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16x11 - They Don't Even Understand Their Own Language

Posted: 05/03/24 10:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Amazing race,
" Four teams raced

From Singapore to Shanghai.

At the roadblock,
jet became a Noodle master.

Those are nice, jet.

Those are good-looking noodles.

While Jordan got all tangles up.

I hate this so much.

For the first time ever,

Teams faced a second
roadblock in the same leg.

Your partner must do this one.

Thank God.

Cord and Brent battled
against the wind.

Oh, my gravy.

This is so frustrating.

While Michael was simply puzzled.

I'm not seeing what I'm

Supposed to be seeing here.

It's driving me nuts.

In the end, jet and cord
came out on top, and Michael

And Louie came in last,
but were spared elimination.

You are still in the race.

There will be a speed bump

And you must complete it.

We live to fight another day.

Four teams remain a
race for $1 million.

Who will be eliminated? Next.

This is Shanghai.

Centuries arc it was among the

First Chinese cities
open to Western trade.

And today, with its towering

Skyscrapers and contemporary

Lifestyle, it is the most

Cosmopolitan city in China.

And in the midst of all this

Modern development, the

Shanghai science and technology

Museum, built at a cost of more

Than half $1 billion, this

State of the art museum was the

race around the world.

Jet and cord, who were the

First to arrive -- you are team

Number one -
will depart at 02 A.M.

Make your way to
the garden bridge.

Teams must now make their
way across the city to the

Garden bridge, which locals know

By its Chinese name, where

They'll search for the next clue.

Hurry, cord.

Jet's the best partner this

Race because I'd trust
jet with my life.

In 2004, I caught the end of a

Hoof in the side of a head and

It actually crushed my skull.

And, you know, for a while,

They didn't know if
I was going to live.

Jet sat by my hospital
bed the whole time.

That period was one of the

Most difficult times of my life.

Cord is the toughest guy I know.

That's why I say we do have

The opportunity to win
this the garden bridge.

It doesn't look like a bridge.

You speak English? English?

Yeah. We're looking
for the garden bridge.

Don't know.

Speak English?

We're looking for
the garden bridge.

They want to the park bridge.

The park bridge is there.

Thank you.

Oh, that was easy.

Make your way to
the garden bridge.

That was a simple clue.

It's been like three years
since the team U.S.A. Pageant

When I messed up my final
question on national television.

I still get people every single

Day pretty much saying negative

Comments, and I feel like

Making the finals is what's

Going to show the world I can

Accomplish everything
I put my mind to.

Do you know where the
garden bridge -- no?

Garden bridge?


Garden bridge?

Do you know where
the garden bridge?

I don't know.

Garden bridge?

Do you know where this is?

Oh, my God.

Nobody know where
is this thing is.

This is the garden bridge.

The clue is halfway across.

This is halfway.

I don't see a clue box.

Hey, cord.

Let's look inside
these two things.

They locked?


Have you looked over the edge yet?


Pretty sure it's not here.

I say we go make sure

There's not another
garden bridge somewhere.

Do you speak English?

Do you know where
the garden bridge?

I will search it.

Thank you very much.

Sit faster by subway or taxi?

By taxi.

Can you say --

get a taxi and show them this.


Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

Taxi, baby.

Oh, yeah.

Do you know where the
garden bridge is?

Can you take us?


I hope he knows where he's going.

I don't know where
this address is.

Can you call and see if

Someone else know where
is the garden bridge is?

Oh, you meant the garden bridge?

I don't know if we've
lost our lead yet.

I'm sure everybody's left by now.

Make your way to
the garden bridge.

All right, come on, bro.

Where's the garden bridge?

Like I know?

I came here to do one thing,

And it was to give Jordan his
dream of winning "The amazing

Race," But now winning this
race is so important to me.

I actually do really care,
and absolutely I really want the

Million just as
much as anyone else.

Hi, sir.

Do you know where the
garden bridge is?


Do you speak English?


