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15x01 - They Thought Godzilla Was Walking Down the Street

Posted: 05/03/24 13:12
by bunniefuu
[upbeat theme music]

- [Phil] It's early morning in downtown Los Angeles

and the temperature is rising fast

in the movie capital of the world.

This is the Los Angeles River,

an iconic setting that's been used as a location

for stunts in movies such as "Grease" and "Terminator ."

[sirens blare] [dramatic music]

And from this legendary Hollywood setting,

teams will begin a race around the world for $ million.

[dramatic music continues]

The teams are now on their way to the starting line,

hidden within the concrete caverns of the Los Angeles River.

The teams are:

[upbeat music]

Brian and Ericka, married two years from Nashville.

- [Announcer] Miss America, , Ericka Dunlap.

- I was Miss America in ,

it's really prepared me for who I am today.

- Being an interracial couple, we're excited

that we can show America and the world

what being in love is all about,

no matter what our skin tone is.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Lance and Keri, engaged,

from Salem, Massachusetts.

- We know we're the powerhouse team going in.

We bring too much physically and mentally

into this game not to win.

- [Keri] Lance is a good person to run the race with.

He's smart. - I'm a trial attorney,

that's my profession.

I mean add a couple pounds of muscle to that,

I think we're in pretty good shape.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Maria and Tiffany,

professional poker players.

- We're really excited about the race

because this is what we do for a living, we play games.

A lot of what we do in poker on a daily basis

can help us in the race.

- So as a competitive person, as gaming people,

we like to win.


- [Phil] Zev and Justin, best friends from Los Angeles.

- At years old, I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome.

I'm not the best with change,

I kind of like my everyday routine.

- [Justin] Zev says what's on his mind no matter what,

He's as honest as you're gonna find in this world.

- That's nice, tear.

[Justin laughs]

- [Phil] Mika and Canaan, newly dating from Tennessee.

- I'm a songwriter in Nashville, I honestly love my job.

I feel like the luckiest guy,

I actually have a song on the country charts

right now that I wrote.

As a follower of Christ, my faith

is incorporated in everything I do.

- I'm Christian, also, that will probably

help us in the race.

Hopefully, you know, we can pray about winning.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Flight Time and Big Easy,

teammates on the Harlem Globetrotters.

- [Flight] Being Globetrotters, we play games

every single day.

So we're used to getting up early

and traveling different places.

- [Big] And we probably will be

the best-looking team to win ever, so.

[pair laughs]

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Sam and Dan, brothers from Missouri.

- We're Christian, young, Midwest kids, but we can be bad

whenever we want to. - We can.

Dan and I came out to each other a year ago.

He was like, I have something that I want to tell you.

And I said, no way, me too.

- We high fived. - We high fived each other.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Gary and Matt, father and son from Montana.

- Growing up, it was tough.

I had a dad, but we didn't do anything together.

- This race is important because he's important.

There's so many great years that we miss out on

sometimes 'cause we're running so fast

and hopefully this will be an opportunity for me

to make it up to him.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Eric and Lisa, married yoga teachers.

- [Lisa] People will look at Eric and I and have

an expectation of us being these Zen yoga teachers.

- Lisa and I, we're like yoga in the hood.

And we will be able to use that to catapult ourselves

to that finish line numero frickin' uno.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Garrett and Jessica, dating on and off

from northern California.

- [Garrett] I grew up with a brother and we never

had to deal with the female drama.

- I come from a Colombian family of very, very strong women.

- Her fiery Colombian side comes out.

The littlest thing will set her off

and it just baffles me.

If we can't get through the race without blowing up,

the relationship could be at stake.

[pair whoops]

- [Phil] Marcy and Ron, dating from San Francisco.

- [Marcy] Ron and I have been dating for one year

and we met on the internet.

We get along so well and yet we're very different.

- I wake up each morning thinking about

what can I worry about for the day?

Whereas Marcy greets the day with energy and excitement.

- Never dated a bald guy before.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Meghan and Cheyne, dating from San Diego.

- Cheyne and I met in elementary school.

We met playing tetherball, I beat him, for the record.

- [Cheyne] She's definitely the best

female athlete I've ever met.

- I know that I'm gonna marry Cheyne

and I think he knows he's gonna marry me, right?

- Of course. - Okay.

[dramatic music]

- Welcome everyone.

[group applauds and cheers]

In just a few minutes, you will be leaving

on the adventure of a lifetime.

And as you race around the world,

you will encounter every possible obstacle

and many unexpected surprises.

Your first clue is waiting inside the envelope

on top of the luggage you brought with you.

When I give you the word, you can run over to your bags,

[dramatic music continues]

read the clue, and begin your journey.

The first team to cross the finish line

after legs will win $ million.

[group applauds and cheers]

But there is something else I need to tell you

and I don't think you're gonna like it.

There is a new challenge in this race

that's going to have a devastating effect on one team.

And for this one team,

it will be a very short race.

Just beyond your backpacks is your first challenge.

The details are in the clue.

The team that is unable to complete the challenge

will be eliminated right here.

For the first time ever,

one team won't even get past the start line.

[dramatic music continues]

Everybody understands that?

- [Group] Yes.

- All right.

The world is waiting for you, good luck.

[dramatic music continues]

Travel safe.


[dramatic music]

- Let's go.

- Go, go, go, go. - Let's go.

- Sam, come on.

- Open it, open it.

- Fly to Tokyo. - Tokyo.

- But first, search the wall of license plates.

- [Phil] Teams must now search this wall

of over , license plates for one of only

from the Shinagawa district of Tokyo,

which is their first destination.

Teams with an eye for detail will notice the Japanese symbol

for Shinagawa printed at the top of their clue.

The team that finds a correct license plate will receive

a ticket on one of two flights to Tokyo

and the team left without a plate will be

the first team ever eliminated at the starting line.

- When you find the correct plate, bring it to Phil.

- If Phil clears you to leave,

- Drive yourself to LAX.

- Let's go, go, move.

- Let's go.

- What's the district name?

- Shinagawa.

- Let's go, let's go.

- Come on, Meghan, come on.

- Shinagawa. - Holy crap.

- Go, go, go, go!

- Is there anything else in the clue?

- I don't see nothin'.

- Justin!

- Let's try right here.

- Sam, Sam.

- We were all caught so off guard.

We had no idea what to do, so we were just frantic.

The clue had the symbol at the very top of the clue.

And I don't think any of the teams figured that out.

- Let's try this one. - Okay.

- Is that it? - I think.

Sam, come on.

- Here it is.

- One team at a time.

Come forward.

Sorry, that's not correct.

- Hold up, come on, Canaan, come on, come on.

- I'm sorry, that's not correct.

- Let's go.

- That is not correct.

I'm sorry, that is not correct.

- Dang it. - Ah, geez.

- Hold up, hold up, Zev, Zev.

Here, it's this, it's this.

- I realized there's no way they expect us

to be able to read Japanese,

so there must be something else here.

And that's when I saw the two figures

at the top of the clue.

- Look for that, look for that.

- Let's go for it, honey.

- How do I get it?

- Congratulations, that is correct.

- Yes, yes!

- Let's go, first car.

- Grab that one, babe, grab that one.

Grab it.

Let's go.

- On the mat.

Congratulations, that is correct.

- Woohoo. - Thank you.

- You're on the first flight.

- Come on, let's hear it, we did it.

- That's good luck. - We are in.

- That is good luck!

- One team at a time.

Congratulations. [pair cheers]

- Good job, baby, woohoo.

- We're totally ahead, honey. - Oh my God,

I love you so much.

I've got my Asian lucky charm right here.

- That is not correct.

That is not correct. - Damn it.

- Congratulations guys, you're on the first flight.

- Let's go, baby. - Let's get it, man,

that was crazy.

- That? - No, look.

I got it, I got it. - All right, let's go.

- Oh my God, were going to Tokyo.

- We're going to Tokyo, babe.

- We're going to Tokyo, that's really, really cool.

- I know, it's pretty exciting.

- Congratulations, you're on the first flight.

[team cheers]

That is not correct.

Congratulations, guys, you're on the first flight.

- Yeah baby, yeah baby.

Wow, we avoided total embarrassment.

- My heart was pounding,

I felt like I was gonna pass out at the start line

'cause we could have been eliminated right there.

- Baby, there's people back there still looking for plates.

- Okay, good, we're good.

- That is as wild as it gets, were on the race.

- We are on "The Amazing Race!"

This is awesome.

[dramatic theme music]

[dramatic music]

- Congratulations, guys. [team cheers]

- That is correct. - Yes.

Thank you so much.

- That is not correct. - Come on.

- Brian, oh my God. - Come on, babe.

- Sorry, that is not correct.

- Let's go.

I'm more of a street type of lawyer.

So I'm used to adversity, I thrive on adversity.

Baby, come on.

- That was, - Freakin' scary, bro.

- My heart is broken for the team

that does not make it past that.

- Congratulations, that is correct.

- Yes!

- Give it to us.

