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08x01 - Go, Mommy, Go! We Can Beat Them!

Posted: 05/03/24 12:45
by bunniefuu
Phil: this is new york city,

Beacon of freedom and cultural diversity for nearly years.

And from this great city,

A first in the history of "the amazing race."

Families will embark on a race for $ million.

Water taxis are now speeding the teams

To the fulton ferry state park in brooklyn.

And each of those teams is made up of members of the same family.

The families are...

The gaghan family from glastonbury, connecticut.

The other teams are definitely going to underestimate us.

Bill and I are both marathon runners.

The kids run ks.

We run races together.

Carissa can run a -minute mile.

I mean, what adult out there can run a -minute mile?

Carissa: I will really beat the adults.

I will run faster than all the other adults on the other teams.

Me and my sister carissa will work as a team

Spying on the other teams.

We'll pretend to fool around

While we have our eyes and ears open.

I might be small, but I am not stupid.

I can trick any adult that's trying to trick me.

Phil: the linz family,

Siblings from cincinnati, ohio.

We're about as tight as you can come as far as a family goes.

It's easy for us all to get along so well

Because we don't take each other too seriously.

There's always a joke being played.


I have six brothers and I am the only girl.

Sometimes they're not going to listen to me,

But I am going to be heard.

Alex and I are the older of the two.

There is leadership. There needs to be a leader involved.

Nick thinks he's the only one that can do it.

I didn't say that.

Real-life situations

Have been experienced more by nick and i.

Alex: tommy and megan

Are still in that educational stage of maturing

And learning how to deal with an electric company

And paying their electric on time.

Or their landlord.

Shut up, alex, you're living at home.


Phil: the paolo family from carmel, new york.

I came from italy when I was years old.

I've been working for the sanitation department for years.

I pick up tons of garbage a day.

In a country like america, if you work hard, you get what you want.

I'm living the american dream and it's unbelievable.

My sons see my husband working hard

And they also have a mother who does a lot of work,

And they don't appreciate us.

My father says, "you know, I was growing up here

And I didn't have this and you have all that."

Well, you know, sorry.

I'm not going to feel guilty or sorry that I have the things that I have.

Phil: the black family

From woodbridge, virginia.

We're basically going to run this race the way we run our lives.

We respect each other and we respect other people.

You don't have to hurt anybody to get ahead in life.

And you don't have to hurt anybody in this race to win.

The other teams might underestimate us because we're kids,

They think we are not physically inclined

Or not as smart as them.

But I think they're wrong

Because we have a lot of drive to win.

I think people are going to help me

Because I have a good personality

And it doesn't hurt that I'm kind of cute.

Phil: the bransen family.

Father and daughters from park ridge, illinois.

When you have daughters,

They're always going to be your little girls.

I think probably when I'm years old

And they're ,

They're still going to be my little girls.

I think a lot of our relationship

Is like us just making fun of each other and like laughing.

I'd say a majority of our sarcasm and joking

Is probably towards my dad.

He can be an easier target.

We always call him wall-der, instead of walter.

[All giggling]

Walter: I'm used to them calling me wally,

Wall-der, dad, whatever.

They're always loving, so I don't worry about it. It's fine.

Phil: the weaver family.

Widow and children from ormond beach, florida.

My dad was working at a speedway and during a race,

He was sent out onto the racetrack to pick up debris,

And a race car came around and hit and k*lled him.

Since my husband's death, there's been kind of like

A cloak of sadness that follows us.

We are so scattered.

We're not as together,

And we're all dealing with this in our own way.

"The amazing race" is going to be a good starting block for us

To unite and work together as a team.

Phil: the aiello family. Father and sons-in-law

From mansfield, massachusetts.

Family is very special to me. It's why I exist, frankly.

We're going to spend some time that usually doesn't happen

Between a father and his son-in-laws.

I want to get to know how they react to pressure,

How they react to stress.

I know these guys on the surface,

So I'm really looking forward to the opportunity

Of getting to know these guys on a more intimate level.

Not that intimate, though.[Laughter]

I won't spoon you. Don't worry.

Phil: the schroeder family.

Dad, stepmom, and children from new orleans, louisiana.

We have a really strong, solid, physical, smart team.

For the schroeders, it's us against the world.

It's we're right and, I'm sorry,

But we think you're wrong.

I'm a complete daddy's girl.

You have no idea. He's the most loving person.

And in a way, I like that he has a split personality

With our family and the outside world.

I think my boisterous personality

Tends to intimidate people, like a grizzly bear.

Just because I like to eat small animals

Doesn't mean that I'm not cute and cuddly with my family,

I love my family but small animals taste good.

Oh, my god.

Phil: the godlewski family.

Sisters from des plains, illinois.

A lot of teams think, oh, four sisters, four women,

You know, we're all blonde,

Oh, you know, they may not have

As much intelligence and so forth.

I think one of our advantages, too,

Is the other teams think we might be a bunch of--


Prissy, pampered women.

Or we'll be too worried about our hair.

And we're not.

We all have strong personalities,

And we're pulled sometimes by that,

But I think just deep down, we love each other.

We're sisters. We'll always be sisters.

Phil: the rogers family

From shreveport, louisiana.

I'm the one that's going to be taking control.

I think it's a man thing. I think it's a biblical thing.

I truly believe that the man is the authority of the house.

We get in little scuffles all the time

Because I think that I should have a later curfew at night

And he says, "no, no. You need to come home."

There's hell to pay if you don't listen to him. For sure.

I think people will underestimate us, being a southern family.

A lot of the other parts of the country

Think people from the south may be slower,

Which means they're dumb.

Denny: I think southern hospitality and charm

Is often mistaken as a weakness.

And if other teams take our kindness as a weakness--

Good for them.they'll be shocked.

Phil: can these families stand up to the stress

Of traveling together across thousands of miles?

Which family will muster the right combination

Of brains, brawn, and teamwork

To win the $ million?

These are the questions waiting to be answered

As we get ready to begin "the amazing race".

Phil: in just a few minutes,

You'll be leaving on the ultimate family adventure.

And as you travel, you'll have to complete various tasks.

Some of these tasks will require individual strength or endurance.

But in most cases, success will depend

On your ability to work as a team.

The race is divided into many legs.

At the start of each leg of the race,

You'll receive a small amount of cash

That has to cover all expenses

Except airline tickets and gasoline.

At the end of each leg of the race,

There is a pit stop.

Seven of these pit stops are elimination points,

So you need to get to them as fast as you can

Because if you're last, you will be eliminated.

Does everybody understand that?

Your first clue is waiting inside the envelope

On top of the luggage you brought with you.

When I give you the word,

You can run over to your bags,

Read the clue,

Jump into one of the marked gmc yukon xls,

Drive across the brooklyn bridge into manhattan

And what you do after that is completely up to you.

But the first family to cross the finish line

Will win $ million.



Phil: is everybody ready?all: yes!

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


Man: he's a fast old guy!

[All exclaiming]

"Drive yourselves to soho."

"Drive yourselves to soho."

"Then find eastern mountain sports.

"And pick up the following supplies

To prepare for the long trip ahead.

Four sleeping bags.

Four camping mats.

Four headlights, one tent.

You have $ for this race.

Let's go, let's go!

Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!

Stay together. Stay together.

You ok? Yeah!

Hurry up, come on, quick.

I'm coming. Man, I pulled something.

Is that all of us?

Go, go, go!

Get in, dad.

Go, go, go. In, in, in, in.

All right. We got to drive to soho.

Find eastern mountain sports.

Soho is a nice place.

All right. I think.

Here. Come on.

Ok, go, go!

Linda: be careful, rebecca.


Good job, guys![Cheering]

Stassi: come on, dad.

Hunter: dad, come on.all right. Load in.

Remember, we have to go across the brooklyn bridge.

Do you know how to get there, sugar?

I am following people to the brooklyn bridge.

Let's roll, boys.let's rock.

We're going to soho. To look for the brooklyn bridge.

We're in fourth place, guys.

All right.

Last one. Go.

Good? All right. Good. Let's go, let's go.

We got to get to soho.where the hell is soho?

