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09x08 - Here Comes the Bedouin

Posted: 05/03/24 12:55
by bunniefuu
- [Phil] Previously on "The Amazing Race",

six teams set out from the island of Sicily.

- [Michelle] You got the directions?

- [Lake] You did hand it to me.

- [Phil] But tension escalated immediately

between Lake and Michelle.

- [Lake] You never handed it to me, bitch.

Now shut up.

- [Phil] Teams flew to Athens Greece.

- This is where thinking began.

- [Phil] A Fast Forward involving

the Greek ritual of plate breaking.

- [Joseph] Come on, babe.

- [Phil] Pitted Eric and Jeremy

against Joseph and Monica.

- Right there, right there, right there!

- [Phil] And Eric And Jeremy took the prize,

even though Joseph and Monica had arrived first.

- [Joseph] Dammit.

- [Phil] A harrowing Roadblock.

- Ahhh!

- [Phil] Exhilarated Ray.

- [Ray] I'm like Superman.

- [Phil] But terrified Fran.

- Oh God, I'm scared.

- This is the one thing she didn't wanna do.

- [Phil] Then she summoned the courage to jump.

- Ugh ahh!

- I'm so proud of you.

- Stop right here and ask.

- [Lake] Shut up.

- Quit yelling at me like I did something wrong.

- [Phil] Lake and Michelle

continued their fighting over directions.

- Damn it, don't be a idiot right now.

- [Phil] while BJ and Tyler...

- [Tyler] Where are we?

- [Phil] Got some bad news.

- You're going the wrong way.

This way.

- Oh my God.

We have to go all the way back.

- [Phil] And even though they would last to the Detour,

[group laughing]

They stayed positive.

- We are the last team,

but we've had this amazing experience.

[Phil] And faced a shock at the pit stop.

You're the fifth team to arrive.

- Oh my God. - Oh my God.

- [Phil] In the end, Lake and Michelle arrived last.

I'm sorry to tell you have been eliminated from the race.

- It's okay, babe.

- [Phil] Now five teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

[energetic theme music]

[energetic theme music continues]

[energetic theme music continues]

[energetic theme music continues]

[adventurous cultural music]

- This is the Peloponnese,

a region off the southern tip of Greece.

And along its coastline, the fortress of Rion.

This th century stronghold was the seventh pit stop

in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

Will Eric and Jeremy's

string of first place finishes continue?

And after narrowly escaping elimination,

can BJ and Tyler climb out of last place.

Eric and Jeremy, who were the first to arrive at : AM.

- That's two in a row. - I know, again.

- [Phil] Will depart at : PM.

- Rip it. [envelope rips]

Fly to Muscat, Oman.

- [Phil] Teams must now fly nearly , miles

to the city of Muscat, Oman.

[gentle cultural music]

Dating back almost , years,

this oil rich nation bordering Saudi Arabia

and the United Arab Emirates is one of the oldest

inhabited regions of the Middle East.

Once here, teams must find this giant incense burner

where they'll receive their next clue.

- We do. - Muscat, Oman.

- [Eric] All right, let's go.

"Cross Rio-Antirion Bridge on foot."

That's the one right there, I'm guessing.

"Once you cross the bridge via the interior visitor center.

You'll sign up for one of the two charter buses

to the airport."

- I think the other teams are used to tasting our dust.

They probably have mud in their mouths by now.

We run faster. We work harder.

We try to get directions better.

And that's what it boils down to.

- I guess this building appears to all visitor center.

Looks like it's not open.

: AM.

Eric and Jeremy.

- "Fly to Muscat, Oman."

All right. Let's go.

- When the other teams have better luck that Monica and I,

it drives us nuts.

Just simply because there is nothing you can do about it.

- Maybe that's just a sign that we need to do this

on our own by creating our own destiny

and not relying on luck.

- We're mall walking.

[Monica laughs]

[tense music]

- $. [laughs]

- Hey, we got. All right, let's go.

- [Ray] That is that big bridge?

- [Yolanda] That would make sense.

- [Ray] Which way do we walk to it?

- [Yolanda] We gotta start from the beginning.

- I know.

- [Yolanda] Okay, start.

Go to the middle of the bridge.

- Duh.

- [Yolanda] Let's make sure you ask somebody

if this is the bridge.

- If I see somebody, I'll ask him.

- Yeah, so we could...

I'm confused this may not be the bridge.

Part of Ray's and I's relationship

is that we joke pretty hard and probably tell jokes

that other people wouldn't say.

And that's the damn shame right there.

- [Ray] It ain't no shame for me.

- [Yolanda] It is for me.

I know the bridge starts out at the beginning.

- [Ray] Yeah. You think you know.

- The bad part about that is when you play like that,

you don't know when somebody suddenly gets serious.

- [Ray] Just find the damn bridge.

- [Yolanda] Stop cursing at me.

- Damn.

- Ray.

You need to stop.

- Stop what?

- You're cussing at me. You need to stop.

- Okay.

- I'm being serious.

- I'm not even...

- You really need to think about it because later-

- [Ray] Think about what?

- Oh my God.

You shot me a bird?

- What'd you wanna hear?

- No, I just wanna talk because...

- You can talk, but I'm done. - Okay.

- I thought we was done. - No, we're not done.

- I thought you told me to be quiet.

- Don't. Oh my God.

It's pretty bad.

- Yeah, yeah.

Just remember, I'm a grown man.

- I can't tell.

- Visitor center. This is it.

Nobody's gonna make it. It's : AM.

[suspenseful music]

- [Ray] We're on the : bus.

We'll all be back together again.

[envelop rips]

- Oh my God. "Fly to Muscat, Oman."

. Let's go.

Barry and I are in fourth place.

And our goal now is to get to number three.