- Congratulations, guys. - Yes, yes!

- Hallelujah.

- Guys, there's only one more set of tickets to Tokyo.

- We got one other team, that's it.

- Pull one, baby, pull one.

- Unbelievable, unfricking-believable.

- [Lisa] We're in trouble.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Guys, there's only one more set of tickets

to Tokyo. - This isn't good.

- Is there anything in the clue?

- Come on, read it

- Oh, Jesus, this,

- Oh my God. - It's right there.

- Look at the picture. - Son of a bitch.

- Baby, if we can get through this,

we've been through so much, oh God.

- Don't miss anything.

[dramatic music continues]

- [Eric] Come on, please God, please.

- This is it.

This is, it's it, let's go.

- [Lisa] They might have it, dear.

- That's right, that's right, come on baby.

You know it's it.

- That is correct.

- Yeah, boom.

- Oh my God.

- Let's go.

- It's okay.

- We're going to Tokyo, baby.

Tokyo, kitten.

[mournful music]

- Eric and Lisa,

there are no more plates left,

and unfortunately, no more tickets to Tokyo.

I'm very sorry to tell you

you have been eliminated from the race.

- It's okay.

I was really looking forward to this, but this is life.

That just means onto the next adventure.

- To be the first team eliminated,

now the shame, the pain is gone for everybody else,

though we took a beating for everybody.

- We set 'em free.

[tense music]

- I can't believe we came this far

and we almost got eliminated.

But you're the one who was supposed to read the clue, so.

- I read the clue, it didn't say anything on it.

- I said this-- - Even when we we reread it,

you still didn't see it 'til I told you

it was the picture. - Yeah, it was what

I said, read the clue.

- [Phil] The six teams that found their license plates first

received tickets on an American Airlines flight

leaving at : PM.

The remaining five teams received tickets

on a United flight leaving at : PM.

- What's up, babe, they call me Big Easy.

What y'all do. What y'all do for a living?

- I play basketball for the Harlem Globetrotters.

- Yeah, yeah, well I'm an MIT grad.

- It was just so intense, I've never been

through anything that intense, childbirth maybe.

- [Big Easy] So what y'all do for a living?

I didn't ask y'all.

- We work with an organization that deals

with homeless kids in Los Angeles.

So the bluff that we're running is that we work

for a homeless program in Los Angeles.

We don't want them to know we make

a lot of money playing poker, 'cause we feel like

it's gonna make them not wanna help us so much.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] The American Airlines flight carries

Maria and Tiffany, Marcy and Ron,

Meghan and Cheyne, Gary and Matt,

Flight Time and Big Easy, and Zev and Justin.

The United flight scheduled to leave a half hour later

carries Sam and Dan, Mika and Canaan,

Garrett and Jessica, Brian and Ericka,

and Lance and Keri.

All teams are now making their way to Tokyo, Japan.

Once there, they must travel by taxi

and find a television studio at the base of the Tokyo Tower.

[dramatic music]

- Okay, go, go, go, go, go, go.

- Here we go, go, go, go, go.

- Do you know where we're going?

- No. - Let's go, baby.

- Well, here's the shuttle, come on.

- Main terminal.

Thank you.

- Like everybody's gone.

That shuttle just left.

- It's fine. - No, it's really not,

because I feel like we're making all these mistakes

that we don't need to be making.

- I'm just saying, getting frustrated

isn't gonna be productive.

- I just like when we're more realistic about the situation

instead of just trying to sugarcoat everything.

- I'm not sugarcoating everything.

- Oh my God, honestly, I don't wanna talk to you right now.

- Taxi, let's go.

- Tokyo Tower Studios.

- Taxi, taxi.

Andale, andale, ee-ah, ee-ah.

- Different language, different language.

- Oh, okay, my bad.

[dramatic music]

- [Brian] Our flight actually came in a half hour early,

which is awesome.

- Come on, come on, come on.

Taxi, taxi.

Tokyo Tower.

We're in Japan, yeah.

- We're a little frazzled because we had a lead

and then we lost it.

- Oh there's,

granny and grandpa.

- [Marcy] The guys in the orange shirts.

- [Ron] This is bad.

- I'm sort of stunned that the other flight caught up.

- Dude, we caught up to the other flight.

- Who's that?

- [Maria] The team we call the hot guys.

- That chick is laughing. - They're probably

trying to flirt right now.

With both of us being gay, I'm sure there will be

some all-girl teams who will be,

oh, we're gonna flirt with the guys and--

- Distract 'em.

It's to our advantage, baby, yeah.

- Oh my God, are you kidding me?

[dramatic music]

- Oh my dear God.

Got a k*ller cab driver.

- Oh there's the blue team over there.

- Arrigato, Arrigato.

- Oh, here it is. - Arrigato, arrigato.

- Let's go, it's up here. - What is this?

[audience applauds]

[upbeat music]

- We had no idea what was going on,

and all of a sudden we're in a room

where people are just going crazy.

It's an uproar of applause when you walk in, it was amazing.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, yes, coming, babe.

- Come on, babe.

[host speaks in Japanese]

[audience applauds]

- We got to the Tokyo Tower and she was like,

wouldn't it be fun if it was a Japanese game show?

- This is so sick, I am so stoked.

- Tokyo Tower Studio.

- You're gonna show us, okay.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

[audience applauds]

[host speaks in Japanese]

- [Matt] It was pandemonium there.

We had no idea where we were at.

[audience applauds] [upbeat music]

- Let's find where we're going.

- Straight through here and up there,

that's where everyone went.

[host speaks in Japanese]

[upbeat theme music] [audience applauds]

- This is awesome.

- [Zev] Everybody was cheering, it was a game show.

- Nobody gets excited like Japanese people apparently.

They are really into this game show stuff.

[host speaks in Japanese]

- Welcome, welcome.

Are you ready to play Sushi Roulette?

[audience applauds]

- My God.

- So freaking awesome.

- [Phil] The Japanese are well known for their wild

and outrageous game shows and in our version,

teams must complete a roadblock where one person competes

in a gut-busting game of

- Sushi Roulette. - Sushi Roulette.

The host will spin a wheel containing nine sushi rolls

and two wasabi bombs.

Wasabi is an extremely hot spice

that is Japan's version of scorching horseradish.

The contestants will eat whatever lands in front of them,

but they must continue playing

until they receive a wasabi b*mb.

When they do, they'll have only two minutes to consume

this fireball of flavor to receive their next clue.

- Dude, a wasabi b*mb is gonna be so hot.

- Handle that wasabi b*mb, whatever you do.

- You got this, you got this, you got this.

- Are you ready to play?

[audience applauds and cheers]

- [Announcer] Start game.

- Okay.

- The host spun the wheel

and if you had a wasabi b*mb in front of you,

you had to finish it within two minutes.

If you didn't get the wasabi b*mb,

you had to eat whatever piece of sushi was in front of you.

- And he doesn't eat sushi.

- [Crowd] Wasabi, wasabi!

- Come on.

[crowd chants in Japanese]

- Okay, okay, eat.

[upbeat music]

- [Announcer] Eat the wasabi.

- Eat, do it, do it.

- I wasn't scared of how big or spicy the wasabi b*mb

was gonna be, until I saw it.

When I saw it, I was like, that is huge.

- [Meghan] You're doing awesome, just relax.

- I love you, Ron.

I saw Ron take his finger and mush the wasabi down

into the rice, which was pretty smart.

- [Host] Everybody else must eat their sushi.

[audience mutters] [tense music]

- We're losing time and we're having to wait.

It's just frustrating, so frustrating.

- Yes, Japanese wasabi, very strong, can you eat it?

- [Marcy] Go Ron, go Ron.

[dragon belches]

- You must eat.

- [Marcy] You can do it.

[audience cheers and applauds]

- [Meghan] Raise your hand, when it's done,

raise your hand when it's done.

Raise your hand when it's done.

Raise your hand when it's done.

- [Marcy] Raise your hand when you're done.

[upbeat music]

- Okay, okay, okay.

- [Phil] Teams must now match a colored flag

with the same colored visors of Japanese tourists

from the studio audience and lead them

through the infamously overcrowded

Shibuya Scramble Crossing.

A million people pass through

this chaotic intersection every day.

Teams must get their group through it

and over to Konno Hachimangu Shrine.

This Shinto shrine is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

- Red team, red, let's go, red.

- Let's go, lets' go.

[audience cheers and applauds]

- We're number one, number one.

- [Host] Okay round number two, nine teams left, here we go.

- When I saw the wheel coming around,

I'm like, wasabi, wasabi, let's get it over with.

- k*lling me.

[audience chants]

- And go.

[upbeat music]

- [Announcer] Eat the wasabi.

- [Garrett] It takes about five seconds for it to hit you

and it just hits you like a ton of bricks.

Eyes go red, just starts burning and you're trying

to get it down. - I was like, oh my gosh,

he's gonna hurl.

[audience cheers and applauds]

- Konno Hachimangu.

Konno Hachimangu.