This is horrible.

I just don't know how we're

Supposed to do this if
no one can speak English.

I have no idea how other
teams are figuring this out.

I was worried the whole time

About coming to China,
but it's pretty

Incredible to see

Everything and compared
to the way we live.

The only thing that's kind of

k*ller right now is
the language barrier.

Is this the garden bridge?


There it is.

Right here, right here.

All right.


Make your way to --

Teams must now make
their way across the

City to the Longhua
temple where they'll

Find their next clue.

You may not travel by taxi.

Let's find someone who
can speak English.

I see a clue box.

Just pull over,
we'll be right back.

Up here.

Make your way to Longhua temple.

We got to go pay our cab driver.

Longhua temple.

Let me see the map.

Where are we?

We were here.

It says line three
will get us there.

We have to take the bus.

That's it!

Let's go.

Show him.

Longhua temple?

This one?

All right, all right, all right.

Obviously I know how to read

Maps because I'm pretty damn

Good at figuring out where

We're going -- in China.

So people, you can
go screw yourself.

Hell, yeah.

Can you do me one more favor?

We have to go to
this longhua temple.

Is there a boat we can take?


Yes, train.

Where's the station at?

About one kilometer.

Ok, thank you.

Hurry, cord.

Garden bridge.

Sir, do you speak English?

Is this the garden bridge?

Garden bridge?

The garden bridge.



Make your way to
the garden bridge.

Where the garden bridge?

Ok, thank you.

Oh, God, it's so frustrating.

This language barrier,
not a place for Dan and Jordan.

I hate China.

I will never be back.

That sounds ridiculous, but

We should go back and
get Mike and Louie.

One of our strategies from

Day one is never be
alone and in last.

We knew Mike and Louie would

Have a speed bump ahead, so we

Thought it would be in our best

Interest to use them to help

Us, and then the speed bump

Would allow us to go ahead of them.

So we just have to see
what the hell they say.

If we stick with them,
I think we can beat them.

It's worth a shot.

The garden bridge.

We've been spared elimination,
and hopefully it

Comes back to bite
somebody in the butt.

We got to fight hard right

Through the whole race.

You have older children, and

I hope this shows them that the

Harder you work,
the more you can achieve.

There is no going home.

Definitely looks like a garden.

There are they are.

Come on. Louie!

There's the boys.

Don't tell me we
caught up to the boys.

They come running to us.

It was a real relief to me.

We caught up to a team that
was two hours ahead of us.

We still have a chance.

First of all, I love you guys.

Second of all, we just wanted
to stick with you guys.

Fresh minds.

Let's go up there with it's high.

I'll use the binoculars and
start searching around.

Being a Detective that
helps me many this skill.

I have great eyes.

I see things that other
people don't see.

I catch everything.

I know I can find this.

Not a lot of gardens here.

This is the garden.

I got a good feeling we're in

The right area, bro.

This is it right here.

Good job, baby.

Let's go. Come on.

The temple?


Let's go in there.

Come on, baby.

There it is right there.

Clue box.


This the Buddhist tradition,
it means one who attained enlightenment.

In this roadblock, teams must

Enter and attain the knowledge

They'll need to stay in the race.

Inside the hole, teams must

Count all the golden
statues in the room.

If they come up with the correct

Number, 523, they'll
receive their next clue.

If their answer is wrong, they

Must wait 10 minutes before

Making another guess.

You've got this, baby.

Just don't bother
me while I count.

I'm not even going to be here.


I saw where you had to count

And I turned around and saw the

Buddhists that I had to count

And I was like, oh, my gosh.

I'm worried that Caite is

Doing this, because people have

This opinion of her as not

Being the brightest
person in the world.

And this is a task to show that

She's got it upstairs, that

She's not as dumb
as everyone thinks.

I saw how the Buddhists were lined

Perfectly, and that's when
I began to start counting

Up and down up and down.

But as I got towards the end of

That one particular section,

They started kind of
getting all jagged.