We certainly don't have the physical sprinting

that these young kids all have, but we have the endurance

and we're gonna just keep going for it.

- So this is it.

- Bus departs at : AM.

- [Barry] Fantastic.

[envelope rips]

- "Fly to Muscat",

- [Both] "Oman".

- Heck yah. Let's go.

We are still in "The Amazing Race".

- I know.

- During the last leg of the race,

BJ and I felt like we were out of it.

So in a way, we've been given a second chance.

And so we're just gonna make the best of it

and really continue to enjoy each moment.

Let the joy of the race fill you with adrenaline.

[suspenseful music]

- [Jeremy] Oh yep. This is it.

Bus number one. - Bus number on.

- [Eric] Where's the hippies? Not here. Haha.

- [Fran] You know what? We're gonna see

the boys running the other way.

- [Joseph] Holy cow. We will.

- [Jeremy] Here they come. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- [Fran] Right where?

[teams cheering]

They didn't see us.

[Eric] That was so much fun.

- Oh wow. - Let's go back

and do it over. - Oh my goodness.

- [BJ] Wait for us!

- : AM. - : AM.

- Dude, way to hustle.

All right,

[tense music]

- [Yolanda] Come on. Come on.

- Okay, hurry. - Right through here.

- [Joseph] Holy hell.

- [Barry] This information?

- We're looking - We wanna know

- for the quickest... - how to get to...

- [Barry] The quickest flight to Oman.

- [Agent] There is a flight with Gulf Air.

- And where's it go, directly to Oman?

- [Agent] No, through Bahrain.

It arrives at : tonight.

- [Barry] We'll take it.

- [Agent] You have to go to the Gulf Air counter.

- [Barry] Okay. Thank you.

- [Fran] Oh no.

- [Barry] We will not share this information.

- [Eric] What did you guys find over here?

- [Barry] Mm.

- [Eric] Where's the information thing?

- [Barry] Let's go.

Gulf counter. We have to go.

- [Jeremy] Right here.

Fran and Barry. Follow them.

- [Ray] Let's follow them. - [Yolanda] Let's go to them.

- [Joseph] Follow them.

- [Monica] Oh my gosh.

- [Fran] Oh gosh.

- [Barry] Yeah, they're following us.

- [Fran] We need tickets to Oman.

- We're nervous. So please, could you issue the tickets?

- [Jeremy] Gulf Air counter?

- [Eric] Come on, brother.

Hello. We need to find the earliest flight to Oman.

- [Agent] There is a flight from Bahrain to Muscat,

arriving at : PM.

- I think Fran and Barry probably got this flight

because they were standing over there all shady and like...

- They're down there right now.

[suspenseful music]

- [Fran] Damn.

I guess everybody's here.

- I'm already sweating.

We're beyond the point of being the genial grandparents

that we were in the first few rounds.

- [Fran] We are gonna go for it and we're not backing down.

Thank you very much.

- [Barry] Thanks so much. Yeah.

[jazzy music]

- All of the ghosts of our fallen comrades are here with us.

Lake and Michelle are sitting right here.

- Hey Lake and Michelle.

- Lake's saying, "Hey, you guys think

there's gonna be a early flight to Oman?"

"You guys find out about one, you better tell us, okay?"

"We're partners, partners, yeah?"


And Dave and Lori are sitting behind him

and they're, you know, kissing each other and hugging.

The pink girls are sitting back here.

"Is Oman in China?"

- Thanks guys. It's great to be on this bus with you.

- Let's go to the airport. Woo!


[Tyler speaking foreign language]

[BJ speaking foreign language]

- [Tyler] You see the other teams over there?

- [BJ] We should find out what they're finding out.

- [Eric] There's the hippies.

- [Joseph] We don't want them to know about this flight.

- [BJ] Did you guys find out anything?

- Nice catch up, guys. - What's the skinny?

- Hey, what time does yours arrive in Muscat?

- [Monica] I dunno. - We don't have tickets yet.

- You haven't even asked what time it arrives?

- Uh.

- They're playing dumb. They're playing dumb.

- Crap. That was my dumb face, wasn't it?

- [Tyler] What time does the Gulf Air flight

arrive in Muscat?

- [Agent] : PM.

- [Tyler] :. Is that the earliest flight?

- [Agent] Yes, but the flight looks quite full.

- [Tyler] Your guys arrives at :?

We just found out for you.

I'm sure you guys already knew.

- [BJ] Thanks for helping us.

Let's go to the other side.

- The hippies, I think, are mad at us.

- [Jeremy] Yeah, they seem pretty mad at us.

[tense music]

- [Agent] Here are your Gulf Air tickets.

- Yeah, okay.

- [Agent] Thank you. - [Jeremy] Thank you.

- [Tyler] Hi, we're trying to get to Muscat, Oman

as fast as possible.

- [Agent] There's a Qatar Air flight arriving at :.

- [Tyler] :.

- [BJ] Let's buy these.

- Okay. Thank you.

So, we'll be an hour late.

It would be nice to be on the same flight though.

- Mmm. - Less worries.

Eh, whatever.

- [Agent] Here are your tickets.

- Oh, thank you. - Thank you.

- [Agent] Yes. - [BJ] Thank you.

[suspenseful music]

[airplane zooms]

♪ Dun da dun da dun

[airplane zooms]

- [Phil] all teams are now making their way to Muscat, Oman.

[prayer call blasting]

[airplane zooms]

[gentle cultural music]

- This country is cool.

- [Eric] All right. Let's hustle.

- [Joseph] All right. Let's roll.

- [Monica] Come on, come on.

- [Yolanda] We're looking for the arrival

- [Yolanda and Ray] Parking lot.

- [Barry] We're done. Let's go.

- [Jeremy] Let's find us a car.

Right over there, I'd imagine.

Got it, right here. - That's it, right here.