Excuse me, excuse me, can you help?

Do you know Konno Hachimangu?

- Do you know where that is, the shrine?

Shibuya Scramble Crossing?

- Our strategy was to ask anybody

until they knew where we were going.

- In front of us. - English,

anyone speak English?

- Konno Hachimangu. - Konno Hachimangu.

- Konno Hachimangu Shrine.

Let's go red, let's go red.

- Who is the beat team, team [Japanese term].

[group speaks in Japanese]

- I get a little fren-, okay, frenetic,

I get a little intense maybe.

Yeah, come a little more.

[harmonica plays]

Good, good, good.

And I think some people might perceive me as being frantic,

but really, I'm in my body and having a lot of good time.

Let's skip, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la.

Come on, guys.

[group chants in Japanese]

[upbeat music]

[audience cheers and applauds]

- [Host] Okay.

- [Justin] I bit it like a snow cone and I think

I took it down pretty fast, I don't know.

- You did, you fat cow. [Justin laughs]

- Yeah, you're done.

- Okay [Jessica whoops]

[audience cheers and applauds]

- [Host] Okay, round three with seven teams left.

[crowd chants]

- I wasn't intimidated by the wasabi b*mb,

It wasn't until we got to watch other people eat it

that I realized, I mean, it's no joke.

- Are you kidding me?

[upbeat music] [audience cheers]

- Oh, there's the next two there, so, only you.

You're gonna eat the Japanese wasabi, yeah.

- [Announcer] Eat the wasabi.

- [Tiffany] You're good, you got this, it's all us.

She loves wasabi, she can so do this.

[crowd applauds]

[crowd chants and claps]

- Let's go, red team, let's go, let's go.

Any of you guys speak English?

Do you speak English?

Konno Hachimangu. - Just go straight,

There's Shibuya Station.

- Can you come with us? - Please, can you

come with us? - Yeah.

- Yes.

Come with us, you're gonna help us.

- Maybe straight ahead. - Hey Marcy,

let's walk over and a look at this map for one second.

- Okay, hold on, let's everybody come over here.

Konno Hachimangu Shrine.


Where the hell is it?

- Tokyo, Kyoto. - Ask somebody.

- English? - Yeah.

- [Justin] We're going to the Konno Hachimangu Shrine.

Do you know where that is?

- Yeah, the Crossing's back that way.

- If you could take us there, it would be sweet.

- I'll tell you where to go.

- That's fine. - I'll put you on the right,

- You'll put me on the right track,

all right, that's amazing.

[group cheers]

- Yellow, yellow, yellow.

[audience applauds] [upbeat music]

- Okay, you can do it.

You can do it!

- I'm just sitting here saying, swallow it

and put your hand up, wallow it and put your hand up.

I'm just praying to God.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

- Okay, five, four, three, two, one.

Oh, I'm sorry, oh, we have to do again.

- [Crowd] Ooh.

- I'm so sorry, you didn't do it.

- In that moment, I can see the tears welling up

in her eyes, part of me thinks, oh crap,

she's just gonna quit and walk away now.

- [Host] Okay, ready to go?

[audience cheers] [upbeat music]

[audience chants]

- Stop, stop. - Stop.

- Stop!

- Oh.

- I'll count.

- [Host] One more time, okay.

Okay, one more time, you can do it.

Ready, and you must eat, one more time.

[audience applauds]

- I can't do another one, Tiffany.

[dramatic music]

- Oh!

Okay, one more time, you can do it, ready?

And you must eat.

[audience chants]

- I was really kind of worried at that point

'cause I see how painful it is, once.

There's no possible way that she can suck it up enough

to do it again.

[group chants]

- Let's go red, let's go red, come on, let's go.

- This really is insane.

Let's go, red team, woo.

- This is crazy, just look around for a second.

This is wild.

- There's so many people.

- [Cheyne] Let's go, red team, let's go.

- Really fast, let's go. - Really fast.

- Maybe I'll ask here.

I'm looking for Shibuya Scramble.

- Two miles over there.

- Two miles?

All right, thank you.

- I carry you. - You carry me.

- We're here in Japan, this is pretty unbelievable.

I'm trying to stop and take it in a little bit.

- I'm in Japan right now.

- Come on, Zev. - Her foot's broken,

she can't move. - Oh, oh, I didn't know that.

- It looks like her shoe's breaking,

which isn't very good, 'cause we're in a race.

Nice if this lady's shoe worked though, that'd be helpful.

[audience cheers]

- I was getting nervous, my hands were shaking,

I was tearing up, it was totally just one of those moments

where people say it's mind over matter.

[audience applauds]

- seconds.

Okay, five, four, three, two,

[audience cheers]

- Good job, good job, good job.

- I love you so much.

That was the most amazing thing ever.

- Two. - Two wasabi.

- Yeah, two wasabi bombs in a row.

- Honey, I'm so proud of you.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Oh, I see it, baby, come on, guys.

[dramatic music]

Come on, red.

- Come on, red, woo.

- Welcome to Tokyo. Japan.

- Arrigato.

- Megan and Cheyne,

you are team number one.

[team cheers] [dramatic music]

I have some good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of the race,

you have won a trip for two from Travelocity

to both Aspen and Vail

at the Arrabelle Inn Hotel, Jerome Hotels.

You'll get lift tickets, rentals, and private ski lessons,

dinner, the chance to go tubing,

snowshoeing, and even ride ski bikes.

- Oh my God. - This is unreal.

- You guys are young but you are fast, tenacious,

- Oh my God. - A little sweaty.

- That's the only way to be, baby.

To walk up the steps before we got to Phil and see him there

for the first time, like our first mat experience

which we've both been dreaming about

since we were in high school,

We're more than happy with how it's gone so far.

- Couldn't ask for anything better.

- [Cheyne] We really couldn't.

[upbeat music]

- [Announcer] Eat the wasabi.

- [Keri] Two minutes, go.

[audience applauds]

- I was trying to stay so focused and positive

and it just kept giving us, no, no, no wasabi, no wasabi,

just over and over.

- Why you eat it like that, Big Easy?

- Gotta get it. - Is it good?

- Tastes like money. - Does it taste good to you?

[audience cheers]

Yeah, yeah!



- Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Okay, okay, you go ahead.

- Let's go, buddy.

Make sure everybody with us, Flight.

- Boy, you m*rder*d that thing.

- Yellow, yellow.

- Here we go, we see Phil, all right.

Yellow, yellow. - Yellow.

- Zev and Justin, you are team number two, congratulations.

[team cheers]

- I'm dealing with not having my daily routine

pretty good so far, I'm just going

with the flow of the race.

- [Justin] I was proud of you today, man.

- [Zev] Thanks, proud of you, too.

- Should we make out?

- Oh, God. - Oh, sorry.

[upbeat music] [audience cheers]

- We just couldn't get one of the wasabi bombs

to land on us for nothing.

- It was like roulette, you know, it was out of our hands.

- Okay, okay.

You go, okay, okay.

[upbeat music] [audience cheers]

[dramatic music]

- [Marcy] All the other teams are going.

- All right, I'm with you. - Come on.

- Whoa, hold up my man, hold up my man.

Don't hit my people.

Come on, come on, come on, blue, come on, blue.

- I think walking into that crowd,

they thought Godzilla was walking down the street.

- Let's go, let's go.

That's what I'm talking about.

There goes Shibuya Scramble Crossing, look like it.

Come on, come on. - Thank you, thank you,

thank you. - Hey, you're welcome,

you're welcome.

- Excuse me.

Konno Hachimangu.

Is it far? - Okay it's that way.

- Will you come with us, please?

- Okay. - Shibuya Crossing.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Come on, come on.

Come on, wasabi.

Keep going, keep going.

- We got this one, we got it, it's coming.

- Come on, come on.

- Yes! - Yes.

- Dude, damn it.

- Okay, go. [upbeat music]

- [Announcer] Eat the wasabi.

- Woo, eat it, baby, eat it.

- [Matt] You got this, dad.

- We're from Montana, you gotta understand, sushi's not

on every street corner in Montana.

- Take it down, it's horseradish, come on,

you got this, you got it.

[dramatic music] [crowd cheers and chants]

Just do it, suck it down, suck it down.

It's all right, it's okay.

[dragon belches]

Oh come back, baby, come back, come back, come back.

Come on, come on, come on.

You got it, baby, you got it.

[dramatic music]

- Do you wanna go up here, Maria?

- What is this?

- There's a hotel, do you wanna ask?

- Yeah. - Come up here, right here.

Do you know Shibuya Scramble Crossing?

- Do you have a map? - Shibuya Crossing

is near the station. - Here and then here.

Okay. - We're going fast, ladies.

- You got this.

[audience applauds]

- Get it down, you got this.

We cannot come in last.

- Okay, okay.

[audience cheers]

- Come on, come on, you got this.

You are stronger than this, you can do this.

[upbeat music] [audience cheers]

My baby's got this, you can do it, you can do it.

Come on, suck it, you can get it down, suck it down!