I said, oh,
this isn't going to work.

And then I counted each line.

I felt like I was in
the right direction.

Just trying to take in what

All is going on around me and

Understand the different culture.

It's really incredible watching

Everyone do their prayers.

Obviously, the Christian

Religion, we go to our
churches and pray.

And they've got all these temples

Around here and they
light up all the incense.

It's really interesting to see

? How other people do things.

? 520.

That's not it?



So now we have to wait 10 minutes.

Have you seen the Metro? not yet.

I see these buses
going everywhere.

Makes me wonder.

Look for the Metro, but it's

Taking us longer to get
to it than we thought.

Oh, my gravy.

The garden bridge.

This is more like a
bridge than anything.

If this is the bridge,
we're halfway across it.

Look at those clothes
hanging right there.

Two jackets right there.

Who are the odds of two
jackets being left?

Maybe the clue is right in it.

Why would there be
clothes hanging there?

That's odd.

Come on, guys.



It is weird.

This sucks.

The other teams have got to

Be having the same
problem as we are.

That's not it?

We've got to keep waiting.

We really need to get out of

Here so we can stay ahead.

I wonder how far down
this Metro station is.

Is this it?

There it is.


Saddle up.

We're looking for
the garden bridge.

I don't know.

Do you have a cell phone?

You dial and I'll talk to

Her and she'll translate to you.

The shan guy translation

Phone number is a phone number in

Taxicabs, or you have a problem
communicating, you call

That number and there's an

English speaking person on the

Other end and they will tell that

Taxicab driver what
we're looking for.

This is a translation service.

We're going to follow that cab.

Do you know where we're going?

Guys, please make sure -
we got it.

Quick, quick, quick.

Sir, we have to follow them.

Follow that green car.

Yes. Green. Go.


We are following them.

No, no.


Stay behind them.

For $1 million, the next to
last team will be eliminated.

We're hoping it's not us.

Too close to the end.

He doesn't understand.

He doesn't understand.

He doesn't understand
to just follow.

It's the simplest thing.





How did he get through?

It's nice that the boys are

With us right now and
not in front of us.

Well, they're not with us anymore.

Come on.

Get out of the car.

I'm serious.

Get out.

I can't.

I can't get out of the car.

You have to follow that green car.

Follow that green car!


You've got to be kidding me,


Follow this car.

I'm going to get violent.

I'm actually going to hit someone.

We're screwed.

This is it.


It's nice that the boys are

With us right now and
not in front of us.

Well, they're not with us anymore.

We lost them.

I want to leave China.

This is her third time counting.

So maybe third time is a charm.

I don't know. Lord, I hope so.


There is a lot of
gold statues in there.

And after a while, they started

Kind of coming together
as one big gold statue.

I'm trying four.

I don't know what
she's doing wrong.

Go for it.

Temple this way?

See it?

Sure couldn't be one
of these big Hals.

There's some bags.

There's Brent and Caite's bags.

T to be around here somewhere.

Are there any signs anywhere?

They literally walked right by me.

Like, they could have touched

Me if they wanted to.

They can't find a clue.

I'm hiding out so that way it

Gives Caite a little
bit more time.

I have counted every single

Golden statue in here.

Try again.

One, two, three --

Around here somewhere.

Right in front of you.

Sum up Bhudda.

You go for it.

I'm not worried about what

Brent and Caite's doing.

I saw that Caite was
already counting.

And there's no sense in me

Panicking right here and

Getting the wrong number and then

Running out of here and

Having to do the 10-minute wait.


There. it's a miracle. oh, my God.

Stop, stop, stop.

Right here, stop.

There are the boys.

Hurry up.

Let's go.

Come on, Jordan.

This looks like a garden bridge.

We'll keep looking.

There it is.

Oh, my God.

We just freaking walked past it.

Make your way to
the longhua temple.

You may not travel by taxi.

Let's go this way.

All right, longhua temple.