- [Jeremy] Start reading that map, son.

- We're going to Riyam Park.

[suspenseful drumming music]

- Muscat, go this way. - [Joseph] Thank you.

- Come on. Let's go.

- [Barry] In we go.

- [Fran] We just follow the Muscat sign.

- Look at how like clean this place is.

Yeah, this is by far the prettiest place we've been,

I would say. - [Eric] This is so clean.

Cleanest looking McDonald's I've ever seen.

- [Jeremy] Yeah it is.

Looks like a temple McDonald's.

This is really something else.

- That's really pretty.

I don't know what that is.

American people think they're rich.

Like these people who are rich here

are freaking crazy rich.


- Well, don't know what language they speak over here,

but I can't even look at these signs

and figure out what it says.

They're all squiggly.

- [Fran] Oh God. Is it gorgeous down here?

- We're heading to a park.

- Incense burners, right on here.

[cultural drumming music]

- This is... - Hi, hello.

- Hello.

- This is Sylesh.

And we just met him.

And he has offered to take us to Riyam Park

- [BJ] Riyam Park.

All right. Let's rock.

- [Tyler] This is like BJ and Tyler of Arabia.

[horn beeps]

- [BJ] Booya Shakka.

[tense music]

Okay, what's this sign say?

Riyam Park. Right there.

This is the park right here.


- Let's get it and go. - Get the keys?

It's the big thing right there.

The incense burner's that big thing.

- [Jeremy] Smells like incense.

You're kidding, :.

Son of a bitch.

[tense music]

- [Joseph] All right, babe. Right here.

- [Monica] [squeals] Come on.

- All right. Let's roll.


[intense music continues]

- [Ray] Yep. That's it.

- [Yolanda] Let's go. Let's go.

- [Ray] :.

- Oh, let's park here. - Yeah.

- [Barry] Perfect.

- [Fran] The incense burner is huge.

- [BJ] Nice.

- [Tyler] You're very nice. Thank you so much.

[feet racing]

- [BJ] Hot dog.

- [Tyler] Tomorrow at : AM.

Dude, we're still in this race.

[suspenseful music]

- [Yolanda] So you think it's cool to cuss me out

and sh**t birds at me?

- [Ray] You think it's cool to talk to how you talked to me?

- [Yolanda] I didn't talk to you any way.

I was teasing you like you tease me about anything else,

tease me about , things,

about how we teased each other yesterday.

I was teasing you, and you just flipped the script.

Just don't talk to me for the rest of the time.

- [Ray] Me and Yolanda have never spent

more than four days together,

the whole time we've known each other.

So during this race,

we've getting to see a lot of sides of each other.

- Ray and I, we have not been communicating well at all.

I'm always left trying to figure out what's going on.

And I can't do that in our relationship.

And I can't especially do it here,

but somehow this just something we have to work on.

No matter what, we have to get through this.

[energetic drumming music]

- [Jeremy] Let's boogie.

- [BJ] Let's go, man. - [Jeremy] Go, go, go.

Holy hill.

- [Fran] Oh, Bar.


- [Jeremy] Right there.

- [Yolanda] Come on. Come on.

- Tyler.

- That's hell. - [Joseph] Let's go, babe.

- "Drive yourselves to the town of Sur"

- "And find the ferry crossing."

- "In Baith Al Battha"

- [Phil] Teams must now drive miles

to the town of Sur.

Once a key center for trade with east Africa,

it's now a sleepy fishing town.

Teams must find the ferry crossing

known as Baith Al Battha to receive their next clue.

- Let's boogie.

- All right. Let's go. - Okay.

- Great. Let's go. - Let's go.

- The Baith Al Battha.

- [Fran] Let's go.

- Baith Al Battha.

- [Jeremy] Let's go.

- [Tyler] Nothing like a good morning run.

- Go, go, go. - Go.

Sur, kilometers.

- [Yolanda] Let's go. Let's go.

Go right.

- [BJ] Let's roll, dude.

[Tyler] All right.

You got it, Fran, Barry.

Come on.

- I see it. - Yeah.

We're gonna take a ride up here.

I know that.

- [Fran] Hurry. Hurry.

- [Barry] We're off the back down.

[tense music]

- [Jeremy] What should I do? I'm in the front now.

- Don't let anyone follow us.

Let 'em go past us.

Everybody's trying to follow on us right now.

We don't really know where we're going.

- This is where we waste a lot of time.

- You just told me you just found it like seconds ago.

- No, no. I see Sur.

I told you that as soon as we got in the car.

- You're just not, you're giving me good direction.

- Ray, I said go right as soon as we got out.

- Our idea is to let some other teams pass us.

Follow Mojo.

- [Joseph] We have somebody on our ass.

- [Monica] That's the hippies, go.

Those butt heads are following us.

- [Monica] Do you know how to get to Sur?

- [Tyler] They're asking.

- [Local] You have to go far.

This way.

- This way? - Yes.

- [Tyler] Heck ya. Let's go.

Thank you!

- The boys just watched us get information from that guy

and then just drove off in front of us.

[gentle guitar music]

- Which way am I going now?

- [Fran] Looks like we continue down the coast.

Wadi Adai.

That's it.

- [Barry] Good job, babe.

[suspenseful music]

- [Eric] 'Cause I don't know which way we're going, Jeremy.

- Ask this bus driver.

Sir, this way?

- You know Wadi Adai?

- Wadi Adai?

- Yeah, left turn. - Left turn this way.

- [Eric] Okay. Thank you.

- [Jeremy] What the hell?

- [Jeremy and Eric] Fran and Barry.

- [Fran] You did absolutely great.

- Dang.

[gentle beat music]

- [Yolanda] We have absolutely no idea where we are.

- You wanna stop and ask over here?

- [Yolanda] Well, yeah, ask, hurry and ask.