You want this, open your mouth, open your mouth.

[buzzer sounds]

- [Host] Okay, sushi, sushi one more time.

[dramatic music]

- Go, go, go, go, go, go, woo.

- Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Blue, blue, blue, blue, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

- Come on, buddy. - Thank you, thank you,

thank you.

- Honey, the blue team's ahead of us.

- Go, go, go, go! - Let's go, woo.

- Yeah, this is definitely the place<

here comes another team coming in.

- All right, we gotta hurry.

- [Ron] And we got groups ahead of us now.

- [Marcy] Okay.

- Go, go this way, this way,

we're turning, we're not following them.

- They don't know where they're going.

- Where the pink team at?

- They turned!

- Come on, look, look, look!

Run, run, run, run, run!

- Come on, come on, come on.

- Come on!

Boo-yeah. [team cheers]

That's right, Phil.

- Lance and Keri,

you are team number three, congratulations.

[team cheers] Congratulations guys.

- From last place to three, woo.

Thank you.

[dramatic music]

[audience chants]

- This one's us, this one's us.

- It was definitely demoralizing being the only teams

in there and knowing that everyone else is gone.

- Come on, come on.

- Come on, Come on. - Come on, come on.

Come on. - Come on, yes.


- Go, go.

[upbeat music]

- [Announcer] Eat the wasabi.

- Somehow get it down.

You're good, you're good.

[audience applauds]

One time and you're good, buddy.

- I love sushi, like I eat sushi at home, even in Missouri

- Like every day. - All the time.

- I downed the wasabi in a bite and then

I had two more bites of rice and I was done with it.

- Okay.

[upbeat music] [audience cheers]

- Our team's a winner.

- Come on, come on, come on, woo!

Come on, come on.

- [Brian] We were the last team. It was literally

an empty studio, the fans that were in our group behind us,

the host, and that's it.

- It is the most stressful feeling, it's awful.

I should have done this challenge.

Yes, I think we should stick to American game shows.

[Ericka chants] Come on, come on, come on.

You got this.

Just put it down.

You've eaten much worse.

[Ericka chants]

- Sam, let's follow the other teams.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- The team is coming this way.

You guys, we have a map, let's go together.

Go down here, go down here,

and on Jingu Midori, we go this way.

- Sam and Dan, they're both young, hot,

-something guys who have kind of become our friends.

- We hooked up with Maria and Tiffany

and they kind of helped us.

- Okay, let's go. - Okay, let's go!

- For their job, they work for a nonprofit

that helps homeless youth, which is fantastic.

They seem like very passionate people,

very well rounded people.

- Let's make sure we have everyone.

- God, I hope.

- Put it in your mouth, give it to 'em.

seconds, Brian, seconds.


Five, four,

come on, Brian, crush it.

Three, two, one.

[audience cheers] [upbeat music]

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

- You can throw up later.

- Baby, I'm so sorry. - You can throw up later.

- Hurry guys, hurry guys, hurry, this is it.

- Bring all the blue, bring all the blue.

- Come on hard, we're here, come on, come on.

- Stand together.

- Marcy and Ron, you are team number four.

- Woo!

- Flight Time and Big Easy,

that would make you team number

- Five baby! - High five on that.

[dramatic music]

- Does anybody speak English. - Anybody?

- You do, hey, Er.

- Konno Hachimangu, okay.

- Please. - Go that way.

- Is there any way you can take us?

A lot of money involved.

- Are they Americans or?

- Yes, follow her.

- Okay, I'll go. - Er, we got him.

The downtown streets of Tokyo are very confusing.

So we had an angel come to our rescue.

He knew exactly where it was and it was truly a blessing.

[Ericka cheers]

[dramatic music]

- Woo!

- Do you know where this is?

- Shibuya Scramble Crossing.

- Where's that? - Where's that?

- Scramble Crossing is down around.

- Okay, thank you.

- All right, let's go.

- Okay, she needs to go to the bathroom.

- Ugh.

- Okay, we're gonna go here.

- One of the Japanese tourists was doubled over

'cause she had to go to the bathroom,

so we took her to the bathroom.

- Sorry, can she go to the bathroom?

[dramatic music]

- [Brian] All right, pink team, we're doing good.

- Come on, keep coming with us, come on.

- You good? - Thank you.

- Come on.

The next time I'm gonna charge you for that ride.

[dramatic music]

- Here we go, here we go, Mika, hold my hand.


Konno Hachimangu Shrine.

No. - I don't know.

- Let's walk around one more time.

- But we have to go to the shrine.

- Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam. - What?

- Oh crap.


They were early, too.

- Hey. - There's a team up there.

- Maria, there's a team up here, just to let you know.

- Jessica and Garrett just went that way,

should we follow the other team?

- [Maria] You guys can split up from us if you guys want.

- We'll go up top. - Hey, see

if they know where they're going, Dan.

- Go, go, go.

- Thank you so much.

This is it.

- All right, dig deep.

Come on in, we did it.

[Ericka chants]

- Brian and Ericka,

you are team number six. - Yes!

Yes! [team cheers]

Oh my gosh. - Thank you so much.

- We were dead last and we just fought to the end

and we got sixth place.

- It keeps our faith renewed

that you absolutely have to just fight 'til the end.

[team cheers] [dramatic music]

- Let's go, purple

Come, come, come.

[team cheers]

- Gary and Matt, you are team number seven.

- Yes. - Yeah!

[team cheers]

- Should we keep going straight for now?

Tiffany, stop.

We're missing two people.

- , , , .

I bet they're with the green team, honey,

[dramatic music]

- I saw, the shrine is right here.

- But we need to find them quick so we don't lose them.

This cannot be happening.

We have to go find the two people just at the bridge.

Oh my God.

Can we not lose any more people?

- I'm not saying it's your fault, I'm just saying,

you told me I can just go walk

and you will keep track of,

you'll make sure all the people.

- In the moment, there's so many things going on

that I don't necessarily think it's realistic to sit there

every second of the way and count if there's people.

I made a mistake.

- Garrett and Jessica, you're team number eight.

- All right. - Woo.

- Konno Hachimangu Shrine?

Konno Hachimangu?

- [Speaker] You guys looking for the shrine?

- Yeah. - I think it's up there.

- Are you sure? - I'm %

- [Canaan] Hachimangu Shrine, you're %.

- Yeah, yeah - Can you take us there?

- Yeah, come on. - Okay, please.

[Canaan speaks in Japanese]

[dramatic music]

- Come on, come on. - Come on, come on.

- Samuel and Daniel. - Hey Phil, what's up, man?

- You are team number nine.

- Yeah. - Oh my God!

- That's horrible, but we'll take it.

- We went through so many different places

and I don't know where they could be,

but we have to just think positive, but it's really hard.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Start adding up guys, you need people here.

- One person, where's our other person?

- One. - One.

- Mike and Canaan, you are the th team to arrive,

however, I cannot check you in

until you have everybody here.

- Where's our other person, we lost somebody.

- Get your team together and make sure

you check in with people.

- I don't wanna give up.

But I don't know what else we can do at this point.

Because I really feel like we can't keep taking

this group everywhere,

they're not happy with us. - I know.

- Okay, come on, let's go this way.

- How the hell did we lose somebody?

Where are they?

Where is it, [screams].

Arrigato, please, here, Mika, hold this, hold this.

[Woman emotes]

You okay?

[team applauds]

- Do you have everybody here now?

- Yes, all .

- Mika and Canaan, you are now team number ,

congratulations, You're still in the race.

[dramatic music]

- So let's just make a decision as a team

and let's just do it.

- Honestly. I don't feel like they're any further past here.

- Okay, let's go.

- How did we lose them?

We decided that we're gonna go check in

because we can't drag these people all over Tokyo

and the odds of us finding our people by backtracking

are very few and far between.

- I'm overwhelmed by how much my emotions just,

it was unexpected for me to feel as strongly

about getting eliminated or seeing the faces

of our competitors cheering us on and happy to see us.

We had the experience of being really humbled today.

[group applauds]

- Maria and Tiffany, do you have everybody here?

- No, we don't.

- I'm sorry to tell you,

you have incurred a two-hour penalty

for not completing the challenge.

[dramatic music]

But the good news is this is a non-elimination leg.

[group applauds]

But there is some bad news.

- Oh my God. - There is a speed bump

sometime in the next leg of the race,

and it is a task that only your team has to complete,

but you are still in the race, that is the good news.

[group applauds]

- Maria and I had just said a poker term,

like we needed a one-outer, meaning we needed

our one card in the entire deck to win the whole pot.

And so we were kind of happy that we hit our one-outer

in "The Amazing Race" by getting

to the non-elimination stop.

- [Phil] This is Tokyo, Japan.

Today, it is the busiest

and most populated city in the country.

But in ancient times, it was a tiny fishing village

and at its heart, a monument to that ancient life,

Konno Hachimangu Shrine.

This monument to the city's past was the first pit stop

in our race around the world.

Meghan and Cheyne, who were the first

to arrive at : p.m.