It was really tough to sort

Of be sitting there
to wait it out.

You can't do anything about it.

The cowboys are definitely

Someone who finish tasks pretty

Quickly, so you got to take

Advantage of whatever time
you get ahead of them.

There were two gold statues

That were standing up, and they

Weren't of Bhudda.

They were something else.

I checked my clue one more time.

They just said all the gold

Statues in the room.

That would have
been pretty easy to

Overlook, I think, just

Counting all the little
seated Bhudda ones.

Here goes nothing.




Can I get my next clue?

It's 523.

We got it, too. awesome.

Thank you.

Come on, cord.

Thank you.

It says hop a ride.

Teams must now choose one

Of these motorcycles and ride

It to the yuyuan gardens where

They'll for their next clue.

Go, go, go!

Come on, jet.

Let's go.

Yuyuan gardens.

Can you take us to Yuyuan gardens?

Go team Brent and Caite!

Oh, my God.

We were racing motorcycles.

It was pretty dang awesome.

Make it go faster.

This motorcycle ride through

Shanghai, China, kind of a new

Thing to a country boy like me,

Coming from a whole county that

Has one light,
it's flashing yellow.

Hang on, jet.

We need to go to Lang Lang temple.

But we can't take a taxi.

Just go outside and turn right.

You will see a bus stop.

Thank you very much.

Here it is.

Come on.

We've got to take

Transportation to the temple.

If we were jumping in a cab, it

would be lovely to ditch the

Brothers and go on our way.

A Detour roadblock.

There's no room for any

Mistakes and we really got to

Make up some time there.

We got to catch up
on our speed bump.

Got to hurry.

What's that garden?

You see this thing?

Looks like some garden area.

It's not going to be in it.

I'm just trying to get a baier.


We got to find the actual garden.

Keep going straight, I think.

We get dropped off in this open

Mall market type thing.

And there's thousands
of people everywhere.

Excuse us.

Excuse us.

People coming up to us, like,

You want to buy this?

You want to buy this?

Go away!

Like no, no.

God, there are so many people.

See anything over there?

Right in front of you.

Good job, good job.

Oh, a dour.

Despite the constant commotion
of this modern city,

The people of Shanghai still
enjoy the time-honored

Traditions of their storied past.

Now teams must choose between

Two things synonymous with China.

The choice, pork chops
or pork dumplings.

In pork chops, teams make their

Way to a store that sells
stamps known as chops.

Once here, they must search the

Vast inventory for the ones

Bearing pictures of a
pig and their names.

When they have both of their

Chops in hand, they will
receive their next hand.

In pork dumplings, teams make

Their way to this restaurant.

Once here, they will pick up 10

Orders of dumplings and then

They have to make their way

Through the crowded and chaotic

Alley ways of the
market to deliver them.

When their work is complete,

Teams will receive the next clue.

We're going to do pork chops.

We have to find the
arch stone store.

You are the man.


Ok. Where do you want to start?

We can do it systematically.

You start on that side and
I'll start on that side.

These are stamps.

So they'll have a pig and

Your name on the bottom.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Brent, I see it! yes.

Pork chops or port dumplings.

Art stone.

Hey, boys.

What's up, Brent?

You look on one side and
I'll look on the other.

What are you look for, pigs?

Pigs are elusive.

It says on the
bottom of it, right?

Dude, I can't concentrate

I've got to go to
the bathroom so bad.



To the bathroom.

Just hold it.

I really can't.

Are you not listening to me?

There's a restaurant right here.

Let's just go to it real quick.


I'm not going anywhere.



I think this is it.

That's got to be it.

I see your speed bump.

Oh, looks good.

That's an awful picture.

Speed bump.

Having been saved from elimination
at the end of the last leg,

Louie and Michael have
now hit a speed bump, an

Extra task that only
they must complete.

In this speed bump,
Louie and Michael

Must perform a local
good luck ritual.

