It does not mean "this is in the bag."

Like, it's-- - Oh.

It actually means our work is like way more

cut out for us now.

This is the first leg in an Amazing Race.

The lake was right next to the plaza.

Look at the name of the lake.


Somebody slap me.

It's right next to the square.

Can you check it?


Let's go.

Moment of truth.

- No. - OK.

All right.

Well, I have to go again.

You got it, bro.

Don't worry about it.

Conor, I think, found a little bit of a solution.

I saw other teams go back out and get more information.

Hopefully it helps them.

I have every belief in him.


Can you vet my answers?

They're wrong.

Now you're right. - Great.

Thank you very much. - Woo!

And that's neat for them.

Hey, guys, good luck!

See you, guys.


KAYLA: Go Dessie!


Sarah, you got it.

Sarah and I have just been friends for a really long time.

And we might spat sometimes, but we always work through it.

And we make a really good team.

We're a little behind still, but I still

feel like it's anyone's game.


Oh, it feels like he knows what he's doing now.

Pressure's on, man. - Pressure's on.

We got last.

The letters have numbers on them,

so I figured that's the only thing that it can mean.

Is that it?

You're right.



Oh, my gosh.

Let's run.

is O. is O. We've got , .

So I got all these in order.

It's still wrong.

Well, one more time.

Don't let the cold, don't let the wetness get to you.

You're a champion.

Prove it.

Cody and Jessica, you are team number two.

I understand--


--that you took a little bit of a detour, might

have run an extra few miles.

And we have another team coming in as well.

Hey, guys.

Henry and Evan, I'm pleased to tell you

that you are team number three.

- Great. - Thank you.

Very competitive.

Guys, come on this side.

We've got a few of you coming in together.

Trevor and Chris, congratulations.

You are team number four.


Jessica, for you, pretty different from being

in a house, right?

We went from being literally locked in a house,

not being able to communicate with the outside world.

Like zip-lining over a waterfall,

and then just navigating our way through Iceland,

this is a day that I would have never expected.

I'm pretty proud of us.

Like, we'll only get better from here.

I think we got most of our mistakes out of the way.

Basically my fault.

We'll work on it.

He never listens to me.


- Yeah! - Yay!

- Woo! - That's delicious.

Love it.

Let's go.

Was that vodka?

What was that?

- I don't know. - Woo!


It stings the throat.

SHAWN: I'm getting passed, and people are getting--

like, I'm stuck right now.

Oh, thank you so much.

Here's your next clue.

Here's your next clue.

- Oh, thank gosh. - Woo!

Yeah! - Now you're ready.

Oh, my god!

Thank you!

You don't understand how much I love you.

- OK, you're right. - Yes!

- Your next clue. - Awesome!

Thank you!


I believe you, Sarah.

I believe in you.

Check, please.

No, it's wrong.

Oh, my god.

I got to go back.

I've been out there times now.

I don't want to go back out there.

Come on, Matrix.

This don't make no sense.

Conor is living on his couch.

- Oh. - Yeah.

It's sad, isn't it? - How fun.

Yeah, no, it's terribly sad.

"Fun" is a word to use for it.

Thank god they're good friends.

But Alex is very keen for them to win so they

can have a little independence. - Yeah.

- Yeah. - Yeah, that's the plan.

He needs the house.

I need my couch back.

You want to help each other real quick?

I know this part's right.

So I is .

is N. is G. O--

-- O's are --

and .


So is L. R Is .

I already got those down.

But that's not right, right?

Uh, this is right.

Go do it!

I just did it!

Good luck.

Thank you for helping me!

APRIL: Sarah!

Thank you!

Oh, man.

Come on, man.

It's exactly the same as hers!

Man y'all are-- I'm--

I'm not blind, dude.

Being a NBA champion, I'm a very competitive person.

I like to win in everything I do.

I don't care if it's walking in the street.

So that was kind of frustrating because it was like,

what am I doing wrong?

Get it done.

Oh, [muted]!

Oh, oh.


It's so obvious.

These damn O's, man.

Now you are right.

Thank you, thank you.

Oh, man.

What happened?

We can make it up.

Come on.

Excuse me.

Can you help us with directions?

Find the Icelandic strong people in Ingolfstorg.

Can you help us?

We need to get to here.

Why can't you just do what I-- you don't need to look,

and I don't need you to play.

I just asked for four letters.

"Austria" and "Vintessant."