You are team number one.

[team cheers]

Will depart at : a.m.

- All right, babe.

- Make your way to Cai Be, Vietnam.

- [Phil] Teams must now fly , miles to Vietnam.

When they land in Ho Chi Minh City,

they'll need to find this bus station and then take

a two-hour bus ride to the rural village of Cai Be.

Once there, they'll race on foot

to Ben Tau Du Lich Boat Dock,

where they'll search search for the next clue.

- Fastest way to Narita Airport.

Cheyne's famous phrase is we'll figure it out

when we get there.

There's no planning in anything that we do

and the race will definitely test that.

International terminal.

- Great job. - Vietnam, baby, let's go.

- Let's go. - Look at the internet

at the hotel.

Not being seen as a threat is a benefit in this race.

So we made sure to tell everybody he has Asperger's.

For me, Asperger's is a social situation type thing.

I'm not much of a people person,

so it takes me a little longer to get

more comfortable with somebody.

- Okay, here we go. - Here we go.

- [Justin] Flight leaves from Narita at : a.m.

- First fly to Ho Chi Minh.

- Let's go.

Our best bet is to book these online.

Our relationship is part of this race and it's gonna affect

the race from time to time.

We do bicker to a certain degree.

- It's moving slow. - You're not filling out

the whole form, hun. - Here, go ahead.

- But we're here to win the competition.

We're not necessarily here to lollygag

and try to find each other because I just found my,

here I am, I just found myself.

- I'm getting frustrated with Lance because he's

always breathing down my neck.

- I'm sitting right here.

- Let's see where we're going.

All right, let's roll. - Yeah?

- Yeah, let's go. - Where are we going?

- [Ron] I'm going to Vietnam,

I don't know where you're going.

- We need to get a phone or an internet.

- Right. - Let's go, buddy.

- You have $ for this leg of the race.

- If we could book the flight now, we'll be good.

- We're the Harlem Globetrotters, we're nice people,

and people respect us, we plan on using it

as much as we can to get whatever advantage

during the course of the race, why not.

- You want me to? - Yeah.

- Yeah, let's do yours. - We appreciate that

so much, man. - You're only

helping the guys.

- Hey, they're the Globetrotters.

[dramatic music]

- Let's just get a taxi and get to the airport

as soon as possible

- Tokyo Narita International Airport, arrigato.

I don't know if the other teams just didn't see

the taxicab or what.

- Let's go, buddy. - There's a cab.

- Tokyo Airport, we're gonna see if we can book flights

once we get there.

[dramatic music]

- It looks like this was the right move.

- :'s the earliest.

- Okay, yeah. - Should we book it?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Narita to Ho Chi Minh,

- Okay, I'm booking. - Leaving at :.

Okay, cool.

- Let's go. - .

I think there's a shortcut that way to get to the hotel.

- Okay.

We've known each other for seven years,

but it's been more breakups than together.

- It's at :. - Do you wanna do this?

- Yeah.

It's getting close to figuring out if it's

walk down the aisle or walk off the plane.

[dramatic music]

- First fly to Ho Chi Minh City.

Let's go get the internet cafe.

We probably won't tell the other teams that we're gay.

We kind of plan on flirting with the girls

and flirting with-- - Try to throw 'em

off their game, thinking they're throwing us off our game

and we're really like, nope, don't like ya's

- Come on, let's figure out the internet.

- You got it? - We got it.

- , let's go. Okay, let's go.

- With Mika, I am sexually pure.

That's important to me because of my faith.

: AM. - And he likes me

for the right reasons.

It's not because he wants to have sex.

He's definitely kind of a diamond in the rough.

- Flight is confirmed.

- First fly to Ho Chi Minh City.

Oh, we need to go to the airport.

Tiffany and I have decided that we're not

going to tell any of the other teams

what we do for a living.

- Other teams aren't gonna wanna help

the rich, successful poker chicks do well in this race.

People want to help, oh, say, like we work as counselors

for a nonprofit organization.

Who doesn't wanna help those girls succeed?

I may be the brawn of the team,

but you're definitely the brains.

And the boobs.

[dramatic music]

- There's nobody else. - Seeing no one here.

- Departures is upstairs.

- Okay, thank you.

- Go, go, go, go, go.

JAL. - Japan Air.

- :. - We have got to get

those tickets on that flight.

- We need tickets to Ho Chi Minh.

- Thank you.

- Can you help us?

The same flight.

- More important, please.

- With the same as them.

- Ah, sorry, today, the economy class is full.

- This is the worst, why do we get the worst one?

- Please, is there

any in the business that we can sit in?

We'll buy economy, but we can sit in business.

- We have a speed bump, some kind of task

that nobody else is gonna have to do.

As long as we could stay with the group,

we could have a shot.

- Please. - Pretty please.

- My God.


- Come on.

- Hi, we're with everybody.

- Can we buy economy and sit in business,

please, please, please?

- Oh, over here too.

- All of a sudden the two girls,

they asked us to get on this flight and I just felt like

that was really kind of sneaky shady.

- It was kinda low.

- You guys on the :? - Yeah, what about

everybody over there? - They're screwed.

They've got to buy tickets.

The girls don't have tickets, right?

- I can't believe they give those two chicks a speed bump.

Bastards should have been sent home.

As a lawyer. I'm cutthroat and that's what's

gonna push us ahead on the race.

- Can you reassign the seats?

- If you could do that for us, that would be great.

- Okay? - Okay.

- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

- Thank you. Brian and Ericka for your begging.

- We were able to get all eight tickets for everyone,

so everyone is on this flight.

- Getting plane tickets, piece of cake.

- Those two are shady. - Yeah.

- Everyone up there is going to be so pissed.

- Oh boy, it looks like they got on this flight.

- [Zev] What?

[dramatic music]

- Are you on this flight?

- What flight are you guys on?

- What time are you leaving?

- I know she has our tickets, I don't know.

- Those girls aren't very nice.

- Nuh uh. - They're like, yeah.

- Can I ask you for some help?

How do you say this city?

- Cai Be. - Cai Be, yeah.

- Do you play poker? - Yes.

- Oh, did you get in the top ?

- Yes, I did.

- I know exactly who you are.

- Maria and Tiffany, AKA the nonprofit LA girls,

turns out they're very successful poker players.

- [Maria] Thank you so much.

Hello, konichi wa.

So these are as close, the seat is also close, thank you.

- We noticed you're NFD orange matching passport holders.

That's cute, that's why we were trying

to figure out if you were gay or not.

There's just something about them

that is just insanely lovable, and so I think

we're falling a little bit in love with Sam and Dan.

- Our sister-in-law actually got these for us.

- Aww, that's cute.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] All teams are now making their way

to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

[dramatic music]

- You, you, you.

Yes, bus station.

- Hey, is there room in there?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, come, come.

- [Tiffany] Good job, you guys.

- Oh yeah, poker, poker, poker, poker.

[group laughs]

- You're so cute.

- You know the bus station, right?

- Yes. - We're in Vietnam.

Never knew that I would be able to come here,

this is really cool.

- They're insane.

Cats with nine lives. - This is just unbelievable.

- Oh my gosh.

- Wow.

That's a lot of water.

- Get out of the way, crazy moped people.

Oh my gosh.

[cars beep]

Yeah, yeah.

- It's like mayhem out here. - We're ready to get

wet and wild in Vietnam.

[dramatic music]

- Oh man, the water's crazy out here.

- We floating. - On the plane,

we found out some information about the team

that came in last yesterday.

- The two ladies are actually poker players.

- They straight up lied to us

and they told everyone the same lie.

I felt bad for 'em yesterday that they were

almost eliminated, but now, game on.

- Yeah, we're not feeling sorry for anyone.

[dramatic music]

- Number three, yes, here, okay.

- Getting our feet soaked, kids.

- Ladies first.

- High five on that. - Yes.

- It's this way, Herb, this way.

- Okay, here.

- What time?

What time, :.

- Same, same. - Thank you.

- Come on, Mike. - Ugh.

- Don't fall, here's your bag.

Okay, right up here.

- Same as the other team, same.

- All right, let's go, don't be a big baby, huh, go.

- This is officially a flooded city right now.

Oh my God, it's a river.

- I don't want to have my feet all wet.

- Yeah, that's probably gonna happen,

so we might-- - Maybe I'll take them off.

- Barefoot in Vietnam, you sure you're ready for that?

- [Zev] Looks like almost everybody else is.

- Just get us on that bus, that's all that matters.

[dramatic music]

- Is this Cai Be?

- It says it on the front. - Can we all fit?

The other teams might not make it on.

- Two tickets to Cai Be, please.

- Let's go.

- They're not gonna fit.

- All right, I think we made the first bus.

- What time, what time?

- Five minutes. - Five minutes.

- This is good. - Right here.

- Okay, let's get wet, Zev. - Argh, it's awful.

Look at this.

- This is it. - All right.

- There's no more room.

- We're next, we're next, we're up.

- Hopefully this bus leaves very soon

so nobody else can get on it.