And we gotta get across the bridge.

Megan: follow these cars.

Driving in new york isn't that bad, man.

It's not cincinnati, though.

Bill: great job, team. You guys did a great job.

You did a good job.

Right now, we're in first place.

Dear lord, help us find soho. That's all we need. Soho.

Across the bridge.ok, ok.

Rebecca you don't want to get a red light! Oh no!

Rachel: it's ok.

It's a red light, don't worry about it.

Right now all the other cars have to wait.

Oh, that's-- that's good.

I fell?

You all right?

Brock fell, too. He lost his shoe.

Ok, so, we're trying to get to soho.

We need to find eastern mountain sports.

Go, dad. Go.

Walter: soho. Where's soho?

I've shopped there. Good shopping.

Passengers, buckle up.

Ok. I'm buckled.

Get in the car.

Do you know where soho is?no.

Kimberly: first we have to drive over the bridge.

Which way to get on the brooklyn bridge?

Hurry up, dad!

Let's go. Let's go.

Get in. Relax.

Go, go, drive.

Do you know how to get to soho?

We have to go over the bridge.

Make a right. See the signs over there?

Right, right!

I see it. I see it. I got it.

My god, tom!

I got it. Take it easy.

Get in, go, go!

[All talking at once]

We're doing great. We're doing great.

Tammy: are you seeing any signs?

Yeah, you're gonna take a right up here to the brooklyn bridge, girl.

Ok, cool.

Ooh, good job, guys.

Cross the brooklyn bridge.

Turn right.

Wait a minute. Are you sure this is the way?

Rebecca, you've got to turn around, sweetie. This isn't the way.

Oh, sh**t!yeah, you go right there, honey.

I think they just turned the wrong way.

All: yes!

[Indistinct chatter]

Here we go. Heading towards the bridge.

Brooklyn bridge, take a right.

Just keep on our little caravan.

Megan: brooklyn bridge. Good. Whoo-hoo.

My ear is, like, numb now.

Did you fall too?look at me!

I just skidded on my ear across the grass, like...

I didn't even know if my ear

Was still on my head when I got up.

There's a sign. Follow the signs. Brooklyn bridge, dad.

B.r. Is probably bridge.

Yeah, it's right here. Follow them. Sweet.

Reggie: I just want to get on the brooklyn bridge,

And look for soho.

Follow the other cars. See where the other cars are going?

Catch up to them a little bit. Stay with the group.

All right?

Brooklyn bridge, you're going to take a right.

But you got a yellow. Don't go!

Take a right, rebecca.

It's a one-way street. I'm sorry!

Just go!

She's driving on the wrong side of the road.


All right. Here's the bridge. Good.

Sharon, pay attention...

That's all right. You're ok.

Christine: whoo! This is the brooklyn bridge, whoo!

Desperate housewives, go.

Definitely passed sharon.

You're good. You're doing great, sharon.

Awesome driving. See ya!


Don't let those stupid old farts pass you.

Don't say that word.

We're doing a great job working together.


We are working together!

Now which way should I go?ask these people, tammy.

Tammy: is this the way to soho?

Ok, thanks a lot.straight ahead.

Thank you.

We've traveled throughout the united states.

We travel internationally all the time.

A lot of the teams may have never

Even have left the united states before.

So I think we've got an advantage.

Char: does it give me any directions other than "to soho?"

I would go to the left.

A left turn?yes, turn left.

I'm just going to follow these guys

Just for a little while.

[Car horn honks]

Ah, just blew that red right.

That was a bone-headed maneuver.

I worry about being the one who sucks

In front of my father-in-law.

Even though I've been married to his daughter for five years,

I feel like I have a lot to prove.

It's new york, baby.

It's the big apple!

Soho? It's on the left side. Thank you.

Keep going straight. This turns into broadway.

She said it's on the left side.

Uh-oh. Here they come.

There's a yukon right there.

Where? Right in front of us.

Whoa. What's this guy doing?

Move left, if you're going to go left.

Mommycakes is driving crazy!

Ooh. Good job, mommy. You blocked them.

Tammy: there they are. They've stopped.

Excuse me. Do you know where soho is?

[All laughing]

It's around the corner up here, we think.

Tammy: we want to follow them?

Yeah. Just follow them. They got the directions.

I think soho is part-- it's just the name given.

It's a neighborhood like lincoln park.

Hi! We're looking for the town of soho.

We're assuming it's straight ahead?

Can we have that map?

Oh, great. Oh, you're wonderful.

Thank you!

Thank you, we love you.

We're doing an awesome job, girls.

There's another team.

They're going the wrong way.

The other ones are right there.

The pink ladies.

The silicone? Stop it!

That's awful.

Char: mark is very hardcore,

He's a very aggressive type of person.

If someone maybe were to overhear him,

They might take it that wrong way.


These people are crazy!

Rebecca, I'm so proud of you, sweetie.

You are doing great.


Losing my father, it's made me realize

That spending time with your family is so important.

And just to be thankful for each day that we have,

Because you don't know what tomorrow will hold.

I love this. I love it.

I just like people watching.

Hi, new york.

Brittney: our first time to see new york. Isn't it pretty?

First time for new york.

Isn't it pretty? No.

All right, I want you guys to keep your eyes open

For eastern mountain sport.

You guys are my eyes now. I'm trying to drive.

I'll look on the left side.

I'll look on the right.the boys are very sharp.

They'll pick up the slack if we don't see something.

Reggie: their minds move a little bit quicker at times than ours.

Well, I know mine.

Watch out, dad. Watch out.

Reggie: I'm not going to hit nobody.

I'm not going to hit nobody.

Soho's not a very big area.

D.j.: Get the light, dad. Get the light.

I thought you worked out in the city? You know the city.

I don't work down here, I work in the bronx.

Brian: close your window, first of all, so you can hear...

Don't ask anyone.

Marion: the thing is, with our family, you have to understand.

We fight a lot and we argue a lot,

But if anybody else tries to get between us,

Then they're the ones that are in big trouble.

It's hot. Got the a.c. On?

Mom, don't worry about the air conditioner.

I don't care! No, you are not driving!

Put the a.c. On.

D.j.: Just make a right here. Pay attention to the rest.

This is broadway.

We're going to park the car and then walk there.

It's quicker.

Nick, lock the door.

Ok, let's go.

Park right here?


Eastern mountain sports right here.

Hello. Hi!

Eastern mountain sports right here.

Hey, guys!

Let's go downstairs. Go!

Here we go. I'm right here.

Let's go. Check it at the counter.

Ok, let's go. Come on, guys.

Come on.

You guys are set.thank you!

"Find a frank on st

"Between park and lexington."

Phil: teams must now navigate

More than blocks through the streets of new york

And find this hot dog stand.

It's here teams will receive their next clue.

"Find a frank on st between park and lexington."

Thank you!

Go left back to our car.

Megan: between park and lexington.

Oh, honey, let me get this.

Let's go.

Hold this. Let me just make sure-- I don't want to lose it.

You guys, they're going. We got to go.

Go, go, go!move those feet!

Hustle! Hustle!

Who's got the closer parking spot?

Ha ha!

You know it's this street.

Oh, there it is. Wait!

[All talking at once]

Right there!

Oh, yes! Char: ok, I need a parking spot.

Eastern mountain sports. Quick, girls, stay together!

No, no, no. This is a lounge.

Eastern mountain sports.sorry.

We're too excited. Stay together.

Go, go, go!

Sleeping bags.

Right here, right here.

[All yelling]

This big bag we need.

Tricia! I have... Right here.

Oh! Oh, ok.


I'll get mine.

Schroeder, you got it.

We got to carry it, yall.

Read it.

"Find a frank on st."


Godlewski sisters.

Here you go.thank you.

"Find a frank on st between park and lexington."

Let's go!

D.j.: We're going around in circles.

Tony: a new yorker gets lost in manhattan.

What a day!

D.j.: We should have just followed the other cars.

That's all we had to do.

All right. You said it times already.

Give it a break.

Brian: shut up, please!

Oh, we are so lost.

D.j.: Unbelievable.

Damn it!