- Hey, excuse me.

- Hi. - How do you get to Sur?

- [Local] I'm sorry. I don't speak English.

- That's okay. Okay, well you tried.

Thank you. - Okay.

- [Yolanda] Mm mm mm.

We're in trouble.

[intense drumming music]

- [Tyler] Can you see what team that is?

- [BJ] It's Mojo.

This is a dirt road.

- You think that's right?

I have absolutely no idea.

- [Tyler] This is a flood here.


- [Local] You have to put -wheel, huh?

[Rob and Joseph laughing]

- [Joseph] He's such a little guy.

- [Monica] He's so tiny.

- [Tyler] He is our guide across the flooded road.

He looks like an amazing muscular man.

- [Joseph] He's gonna lead us across the water.

- [Tyler] It looks like he knows this area really well.

- [BJ] Pretty cool. This is just magical.

[Tyler speaking foreign language]

- Thank you very much.

[BJ speaking foreign language]

- [Joseph] Thank you! - Okay.

- [Monica] Thank you.

- I just wanna pick him up and take him home in my pocket.

[gentle music]

- Here's the flood. How about that?

- [Fran] Follow him.

- [Barry] That's just amazing.

There's two other cars ahead of us.

- [Fran] I see 'em.

- [Barry] Thank you.

- "Just follow me."

Can he see under the water? I don't know.

It's freaking me out.


[suspenseful music]

- Here's a pen.

- Excuse me. I'm headed to Sur?

- [Local] This way you go.

[horn honks] - [Ray] Okay.

All right. Thank you.

The signs are confusing as hell.

[tense music] - Ho ho ho.

- [BJ] Got a little river crossing.


- [Tyler] Oh my God.

- [BJ] Let somebody else go first, dude.

- Yes. - Woohoo!

- It's the coolest thing ever.

- Just go as fast as your car will go, man.

- You guys go for it.

- Go for it, man.

- Leave the pack, buddy.

- [BJ] We're not experienced doing this, Joseph.

[intense music]

- [Fran] Oh gosh.

Oh my God. Another thing.

- [Joseph] We got a team behind us too.

- [Tyler] Oh yeah.

- There's another one up there, dude.

They're all up there.

- [Eric] Go next to 'em.

We don't care if we get stuck.

- [Jeremy] Holy cow, bro.

- [BJ] Fratters!

- [Jeremy] What's up, guys.

- [Eric] Go, go, go.

- [Joseph] We're gonna get taken on this one.

- [Monica] Let's go.

- [Joseph] Go for it.

Catch up with those rat boys.

- [Tyler] Please get stuck.

Please get stuck.

- [Jeremy] Is this the right way?

We're gonna flip this.

[Jeremy laughing]

[Joseph laughing]

- [Monica] Oh my God.

- Oh yeah, buddies.

Is this the most awesome chocolate surprise

you've ever had?

It's like nice.

- Woohoo!

- [Fran] Uh. You did a beautiful job.

There's no way I could have done this.

- [Eric] Now we're back in this.

Tear you up, boy.

- [Jeremy] Take that hippies.

- Eric and Jeremy sometimes,

just like wanna be first so bad

that they just cut in front of lines.

- Yeah, that's the frat boy way

is to just barge into a situation.

- Mark our words.

There will come a time when the frat boys

experience last. - Of lost and of last.

- [Tyler] And lost.

[car rumbles]

- [Yolanda] What the hell is this?

- [Ray] [laughs] Oh man.

This is crazy.

- [Yolanda] He's ripped.

- [Ray] Head to the promise land.

That was crazy.

Just like driving through the middle of the desert.

- Again? - All right.

We got again.

We don't have a guide on this one, though.

- Boy. I see why they made -wheel drive.

- There you go.

- Woo! Back in business.

Gotta catch up.

[cultural singing and music]

[suspenseful music]

- We need to find the boats, the ferries.

Excuse me.

How do we get to the ferries?

The ferry boat?

- The ferry boats.

Eric and Jeremy are stopped.

Pass them.

- TTOW. - The frat boys.

- Ask someone for directions?

- [Fran] It's gotta be along the water.

We gotta be along here.

- We need to find the boats, the ferries.

- [Local] Go straight. - [Local] One over.

- Go straight. Okay, thank you very much.

[tense drumming music]

- There it is, babe.

Let's go get it.

- [BJ] Come on, this is it.

- Here, here, here. Turn in here.

Son of a bitch.

- [Monica] Go, go, go, go, go.

[envelopes rip]

- Detour. "Camel or watchtower?"

- [Phil] A Detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this Detour, teams have to choose

between camel and watchtower.

In camel, teams must use a block and tackle system

used by locals to load a camel into a pickup truck.

Once the camel is secured in the flatbed,

they will use a map and travel one mile

to find this bedouin camp where may exchange the camel

for their next clue.

In watchtower, teams must search

among these three watchtowers for a sunduq alrasayil,

Arabic for message box.

However, not all watchtowers contain a message box.

Once they find one, they must travel

one mile to this silver shop

and deliver it to the man named Mubarak

to receive their next clue.

- Camels are really stubborn, aren't they?

- [Joseph] Yeah. Decisions, decisions.

- Let's do the watchtower.

- [Tyler] What do you want do?

- [BJ] The watchtower.

- [Barry] I think we should do the watchtower.

- Yeehaw.

- We're gonna do the camel. - Camel.

- [Jeremy] Ah, look at these guys.

- [Barry] The watchtower all the way up there.

There's a watchtower there and there's one over there.

- [Fran] If we all go the same one, we're in trouble.

[tense music]

- [Monica] You think the closest one's the best one?

- [Joseph] Yeah, that's where we wanna go.

- Jeremy, come on.

[goat calls]

- [BJ] I don't think it's gonna be in this one.