They must both successfully

Toss a coin into
this incense burner.

When their cons have been

Deposited, they'll be able to

Continue on the race, hopefully

Having earned enough good luck

To make up the lost time.

Giant incense burner.

Here we go.


Who thinks they can sum up Bhudda?

Sum up?

I think you should do it, bro.

Just take your time.

It's a patience thing.

You got this, bro.

A bowl of coins right here.

Here you go.

Top opening. That's easy.

How many? one each.

That's all we got to do. ready?

My hands are numb.

Oh, come on, baby.

Come on. Let's hurry.

Should be interesting.

Come on, you basketball player, you.
A little higher.

There you go.

We rock.

Bhudda man!

Sum up Bhudda.

Go go ahead him, baby.

He's a mathematical genius.

Are you calling my brother stupid?

There were golden
statues everywhere.

It seemed like each Bhudda had

A different facial expression,

Which meant you could stop at a

Certain point and remember
that number or whatever.

I Wish you knew how bad I

Got to go to the
bathroom right now.

Just don't think about it.

I'm not thinking about it.

I'm thinking about
stupid little glasses.

Come with me real quick.


I'm asking you to
please come with me.

Baby --

I'm being no help right now.

We're wasting our time.

I've never seen anybody that

Had to go to the
bathroom as bad as him.

I was starting to
feel sorry for him.

I thought he was going
to go in the room.

Caite was telling him to be

Quiet and keep looking.

I'm not look. Brent, look.

You're being ridiculous.

My hands are shaking so bad.

This is literally probably the

Worst I've ever had
to go to the bathroom.

If you let me go, we can get

Right back here and do this.

Ok, come on.

You're so annoying.

I do not want to waste time.

Just shut up.


That's Brent right there.

That's his peace.

He's going to have to
nind one on his own.

This is so annoying.

A man's got to do what a man's

Got to do and she just
wasn't understanding it.

I Had to pee ever since
like 30 this morning.

Come on, Brent.

That is the absolute worst

I've ever had to
go to the bathroom.

I counted Bhuddas
slowly at my pace.

That's what it's all about
in this race for me.

Just do the best that
you can and relax.

Just take your time
and just do it right.

That was awesome!

Thank you, sir.

I appreciate it.

Every team has got to have a
closer to get to the final three.

On this team, I'm the closer.

Find the marked motorcycles.

Let's go.

You want the side car?


I take the side car and
Jordan rode bitch, ha!

The motorcycle ride was awesome.

I had these weird goggles,

These crazy gloves, holding on

This-to-this Chinese
man that was driving.

I like that part, all right, fine.

Come on, baby.


Boys got it right
on the first one?


It's kind of torturous right now.

Got to wait another 10 minutes

Before we can submit another one.

Every minute counts.

It's kind of torturous right now.

It's got to be 10 minutes.

Count all the golden
statues in the hall.

My bad, bro.

What are you going to do?

I've said over and over,

Read the clue. Read the clue.

I didn't count the
samurai warriors.

I've fallen by the
way of the sword.

How you doing, jet?

I didn't find anything.

The search counts. -- Continues.

I found mine and I just went

Ahead and shoved it in my pocket.

I think they could have got more

Motivated if they knew
I'd already found one.

Cord, I got mine in my pocket.

Sweet. we can do this.

I had seen cord's rock and I

Didn't say anything when I saw it.

I was like hoping he
wouldn't find it soon.

I Haven't seen anything yet.

Baby, I got mine.

Oh, really?


How big is it?

It's huge.

It's huge?

Yeah, just like everything else.

What's up, girl?

Stop it.

Oh, my God.

They're just staring at you.

Thank you.


Good job.

Thank you.

Come on.

Make sure it's marked.

Let's go.

Drive it like you stole it,

Baby. Let's go.

I'm just trying to take care

Of one section at a time
and one case at a time.

That's kind of my system.

Found it!

Good job, baby.

Good luck, guys. This sucks.