Tom, might there be a phone book by that phone right there?

There's no phone books in new york city.

I'm telling you.

Yeah, what is this thing with a phone book?

Maybe back in the sixties they had that.

This is disgraceful.

We're so stupid. We're Ret*rded.

Let's go, guys.

This is it, right here.

All right, guys, load it up.

Go, rebecca, go!

Eastern mountain sports.

Park right here, rebecca.


Where do we pay for this?

Upstairs, the register.

[Indistinct chatter]

Aiello.we got a clue, guys.

Find a frank on st between park and lexington.

Pull over right here on the side, dad.

It's up here, guys.

Go, go, go!


Come on.

Thank you. Thank you.

Get them all.goodluck.

Thanks!thank you!

[All shrieking]

We take these with us?

Way too much time in there, nothing!

St and lexington.

Oh, my gosh.

I know, they knocked over a whole, like, display.

Oh, my gosh.

Find a frank on st.

St. Here we go.

We're trying to find a hot dog stand

On st between park and lexington.

Do you know what direction we should go in?

Go this way?

What's that right over there?

Eastern mountain sports, right there, right there, right there.

There it is!there it is, yeah!

Let's go. Come on.

Just pull over.

Excuse me, do you know where the ems store is?

Two or three blocks.

Two or three blocks? All right, thank you.

He said it's two or three blocks that way.

All right, good.

Beat these people!

Go! Go!

Walk, you stupid--shhh.

Right behind this limo, right here. Park.

Where's the ems? Which way?

This way. Come on, come on.

We should ask if we can follow someone.

Follow? We are not followers.

I'm just saying.we have one rule.

We're not going to do that.

Alex, we're not going to do that.

This is going to be the most stressful adventure ever.

A is westside highway.

A, a!

Ok, good. We're on the right way. Nice eyes, carissa.

Nice eyes. Looks like people like to use spray paint.

Yeah, spray paint's pretty popular in the cities.

Are you allowed to use spray paint?

I think they highly discourage it.

Westside highway, sharon!

Left. Get over.

That's not bad driving, ladies.

Come on, you got to nose your way.

Oh, my god.

Go, go. Thank you.

Excuse me.


Get your head in the game.

All right, ok.[Laughter]

We could push into traffic

To block traffic to help us get ahead.

That's horrible.

Thank god your mother goes to church every day,

'Cause otherwise you'd be going straight to hell

In a handbasket.

I've never been camping, I gotta tell you that.

You've never been camping?no.

He had three daughters.

We'll be teaching you a little bit

About how to be a boy.

Shut up!

Oh, my gosh! We're on th street.

We have a long ways to go.i know. St.

Is that a team ahead of us there?

Yeah, the weavers.

The two girls, the boy, and the mom.

Ok, we got to pass them.

Punch it, punch it!who is that?

I don't know!good job, dad.

Watch out.

We got one right behind us, you guys.

[Groaning]darn it!

Pass them up, pass them up.

You guys taking in all of new york city?


We haven't really traveled out of the east coast.

It's just one of those things that

We're just going to have to learn how to deal with

As the race goes along.

It's pretty, isn't it.

It moves fast.yeah.

Lexington and st. Get there.

It's up north. Uptown.

Should there with be a route marker there?

No, there shouldn't!

There could be anything they want to put there! Do you understand?

Why you gotta ask what should be!

Just look for what the clue says!

God, you overthink, you're overthinking!

I love you boys.

Stop asking stupid questions.

Thank you. I'm always cute.

All right, now, we're going to take a right on st.

Dude, there's a frank stand right down there.

Take a right here.

I'm going to pull up a little bit.

All right, megan, get out.

Hurry up, hurry up!i'm hurrying!

Hi, I need a frank, please, good.

Get me a hot dog.with mustard.

No, not any mustard! Thank you.

Make it three!

Make sure you get the relish.

Shut up!

Get some water.

Thanks, guys!thanks, guys.

Cross the george washington bridge and drive to washington crossing.

Phil: teams must now cross the george washington bridge

And travel miles through new jersey to pennsylvania.

Once there, they must find washington crossing historic park

Where george washington made his famous crossing

Of the delaware river during the revolutionary w*r.

Whoo! [g*nsh*t]

It's here that teams will find their next clue.

I'm going to ask the guy.

Hey, man, you know where washington bridge is?

Left? Thank you.

There's a frank wagon right there.

Is that my side?it's right here.


Jump right out and get the clue.

Jump right out.

How are you?hi, how are you?

What do you need, a frank?

Here you go, honey.oh, thank you!

Good luck to you.bye-bye.

She's cute.

Cross the george washington bridge and drive to washington crossing.

Look, ok, we're almost there.

Are we on st?

Here's a frank place right here.

Say do you have a frank.

Do you have frank?a frank you would like?

Yes. Thank're welcome.

Good luck. Thank you.

Cross the george washington bridge. Ok.

Sharon, awesome.

And I'm going to get ready to eat a big hot dog. Ha ha ha!

This is st. This is one way.

Up here on the right. Up on the right.


There's another's ok.

Is this frank?you want a frank?

I do want a frank.

You got it. Here you go.

Yay! Thank you!good luck to you.

Ok, girls.

We're having such great luck.

We love new york! Whoo!

We're good, we're good.

We go right here.yeah.

That's where we're going down there.

There it is.there it is.

This is a good task for him.

Do you have a frank for me?

We can arrange that.thank you.

You're welcome.

This guy's going to have a heart attack.

Yeah, baby!all right!

Nice job.good job!

There's a vendor right down there.



Do you have a clue for us?

Clue? Do you have a frank?

Ah, frank we have. There you go.

Thank you!there you go, good luck.

Thank you so much!

I'd like to be on their team.

So we have to take a right.

Yeah, we're going to have to take a right.

Left lane, go. Go.

Pass this truck.

You go!yeah!

You're ahead of them, beck!



Ok, here's st street.

Y'all do what you got to do.

They're coming up behind us.

[All yelling]

This way.


How you doing, frank?

I'm kevin, he's drew. I'm kevin.

Appreciate it, man.

Read it!

Your clue is in the historic park in pennsylvania.

I don't know if that means like the state of pennsylvania.

F.d.r. Drive, guys, you're not reading. Thank you.

I think we got this in the bag.

George washington bridge, and then--

We need to drive to washington crossing.

Should we ask with directions? Yes.

Hey, do you guys know where

Washington crossing is?

Take south.

You take south for a while.

We're going to go into pennsylvania, apparently, and look for it.

Yeah, we have really no idea.

Yeah, george washington bridge, cool.

So you think we're really going to pennsylvania?

I don't know. I don't know.


This isn't good right now.

We'll be winging it.

She's sleeping already. That's good.

Ok, good.

There's the frank dog stand right there, baby.

Can we have a frank, please?

You need a frank? Sure you can have one.

Wonderful, thank you.there you go.

Pull over-- just pull over and let's find--

We got to find a frank.

Oh, right there. There's a frankfurter stand in the middle of the block.

Go, guy!


You guys got a frank for me?

A frank? Sure we do.i think you do.

By the way, you guys were the best.

Thank you.

You were the best. Thank you.

That was nice of him to say that.

We're on a race, there's a car right behind us.

We've got to hurry. It's ok!

Washington bridge, girls.

The other car's in front of us. They're getting directions.


See ya!

Oh my goodness.

Beat them.

Wow, those girls are

I took them for western girls, like california.

No, they had kind of ruddy skin.

They look like smokers to me.

I'm just keeping the pink ladies in eyesight.

They seem to know. Let's follow them.

Hey, there's yankee stadium, boys.



There is a rivalry between new york and boston.

I'm an avid red sox fan.

So there's a natural tendency to not like the yankees.

Yankees suck! Yankees suck!


We're going to have to stop and figure out where the hell we're going.

Let's go to the rest stop.

Get off at the service area.the service area.

We're going to have to stop and get a map.

Get a map, that's it.

Ok, straight ahead.

We're trying to get to washington crossing.

Take the turnpike down here to exit nine.

Are the maps free or...?

I got one.

Pennsylvania may be a state.