- [Tyler] You wanna keep going then?

- [BJ] Yeah. - [Tyler] BJ, this way.

- [Fran] Looking at it. That looks too far.

Where's that other one?

- [Barry] Maybe we oughta follow where there go.

- [Jeremy] This the place?



Let's get a pick up.

Just put the camel in the pickup truck.

I'll bring this pickup truck back over there.

- [Eric] All right.

[Camel growls]

- You want me to back it in, dude?

- [Eric] Back it in.

- [Jeremy] It's okay, camel.

It's okay, buddy.

You're okay, camel.

Don't worry.

Hoist her up, bro.

- [Eric] I don't know if I'm doing it right.

[camel growls]

- [Jeremy] All right. All right.

Keep going, baby.

[suspenseful music]

[goats calling]

- Come on, babe.

- [Monica] I know. I'm trying.

- [Joseph] What does it say?

"Search this for a message box?"

- [Monica] Yeah. See it?

- [Joseph] No.

[tense music]

- [BJ] Alrasayil?

Is this it?

There it is.

Let's go. Let's hurry up and get to the ferry

before somebody else does.

- [Joseph] Did you guys find one?

- [BJ] Yeah, we got it.

- [Barry] What is it? It's a message...

- [Fran] A message box.

- [Barry] There it is. Let's grab it.

- [Fran] Gotta get to the boat.

If it takes off, we're screwed.

- Looks really pretty.

Hey, these are cool, huh?

- [Barry] They're beautiful.

[gentle triumphant music]



- It says search among...

I don't wanna run up to that one.

Come on. Let's just do the camel deal.

- [Monica] Okay babe. Let's go.

[camel growls]

- You have to back the truck up in minute.

- [Jeremy] I will.

You're okay, camel.

Don't worry.

- Keep going. - Keep coming.

- [Local] Come on, come on.

- Oh sh**t. [laughs]

- [Eric] Let's go.

You're gonna go right here.

- [Jeremy] Gotcha.

- You're gonna make a left after the bridge.

- [BJ] Let's go, man. - [Tyler] TTOW.

- [Fran] Hurry. Hurry.

- Hey, can you show us to this shop?

- [Local] Yes.

- [BJ] Oh, great. - [Fran] Oh, yes.

[BJ speaking foreign language]

- What's the name of the place?

- Al Sayegh.

- It was a smart choice to pick that watchtower.

We found our message box right away.

I drew the sketch of the camel and he looked a bit feisty.

Camels, bad.

[camel growls] - [Monica] Good job, baby.

So I need to help you?

- [Joseph] No, I got it.

- [Monica] It's okay, buddy.

- [Eric] That's the bridge.

- [Jeremy] This is it, I take it?

- [Eric] Okay. Go left.

I don't know how far away it is.

It's gotta be farther down or something.

- [Jeremy] I don't see anything.

[suspenseful music]

- There it is. There it is. Right there.

- [Fran] Oh yes.

Over here.

- [BJ] Let's go man. - [Tyler] Gold and silver.

- [BJ] Tyler, okay. Pull it in.

- [Tyler] Let's go.

- I'm looking for Dawar? - Yes.

- [Barry] Yes. - Yes.

- Ah!

- "Find the village of Al Hawiyah."

- [Phil] Teams must now drive miles

to the village of Al Hawiyah.

[cultural music]

Once there, they'll make their way

through the date farms to this place,

where they'll find their next clue.

- [Barry] Well, let's wait for the guys.

- [Fran] Yeah.

- Can you woosh, take it out?

- Whoa. - Whoa.

[BJ speaking foreign language]

Here we go.

"Find the village of Al Hawiyah to find your next clue."

- We're express.

- Let's travel with Fran and Barry.

[camel growls]

- [Joseph] Monica, can get back here.

Monica, where do I go?

- Hold on, just...

- [Joseph] You wanna gimme the map?

We're just gonna go up here, take a ride?

- [Jeremy] What the hell?

- We've been driving forever.

- [Joseph] Hey, we've gotta drop it off in this town I bet.

- [Eric] I don't see anything at all.

Jeremy, we gotta go back to the roads.

It's not it.

- [Jeremy] Who is gonna find this?

- Woo!

Are you havin' fun?

He said yes.

There it is!

- Monica. That's not it.

It's further up.

We're gonna have to take a left up here.

- I don't know, Joe.

- [Joseph] This is right. Let me do this, please.

That's it.

Right up here.

- There it is. Woohoo.

Here comes your home, bud.

Right here, Joseph.

- [Joseph] All right, here we go. Here we go.

- [Monica] Hello.

[local speaking foreign language]

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- "Find the village of all Al Hawiyah."

- [Joseph] We gotta get the ferry.

We shouldn't even have ran up to that damn watchtower.

- [Monica] No, well that's just our luck again.

- That's our luck.

- [Eric] I don't see anything at all.

That really irritates me.

- [Jeremy] Like we're gonna just drive

'til we are dehydrated and die.

- [Joseph] Let's go, babe.

There's another car.

I believe that's Eric and Jeremy.

- [Monica] It is.

- Eric and Jeremy were ahead of us

loading the camel and they took off in front of us.

I guess they got lost on the way to deliver it.

- [Eric] We are so lost.

This is taking forever.

We're driving around, nowhere.

- [Jeremy] Straight, left?

- [Eric] Right or left.

- [Jeremy] Son of a bitch.

Geez, this sucks.

- [Eric] This is the worst experience I've had.

- [Jeremy] Man, we're [censored] idiots.

- [Eric] This is ridiculous.

[dramatic music]

Well, we just took the most roundabout way to get nowhere.

We're still haven't even delivered our camel.

We should have went down farther. I don't know.

- [Jeremy] Oh, right here. Geez, we're idiots.