Cord! Let's go!

Saddle up. right here.


Thank you very much.

Bye, you guys.

See you guys.

Teams must now make
their way toward

The river and find the
river side promenade.

This scenic park overlook
Shanghai's historic water front

Is the pit stop for
this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here will be eliminated.

Let's go.

Make your way to
the next pit stop.

Let's go out here.

This back alley.

Let's go this way.

If we can get a cab before

Them, we might beat them.

Taxi, taxi!

Damn, are you serious?

I don't know anything in Chinese.

It was absolutely horrible

Trying to find a cab.


What is the deal?

I know there's Brent and
Caite looking for a cab.

We could now possibly
be the first.


Brent, Brent.

Can you take u here?

Thank you. Let's go.

They don't even understand
their own language.

I guess it's rush hour
for them right now.

Trying to find a cab was insane.

Where are the gardens?

Right straight in there?


Having a freaking blast!

Hopefully there's a long,

Strenuous detour that everybody

Is struggling with and
we'll catch back up.

Is that it right there?


We're good.

Let's go to the top.

Is that this?

Let's look down.

Up or down, right?

One way or the other.

This way?

To the right.

Where is he at?

Maybe he's down here.

Down here to the left.

Let's go down.

See anything?

Let's go to the corner.

We'll take a peak.

Right up here.

Come on!

Welcome to Shanghai.

Thank you very much, man.

You met my friend here?

The world's tallest man.

I finally feel short.

Brent and Caite,
you are team number one.

Congratulations, guys.

You are one of the three teams

That will be racing to the
finish line for $1 million.

Good job, baby.

And I have some more
good news for you.

As the winner o's of this leg

Of the race, you have won a

Trip for two from travelocity

And you will be going to the

Stunning beaches of coastal Spain.

Oh, my God!

You'll spend seven times at
the ball teen resort and see

The region's famous
Los peublos blancas.

Caite, you are the only
woman left in the race.

And I am ecstatic right now.

I Definitely feel like I've

Accomplished something and

Proved to the world pretty much

That I am intelligent
and can read maps.

We kind of ran under the radar.

And now we started coming on

Top and people were tarting to

Realize we were capable of

Anything we put our minds to.

Right now,
it's winning $1 million.

Welcome to Shanghai.

Thank you. thanks for having us.

Jet and cord,
you are team number two.

Congratulations, guys, you are

One of the three teams that

Will be racing to the
finish line for $1 million.

I feel like we have a great
shot at winning $1 million.

Should we get a buck?

If not, I'm getting one made.

I ain't kidding.

"Amazing race" Champion.



I think we should
probably do pork chops.

Oh, art stone, here we go.

It has a pig and our name.


Hey, bro, are we finding a

Needle in the haystack right now?

Jordan, we're doing this,

Let's just do it.


Come on, hurry.

Oh, Jordan, just so you know,
this one says Louie.


This right here.

A monkey on it.

Just keep rolling
through them, bro.

Right there.

Let's go.

We got a game to play.


We're going to do pork chops.

Am I missing something?

Am I missing the kind of stamp?

This is a very, very,
very difficult task.

All right, pick it up.

How are you doing?

How are you?

Start looking.

You see ours yet?


Dan and Jordan had about 20

Minutes on us.

And lo and behold, we catch

Them looking for the stamps,

And I'm feeling good.

We're right there on their tail.

Come on, baby.

Come on, Jordan.

Oh, my gosh!

This is like impossible.

Jordan, keep going.
Stop complaining.

I don't want to hear
excuses right now.

It's us and them, simple as that.

It is anyone's game.

Jordan, keep going,
stop complaining.

Is this crazy, or what?

I got this.

Just liken in Serbia wan, brother.

We haven't found a sing one.

There are only going
to be so many.

I got one, Jordan.

Here's me.

I'm feeling this case.

This is literally leaving
no stone unturned.

When you do a search

Warrant, it's not a race.

It's doing it right and
and getting it done.