I don't know. I'm just totally confused.

Mom, you need to start thinking.

We're just going to need to stop and ask.

Come on, guys, run.

Do you happen to have a map?

We're really lost.

Thank you so much.thank you!

Washington crossing.

God bless you.god bless you, too.

Stick to the lord. Do you know the lord?

Ah, yes, he's my friend.

We just got a free experience of new york.

We felt it, we saw it.

At high high speeds.

Talk to me, baby.


Got to remember, those people have kids, too.

They got to stop, they got to go to bathrooms,

Things like that.

Actually, that's a good idea.

If you want to get something to eat, go to the bathroom--

No, no, no-- no!

We might be number one, and we don't know it,

So, you know what, just keep on trucking.

Information. Bada-bing.

Building closed.

Oh, man.

I don't like this.

This is really frustrating.

This is a real pain in my ass.

We're going to have to get a map, we're going to have to talk to somebody.

I'm looking for washington crossing.

No idea. No idea?

We have to cross all the way across new jersey.

Just get on the new jersey turnpike.

Ok. So we probably lost time.

Check it out. We're probably going

To cross the delaware, guys. Whoo-hoo.

That's cool. That is cool.

Just stay on it.

Yeah, get up.

Washington crossing historic park.

Eee! Let's go!

Let's go!

Yeah, what are you doing?just open it.

Pick a boat and cross the delaware river

Just as george washington did

During the revolutionary w*r.

Phil: teams must now choose a row boat

And cross the delaware river to new jersey

And retrieve a -star flag.

Then, they must row back to pennsylvania

Where they'll observe a flag-folding ceremony

To receive their next clue.

Let's go!

There are four boats, one team per boat, first come, first serve.

Let's go.

Washington cross, pennington road.

That's .

Where do we need to go on that?

I don't know.

Somebody's got to be able to know

Where we are and where we got to be.

Guys, right there.

Over there.

Whoa, whoa! Come on, guys.

Ready, guys?

I'll hold it.

Guys, we're team number one.

Hold the water, hold the water.

Stroke, come on!

Dig deep, put the paddle all the way in the water.

Down, oh, my god.

Come on, guys.


Let's go guys.

Cold water.

Almost there.keep on going.

Somebody get ready to jump out and get the flag.

To be able to hit the shore in jersey

The exact same spot that george washington hit the beach at,

Especially being a former marine, that's what we do,

And run up there and retrieve the flag,

You know, of our nation's colors, it was cool.

Dave, respect the flag, buddy.

It's shallow, guys, do you want to jump out?

Ok, somebody go get it.

Keep it up, keep it up, don't drag it in the water.

You ok, lauren?

Nice and strong.

Nice and hard.

Come on now. Nice and hard.

Ok, still have the pink ladies in front of us.

I hope they know where they're going.

They seem to be doing well.

There's another team right behind us, ladies.

They think we know where we're going.


We need a gas station or something.

Yeah, we need to pull over.

Oh, man.

Then we're going to turn around. Ready? Watch.

Where are these people going?

Pink ladies, where are you going?

They're lost. Great.

Do you know where you're going? No!

We're trying to find a map or a gas station.

I don't want to follow them.

We've already followed them, and we're lost.

We are so lost.

Can you guys tell me where the heck I'm going?

'Cause I'm way out of my way now.

Not good.


Nice job.awesome right now!

Keep it going, nice and steady.

Come on, tony. You can do it, man.


I am, dad.

Dad, we are. You need to calm down.

Ok, you see something?

Oooh, ooh, ooh!look, look.

There's only two here.

Ok, there's a clue box.ready?


Cross the delaware river just as george washington did.

Washington crossing state park, right there.

Yeah! Yes!

Come on, you guys. Let's go!

They're four boats, one team per boat,

First come, first serve. Let's go!


We're going to paddle, out of here.

We're going to walk out, hop in the boat.

Your clue is in the historic park in pennsylvania.

My guess is it's going to be right over the bridge. Ok.

Is this the one that george washington crossed?

I betcha it is.

Oh, man! That's not good.

I'm doing it.

Retrieve one of the flagpoles

With the -star flags and paddle back the side of the river.

Just power in.power it in now.

All together!

Guys, we're team number one.


Good, good, good.

Put the flag up top there to the pole.

Up to the top.let's go.

Give tony the flag.

I was able to give the flag to the gentleman in uniform.

To watch that thing get folded,

I felt like such an american, so patriotic.

That was a great feeling for me.

It's very nice.thank you.

Awesome. Unbelievable.

There you are, sir.thank you very much.

Drive to philadelphia.

Make your way to fairmount park.

Phil: teams must now drive miles

To the city of philadelphia

Then, they must make their way to fairmount park

And find this place, belmont plateau.

Where they will be camping for the night.

Once they arrive, teams must race to pitch their tents

In order to secure an early departure time for the next morning.

Once they have set up their tent properly,

An eagle scout will hand each team

One of three departure times--

:, :, Or : a.m.

Philly, baby.philly, baby!

Let's do it!

Dude, we are team number one right now.

We've got to go south right into philly.

[Indistinct chatter]

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Stop the boat, then get in.

Come on, guys.

Oh, my shoes are going to get wet.

Oh, you ok?

I'm good.

Thank you.

Dad, do you want me to take it?

We bring it here?

Good job.good job, guys.

Thank you so much.thank you, sir.

Make your way to fairmount park.

Let's ask those people right there.

What's the fastest way to philadelphia?


Thank you.thank you so much!

Guys, I think we're in second.

I'm so proud of us.

Good job, guys!

I'm really proud of my girls.

It's a lot of fun to see them grow up, mature.

I really enjoy the young ladies that they are.


Damn! Oh, my god! I feel like I'm sick.

Straight down ahead.

Cross the delaware river.

There's a boat, go.

Hop in. Get in.

Paddle, paddle.i know, dad!

You're not paddling hard enough.

Paddle together.

Ok, run.

Let's go!run!

Good job.

Good job, buddy.

Go, go. Aah!

Paddle harder.

We've got to get going that way.

Let's go, guys!go, push!

We can beat them. Let's go!

[Indistinct yelling]

We're through the worst of it.

Good job. Good job, mama.

Big rock right here, let's try to get down river a little bit.

Let's go, dad!

You got to paddle when I paddle.

The other team is way far behind.

Stroke, stroke.

Doing a great job.

We're in good shape, buddy.

[Indistinct yelling]

Stroke, stroke, stroke.

How did they get here before us?

Oh, god.

Paddle together. Paddle together.

Good job.

I didn't realize how hard rowing a boat was.

Find belmont plateau.

All right. Cool.

Thank you very much.thank you.

Drive to philadelphia and find belmont plateau.

Let's go. Run.bye.

Philadelphia, here we come!

Here we go, guys. Let's go. Congratulations.

Ok, do I get back to ?

I don't know.

We need to go to philadelphia.

Don't lose them, rebecca.

Go, becca, pass them.



Yeah, doggie!

We're in third now.

My stars, I can't believe it.

Stroke, stroke.

Just think about the little bitty kids that are having to do this.

This is really hard for them.

Just keep paddling.

Don't let it touch the water, honey.

It's sacrilegious or something.

[Indistinct yelling]

Jump out.

Come on.

Can I hold the flag? I'm very respectful.

Who gets this? I do.

There you go.thank you very much.

Ok. Make your way to fairmount park.

Ok! Let's go!philadelphia.

Ok, let's go, guys. We've got to catch up.

That's a good strength challenge that's going to challenge little kids.

I tried to get it as perfect as I could.

You did a good job, sweetie, don't you worry.

Give me five.

Thank you very much.

Drive to philadelphia.

Let's go. Come on!

And find belmont plateau,

Where you will be staying for the night.

Which way?

Oh, man. Oh, man.

There they go.

Oh, lord, I hope we ain't the last ones.

That's the clue box.

Ok, "pick a boat and cross the delaware river

Just as george washington did."

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Oh, jeez, those kind of paddles.

This is like, yo, yo, yo, yo.

Don't lose your general.

Nah, don't lose the general. We keep the general.