- [Eric] Right here?

- [Jeremy] Right there.

[local speaking foreign language]

- Thank you very much. - Thank you.

- "Find the village of Al Hawiyah to find your next clue."

Oh my gosh.

- That could have taken two seconds.

- [Ray] All right. Let's go.

- [Yolanda] Go, baby, hurry.

- Oh, this is the last one. - This is the last clue.

Which one you wanna do?

Camel. - Camel.

The frat boys are ahead of us.

Thank you.

- See you guys. Thank you. - Thank you.

- [Jeremy] There's Ray and Yellanda.

They're not far behind.

- [Eric] We catch that ferry if we hurry.

We'll hopefully make time.

Stay in front of Ray and Yolanda.

Come on. Let's go.

- [Jeremy] Man, I'm so pissed.

- Son of a bitch.

[camel growls]

- [Yolanda] Come on. Come on. [chuckles]

[chain clicking]

You all right?

[gentle playful music]

Okay. Okay. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Hold on. Let me lift the camel up,

'cause you're hurting it's elbow.

All right.

Go baby, hurry.

The camel doesn't smell that bad.

I mean, he could smell worse, I would've imagined.

Down in here, down in here.

- [Ray] Here we go. Here we go.

- [Yolanda] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Thank you very much.

[local speaks foreign language]

- "Find the village of Al Hawiyah."

Let's go.

- [Yolanda] I think we're in the last place.

- I've never thought of myself as last so I can't start now.

[tense music]

- [Barry] Gotta be up here somewhere.

Definitely going to the sand dunes.

- [Fran] Okay. Hurry. Let's go.

- It looks like it has something to do with sand dunes.

- [BJ] I'm excited.

- [Fran] Oh, gone it.

There to the left.

- Right up here.

Here it is. Here it is.

Let's get out.

- Oh! - Al Hawiyah!


- [Barry] Let's talk about it.

- "Who's willing to work for food."

- A Roadblock is task that only one person may perform.

In this Roadblock, that person has to dig

through sand mounts until they find

one of six buries shuwas.

This traditional Omani dish of spiced lamb

is wrapped in a dried Palm leaf bag

and steamed in an underground oven.

Once they find the shuwa, they'll receive their next clue.

And they'll need to keep the shuwa with them

because this Omani delicacy will be their dinner.

- I guess I've gonna start sometime.

- [Tyler] Bing bong, BJ.

- Me. - Barry's doing it.

- Hey buddy.

What's up, camel?

- [Tyler] Hot dog.

Pick a lucky mound.

- [BJ] There are lot of mounds.

- [Fran] Go across the middle, Bar.

Okay. Hurry. Let's go.

- [Tyler] You got it, buddy!

"Use caution as you are digging into a buried oven."

How far do I have to dig?

- [Tyler] It doesn't say.

[suspenseful music]

- [Fran] Wrapped in a woven bag.

Oh boy, is it hot?

Come on, Bar.

Just stick your hand in and pull it out.

- I'd like to.

[tense music] - Take a left right here.

See, once we get... - Why.

What, why.

- Please don't be annoying right now.

[Monica laughs]

Fran and Barry are here.

- [Monica] And BJ and Tyler.

- [Joseph] What the hell?

- [Both] "Who's willing to work for food."

- This is something you need to do.

- [Monica] Why did it say

you're digging into buried ovens?

- [Joseph] Because that sand's hot, Monica.

The food's cooking in there.

Joseph, you're not gonna wanna sit in the car

next to me after this. [laughs]

- [Fran] Smash. Smash the middle.

- [Barry] Not there.

- [Fran] Come on, Bar.

Boy is it hot.

- Do those mounds, buddy.

- [BJ] I don't think there's one there.

- [Tyler] You got it, BJ, come on.

You're digging for a million bucks right now.

- It's gotta be hot. - Gonna be hot.

- Yes, it is very hot out here.

- You're really gonna get it for making me do this.

- You can really just be quiet and find that food.

You don't have to pout about it.

[camel growls]

Don't worry, boy, dinner's coming.

[suspenseful music]

[horn honks]

[Eric] There's other team, huh?

"Who's willing to work for food?"

I am.

- Yay.

Tear it up, bro.

- I gotta find some food.

- [Tyler] Frat boys are here.

- Come on, Eric.

You gotta dig like a champion.

You run to the pile.

[camel growls]

Hey, I don't need your lip right now.

[gentle mystical music]

- Bar, smash that middle.

Do something over there.

- [Barry] I gotta finish this one first.

I got it.

I have it.

- [Fran] Okay.

- [Joseph] Monica, keep going.

- [Jeremy] Eric, keep going.

Dig deep, man.

- It's there?

- [Barry] Yeah.

Covers the whole mound.

- Keep doing and you'll see the bedouin.

[camel growls]

- [Monica] I found one.

- [Joseph] Get it. Good job.

- [Fran] Monica got it, Barry.

- [Joseph] Just go at it, babe.

Get nasty with it.

Hurry babe.

- [Monica] Hold on. I need to make sure this dirt

doesn't collapse down in here.

[sand slides]

- [Fran] Oh, Bar.

- [Barry] Oh great.

[camel growls]

[tense music]

- You Look like you're stressed today.

I am not gonna lie.

- [Ray] I ain't stressed. - [Yolanda] Okay.

- [Ray] I'm relaxed.

- You're not.

- I'm relaxed.

- [Yolanda] Ray, who am I?

I am the girl you cussed out the other day,

which you still need to acknowledge.

- [Ray] Oh Lord.

[Ray blubbering]

- Stop.

- Stop what?

I'm just driving.

Driving Miss Daisy.

[tense music]

- [Fran] How's it doing?

- [Barry] It's here. I just can't get it out.

- [Joseph] Babe, you're doing awesome.