Oh, sorry.

I'm telling you, check mine!

Did you check them well, Jordan?

Yes, but Daniel,
I'm checking yours again.

We're checking things a third time

When we haven't
checked things twice.

Focus on what we have to do

And get it done fast.

Come on, bro. Let's go.

We got to hurry.

We really got to step it up.

We really got to get going.

Let's go. We're in a rush.

Oh, man.

They found theirs.

Thank you.

Make your way to the pit stop.

Want to look here?

Look at all these here.

Look at all those.

Come on, we got this.

Please lrk you help us?



We're in a big race.


God, thank you so much.

It's OK, buddy.

We're making a race of it.

Here's Louie.

You got Louie?

I got Louie.

Mike, great job, man.

We got to find one more, and

It's not the end of the world,

But we'll find it. taxi?

She'll tell you.

This is for you.


We're racing to the pit stop
for our lives in this race.

We make it last, we're out,
simple as that.

Check all these.

This is weird.

Oh, my God.



Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Make your way to
the next pit stop.

Run for our life now.

Here comes a cab.

We got to go very fast, my friend.

The brothers left a
detour up ahead of us.

Hopefully they got a bad cab

Ride, go somewhere wrong,
who knows.

Where is he going?

Can you pass them?

Lots of money.

I think that this man is clueless.

I don't think he has any
idea where he's going.

It may be our last, but you
never know when you get there.

We're right on their tail.

We still have a chance.


He seems to lack any real
motivation to help us.

My only prayer is they
got a real bad cab ride.

Where is it?



Please, I want this so bad.

Thank you.

This is going to be it.

Is that it?

Right there?

Let's go, baby.

We're going to catch
them on the way.

Go to the right, bro.

Right over there.

Which way now?

Come on, this way.

Maybe we were supposed to go left.

Yeah. turn around.

St. Anthony, we're asking
you for help again.

Now we just got to find it.

Come on, bro.

Let's go over here.

Welcome to Shanghai.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Dan and Jordan,

Congratulations, you are team

Number three,
you are in the final.

You are one of the three teams

That will be racing to the

Finish line for $1 million.

What does this mean to you?

My brother made my
biggest dream come true.

He has been there for me, not

Just during the race,
but for 22 years of my life.

He's always there for me.

He's an unbelievable brother.

We had a game plan when we

Came in this thing, and it's

Brought to us the final three.

We avoided elimination.

That's name of this game.

And you better believe we
are turning it on 150%.

And my brother and I are going

To win that million dollars.

Welcome to Shanghai.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Louie and Michael?


You are the last team to arrive.

We figured that.

I am really sorry to tell

You that you are
eliminated from the race.

It's been a great ride.
Thank you, Phil.

I can't think of one bad thing

About the entire race, other

Than not finishing, but it was

Absolutely the best
ride of our lives.

Me and Mike were always good

Friends, but this is an

Experience only me and Mike can

Share between each other.

No one else can share this, so

We have this with each other

For the rest of our lives.

I can't think of anyone else
I'd rather do the race with.

Thank you, man.

There's a couple incidents

Where we literally
had to share a full

A full sized bed together.

Next week on the season

Finale of "The amazing race,"

After a season of
thrilling moments --

oh, my gosh! It's like a real w*r!

And emotional highs.

I love you, Louie!

And lows.

She's an idiot.

It all comes down a pair
of small town cowboys.

Back in the saddle.

A beauty queen with
something to prove.

A lot of people think I'm
ignorant... you're going to

Change your mind, I promise.
And two brother

Determined to fulfill a dream.

So stressed out right now.

Listen, I'm here for you.

As they race to the finish.

Come on, Jordan.

These teams must
scale new heights.

Holy moly!

And explore new galaxies.

Stop, stop.

This could be it, cord.

Which team has what it takes?

I'm getting one of these "Star
wars" Guys to take you out, man.

To win "The amazing race."

it's on like donkey congress.