Keep the general, baby.

All right, general.

Washington crossing.

We are taking quite the scenic route.

Let's not second-guess ourselves.

Let's not panic yet.

We're on the right path.

When it gets dark, we're going to panic.

Next plan, get a map.

Hey, you ever heard of washington crossing?

Looking at about minutes, -minute ride from here.

Thank you very much.thank you so much, sir.

We wasted a lot of time.

We'll catch up. Yeah!

This is good. This is very good.

Washington crossing. Here it is.

Where?it's off of .

We went the wrong damn way.

Marion: ? Yeah.

Are you kidding?

Let's not panic.

Just keep on going.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Let's go, let's go.

Reggie: the currents are moving really fast downstream.

All right, what do we do?

Kimberly: dig, austin, dig, baby, dig.

Austin, stop playing. Come on, austin. Do what you're doin'.

Dig, austin, you got to dig, baby.

Dig until it hurts.

Austin: I can't!lord help us.

We're going downstream. We don't want to do that.

Reggie: damn.

Oh, my lord, help us.

One, two, three, team black, team black!


Belmont plateau. There we go.

We may be number one.

Wow, look at that skyline view, baby!

Grab the tent.

We got to find the tent area.

Dude, right here, man.

Hey, guys, where can we set this tent up?

We're gonna stay here for the night.

How about this one on the end?



This is precious time.

We're trying to get to fairmount park.

Are we?

It's the swamp water, it's done something to our brain.

That says fairmount park.

Yes, yes. Can we get in?

Thank you!


All right, there's a another team that's coming up.

Ok, let's go!

Come on, boys, we're team one.

Hi, you guys!

You guys are rowdy.let's go!

Put it up.

Look, it's color coded.

This is the gold one, right here.

I'm going to feed it through to you.

Rachel: there's another car coming!

Oh, man, we're third.

Ok, here's another van.

Belmont plateau.

Ok, this is our tent.

Oh, goodness.

You guys got it?just tell me when to feed.

Go, push it.keep it on, keep it on.

Snake it down into the flag.

Put the pegs in now.

Good, good, quickly, that's good.

Rolly: are we done? We got this?


Thank you. :.



I'm folding this end.

Oh, crap. Dad. We've got to take this one out,

It's the wrong one.wrong one?

Yellow pole to yellow pole, makes sense.

Look at carissa hammering her stake in.

Lindsay, help with that.

We're all set, carissa.

We're all set, good job.

Thank you very much.thank you.

Great job, guys.

We picked up three places from washington crossing

To building the tent.

That's great.

Thanks. Thank you.

:. :.

We're all a little frazzled.

We didn't realize we were this far behind.

You can do it, you can do it.

Go, go, go, go, go, go!

Me and austin do not like to lose.

I think we'll impress the adults

By showing them how well we can do

All the things that they can do. Good job!

Wouldn't it be great if we're not last here?

It would be.

Wait, who's down there?

There's four people in the water already.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

"Pick a boat and cross the delaware river."

Let's go.come on, come on!

There's steps over here.

Let's not break our neck now!

Let's go.

Let's go, let's go! Come on, come on!

Row, row, row!

Hand it to the revolutionary soldiers.

Watch how they respect the flag.

"Drive to philadelphia."

We have to find belmont plateau.

Kimberly: ooh, that was hard!

Austin: philly, don't beat us.

We got the flag!let's go.

We're doing good.

Come on, ladies.

We were fast.thank you so much.

"Make your way to fairmount park."

It's going to be on this map.

Let's get to the car, come on!

Here! There we go, right there.

Nice.megan: oh, thank god.

"Retrieve one of the flagpoles with the -star flags."

We're boating, baby.

Let's go. Come on, guys.

Come on, megan, push.

Andele, andele, arriba, arriba!

Let's go.

Nice, guys.

Now we be moving.

Megan: my brothers are very competitive.

I want my competitive side to come out now.

This is my chance just to prove to them

That I definitely can do all

The physical activities that they can do.

Come on, guys.

There's a car.there's one car.

Marion: where's the marker?

D.j.: Just make a right. Just park in here.

We got to find the marker.

"Pick a boat and cross the delaware river just as george washington did."

Come on. Nice, guys.

Here we go.

Here's a team.

Good luck. Use the muscles.

Thank you.

"Find belmont plateau."

Hurry up. Let's go, let's go.

Nick: we're not last, we're not out of it.

Come on, come on, come on!

Let's go! see 'em?

Crap, how many?a few.

Let's go find our place.

That would be nice.

Pretty much it's color coded, guys.

Thanks for your help.

Y'all are fast!

This is it, this is it.

There are five pitched.

Whoo-hoo, made it.


Here you go.


Y'all from boston?yeah.

Louisiana. Good to meet y'all, too.

Thread the pole through the rod sleeve.


You're so sweet.

Run it through the gold mouth.

Thanks a lot.


Got it, :.

So when we found out we were in sixth,

It was disappointing, to be honest.

So tomorrow, we're going to work even harder.

Come on, let's go.

Go, go, go.

Truly amazing.

That's beautiful.

Mom, let's go.

Go, go, go.

We're still almost in this.

We have to go to philadelphia, so where is that?

Left, south.

, Right there.

South! South!

Are you Ret*rded?

Do you have the clue?

Mom, I gave you the clue.

Please, god, I don't have it.

I'm % positive I handed you the clue.

You put it in your left pocket.

Tony, you gotta wait. We got to go back.

Un-freaking believable.

Misplacing the clue, I mean, seriously.

I said put it in your pocket.

I don't have it. We got to go back.

No, we don't. We don't need the clue.

Fairmount park and find belmont plateau. That's what it said.

At this point, we got to take some risks.

Oh, my god.

This is belmont plateau, right here.


Here's a guy who knows what he's doing.

You got it?


Look at that girl power over there.

I tell you what!

If I had a girl, she'd be like you.

Here you go, good job.

Thank you very much.

Appreciate the help.

Thank you.

The first --we made it.

We're soaking wet.part of this race is great.

We're full of love, full of happiness,

And just proud of our family.

One, two, three, black family!

Look at them all! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Grab the tent.

[All talking at once]

You guys are great, man. Thanks.

You guys are great!

Thank you.

We have chocolate chip cookies for everybody.

Ok, we done?


Oh, we get to sleep in! I like to sleep in.

We don't want to sleep in!

What do you mean?

How many are there?

Dude, I think we're last.

Look at her!

Thanks, man.

It doesn't feel good, showing up second to last.

But it's early on.

We got another day tomorrow.

How many tents are up?

They're all there.oh, crap.

Unbelievable. What a day.

Thank you so much. Thank you so much.

Lots of luck to you guys.

Just so you know, both my boys

Were boy scouts when they were young.

Bill: we're in the first group of three leaving at :.

We got a little bit of a lead,

So that'll help us out, I hope.

[All talking at once]

Oh, god.relax, relax.

No, I didn't.yes, you did.

All right, ready?

"Tony brubaker has a farm in mount joy, pennsylvania."

Phil: teams must now drive miles

To mount joy, pennsylvania.

Once there, they'll need to find

The brubaker family farm to receive their next clue.

Let's go.

Let's go, guys.

Ok. Let's go.

Rachel: first ones out.

Turn left here, honey.

Dear lord, please protect our driving,

Keep everybody safe. In jesus' name, amen.

God is what pulled us through my husband's death.

If we didn't have a faith in the lord,

I don't know where we'd be.

And I think he has a hand in us being in the race.

We have to find mount joy. That's what we're looking for.

Mount joy.

You want to take west out of here.

That's just what we came in on.

All right, we need to get on , kev.

Take a left at the light.

All right.

You want to get on west.

I wonder what this does.

Ok, that's the radio. We don't want that on.

Oh, it is?

"Tony brubaker--"

"Has a farm in mount joy, pennsylvania."

"Find it on musser road, and you'll find your next clue."

Let's go to mount joy, pennsylvania.


Uh, west.

Stass, help me look at this.

Right here, mount joy. Oh, wow, I am good.

Ha ha ha!

Who is that?

Is that the guy on the louisiana team?