I couldn't see the sign.

Was what it?

You're driving so fast, kid. I--

I understand.

That's why I want the first four letters of the word.

I can't look at it and drive at the same time.

But, dude, you're driving too fast, though.

I can't see it if you're driving too fast.

OK, but if you just tell me the word--

Well, then slow down, so I can see it.

--then I can look myself.

You're not looking as well, though, kid.

Obviously, if you knew how to spell it,

we wouldn't have been stuck on the last one.

I'm saying the word, "Otistra" and "Vintessant."

Let's hope somebody got lost on their way there.

Please tell Miss Iceland what you guys do for a living.

We're competitive eaters.

We eat food for a living as much as possible.

Oh, wow.

Is that why you have big feet?

That's where you keep all the hot dogs.

Oh, snap!

Yeah, there's a parking lot here.

- Oh, it's a parking spot! - I said that.

Oh, come on!

Let's get our ass in here and get the hell out of here.

Come on.

You know, get a little pep in our step.

Who's in charge here in this relationship?

Aren't all women really secretly in charge

of their relationships? - I don't know.

Let's ask Miss Iceland.


- OK. - I would say so.

She can boss me around all over.

I'm what? Say it again.

I'm right? - You're absolutely right.

For crying out loud.

Give me the whole bottle, damn it.

We say, skal.





Are these are the freaking ballers?

You see 'em?

I'm looking.

Where's the parking?

On the other side.

Go around.

It's on the other side.

OK, we got another chance.

It's not over with.


Hey, hey, hey!

Oh, ho, ho, ho.

Very good.

Cedric and Shawn, you are the eighth team to arrive.


Oh, boy.

However, you're not allowed to get any help from a teammate

at a Roadblock, which you did.

So unfortunately--

Yeah, I didn't see the letters that he was doing.

I said, pay attention to the P's and O's.

Come on, Matrix.

Yeah, you're not allowed to yell out any help at all.

You guys come on into the mat.

Even if you didn't even hear it, he's not allowed

to give any help at all.

You've incurred a -minute penalty.

Guys, just sit over there on the corner.

Eric and Daniel, you are officially team number eight.




This is-- this is the road, no?

Here we are.

Oh, we're here.

There's a square on the right.


We should have just pulled in here before.

Yeah, you have to come forward.

Just turn the wheel that whole way.

Am I good over there?

Come forward and turn.

OK, stop.


I don't know how to get my car positioned to,

like, park this right now.

OK, all right, let's run.

You want me to try to do it?

You want to get out?


Hold this.

I have two questions for you guys.

I know you're going to make this so easy on us.

Keep going, keep going.

You're good, you're good.

Straighten out, straighten out.


Oh, man.

This is drama.

SHAWN: [laughs]

This is what I was so afraid of!

Oh, it's so good.





All right.

It's tough because we worked so hard.

We never quit, and that's what real champions do.

And, you know, that's probably why

we lived the life that we lived because we

didn't give up one cent.


They're right behind us.

Come on, Dessie, we got to run.

This is it, this is it, this is it.

We got to find Phil.

It looks like our final two teams are on their way in.

Is that them?

Yeah, that's them.

Is that Phil right there?

Oh, girl, this whole dang park.

It literally is an X.

Cedric and Shawn, I'm going to pull you over to the mat.

You've got seconds left.

Unless that team over there can make

it from the edge of the lake to the mat

in the next seconds--

We've got to go.

You got it, Sarah!

seasons, and it's never been this close.

Just seconds separating three teams.

Go, go!

Go, go, go!

SHAWN: Oh, my god.


This is unbelievable.

Holy crap!


This is as close as it gets, guys.

But this time, I am pleased to tell you you are

officially team number nine.

You are still in the Amazing Race.

And now, we have a foot race with the last two teams.

Almost there, almost there.

Come on!

Oh, god.

Oh, my gosh! Sarah!

Come on, Sarah!


Oh, my god.

PHIL KEOGHAN: We have never had a finish this close.

SHAWN: Oh, my god.

Unfortunately, Dessie, you were

the last to land on the mat.

April and Sarah, you are still in the race.

You're team number , Ring Girls.

And I'm very sorry to tell you that you

have been eliminated from the race by literally feet.

We got KO'd.


We're super bummed.

We wanted to continue racing.

It's definitely been one of the most amazing experiences

that both of us have done, and we got to do it together.


[men chanting and singing]

[music playing]