Just keep on going. - Okay.

It's really hot.

- Geez. God almighty.

- [Fran] Go Bar.

- [Barry] I can't get it to come up.

- Hurry, babe.

Pull that thing off.

Good job, babe. Come on.

- [Fran] She's got it, Bar.

Monica's got it right away.

- [Monica] Where do I take it?

- Take it over here. Take it over here.

- [Tyler] Come on BJ.

Keep digging, man.

- [Joseph] Good job, babe. Come on.

- [Jeremy] Eric, she got her clue.

[paper flapping]

Come on man.

- [Joseph] Good job, babe.

"Drive to the next pit stop."

- [Phil] Teams must now travel miles

to this place, Jabreen Castle.

Built by a sultan more than years ago,

this ornate fortress is the pit stop

for this leg of the race.

The last team to check-in here, may be eliminated.

[tense music]

- Let's roll. - BJ, it's a pit stop.

- Whatever.

- [Joseph] Give me a kiss.

- [Monica] Let's go.

- [Joseph] Hey, that was awesome. Good job.

- It's gonna be first place, babe.

- I know if we go straight there,

we will be first.

Jabreen Castle.

- [Fran] Hurry up, Bar.

Get an end and pull it out.

Cool. Here comes the bedouin.

Here he is. - Okay.

Give it to you like this?

Fran, I'm exhausted.

- Just get me outta here.

"Drive to the next pit stop, Jabreen Castle."

- [Barry] Oh my God.

Oh, that was so hard.

Oh, my back.

- [Fran] There's no way I could have done it, Bar.

- Oh my God. - You know that.

[dramatic music]

- Don't stop, BJ.

Just keep digging.

[camel growls]

Keep digging, man.

- [BJ] That's what I'm doing.

- [Tyler] You're doing great.

You're doing great, BJ.

You're going to find one.

- [Jeremy] Come on, Eric.

I'm freaking out.

I'm freaking out, dude.

- [Eric] Yeah, I got one.

- Is it, Eric? - Yeah.

- Oh, thank goodness.

Ooh, wow.

Hey Eric, if you hurry,

we can probably still bust out second or first.

That away.

- [Eric] Thank you.

"Drive to the next pit stop."

- [Jeremy] Woo! We got dinner.

- [Eric] All right. Let's not get lost.

- [Jeremy] What's the name of the castle?

- [Eric] Jabreen.

That's Ray in there.

- Frat boys.

- [Yolanda] Yeah, Jeremy and Eric.

It's right there.

Let's go. Let's go.

- I see some shovels.

- [Both] "Who's willing to work for food?"

- You are. - It's gonna be me. All right.

- Stay focused. Alright.

Ray and Yolanda just got here.

This is our time, man.

This is our time.

- It's any of these mounds?

- We were the first ones here with Fran and Barry,

and then every team's come and found.

BJ's still been digging.

- Damn.

- It's your worst nightmare, yeah?


- [BJ] What?

- [Tyler] How about those two mounds on the perimeter?

- [BJ] How about you just let me dig 'til I find something.

- [Tyler] All right.

I won't say anything.

- [BJ] I had to dig for gnomes.

I have to dig for food.

You get to bungee jump and...

- [Tyler] BJ, come on. - [BJ] And swing.

- [Tyler] Now's the time to just dig.

Have you missed any mounds, BJ?

- [BJ] Only the ones I haven't done yet.

- You tell him, BJ.

- [Ray] Just take your time, baby,

and get a pattern going.

- [Yolanda] Your momma got a pattern goin'.

- Just keep digging.

- [Tyler] Do it for team TTOW, man.

Find that second energy.

Yeah, come on. I know you've got it.

- Come on, Loddy.

- [Tyler] I know you've got it, buddy, please.

- [Ray] Dig a little deeper.

- [Yolanda] I'm doing the best I can. All right?

[tense music]


- [BJ] You find it.

- I found one right here.

- You did? - Yes.

- Oh, man.

- [Yolanda] Come on man. Don't give up.

- [BJ] Okay.

- [Tyler] You've got one BJ?

- No, Yolanda did.

- You got one, baby? - Yeah.

- Okay. We out.

- "Drive to the next pit stop."

- [Ray] Now we just gotta get to the pit stop

and we're still in it.

[dramatic music]

- God, it's so hard to watch him just digging.

So like, laying on the ground, completely just dead.

You're doing great, man.

Don't go for the ones that look like they've been dug.

- [BJ] They've all been dug.

- Hard not to just go out there and help him.

He's just lost all his energy and he's just so tired.

He's dug up so many mounds.

Come on, BJ.

This is rough.

We could be here forever.

[dramatic music]

We've been here about an hour and minutes now.

BJ's been searching in this heat.

It's almost about degrees.

He's completely exhausted and covered with dust.

The other teams have left,

but there's nothing we can do about that.

He's definitely given it his best try.

- I thought I'd found it,

but it turned out to be just more sand.

- You're gonna find us dinner, BJ.

I know you will.

You just check every one of those piles.

You got it, man.

I know you got it.

- [BJ] Ah. Got it.

- [Tyler] Yeah, buddy!

There we go.

That's dinner time.

Deliver the lamb, BJ.

We're not far behind, man.

We are not far behind.

I dug every single hole in this field.

I finally got it.

[BJ speaking foreign language]

- You're my hero.

Dude, give me a hug, buddy.

You did so good. - Thanks.

- You did so good.

I mean, this bad boy.

"Drive to the next pit stop, Jabreen Castle."

You did a really good job.

Let's spot it right now.

[tense music]

- [Monica] Jabreen Castle.

I just saw a sign for Nizwa.

That's like where we're going.

Barry and Fran are gonna be right behind us, babe.

- I know. I know. I know.

- I know exactly where it is.