Yeah.give me some directions.

If we get on .

Roll the window down.

Do you know where you're going?

We found it on the map.we did, too.

Ok, then, do you want us to follow you?

It's up to you.

Follow. Ok.

Louisiana, right again.

Louisiana, sticking together.

They think people from the south aren't that smart.

Come on, open it, quick, quick, quick!

Tony brubach--tony-- ah, tone--

"Tony brubaker has a farm--"

"In mount joy, pennsylvania."

"Find it on musser road--"

"And you find your next clue."

Mount joy.

I'm freezing.

Somebody navigate, 'cause we better know

Where the hell we're going.

We're gonna go west.

Here's east.

Definitely going west.

Let's stick with these chickies.

Pink ladies. I love older women.

Harumph! Young lady with pigtails.


Always scheming, dude.

What are you talking about, dude?

All right, guys, for this one, we're going to have to follow somebody.

I don't know where mount joy, pennsylvania is.

There's two right up-- are they with us, those two?

Reggie: yeah.

D.j.: Where are the cars?

Can you see them, d?

They're in front of this truck.

Are there four of us together?

Just three.

There were four teams leaving at :.

I don't know what planet you guys are on.

Look at that. That is so cute.

This is really pretty.

There it is, rebecca.

Parking, right there.take the clue.



Right here. Right here. Right here.

There's mud! Whoo!

Oh, it's a detour!

"Detour, build it or buggy it."

Phil: a detour is a choice between tasks,

Each with its own pros or cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose

Between build it and buggy it.

In build it, teams use the materials and tools provided

To build a miniature working water mill.

It's not a physically demanding task,

But proper assembly could take a long time.

In buggy it, teams must transport

One of these traditional amish buggies

Along a one and a half mile course with team members riding inside.

It's a highly physical task,

But teams with enough muscle could finish fast.

Let's buggy it.

I say we pull, it's simple and easy.

Yeah, we all have leg strength.

All right. Look sharp, everyone.

This is it, right here. Take a left.

We got one racer ahead of us.

The second car is here!

[All yelling]

"Detour. Build it or buggy it."

Let's pull it.

Let's pull it.

Take a buggy.

Aw, you're so cute.

We used to have an amish buggy. We have horses.

Where's the brake?

[All talking at once]

Two people have to be in it?

Watch the signs, right.

Push on the wheel.

[All talking at once]

Come up here.

[Indistinct chatter]

Oh, we got this.

All right, good luck.

All right, tony, get in, I'll push.

It's people inside.

I'll go up first, then.

Get in with him.

All right, second you guys get winded--

Don't be a hero, man.

Oh, yeah, we won't.

Let's catch this other team, kev, come on.

Oh, wait, look!

There it is.

Ok, let's go.

Right down here.

Traditional buggy, so that's one of those little wagons.

Yeah, do you want to try that?

I think so.ok, come on, guys.

I think this one right here.

This will be fun.


Here we go, horse mode.

Here we go.

This is ok. We can do this one.

You guys want to trade?

Rachel, you want to trade out?

Let's trade out. Keep yourself fresh.

Stay in the back, rolly, I know it's tough.

Come on, come on.

We're coming up to them, guys.

They're coming.


Downhill now, so go.

Run, kevin.

Run, downhill, go.

We can pass them. No excuses here.


Run! Run!

Don't let it run over me.

I'm really tired.

Hit the brake!

Stop it!


Stop it!

[All screaming]

Oh, my gosh!

Are you ok? I'm ok.

Back it up.

Being through what we've been through with our father and everything,

I'm like, oh, my gosh. If we lose our mother, we're going to be orphans.

If I got out of that buggy and saw her laying there,

I don't...think I could go on.

But I'm not, and we're fine.

Come on, push!

Do you want me to put the brake on?

Go ahead. Slow us down.

Slow us down.slow us down.

Go, go, go!ugh!

Slow us down.

How are we supposed to pull it now?

We need brakes on this thing.

It's jammed.

Let's just go build it. Forget it.

Come on.

You can do it, man! You can do it!

Check your brakes.

Check the brakes, they said.

Bill: what do you mean, check the brakes?

Check the brakes, there's a really big hill,

We just got run over.

We're going to go down a big hill, they said.

Rolly, you can build anything, buddy.


Ok, rolly.

Get one side at a time.

You ok, mommy? Yes.

Apply the brake!

Ok, go.

Just keep it tense just a tiny bit.

Excuse me, do you know where musser road is?

Ok, thank you.

Let's hope people didn't stop

And they're still going the wrong way.

We're, like, way too far.we went too far?

Just stop here a second so I can tell them where we're going.


I know you're thinking where the hell are we?

I think we need to cut back down this way

And musser should be right back this way.

I just wanted to let you know that.

Ok, I'm trusting you.

This takes us right in there, right?

Yeah, this takes us into mount joy.

Keep drivin', baby![Giggles]

Mount joy, exit.

Ok, next two exits.

We're getting off at the first one, sharon.

A lot of the country we haven't even seen.

Where's mount joy?

It's somewhere up here.


What are you doing, ma? Don't scream like that.

k*lling an ant that's crawling all over us.


I'm a feisty woman, you better deal with me.

Ah, moo! Look at the cows.

This is amish town, baby.

There are other teams here, so let's get movin', dude.

Ok, turn right here.

Girls, another team is right behind us.

Don't worry, there's one, two cars.

I think they're just getting here.

Let's go.come on, guys!

Good work, ladies.

We got a team behind us, you guys, let's go.

I saw them coming down the road.

Another person's here.

Two people are here. Come on, guys, we can do it.

I hope they start to run that stupid buggy.

Rip it up, megan.

Oh, detour, guys. Detour.

"Build it or buggy it."

Meg, what do you think, dude?

Let's do it, dude.

I say build it.

Girls, we're going the other way.

Good luck.good luck, guys!

Let's go. Come on, guys.

[All talking at once]

It's all about the bis and the tris for the ladies.

Let's see what teams beat us here.

"Detour." Ok.

"Build it or buggy it."

Dad's good at building things.

Let's build.let's build it.

Come on down, rolly.

Push it up, push it up.

Wait, wait.

Yes! Nice.

Our first detour!

Let's go, girls, these walls have to go up.

Just hold, please.

Sharon's great at building.

Just hold.

We got the brains, not the brawn.

Let's get the sides up first.

Watch your fingers.

Let's go, get in.

Let's go, guys.

Is it heavy?

No problem, baby.

Megan: there you go.

You guys got it.nice and easy, bro.

Oh! [Giggling]

So not cool.

It's your breath.

What happened, megan?

He farted.

I don't know what she's talking about.

You're so gross.

Dig, dig, dig, dig!

Let's switch, man.

Are we stopped in the middle of the hill here?

David, let me take it from in back there.

I'm fine, I'm fine.

We got company.


There they are.

Dad, we can see the other team.

Ok, good.

Go, mommy, go. You can do it.

We can beat them!

I've gotta stop, boys.

Guys, I've been here the whole time.

I know, but we don't need to stop right now.

♪ She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes ♪

♪ Hee haw

Go, go, go.

We gotta go.

♪ She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes ♪

♪ She'll be coming, she'll be coming ♪

♪ She'll be coming, she'll be coming ♪

♪ She'll be coming round the mountain ♪

♪ She'll be coming around the mountain ♪

♪ She'll be coming--

Push, push.

♪ She'll be coming, she'll be coming ♪

♪ She'll coming around the mountain when she comes ♪

Oh, my god. That's embarrassing.

Those guys are strong, I tell you.

Yeah, they also got pounds worth of kids in there.

We got pounds worth of guys.

[Both giggling]

We need to put the wheel on.

Here it comes.

Right there, there you go...

Ok, you need to put these in somewhere.

The water has to go down.

It's going down, sweetheart.

They're going to have respect for us.

We got to get this up.


Michelle, lift that edge.

Watch your fingers!

Ok, slow, slow.

Ok, it's on.

Got to get this roof up and on.

We need to go up.

Dad? Oh, boy. It's ok.

Does it look right? Yeah.