- This bus is crazy.

I'm glad I'm not claustrophobic.

It's probably % past the maximum capacity.

- We're one of the teams that made this first bus.

The buses go once they fill up.

- Yeah.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.

- So we got a good group,

we're getting a good head start, we're good.

[dramatic music]

- Are we good? - We're good, baby.

We're on the bus, it leaves at :.

[dramatic music]

- Thank you, thank you.

- [Matt] Two tickets.

- Two tickets.

- Here, okay, come on, quick.

- Is there one earlier?

An earlier bus.

- Two, same as them at, two.

- Yay!

[dramatic music]

- Saw a bus go by with teammates in it.

I saw another bus leaving and we weren't scheduled

to leave for another hour.

We saw a bus leave with some teammates on it.

- They left on a bus already?

This is the second bus?

- Yeah. - No way.

- Oh my God. - Oh, hell nah.

- This is crazy. - We gotta go.

- [Cheyne] I mean, we still have an hour until this thing's

supposed to leave.

- Oh man. - This sucks.

- I can't believe this. - Oh my God,

I'm about to throw up.

[dramatic music]

- We got word that a couple teams

got on an earlier bus.

We got Justin and Zev, we got Cheyne and Meghan,

we got Pinky and The Brain, we got Team Boston,

and Garrett and Jessica, we're all on this bus.

- What time do we leave? - :.

- [Brian] Hey, can we leave earlier?

Let's ask you if we can pay him some more.

- If we pony up each, each team,

that covers the rest of the tickets.

- per team, right? - per team.

- Oh, we're pitching in some money to get the bus driver

to leave early? - 'Cause otherwise,

we gotta wait a full hour.

- If we give you more money, can we leave now?

- To go now.

Come on.

- Let's go, we'll all give you more,

let's go. - Let's go.

To leave now, here, here.

Thank you.

We're good, let's go, let's go.

- Let's go, come on, come on, come on.

[dramatic music]

- [Justin] What's going on?

- [Zev] There's a chicken in there.

- We're pretty sure there's a chicken on this bus.

- Yeah, underneath the bus is somebody's dinner.

That man looks like he needs a jacket.

- It's for you, for you. - For you, for you.

We just gave this guy a jacket.

He probably needs it a little more than me.

Looks good.

- Zev takes his jacket and he just gives it to the guy.

But that was the kindest thing that you could do

and I'm so proud of him.

- That's good of you, Zevvie, that's good of you.

[dramatic music]

- Here we are.

- Oh, up there, up there.

Ben Tau Du Lich.

Ugh, seven to .

Okay, then it's closed.

- Closed.

- The dock says it closes at five p.m.,

we think we might have to wait 'til tomorrow morning.

- So we have to stay overnight here.

[dramatic music]

- We caught the rest of the teams,

it looks like the thing's closed.

- We're gonna just camp out.

- We're gonna sit in camp chairs until seven o'clock

in the morning.

- Can you smell it? - That looks delicious.

- That's gonna be good for you, Jessie, that's good.

I definitely think about marriage with Jessica.

She's very loyal, very loving, very caring.

She's a really good person.

- Come on, when in Vietnam.

- Wow, this is really good.

- As poker players, we're used to picking up information

from people, observing people.

- You want me to teach you how to use chopsticks?

- No. - Justin and Zev

are probably our least favorite team.

We've just never gotten warm vibes off of them.

- Is there something hanging out of my mouth?

- They told us they work with homeless kids,

but I don't see that being true at all.

They don't give off the loving, let me help you out vibe.

- We have a little setup over there.

- I don't really get how the culture works down here.

Here we are with wet sneakers, wet socks.

It's definitely not a place I wanna get a summer home at.

- Who needs a stinking hotel?

- Lance says he's a lawyer, which we're not really sure

if he is or not. - I don't wanna use

the word meathead in the wrong sense,

but we just cannot picture Lance in a courtroom.

[dramatic music]

- Go, go, go, go.

- Route info. - Route info.

- [Phil] Teams must now race through the Mekong Delta,

by sand pairs to these mud pits located along the water.

Then working together, they must collect nutrient mud,

carry it to this nearby orchard, and fertilize a fruit tree.

Once they have covered the tree's root system

to the designated red line,

the farmer will hand them their next clue.

- Fruit farm, fruit farm.

- He sits back there. - Quickly, quickly please.

- Nearby fruit farm, nearby fruit farm

- Speed bump.

- Having been saved from elimination at the end

of the last leg, Maria and Tiffany have now hit

a speed bump, an extra task that only they must complete.

In this speed bump, Maria and Tiffany must find

this soup stand and order the ingredients

for a traditional Vietnamese soup, known as pho.

When they return to the dock, they must combine

the ingredients and serve the soup

to the dock master's liking to receive their next clue.

- Oh, pho, we had for dinner.

- Come on, tail something. - Yeah.

[dramatic music]

- We are at the head of the pack,

we're heading towards the fruit farm.

- Woo, Vietnam baby.

Let's follow them.

[motors whir]

[Marcy whoops]

- Go faster, faster.

- We gotta get the mud from the mud boats.

We're gonna take so much mud. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- We should go further that way.

- I get really scared of water, I don't know why.

- You don't know why? - No.

- This boat is wooden and we're in,

I don't know how deep of water.

I do have a little bit of a fear of water.

- A little bit.

- [Mika] I'm just learning to swim, so I'm doing everything

I can to overcome that. - We're gonna be fine.

- This backpack probably weighs more than I do

and it wants to sink to the bottom of this if I go out.

- Come on.

- Look at the puppies.

- Pho, she's giving us all the ingredients,

she's not even putting it all together,

this is what we need to be doing.

- Okay, fine, I'll carry the tray back.

Come on, come on.

- Now we get to find the dock master.

- I'll find him for you.

[dramatic music]

- This has gotta be it. - Over here.

- [Cheyne] Good job, babe.

There it is, right here, right here.

I can jump out.

- Oh. - Hey, are you stuck?

- Yeah, no, I'm okay.

Try and step on the wood, try and step on the wood.

- Yeah, I'm going to

I don't wanna fall in there, though.

Cover the roots, let's go.

- Right here, it's right next to yellow.

Here, babe, come here, gloves.

- This one looks the easiest.

- Tools provided for mud from any boat.

Come here, babe.

- Use these, how do I get out, use these?

- Yeah, use those.

- Okay. - Just put as much

mud in as possible.

You use the shovel, I'll use my hands.

- Okay.

[dramatic music]

- Let's go, Jessie. [Jessica yelps]

Here's a red one right here.

- Yeah, start it right there,

this one. - I know,

that's what I'm saying.

- Found a tree like right near where you scoop the mud.

I've dumped it, it's one of those good instances

where we just do it and it works out.

- [Garrett] Jessie, we're doing well.

[dramatic music]

- [Tiffany] Are you the dock master?

- Yes. - He's a dock master.

Honey, honey, down here, down here.

Pho. - Yeah, pho.

- I'm a big eater of pho,

I've served pho, I love pho, everything pho.

- Oh, all right.

- Yay. - Yes.

Travel by boat to the nearby fruit farm.

I can do thiS.

Is this as fast as we can go?

[dramatic music]

- Keep going, keep going. - I'm trying.

Just work hard. - Keep going, girl.

It started off fun and we knew it was gonna be dirty,

so we just got down and dirty and rocked it.

Good job, baby, you're doing great.

- So are you.

- This is incredibly difficult

and it's incredibly freaking disgusting.

How close are we, baby?

Not even close.

- My shoe's off.

If you help me out, I'll get outta here quicker.

Thanks, Matt.

- Come with me, come bring that one up, quick.

- Ugh, my feet are stuck.

- Ron [grunts]!

- This is unbelievable [screams].

- This is like concrete. - It is.

It feels really good actually.

We sloshed around in the mud, it was like,

- I liked it. - Sensual.

I've never been a mud type of girl.

[dramatic music]

- [Maria] Yeah, there's a bridge, yes.

- Faster, faster, faster, faster.

- Just get the red ribbon covered

and spread it thin to the fence.

I think we can spread it thin enough to get it.

- You gotta go to the edge on every side.

- Here, it's this side that needs help.

- Here. - Garrett.

- Sorry, Jess, come on. - God.

- Damn.

Freaking heavy.

These people are amazing, they actually do this.

Two more.

- All right, just dump it and come.

- We live out in the country, we're shoveling, working,

things like that, that's right up our alley.

- Oh, we do.

Just like baking a cake.

- Come on, Flight.

Dump it, just dump it in there.

Spread it now, to the gate.

- [Sam] Get up, get up, get up.

[Marcy grunts]

- I'm tired, it's sweaty out here,

it's dirty, it's hard work.

- Zev, come get that.

- Take that over to our tree.

- Oh, it's heavy, it's heavy

Canaan, I need help. - You can do it.

[dramatic music]

- Keep working, baby, you're almost there.

- Let's make sure it's done first time.

Farmer. - Farmer.