- [Barry] Nizwa to the right.

- Just follow the signs to Nizwa.

- [Jeremy] What do I do?

- [Eric] Go left on the dirt road.

According to this map, we're taking a little shortcut.

If we can find it fast, we can still beat

some of the teams there. - Yeah.

- The castle of Jabreen is close to the town Nizwa.

- Are you sure?

- I'm looking at the map and I told you.

- No, all I did was ask you a question.

- I know, but when you have the map,

see all of this doesn't go on.

- I asked you a question.

- Can I finish?

- [Ray] Tell me when it's my turn to talk.

- [Yolanda] Well you acting like a child.

- As a child, I'm trying to find my way home.

- We've tried our best today and we'll make it.

Philiminator will not eliminate us.

[dramatic music]

[tense music]

- [Monica] We need a hurry, babe.

- I know.

'Cause we get a pretty good shot

at coming in first place here.

- [Barry] No. I don't know if we'll beat Mojo.

They're pretty good.

- [Fran] It's for number one.

I'm running as fast as my legs will take me.

- [Monica] Oh, I hope this is right.

- It'd be nice to have the old couple win once.

We'll see.

[tense music continues]

- [sighs] I don't think this is right.

I'm not seeing any signs for anything.

- [Monica] Wanna ask this guy.

- [Joseph] Damn it.

- Do you know how to get here? Jabreen?

- [Local] You go down this road.

- Okay, guys. Thank you.

- Fran and Barry are first.

- [Joseph] What do you want me to do about that?

[tense music]

[triumphant music]

- [Barry] We are here.

- Welcome to Jabreen, Oman.

- Thank you.

- Fran and Barry.

- Yeah?

- You are team number one.

- Oh my God!

[gentle theme music]

- Well guys, I have some good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of the race,

you have won a trip for two to Rome, Italy.

- Oh, yes! - Yes!

- [Phil] From Travelocity with accommodations

at the Atlante Star, a luxury hotel

situated in an historical center of Rome

and featuring spectacular views of the Vatican.

- Wonderful. - Thank you very much.

- Thank you.

- How good does it feel to be number one right now?

- It feels so good.

We never even dreamed we'd be number one.

[gentle suspenseful music]

[feet tapping]

- Joseph and Monica.

You're team number two.

[dramatic music]

[tense music]

- [Jeremy] This doesn't look like a castle so much to me.

- [Eric] Oh yeah.

- [Jeremy] This is horrible.

- I imagine if we're having this much problem

finding the place, other teams are also.

- Jabree Castle. - Right here.

[shuwa rustles]

[Yolanda chuckles]

- Ray and Yolanda.

You're team number three.

[both laugh]

- Well that's very good.

That's a sigh of relief.

- You guys still in love

or are you having a bad day with each other?

Look, I've been hearing- - I've been having

a past two bad days with him.

Having fun and experiencing this whole world race with Ray

was my major priority.

And then it just seems like the fun

just kinda went down the drain.

But, this is something we have to work on.

- Even with the problems we had,

we still managed to overcome those things

and maintain our position in the race.

But we definitely gotta get those things together

in order to have a chance to win.

[tense music]

- God. We're in trouble.

We should have taken the highway.

The map's not that great.

- [Jeremy] And we read it wrong.

- Jeremy, just go back to the main road,

'cause this is stupid.

We could be outta the race.

We have no idea.

[intense music continues]

- We really hope that all the other teams

have gotten lost tonight.

Anything can happen right now?

- You never know what'll happen.

I don't wanna get my hopes up.

- My hopes are already shot.

[suspenseful music]

- We feel like we might be in last.

- I think we're pretty much in last right now.

From first to last.

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music continues]

- Eric And Jeremy.

You're team number four.

[Eric laughs]

- [Jeremy] We can't believe that.

- It's pretty horrible.

- Is this a little humbling, 'cause you guys

have been making the race look easy so far?

- I thought we were doing pretty well.

And then today it's just like,

"Oh, maybe we need to rethink some things."

Just horrible. - Just can't win

'em all, Phil.

- [BJ] Let's go man.

[somber music] - [Tyler] Philiminator!

Up the steps?

♪ Ta da da da da da

[whip noise]

♪ Da da da da da

- Welcome to Jabreen.

[both speaking foreign language]

- BJ and Tyler.

You're the last team to arrive.

I'm pleased to tell you however,

this is a non elimination leg

and you're both still in the race.

- [laughs] Good to still be in it.

- I need to take all your money from you.

- Oh, man.

- [Tyler] Okay, see ya money.

- [BJ] Good thing we don't have too much of it.

- [Tyler] Yeah.

- Now just to be clear, you will not be receiving any money

at the start of the next leg of the race.

You need to start with $ to your name.

In addition, I need to take all your possessions,

everything except the clothes on your back

and your passports.

You gonna fight to get back to the front?

- We've been thinking what happens

if we lose our possessions

and we feel like we're gonna be the humans we are

and not the possessions on our backs.

We're just gonna be complete BJ and Tyler

and nothing else to win this race.

All the other teams right now,

they see us as kind of weak,

but we're just as strong as them, if not stronger now.

- [BJ] Our fun loving, goofy attitude has gotten us this far

and we're still gonna use it in the next leg of the race.

These other teams aren't gonna see us coming.

[adventurous music]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

On the next episode of "The Amazing Race",

teams travel to the remote western coast of Australia,

where they navigate abandoned tunnels

beneath a th century prison.

- Don't know how to row.

- [Jeremy] I'm having problem here.

- [Phil] And Joseph and Monica clash over directions.

- [Monica] We're going the wrong.

I want you to pay attention.

- I am paying attention!

- [Monica] Don't freak out.

- [Joseph] Do not bitch at me!

[energetic theme music]

[energetic theme music continues]