Brubaker farms, right here.

Dad, quick, quick, quick.

Here we go.

Let's get out.

There it is, down there.

Oh, here's the box right here.

All right, "detour. Build it or buggy it."

I think we ought to build it.

Ok, let's build it. We're going to build it.

Ok, let's go.

This one? Ok, yeah.

Glad I'm not a horse.

Up ahead is a turn-around.

Wish there was some [indistinct] around the corner.

Oh, look at the goats!

Ok, go, turn, daddy.

Good turn.

We did good, guys.

Good jobs, guys.

Keep going, don't give up.

Never give up.

Almost to the turn-around.

This is literally the halfway, I guess.

Bill: mom, dad, I'm wicked proud of you.

I'm sorry I couldn't contribute.

Do I park up there?yeah.

Let's go.

"Detour, build it or buggy it."

Build it. Ok.

. Miles is a long-ass way.

[Indistinct chatter]

Come on.dang it!

Come on!

"Build it or buggy it."

Build want to build it?

Yeah. Ok.

Did you see who just got here?

The other teams we left with.

How many teams are here?

On the other side of this guy,

Pull in there.let's go.

Oh, we gotta build a house.

Building a house, not a problem.

We can definitely pass these guys.

It's the jersey team!

We can do this.

Do it.i know!

Detour.hold on.

"Build it or buggy it."Build it.

Wait, wait, wait. We have to pull a buggy.

She's not going to be able to do that.

I can't do it. Let's build it.

Let's go, let's go! All right.

Megan: keep the pace, you're good.

Oh, my god, we have to come back?

Hold on, nick.

How you doing, nick?



We've got to go a mile and a half.

My legs are hurting.

We just should have built the house.

This is not good. We're screwed.

Damn it!

Damn it!we got to keep moving.

You guys are doing good.


We got to go a mile and a half.

You got it. Come on guys.

Nice job, guys. Nice and steady.

Oh, my gosh.

[Indistinct chatter]

Ok, that's fine. Go get more water.

Hurry up, rolly!

Go, baby, go, yeah!

All right, let's go.

Thank you!

You guys, come on, we're still in first.

"Drive yourselves to the pit stop."

Phil: teams must now drive themselves miles

To blue rock road in lancaster, pennsylvania

And look for these two blue grain silos,

That'll mean they've found this place,

The rohrer family farm.

This mennonite farm in the heart of lancaster, pennsylvania,

Is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last family to check in here will be eliminated.

"The last team to check in will be eliminated."

Come on!

Here!go, go, go!

We need to go back to .

Ok, here it comes, girls.

Push, push, push.

[All yelling at once]

The wheel goes on the left side.

Walter: is it through?

Careful, it's in.

Can we put the roof on now?

Do you put on the roof or the wheel first?

Roof. Where is the roof?

You guys need a roof?

Got it.

Good job.

Ok, we got it good.

We can beat these other people.

Right there, push it in.

Ok, come on, we're good.

Good job.good, good.

Who's got the hammers? Where's the hammers?

They have gloves here if you want.

Don't worry about gloves right now.

What do you want to do? Nothing, ma.

Just stand there, don't worry about it. Mom, get another nail.

Does anybody need gloves?

Ma, please!get out of there.

No, it swings open.

I can't get this nail out.

Get out, get out of there.

Dad, I don't know what you're doing.



Can we get our next threw clue, please?

"Drive yourselves to the pit stop.

Warning--last team will be eliminated."

Oh, my god!


Will take us right into lancaster.

First, , same way we came,

But now we're going east.

Doing great.

One foot at a time.

Tammy: that's what I'm doing.

I think we just got to get to the barn over there.

We got to hurry.ok, come on, guys.

Give it a little push back.

Here we go, babe.

Almost there.

As fast as we could get it.


Thank you so much.

Good job pushing.

"Drive yourselves to the pit stop."

Let's go, guys.

Thank you so much.thank you!

Let's go, let's go, we want to win this one, tammy.

If we win, I'm gonna be so excited.

Yeah, you're telling me.

[Indistinct chatter]

Open it and read it!

"Drive yourselves to the pit stop."

Walter: should we go right, maybe, you think?


I think we're going the wrong direction.

Yeah, baby!

Good job, tony.

We're still in this frickin' race, boys.

Push it, push it.

Come on!we're almost there!


Thank you.

"Drive yourselves to the pit stop."

Oh, yeah, let's go!

Phil, where are ya, buddy?

We got to go out the way we came in, right?

Do you remember which way to turn in here?

Was it right? From the right?

I think we go left.

Megan: buggy turn around.

Water, guys. Stop for a second.

All right, let's get water.

I'm going to puke.

I felt like that about minutes ago.

Just take deep breaths, relax.

No, I'm puking.are you really?

Oh, yeah, baby.

Let's go.


[All laughing]

Let's do it.

Oh, my god.

That's how you rock.

All right, let's roll.

Thank you, lord, that I wasn't hurt.

Oh, my gosh, you scared me so bad.

We will never do strength again, ever.

We don't have that.

Hey, focus on this.

Rachel, here, lancaster.

Did you see blue rock road?

I am not seeing blue rock road.

You sure you don't see it on there?uh-huh.

Oh, dear lord.

We have no clue where we're going.

Ok, you guys, we have to concentrate now.

We got to get to the silos.

Sharon, we are on , correct?

We are on . No, .

No, we are on !

We have to go to .

Yes! I know that! But we are on .

Relax, karen. Take a pill, my god!

Oh, that was so sweet.

Tammy, you did a great job, baby.

You did, too! I got a good butt workout.

That felt really good. As hard as it was, that felt really good.

That's good marathon workout.

I was like an animal.

Two blue, straight across.

Ok, wait, blue silos are a popular color.

Ok! Shh.

Aren't they usually silver?

The newer ones are blue.

Look on that side.

Ok, you guys, my heart is beating.

Dear lord, please help us.

The rohrer family farm in lancaster, pennsylvania.

Blue rock road. Please, in jesus' name,

Find it. Come on, becky.

Man, I'm so excited.

If we're in first place, that would be so cool.

Bill: just focus.

Gaghan family, you're team number one.

Oh, wouldn't that be sweet!

I bet that dream will come true.

That would be so cool.

I like it, I like it.ok, it's there.


[All talking at once]

Go, baby!

Let's go!

Oh, my god, they're all the way over there!

Welcome to lancaster, pennsylvania.

Thank you.

Godlewski family--

Yes? Hurry up, I'm gonna cry.

You're team number one.


I have some good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of the race,

You have won $,.


I just have to ask where your pink t-shirt is.

They're kinda getting ripe now, so--

Yeah, these are bad.

We need to get out of them.yesterday's clothes.

We slept in these.

I'm just getting to know you,

But is this pretty normal?

You guys talk over each other like this all the time?

[Indistinct chatter]

Look for two blue silos.

Wait a minute, look, one of the cars!

Where? Oh, shh...

Who's that?that's the florida team.

They came in from another direction.

Rolly: we got somebody on our tail.

Oh, my gosh, it's the rugrats.

Oh, they saw us.tighten up on them.

Don't let anybody get between the two of us.

This is just too close.

Come on, guys, say a prayer.

Calm down, we can't--

And get ready to unbuckle and run.

They are not going to win.

Tammy: ok, so when we park our car--

We fast as we can.

Carissa, we need wheels on you, girl.

This is it, this is it. Get ready, you guys. Get ready.

Turn in!get out, get out!


Go, go, go, go!

Go, go!

Guys, stay together!

Carissa, wheels!

[All yelling]

Come on, carissa!



Gaghan family, you're team number two.


All right, guys.good job!

Come on in, weavers.

You did great.

We're just happy to be here.

You're team number three.


This could be a very obscure place for all we know.

Oh, yeah.

Well, we know it's a farm,

So it's gotta be out in farm country.


Ohh, we haven't seen anyone around here.

So nervous.

I'm gonna poop my pants.

We need to figure out where we're going.

Oh, my gosh.

Pick it back up.

We are picking it up.

Ok, come to me.

Good job.

Good job, brock.

We can beat two other teams.