- Yeah. - Woo.

- Route info. - Route info.

- [Phil] Teams must now return their boats to the dock

and travel by foot to the Cai Be Field,

where they'll find their next clue.

- Be careful, babe.

Here, you okay? - Yeah.

- To the dock, yes.

Yeah, baby.

- I see a lot of boats up here, this looks right.

We caught up. - Thank you.

- Right here, right here, right here.

- Come on, Tiffany, grab one, no one's in this one.

- That one, okay. - So now we go

to the mud boat.

[Tiffany yelps]

- Oh my God, this is slippery.

[dramatic music]

- [Jessica] Okay, get the guy.

- Yes. - Return to the dock,

you'll find your next clue. - Okay.

- I think we're done. - Okay.

We good, let's ask him?

- Looks good. - Perfect.

Yes, thank you. - Thank you!

- Fast, fast. - Go baby, go.

- This is gonna get so dirty.

Wow, this is slippery and heavy.

- Farmer!

Yes, yes, thank you.

Back where we came. - Back, to the dock.

[dramatic music]

- I think we're all right. - Yeah, yeah, let's go.

Let's go. - To find the next clue,

we'll go to the dock.

- Right here, right here, right here, right here.

- Yes, open it. - Return to the dock.

- Go, go, go, go, go, go.

- That was a good one, babe.

One more and we're there. - Okay.

- Girls in mud is so sexy.

[dramatic music]

- Ron, where are you? - Right here.

- Call the farmer now. - Farmer Jack!

Thank you.

- [Lance] Farmer Jack.

- Read it, baby. - Return to the dock

to find the next clue. - Come on.

- Some teams are still here, so that's good.

- I think we're doing okay.

- Like this, like this.


Yes, yes.

Return to the dock, let's go back to the back.

I gotta get our pouch.

[dramatic music]

- You okay?

Back to the dock?

All right, come on.

- That's the last one, sweetie.

You're doing a great job.

Thank you, thank you very much.

- Let's go quick, please.

Do you have the clue? - You have the clue.

- No, I don't, damn it.

Where'd it go? - Return to the deck.

Back to the dock, please.

- We're almost done. - We're almost there.

Fill in any holes.

- [Zev] Is it in your pocket, did it fall out when you fell?

- Where is it, dude? - I don't know.

We don't know where we're going.

- Oh my God.

[dramatic music]

Do you have the clue? - You have the clue.

- No, I don't.

Where'd it go? - Did it fall out

when you fell? - Turn around, turn around.

- Back, please.

- Did you put it in your pocket?

Do you know where it might be?

- They're going back.

- Okay. รณ_ Farmer, farmer,

Farmer Jack! - Farmer Jack!

- When he fell in, he might have lost the clue in the river

and we need the clue.

Get off, get off.

Oh, it's right there at the end.

- Yeah, I see it.

- [Zev] Just swim over.

- Oh my God. - That's it.

- It was on the side. - It was right

at the edge of the boat.

Aw, they're finished.

- Tiffany, come here. - He says we're good,

baby, let's go. - Let's go.

- Quick, please. - Go, go, fast.

- Are they still here or are they gone?

- They're about to leave right now.

[dramatic music]

- Come on, baby, come here.

- Just let me do it.

- That way? - No.

- What do what do you want to do, sweetie?

- I need to go back. - Okay.

You got it.

We're going back.

- Good job, baby, you did so good.

- Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- I see something big.

Right there, baby, right there.

There's a festival going on.

[upbeat music]

Oh, awesome.

That is so cool.

Lady singing full blast Vietnamese music.

She sung beautifully, it was really cool.

[woman sings]

- Oh, look at that

- [Meghan] Oh my gosh.

- [Cheyne] Should be fun.

Roadblock. - Roadblock.

Who's feeling just ducky, I am.

- [Phil] In Vietnam, farmers use hungry ducks to rid

their rice paddies of damaging insects.

And in this roadblock, teams are gonna have to learn

how to get and keep all their ducks in a row, literally.

One team member will join in this local farmers festival

and using only these flags as a guide,

they will have minutes to lead a flock of ducks

from their pen, across this bridge, and back again,

then return them to their pen.

If they do not complete the task within the time limit,

they'll have to relinquish their spot

and wait for another turn.

But if they can finish in less than minutes,

the farmer will hand them their next clue.

- Watch how he's doing it, see how he's doing it.

- [Meghan] You have only minutes to complete the task.

- Go.

- Do I have to take all of 'em?

- Yes, all of 'em. - Come on, monkeys.

It's okay, come on.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Oh my God.

- Wow.

[upbeat music]

Come on, Jessie. - Do you see that?

- Come on.

- Who's feeling just ducky?

- You are. - I am!

- Go, Jessie, hurry, come on. - I'm reading

the fricking task, God.

- Now.

- Hi, little ducks.

[ducks quack] [dramatic music]

Come on, come on, come on, go, go, go, go, go.

- That's hilarious. - Look at these things.

[Garrett quacks]

- Go, go, go baby, go, go, go.

- Fast, fast, fast.

Come on baby, let's do it, let's do it.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Oh boy.

Right here, right here, right here.

- Right behind you.

- Who's feeling just ducky?

- Me. - Look what they're doing.

- I knew she could do it.

I probably would've k*lled one of those ducks.

- Hi babies, ready?

Yeah, baby, little baby.

Work it out, everybody shake a duck feather, come on.

- I'm feeling just ducky.

- Matt's gonna do the roadblock.

- Open it, go.

- What are you doing?

- Herd a group of ducks through a course

to receive your next clue.

[upbeat music]

- You're feeling ducky, baby, come on.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

It was hard for me.

I'd just stick my flag out there and ducks would try

to jump over it, frustrated.

- Direct them, Meghan, direct them.

- Cheyne, oh my gosh.

I'm trying. - Yeah, go Jessie, go.

- Oh my God. - Why doesn't it

wanna go that way? - What do I do?

- Back, back

Back, back, back.

- Keep them going, push' em in, push 'em in.

[ducks quack] [dramatic music]

You're doing great.

Good job.

- Get those up, get those up.

- Go, go, go, go. - There you go, Flight.

There you go, Flight.

Now, get them back, Flight, but you gotta hustle.

- Let's go, right side, right side, Sam.

- Come on, duckies, come on.

- You missed him, oh my God.

- Come here, come here. - Go, good job, good job, go.

Keep going, run, run, run, run.

- Who's feeling just ducky?

Okay, you're gonna do it all.

- Fine, I'll do it.

- You or me? - I'll try it.

- Keep the flags low.

- Come here, sweetie. - Meghan, point the ducks,

point them in there, point 'em in there.

[whistle blows] - Time, time.

- Oh my God.

[dramatic music]

- Why? - Yell at it.

Show that duck who's boss, Jessie.

[Jessie grunts] [whistle blows]

- Time.

[Jessie grunts] - That was tough.

- Come on, come on.

- Get 'em over, turn around.

- Yo, no, no, no, no.

Stop in the name of love.

Get your ass over here, come here.

- [Brian] They can understand how you feel, just stay calm.

- Come on, I gotta watch you.

Bring it on home.

- It was so tiring. - I know it's hard.

- [Meghan] We have to wait for an available course.

- I know, it's okay, other teams

aren't gonna be able to finish, too.

- I don't like herding around animals.

- Jessica can be very difficult to deal with.

She has a very quick fuse.

when something isn't going exactly her way.

[dramatic music]

- Push 'em in, push 'em in.

Good job, brother, yeah!

- Thank you.

Make your way to Cho Cai Be, it's a pit stop.

- [Phil] Teams must now race on foot

to Cho Cai Be, a market at the edge of the Mekong River.

Once there, they'll have to search along the dock

for the Bassic III, this riverboat.

This is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

- Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.

- Go, go, go, go, go.

- [Gary] Okay, bring 'em back, bring 'em back.

- Come on, come on.

Let's go, little fellas, go, we're going over a bridge.

I've had buddies who own chickens and I've herded

some animals in my time.

- You got it, you got it. - Let's go, guys, let's go,

a few more, a few more, a few more.

- Check the gate.

The other way!

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Your next pit stop is floating on the river.

- We got all the ducks over,

now we gotta get 'em back over and back in the pen.

- Yeah, I love you.

- [Brian] Go get the other ones, go get the other ones.

- Come on.

- You gotta shut the gate!

Er, shut the gate. - Oh hell no.

How did you all get out of here?

No, don't go back across.

No, no, no.

[whistle blows] - Time.

- Damn it.

- We're just moving the ducks.

- Okay.

- You have to lead them.

- I can do it.

I had ducks growing up and this was the perfect moment

that we knew, if we can just be so proficient and so fast,

we can make up so much ground here.

- Good job ducks, come on.

- Hustle, hustle, hustle.

Come on, Herb. - Get them in the pen!

Now get 'em bacK, Flight, get all of 'em, buddy,

let's go, baby.

- That's it, baby.

- [Keri] Go, go.

Go, go, go, go, go.