I'm sorry, baby.

Just hold tight, ok?

You're awesome.

Take swings at that thing.

I don't want to crush my fingers.

I don't see you doing this.

You want me to do it?

Do something else instead of watching me like idiots.

I need help over here.

We're all done?

But the wheel--there's something missing.

Pull the wheel out, stass.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I gotta put the bolts in. Where are the bolts?

There are no bolts, mark.there are bolts.

Look all around. Somewhere, there's bolts.

Thank you. Good job.

"Warning--the last team to check in will be eliminated."

We're screwed.

Ok, we got to go to lancaster, guys.

Great job, brock, good job.

Most valuable player.

You got it, come on, guys.

Nice job.

Come on, almost there, dude.

Ok, now it is.

Now you can bang it.

Quick, quick, quick.

I didn't nail it in the front.

Where's the bucket with the nails?

Take two nails, here. Here, take 'em! Let's go!

It's stuck now.stuck in there.

That's not good.

Give me a hammer!

I'm trying to hammer it out.

How did it get stuck?

It's stuck. It's not going anywhere.

I can't hammer it out, it's wedged.

Oh, my god.


It's a little heavy.

It's stuck. It's not going anywhere.


I'll go hammer. Got it, go!

Yeah, I got it under control.

We're all squared away.

Ok, go ahead.

All the water all the water.

It's spinning. Ok, it's spinning...

Please hurry.

"Drive yourselves to the pit stop.

"The rohrer family farm in lancaster, pennsylvania.

The last team will be eliminated." Go!

Go, go!

Turn right.

Turn right?

Right, right, right.

We took the highway through.

You better be right, dad.mark, you better be right.

I know--

Don't touch it.

Get your hand off it, please.

Thank you.

There we go. There we go.

Thank you very much.

"Drive yourselves to the pit stop,

The rohrer family farm in lancaster, pennsylvania."

Let's go.let's go, move it.

Let's go!i'm coming.

Which way out of here, left?

We got to take .

Ok, how are we now? What are we doing?

I wish you would stop intentionally being annoying.

Yeah, yeah, 'cause we know where we're going.

We don't need a third back seat driver.

Now she's doing it to be a pain in the ass.

A lot of this is unnecessary.

Really, tony, it's been a lifetime, I'm fed up with it.

You guys are really embarrassing now.

I'm fed up with it!

Your son doesn't know when to shut up,

So you either have a good heart to heart with him,

Or things are going to change.

And I'm serious, I've had it.

When I say go, lift it up. Go.

Down. There.

I'm wondering if this should

Have been even with this one.ok.

Steady pace.

All right, here comes a bump.

Don't hit those rocks.

Doing good.

This is the pit stop. So we just need to make it fast.

Makes me want to puke because I'm so nervous.

I don't think anyone is going to get directly here.

Sure it's right, dad?i don't know.

Come on, let's go!

Look at this traffic up here.

Oh, terrible.

God, this sucks.

This is incredibly nerve-racking for a boston driver.

That has to be it.

Yeah, that's it.

Is this it? Yes.

Rogers family...

You're team number four.


Oh, there's some silos down there.

Oh, my god. That's it.

There's phil, straight ahead!

Schroeder family,

You're team number five.


Oh, my gosh!

You finished fifth, how does it feel?

Ulcers, cramps, stress,

Stress headaches.

Blue rock road.

Look at the damn map!

You know--what is so hard?

D.j., Shut up one minute, please.

Just cool it.

Tony, what are we doing?

Mom, the only thing we're doing right now--

Shut up! Tony--

We know we're going right, ok?

There's the blue silos.

Right here, right here.

Let's go.

This way, ma, you gotta run, you gotta go!

Holy crap, all the way down there?

Go, go, go!

Paolo family...

You're team number six.


Are you serious?!

I told you, I told you!

Holy cow!

What did I say?

I sucked it up for the team!

I feel good.

I wanted to k*ll them about an hour ago,

We were about as down as a pregnant ant to the ground.

We just kept on truckin',

And we got from th place into sixth place,

And that makes you feel good.

Come on. You guys got it.

Brake, brake, megan, brake.

A little bit more, guys.

You got it?yeah, go.

Ready, set, go


Needs some water.

Go and get the water, I'll figure this last part out.


Need some help.

Mom, dad.

I need some help.


These things happen, ok? You're good.

Good job, all right. Good job.

There's a blue silo.

This is it. Let's hurry.


Bransen family, you're team number seven.


That's great.

We did it.

That's all that matters.

sh**t, guys, we're way late.

Oh, my god.

Let's go.

Come on, tony.

Aiello family...

You're team number eight.


We survived.

We did it.

Are the boys worthy of being in the family?

So far, so good, they can stay in the family.

Ready? Go.

All right.


That's what I'm talking about! You know what I'm saying!

"Drive yourselves to the pit stop."

Let's go. Come on, come on, come on.

Oh, my god, dude, they've all built houses.

Two cars left, the black family and our family.

Run faster, austin!

Come on, guys, let's go!

Are we good? Yes.

Get in.

"The rohrer family farm in lancaster, pennsylvania."

The last team to check in will be eliminated, guys.

Good luck, guys.

You, too. You, too, guys.

Let's go, dad!

The other way. Let's stay positive.

Ughh!which way to lancaster?

Follow these people. Looks like they know where they're going.

We're going to the pit stop.

Someone is going to get eliminated, we hope it's not us.

They've got their little kids, we can run faster than they can.

We better hope.

We just gotta make it to this pit stop.

No, blue silos on blue rock road.

I thought it was something on a rock.


We have to make a move.

We're going east. We're going the opposite way of them.

You sure? Yeah.

No. And then, hopefully, just beat them to lancaster.

And find blue rock first.

Hopefully we made the right choice.

They were right behind us.

I don't know where they went.

We said we're going to be there, we're going to be there.

Ok? Yes.

I'm glad you have confidence.

That's what we need to win, baby. Right?

That and god.

I don't know if this is the right choice to make.

I think that we should have followed the other team.

That's all right, we're not about supporting each other.

We're also not about listening to each other.

Now we have to find the blue silos.

What are silos?

Don't know yet. Oh, man.

Dude, there's silos all over the damn place.

I know, but we need blue ones.

Let's just not be last.

Ok, there's one. I think that's a silo.

We got to find two.

Are those blue?

Those are blue, aren't they?

It looks blue to me, dude.

Blue silos? Do you see blue silos?

There's right there.

Get out, we have to run.

Please, please, please.

Come on, guys. Come on.

Let's go, nick.

Oh, god, please.

Linz family...

You're team number nine.


Yes! Yes!

Phil: you cut that a little close.

I know that you guys were very confident coming into this,

But some kids beat you here.

No more pulling those darn buggies. Those are heavy.

Those are difficult challenges!

Black family...

You're the last team to arrive.


Sorry to tell you, you have been eliminated from the race.

Ok. All right.

This has got to be tough,

Especially bringing your two kids with you

On something like this.

You know, sometimes you win and sometimes you don't.

But as long as you give your best effort,

You can feel like I'm feeling right now,

I'm very proud of my family.

Nobody quit. I'm sad but I'm not disappointed.

And I can never be disappointed in my family.

I know it's upsetting because this is tough on anybody,

It doesn't matter how old you are.

But to know your mom and dad are proud of you,

Does that mean a lot?yes.

And you looked after your brother pretty well, I understand.

He kept up running with us and never gave up.

You should be very proud, and I know your parents are very proud of you.

Yes, we are. We're a proud family.

The race has given us an opportunity

To see our boys really step out

And do the best job that they can do

To show us that they're not babies anymore.

The race was an opportunity of a lifetime.

It was a type of experience

That I wouldn't want to give up for anything.

Phil: stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: on the next episode of "the amazing race"...

Mom, please be quiet, please.

The paolos continue to feud.

None of you ever, ever, ever listen to me!

Give me the damn map!

The families find themselves in the middle of a civil w*r battle.

Oh, my god, you guys.

It's unbelievable.

Need a breath, dad?

And wally can't keep up with his daughters.

I can't, guys. [Groans]