- [Lance] Yeah, get 'em over baby, get 'em over!

- Hurry up.

- Right here, here we go, get in there.

- Close the gate. - Okay.

- Close it, close it, let's go.

Get the clue.

Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.

Let's go.

- Nice, sweetie, nice!

Close the gate, yeah!

Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.

- What are you doing? - I don't know which.

- Mika, gotta get these.

- I'm trying, but they won't frickin' go.

- Come on!

- When we first arrived, I saw everybody

freaking out a little bit,

I'm like, you don't need to do that, just relax.

- Attaboy, attaboy.

Show those ducks who's boss.

It turns out he's the duck whisperer.

I mean, who knew? - Yeah, I didn't know.

- [Justin] Attaboy, Zevvie.

- Zev is so good with them, oh my God.

- He's like a duck god with his awe-inspiring power.

- Yeah, I was like, what?

- [Cheyne] Relax, Meghan, relax.

Nice and calm, nice and calm.

- Calmly, Jess.

Up and down, up and down.

She's gonna do it the way she's gonna do it,

hopefully it works for her.

- Er, get really wide, good idea, turn 'em out.

- You can't go that way, sir.

- [Brian] Don't scare 'em.

Can't scare 'em.

- [Canaan] You're leading them the wrong way.

- [Mika] No, I'm not.

- They've gotta go over the bridge.


- This way or that way? - Fast.

- This way. - Go, now run!

Run after them and chase them up the bridge.

[whistle blows] - Time.

- No!

- Argh, God, I wanna rip her head off right now.

We could be eliminated, this is an elimination--

- Oh my God, I know.

- But you can do this, you've got to try harder.

You're not even running.

[dramatic music]

- That's them. - No, no, no, come on.

- I think one of the frustrating things

that we're starting to learn on the race

is that both of us are tending to try

and take a leadership role.

Let's go back this way, go back this way.

- Dude, why would we go back that way?

- The water is right there. - How do you know?

- Because it's a canal.

Let's ask him, let's ask him.

So it's frustrating to me to not be able to convince him

to keep going one more block and ask for directions

versus turn back.

Cho Cai Be.

- Let's go, dude, - Sure.

- Let's do it, okay. - Will you take us?

- Come on, Dan. - Let's go back that way.

- You're a moron, they pointed us this way.

- Cho Cai Be.

The bridge is up there, let's go to the bridge.

You did great, bud, you're a duck herding fool.

- Big Easy, you gotta slow up.

- Suck it up, Flight, come on.

- No, no, no, no.

This way, this way, this way.

- Let's see in here, Dan.

- Sam, keep going 'til we see.

- Big Easy! - What?

- I see a team in front.

It's the two brothers from Kansas City.

Let's go get 'em.

- Hey, here are the boys.

- Come on, come on, keep coming, keep coming.

- There it is, there it is, there's a marker.

[dramatic music]

Make a run for it.

[triumphant music]

- Welcome to Cai Be, Vietnam.

- Thank you very much.

- Gary and Matt, you're team number one.

[team cheers]

- Wow, that feels good.

Oh, it feels so good.

- And I have some good news for you,

as the winners of this leg of the race

you have each won a kayak.

- It feels really good to be in first.

We're going fishing.

- [Gary] To get to this point. priceless.

It's brought us closer together than we have in years.

- We're right there, Flight.

- God dang it. - Come on, Dan.

- Pass them up, pass them up.

- Cho Cai Be.

[dramatic music]

- Sam, Sam! - Come on, Big Easy.

- Oh, here we go.

- Woo, all right.

- Herb and Nate, Sam and Dan,

you are teams number two and three.

[teams cheer]

- Good job, baby.

- Cho Cai Be.

This way, up here, honey.

- You are team number four.

- Yeah.

- Yes, you're good, Zev, you're good.

Keep it coming.

Get ready to close it, Zev, close it.

Are we good?

Yeah, baby! - Thank you.

- Yes, kid. - Warning, the last team

to check in may be eliminated.

- You can do it, Tiffany, you're doing great.

- Come on, work with me, come on, it's a race, ducks.

We can do it!

Did I do it?

Thank you, Jesus. - Yes!

Make your way to Cho Cai Be.

- Stay calm, girl, stay calm.

That a way, Meghan, that a way.

Close the gate.

Good job, baby, woo hoo hoo.

- Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.

- Close it.

Close it.

Close it, yes.

Close it.


- Clue - Yes.

- Cho Cai Be floating on the river.

- [Ron] Bring 'em home, Marcy.

Okay, Marcy, do it. - Yahoo.

- Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.

- These ducks are k*lling us.

We're down to two teams

[ducks quack]

and it's a fight for last place.

- Up and down, up and down.

Jessie, like this. - Stop!

- Jessie's struggling, she doesn't want to hear it from me,

she's shut off.

That's the biggest problem with us,

I can never calm her down.

- [Brian] Er, get some of them in

so they follow each other. - This is not easy, Brian,

don't you dare get disappointed in me.

[dramatic music]

- Up and down slowly, walk slowly.

[whistle blows] Jess, oh goodness.

[dramatic music continues]

- Please, little ducks, please go back in.

Please go back in.

- Jessie. - Don't talk to me.

[whistle blows] - Time.

- Oh my gosh.

[whistle blows] Oh my gosh.

- Jess, Jessie. - Don't talk to me.

Sometimes, I can be a rollercoaster of emotions.

So I needed to make sure that I stop and remain calm

and not freak out and not yell.

[dramatic music]

Let's go.

Come on, come on.

- Calmly, Jess.

That's good, take your time, good job.

- Come on, come on.

- Er, take a second to catch your breath.

There's two teams left and we at least need

to get a bronze medal here.

[triumphant music]

- Zev and Justin, you're team number five.

- Yeah!

- It's important that we do well and that I can show

the world that we're normal people

and are capable of things.

Yeah. [Justin laughs]

[dramatic music]

- They're behind us.

- They're pointing this way, be looking at the signs.

Run faster, babe.

- Cho Cai Be River. - Yeah.

- Yeah, baby, here it is.

- Come on, it's not this one.

- There it is.

- This way, this way, this way.

[triumphant music]

We made it.

- Meghan and Cheyne, - Yeah.

- You are team number six.

- Nice, - That's good.

- That's great.

- Come on, baby. - Let's go, let's go, come on.

- Hey guys, come on in.

[dramatic music]

Maria and Tiffany, you're team number seven.

- Yeah, here it is, here's the yellow

and white flag, come on.

Come on.

[dramatic music]

- Mika and Canaan, you're team number eight.

[team cheers]

- We're still in it, oh God.

- Just stand to one side and let them in.

Marcy and Ronald, you are team number nine.

[team cheers]

- Er, come on babe, you're doing good.

- We can do it.

- [Garrett] You got it, Jessie.

Just bring 'em back, good job.

- Get those in, get those in.

- Hell no.

Come on.

- That'll do it, Jessie.


Close the gate.

Now come back and get these.

- I got you suckers now.

- Push 'em. Push 'em.

Come on, Noah, get 'em on the ark, baby.

- I tell you what I'm eating for dinner tonight, stay.

- [Brian] Okay, Er, one more duck, come on, babe, come on.

[dramatic music]

- [Garrett] That a girl, you got just a few more.

- [Brian] Er, Get them in.

- Please, please, please, please.

Please, I'm begging with you.

- Turn him, turn him, baby, turn him.

Turn him baby, turn him!

- Come on, come on, let's go. - Yes!

Yeah! - I'm eating duck for dinner.

Thank you.

- Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.

- [Garrett] Perfect, put the gate up.

- She's done, let's go.

- [Garrett] Can we have the clue?

Thank you.

- Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.

- Er, they're behind you.

- Come on, we need to run fast.

- Er, finish strong.

Finish strong.

- [Jessica] Where?

- [Garrett] They keep pointing, come on, please run, Jessie.

- Here, here. - They're here.

[dramatic music]

[triumphant music]

- Brian and Ericka, you're team number .

- Yes!

Yes, we did it.

- They're here.

[mournful music]

- Welcome to Cai Be, Vietnam.

- Garrett and Jessica,

this is the end of your amazing race, I'm sorry to tell you,

you are the last team to arrive and you have been

eliminated from the race.

[Garrett grunts]

Does he get angry like this normally?

- Yeah, just we worked so hard for this.

It was something we wanted to do together.

- It's a tough loss.

I just feel that we're stronger

and stronger than what our placing shows.

- We wanted to run the race together

and do something as a team.

- I think Jess kept a really cool head most of the time

on the race, and that's what I was looking for,

a life partner, someone that's able to keep a cool head

and be calm through life's crises.

I don't know if we're closer to marriage, you never know.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Next week on "The Amazing Race."

Zev and Justin get smashed.

- Grab that, Zev, Zev, Zev.

- [Zev] Argh, this is awful.

Oh my God.

- [Phil] And Lance unleashes.

- Bang it out, baby, bang it out.

Smash it, good, good.

[Lance grunts]

[dramatic theme music]